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The weather was finally starting to warm up a bit, which made teaching in the drafty dungeons a bit more pleasant for Javier and hopefully was pleasant for his students as well. Despite those vines continuing to invade any open crevice they could - he'd long since given up hope of actually being able to get rid of them - the classroom looked pretty normal.
Normal, that is, except for a variety of random items piled up at the back of the classroom. Barrels, wooden crates, some rubber tires and giant foam rocks. What on EARTH?
And hopefully those vines would just...behave themselves during the lesson and not attempt to snatch anyone up. He'd done a pretty good job of barricading them away with some magical spells that seemed to be keeping them in place along the back wall, but he knew that wasn't the case everywhere in the castle. He was lucky - they probably didn't really enjoy the dark dungeons all that much and that was why they hadn't continued poking around down here.
Come on in and have a seat. Javier is standing at the front of the classroom, waiting as always for the eager students to arrive.
OOC: Welcome welcome to Potions Lesson #2! This is gonna be a fun one, guys! Class will begin in roughly 30ish hours CLASS HAS STARTED! Please act as if your character has been here all along!
Warm weather definitely made potions far more enjoyable, and it was nice to be able to start shedding some of the layers he wore around. No more scarves, no more sweater under his school robes. He felt much light now.
Entering the potions classroom, Evan paused noting all of the seemingly random items near the back. Attention turned from those towards the man at the front. "Hello, Professor. Are you cleaning out the store rooms?" Perhaps there'd been a rather annoying infestation in there as well messing with things.
He made his way to a work station in the front and sat down, pulling out his supplies for the lesson.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
An eyebrow shot up at the sight of what looked like junk in the classroom. Whatever was Hernandez up to? Claudine returned her attention to any and all vines that were lurking as she attempted to avoid catching her feet on any. By now she thought that she had become a pro at doing this. And also all fondness for these vines and flowers had long evaporated.
“Spring cleaning, professor?” the seventh year asked. “Also, hi.” A smile was offered and then she headed off to grab a workstation at the back. “Hi, Evan,” came another greeting on her way there.
Ash entered the potions classroom with a nice warm sweater and a her potions identification notebook in one hand and her extension-charmed backpack that had wayyyy too many things in it. She glanced at the back of class and raised an eyebrow.
"Are we doing parkour today, professor?" She smirked. Yes, that meant hello.
She sat down next to Evan and grinned at him(smiling, what a nice surprise). That was also a hello.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
It certainly wasn’t her best subject, but Gracelyn had been trying to work on studying Potions for NEWTs and she’d fund she enjoyed it in some ways. Maybe only because there was a possibility the subject could be intertwined with wandlore. A slim possibility, but it was an interesting idea she had filed away on her head for later. At the very least, studying for NEWTs had kept her from focusing on the vines invading the castle and everything else going on at Hogwarts lately, including her feeling like she was rather invisible on the relationship front. Distractions were always welcome, and lessons counted for that.
Plus, she was getting a ton of practice with her dancing and gymnastics with avoiding tripping on said vines she was trying to ignore. “Hello, Professor Hernandez,” she greeted the man as she maneuvered her way around a tendril to head toward her usual seat. There was the distinct temptation to ask if they were going to use the barrels and other things to add to the vine barricade, but she left it unsaid. For now. Instead, she got her things set up and then applied herself to looking at her Potions textbook while she waited for the lesson to start. Studying happening at any time and place.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
With a light bounce in her step, Lisa was feeling back to her usual self. Being thirteen was emotional… Not just cause of Valentine’s but she found herself in weird moods. Before she had mainly just been bouncy as a mood but now… now she had discovered moods she had never dreamed of. The whole I’m sassy but too tired to do anything mood was a novel concept.
“Hi Professaur!” she greeted happily before casting a quizzical look at the unique items here. “Giant foam rocks? What are those used for?”
Then she promptly took a seat next to Claudine. “Hii!!”
Valentina was enjoying the warm weather. It was warm but not too warm - the perfect weather, according to her. She was looking forward to her next lesson too!! She had been doing pretty well in potions this term - much to her own surprise. So all in all, a GOOD mood.
"Hello, professor!!" She greeted with her usual bright smile, noticing the random things at the back. What were they going to be learning today??
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Misa really appreciated that the weather was warming up. It was particularly useful for potions class because the dungeon was so dark and bleak and cold.
Except the vines seemed to have settled in nicely even down here.
