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Ollivanders The wand chooses the wizard. Come inside and let one of our finest magical instruments select you today.

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Old 01-08-2021, 02:31 AM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default Wand Weighing

Large and made of brass, the wand-weigher machine has a scale in front where you can place your wand. There is a small plaque on the front which states it was made in Paris in 1860, which begs the question, why does it print out little cards in English? Well that would be because the machine was modified with brand new charms when it was acquired by Ollivanders about a decade ago. There's a coin slot on the front. One sickle will get you an assessment of your wand's condition. A flick of a hidden switch will return it to its regular function, in which case the card which it spits out will state the wand components, and the age of the wand, instead of recommending products for it.

Originally housed at the French Ministry of Magic in Paris, this Wand-Weigher Machine began to act up and had been sitting in storage until previous shop owner Ira Banner acquired it, fixed it up, and gave it new purpose. It no longer simply tells what a wand is made from (since the wandmakers themselves are perfectly able to do this without magical help), instead it assess the condition of a wand and suggests what product might benefit it. Of course, you can always get a second opinion from one of the wandmakers...

There are also several comfortable looking chairs in this area for those poor beleaguered parents who are waiting for their excited children to get new wands, useful if the other slightly more comfortable seats near the display shelves are already occupied. Or perhaps you're wanting to flip through some of the wand books and magazines before making a purchase? Regardless, you can sit here for a time if you're a customer, or customer adjacent.
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Old 08-13-2024, 03:30 PM   #2 (permalink)

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Anna Walles
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sage Ransom-Kruus
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

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astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

While not her usual hang out spot for the summer, boredom and anticipation had struck Sage and she was desperate to find something at least moderately thrilling to pass the time. She had been climbing the walls, literally, in alleys and those establishments that had bricks and stones that stuck out juuuust enough for her to get a grip on to hoist herself up...but apparently not all the other shopkeepers in the area found her parkour skills endearing and more than a few words had been exchanged which now left the budding seventh year with her feet on the ground. At least for the time being. She was going to save some coin up to catch the bus elsewhere test out some new terrain eventually. But no, alas. Today was just another day wallowing in anticipation for her first DATE and the summer romance ahead with Solomon.

Having grown bored of watching soon-to-be first years have their wand fittings, Sage had created her own mini challenge of sorts. While dad was busy being attentive to customers, Sage had collected about a dozen random wand boxes from the back and tiptoed through the shop and over to this brass delight. Obviously, having no spare coins to her own name seeing as she was saving it for other things, she had also slipped some sickles from the till. It wasn't technically stealing, you know. She wasn't a customer and the money was simply moving from one till to the other. No harm, no foul, nothing to see here.

"Hmmmmm," she hummed as she removed wand number one from its box and turned it over in her hand several times before giving it a thoughtful sniff. "Apple, definitely apple. Um....12 inches...with...with..." She squinted at the wand and attempted to balance it on her index finger. "Phe....onix no...hippogriff feather..."

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 08-17-2024, 08:55 PM   #3 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Third Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
The next chapter in his life was about to begin and he could not wait! Hogwarts, here he came! Right after the summer vacation was over, of course. In the meanwhile, Viano was enjoying the time with his family. So much had happened recently: his papas had gotten married, his last name had officially been changed to Thanatos-Misra, the twins were moving on to other things after graduating and best of all? Vesper was here with him to help him get his wand.

{“A magical measuring tape!’’} Vi marvelled in Italian to himself. {“Does it really help with selecting a wand or is it just there for amusement?”} The little guy was genuinely curious and couldn’t keep his gaze from being fixated on the thing. After some time, the tape was free of the person before him. {“My turn!"} Since Vi would be needing Vesp after securing his wand because she was holding onto all the money, he turned towards the seating area and gave her a hearty wave. Only then did the eleven year old skip off to meet the tape which promptly began measuring his fingers individually. He found it oddly funny and couldn’t keep from chuckling.
Vesper remembered the day she had gotten her wand only a few years ago so fondly. Papa had allowed Vera and Vasco to bring head and now, she was being given the honor of taking Viano. How was her baby brother already eleven?! Hadn't it only been yesterday that he had officially joined their family? If anyone asked her though, her little bro had always been there. Seriously, the kid fit in so perfectly she couldn't imagine him not being around now.

