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Street Vendors
Normally, the street peddlers was not somewhere Leela would be shopping for a gift for her older brother, particularly not when Christmas had already passed. But considering he seemed to have more time for his new friend than his younger sister had her feeling rather salty towards him. And one of the few things she'd inherited from her mother, was not having any tact with disguising displeasure, particularly from the only person who knew her as well as Gray did. BUT if the male Russell-Liu was intent on doing this whole 'growing up' and abandoning her in the process, well FINE. But he could expect potentially faulty Christmas and birthday presents than in the foreseeable future. And as for his friend? It would be nothing but Weasley Wizard Wheezes wares. IF they managed to know each other long enough for Lee to have to worry about the disapproval from her brother if she were to show up empty handed for his... whatever she was. After inspecting some products from one cart, she didn't see anything particularly eye catching, and opted to move on towards the next which... she still wasn't certain would provide any results. She could do this all day long though, and absolutely would, though there was a rather LOUD interruption originating from her stomach as she passed through a breeze carrying the scent of the kebabs. GRROWL. |
Perhaps… However, he was momentarily distracted hearing a nearby sound. “Did the Menagerie lose a creature?” he mused aloud curiously, his dark eyes looking cautiously around in case there was something to pay attention to. At least no one was yelling to get people's attention which was a good sign. Or maybe he had just imagined hearing something when there wasn't anything there to speak of. |
What if someone else heard his question and it caused panic? Had she heard it and NOT known it'd been... well, her, she might have been a little concerned to see a snake or something slithering along the alley. Not that those could make a similar noise but... still. With a resigned small sigh, she lowered her hand and willed herself to look calm and collected as she sought out the voice. "No animal. Just... a stomach that needs food. My apologies." |
“Bad stomach for betraying you and being so demanding,” he added, trying to make it more innocently amusing than weird. So very rude of it to make its hungry presence known, especially outside its body. Didn't it realize that there was stuff besides food that needed to be taken care of at times? His own certainly liked to bother him through the years when he was trying so hard to actively study for one thing or another. |
His apology got a wave of her hand, as she silently pleaded with her stomach to not make noise again and render her even more embarrassed. Instead, she tried to just muster all of the grace her mother seemed insistent that she had and smiled at him. "It's Diagon Alley. You never know what's lurking, so I certainly don't blame you for posing the question. It's just good it IS just a misbehaving stomach noise." If her cheeks could go back to their normal color she might have even been able to pull it off as being unperturbed. "i should punish it but I probably don't want to worry any other shoppers. Do you happen to know what's good around here?" Those stalls DID smell delectable, but her time here was generally pretty limited. And had most certainly been restricted to the Leaky Cauldron, who had to go through health inspections and the like. Better to be safe than sorry, right? |
“True…” She didn’t need anyone else thinking there was something to be concerned about around loose on the streets. “Plus, you would likely be the one punished in the end.” Headaches, low blood sugar, all around hangry feelings…all possible if you starved your stomach as he knew from past experience on his own. As for food suggestions…”Well that would depend on if you wanted someplace to sit inside or to take with you as you walk or maybe sit on a bench.” All up for choice though perhaps it would also depend on how much time one might have to serve the hungry stomach. “Outside…the cauldron bowls are nice.” He had been finding himself preferring comfort foods that resembled home-cooked meals since settling back in Britain and soups and stews fit that bill. When it wasn’t the Italian fare of the other half of his family. |
Embarrassment was a punishment in itself, was it not? Leela just smiled back at him and his comment, giving a nod of her head in agreement. As for his question... did she want to sit down somewhere or continue to browse? There was still a good deal of shopping to do, so she was hesitant to take the time to go somewhere like the Leaky Cauldron, but she also wasn't overly fond of walking AND eating. Still... maybe grabbing something at one of these stalls and then just.. pausing at a bench would be the best way to go. "I think I'll go for outside and try one of those Cauldron bowls." Soup was a great comfort food, and who didn't need comfort every once in awhile too? She moved to walk towards the stall before pausing, trying to decide if she wanted to make a further fool of herself. Lee was... more aware every day that she had zero friends, outside of her family and really wasn't it too sad her brother was her only person? AND he was about to be too busy for her. If she'd already showed embarrassment with this guy... what was the harm in potentially further doing so or maybe finding, at the very least, an acquaintance. She decided to go for it. "Would you like to join me?" |