"Hello Professor." she greeted going to take a seat. Before sitting, she eyed the foam rocks curiously. Interesting choice of decor.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Warmer weather meant the nearing of the end of term, which also meant that summer was just a few weeks away, and this Gryffindor was more than ready to end the term. The only thing that he didn't look forward to, was the final exams that could make or break his summer.
Used to the vines by now, Noah entered the Potions classroom in his usual calm and confident demeanour, giving Hernandez a polite nod. "Professor."
And...what's up with the stuff up front? He, too, eyed the items before claiming his usual workstation at the back.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Violet entered the Potions classroom all prepared for an orderly lesson--and then stopped inside the entrance, looking in dismay at the pile of--there was no nice way to describe it, junk--at the back. Why could nothing be ordinary this year? "G'day, Professor," she remembered to say as she continued in.
She took a seat near Evan and Ashley and nodded to Claudine before sitting down. "Hi, guys," she said, a little shyly, but hey--she knew some people now. It was a good feeling, and a long time coming.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
SPOILER!!: hello!
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
Warm weather definitely made potions far more enjoyable, and it was nice to be able to start shedding some of the layers he wore around. No more scarves, no more sweater under his school robes. He felt much light now.
Entering the potions classroom, Evan paused noting all of the seemingly random items near the back. Attention turned from those towards the man at the front. "Hello, Professor. Are you cleaning out the store rooms?" Perhaps there'd been a rather annoying infestation in there as well messing with things.
He made his way to a work station in the front and sat down, pulling out his supplies for the lesson.
"No, they're a part of the lesson. You'll see later," Javier said with a smile to Evan as he watched him come in and take his seat.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
An eyebrow shot up at the sight of what looked like junk in the classroom. Whatever was Hernandez up to? Claudine returned her attention to any and all vines that were lurking as she attempted to avoid catching her feet on any. By now she thought that she had become a pro at doing this. And also all fondness for these vines and flowers had long evaporated.
“Spring cleaning, professor?” the seventh year asked. “Also, hi.” A smile was offered and then she headed off to grab a workstation at the back. “Hi, Evan,” came another greeting on her way there.
"You'll find out in just a bit," Javier said with a smile to Claudine as she entered. He figured they'd all catch a glimpse of what he had stacked in the back...he liked keeping them guessing!
Originally Posted by astrocat
Ash entered the potions classroom with a nice warm sweater and a her potions identification notebook in one hand and her extension-charmed backpack that had wayyyy too many things in it. She glanced at the back of class and raised an eyebrow.
"Are we doing parkour today, professor?" She smirked. Yes, that meant hello.
She sat down next to Evan and grinned at him(smiling, what a nice surprise). That was also a hello.
And she waved at Claudine.Hello.
"Perhaps," was all Javier said with a smirk to Ashley as she walked in.
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
It certainly wasn’t her best subject, but Gracelyn had been trying to work on studying Potions for NEWTs and she’d fund she enjoyed it in some ways. Maybe only because there was a possibility the subject could be intertwined with wandlore. A slim possibility, but it was an interesting idea she had filed away on her head for later. At the very least, studying for NEWTs had kept her from focusing on the vines invading the castle and everything else going on at Hogwarts lately, including her feeling like she was rather invisible on the relationship front. Distractions were always welcome, and lessons counted for that.
Plus, she was getting a ton of practice with her dancing and gymnastics with avoiding tripping on said vines she was trying to ignore. “Hello, Professor Hernandez,” she greeted the man as she maneuvered her way around a tendril to head toward her usual seat. There was the distinct temptation to ask if they were going to use the barrels and other things to add to the vine barricade, but she left it unsaid. For now. Instead, she got her things set up and then applied herself to looking at her Potions textbook while she waited for the lesson to start. Studying happening at any time and place.
"Hello," Javi greeted Gracelyn with a hello back and a curt nod in her direction as the Hufflepuff came in and had a seat.
Originally Posted by Watson
With a light bounce in her step, Lisa was feeling back to her usual self. Being thirteen was emotional… Not just cause of Valentine’s but she found herself in weird moods. Before she had mainly just been bouncy as a mood but now… now she had discovered moods she had never dreamed of. The whole I’m sassy but too tired to do anything mood was a novel concept.
“Hi Professaur!” she greeted happily before casting a quizzical look at the unique items here. “Giant foam rocks? What are those used for?”
Then she promptly took a seat next to Claudine. “Hii!!”
"You'll all find out soon enough," Javier greeted Lisa with a grin as she too asked about the giant rocks he'd put in the back. So far his plan to get everyone excited (hopefully) for his lesson was working!
