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Lockhartian 10-13-2009 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd (Post 8714587)
"People get greedy... Shiny stuff is rather appealing," Tristan gave a small snort. He just had to glance at her hair. Now that, was shiny. "Though I'd find it much more appealing if it was food!" he grinned, suddenly thinking that he shouldn't miss lunch.

He raised his eyebrows as he spoke, "Actually, as much as flying annoys me, I'm glad to be doing layout...for anything really." Tristan chuckled, giving the design book a little shake Sienna's way. It didn't mean though that he was going to draw lots of brooms and quaffles on the page :evil:

Tristan thought about it, could there be similarities with Sienna? "Maybe it's the same with your photography? You probably don't like having to photograph a silly Quidditch player, but still get the satisfaction of trying to find another way of making him look good..." OR maybe he was wrong.

It as interesting to be able to hear what she thought about it, but as Tristan was watching Sienna intently to catch her reply, there was a series of knocks on the door.
He didn't look around, thinking it was rather rude when people abruptly turned their gaze to watch the 'new' person... like a snoop. But he shut the book and gathered his pencil and notebook, smiling in understanding at the woman's words.

"Well," Tristan gave Sienna a grateful smile, "I should maybe get to work anyways... Thankyou very much for...your help." he inclined his head, purposely not mentioning the book, no one really needed to know their business, and stood up.

Greedy. Shiny stuff. Oh, yes, he was oh-so-right about that. That's why diamonds are a win-win situation in her world. And water, too, was shiny if the sun or any light hit it. So, yes, shiny things were good up to an extent, that is. Nothing in excess can be good. Same goes for Quidditch, too much is not at all good, not at all.

Sienna was nodding, until he mentioned food, at which point she chuckled, "Right" she said, with a smile. She couldn't agree on the food part, but the shiny things, yes.

She'd never done Layout, so, having him compare it to Photography somehow made it all much clearer. "Yes, I see your point...actually.." but she was cut off by knocking, and her sky blue eyes made their own way towards the door...

Well, she lost track of what she was about to say, and...actually, they weren't even discussing "work" per se, so....

"Oh, yes,'re more than welcome" she said, and this meant he was free to head back to work, or to start working, or lunch, or whatever it is he was up to after this.


Originally Posted by LeapFrog (Post 8713293)
Daphne wanted to get a chance to speak with Sienna, but she had left the meeting very quickly, hardly enough time for the new editor to become acquainted with the DP offices. She saw the door was open, but saw her superior was speaking with someone.

She stood outside the doorway and gazed into the office. She wasn't sure if she should rap on the ajar door. After a moment's thought, she recalled that she too was in a position of authority, even if the newly graduated Hogwarts student didn't feel that way. She shook her head and stepped into the doorway, politely rapping on the door. "Excuse me," she said in what she believed what a professional, yet courteous, voice. "I was hoping I could speak with you a moment about getting settled in."

And then her eyes were on the new Section Editor. Sports. You're kidding, right? She was just talking about Quidditch with Tristan and here comes the Sports editor. How...convenient.

"Yes, Daphne, please come in, and take a seat" Sienna nodded and gestured towards the chair, not the one Tristan's been sitting on, but the other one...though, the girl could choose whichever chair she wanted, they were both equally comfortable.

"How can I help you?" she asked, her hands placed together on the table. So, Sienna never truly liked Sergio...truth be told, his fashion sense needed some work done, and the Daily Prophet could have used some of his work, too...but, oh, she was sure going to miss him.

LeapFrog 10-16-2009 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Lockhartian (Post 8719140)
And then her eyes were on the new Section Editor. Sports. You're kidding, right? She was just talking about Quidditch with Tristan and here comes the Sports editor. How...convenient.

"Yes, Daphne, please come in, and take a seat" Sienna nodded and gestured towards the chair, not the one Tristan's been sitting on, but the other one...though, the girl could choose whichever chair she wanted, they were both equally comfortable.

"How can I help you?" she asked, her hands placed together on the table. So, Sienna never truly liked Sergio...truth be told, his fashion sense needed some work done, and the Daily Prophet could have used some of his work, too...but, oh, she was sure going to miss him.

Daphne made her way into the editor's office. She evaluated the space; she felt as if it were taken from a design magazine. The neat and stylish arrangement greatly pleased Daphne, who felt she was in the company of a like-minded individual.

