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Old 10-05-2022, 12:47 AM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default Fountain

What might be a work of art, or is possibly what nightmares are made of, is the fountain outside the Leaky Cauldron. Large, gaudy and rather obnoxious, it is most definitely a center point of the area. Built of crumbling stone, the fountain is tall and contains three tiers. Starting at the bottom, the fountain has a three-foot high wall. In the center and serving as a support beam is a water serpent that rises from the pool and to the very top. Winged cherubs with wicked looks in their eyes hang off the serpent and dragons peer from around his climbing body. If it feels like the dragons and cherubs are watching you, it’s because they probably are. One cherub has been missing his head for centuries. Cherubs and dragons alike spit water in many directions, sometimes at different intervals, creating a beautiful display when sunlight catches the dancing water.

However, the fountain is not merely a great sight. Perhaps it is haunted, or maybe cursed, for the fountain has a tendency to spit water at people. Those who loiter too long may find their faces wet. Try to sit down on the edge without dropping a coin and you may find yourself doused with water. However – do not try to outsmart the fountain. Dropping muggle money won’t buy you any time. On the contrary, those who drop muggle coins will find themselves pelted with coins.

Oh, and just a warning. Don't try to stick your hand into the water, especially in hopes of grabbing some money from the bottom. Creepy things with tentacles would love to bathe with you.
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Old 08-19-2023, 06:57 PM   #51 (permalink)
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Text Cut: Quotesssssss!
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Bryony was already all systems ago. From the second the water gun was in her hand, the small blonde's attention was all on the fountain. And Ary. Always on Ary. Not that this should come as a surprise to anyone at all. So when a look was cast her way from him in response to what she had said, obviously she grinned at him. There was nothing at all for him to worry about because she always had his back. Even if this was simply about refilling water guns.

The instructions to run at the fountain didn't faze her. Even if they got sprayed by it. It was, after all, only water. "Come on, Ary. You can stay behind me for now.. if you want." Chances were it wouldn't last very long and she would end up running off and climbing up onto the fountain.

Getting to her feet, the water gun in one hand, Bryony took hold of Aryan's hand with her other and started off running at the fountain at a speed she knew he could handle. See, always thinking about him!

It was time to spray the fountain now, yes? Don't mind her while she did! The others were close by?
Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
It was nearly comical to him the differences in the group. Bryony seemed the only one, perhaps despite himself, anxious to get started in their attack. Aryan seemed to be waiting for the blonde to make a move and Gil seemed to be observing, as she generally did. He had just wanted to make sure everyone else was comfortable before he initiated. Suddenly Bryony was off and running and spraying, dragging Aryan with her and he simply saluted them both as they did, before turning towards his sister.

"Did you pick a watergun? You ready to go too?" He was going to make her be part of his world on this too - or... well, at least part of his plan. It would be nice for them to both have established friends before they started at Hogwarts! It made the whole experience seem that much more exciting. "Go together???" He asked, giving her a wide grin. He didn't wait for her to answer, just assuming she would agree, before his own feet were carrying him towards the water with a battle cry as he sprayed. "AAAAHHH!"

... What had been the point of hiding earlier?
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Did Gilly and Ary share a mind? Because he too wasn’t keen on getting close to the fountain. Let those two outgoing ones take that job. If Gilly, and everyone else must know, he wasn’t keen on having attention to himself; he preferred the shadows. Charging at the fountain would definitely do that sort of horrific thing. Besides, he was always in Bry’s spotlight {probably the only one he had grown used to at this point of his short life} and that was more than enough.

It really was unsurprising she yet again interpreted his look correctly. Oh no; he didn’t need to hide or anything, just let everyone else go ahead. Especially Drake since this was his mission. Yet before Ary knew it, Bry had grabbed his hand and he was yanked to his feet. Now, he may have had lots of experience being towed by Bry at rapid paces but if there was one thing he did not inherit from the God of Athleticism it was the ability to run properly. Heck, he failed at all things sporty.