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Misa really appreciated that the weather was warming up. It was particularly useful for potions class because the dungeon was so dark and bleak and cold.
Except the vines seemed to have settled in nicely even down here.
"Hello Professor." she greeted going to take a seat. Before sitting, she eyed the foam rocks curiously. Interesting choice of decor.
"Hello Miss Couture," Javi greeted the Ravenclaw as she entered.
Originally Posted by Stefan
Warmer weather meant the nearing of the end of term, which also meant that summer was just a few weeks away, and this Gryffindor was more than ready to end the term. The only thing that he didn't look forward to, was the final exams that could make or break his summer.
Used to the vines by now, Noah entered the Potions classroom in his usual calm and confident demeanour, giving Hernandez a polite nod. "Professor."
And...what's up with the stuff up front? He, too, eyed the items before claiming his usual workstation at the back.
Javier simply nodded back at Mordaunt, watching him look at the back of the room and take in the assortment of items he had laid out. This was turning out to be quite fun, making them guess and wonder like this! Maybe he'd do it more often.
Originally Posted by MadAlice
Violet entered the Potions classroom all prepared for an orderly lesson--and then stopped inside the entrance, looking in dismay at the pile of--there was no nice way to describe it, junk--at the back. Why could nothing be ordinary this year? "G'day, Professor," she remembered to say as she continued in.
She took a seat near Evan and Ashley and nodded to Claudine before sitting down. "Hi, guys," she said, a little shyly, but hey--she knew some people now. It was a good feeling, and a long time coming.
"Good day Miss Blackthorne," Javier greeted the Slytherin as she walked in and took a seat.
Javier glanced up at the clock and saw that it was time to get going, so he raised his hand and closed the door, signaling that it was time to start.
"Hello everyone, I hope you've had a good day so far. Today we're going to be brewing a more PRACTICAL sort of potion...one you'll even get to test out later after you've brewed it," he said with a soft smile. "Before we get to that, though, I have a question for you. What are some potions you can use for self defense? Say you don't have a wand available...what potions could you use? What are the benefits of using wand magic versus using a potion for defense?" he asked. It was a very loaded question, he was aware, but he was keen to hear their thoughts - and hopefully some creative answers!
OOC: Welcome welcome to your second potions class! I apologize in advance if I am a bit slower than I would like with replies as I'm trying to battle off a cold right now. You'll have about 24 hours to respond to this question before we move on. Have fun and as always let me know if you need help!
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
How RUDE of professor Hernandez to not greet her back. Valentina got her feelings hurt, okay!! Trying not to look too upset, she decided to focus on his question instead. UM. She raised her hand to answer.
"Well, potions do not take effect immediately right?? Wand magic is faster so it's better." Obviously.
Potions for self defense? It wasn't something Evan had looked extensively into, as for the reason Val listed, and for the fact a potion would have to be consumed in most cases, sometimes by the target. Which could prove entirely difficult given the circumstances. Still, he wasn't one to remain silent during discussion so there was one that came to mind that could be helpful - if one could figure out how to administer it.
He raised his hand and waited to be called on before offering, "The Draught of Living Death. You could put someone to sleep with that rendering them unable to come at you." Although... "You could also take it yourself, and try the opossum approach if playing dead." Though that could be dangerous too since you much of the potion could make it lethal.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Bella sat in the back, taking notes. Potions for self-defense? Most of the potions she could think of at a moment's thought weren't used to attack, but rather to heal, clean or repel. To remain silent wasn't this snakette's style. Slytherin was in third place in house cup race so she had to say something to earn house points for the green side so Bella raised her hand to give an answer. "Um, there is the exploding potion professor that you can use to create explosions that might confund or injure your attacker so that you can flee the scene." She paused a few moments before adding. "I like Valentina prefer wand magic because it's quicker and doesn't require you to have brewed the potion ahead of time or to ingest it." An attacker usually didn't wait for you to prepare your move and it wasn't often that you had potions for attacking on hand in your satchel.
"I'd say the main disadvantage of potions over spells is that you need time and space to brew a potion. If you didn't happen to have the right potion with you when you needed it, you'd hardly have time to run brew one in the field," Violet observed, though she really hated to be arguing for spells and against potions, her favorite form of magic.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Hello, Ash. She saw you. “Hi to you as well, Lisa.’’ Claudine didn’t usually get as visually enthusiastic but she certainly was thrilled to have the second year beside her. “I see the vines don’t have you feeling down.” Which was a very good thing. “Hi, Violet.” Her fellow Snakette too got a smile.