"You have a lovely office," Daphne complimented her superior. She sat down and nervously drummed her fingers on Sienna's desk. "You know, I haven't really gotten a proper tour of the office, I don't even know where I'm supposed to sit!" she stated professionally. The young girl tried her best to sound like a proper business woman, but it sometimes came off like a child trying to sound like an adult.

She daintily crossed her legs and sat upright. As a former Hogwarts Quidditch player, she was very interested in the Quidditch World Cup proceedings. She thought about purchasing tickets for herself and her family, but why pay for something she could get for free... with a press pass. "As Editor of the Sports Section, will me and my writing staff be attending the upcoming World Cup?" she asked innocently, as if this were merely a procedural inquiry rather than a desire. "Because I wouldn't mind attending, if you need a correspondent on location."

Lockhartian 10-19-2009 02:16 AM

It took her a while to take a seat, perhaps the girl was deciding which chair suited her best. Sienna kept looking at her, because..well, what else was she going to do until she took a seat?

Finally deciding on one, even if both were exactly the same, Daphne spoke. And Sienna smiled, "Thank you, I don't take full credit though, since a couple of experts guided me" true, the only credit she could take were from some photographs on the wall, and a couple things she thought necessary, and the comfy chairs...

Oh. Really? She entered just to discuss where she was going to sit? Like the other woman?! Were there supposed to be names on desks or something? Sienna was certain that no one got to Mona's office asking for their desk, right? "Well, a proper tour...umm, there's really nothing alluring to show..." Enrico should probably work on getting the rest of the office a bit...reorganized, "...and, the desk, just take the one is empty in the desks area" she nodded and gestured outside, surely she knew where the desks were, it wasn't something people missed.

"I don't know if Enrico is working on reorganizing the office or not, but we'll let you know if something changes" so far, get the empty desk and that is all.

The next thing she mentioned made Sienna happy. Because she didn't just come in to discuss seating places, but she came to ask something of importance too. Now, that was nice...if it wasn't Quidditch related. Sienna nodded once more, making her hair shine again, "Absolutely" she said, matter-of-factly, "All our reporters have to attend, especially the Editors, and the Sports Editor is bound to practically live there as long as the World Cup lasts" except maybe Sienna will be taking a trip somewhere else, because she wasn't as thrilled as the rest of the Staff was, suddenly she was envious of Tristan, being only Layout and all...

"It's good to know you won't mind attending, Daphne, because you will be going" oh, great, a girl who liked Quidditch, just perfect. Not.

LeapFrog 10-20-2009 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Lockhartian (Post 8737683)
It took her a while to take a seat, perhaps the girl was deciding which chair suited her best. Sienna kept looking at her, because..well, what else was she going to do until she took a seat?

Finally deciding on one, even if both were exactly the same, Daphne spoke. And Sienna smiled, "Thank you, I don't take full credit though, since a couple of experts guided me" true, the only credit she could take were from some photographs on the wall, and a couple things she thought necessary, and the comfy chairs...

Oh. Really? She entered just to discuss where she was going to sit? Like the other woman?! Were there supposed to be names on desks or something? Sienna was certain that no one got to Mona's office asking for their desk, right? "Well, a proper tour...umm, there's really nothing alluring to show..." Enrico should probably work on getting the rest of the office a bit...reorganized, "...and, the desk, just take the one is empty in the desks area" she nodded and gestured outside, surely she knew where the desks were, it wasn't something people missed.

"I don't know if Enrico is working on reorganizing the office or not, but we'll let you know if something changes" so far, get the empty desk and that is all.

The next thing she mentioned made Sienna happy. Because she didn't just come in to discuss seating places, but she came to ask something of importance too. Now, that was nice...if it wasn't Quidditch related. Sienna nodded once more, making her hair shine again, "Absolutely" she said, matter-of-factly, "All our reporters have to attend, especially the Editors, and the Sports Editor is bound to practically live there as long as the World Cup lasts" except maybe Sienna will be taking a trip somewhere else, because she wasn't as thrilled as the rest of the Staff was, suddenly she was envious of Tristan, being only Layout and all...

"It's good to know you won't mind attending, Daphne, because you will be going" oh, great, a girl who liked Quidditch, just perfect. Not.