As for Drake? Drake was clearly the most enthusiastic. And loudest. Was he going to give Bry a run for her money? This certainly seemed as though it would be the case. Ary let got of the hand holding his to follow Drake’s lead of letting loose and letting the fountain have it.

Take that, fountain!
Everything then started to happen all at once, which the girl with the curls could not say she was completely surprised by considering everyone that made up their little group. She watched as Bryony grabbed Aryan's hand and made the both of them dart toward the fountain. It would only be a matter of moments before her brother followed suit, and she would continued to watch them all because, in this situation, she did not think it was better down where it was wetter.

Her dark eyes met with Drake's when he asked if she had made a selection and was ready to charge after the other two. While Gilly was pleased that he had offered them to go together, she didn't respond. While they all dreamed about going up there to attack the fountain, she knew that would be a big mistake. Her mind had already been made, which didn't really matter as her twin made a battle cry and ran toward the fountain.

She, still holding on to the bag with the remaining water guns in case any of them, did step forward a few paces, close enough to be with the group but definitely not close enough to the fountain. She would be content just looking at the world around her, right here on the alley floor, where such wonderful things surrounded her. And the biggest perk of all would be her curls would not, in theory, get wet from where she had positioned herself.

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Old 08-26-2023, 12:58 AM   #52 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
The former Ravenclaw had thankfully not had much interaction with the aforementioned poltergeist during her time at school. Perhaps it was because she was quiet and independent and kept herself to herself for the majority of her education to the point that she would be found in the library or the common room reading nook rather than off socialising with friends. “I’m lucky enough to have escaped being the target of Peeves pranks.” She found much more riveting conversation with the Grey Lady.

It wasn’t so much bad luck really as she was sure she’d be able to make something out of the list and if not she could probably buy anything in an attempt to keep Tabitha happy. The sisters were so close it would be impossible for them to stay mad at each other for more than two seconds. “Oh it was just shopping requests for my sister. She’s heavily pregnant with twins and.. cravings make people grouchy” she chuckled. “Just regretting my decision to not use waterproof ink.” To be honest she was regretting her decision to use a quill and ink altogether. What was wrong with an ordinary pen and paper she’d never know? The advantage of having a Muggleborn father.

“Definitely lucky then. Though can’t say I had too bad an experience with him either. Some of my dormmates not so much.” There was at least once…well maybe twice…where he had come into their dorm to the aftermath of their bad luck. Smelly aftermath that made them all wish for once that they were in the towers not the lower levels for a proper air out. Of course until they decided to camp out in the kitchen to eat their troubles away.

Cravings made pregnant women cranky? Noah would just have to take her word on that what with his non-existent experience in that regard. Though he supposed it was something like his mother and sister got every once and a while. “Well how were you to know you would be attacked by a vengeful fountain today?” Not everyone fell victim to the cherubs after all. A quick glance to said fountain to make sure they weren’t about to start the next strike on the both of them. “ I suppose a little bit of this and that could cover the bases,” he offered with a half-shrug.

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Old 08-29-2023, 11:18 PM   #53 (permalink)

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Fourth Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

Why any of them had waited at all to charge at the fountain, Bryony did not know. Okay, so maybe she did. She knew very well how Aryan didn't like to be the center of attention. Him and her were different in that way. She didn't care at all if everyone around them noticed her or what they thought of her. Except Ary. His opinion always mattered.

Oops! Sorry, sweet Ary! The tiny blonde hadn't been trying to drag him around too much. At least not to the extent where he might fall and hurt himself. She was, however, aiming to get close to that fountain quickly. When Ary suddenly let her hand go she hand a brief moment of wanting to make a grab for it again but decided against this in favor of… darting directly at the fountain.

Why simply spray the fountain, when she can knowingly annoy it by climbing up on it. This girl was going to take one for the team because she didn't mind getting wet in the least. So it was without much more thought at all that she hoisted herself up onto the edge of the fountain were people sometimes sat and made it up onto her knees. I can spray it directly from up here!" Bry called to the others. Still sat on her knees she raised the water gun in her hand at the statues in the fountain and gave it a few good sprays.