What’s this? They were even going to have the chance to test their potions? Yes, Claudine was very interested in today's topic. But first… those questions. “Um… Amortentia. It is the most powerful love potion and if there’s someone looking to attack you and you knew about this, I think it would be quite useful to have them consume a bit of the potion.” Claudine lowered her hand thoughtfully. “But I agree with Valentina and Violet. Wand magic seems far more reliable for defense.”
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Can...can they not talk about Amortentia because...well, that didn't go down well with him. Noah thought it was great stuff to get a quick laugh by making himself look like an idiot, but...well, let's just say he got in more trouble than what he'd asked. What he thought was harmless, proved to be harmful to someone who actually has REAL feelings for him. If only he knew then, he wouldn't be near THAT potion. And yes, he would have to agree that Amortentia was a powerful potion, however, NOT practical, in his opinion.
Noah raised his hand from where he sat, and waited for the professor to call him. "Probably the obvious upside of a wand as defence is its availability to a wizard or witch's aide without delay. But if I'm to use a potion, the Swelling Solution comes to mind, professor. It causes inflammation upon contact, and that should be enough to distract the person I'm trying to run away from." he said with a shrug. Why he'd carry around a swelling solution in his person, though, would be the question.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Wand versus potions? Shouldn’t it be wand versus the muggle way? Oh right... this was potions class.
“Um, if there are any potions that are unsafe to touch, you could put it in a breakable container and hit them with it. Maybe they’ll even get it in their mouth or something, I dunno. But if you were looking for a potion to take yourself, I’d take one that made you smarter and better at thinking on your feet.””
Did they explain why they wanted to use potions in self-defense yet?
“I’d rather use my wand or my hands. More versatile.” Although you couldn’t just pull out your wand in front of a muggle(could you drink a potion in front of one either?)...
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Heath was glad for the warmer weather today. As much as he enjoyed potions class, the dungeons got awfully chilly in the winter months. Regardless of the temperature, he was here and ready to learn. Upon his arrival, the first thing he’d noticed was the random assortment of items at the back of the room. What was that for? He was sure it must be part of the lesson somehow - granted, he didn’t know Professor Hernandez well, but he doubted any professor here would be that disorganized! He just didn’t know how yet.
He’d greeted the professor politely and taken a seat near Claudine and Lisa, greeting the pair with a small smile. As Professor Hernandez began the lesson, Heath looked to the front. He blinked, slightly confused by the question. Potions used for self-defense? What in Hoth could that have to do with the random stuff at the back of the room? Never mind, he supposed he didn’t have to make sense of it, just go with it.
As he considered the question, he listened to his classmates’ answers. He agreed that wandwork would be faster and more efficient than potions in a defensive situation, but it seemed that some were missing the glaringly obvious. How would one convince an opponent to ingest a potion? Thinking along those lines, he took his answer in a slightly different direction. “I wonder if using a potion oneself might be more effective than trying to get an opponent to take one,” he said after raising his hand. “For example, strengthening solution could give you an edge in a fight.” As for the other part of the question… “Another advantage to spells is that you can use more than one if you need to, but it appears that two or more potions at a time could counteract each other or otherwise have unpredictable effects.”
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
How RUDE of professor Hernandez to not greet her back. Valentina got her feelings hurt, okay!! Trying not to look too upset, she decided to focus on his question instead. UM. She raised her hand to answer.
"Well, potions do not take effect immediately right?? Wand magic is faster so it's better." Obviously.
"Most do not - particularly the ones you have to ingest, which is what I bet you're thinking of," Javier said with a smile. "But not ALL of them, as we will learn in just a bit."
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
Potions for self defense? It wasn't something Evan had looked extensively into, as for the reason Val listed, and for the fact a potion would have to be consumed in most cases, sometimes by the target. Which could prove entirely difficult given the circumstances. Still, he wasn't one to remain silent during discussion so there was one that came to mind that could be helpful - if one could figure out how to administer it.
He raised his hand and waited to be called on before offering, "The Draught of Living Death. You could put someone to sleep with that rendering them unable to come at you." Although... "You could also take it yourself, and try the opossum approach if playing dead." Though that could be dangerous too since you much of the potion could make it lethal.
"Interesting use of that potion...not one I would have thought of, but creative nonetheless," Javi responded with a nod at Evan's answer.