Daphne sat, pleasantly examining the surroundings. She had hoped for a more formal introduction to the office, but she imagined she could find her way around. "So there aren't desks assigned to the sections?" she asked, worried she'd manage to find the wrong desk. She could tell Sienna was slightly annoyed with her, though she was hiding it well. Perhaps it was her youth, perhaps she posed a threat, being stylish, attractive, and well informed.

Nevertheless, Daphne wanted to be as cheerful and polite as possible, she was facing her boss, after all. There was one important issue. "I hate to be a bother," she said in a tone that was frightening similar to her mother's, "But do you have a list of the writers in my section? I'd like to introduce myself, or at the very least send an owl."

With the formalities out of the way, Daphne had a moment to absorb the news that she would attend the Quidditch World Cup. "Oh, that is just wonderful!" she said in a higher than normal voice. "You know, I was the Ravenclaw Seeker at Hogwarts. I almost went to play professionally, but I couldn't handle all that violence." Her heart was pounding with excitment as her brain started planning what she would pack and what she would wear. Perhaps she would meet a handsome, young, foreign Quidditch star.

Lockhartian 10-22-2009 03:30 AM

It was nice that the girl commented on the office, really nice. But the desks, really? "Oh, no, all the desks belong to the journalist and the layout people, no distinction's a shared space..." but, but, but...wait, "'s been that way since I can remember, however, I don't know if Enrico has a different disposition for them..." she started and her eyes went over to the Editor's office door, "...still, a memo hasn't been received, so it works the same as always" he did forget to let her and Ian about the new staff, and about the new chairs he ordered, which haven't arrive yet by the way.

Her eyes returned to Daphne as soon as she started to speak again. A bother? "Oh, no, you're not bothering at all, and that's a very professional thing to do" Sienna never considered introducing her promotion since the ones that were working at the time already knew her, and there was no point in doing so now, right? The woman started to look for a piece of paper in her neatly organized desk, so it didn't take long. "You can have this copy...the ones that are under your supervision are this ones" she said, pointing at the names in the paper, "Jordan Paige" were was that girl? "Cole Finnegan Parker" he was in the meeting, yes? Probably. "And Lyric Brantt" even the name sounded totally unfamiliar to her mind, she still has to pay a visit to the Editor.

Soon after saying the three names, Sienna gave Daphne the piece of paper. It was only a copy, so no biggie.

Why wasn't Sienna surprised that the girl was excited about the Quidditch news? "Really? It sounds like you had a good time playing, though" she said, with a smile, not a fake one, a real one because the happiness was usually contagious, "I was born and raised in America, so...Quidditch was really not part of my life" and it still isn't. Period.

LeapFrog 10-25-2009 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Lockhartian (Post 8746558)
It was nice that the girl commented on the office, really nice. But the desks, really? "Oh, no, all the desks belong to the journalist and the layout people, no distinction's a shared space..." but, but, but...wait, "'s been that way since I can remember, however, I don't know if Enrico has a different disposition for them..." she started and her eyes went over to the Editor's office door, "...still, a memo hasn't been received, so it works the same as always" he did forget to let her and Ian about the new staff, and about the new chairs he ordered, which haven't arrive yet by the way.

Her eyes returned to Daphne as soon as she started to speak again. A bother? "Oh, no, you're not bothering at all, and that's a very professional thing to do" Sienna never considered introducing her promotion since the ones that were working at the time already knew her, and there was no point in doing so now, right? The woman started to look for a piece of paper in her neatly organized desk, so it didn't take long. "You can have this copy...the ones that are under your supervision are this ones" she said, pointing at the names in the paper, "Jordan Paige" were was that girl? "Cole Finnegan Parker" he was in the meeting, yes? Probably. "And Lyric Brantt" even the name sounded totally unfamiliar to her mind, she still has to pay a visit to the Editor.

Soon after saying the three names, Sienna gave Daphne the piece of paper. It was only a copy, so no biggie.

Why wasn't Sienna surprised that the girl was excited about the Quidditch news? "Really? It sounds like you had a good time playing, though" she said, with a smile, not a fake one, a real one because the happiness was usually contagious, "I was born and raised in America, so...Quidditch was really not part of my life" and it still isn't. Period.

