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Just as you enter the shop, in between all the chaos that may or may not have been going on, is a rather open area with a measuring tape that seems to be hovering in mid air. It wiggles and flies around, ready to measure the next customer to walk into it's range. The measuring tape will eagerly measure your height, the reach of your arm, and maybe even other strange measurements to help the wandmakers find the best wand for you.
In front of the counter there is the empty space that is designated as the fitting area. Here is where wands are fitted. After being measured by the magical measuring tape, you will be assisted by a worker who will then endeavor to fit you with your perfect wand and start pulling boxes from the shelves, which stretch back impossibly far and up so high that even the tallest people have to tip their head back to see the tops.
Long sliding ladders are attached to every stretch of shelves, and the wandmakers make great use of these to reach those wands which are tucked away high up. There seems to be a filing system of sorts, some kind of method to the madness, though most of the boxes are unmarked. Is it a colour code? Or is it shape? size? smell? Something else? Well you'll never know unless you get a job here. Luckily, and out of sheer necessity, these shelves have been bespelled so that wandboxes are not in danger of flying everywhere due to errant spells cast by children wielding their new wands.
Text Cut: wand fitting instructions
⌦ In order to receive a wand, please take the WAND QUIZ ONCE for the character who is here for a wand. Then, post your character being measured by the "magical measuring tape" ONCE in this thread. This thread is not one where you should interact with others, one post here please! It serves as our queue!
See the example post below, or look at other posts in this thread from previous terms.
Text Cut: example post
Jessica went into Ollivanders with more than her share of nerves, it was time for her first wand! The eleven year old made her way over to the measuring area and waited for her turn. Soon enough the measuring tape reached her and began zipping about, straightening with a snap and measuring out her height and, when she held her arms out, she watched it take a measurement of how long they were too. Fun! Did that mean her wand would be as big as her whole arm?
The girl stepped away from the measuring area and she eagerly waited for the shopkeeper to find her wand.
⌦ Please take the SORTING QUIZ first and wait to be placed in your house before taking the wand quiz! Your house effects your final wand in our quiz! This goes for current members who are re-sorting too, though you may take the quiz in advance if you know what your new house will be.
⌦ You may role play the magical measuring tape, but you may not role play for the shopkeepers. Ollivander does not work here!
⌦ After submitting the wand quiz and posting in this thread, please wait for a shop worker to assist you and your character in finding their perfect wand match. You do not have to RP to get your wand, but it is highly encouraged as a part of enriching your RP experience.
⌦ Please do not stretch the wand fitting experience out too long, it should not take more than three tries at an absolute maximum to find your character's match.
⌦ If we run out of time to complete the RP with you by the end of the RP summer, we will PM or VM your wand result to you, provided you have posted in this thread and responded to our efforts to interact with you.
⌦ If you have any questions, feel free to PM Felixir or one of the Diagon Alley Proprietors and they'll try to answer your questions as quickly and efficiently as they can.
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Text Cut: so unbelievably rude
Originally Posted by Felixir
The girl's question could have been any number of things, though Zeke might have had a good idea - or at least a few theories - had he not also been sidetracked by the magic the wand had produced for her. And so he beamed, at the gold mist, at the girl's awe, and he prepared to give his usual rundown of the wand's specifications and features, but trailed off before he even got started.
"Hmm," he said, giving them both - the customer and the wand, that is; sorry Grandma - a thoughtful look. "I would say all signs point to this being a match. I feel confident it's chosen you." And yet, he also appreciated the flipside, the disappointment. It was a big moment, after all. The biggest moment (in his totally unbiased opinion).
"Well, why don't you try this other wand too?" he said, opening up a second wand box so she could do just that. "In the name of being absolutely sure. You can see how it compares to the first." Thereby ensuring it was not a redundant practice.
Ivy's stomach knotted as she glanced between the offered wand and the one she's holding tightly. Grandma was of no help, of course, and Ivy didn't even spare a thought to whatever was making her laugh at this moment. She always laughed at the wrong moments. Biting her lip, Ivy slowly - reluctantly - put the (her) wand back on the counter. "I'm just checking, I'll be back," Ivy whispered to it, and picked up the second wand with quick fingers.
For a moment, nothing happened at all and Ivy feared she'd cheated on her first wand for nothing. Then the wood began to grow warm under her palm, warm like the first. Ivy quietly waved it to see if perhaps this one would also do the lovely golden glitter but nothing came out from the tip this time, it just grew hotter and hotter until was suddenly too hot, much too hot and with a screech she dropped it. "OW, that HURT," she rubbed her palm as the wand clattered to the floor, undesired and instantly discarded.
"I want the first one, that one," Ivy grabbed it again, grateful that it remained cool to her touch. "I'm sorry I'm sorry don't be mad at me," she whispered to it as Grandma retrieved the fallen wand and put it back on the counter, muttering something about dramatics. Ivy went bright red, and looked at the wandmaker. "You were right sir," Ivy mumbled, inclining her head again.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Originally Posted by Felixir
There he was, all ready to watch for the immediate signs of a successful or unsuccessful match, when the wand itself immediately took all the mystery out of the situation. Well. That was fair. Little too much of a kick in that one, perhaps, or perhaps the wood was just a touch too wilful. Good, good, it gave a good indication of what they could expect from the next.
He gave a small chuckle. "Yes, I think we can count that as a positive," he said, and busied himself with picked up the next wand box, as the boy had taken it upon himself to retrieve the second wand from the wall. Zeke did cast it a quick glance to ascertain any serious damage to the wand itself, but saw nothing to worry about. He readied its box for its return, and opened up the new wand box in his hands, for when his customer was ready to resume.
"Third time's a charm, as they say."
Blinking in a bit of confusion, Yoji sprang to action and reached for the wary wand on the wall, carefully peeling it off the wall, which was still making a bit of an effort to get out of his grip, but it happened to relax as soon as he took it back to its proper box just beside the other unsuccessful matches.
Yoji wiped both of his hands on his shirt and stared at the next proposed wand. There was a feeling that it would take forever for him to find the perfect match, but at least he knew he was bound for one. It was a matter of finding the right fit, with the help of an exceptional wandmaker such as Zeke-san.
The tiny Japanese boy reached for the wand offered to him, but before he could even touch it, it seemed to have sensed him first because he could smell something sweet... something that was distinctly from home. And as he held it, it felt to him like it became one with his hand, gold tendrils came out of the handle and it swirled and enveloped his wand arm, literally bounding itself to him. Without much thinking, Yoji gave the wand a wave, and immediately, sakura blossoms rained down on them softly. "This... this is the one, Zeke-san." he said, tears welling up in his eyes, quickly wiping them away with the back of his hand.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Ivy's stomach knotted as she glanced between the offered wand and the one she's holding tightly. Grandma was of no help, of course, and Ivy didn't even spare a thought to whatever was making her laugh at this moment. She always laughed at the wrong moments. Biting her lip, Ivy slowly - reluctantly - put the (her) wand back on the counter. "I'm just checking, I'll be back," Ivy whispered to it, and picked up the second wand with quick fingers.
For a moment, nothing happened at all and Ivy feared she'd cheated on her first wand for nothing. Then the wood began to grow warm under her palm, warm like the first. Ivy quietly waved it to see if perhaps this one would also do the lovely golden glitter but nothing came out from the tip this time, it just grew hotter and hotter until was suddenly too hot, much too hot and with a screech she dropped it. "OW, that HURT," she rubbed her palm as the wand clattered to the floor, undesired and instantly discarded.
"I want the first one, that one," Ivy grabbed it again, grateful that it remained cool to her touch. "I'm sorry I'm sorry don't be mad at me," she whispered to it as Grandma retrieved the fallen wand and put it back on the counter, muttering something about dramatics. Ivy went bright red, and looked at the wandmaker. "You were right sir," Ivy mumbled, inclining her head again.
Zeke did glance momentarily at the girl's guardian or chaperone (whatever the association), and sent a smile her way too, but still the majority of his attention was on the wand fitting. He made no comment on the situation with the first wand, taking it all in his stride. Not particularly difficult after a few years in the shop.
Unsurprisingly, the second wand confirmed what they were all thinking (sort of... well, what Zeke was thinking, at any rate). At first he was slightly concerned that it had done some real damage to the girl's hand, but the older woman did not seem too concerned, so he followed her lead.
"At least now we know. It's good to be thorough," he said, nodding his thanks to the woman and returning the wand to its box. "Well! There we have it, this wand has chosen you, so..." Zeke cleared his throat, clasped his hands together, and detailed the specifics of the wand.
"This wand is eleven inches and two thirds of supple vine, with a core of dragon heartstring. Peruvian Vipertooth, to be precise." There was a lot to be said for a vine wand, and those witches and wizards they chose to wield them. Zeke had to restrain himself from saying every single one of those things now. "These wands frequently choose those with a propensity to astound those around them. The nature of vine allows for a balance and clearness of purpose in casting magic, fitting for an ambitious or intelligent owner." Aaaand if that made little sense, never mind, because he had more practical information to impart. "As for the core, you can't beat dragon heartstring for raw power. It also lends itself to quick mastery of new spells, which is very helpful when starting out, and wands with these cores bond closely to their owners. Very versatile, but because of the power behind it, subtle and delicate spellwork is likely to be the more difficult to master."