The fifteen year old had followed the younger boy into the shop only to allow him to wait in line with the other children who were getting wands. Ves watched him as she found an empty chair to settle herself into so she wasn't in anyone's way but where she had the best view of Vi. If he needed her for anything, like the money she was holding onto for him, she was right here. Her attention on him so she didn't miss that wave when he looked her way. Vesper smiled warmly, waving back and mouthed {"You got this."} to him in Italian.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 08-18-2024, 11:31 AM   #4 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sage Ransom-Kruus
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

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astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Apple. 12 inches. Hippogriff feather.

That was her final educated hope analysis of the wand. No take backs, no changes. Sage was committed and the only thing left to do was put that knowledge to the test. As soon as the Slytherin had carefully rested the wand on the scales, she realized she had gained some company in this section of the shop. Eyes on the arrival of the new girl, she plucked a sickle from the top of her coin tower and paused with it hovering over the slot to just observe the girl and assess whether or not her presence was going to be an issue. Seeing as the blonde had her attention facing the interior of the shop and she had just waved at one of the bright eyed bushy tailed hopefuls waiting to be seen by her dad, she easily concluded that there was no issue to be had. Awkward to be occupying the same space and say nothing to one another? Not particularly. She was accustomed to mostly keeping to herself while in the shop during the summer months and finding ways of entertaining herself without getting in her dad's way. Still, she supposed that since she was the senior Hogwartian in the situation and she had a certain standard of customer service to maintain as the heir to wandmakerdom...she ought to say something.

But only after she checked this wand.

Slipping the coin into the machine, the seventh year took a step back as the machine instantly sprung to life and within seconds had produced a card. "...drumroll please..." she murmured to herself and she plucked it from the slot and turned it over. "Apple...duh...12 inches...also duh...D..." Demiguise fur. That hadn't even crossed her mind. Darnnit. Disgruntled and mood instantly ruined, Sage returned the reject wand to its box and closed it with a huff. How did dad do it so effortlessly?! Definitely time for a brief distraction and a breach of the silence. "That your little brother?" she asked with a quick point to the boy the girl had just waved at a minute or two ago.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 08-20-2024, 11:21 PM   #5 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Default Sage as well! XD
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
His sister’s words of encouragement always helped. He had flashed Vesper a thumbs up just before it was his turn to meet the shopkeeper. He had completely forgotten to ask Vesper if it was normal to be nervous before one got fitted for a wand. Yes, he was currently experiencing quite the case of nervousness mixed with excitement. He forgot about his feelings right now and watched with interest as parchment fluttered toward the man. Magic truly was spectacular!

Viano nodded, feeling that if he did speak, he would end up squeaking due to his nerves. While waiting for the shopkeeper to get back to him, he zoned in on the measuring tape doing its thing but obviously, to another person. It was quite something to watch. But before he knew it, he was being offered a wand. The little guy could not help but grin as he took it. The was an almighty sound, much like a firecracker exploding quickly followed by a shower of pure white sand showering down on him. Maybe even on the shopkeeper, he didn’t know yet because poor Vi was busy shaking his head like a soaked dog in an attempt to get the sand out of his hair.

“S-sorry,’’ he said apologetically. “Didn’t mean for that to happen.” Vi shot a worried look at the shopkeeper then at Vesp. He’d need her to help get all the sand from his hair for sure.

Also, this wand was no good. It was placed back into its box.
It was okay! Vesper could almost feel her brothers nerves from across the shop. This was a huge day for him and he had every reason to feel the way that he was! Emotions were running high for her and this wasn't even her day! What kind of sister would she be if she wasn't excited for him? A terrible one and this girl, was the best big sister.

Please excuse her and don't think her rude that she hadn't immediately noticed the older very nearby inspecting one of the wands. Vesper was all eyes on Viano as he went from being measured and then moved to wait in line. There was a few kids ahead of him still but only when someone spoke to her did she turn to have a look at who it was. "Yes, he is. I was given the biggest honor of bringing him here today to get his first wand." she smiled warmly, her voice full of pride for her adorable little brother. "Do you have a sibling here today as well?" Vesper turned her eyes towards the kids waiting in line for wands and being measured again to see if any of them resembled the older girl in anyway. Though not all siblings looked alike!