Take that fountain!
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Old 09-01-2023, 02:50 AM   #54 (permalink)

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Default A rare Berk appears...

Berkeley Byrne rarely EVER ventured out to be amongst other humans.... but he had been MOVED to do so on this finest of days! ...and might have had instant regret about it.

Not that he let that show, necessarily. To the untrained eye he would likely appear to be cool, calm, and collected. HA! The man was anything BUT, to be honest.

Pausing near the infernal fountain that liked to ATTACK people, he let his eyes wander and take in the sights around him. It was anxiety inducing at best, but he tried to train his features to hide his discomfort. MERLIN, where were his cousins when he needed them?!

Last edited by Erindipity; 09-01-2023 at 03:17 AM.
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Old 09-01-2023, 03:18 AM   #55 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Erindipity View Post
Berkeley Byrne rarely EVER ventured out to be amongst other humams.... but he had been MOVED to do so on this finest ofdays! ...and might have had instant regret about it.

Not that he let that show, necessarily. To the untrained eye he would likely appear to be cool, calm, and collected. HA! The man was anything BUT, to be honest.

Pausing near the infernal fountain that liked to ATTACK people, he let his eyes wander and take in the sights around him. It was anxiety inducing at best, but he tried to train his features to hide his discomfort. MERLIN, where were his cousins when he needed them?!
Despite his wife's business being in London, Elon rarely walked around the city unless his wife requested his presence. Today, he was lightly exploring. Mostly, he was just going to bring her a bouquet and lunch. He didn't understand what his daughter and wife found charming about this place really... At least his daughter conveniently agreed to watch her tiny siblings. They really mostly blended in with her own tiny army and he was convinced that his progeny would eventually take over the world.

Back to the matter at hand, he was mapping the area when he saw a familiar face. One of his wife's relatives....oh Odin's beard it was this one. He mentally groaned when he recognized Berkley Byrne. For once in his life...he actually wished it was Baxter that he was looking at.
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Old 09-01-2023, 03:30 AM   #56 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by VRSCIKA View Post
Despite his wife's business being in London, Elon rarely walked around the city unless his wife requested his presence. Today, he was lightly exploring. Mostly, he was just going to bring her a bouquet and lunch. He didn't understand what his daughter and wife found charming about this place really... At least his daughter conveniently agreed to watch her tiny siblings. They really mostly blended in with her own tiny army and he was convinced that his progeny would eventually take over the world.

Back to the matter at hand, he was mapping the area when he saw a familiar face. One of his wife's relatives....oh Odin's beard it was this one. He mentally groaned when he recognized Berkley Byrne. For once in his life...he actually wished it was Baxter that he was looking at.

Elon was a TRIGGER for his anxiety... and very difficult to miss, seeing as he was a GIANT man that put the fear of Odin into anyone he came across. Berk couldn't help but shift from foot to foot as he fussed with the cuff of his coat nervously. "H---hey Elon... whatareyoudoinghere?" the awkward man-child managed to fumble out. MERLIN... WHY DID HE HAVE TO BE THE WEIRDEST BYRNE TO EVER EXIST?! And where was Elon's WIFE?! His cousin. The nice one of the duo. The one who actually liked him.

WOE WAS HEEEEE! Was it getting hot... or was he about to faint from the sheer volume of his anxiety?! Poop. He could feel himself swaying a bit on the spot, colour draining from his face...
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Old 09-01-2023, 05:23 AM   #57 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Erindipity View Post

Elon was a TRIGGER for his anxiety... and very difficult to miss, seeing as he was a GIANT man that put the fear of Odin into anyone he came across. Berk couldn't help but shift from foot to foot as he fussed with the cuff of his coat nervously. "H---hey Elon... whatareyoudoinghere?" the awkward man-child managed to fumble out. MERLIN... WHY DID HE HAVE TO BE THE WEIRDEST BYRNE TO EVER EXIST?! And where was Elon's WIFE?! His cousin. The nice one of the duo. The one who actually liked him.