And there they had it. Zeke moved across to his cash register, speaking as he went. "The wand by itself will be 12 galleons, unless there's anything else you might like today."
[11⅔ inch supple vine with dragon heartstring [Peruvian Vipertooth]]
SPOILER!!: Stefan
Originally Posted by Stefan
Blinking in a bit of confusion, Yoji sprang to action and reached for the wary wand on the wall, carefully peeling it off the wall, which was still making a bit of an effort to get out of his grip, but it happened to relax as soon as he took it back to its proper box just beside the other unsuccessful matches.
Yoji wiped both of his hands on his shirt and stared at the next proposed wand. There was a feeling that it would take forever for him to find the perfect match, but at least he knew he was bound for one. It was a matter of finding the right fit, with the help of an exceptional wandmaker such as Zeke-san.
The tiny Japanese boy reached for the wand offered to him, but before he could even touch it, it seemed to have sensed him first because he could smell something sweet... something that was distinctly from home. And as he held it, it felt to him like it became one with his hand, gold tendrils came out of the handle and it swirled and enveloped his wand arm, literally bounding itself to him. Without much thinking, Yoji gave the wand a wave, and immediately, sakura blossoms rained down on them softly. "This... this is the one, Zeke-san." he said, tears welling up in his eyes, quickly wiping them away with the back of his hand.
Well, now. Wasn't that just utterly charming? (Excuse the pun. It was an unfortunate occupational hazard, that word being so apt for some of these matches.)
Zeke beamed at the small boy. "Yes, I think you're right." He made no sign that he'd noticed those tears, given how quickly they were wiped away, but he did add a quiet, "Well done. You did wonderfully."
Better than praise, though, was the fact he had matched with a wand, and that the two seemed very much at home with each other. A big moment for anyone. When Zeke expanded on the details of the wand, he did so in as measured and steady a voice as he could muster, not wanting to overwhelm any more in what was already proving to be an emotional moment. But also not skimping on the details themselves.
"Now then, your wand is twelve and a half inches of sturdy acacia, with a phoenix feather core." For the record, that information came on a card inside the box too, so it wasn't a disaster if it was not committed to memory immediately. "Acacia often refuses to produce magic for anyone but their owner, and will withhold their full power from any but the most talented witches and wizards. As it's chosen you, it evidently senses your potential." Not that it was impossible for an acacia wand to choose someone who did not have that potential, just that he didn't hear about it all too much. "You're likely to show a great subtlety in your magic, and though it may take some time to master this wand, you will be able to produce very complex magic. Acacia wands are well-suited to personal protection, especially with the phoenix feather core. Difficult to tame, but powerful and versatile. Well-suited to Defence Against the Dark Arts, but capable of a great range of magic."
An interesting combination, if he did say so himself. A powerful, at times wilful, core, with a very subtle wood. Yet both wood and core were very particular regarding who they chose, and both took some time to master.
After another smile, and a pause to allow the information to sink in, Zeke went on, and gestured towards his cash register, towards which he started to move. "The wand is 12 galleons, and we have other products too, if you're interested."
[12½ inch sturdy acacia with phoenix feather]
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Felixir
Zeke allowed himself a little chuckle at the girl's enthusiasm, feeling more sure by the moment that the wand had chosen the correct owner. But then, he hadn't yet known one to make a mistake - though some owners did not take kindly to them, and that did cause a slight conflict. Seemed there was no such danger here.
"You are very, very welcome," he said to his customer, taking the coins and counting them into the register, though not before picking up the wand that had been set down, and putting it safely back into its box. Of course she could take it back out again whenever she pleased, but for the moment he thought it safest to bundle it all together. "Good luck with that wand of yours. I'm sure you'll do great things together."
Hearing the shop owners chuckle made Vesper smile all the more. Clearly he understood how tough it was to hold in so much excitement about something that only happened once in a lifetime! Never again would she be presented with her very first wand! This was a huge day for her.
The young girl waited as patiently as she could manage while all the coins she had handed over were counted again. "I will! I will! Byyyyyeeee!" Collecting her wand and the holster from the counter, Vesper grabbed her big sisters hand and hurried along out of the shop. She needed to show her papa and Vasco and tell them all about her wand!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Originally Posted by Felixir
Well, now. Wasn't that just utterly charming? (Excuse the pun. It was an unfortunate occupational hazard, that word being so apt for some of these matches.)
Zeke beamed at the small boy. "Yes, I think you're right." He made no sign that he'd noticed those tears, given how quickly they were wiped away, but he did add a quiet, "Well done. You did wonderfully."
Better than praise, though, was the fact he had matched with a wand, and that the two seemed very much at home with each other. A big moment for anyone. When Zeke expanded on the details of the wand, he did so in as measured and steady a voice as he could muster, not wanting to overwhelm any more in what was already proving to be an emotional moment. But also not skimping on the details themselves.
"Now then, your wand is twelve and a half inches of sturdy acacia, with a phoenix feather core." For the record, that information came on a card inside the box too, so it wasn't a disaster if it was not committed to memory immediately. "Acacia often refuses to produce magic for anyone but their owner, and will withhold their full power from any but the most talented witches and wizards. As it's chosen you, it evidently senses your potential." Not that it was impossible for an acacia wand to choose someone who did not have that potential, just that he didn't hear about it all too much. "You're likely to show a great subtlety in your magic, and though it may take some time to master this wand, you will be able to produce very complex magic. Acacia wands are well-suited to personal protection, especially with the phoenix feather core. Difficult to tame, but powerful and versatile. Well-suited to Defence Against the Dark Arts, but capable of a great range of magic."
An interesting combination, if he did say so himself. A powerful, at times wilful, core, with a very subtle wood. Yet both wood and core were very particular regarding who they chose, and both took some time to master.
After another smile, and a pause to allow the information to sink in, Zeke went on, and gestured towards his cash register, towards which he started to move. "The wand is 12 galleons, and we have other products too, if you're interested."
[12½ inch sturdy acacia with phoenix feather]
Yoji did not have the courage to look at Zeke-san, yet, slightly embarrassed with how he took the overwhelming emotion he felt, but nonetheless, he felt grateful to the shopkeeper for making him feel assured. "Arigatou, Zeke-san." he bowed to the shopkeeper and cradled his new wand with both hands as he listened intently to the man as he gave him a quick lesson about his new friend.
There was a lot of information, but he knew he got one of the most unusual wands ever created. From what he's just experienced, he knew his wand was indeed sentient-- a living being just like him, who will learn from him and vice-versa. In a way, it felt like he was given a peek at what the future held for him as a wizard. The only downer was that it would take time for him to be good at his magic-- but the good thing about this is that he's more determined to work harder. He was going to commit himself to learning and honing his skills. "H-hai... I understand. Thank you." the tiny Japanese boy replied, taking in a quiet deep breath, and a slow exhale through his mouth.
Yoji's attention then shifted from his wand to the many blossoms that were on the floor and picked a couple of them to take home. He then followed the shopkeeper to where his cash register was located and looked at the other supplies he could get for himself. "A-ano... I would like to add bundle number two please, with a brown wrist holster." he said holding the edge of the counter, his head poking just above it while reading the rest of the supplies offered in Zeke-san's shop.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Having just got done ringing up a particularly large purchase of wands and accessories - he did not envy those parents and/or guardians - Zeke turned his attention to the next customer. The parchment of measurements floated its way towards him, and he plucked it out of the air and perused what was written there.
A couple of minutes later, he approached this young boy, carrying with him two wand boxes - the most promising two options, though perhaps it was overconfident of him to assume it would be one or the other. As he smiled at the boy, he found he recognised him, though very, very vaguely. Not until he looked to the nearby couple - possibly the parents, as they seemingly had eyes only for him and each other - did he remember that he had seen them here before, for another wand fitting, probably several years ago now, given the haziness of the details in his memory.
"Hello, young man," Zeke addressed the boy, smiling as he set the two wand boxes he'd already collected on the nearby counter. "I have a couple of wands for you to try. Let's see how well you get on with this one first, hm?" he added, opening up the first box and offering its contents to his customer. "Give it a wave, and tell me if it feels right."
Peyton appreciated the silent comfort Seth provided her. They were like that. On the days she got home exhausted from Quidditch training she had no words, but it’s like he could read her mind and gave her the perfect hug or shoulder rub even SHE didn’t know she needed. To this day many judge him for his past, but they had no idea what a loving husband and father he is.
Now standing here with both Seth and his mini-me, Peyton felt her chest swell.
When the man approached Xavier, Peyton sent him a kind smile and nod in greeting. She remembered him from when Serena got her wand. Ugh. And look at HER mini-me now, ready to go into her seventh year at Hogwarts. Why were these children growing up so fast? They needed to slow down.
Xavier’s pale green eyes tracked the man all the way up until he stood near him, wand candidates in hand. His little heart gave a mighty jolt. He wanted HIS wand NOW. But first he must go through the selection process.
“Hello,” Xavier greeted politely. Today he wore the mask of pure angelic innocence. He was Cupid’s descendant with his wavy light hair and fair eyes. His usually pale cheeks were a rosy color due to coming from the summer heat that is outside.
