1. All
SS Board Rules apply. Don't spam, swear, post inappropriate content, or harass your peers. You CAN be banned from this forum.
2. Similar to the rules of Diagon Alley, you are allowed to play
both your Ministry/Diagon Alley/Daily Prophet character AND your student character (once the students have completed the term). Please be sure to make it clear which character is posting to avoid confusion of other RPers.
3. Remember that not every character is going to be filthy rich and have the best campsite or the best tickets. Please keep it realistic and consistent with your character's history.
4. Remember to check-in with security at the appropriate travel check-points. You should be cleared by security prior to attaining your campsite location!
5. The stadium will open shortly before the match, though the check-ins and campgrounds are open a bit earlier for those who have tickets of lesser value or who simply wish to spend a bit more time amongst excited Quidditch fans!