WOE WAS HEEEEE! Was it getting hot... or was he about to faint from the sheer volume of his anxiety?! Poop. He could feel himself swaying a bit on the spot, colour draining from his face...
Was it too late to pretend that he hadn't seen the trainwreck and keep moving? And it spoke...he supposed it was too late now. Curse social convention, why did manners have to actually be a thing? Elon begrudgingly nodded at the awkward, fumbling, in-law creature before him. The tall man looked down at the subject before him, considering if he actually needed to respond with words. "Walking." He may not have been able to remove the annoyance from his voice. Really any time that he had to speak to anyone aside from his wife or children he was annoyed. It actually had nothing to do with the fact of it being to Berkley Byrne. Elon Aesir simply hated small talk and would literally rather jump off of a perfectly good cliff.
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Old 09-01-2023, 05:32 PM   #58 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by VRSCIKA View Post
Was it too late to pretend that he hadn't seen the trainwreck and keep moving? And it spoke...he supposed it was too late now. Curse social convention, why did manners have to actually be a thing? Elon begrudgingly nodded at the awkward, fumbling, in-law creature before him. The tall man looked down at the subject before him, considering if he actually needed to respond with words. "Walking." He may not have been able to remove the annoyance from his voice. Really any time that he had to speak to anyone aside from his wife or children he was annoyed. It actually had nothing to do with the fact of it being to Berkley Byrne. Elon Aesir simply hated small talk and would literally rather jump off of a perfectly good cliff.

Berk swayed slightly on his feet and loosened his tie. Elon was the stuff of nightmares! How had her mild mannered cousin ended up with such a beast?!

"Yeah... sure... of course... w-walking. Sure. GULP. "Where are you walking to? Where's Amabelle?" Could she come rescue him? Now? Please!
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Old 09-02-2023, 12:26 AM   #59 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Erindipity View Post

Berk swayed slightly on his feet and loosened his tie. Elon was the stuff of nightmares! How had her mild mannered cousin ended up with such a beast?!

"Yeah... sure... of course... w-walking. Sure. GULP. "Where are you walking to? Where's Amabelle?" Could she come rescue him? Now? Please!
That sound, that body language...he was truly an odd humanoid. As if he were a crab being boiled alive in a human suit. Elon was honestly not sure what to do with it, so he acted like Berkley barely existed.

Berk's awkward rambling still made his eye twitch, however. "Why do you care where I am walking to? Are you trying to come along?" His tone was always somewhat unfriendly unless he was speaking to a rare few. "My wife is working, per usual." He wasn't going to be helpful and tell him which job either.
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Old 09-03-2023, 12:42 AM   #60 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by VRSCIKA View Post
That sound, that body language...he was truly an odd humanoid. As if he were a crab being boiled alive in a human suit. Elon was honestly not sure what to do with it, so he acted like Berkley barely existed.

Berk's awkward rambling still made his eye twitch, however. "Why do you care where I am walking to? Are you trying to come along?" His tone was always somewhat unfriendly unless he was speaking to a rare few. "My wife is working, per usual." He wasn't going to be helpful and tell him which job either.
Berkeley FELT like he was being boiled alive TBH. It was unbearably hot all of a sudden... he loosened his tie further still and blew out a huff of air, his cheeks puffing out like a chipmunk that had stored too many treats in his ickle cheekies.

"W-w-whaaat? No... I... I'm just making conversation! Why must you be so aggressive all the time?!" Berk wasn't entirely sure where that bit of confidence had come from to ask such a question, but he felt it QUICKLY wane. Q U I C K.


"You're so... mean..." he muttered as he leant against the nearest stationary object to right himself a wee bit. SO MEAN.
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Old 09-03-2023, 03:56 AM   #61 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Erindipity View Post
Berkeley FELT like he was being boiled alive TBH. It was unbearably hot all of a sudden... he loosened his tie further still and blew out a huff of air, his cheeks puffing out like a chipmunk that had stored too many treats in his ickle cheekies.

"W-w-whaaat? No... I... I'm just making conversation! Why must you be so aggressive all the time?!" Berk wasn't entirely sure where that bit of confidence had come from to ask such a question, but he felt it QUICKLY wane. Q U I C K.