He nodded at the man’s instructions and reached for the first wand. He gulped as his small hand wrapped around it, the two platinum rings on his fingers gleaming in the light that reflected off them.
When he gave the wand a wave, a buzzing energy slithered down his arm to his fingertips. He momentarily lost control of the mask he wore, his eyes shooting into his dad’s direction. What was supposed to happen? What--
His mind paused at what seemed like white smoke swirled from the tip of the wand. It wasn’t smoke. He realized as he squinted his eyes, it was frost. His free hand drifted up to wave it away and little ice flakes stuck to his hand. There was something…cold about this wand. Maybe it was the frost it just let out, but it was something Xavier connected with at some level. The cold he sometimes felt in his chest, this wand understood it.
“Do I have to try the other one?” he asked, his small hand giving no hints of letting go of this wand.
Peyton appreciated the silent comfort Seth provided her. They were like that. On the days she got home exhausted from Quidditch training she had no words, but it’s like he could read her mind and gave her the perfect hug or shoulder rub even SHE didn’t know she needed. To this day many judge him for his past, but they had no idea what a loving husband and father he is.
Now standing here with both Seth and his mini-me, Peyton felt her chest swell.
When the man approached Xavier, Peyton sent him a kind smile and nod in greeting. She remembered him from when Serena got her wand. Ugh. And look at HER mini-me now, ready to go into her seventh year at Hogwarts. Why were these children growing up so fast? They needed to slow down.
Xavier’s pale green eyes tracked the man all the way up until he stood near him, wand candidates in hand. His little heart gave a mighty jolt. He wanted HIS wand NOW. But first he must go through the selection process.
“Hello,” Xavier greeted politely. Today he wore the mask of pure angelic innocence. He was Cupid’s descendant with his wavy light hair and fair eyes. His usually pale cheeks were a rosy color due to coming from the summer heat that is outside.
He nodded at the man’s instructions and reached for the first wand. He gulped as his small hand wrapped around it, the two platinum rings on his fingers gleaming in the light that reflected off them.
When he gave the wand a wave, a buzzing energy slithered down his arm to his fingertips. He momentarily lost control of the mask he wore, his eyes shooting into his dad’s direction. What was supposed to happen? What--
His mind paused at what seemed like white smoke swirled from the tip of the wand. It wasn’t smoke. He realized as he squinted his eyes, it was frost. His free hand drifted up to wave it away and little ice flakes stuck to his hand. There was something…cold about this wand. Maybe it was the frost it just let out, but it was something Xavier connected with at some level. The cold he sometimes felt in his chest, this wand understood it.
“Do I have to try the other one?” he asked, his small hand giving no hints of letting go of this wand.
The serious and stoic man was very observant, it was as if no detail even to the microscopic could sneak past him. Throughout the years he lovingly studied his wife closely and made it a goal to know her beyond every depth. Seth’s love for Peyton had no boundary and even in days he was exhausted or not feeling his best, her presence made all the negative emotions go away. No one knew him the way his wife and kids did, only they knew the capacity of Seth's heart.
Buuuuut do BEWARE of wronging his family, tread carefully because this wizard was lethal. Seth doesn’t play when it comes to his wife and kids. Period.
First Serena, his eldest and now Xavier. A lot of nostalgia flooded the mind as Seth stood there watching his son from a near distance. The pride he felt witnessing his youngest hold his first wand was indescribable. A wand selecting its owner could be triggering to the young wizard as it’s a new experience but Seth sent his most reassuring nod and mouthed words of encouragement: “Go on.” Once his son’s eyes met his. His son was doing wonderfully!
After some time it seemed like Xavier was bonding with the wand and the corner of Seth’s mouth formed a small and proud smile. But only briefly, one to two seconds at most. The superficial smile might have been brief but internally his smile was greater.
Bettie took the next wand. It felt just right and when she gave it a wave aura lights came of the end. "This one feels right."
"Wonderful," Zeke said, beaming a wide grin and clasping his hands together. "It seems to me that it likes you too." Clear signs of a match.
Now then. "This wand is ten and a half inches of sturdy ebony, with a dragon heartstring core. A Common Welsh Green, to be precise." And it did help to be precise, of course. But maybe Zeke was just biased. Or perhaps both. "Ebony makes for a very diverse wand, suitable for all elemental magic, and can be used for almost any purpose. It has a notable reputation in magical combat - particularly defensive and projective magic, and the dispelling of dark magic - and in transfiguration too. It can take some time to master spells with ebony wands, but nothing to worry about as long as you're willing to put in the work." Which, honestly, could be said for almost anything. But then again... "Dragon heartstring is a very powerful core. It also lends to quick mastery of new spells, though with ebony as the wood, it's possible the two will balance each other that. Or you may find some spells come quickly, while others might take much longer. I'm sure you'll soon find out for yourself."
It was almost a shame Zeke wouldn't get to find out for himself. He had his theories, but every wand was different, just like those who wielded them. Anyway, his job was to make, supply, and fit the wands, and send them on their way.
"The wand will be 10 galleons."
[10½ inch sturdy ebony with dragon heartstring [Common Welsh Green]]
SPOILER!!: Stefan
Originally Posted by Stefan
Yoji did not have the courage to look at Zeke-san, yet, slightly embarrassed with how he took the overwhelming emotion he felt, but nonetheless, he felt grateful to the shopkeeper for making him feel assured. "Arigatou, Zeke-san." he bowed to the shopkeeper and cradled his new wand with both hands as he listened intently to the man as he gave him a quick lesson about his new friend.
There was a lot of information, but he knew he got one of the most unusual wands ever created. From what he's just experienced, he knew his wand was indeed sentient-- a living being just like him, who will learn from him and vice-versa. In a way, it felt like he was given a peek at what the future held for him as a wizard. The only downer was that it would take time for him to be good at his magic-- but the good thing about this is that he's more determined to work harder. He was going to commit himself to learning and honing his skills. "H-hai... I understand. Thank you." the tiny Japanese boy replied, taking in a quiet deep breath, and a slow exhale through his mouth.
Yoji's attention then shifted from his wand to the many blossoms that were on the floor and picked a couple of them to take home. He then followed the shopkeeper to where his cash register was located and looked at the other supplies he could get for himself. "A-ano... I would like to add bundle number two please, with a brown wrist holster." he said holding the edge of the counter, his head poking just above it while reading the rest of the supplies offered in Zeke-san's shop.
Zeke nodded at the young boy, and shot him another small smile. "You're very welcome." Not that he really spoke Japanese or anything - how to reply in the same language, for instance - but it was natural to pick up a few words here and there.
"Bundle two... brown wrist holster..." he repeated the items out loud as he collected them, putting it all together and ringing it up on his cash register. "Wonderful. That will be 18 galleons then, please."
SPOILER!!: Baltazar-Dos Santos
Originally Posted by Deezerz
Peyton appreciated the silent comfort Seth provided her. They were like that. On the days she got home exhausted from Quidditch training she had no words, but it’s like he could read her mind and gave her the perfect hug or shoulder rub even SHE didn’t know she needed. To this day many judge him for his past, but they had no idea what a loving husband and father he is.
Now standing here with both Seth and his mini-me, Peyton felt her chest swell.
When the man approached Xavier, Peyton sent him a kind smile and nod in greeting. She remembered him from when Serena got her wand. Ugh. And look at HER mini-me now, ready to go into her seventh year at Hogwarts. Why were these children growing up so fast? They needed to slow down.
Xavier’s pale green eyes tracked the man all the way up until he stood near him, wand candidates in hand. His little heart gave a mighty jolt. He wanted HIS wand NOW. But first he must go through the selection process.
“Hello,” Xavier greeted politely. Today he wore the mask of pure angelic innocence. He was Cupid’s descendant with his wavy light hair and fair eyes. His usually pale cheeks were a rosy color due to coming from the summer heat that is outside.
He nodded at the man’s instructions and reached for the first wand. He gulped as his small hand wrapped around it, the two platinum rings on his fingers gleaming in the light that reflected off them.
When he gave the wand a wave, a buzzing energy slithered down his arm to his fingertips. He momentarily lost control of the mask he wore, his eyes shooting into his dad’s direction. What was supposed to happen? What--
His mind paused at what seemed like white smoke swirled from the tip of the wand. It wasn’t smoke. He realized as he squinted his eyes, it was frost. His free hand drifted up to wave it away and little ice flakes stuck to his hand. There was something…cold about this wand. Maybe it was the frost it just let out, but it was something Xavier connected with at some level. The cold he sometimes felt in his chest, this wand understood it.
“Do I have to try the other one?” he asked, his small hand giving no hints of letting go of this wand.
Originally Posted by Bumblebee
The serious and stoic man was very observant, it was as if no detail even to the microscopic could sneak past him. Throughout the years he lovingly studied his wife closely and made it a goal to know her beyond every depth. Seth’s love for Peyton had no boundary and even in days he was exhausted or not feeling his best, her presence made all the negative emotions go away. No one knew him the way his wife and kids did, only they knew the capacity of Seth's heart.
Buuuuut do BEWARE of wronging his family, tread carefully because this wizard was lethal. Seth doesn’t play when it comes to his wife and kids. Period.