She seemed to approve of his suggestion from the street vender side of the discussion and Septimus was prepared to move on to leave her be when she had paused in her departure making him curious in return. Was there something else? He wondered. Did she need help? He would try to assist if he could…he might not be the most sociable, but he wasn’t rude. But what she asked him when she finally spoke again, took the former Ravenclaw completely by surprise. Him…join her? Could it really hurt? It was simply strolling the Alley down a little and getting a late lunch, which he reminded himself that he hadn’t eaten himself. His stomach was just a bit more used to not being so vocal. “Why not…” Septimus mused rhetorically. “Though perhaps it would be best if we weren’t complete strangers,” he remarked, before offering a hand. “Septimus Hadley-Nairne.” |
His agreement to join her almost surprised her more than the fact she'd offered to begin with. And Lee... blinked at him for a moment, before the introduction and his words got through to her. Chuckling slightly and breaking herself from whatever distraction she had in her own head space, she accepted the offered hand and gave it a firm shake, a small chuckle accompanying. "A wise thought. Pleasure to meet you, Septimus. I'm Leela Liu." Her full name was far too much of a mouthful, and in most social settings she preferred to accept only her Dad's lineage anyways. Lee took a few steps towards the stall, finding a place in line as her stomach gave another - thankfully quieter - growl. "What brings you out to the alley today?" |
Septimus could tell that his reaction to her offer and response to the positive had taken his companion by surprise. If he admitted it to himself, he was a touch surprised himself. But he kept reminding himself that it was just two people grabbing lunch from a street vender. He was being polite and joining her in a casual endeavor and as they exchanged names and a handshake, no longer random strangers. “Nice to meet you Leela, as well.” See…just a former Ravenclaw getting out of his close-knit shell. The intern let her take the lead, following her down the alley for a little bit to find the vendor in question. “Mostly just taking a break in amongst things.” He was still getting settled into being back in England permanently and the new job. So some sort of structure was only just returning to his life. Though he supposed he could be handling errands at some point today. “How about you?” |
And with names exchanged, she wasn't quite sure where else to go with conversation. This was probably one of the reasons she'd been a loner, of sorts. Friendship usually came after conversation, right? But how in the world was someone supposed to know how to start that? She'd had it easier before - Gray having been her friend because he was her brother and HAD to tolerate her. And then his housemates had done the same out of courtesy for their dorm mate. The only friend she had made herself had been in an art room. Was it... acceptable to just start talking about art randomly in the street as well? "Do you work around this area?" Probably safer to stay with work or... general questions that weren't TOO too personal. "I've seen a few Help Wanted ads around the alley and I've considered it myself." The junk shop is about the only place she would want to work. And then she'd be sad if she did not get that job. "Just getting some gift shopping done. I have an older brother that I had a few specific things in mind for." |
Yeah, Septimus was the type to be all awkward. It could be a challenge when you weren’t making connections through Hogwarts or college afterwards. Hopefully now working there might be something else which was where his companion had brought the conversation. “Gringotts….” he answered to the affirmative of working nearby. “I recently started as a cursebreaking intern there.” It was a start, an attempt to find his niche in the adult world after graduating from university. As for the signs… “Probably some interesting places to work,” he mused in thought on the matter. If one was able to handle the interaction with customers. Flourish and Blotts might have been his style with his habit of loosing himself in books. Which likely would have gotten him in trouble by being distracted by said books and not actually working. “Lucky brother…unless your relationship is that of causing amusement at your sibling’s expense.” Not something familiar with himself as an only child, but his parents and their siblings had the stories to tell. |