Daphne took the piece of paper with the writers in her section. "Thanks, I hate to admit this, but I failed to catch some of their names," she blushed, feeling this somehow reflected her overall job performance. "Seems that long nightmare is over!" she chuckled, rising from her seat and heading towards the doorway.

She was somewhat surprised to hear Sienna wasn't a Quidditch fan. After all, it was such a large aspect of everyday life in the wizarding world. "Oh, I didn't know Americans didn't like Quidditch!" she said with some mock horror. "Might have to teach you to appreciate the sport," she smiled, seeing the re-education of her boss as a challenge.

"I'll see you around," she waved, then ventured out into the office to find a suitable desk and formally meet her coworkers.

Lockhartian 11-12-2009 10:30 PM

She nodded, "That's alright, this is your first day after all" and she didn't really needed to know all the names. Sienna probably didn't, until now.

A chuckle surprised Sienna. It wasn't that Americans in general didn't like Quidditch, it was her that didn't see reason into such a thing called 'sport'. Enrico was also American, and he practically adored Quidditch, or that's the impression he'd given anyway. What? Teach her? Er, right, Daphne will be having a tough time for sure.

"See you" she said, with a nod and a smile, and almost instantly she got up, gather her notepad and a quill...and...and...yes...she left her office to enter into Enrico's Quidditch world.


And...she was back.

As entertaining the time had been in Enrico's office...not really...she was now looking forward to those Promotions they'd talked about while in there.

Promotions. :evil:

TeafortheSoul 11-13-2009 12:52 PM

A slight knock on the door heralded Jane's arrival.

She opened it and peeked inside a little nervously, her butt wiggling around on the outside of the door. Nervous dancing.

"You wanted to see me?" She slipped inside, holding a note that had instructed her to come and talk to Sienna. Jane's eyes were wide in a caffeine induced sort of way. Two cups in ten minutes that morning.

It was a good start.

Antarctica 11-13-2009 04:15 PM

Should he have called out to the woman to wait for him? Pepper decided not to bother, the door closed as he was still several metres away. She had looked very nervous, for some reason. Did she think they were going to be told off by the editor?

Pepper was wholly unconcerned. His articles had brought a steady influx of letters from readers, ranging in their opinions anywhere from annoyed to supportive to enraged to plain weird. Their authors all had to have bought the paper, though, so that would not be a problem. And if the editor thought that the letters just were too much to deal with... Well, didn't people say: If you can't stand the heat, climb out of the pot.
It was something like that.
Further supporting this unconcerned appearance - so much thought had gone into it that a casual onlooker might have wondered if it wasn't just for show - was a binder of old files that Pepper needed for his current article. He'd read somewhere that carrying something like that around made you look energetic and enthusiastic about your work.

Thus outfitted, Pepper knocked on the door. A moment later, he opened it a little to peek inside. Considering this custom (if he was going to open it anyway, why knock?), he said, "Pepper Xiao here. Am I allowed in?"

Lockhartian 11-16-2009 03:28 AM

sorry...a little unexpected trip took me offline..
Waiting didn't take that long, thankfully. was the first one. Or so she hoped, because the knock could be anyone, but then she heard the voice...totally unfamiliar to her ears, so this must be one of the people she's expecting.

"Jane, of course" she nodded and smiled, eyeing the note in her hand. Really, she could've left that in her desk or anywhere else. "Please, come in and take a seat" she gestured her inside, even if Jane was already in her office.

Sienna was about to start giving her the good news (well, it seemed good to her) when...another knock.

Why peek inside when you can simply open the door at once? It was the right thing to do, indeed. Unlike she did in Enrico's office.

"Oh, yes.." Mr. Xiao? Pepper? Xiao?, "Pepper, you are indeed expected" a nod to her golden head, and another gesture for him to step inside.

Once he was in...the door was closed. Magically, of course. She wouldn't get off her chair just to close the door, unless there was no one inside or the situation demanded it. Anyway...

"I'd like to start by saying that you haven't done anything wrong..." because her conversation with Tristan earlier was totally misunderstood, poor guy, "'s quite the opposite, actually" yes, that was true, "You have been chosen by me and the Editor-In-Chief" a bright smile framed her face, she truly hoped they would take this as good news.