First Serena, his eldest and now Xavier. A lot of nostalgia flooded the mind as Seth stood there watching his son from a near distance. The pride he felt witnessing his youngest hold his first wand was indescribable. A wand selecting its owner could be triggering to the young wizard as it’s a new experience but Seth sent his most reassuring nod and mouthed words of encouragement: “Go on.” Once his son’s eyes met his. His son was doing wonderfully!
After some time it seemed like Xavier was bonding with the wand and the corner of Seth’s mouth formed a small and proud smile. But only briefly, one to two seconds at most. The superficial smile might have been brief but internally his smile was greater.
As was his usual practice, Zeke stood quietly by and observed the young wizard as he tried out this first wand, looking for any telltale sign of a match. While his instinct was to follow the boy's eyes as he looked away, years of experience prevented him from doing so, and he maintained his focus.
Moments later, he broke into a small smile. He was almost certain the wand had made its choice, and his thoughts were confirmed immediately by the boy. "No, you don't have to. Not at all. We have a match. Excellent." He nodded to himself. "Excellent."
Zeke set the other box aside, ready to be placed back among its brethren on the shelves, then turned his attention back to his young customer, clasping his hands as he went into the finer detail of the wand.
"So then, this wand is thirteen inches and a third of supple elm, with an augurey feather at the core." Zeke suspected that this wand had once again supported his hypothesis, of augurey feather wands preferring the quiet, serious individual. For that matter, the same went for the wood. "Augurey feather makes for an incredibly loyal wand. It's one of those cores which doesn't sulk if left alone, and once you have mastered the wand it will always perform well for you, no matter what you ask of it, even if you're separated for any length of time. Wands with these cores also become especially responsive on any day that rain is due to fall, particularly with non-verbal magic." Non-verbals were still a fairly distant speck on the horizon, but still. An interesting detail and good to keep in mind. "As for the wood... Elm makes for a very sophisticated wand. It is capable of highly advanced magic, for the right wielder-" And, though Zeke couldn't make that call from what little he saw of his customers, he suspected this might be the case here. "-but has a particular talent for destructive spells, protection, defensive magic, hexes, and the like. Elm has an affinity with those who have a certain... presence, and magical dexterity, and dignity. It's a wand that seldom produces accidents." Plus, it simply wasn't like an elm wielder to make foolish errors in their magical endeavours. In any of their endeavours, most likely.
Was it obvious this was a wand wood he had a certain respect for? Maybe. But he did respect all of them, in their own way. Moving on, though. "11 galleons for the wand by itself, and we of course have some other products and accessories available too."
[13⅓ inch supple elm with augurey feather]
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Ary had heard a lot of talk of this measuring tape from his siblings, but there was nothing quite like experiencing it flit about his person taking measurements. He had stayed rather still all through this process, his eyes following its every moment as best as he could. In other instances, he was busy watching Bry, Drake and dad Adi for their reactions. Ary could not quite figure out the purpose of most of the areas measured {why was a measurement of the length of his face necessary?} and was quite grateful when the process was over.
The eleven year old shifted out of the way and stood by the fitting area to be tended to. While waiting, he amused himself by trying to determine the funniest moment that his two friends underwent with the tape. In addition to having that to occupy his time, Ary’s hands were working on a paperclip, twisting it into a particular shape.
It was weird, but walking into Ollivander's to get his very FIRST wand had the boy feeling a lot of BIG feelings. Excitement was the most predominant, because it was really, really getting real now. He and Gilly would soon be off to Hogwarts with their friends and they'd get all sorted into their houses, and he'd get to explore the greenhouses and the creatures with Aryan and see the kitchens and and... all the things he was really looking forward to doing. But Drake was also feeling a whole heap of anxiety. What if he got separated from everyone when they got sorted? What if they couldn't FIND him a wand? ... What if Mum was really sad that he and Gilly were both gone? It was a LOT and it probably showed for anyone looking as he picked at his pants with his fingernails, shifting from one side to the other but also trying to offer smiles to his companions and keep an eye on the door for his sister too.
It felt like an eternity, but also not really, until it was his turn to interact with the measuring tape. There was the smallest shake to his hands as he held out his arms for the thing, but as it darted underneath his armpit he couldn't help a small giggle as it tickled. He blushed a bit and glanced at the other two again, giving Aryan a small smile when he caught his eyes.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
The day had arrived! Everyone knew how long she had waited for this day to get here, right? It had only been mentioned a million times since she had turned eleven waaaaaay back on the first of January. Yep, she had waited all these months to get her wand. The time had gone by, oh so very very slowly but in the end she had managed the wait. It was so worth it too. There had been no way she would have ever gotten her wand without Ary getting his as well.
For right now, the tiny blonde was waiting and watching her boyiefwiend 'best friend' get tended to by a magical measuring tape. Then it was Drake's turn and he did rather well also. It was a bit bizarre why all of these odd measurements would be needed but she had heard about it before from her parents and siblings so she already knew what to expect. Annnnd now she was seeing it first hand.
When it was her turn, Bry stepped forward letting the measuring tape do its thing. Which was much more difficult than it sounded. Standing completely still, was NOT easy. Let her repeat that for those in the back that didn't hear this. Standing still wasn't one of her strong suits. So there most certainly may have been a fidget of movement here or there and the slightest bounce on her toes or quick look over her shoulder at her family that was waiting outside the shop, before suddenly remembering that she was meant to be still as a statue. Now why was it that how big her ears were mattered? Or the length of her long blonde hair?
Then, just like that, it was finished. Her turn was over and the measuring tape was moving on to someone else she thought or possibly Gilly Drake's sister. It made sense since they were together. Now that she could move freely, Bryony bounced forward to be right near Aryan. Normally she would've grabbed his hand but being as to how he was working on one of his paperclip creations, the overly excited child hooked her arm around his and gave him the most brightest of smiles. "Aren't you excited? We've waited FOREVER for this day! Do you think our wands will be similar at all?" Bry was trying really hard not to shake the poor boy. Rather she settled for a bit of bouncing mixed with tiny hops from foot to foot and more bouncing on her toes. "Whatcha working on today?" She leaned her head on his arm so she could have a better look at what he was doing and not block his view.
Maybe if she focused really hard on watching their friends getting measured and Ary working on that paperclip, the time would move really quickly and it would be their turn to get their wands!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
The wand shop piqued her interest the instant she walked in. Rather than immediately jumping in line like her brother, Aryan, and Bryony had, Gilly made a slight detour to peruse the shelves more closely. The names that accompanied the display wands were familiar enough to her, and the wand-weigher machine was a contraption she found fascinating. Though it was the wandlore books that caught her attention, which wouldn't surprise anyone who knew her. Maybe one of them would explain in more detail how that machine functioned...
Whether or not one did, she wouldn't know because it was now her turn to be measured. While she had busied herself with browsing, the occasional glance at her sibling and friends during their measurements was enough to give her an idea of what to expect. Despite knowing what the magical tape would do, she was not fully prepared for how invasive the entire process could be. Was measuring her nose really necessary?
But the entire ordeal was over in a flash as the measuring tape finished measuring the circumference of her head and the length of each arm and finger before it whizzed off to whoever would be assisting them all. She contemplated going back to the shelves while they all waited, but positioned herself beside her twin. "What core do you think you think you'll get?" she asked him, mainly to keep him from overthinking about all the things.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Wand day wand day wand day wand day!
It was Ascella Paige Archer's wand day! And also Brianna Rose Woods' wand day! Ascella had been dreaming of this day for weeks, ever since the last day of muggle school ended for her, marking her last summer before she became an official student of Hogwarts. And oh, how lucky she was to be able to share this special day with her dearest cousin. "When we're done here, we should get ice cream, Rosie," the eldest Archer kid told her cousin, offering her a big grin.
After pushing the door to the wand shop open, Ascella wasted no time in getting in line. She knew many other first years like her would be coming in to have their wands fitted, so she didn't want to take long in here because ice cream awaits! She hummed and tapped her fingers against her side to the tune of the last cello piece she was practicing on, while she waited for her turn to be accommodated.
Oh, and that magical measuring tape sure was a silly thing! Ascella smiled a little as she watched the tape fly around, taking her measurements even of the most...interesting places. Why the tape was measuring the circumference of her head, she had no idea at the moment. Maybe she'll ask the wand maker why it was necessary, when it was her turn.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Originally Posted by Kimothy
Wand day wand day wand day wand day!
It was Ascella Paige Archer's wand day! And also Brianna Rose Woods' wand day! Ascella had been dreaming of this day for weeks, ever since the last day of muggle school ended for her, marking her last summer before she became an official student of Hogwarts. And oh, how lucky she was to be able to share this special day with her dearest cousin. "When we're done here, we should get ice cream, Rosie," the eldest Archer kid told her cousin, offering her a big grin.
After pushing the door to the wand shop open, Ascella wasted no time in getting in line. She knew many other first years like her would be coming in to have their wands fitted, so she didn't want to take long in here because ice cream awaits! She hummed and tapped her fingers against her side to the tune of the last cello piece she was practicing on, while she waited for her turn to be accommodated.