Sadie/Kath :3 Curtis was on a break from the shop. After an unforgettable time out, his on-edge feeling eventually subsided to where he surely had control of his limbs again. A breath of fresh air and- SNIFFF Food. Always does the trick. Curtis glanced over the items, thinking about potential gifts that his nephews would enjoy and perhaps his fathers as well. But for now, food. He was in the mood for salty and sweet. So he went for the honey soy chicken skewers. Yum. |
Her morning lab completed and nothing to do until her The History of Medicine: Philosophy, Science, and Psychology class (of which she had already read ahead several chapters and already so she could use the actual class time to work on her essay on the history of the evolution of Urtica dioica and its uses, she decided to bounce over to Diagon Alley to grab a quick lunch and possibly run into one of her flatmates. Living with four other fellow was certainly an interesting, and bloody complicated experience to be sure with Autumn's encouragement making it even more so. It was nice to have a moment to herself where she could breathe in something other than testosterone. Seemed like someone else had the same thought in mind -presumably regarding food. She was definitely in the mood for a falafel kebab. Nudging her way past the |
Mm, this is good.. Curtis was glad his taste buds didn't change throughout the day. He would have to get another to go for sure and ask for a little box for them. Luckily, he wasn't about to bite off another one when he was nudged or there would've been certainly not-so-nice choice words.. or maybe not either way. As he caught sight of who went in front of him, "You're pardoned.." For now.. would've been how he naturally ended the sentence. But something had stopped him from saying so. For some reason he felt something familiar come over him, had he seen her before? From some well known place or maybe she had just stepped out of the sea from her magical ..Oh, wait. He had seen her before, but only in passing when he got a drink at the Leaky Cauldron, "Nice mug," Clearly she was fancy enough to bring her own mug outside of Hog's Head.. if she ever experienced that. |
I see that Little Mermaid reference Quote:
Meeting his eyes, however, pushed aside her slightly convoluted feminist agenda and suddenly she was hearing Autumn's voice in her head. It was the worst, incorrigible, and she found herself wishing quite often that they had never breathed that particular subject. She was going to hate herself in 3...2...1 "Oh?" she smiled oh so sweetly and batted her long, natural, lashes at. A hand even lifted up to pat her cheek and flaunt her rich burnt ochre skin. Blemish free too, which was quite the skill considering her underground athletics and just how little sleep she got per night. Her day to day to day routine, including diet a lot of the time, was a dermatologist's nightmare and Sadie had better things to spend her hard earn galleon on. "It's nice to have such a handsome admirer, even if the term is a bit outdated." 0. Yeah. Embarrassing herself trying to 'play the game' was her new hobby. |
You know what confused Curtis? Kindness or rather unprompted kindness and compliments. Not that he minded them at all, but it did leave him questioning what he did to deserve it... so it can keep happening again, of course. He blinked once before seeing what just happened. It was her mug. It's nice to have such a handsome admirer.... You know what, she was right. So Curtis believed breaking out his arguably devilish grin. "Well, thank you," He knew he was handsome, something he didn't thank his parents Taking a moment to observe her reaction, "I'm beginning to feel bad for doing that, but not as bad for not knowing your name," What could it be? Mildred? Diana? Rachel? Ariel? The choices were endless. "I'm Curtis. Curtis Fuller," Offering his free hand out for her. He would have to make it up to her somehow. Maybe something to take her voice away in reaction. Who knows. |
It was fun to ruffle feathers, especially when you knew you were right. She had not counted on him countering with that sort of smile and there was simultaneously an intense rush of exhilaration and regret. Autumn was right though, she never would be any good at this if she didn't just go for it. So...here she was. Safer than indulging in what Delaney was putting out into the universe, which she had thus far done a fair job of resisting. "Oh well, stylish and environmentally friendly. I refuse to be a part of the 50 billion paper cups and 250 billion were unrecycled plastic bottles problem," she explained with a little wiggle of her Nalgene. All this, naturally, was said to cover the silence that had built while he was pretending to consider her...or whatever it was he was doing with the male gaze...only for him to break his own silence with that. She wasn't sure if she was disappointed her tactics had seemed to work or mortified. "I'm Sadie," she grimaced, she was trying to put on a breezy smile here, while slipping her hand into his. "So...now you know it. Curtis. My name. Consider yourself forgiven." |