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Bella sat in the back, taking notes. Potions for self-defense? Most of the potions she could think of at a moment's thought weren't used to attack, but rather to heal, clean or repel. To remain silent wasn't this snakette's style. Slytherin was in third place in house cup race so she had to say something to earn house points for the green side so Bella raised her hand to give an answer. "Um, there is the exploding potion professor that you can use to create explosions that might confund or injure your attacker so that you can flee the scene." She paused a few moments before adding. "I like Valentina prefer wand magic because it's quicker and doesn't require you to have brewed the potion ahead of time or to ingest it." An attacker usually didn't wait for you to prepare your move and it wasn't often that you had potions for attacking on hand in your satchel.
"There are many potions that can cause an explosion, yes," Javier smiled at Bella as she answered. "But yes, wand magic is much quicker than having to pull out a potion to use in a heat of battle."
Originally Posted by MadAlice
"I'd say the main disadvantage of potions over spells is that you need time and space to brew a potion. If you didn't happen to have the right potion with you when you needed it, you'd hardly have time to run brew one in the field," Violet observed, though she really hated to be arguing for spells and against potions, her favorite form of magic.
"Very good point!" he responded to Violet with a rare smile. "In the moment of battle, you hardly have time to brew a potion that might be useful."
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Hello, Ash. She saw you. “Hi to you as well, Lisa.’’ Claudine didn’t usually get as visually enthusiastic but she certainly was thrilled to have the second year beside her. “I see the vines don’t have you feeling down.” Which was a very good thing. “Hi, Violet.” Her fellow Snakette too got a smile.
What’s this? They were even going to have the chance to test their potions? Yes, Claudine was very interested in today's topic. But first… those questions. “Um… Amortentia. It is the most powerful love potion and if there’s someone looking to attack you and you knew about this, I think it would be quite useful to have them consume a bit of the potion.” Claudine lowered her hand thoughtfully. “But I agree with Valentina and Violet. Wand magic seems far more reliable for defense.”
"Quite the interesting defense there Miss Blaze...but certainly effective," Javier replied to Claudine's answer. Not exactly the main use of a love potion but...it WOULD work to defend yourself, in that instance.
Originally Posted by Stefan
Can...can they not talk about Amortentia because...well, that didn't go down well with him. Noah thought it was great stuff to get a quick laugh by making himself look like an idiot, but...well, let's just say he got in more trouble than what he'd asked. What he thought was harmless, proved to be harmful to someone who actually has REAL feelings for him. If only he knew then, he wouldn't be near THAT potion. And yes, he would have to agree that Amortentia was a powerful potion, however, NOT practical, in his opinion.
Noah raised his hand from where he sat, and waited for the professor to call him. "Probably the obvious upside of a wand as defence is its availability to a wizard or witch's aide without delay. But if I'm to use a potion, the Swelling Solution comes to mind, professor. It causes inflammation upon contact, and that should be enough to distract the person I'm trying to run away from." he said with a shrug. Why he'd carry around a swelling solution in his person, though, would be the question.
"Ah, good example! Swelling Solutions are very useful in a defense situation," Javier said in agreement with Noah's answer. After all, what other instances would you use a Swelling Solution in, if not for defense?
Originally Posted by astrocat
Wand versus potions? Shouldn’t it be wand versus the muggle way? Oh right... this was potions class.
“Um, if there are any potions that are unsafe to touch, you could put it in a breakable container and hit them with it. Maybe they’ll even get it in their mouth or something, I dunno. But if you were looking for a potion to take yourself, I’d take one that made you smarter and better at thinking on your feet.””
Did they explain why they wanted to use potions in self-defense yet?
“I’d rather use my wand or my hands. More versatile.” Although you couldn’t just pull out your wand in front of a muggle(could you drink a potion in front of one either?)...
A little violent, but Ashley seemed to get what Javier had been going for when he asked the question. "Probably not the intended use of the potion, but it could be helpful nonetheless."
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
Heath was glad for the warmer weather today. As much as he enjoyed potions class, the dungeons got awfully chilly in the winter months. Regardless of the temperature, he was here and ready to learn. Upon his arrival, the first thing he’d noticed was the random assortment of items at the back of the room. What was that for? He was sure it must be part of the lesson somehow - granted, he didn’t know Professor Hernandez well, but he doubted any professor here would be that disorganized! He just didn’t know how yet.