"You're so... mean..." he muttered as he leant against the nearest stationary object to right himself a wee bit. SO MEAN.
Elon was entirely unsure of whatever it was that Berkeley was doing or was trying to do. He looked like an infected chipmunk now and Elon crooked a mildly concerned eyebrow.

”I don’t like small talk…with anyone.” It actually was not personal, he truly wasn’t the most talkative individual in general. He didn’t take aggressive as an insult. He was very assertive and forward, alpha…and he absolutely knew it about himself. He simply shrugged as to his question of why. ”The same reason the sky is mostly blue or most birds fly.” He wasn’t about to go into the details of his life near a public fountain. Not that he enjoyed those sorts of conversations anyways.

At his last comment though, Elon roared a small laugh. ”You would very much dislike if I were being mean.” He wasn’t even being grumpy right now. It would be a very unfortunate situation for his cousin-in-law should he decide to be mean.
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Old 12-19-2023, 08:59 PM   #62 (permalink)

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Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

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Sixth year had been relatively uneventful after the horror show that had been his summer. That was until the end of term came and Fynley had the sudden realisation that turning seventeen and ‘of-age’ effectively meant that he was on his own. Of course he had the support of Joseph and his friends but it still was a kick to the stomach knowing that he didn’t have a childhood home to go back to. Still, the freedom that being considered an adult (even if he didn’t always feel like one) was quite fun at times.

He was working back at Atticus’ the whole summer in order to save up. His salary wasn’t enough to rent one of those flats he’d been eying up in Nesting Occamy but it could afford him a cheap hostel to stay in just outside of Diagon Alley and still put the rest of his money into his account ready for graduation.

Speaking of graduation, it would soon be Fynley’s seventh year and he still had no idea what it was that he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Of course failing a load of his OWL’s had made the decision over what NEWT subjects he’d be able to take and therefore what qualifications he could potentially leave Hogwarts with but the academic route truly wasn’t his thing. Then there was music, a passion but it was doubtful that could progress to anything professional. Finally there was Quidditch which he had all but given up on last term. He was in a rut.

The seventeen year old perched on the edge of the fountain during his lunch break, tucking into the sandwich he had bought from a Muggle supermarket and of which he had been practically living on since term ended. Not very substantial but it was cheap and keeping him going enough to get through the day.
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Old 04-19-2024, 01:48 AM   #63 (permalink)

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Kenneth's uncle had dropped him off to do his shopping, alone now that he was thirteen years old. He had gone to exchange his money, but hadn't had time to make a good shopping plan on the way to Diagon Alley. He spotted the fountain and decided it would make a good spot to sit and order his supplies list.

As he approached, he tilted his head thoughtfully, curious about the design of the fountain. It wasn't too different from fountains at some of the homes his uncle had taken him to in the past, except that he'd never seen a fountain with a dragon on it. Squinting curiously, Kenneth's toes bumped up against the edge of the fountain as he tried to get a closer look.

What sort of dragon was that supposed to be?
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Old 04-21-2024, 03:00 AM   #64 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
Kenneth's uncle had dropped him off to do his shopping, alone now that he was thirteen years old. He had gone to exchange his money, but hadn't had time to make a good shopping plan on the way to Diagon Alley. He spotted the fountain and decided it would make a good spot to sit and order his supplies list.

As he approached, he tilted his head thoughtfully, curious about the design of the fountain. It wasn't too different from fountains at some of the homes his uncle had taken him to in the past, except that he'd never seen a fountain with a dragon on it. Squinting curiously, Kenneth's toes bumped up against the edge of the fountain as he tried to get a closer look.

What sort of dragon was that supposed to be?
Yulietta needed a bit of a breather after lunch with her uncle Kennedy and his family. It had been a great time, don't get her wrong, and despite them telling her she was part of the family she couldn't help feel like an eighth wheel. That and she wasn't used to being surrounded by...a lot. Her social battery had drained.