Oh, and that magical measuring tape sure was a silly thing! Ascella smiled a little as she watched the tape fly around, taking her measurements even of the most...interesting places. Why the tape was measuring the circumference of her head, she had no idea at the moment. Maybe she'll ask the wand maker why it was necessary, when it was her turn.
It was time to get her fancy magic stick wand, and Brianna Rose Woods was excited! Beyond excited, even. Today was her first real foray into the magical world, and she'd been wiggling with excitement ever since she got the letter (Delivered by an OWL? Absolutely wicked). And she got to go on the same day as Ascella too!
Now, Rosie did not really know that the reason they had chosen to do this together because her mother was highkey overwhelmed by all the magic stuff, and that it was a lot easier to manage under the watchful eyes of Uncle Brian and Reuben, but what Rosie doesn't know won't hurt her. What might actually hurt her was this measuring tape, though, with its poking and prodding in all the randomest places -- WHY WAS IT MEASURING THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF HER ELBOW? THAT TICKLED!
Giggling as she swatted halfheartedly at the measuring tape, she looked over at her cousin. "Mama said we're meant to meet her at the ice cream place, so I think they're definitely going to buy us ice cream!" Wasn't that wonderful? She'd also been given magic money to pay for her wand, which was also so cool, although it didn't make a lot of sense.
"Is wizarding money also magic, or do you think it's just that they don't know how to use a credit card?" she asked, halfway into yet another daydream. "It really doesn't make any sense why you would want to jiggle jiggle 24/7. It's so impractical."
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Samuel Ian Schultz was finally getting his WAND!
He had been counting down to this day obsessively since last Christmas. He'd marked it on his calendar and everything. That plan had only backfired a LITTLE bit, because when he told his mum, she slyly told him that he was locked in to that date now, and she wouldn't take him a day earlier. He probably deserved that, because he KNEW he was driving his whole family crazy with his soon-to-be-Hogwarts-student enthusiasm. BUT HE COULDN'T HELP HIMSELF OK?! He was SO EXCITED! He'd been dreaming of this day since he'd learned what Hogwarts was, and it had just gotten worse every year as soon as Moritz and Joseph started school. He had been so JEALOUS of them!
He was ALREADY insanely jealous of his older brothers and their amazing hair. It had been straight up TORTURE waiting for his turn to go to school.
Charging into the shop with the energy of a child who had just had unattended access to energy drinks, he skidded to a halt when he realized there was a line. UUUUUUuuuUGGHHHHHhh of course there was. He should have known. He watched each student in front of him as they went ahead, taking note of the way they stood to let the measuring tape work its magic. Bouncing on his heels, he waited until it was his turn and eagerly held out his arms, mimicking what he'd seen the other kids do.
Ok tape, do your thing!!
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Coming to Diagon Alley during the summer holidays when his eldest brother was home from his first (and only) term at Durmstrang sounded like a terrible idea to young Elias Greenwood. School holidays meant it was crowded with other children who liked to talk and interact and he was just not here to make friends. Elias, coming from a long line of Durmstrangians was being forced to attend Hogwarts just because Ezra was a complete and utter wimp and didn’t enjoy the strict and regimented teaching style that the school implemented.
With that being said, there was a hint of excitement in the eleven year olds face as he headed into Ollivanders ensuring that his mother and siblings wait outside for him. He was a strong independent boy and there was no need for accompaniment. Besides what exactly was he going to get up to in such a small shop? Unfortunately, as was to be expected, there was a queue already forming and being the impatient and self-absorbed boy that he was he huffed as he stood at the back of it glaring at the slightly familiar mop of red headed curls in front of him getting measured by a ridiculously animated tape.
Soon it was his turn and unlike the other children bouncing on their toes and giggling with excitement, Eli did whatever needed doing to make the process as smooth as possible.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Though equally as excited as her twin brother, Florence was a little better at hiding it. She was trying to be MATURE, okay? She was eleven years old and was finally receiving her first wand. This was a momentous occasion. Why the shop didn't roll out the red carpet for important days like this, she didn't know.
Reaching the shop a little bit after Sammy - neither early nor late, but precisely when she meant to - she opened the door to see the queue. Not unexpected, but also not ideal. She wanted her wand NOW.
And there was a boy already between her and her brother.
Flo briefly considered pushing past him to get to her spot with her twin, but she instead pushed that thought away. So mature, she was, yes? Besides, the tape measure was already working with him and, in relatively quick fashion, it flew over to her as well once it was done. And so she complied with its measuring tasks.
One step closer to getting her wand!
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Back at home, Sohrin was overjoyed that his mother was taking him to Diagon Alley to purchase his first wand, but now that he was inside the shop, he felt nervous. He looked at his mother, who smiled encouragingly and motioned him to the measuring tape line while she walked over to stand in the back.
The eleven-year-old took a look around the store. He had been inside here before, purely out of curiosity to see what it looked like, and he had always wondered for how many years some wands had been kept in the storage because they had never found their owner. What did they do with those wands?
“Sohrin, fix your shoelaces or you’ll trip” He looked at his mother before stooping down to fix them. He was aware that he was prone to accidents, so he was relieved that his mother had noticed. As he stood up, he smiled brightly and gave her a thumbs-up that everything was secure before stepping up to the measuring tape.
He'd looked around at the other students taking their measurements, surprised but excited to see Sammy there, who got a rather enthusiastic wave before holding up his arms while the tape did its thing.
Ary had heard a lot of talk of this measuring tape from his siblings, but there was nothing quite like experiencing it flit about his person taking measurements. He had stayed rather still all through this process, his eyes following its every moment as best as he could. In other instances, he was busy watching Bry, Drake and dad Adi for their reactions. Ary could not quite figure out the purpose of most of the areas measured {why was a measurement of the length of his face necessary?} and was quite grateful when the process was over.
The eleven year old shifted out of the way and stood by the fitting area to be tended to. While waiting, he amused himself by trying to determine the funniest moment that his two friends underwent with the tape. In addition to having that to occupy his time, Ary’s hands were working on a paperclip, twisting it into a particular shape.
Right then. Right right right. Most wonderful time of the year, here we go.
It was already shaping up to be a busy summer - funny how that worked out sometimes, wasn't it? - but Zeke was very much in his element. He was out back straightening up his shelves when the measurement-laden scroll of parchment flew out to meet him, which was rather convenient. Within a couple of minutes, the wandmaker had emerged with a small stack of wands.
He took a moment to orient himself as to the who and the where (aided by his enchanted tape measure, who paused in its measuring up of another customer to point towards the first with its tail end), and then smiled at the boy, who was fiddling with something in his fingers.
"Hello there," Zeke greeted him, setting down the wand boxes and taking the first box from the top. "Let's try out some wands, shall we? Why don't you take this and give it a wave, and we'll see what you make of each other?" He opened up the box, and offered its contents to his young customer.
SPOILER!!: Chelliephone
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
It was weird, but walking into Ollivander's to get his very FIRST wand had the boy feeling a lot of BIG feelings. Excitement was the most predominant, because it was really, really getting real now. He and Gilly would soon be off to Hogwarts with their friends and they'd get all sorted into their houses, and he'd get to explore the greenhouses and the creatures with Aryan and see the kitchens and and... all the things he was really looking forward to doing. But Drake was also feeling a whole heap of anxiety. What if he got separated from everyone when they got sorted? What if they couldn't FIND him a wand? ... What if Mum was really sad that he and Gilly were both gone? It was a LOT and it probably showed for anyone looking as he picked at his pants with his fingernails, shifting from one side to the other but also trying to offer smiles to his companions and keep an eye on the door for his sister too.
It felt like an eternity, but also not really, until it was his turn to interact with the measuring tape. There was the smallest shake to his hands as he held out his arms for the thing, but as it darted underneath his armpit he couldn't help a small giggle as it tickled. He blushed a bit and glanced at the other two again, giving Aryan a small smile when he caught his eyes.
"I'll be with you in just a moment," Zeke said to this next customer, sending the boy a quick smile as he turned to consult the next lot of measurements that came speeding his way. Just. You know. A little heads up.
Making up his mind several times over, Zeke went searching few the shelves for a couple of good candidates, pausing only to exchanged a few very quick words about the shop's to-do list with one of the Ollivanders employees. When he appeared again, to see properly to his young customer, he had a small stack of wand boxes, and his own unwavering attention to offer. "I'm just going to ask you to test one of these wands. If it doesn't feel - or act - in the right way, just let me know and we'll try another." First box open, wand inside offered. "Want to give this one a whirl?"
SPOILER!!: Kolyander
Originally Posted by Kolyander
The day had arrived! Everyone knew how long she had waited for this day to get here, right? It had only been mentioned a million times since she had turned eleven waaaaaay back on the first of January. Yep, she had waited all these months to get her wand. The time had gone by, oh so very very slowly but in the end she had managed the wait. It was so worth it too. There had been no way she would have ever gotten her wand without Ary getting his as well.
For right now, the tiny blonde was waiting and watching her boyiefwiend 'best friend' get tended to by a magical measuring tape. Then it was Drake's turn and he did rather well also. It was a bit bizarre why all of these odd measurements would be needed but she had heard about it before from her parents and siblings so she already knew what to expect. Annnnd now she was seeing it first hand.