"First of all, we just lost two Section Editors in the past couple of days" the reasons were not going to be shared, "Your Section Editors, to be more precise" surely they knew that by now, "And, both Enrico and myself, think that you are the perfect candidate to take over those positions" clear enough? Yes, probably. "Jane, you'll Section Editor...and Pepper, News Section Editor" she said, all matter-of-factly as she nodded. The Managing Editor missed something. "Oh, of course, if you accept the new position" questions and answers will come next, if they had any questions whatsoever.

"So, what do you say?" the pay is better, clearly better.

TeafortheSoul 11-16-2009 03:49 AM

Jane had a heart attack and totally died right there. Except a moment later she realised that she'd just imagined it and even had a bit of a daydream about her funeral and wondered who'd cry and who'd try to get her non-existant money and everything.

She offered a teeny little, nervous smile at Pepper and wondered, not for the first time, if he knew anyone called Salt and if he'd heard of a little song called Push It.

Lifestyle Editor?

Jane was flabbergasted for another good long moment and then she swallowed and straightened her back.

"What extra responsibilities will the position entail? What is wage increase? Are overtime hours required? Is there a contract already drawn up?"

There was no chance she was going to just say yes without finding out more, she was a reporter after all.

Antarctica 11-16-2009 06:45 PM

Pepper sat down, glancing at the other woman. She was nice, sure, but a bit jumpy at times. Of course, he had his own neuroses to nurse. With polite interest, he began listening to what the Managing Editor had to say. Obviously they hadn't done anything wrong. Pepper followed journalistic ethics to the letter, even if he sometimes wrote that letter a little indistinctly to give himself some leeway.

When Miss Knoll had finished, though, Pepper was stunned. He was going to be in charge of the news section of the Daily Prophet?

Was that good? Bad? It was a promotion, so... good. But he wondered if it meant that he was going to turn into some sort of manager who had to keep an eye on his writers to make sure everything ran smoothly. So... bad?
Pepper was pretty sure he would just accept and sort those details out later. It usually worked out favourably, sooner or later. So he said, "Certainly! I'd be honoured to become a section head at this esteemed newspaper." That would mean he was the leader of four or five desks now! He smiled encouragingly at the young Miss Holland next to him. How exciting!

And as far as Pepper was concerned, that was that. He'd told Miss Knoll his decision, she could sort out everything else and just hand him a finished contract that he would take home for his wife to read. Pepper was already preparing to just get up and leave when the woman next to him began rattling off a series of questions. He settled back into his chair and tried to pay attention as best as he could. Some of the answers, especially the details, would certainly affect him as well.

Lockhartian 11-19-2009 04:01 AM

ooc: there isn't really a contract...but it can be sort of RPed xD

Did they...understand?

She shouldn't expect answers soon, but no one speaking was clearly not nice. It was, after all, a big decision. Granted, Sienna had taken this position almost immediately because she really wanted an office, the downside...those extra responsibilities and Enrico leaving stuff unsaid. At least they came up with these promotions together.

Finally! Not an answer, but questions were welcome either way. She half expected Pepper to be the one asking all kinds of questions, but it was Jane the one who made them. And plenty of questions, by the way, one followed after another. Sienna was about to start with the answers when...

"Excellent!" she said, looking at Pepper and nodding two times with a smile on her face, just one more to go, "I do think you'd like to hear the answers to Jane's questions, right?" totally, because he was still sitting in his chair and waiting for her to answer.

"Now, about the wage...I believe is around 20 or 25 percent more than what you get at the moment" which was what she made before she was Managing Editor, and truth be told, a Managing Editor doesn't make a lot more than that....Hmmm...How much does the Editor make? Answers! Right! "Overtime hours are not required at all, I really never stayed in here other than the working hours I had...but if you do stay, that will go into your paycheck" actually, Sienna pretty much stayed outside of the Headquarters for much of the day, and she did a lot of shopping too, but she was not going to mention it.

The most important, "About the extra responsibilities..." and here we go, "...or what the Section Editor needs to take care of, is basically making sure the ones you're in charge of are working and that the Section itself is running'll mostly work with me to make sure deadlines are meet, though you can also mention if anything is wrong or if an article is running late to Enrico" yes, like his office, that was wrong, "But, hopefully, we won't see much of those flying memos around here" hopefully, there were always little things, of course, "And, that's pretty much it...oh, you still have to submit an article, you know...journalists" she said, gesturing towards them.

