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PhoenixRising 08-10-2023 07:10 PM

Potions Classroom: Rules & Expectations

In Character Rules:
(For your student)
:alchemy: Respect Differences; Show respect to your peers and professor at ALL times.
:bluepotion: Be on time; Tardiness will not be excused under any circumstances. I don't care if your cauldron exploded and you had to rush overnight a new one. You're late, you're late and it will not be tolerated
:alchemy: Be prepared; This means bringing your cauldron, potions kit, and potions textbook with you to each and every class unless otherwise noted.
:bluepotion: Follow directions; Potions brewing is both a science and art, requiring great attention-to-detail. Even the smallest mistake could be catastrophic.
:alchemy: No eating or goofing around; This should go without saying. We're working with ingredients that may or may not be volatile. There is a time for meals and Potions class is NOT it.
:bluepotion: HAVE FUN! The most important rule! Seriously! This is a game. Be creative and have fun with your characters. Interacting with each other is just a small fraction of what makes the SSRPG such an interactive and amazing place!

Out of Character Rules:
SS site rules and Role Play Specific rules
Apply to this classroom and throughout the school at all times. No exceptions. Any questions about these rules can be directed to a moderator or an administrator.
:alchemy: Know the difference between IC and OOC. Understand that the professor is a character, whose actions should not be taken personally OOC.

:bluepotion: Anyone who changes their answers after reading what another member has written, will not earn ANY points for changing their answer. If you had more to add, post again. You are free to edit coding or quotes in your post, but I will check your edits to be sure you haven't added information that someone else gave or changed your answers. Just do yourselves (and your house) a favor; don't change your answers.

:alchemy: Please remember that only ONE of your student characters is allowed in each class. Please make sure to clearly identify which character you are posting, either in the contents (please make sure to include their name at least ONCE in your first post) or as the title of your post. You must keep this character throughout the lesson.

:bluepotion: Special Note: I will make an attempt to give you at least 48 hours notice for lessons so you can make arrangements to not miss my lessons, if you wish to attend, although you're more than encouraged to jump in at any time throughout the lesson. I will also include a couple timezones to make it easier for conversions, although I myself am located in continental U.S. for reference.

All times are GMT. The time now is 11:04 AM.

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