When it was her turn, Bry stepped forward letting the measuring tape do its thing. Which was much more difficult than it sounded. Standing completely still, was NOT easy. Let her repeat that for those in the back that didn't hear this. Standing still wasn't one of her strong suits. So there most certainly may have been a fidget of movement here or there and the slightest bounce on her toes or quick look over her shoulder at her family that was waiting outside the shop, before suddenly remembering that she was meant to be still as a statue. Now why was it that how big her ears were mattered? Or the length of her long blonde hair?
Then, just like that, it was finished. Her turn was over and the measuring tape was moving on to someone else she thought or possibly Gilly Drake's sister. It made sense since they were together. Now that she could move freely, Bryony bounced forward to be right near Aryan. Normally she would've grabbed his hand but being as to how he was working on one of his paperclip creations, the overly excited child hooked her arm around his and gave him the most brightest of smiles. "Aren't you excited? We've waited FOREVER for this day! Do you think our wands will be similar at all?" Bry was trying really hard not to shake the poor boy. Rather she settled for a bit of bouncing mixed with tiny hops from foot to foot and more bouncing on her toes. "Whatcha working on today?" She leaned her head on his arm so she could have a better look at what he was doing and not block his view.
Maybe if she focused really hard on watching their friends getting measured and Ary working on that paperclip, the time would move really quickly and it would be their turn to get their wands!
And now this girl, whom Zeke had by now supposed was one of a larger group - if not a group of shoppers, then a collective of associates - judging by who spoke to whom, who looked where, and the fact they had all appeared at once. With the last wand fitted and paid for, Zeke had shut the cash register and turned to the consult the next batch of measurements in the very same movement.
Now he approached his next customer. "Hello, hello, hello. Would you like to try one of these?" Zeke held up the wand boxes. He didn't need an answer, of course. He opened up the first box and set the others to one side, and offered the girl the wand. "You know what to do? Give it a wave, and tell me what you think."
Originally Posted by Zoe
The wand shop piqued her interest the instant she walked in. Rather than immediately jumping in line like her brother, Aryan, and Bryony had, Gilly made a slight detour to peruse the shelves more closely. The names that accompanied the display wands were familiar enough to her, and the wand-weigher machine was a contraption she found fascinating. Though it was the wandlore books that caught her attention, which wouldn't surprise anyone who knew her. Maybe one of them would explain in more detail how that machine functioned...
Whether or not one did, she wouldn't know because it was now her turn to be measured. While she had busied herself with browsing, the occasional glance at her sibling and friends during their measurements was enough to give her an idea of what to expect. Despite knowing what the magical tape would do, she was not fully prepared for how invasive the entire process could be. Was measuring her nose really necessary?
But the entire ordeal was over in a flash as the measuring tape finished measuring the circumference of her head and the length of each arm and finger before it whizzed off to whoever would be assisting them all. She contemplated going back to the shelves while they all waited, but positioned herself beside her twin. "What core do you think you think you'll get?" she asked him, mainly to keep him from overthinking about all the things.
And now... aha. This young lady. Zeke scanned over the list of measurements his parchment presented itself with, glanced over, nodded to himself, and then bustled away to collect a couple of the most promising wands. Maybe it would take a little trial and error or fine-tuning, but he had a good enough idea of where to start with this one.
"Hello there," he said cheerfully, emerging from a small alcove of shelves behind the counter, and bearing gifts. Wands. Wares. Not gifts. They would, of course, require payment. "Let's see if we can't find your wand today, hm? Perhaps this one first?"
As he spoke, Zeke nudged the top off of one of the wand boxes and presented its contents to the girl. "A wave should do it, and we'll go from there."
SPOILER!!: Kimothy
Originally Posted by Kimothy
Wand day wand day wand day wand day!
It was Ascella Paige Archer's wand day! And also Brianna Rose Woods' wand day! Ascella had been dreaming of this day for weeks, ever since the last day of muggle school ended for her, marking her last summer before she became an official student of Hogwarts. And oh, how lucky she was to be able to share this special day with her dearest cousin. "When we're done here, we should get ice cream, Rosie," the eldest Archer kid told her cousin, offering her a big grin.
After pushing the door to the wand shop open, Ascella wasted no time in getting in line. She knew many other first years like her would be coming in to have their wands fitted, so she didn't want to take long in here because ice cream awaits! She hummed and tapped her fingers against her side to the tune of the last cello piece she was practicing on, while she waited for her turn to be accommodated.
Oh, and that magical measuring tape sure was a silly thing! Ascella smiled a little as she watched the tape fly around, taking her measurements even of the most...interesting places. Why the tape was measuring the circumference of her head, she had no idea at the moment. Maybe she'll ask the wand maker why it was necessary, when it was her turn.
Having just finished ringing up one more customer, Zeke allowed himself only the briefest of breaks. Only moments ago he had flicked his wand over his shoulder in the direction of the back room, and not the results of his efforts had appeared; a fresh cup of coffee, which levitated itself out to him and which he now plucked from midair and took a cautious sip.
Burning. Scalding hot. Almost undrinkable. Perfection.
Zeke took another grateful sip, then stored the coffee on a shelf below the counter and moved along to his next customer, consulting the measurements and briefly detouring to pick up potential wand options on his way.
"Hello there!" he greeted this girl, with his usual enthusiasm. "Ready to get started?" Of course she was. They all... well. Most of them were. Zeke popped the lid off the first box and held it out, so she could take the wand. "Give this a wave, and we'll see what's what."
SPOILER!!: laurange
Originally Posted by laurange
It was time to get her fancy magic stick wand, and Brianna Rose Woods was excited! Beyond excited, even. Today was her first real foray into the magical world, and she'd been wiggling with excitement ever since she got the letter (Delivered by an OWL? Absolutely wicked). And she got to go on the same day as Ascella too!
Now, Rosie did not really know that the reason they had chosen to do this together because her mother was highkey overwhelmed by all the magic stuff, and that it was a lot easier to manage under the watchful eyes of Uncle Brian and Reuben, but what Rosie doesn't know won't hurt her. What might actually hurt her was this measuring tape, though, with its poking and prodding in all the randomest places -- WHY WAS IT MEASURING THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF HER ELBOW? THAT TICKLED!
Giggling as she swatted halfheartedly at the measuring tape, she looked over at her cousin. "Mama said we're meant to meet her at the ice cream place, so I think they're definitely going to buy us ice cream!" Wasn't that wonderful? She'd also been given magic money to pay for her wand, which was also so cool, although it didn't make a lot of sense.
"Is wizarding money also magic, or do you think it's just that they don't know how to use a credit card?" she asked, halfway into yet another daydream. "It really doesn't make any sense why you would want to jiggle jiggle 24/7. It's so impractical."
Who next? Who next? Aha. Zeke clocked the next customer just as his enchanted parchment ever so helpfully flew directly into his face and hugged it. Health and safety hazard, that's what that was.
He peeled it away with an exasperated sort of air, and consulted the data. Mhm, right... yes, let's see then...
Having drifted away for a minute, perhaps two, to search through his shelves, Zeke appeared again, ready for the business of wand fitting. "Hello, hello," he said, smiling genially as he opened up one of the boxes. "Let's find you a wand then, shall we? Just give this a wave, and we'll see how well you get on with each other." The 'you' here being customer and wand, of course.
SPOILER!!: Lissy Longbottom
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
Samuel Ian Schultz was finally getting his WAND!
He had been counting down to this day obsessively since last Christmas. He'd marked it on his calendar and everything. That plan had only backfired a LITTLE bit, because when he told his mum, she slyly told him that he was locked in to that date now, and she wouldn't take him a day earlier. He probably deserved that, because he KNEW he was driving his whole family crazy with his soon-to-be-Hogwarts-student enthusiasm. BUT HE COULDN'T HELP HIMSELF OK?! He was SO EXCITED! He'd been dreaming of this day since he'd learned what Hogwarts was, and it had just gotten worse every year as soon as Moritz and Joseph started school. He had been so JEALOUS of them!
He was ALREADY insanely jealous of his older brothers and their amazing hair. It had been straight up TORTURE waiting for his turn to go to school.
Charging into the shop with the energy of a child who had just had unattended access to energy drinks, he skidded to a halt when he realized there was a line. UUUUUUuuuUGGHHHHHhh of course there was. He should have known. He watched each student in front of him as they went ahead, taking note of the way they stood to let the measuring tape work its magic. Bouncing on his heels, he waited until it was his turn and eagerly held out his arms, mimicking what he'd seen the other kids do.
Ok tape, do your thing!!
Zeke had been keeping his eye on this little whizz-bang since the moment the door had flown open earlier. That wasn't a bad thing, per se; he was just as pleased to see this level of exuberance as hopeful that the child was not of the kind of energetic that rifled through his organised wand boxes or climbed the shelves (neither of which he'd seen in his shop before... yet... touch wood). But all was well, and by the time it came to meet with this boy for his wand fitting, Zeke was mostly just aware that he had a very enthusiastic eleven year old on his hands. Bouncy, too.