Sienna also needed to do so, and she was starting to think that there weren't many perks to being Managing Editor.

"I do think that's all..." her head was tilted to one side as if trying to remember something else, "...and I don't think that those responsibilities will change, however, some perks could be on the way" should she explain further? "The staff is relatively new, and we're trying a couple new things" that's as further as she could push it, because nothing else was discussed with Enrico.

"About the contract...I'd like to know first if you're willing to take the position" ah, shifty.

"Any other questions?"

Antarctica 11-24-2009 09:16 PM

Ugh, sorry for the delay. =[
"Yes, of course," Pepper said airily, waving his hands about. "Please continue, Miss Knoll." He listened to her answer the questions Miss Holland had asked, but his attention only reached as far as taking the answers in. In truth, he was not particularly interested in them. At 47, with a wife who also had a well-paid job, and no children, money was not much of a problem, even in London. It was quite a privileged position to be in, Pepper understood that much - life was probably not as easy for a young, up-and-coming journalist like Miss Holland.

He was actually a little surprised at how little extra responsibilities the Section Editor position entailed. Of course he would still submit articles, that was what he was here for! Pepper was a journalist, not a manager. Most of the people working at the Daily Prophet were what his old English textbooks would describe as "characters" with strange little ways - stranger than those the country demanded, that is - but they were clearly competent workers. Pepper didn't think keeping them focused on the work was going to be much of a problem.

"Well," he said decisively when Miss Knoll had finished, hoping that this would move things along so that he could back to his desk and typewriter. "I definitely accept. Thank you very much." He reached across the table and shook the woman's hand vigorously for a moment, proud of himself that he had remembered this traditional ending to successful negotiations. "Now, what are these... perks, you said? What are they about?"

Lockhartian 11-26-2009 03:30 AM

no worries ;)
Oh, and now it was Pepper the one to speak up first.

Sienna had the feeling that he stayed just because Jane asked a couple a lot of questions, and perhaps something that he might hear would be useful, but he'd already accepted.

And...he did it again!

White teeth behind her smile as she nodded and shook Pepper's hand. "Welcome to the Editor's team" or whatever, they'd never had such a thing, she was just making it up, but yes, welcome nonetheless.

It was...quite he'd accepted so easily. Sienna was certainly happy that he had. Her eyes were on Jane now, because she seemed to be pondering on something.

There! She shouldn't have mention it, because Enrico didn't comment on what kind of perks. "The Editor is still trying to figure them out...perhaps an insurance of any sort, or discount in a store...I don't really know, Enrico hasn't fully explained" she said, slightly...very slightly shrugging...

Enrico wasn't even sure of what 'perks' he'll be adding, if he was going to, anyway.

TeafortheSoul 11-26-2009 11:24 AM

>.> Sort of forgot about this. Stupid OWLs

"I tentatively accept, but I reserve the right to change my mind if the contract isn't satisfactory." Jane answered firmly, though she nodded at each answer to her questions. "I see no reason to expect that it won't be."

This could be IT for her. Her big break. It would give her a foot in the door as far as her future went. Jane mentally applauded herself.


Drinks at the Stub on Janey tonight!

Lockhartian 11-27-2009 12:20 AM

*eyes the NEWTs*
And now Jane.

Odd. Sienna would've expected her to ask more questions. However, she didn't. "That's fine, you have the right to decline" she nodded, and smiled knowing that she'd finally have this conversation with them...

...did Enrico have his with Ian?

"Perfect! You'll receive the contracts soon, very soon" sooner than expected, probably. They might even have them in their house already, magic works in mysterious ways.

Her hands were placed together on her desk, and she looked at both Pepper and Jane, "So, any other questions?" surely this wasn't their last time for questions, anyone could come in anytime asking her questions, really. Like Daphne, asking about the Quidditch World if Sienna cared for Quidditch.

TeafortheSoul 12-03-2009 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Lockhartian (Post 8859258)
And now Jane.

Odd. Sienna would've expected her to ask more questions. However, she didn't. "That's fine, you have the right to decline" she nodded, and smiled knowing that she'd finally have this conversation with them...

...did Enrico have his with Ian?

"Perfect! You'll receive the contracts soon, very soon" sooner than expected, probably. They might even have them in their house already, magic works in mysterious ways.