He’d greeted the professor politely and taken a seat near Claudine and Lisa, greeting the pair with a small smile. As Professor Hernandez began the lesson, Heath looked to the front. He blinked, slightly confused by the question. Potions used for self-defense? What in Hoth could that have to do with the random stuff at the back of the room? Never mind, he supposed he didn’t have to make sense of it, just go with it.
As he considered the question, he listened to his classmates’ answers. He agreed that wandwork would be faster and more efficient than potions in a defensive situation, but it seemed that some were missing the glaringly obvious. How would one convince an opponent to ingest a potion? Thinking along those lines, he took his answer in a slightly different direction. “I wonder if using a potion oneself might be more effective than trying to get an opponent to take one,” he said after raising his hand. “For example, strengthening solution could give you an edge in a fight.” As for the other part of the question… “Another advantage to spells is that you can use more than one if you need to, but it appears that two or more potions at a time could counteract each other or otherwise have unpredictable effects.”
"That is one way to go about it, Mister Jones, good answer," Javier nodded at the Ravenclaw. USING potions that gave you a physical advantage would certainly be a good defense!
"Good work, everyone. Most of you touched on the main points I was hoping you would bring up - wand magic is quick and easy, and unless it's a potion that causes some sort of quick physical reaction, wand magic is usually more effective as defense in the moment," Javier explained. "Today, we'll be learning how to brew one of those potions."
"In this lesson we'll be learning about the Noxious Potion," he began, waving his wand so the name of the potion appeared on the chalkboard behind him. "Take a quick moment to look up the Noxious Potion in your potions textbook, and then raise your hand and tell me how you might use this as a defense mechanism if you didn't have your wand available."
OOC: onto question 2! Feel free to use the Potions Textbook linked above to help you answer this question, you'll have about 24 hours to answer before we move on!
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Oh, yes. Claudine knew that her answer was most likely not what Hernandez was looking for but she thought that her answer did make sense. Most of the other answers made sense and she approved of how some of her classmates thought.
So… the Noxious Potion.
The seventh year flipped her textbook’s pages until she came across the potion. “The smoke the potion emits,’’ Claudine began before lowering her hand. “It can be used to obscure an attacker’s vision. Hopefully it’s thick enough…”
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
The vines couldn’t get her down that much!! “The worst they can do is trip me, right?” she said confidently back to Claudine. Hehe. She’d show those vines one day…. But maybe there was a potion that could work? She opened up her textbook, beginning to flip through it as her peers offered answers to the Professor’s first question.
The Noxious Potion?
She heard someone else flipping through pages and turned her gaze to her right to see the Slytherin doing the same thing. Claudine was smart. And Lisa prided herself on being smart so Lisa followed Claudine’s lead and flipped through her textbook to get to the exact page.
Her eyebrows raised when she read the text. That sounded dangerous but oh hey what was this essence of insanity? Hmmm… one to come back to later naturally… She read the instructions and then paused. “It could give you a quick escape if you’re in a pickle! Maybe even knock out your opponent for a moment or so?” she offered.
"Many of the ingredients are at least a little bit toxic or irritating, right? So... this potion would irritate or poison you... I think. Oh, there are muggle things like this, I get it."She squinted at her notes. "I would hit them with the potion, or however you're supposed to use it, and then I'd run away while they're like... dealing with the effects of whatever."
She started reading a bit more on the potion, curious about how to use it and the specific effects.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Potions was one of Kinsay's least favorite classes. She understood that it was important for its practicality, but if she ever needed a potion, she could just buy one, ask Teddy to brew it for her, or follow a recipe herself! It hardly seemed necessary to waste year after year learning how to brew potions in a class when she could just pull out a recipe book and do it herself. Why'd they need entire lessons dedicated to it? Hogwarts wasn't using it's budget properly. Maybe Kins would complain to her mum who could then complain to the Minister for Magic.
It's not like people went around and memorized every single ingredient and every single step for every single potion anyway. That's impractical. And a waste of time.
And Kins had better things to do with hers. Like sketch things in her notebook. That's how she ended up spending most of her time in potions lessons. Professor H probably didn't care much anyway. He had bigger and better things to be grumpy about. She could tell. As for the question posed to the class, she liked Claudine and Lisa's answers.
So she just looked up, taking a break from her notebook, and nodded in agreement.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Soo.. there are potions that CAN take effect immediately? Hmm, interesting. Valentina flipped through the pages of her potions textbook - until she came across the relevant potion. She curiously read the text. Um.. looked like it's going to take a while to brew.
"Like Claudine and Lisa mentioned, it can help you escape the situation quickly. A distraction."