"Huh, so you really care about the environment," Curtis half-asked. She did pretty much say it, but perhaps he just wanted confirmation. Or perhaps expecting her to spill more on her interests. "I can get with that, anything to save the plants and..." And what? What was stopping him? "Sadie... that's kind of pretty," Oh, that. Her hands were soft, unlike his that developed some callouses over wrestling a rogue Tentacula as one of Valerie's tests among other gardening. But he at least washed them regularly. A small smile, "You sure? I could get you a nice meal... outside of here," No offense, nameless clerk, but this wasn't first date material.. But wait, did he ask her out on a date? "But if you've already forgiven me, we could cancel that," Well, Bob's your uncle. |
He probably did not need to hear all that, but he had it anyway and he was quite welcome. And, well, what could she say...she had a certain reluctant fondness for hard, well worked, and calloused hands. Even if they might come attached to a lackluster compliment - the bar was quite literally on the floor here so she would accept it. Though she had to admit to herself that she was quite shocked that this was going...well? Had she really just been asked out? Was this Curtis fellow honest to goodness reciprocating her flirtation? Again, the bar was literally on the floor and he needed just to tip toe over it to impress her. "On second thought," she replied with a slight pursing of the lips and slight shift of her weight between her feet. "The jury could use a bit more time reviewing all the evidence before making its decision. Rumor is spicy food is one way to sway the jury in your favor." |
Ren! As much as Brody was tempted to take a quick walk through the alleys of Knockturn Alley, he doubted very much that his husband {Merlin, he was still adjusting that he and Gabriel were married now!} would approve. Gabe had always been protective of him; well, Brody didn’t blame him. An Auror was bound to be this way with the ones he loved. In the end, the Consulate had settled for satiating his appetite for walking and window shopping by enjoying some time browsing the streets for merchandise. Perhaps he’d see something he liked. Not that he trusted these vendors and their merch. There had been many complaints of their sub standard products but the vendors never learnt. The wind chimes caught his attention and the Ministry employee stopped to get some more info about them to he remained suspicious about the way they may have come into the seller's possession. |
SPOILER!!: hello friend! Charlie let out a sigh of frustration as she looked around, taking in her surroundings. She couldn't remember the last time she felt so lost. The streets were completely unfamiliar to her, and she couldn't seem to find the shop she was looking for no matter how hard she tried. She had been excited to check it out, but now she was starting to think that maybe she should have written down the address instead of relying on her memory. Giving up on her shopping for the day, Charlie decided to take a stroll and clear her head. The sound of the wind chimes caught her attention, their melodious tones soothing her frayed nerves. She followed the sound until she came across a small vendor that sold nothing but wind chimes. Each one was unique, and the way they swayed in the wind was hypnotizing. As Charlie perused the selection of wind chimes, memories of her grandmother flooded her mind. Her grandmother had been a firm believer in using wind chimes as a form of protection against evil spirits. Charlie couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. Protection spells were far more effective, but her grandmother's quirky beliefs were always endearing. |
SPOILER!!: Hellurrr! Brody was one hundred percent skeptical of the windchimes and the ‘security’ they were boasted to offer. He’d have been far more okay with just getting a regular windchime {because in his head, they went along perfectly with the tons of plants in his and Gabriel’s apartment}. In any case, he didn’t need any that warned him of intruders; Gabriel’s protection spells were enough. It was like that when one was married to an Auror. With his mind made up, Brody politely thanked the hag then turned to depart. It was the chuckle from the woman near to him that left him confused for a bit. Had he said something amusing? “I’d rethink about buying whatever object you’ve got your eyes on,’’ Brody murmured to her. “Some of these things don’t even work.” |
Barty Belcher turned away from the last cart, covertly counting his coins before dropping them into a pouch and stowing that away in a deep inner pocket. He was smiling (always a slightly unpleasant sight), satisfied with the business he'd done since leaving Moribund's Pub in Knockturn Alley. He'd managed to offload the last of his mysterious silver to three street vending carts, and before anyone bothered to check, it would all have been turned into knick-knacks, jewellry, and what-have-you. Barty didn't care, as long as he made his price, which, counting the silver he'd sold to Finn Bulwark, the tinkerer at Cranville Quincey's, he had done, and then some. Yes, there was plenty to satisfy both Barty's client and himself here. A good day's work, if he did say so. |
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