Her hands were placed together on her desk, and she looked at both Pepper and Jane, "So, any other questions?" surely this wasn't their last time for questions, anyone could come in anytime asking her questions, really. Like Daphne, asking about the Quidditch World if Sienna cared for Quidditch.

"No more questions until after I see the contract. Thanks so much Ms. Knoll!" It was definitely a vote of confidence. Jane was beaming. Christmas had come, you know?

For now though, she had work to do.

"May I be excused, Ms. Knoll? Ian and Hunter and I are heading into the Alley for an interview for my next feature." And mission: cobblestone.

Antarctica 12-04-2009 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Lockhartian (Post 8859258)
And now Jane.

Odd. Sienna would've expected her to ask more questions. However, she didn't. "That's fine, you have the right to decline" she nodded, and smiled knowing that she'd finally have this conversation with them...

...did Enrico have his with Ian?

"Perfect! You'll receive the contracts soon, very soon" sooner than expected, probably. They might even have them in their house already, magic works in mysterious ways.

Her hands were placed together on her desk, and she looked at both Pepper and Jane, "So, any other questions?" surely this wasn't their last time for questions, anyone could come in anytime asking her questions, really. Like Daphne, asking about the Quidditch World if Sienna cared for Quidditch.

"No... rush," said Pepper with a brief smile, employing another phrase he'd picked up. "Whenever it's ready." Miss Knoll and the rest of the management would sort the contract out; Pepper's mind had already stood up and wandered off back to the desk where his next article was slowly taking shape.

As for his new editor role... Proofreading and deadlines... He'd figure out how to add that to his regular job at some point in the near future. Maybe when the Prophet was out of tea again and Pepper therefore unable to focus properly... Yes, he decided, that would be a good moment. Until then, everyone could just get on with it.

"And no other questions, either," he added quickly. Next to him, the other newest section editor was showing all the signs of preparing to leave, and Pepper too wanted to be back behind his typewriter. He raised himself out of the seat halfway. "If there is nothing more to discuss, I should return to my work," he said briskly.

Lockhartian 12-06-2009 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Celandine (Post 8880544)

"No more questions until after I see the contract. Thanks so much Ms. Knoll!" It was definitely a vote of confidence. Jane was beaming. Christmas had come, you know?

For now though, she had work to do.

"May I be excused, Ms. Knoll? Ian and Hunter and I are heading into the Alley for an interview for my next feature." And mission: cobblestone.

Yes! further questions...yet? Yeah, she could deal with that answer, it was good enough. "Sounds fair" she nodded, and smiled.

Oooh...already working on something? Of course, they were all doing that, except her, apparently. "Yes, absolutely, go ahead....and please call me Sienna" she said, gesturing for her it was okay to leave the office. "Have fun" she said last.


Originally Posted by Antarctica! (Post 8884481)
"No... rush," said Pepper with a brief smile, employing another phrase he'd picked up. "Whenever it's ready." Miss Knoll and the rest of the management would sort the contract out; Pepper's mind had already stood up and wandered off back to the desk where his next article was slowly taking shape.

As for his new editor role... Proofreading and deadlines... He'd figure out how to add that to his regular job at some point in the near future. Maybe when the Prophet was out of tea again and Pepper therefore unable to focus properly... Yes, he decided, that would be a good moment. Until then, everyone could just get on with it.

"And no other questions, either," he added quickly. Next to him, the other newest section editor was showing all the signs of preparing to leave, and Pepper too wanted to be back behind his typewriter. He raised himself out of the seat halfway. "If there is nothing more to discuss, I should return to my work," he said briskly.

"Okay, though it's already done, no rushing at all" she said, tilting her head to one side, "Still, you'll get it soon" via owl? Still not sure. But, yes, no rush.

Shaking her head a bit, Sienna gestured Pepper too to head outside, "Nothing more to discuss" and a smile was in her face.

Now, time to send those contracts.

TeafortheSoul 12-08-2009 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Lockhartian (Post 8890568)
Yes! further questions...yet? Yeah, she could deal with that answer, it was good enough. "Sounds fair" she nodded, and smiled.

Oooh...already working on something? Of course, they were all doing that, except her, apparently. "Yes, absolutely, go ahead....and please call me Sienna" she said, gesturing for her it was okay to leave the office. "Have fun" she said last.