Annnnnnnnd speaking of siblings hers was next! Vesp watched as Vi took hold of the wand, the loud sound and bright light in which came from it making her flinch slightly. That wasn't what was meant to happen.. nor was all the sand raining down on her precious little bro! Spa time when they got home? The teen would've laughed at this if she didn't know Vi well enough to know how he must be feeling and the look from him confirmed as much. {"It's alright, don't worry. The next one will be better."} He would find his wand match, she was sure of it!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 08-23-2024, 06:03 AM   #6 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

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astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Not rude. Just unobservant which may be the worst of the two traits according to Sage - and only because her curtness was often received as rude and being unobservant something she felt was far more embarrassing. Regardless, Sage was somewhat grateful for it since she had not missed the accumulation of years and years of observation amount to very little.

Keeping her features pleasant, if not then neutral, as the other girl spoke a little and while she did not share the same sentiments that escorting someone to their wand fitting as being an honor...she did appreciate the appreciation for the importance of the moment. Much less about the third party and more about the analysis and intuitive thinking of the wandmaker for Sage, the way that one could look at those measurements from the enchanted measuring tape and know where to start if not the precise wand to offer...and then how to take that initial presumption and modify if based not only on the magical output from the wand in a potential wielder's hand but also the body language of the subject too. It was truly magical...and a goal that almost felt unattainable for her, especially right now with her only able to identify what she could see with her eyes when it came to wands. Ugh.

"That's nice," she smiled politely before shaking her head. "My sister and I received our wands at the same time." Not literally, but the point stood that Bailey was not being fitted with a wand now and nor any other sibling (of which she had none). "I live upstairs," she explained with a pseudo nonchalantness while opening up wand box number two and taking the wand out to roll around in her palms. Definitely ceder. "My dad is the one overseeing your brother's fitting."

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 08-26-2024, 09:00 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

Vesper had the experience of this sort of silly behaviour from wands? Viano had quite forgotten to ask her and now he was wishing he had. It would have been nice to be reassured that making sand, of all things, rain down was okay. But the words Vesp sent his way were still helpful and he gave her a tiny smile of gratitude. It also helped that the shopkeeper did not seem mad at him. The guy probably had seen worse happenings from clueless pre-teens to be too phased about most things.

Viano heaved an audible sigh of relief when the sand was cleared away. “Grazie. Thank you,’’ he mumbled, very much embarrassed. His pink-tainted cheeks would attest to that embarrassment that was being felt. But there was a new wand to try now and Vi cautiously took this one. He should had guessed he needn’t hold his breath while giving the wand a wave; it felt very comfortable in his hand, as though it had been fashioned just for him. This time, there was no sand. There was nothing but the soft russell of a breeze that blew through the place, gently shifting the hair on his head. “I think this is the one.”

Glancing over at Vesp, Vi gave her a grin of reassurance. She had been right! This try had been better!.

In that moment, he made the link between the sand and the breeze: they reminded him of the beach he once lived next to in Italy. Yes, this boy missed the place but he loved living here in the UK with his adopted family a lot more.
On any other day she would've noticed the older girl sooner. However, today she was slacking. It was alright though, she was being polite now AND still watching her brother receive his first wand. So all was well in her world right now.

A soft smile remained on her face. "Oh, that must have been fun." Getting a wand at the same time as another sibling. It reminded her over her older siblings, they were twins. The excitement must have been there for one another as much as it had been for themselves, yes? Vesper's hazel-ish eyes widened in momentary surprise as she took in the new information. "That's so cool. Do you know a lot about wands then?" she nodded at the wand in the older girls hands. "Do you know anything about that one?" Consider her mildly curious now. How did wandmakers know everything about a wand by just picking it up?!

Ves would always do whatever she could to help build up Viano's confidence. As for her wand experience, oooh she remembered that so fondly! Perhaps later over some ice cream she would tell him all about it but right now this was about him. All he needed was his wand.

Which he was getting! Look at that little gentle gust of wind. It was just like an ocean breeze on a summers day. Went well with all that sand. Ves stifled a small laugh as she thought about it, flashing Vi a bright smile and a thumbs up. They had a match! He could pick out whatever he wanted and she would bring him over the money for it in just a moment. "It was nice meeting you, my brother's going to be needing me now," she nodded towards him now that he had matched with his wand. "I'm Vesper by the way, maybe we'll run into each other at Hogwarts." With a warm smile, she waited long enough for anything else to be said before joining Viano to give him his money.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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