"Hello there!" he greeted the boy when his turn came at last. Zeke had with him a few wand options that he had already taken the liberty of picking out. "Excited to find your new wand? Let's see what we can do for you." Opening up the first box, he presented the wand inside. "You know what to do? Just give it a wave, and we'll know soon enough if it's the right one for you." Zeke smiled at him.
And then... he braced himself.
SPOILER!!: Lottiepot
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
Coming to Diagon Alley during the summer holidays when his eldest brother was home from his first (and only) term at Durmstrang sounded like a terrible idea to young Elias Greenwood. School holidays meant it was crowded with other children who liked to talk and interact and he was just not here to make friends. Elias, coming from a long line of Durmstrangians was being forced to attend Hogwarts just because Ezra was a complete and utter wimp and didn’t enjoy the strict and regimented teaching style that the school implemented.
With that being said, there was a hint of excitement in the eleven year olds face as he headed into Ollivanders ensuring that his mother and siblings wait outside for him. He was a strong independent boy and there was no need for accompaniment. Besides what exactly was he going to get up to in such a small shop? Unfortunately, as was to be expected, there was a queue already forming and being the impatient and self-absorbed boy that he was he huffed as he stood at the back of it glaring at the slightly familiar mop of red headed curls in front of him getting measured by a ridiculously animated tape.
Soon it was his turn and unlike the other children bouncing on their toes and giggling with excitement, Eli did whatever needed doing to make the process as smooth as possible.
Next up... this cool customer.
This boy did not have the energy of many children who passed through here, but the haughty expression and general bearing was not unfamiliar to him either. Not only from the shop, but in his housemates back at Hogwarts, all those eons ago.
"Hello there, young man," Zeke greeted the boy, smiling just as warmly as he did with every other young customer he saw pass through here. "I have some wands for you to try." Naturally.
He set down the small stack he had collected, according to the measurements, side by side on the counter, and picked up a box from the middle. "Just go ahead and give it a wave, and we'll see how it reacts to you. Tell me if it feels right." With that, he opened up the box and offered the wand nestled inside of it.
SPOILER!!: AlwaysSnapesGirl
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Though equally as excited as her twin brother, Florence was a little better at hiding it. She was trying to be MATURE, okay? She was eleven years old and was finally receiving her first wand. This was a momentous occasion. Why the shop didn't roll out the red carpet for important days like this, she didn't know.
Reaching the shop a little bit after Sammy - neither early nor late, but precisely when she meant to - she opened the door to see the queue. Not unexpected, but also not ideal. She wanted her wand NOW.
And there was a boy already between her and her brother.
Flo briefly considered pushing past him to get to her spot with her twin, but she instead pushed that thought away. So mature, she was, yes? Besides, the tape measure was already working with him and, in relatively quick fashion, it flew over to her as well once it was done. And so she complied with its measuring tasks.
One step closer to getting her wand!
Alas, the Ollivanders red carpet was currently out of commission - sent away for cleaning, perhaps - which was a real blow given the number of important days it was missing. Nevertheless, Zeke was determined to make these occasions really live up to expectations. It was, after all, one of the most special days of a young witch or wizard's life, here in this country. The first wand.
And so he was beaming as he approached his next customer, the enchanted parchment having flown away to record more measurements after delivering its information, laden with a small stack of wand boxes. He set them almost reverently on the counter, and addressed the girl.
"Hello there. Ready for the big event?" Yes? Yes? Good. But rather than just opening the one box, Zeke de-lidded three at once, and held them all out. "Let's try it this way; pick one your feel drawn to and give it a wave, and we'll see what's what." It was nice doing it this way from time to time; occasionally, there would be that instant pull between wand and owner, but mostly he just thought it beneficial to have the child feel a little more in control of the process.
Of course. Sometimes it backfired, and the pressure of choosing got to be too much, or else his (not inconsiderable) wandmaking talents were called into question, so... Zeke used that approach sparingly.
SPOILER!!: DuckyLinJi
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
Back at home, Sohrin was overjoyed that his mother was taking him to Diagon Alley to purchase his first wand, but now that he was inside the shop, he felt nervous. He looked at his mother, who smiled encouragingly and motioned him to the measuring tape line while she walked over to stand in the back.
The eleven-year-old took a look around the store. He had been inside here before, purely out of curiosity to see what it looked like, and he had always wondered for how many years some wands had been kept in the storage because they had never found their owner. What did they do with those wands?
“Sohrin, fix your shoelaces or you’ll trip” He looked at his mother before stooping down to fix them. He was aware that he was prone to accidents, so he was relieved that his mother had noticed. As he stood up, he smiled brightly and gave her a thumbs-up that everything was secure before stepping up to the measuring tape.
He'd looked around at the other students taking their measurements, surprised but excited to see Sammy there, who got a rather enthusiastic wave before holding up his arms while the tape did its thing.
Ah, now here was a face Zeke had seen before. He had a memory for names and faces (surprisingly useful in his line of work), though sometimes it took a little longer to place the exact context in which he'd seen them. This boy, though, he was sure he'd noticed milling around the shop from time to time in the past. It wasn't common, but it wasn't that unusual either. More often he recognised the kids from their having spent years (not all at once, mind you) pressing their noses against his otherwise very clean windows in order to peer inside.
"Hello there, young man," Zeke greeted the boy with a smile. "Today's the day, then, hmm? Let's give you some wands to try out then, why don't we?"
Because he'd consulted the measurements between sips of coffee which was, again, safely tucked away under the counter, and sought out the best one or two candidates, plus a wild card. It was from this selection that he chose one wand box and lifted the cover, turning to present the wand inside to the boy. "Give it a wave, and tell me what you think, sound good?"
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Being in Diagon Alley wasn’t entirely exciting for one Arienne Morgenstern. She’d been there lots when she was littler, when Grandma Elizabeth had run the bookshop and she’d begged away from going to the Ministry daycare. But…getting all her things for Hogwarts was very exciting, and Ari had been bouncing on her toes a bit while she’d been waiting in line for her wand. Bouncing on her toes and occasionally checking to see if Mum and Grandma Elizabeth were still waiting outside the windows. That Grandma Elizabeth hadn’t stolen away to check on the bookshop now that she wasn’t running it anymore. It was basically a girls’ day, except for it to really be a girls’ day they’d need Grandma Theia, Aunt Arabella and the others, and Aunt Bella and Chris. It was a mum-grandma-Ari girls’ day. That was good enough.
That and she could tell Aramis and Ainsley what to expect once they could get their wands too! All the thoughts were zooming through her dark blonde head, as she’d also waved at a few others in the shop she knew. All the people! And now it was her turn.
She tried to stand still as the tape whooshed around her, measuring all sorts of things, but it was especially hard when it got to her nose. “That tickles!”, she said with a giggle, fighting back a sneeze. Instead, she crept a hand over to her pocket to make sure the little bag of coins she’d been given for the wand adventure was still there. Not that she thought the measuring tape would’ve taken it. Just to distract herself from the tickling.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
The twins were accompanied by their father and Victoria, who wanted to be present for the wand fitting just to see how her little siblings faired with the whole ordeal. Roman was nervous but would refuse to tell anyone but his sister that he was. Only she knew all of his secrets. Despite how loud Regina could be, and how cruel she could seem, she knew when to keep something Roman told her to herself.
Today, she was being especially sweet to him. Roman's arms were hooked with hers, and she had insisted they wore coordinated outfits. She was wearing a grey pleated skirt with an olive green top, a matching bow in her hair. She looked their age, and quite fashionably so, but Roman had made sure his outfit looked nice, too. He liked his style, and he always had. He had a white shirt, a grey sweater over it, and olive pants. Coordinated without being those CREEPY twins, as Regina had put it. It helped his confidence, at least.
Regina had started the measuring process without much thought, but he felt a little more timid. Eventually he stretched out his arms and sighed, letting the tape do its thing.
This was kind of awkward. His cheeks were bright red.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by Felixir
Zeke had been keeping his eye on this little whizz-bang since the moment the door had flown open earlier. That wasn't a bad thing, per se; he was just as pleased to see this level of exuberance as hopeful that the child was not of the kind of energetic that rifled through his organised wand boxes or climbed the shelves (neither of which he'd seen in his shop before... yet... touch wood). But all was well, and by the time it came to meet with this boy for his wand fitting, Zeke was mostly just aware that he had a very enthusiastic eleven year old on his hands. Bouncy, too.
"Hello there!" he greeted the boy when his turn came at last. Zeke had with him a few wand options that he had already taken the liberty of picking out. "Excited to find your new wand? Let's see what we can do for you." Opening up the first box, he presented the wand inside. "You know what to do? Just give it a wave, and we'll know soon enough if it's the right one for you." Zeke smiled at him.
And then... he braced himself.
As Sammy waited patiently for the measuring tape to finish up, he looked around and spotted some familiar faces in the crowd behind him. First, that snooty boy he'd met earlier in the year - he gave him a smile regardless, before waving at his sister. HAHA! He got here first! He also spotted Sohrin behind her, so he waved at him too. Gosh, he already had so many friends. Things were going so swimmingly already and he hadn't even gotten to school!