"Okay, though it's already done, no rushing at all" she said, tilting her head to one side, "Still, you'll get it soon" via owl? Still not sure. But, yes, no rush.

Shaking her head a bit, Sienna gestured Pepper too to head outside, "Nothing more to discuss" and a smile was in her face.

Now, time to send those contracts.


Gosh. All the boss-type people were so intimidatingly informal around here! Jane smiled and after hovering for a moment or so more she made her excuses and left the office.

Lexers 04-16-2010 03:58 AM

James was a little confused. This office had so many roooms. Gr. Stumbling through the office like a belligerent troll he found himsefl at an open door. Oooh! That was always a good sign, right?
Knocking gently, he peeked his head in, wondering why there weren't better directions and more staff to help. With the muggles you just looked for the most frazzled looking person and there you'd find someone in administration. Easy.
But here.. this was much to organised for normality.

Lockhartian 04-16-2010 04:06 AM

And...a knock!

Oh, Sienna almost forgot how a knock actually sounded, however, she totally recognized the fuzzy sound of the flying memos that had occupied most of her office this past couple of weeks.

And the letters! The letters that contained no information about Rico.

Sienna looked up, hoping not to find Ian standing at the door. And she was more than glad to see that it was NOT Ian, of course, because Ian never knocked?

"Hi there, you must be one of the new hires, correct?" she smiled, "Is there anything I can help you with?" and she was now gesturing for the man to take a seat. Could he have some insight on Rico's hiding place?

Lexers 04-16-2010 07:28 AM

James had like a sixth sense, yeah? One for people's emotions - or at least reading their facial ones. This woman was frazzled. Ha. Wasn't he intelligent?
She was too, considering she'd picked up on the fact that he was new here. Was it the fact he was wearing muggle attire? Or because he was standing awkwardly in an office to a woman whom he had no idea of and totally and utterly confused?

Naaaaaah. That couldn't possibly be it.

"Yeah. I'm uh.. James B- I'm mean James Parker." Ha. How many times had he been tempted to say Bond? Tooo many.
As she motioned to the chair, he sat down and smiled slightly, "S'like a nice, shiny office..?" Ohhhhhh. He got it now. Considering he was sitting on a chair equivalent to a wooden stump and she was sitting on a big comfy one she was his boss. Gulp.
"Well, yes there is actually," He began, relieved she'd given him an easy way to outlet his complete and utter confusion. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do." That hadn't been the smooth line he'd been going for, but hey it worked. "What I mean is that, this office is great, big jumble and all I got was a letter that told me to come here and that was the extent of my erm.. instructions?" He told her and nervously rubbed the back of his head.

Lockhartian 04-17-2010 05:08 AM


James B-?. Odd. Oh! James Parker. Yeah, she's never heard of him, and why should she, when Ian handed out the list of hires to the Section Editors, not to her.

Unless...well, she'd received something earlier today. But let's wait for the man to explain himself. Shiny office? "Why, yes, thank you...I practically did wonders with it, considering the state it was in" a nod came to her golden haired head, she already liked him just because he complimented the office. And she liked Tristan just because Tristan didn't like Quidditch either. Everything was oh-so-simple.

Sienna listened as he started to talk...and...what?! He doesn't know what he's supposed to do?! She was starting to wonder how James Parker had managed to get the job. Oooooh. Now she gets it.

He had no information about Enrico Serio. He just wanted to know what he was supposed to do with his job.

"Oh, okay. Well, first of all, it's nice to meet you James, I'm Sienna Knoll..." as he should have observed in the door he passed a couple moments ago, "...the Prophet's Managing Editor" she smiled, and was certainly glad that James didn't wander into Ian's office, "As I seem to recall..." lies, she was looking for that piece of paper that she was sure had the name of the hires...and once found she continued, " were hire as a News journalist" yes, the list was in her delicate hands, and was suddenly placed next to a bottled water on the table, "Have you ever worked in another newspaper before?" stupid Ian had the files, how was she supposed to know? "If you have, then you should know what to do by now....hunting down stories, of far as 'where' is your place in this big office, we're still going through a couple renovations, but one of the desks you see out there is your own, just pick one that is empty and that's it" she said, pointing out the much-too-crowded desks outside her office.

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