"Hi!" he greeted the shopkeeper with a grin. He appreciated that the man wasted no time getting straight to the point, handing him a box to get started. EEEP! This was it! Sammy had heard from all his siblings to not get too disappointed if this wasn't the right fit on the first go. He was pretty sure Moe had taken at least a dozen wands to get his right. He hoped he wouldn't have to go through THAT many, but here goes nothing!
He gave the wand a wave, waiting to see if sparks came out of the end of it or something, or possibly even FIRE - that would be kind of cool, no lie - but...nothing. He waved it again. Uhhh. Nothing was ALSO not a good sign right?
Suddenly, one of the boxes on the shelf next to him SHOT out of the shelf at lightning speed, hitting him in the arm. He blinked and dropped the wand in panic. YEEEESH. Delayed reaction much?!
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
If an eye roll could be audible, the one that Elias just gave the back of Sammy’s head would be absolutely screaming right now. Of course he would be incompetent already, he had just seemed the type the second he had met him. If being hit by the wand box wasn’t evidence of that then he didn’t know what else could be.
You see Eli had a habit of judging everyone before he met them and no one was safe from his opinions. His brother had always told him that he needed to act his age once in a while and realise he was still just a child but interactions with those of his own age just made him cringe. They were so immature.
Before he could make any further passing comments Elias was called up to the counter and greeted by the wandmaker who received a straight-faced expression back. “Good.” he merely answered. Was that not what he was supposed to be doing? He’d appreciate less chit chat so they could get on with it. The sooner he was able to leave the better.
With about as much enthusiasm as he could muster considering that he WAS secretly quite excited to have a wand of his own, the eleven year old picked up the first wand and gave it a quick wave. There was very little response, barely even a glimmer resulting in the most unimpressed expression on Elias’ face. “Next.” He thought this man was supposed to be one of the best in his field.
Last edited by Lottiepot; 08-14-2023 at 08:06 AM.
Reason: SS broke whilst posting this >_<
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Friends & Zeke! <3
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
It was weird, but walking into Ollivander's to get his very FIRST wand had the boy feeling a lot of BIG feelings. Excitement was the most predominant, because it was really, really getting real now. He and Gilly would soon be off to Hogwarts with their friends and they'd get all sorted into their houses, and he'd get to explore the greenhouses and the creatures with Aryan and see the kitchens and and... all the things he was really looking forward to doing. But Drake was also feeling a whole heap of anxiety. What if he got separated from everyone when they got sorted? What if they couldn't FIND him a wand? ... What if Mum was really sad that he and Gilly were both gone? It was a LOT and it probably showed for anyone looking as he picked at his pants with his fingernails, shifting from one side to the other but also trying to offer smiles to his companions and keep an eye on the door for his sister too.
It felt like an eternity, but also not really, until it was his turn to interact with the measuring tape. There was the smallest shake to his hands as he held out his arms for the thing, but as it darted underneath his armpit he couldn't help a small giggle as it tickled. He blushed a bit and glanced at the other two again, giving Aryan a small smile when he caught his eyes.
Originally Posted by Kolyander
The day had arrived! Everyone knew how long she had waited for this day to get here, right? It had only been mentioned a million times since she had turned eleven waaaaaay back on the first of January. Yep, she had waited all these months to get her wand. The time had gone by, oh so very very slowly but in the end she had managed the wait. It was so worth it too. There had been no way she would have ever gotten her wand without Ary getting his as well.
For right now, the tiny blonde was waiting and watching her boyiefwiend 'best friend' get tended to by a magical measuring tape. Then it was Drake's turn and he did rather well also. It was a bit bizarre why all of these odd measurements would be needed but she had heard about it before from her parents and siblings so she already knew what to expect. Annnnd now she was seeing it first hand.
When it was her turn, Bry stepped forward letting the measuring tape do its thing. Which was much more difficult than it sounded. Standing completely still, was NOT easy. Let her repeat that for those in the back that didn't hear this. Standing still wasn't one of her strong suits. So there most certainly may have been a fidget of movement here or there and the slightest bounce on her toes or quick look over her shoulder at her family that was waiting outside the shop, before suddenly remembering that she was meant to be still as a statue. Now why was it that how big her ears were mattered? Or the length of her long blonde hair?
Then, just like that, it was finished. Her turn was over and the measuring tape was moving on to someone else she thought or possibly Gilly Drake's sister. It made sense since they were together. Now that she could move freely, Bryony bounced forward to be right near Aryan. Normally she would've grabbed his hand but being as to how he was working on one of his paperclip creations, the overly excited child hooked her arm around his and gave him the most brightest of smiles. "Aren't you excited? We've waited FOREVER for this day! Do you think our wands will be similar at all?" Bry was trying really hard not to shake the poor boy. Rather she settled for a bit of bouncing mixed with tiny hops from foot to foot and more bouncing on her toes. "Whatcha working on today?" She leaned her head on his arm so she could have a better look at what he was doing and not block his view.
Maybe if she focused really hard on watching their friends getting measured and Ary working on that paperclip, the time would move really quickly and it would be their turn to get their wands!
Originally Posted by Zoe
The wand shop piqued her interest the instant she walked in. Rather than immediately jumping in line like her brother, Aryan, and Bryony had, Gilly made a slight detour to peruse the shelves more closely. The names that accompanied the display wands were familiar enough to her, and the wand-weigher machine was a contraption she found fascinating. Though it was the wandlore books that caught her attention, which wouldn't surprise anyone who knew her. Maybe one of them would explain in more detail how that machine functioned...
Whether or not one did, she wouldn't know because it was now her turn to be measured. While she had busied herself with browsing, the occasional glance at her sibling and friends during their measurements was enough to give her an idea of what to expect. Despite knowing what the magical tape would do, she was not fully prepared for how invasive the entire process could be. Was measuring her nose really necessary?
But the entire ordeal was over in a flash as the measuring tape finished measuring the circumference of her head and the length of each arm and finger before it whizzed off to whoever would be assisting them all. She contemplated going back to the shelves while they all waited, but positioned herself beside her twin. "What core do you think you think you'll get?" she asked him, mainly to keep him from overthinking about all the things.
Originally Posted by Felixir
Right then. Right right right. Most wonderful time of the year, here we go.
It was already shaping up to be a busy summer - funny how that worked out sometimes, wasn't it? - but Zeke was very much in his element. He was out back straightening up his shelves when the measurement-laden scroll of parchment flew out to meet him, which was rather convenient. Within a couple of minutes, the wandmaker had emerged with a small stack of wands.
He took a moment to orient himself as to the who and the where (aided by his enchanted tape measure, who paused in its measuring up of another customer to point towards the first with its tail end), and then smiled at the boy, who was fiddling with something in his fingers.
"Hello there," Zeke greeted him, setting down the wand boxes and taking the first box from the top. "Let's try out some wands, shall we? Why don't you take this and give it a wave, and we'll see what you make of each other?" He opened up the box, and offered its contents to his young customer.
Though his hands may be working on the paperclip, he wasn’t fully distracted by them. His gaze first fixated on Drake, whom the measuring tape had taken to right after himself. Ary didn’t know how but it was easy for him to pick up on his friend’s anxiety; probably because he was used to reading Bry’s moods. Though anxiety was usually one of hers, Ary knew exactly what it was like to be nervous and how bothersome it could be. But again… what was the point of that tape taking certain measurements? Catching Drake’s eyes, Ary smiled back in what he hoped was a reassuring way. It would all be fine, Flora.
Contrary to Drake’s demeanour, was Bry’s. This was no surprise to Ary, who knew her more than he did anyone else. He wasn’t sure how things would work out with the tape, given that she could literally not stay still. At all. Did he have to go back over there and hold her still? Ary seriously considered doing that. Luckily all the measuring was over before he fully made up his mind. He looked back down at the paperclip as Bry joined him. “We’re different,’’ he told her simply and realistically. “Don’t thinks they’ll be very similar.” It was true: he and Bry were polar opposites, yet they were best friends. “Something for you.” The creations for her were always made with pink paperclips. You’ll see what it was in due time, Bry. His eyes flicked to Gilly {and at this point, he marvelled that he’d actually managed to secure yet another friend} to watch her little adventure with the tape. The thing made no exception in taking unnecessary measurements with her either. Observing her, Ary determined that Gilly was not at all nervous; like him she was calm. She and he were the only two calm ones.
At the same point that Ary finished his creation, the shopkeeper stepped into view. Oh, this little boy was up first? He handed the now finished paperclip dragon off to Bry. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a Hungarian Horntail. With his hands free, he reached over to Drake to give his shoulder a pat. Just a little reassurance and maybe the contact would help Drake borrow some of Ary’s calmness. Gilly got a smile then Ary had his fixed fully on the shopkeeper.
“Hi.” As usual, to make up for his lack of speaking much, the eleven year old gave the man a small smile. Ary carefully lifted the wand in his left hand. The first thing he observed was that it felt like lead. Wands were not supposed to feel so heavy, were they? Instinctively, he knew this wasn’t the wand for him, yet it was given a timid wave.
With a sound as loud as a cannon, the air was suddenly filled with thick, black, foul smelling smoke. Ary began coughing and fanning the air before him with his free hand. He had been right; this wand was not for him. It was blindly {since he couldn’t see an inch in any direction} pushed back towards the shopkeeper.