Taking a walk outside, she drifted towards the fountain. She's always thought it was an interesting thing, but never dared get near it. Something about the cherubs and dragons made the hairs at the back of her neck stand. Were they staring at her? No. She had to be imagining it. Either way, she fished out a coin and tossed it into the fountain as an offering. Maybe a little sacrifice would make them not look at her.

Her coin never made it into the fountain. Her throwing skills were terrible and ended up bouncing off a boy standing near it. Embarrassed, Yulietta covered her face in her hands, face flushing.

Just. Her. Luck.
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Old 04-21-2024, 06:38 PM   #65 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
Yulietta needed a bit of a breather after lunch with her uncle Kennedy and his family. It had been a great time, don't get her wrong, and despite them telling her she was part of the family she couldn't help feel like an eighth wheel. That and she wasn't used to being surrounded by...a lot. Her social battery had drained.

Taking a walk outside, she drifted towards the fountain. She's always thought it was an interesting thing, but never dared get near it. Something about the cherubs and dragons made the hairs at the back of her neck stand. Were they staring at her? No. She had to be imagining it. Either way, she fished out a coin and tossed it into the fountain as an offering. Maybe a little sacrifice would make them not look at her.

Her coin never made it into the fountain. Her throwing skills were terrible and ended up bouncing off a boy standing near it. Embarrassed, Yulietta covered her face in her hands, face flushing.

Just. Her. Luck.
Kenneth was frowning at the fountain, still trying to determine the breed of dragon that had been carved. Or maybe it wasn't a real breed at all? He would be disappointed if that were the case, as he preferred realistic art to things that were completely imagined.

He'd shoved his hands in his trouser pockets, wondering if he had a spare sickle to toss in, when something bounced off his back.

Turning to see, he immediately spotted what he guessed was another student, face covered. Not 100% certain what had happened, he looked around to see what had hit him. He expected a rock, but was surprised to see a coin near his feet instead. The thirteen-year-old bent and picked it up, quickly putting 2+2 together. (4, of course).

"Did you drop this?" he asked, barely loud enough to be heard from the distance, holding it in the other student's general direction. If not, he'd count himself lucky and toss the coin in the fountain himself.
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Old 04-25-2024, 02:13 AM   #66 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
Kenneth was frowning at the fountain, still trying to determine the breed of dragon that had been carved. Or maybe it wasn't a real breed at all? He would be disappointed if that were the case, as he preferred realistic art to things that were completely imagined.

He'd shoved his hands in his trouser pockets, wondering if he had a spare sickle to toss in, when something bounced off his back.

Turning to see, he immediately spotted what he guessed was another student, face covered. Not 100% certain what had happened, he looked around to see what had hit him. He expected a rock, but was surprised to see a coin near his feet instead. The thirteen-year-old bent and picked it up, quickly putting 2+2 together. (4, of course).

"Did you drop this?" he asked, barely loud enough to be heard from the distance, holding it in the other student's general direction. If not, he'd count himself lucky and toss the coin in the fountain himself.
Maybe if she kept her hands over her face she wouldn't be noticed.

Unfortunately, that didn't work. She heard the boy and slowly lowered her hands from her face, peaking out at him. He didn't seem upset that she had knocked him with her coin. That was a good thing because she was already nervous enough that her Spanish and English were mixing with one another.

"Si–yes. I mean–no. I was meant to go in there," she stammered, self-conscious of her heavy accent as she pointed at the fountain. "I am sorry I hit you. You keep."
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Old 04-25-2024, 03:08 AM   #67 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
Maybe if she kept her hands over her face she wouldn't be noticed.

Unfortunately, that didn't work. She heard the boy and slowly lowered her hands from her face, peaking out at him. He didn't seem upset that she had knocked him with her coin. That was a good thing because she was already nervous enough that her Spanish and English were mixing with one another.

"Si–yes. I mean–no. I was meant to go in there," she stammered, self-conscious of her heavy accent as she pointed at the fountain. "I am sorry I hit you. You keep."
Kenneth blinked slowly at the girl, before looking back at the coin, then the fountain. Well, if she had tried to toss the coin in the fountain...

He tossed it into the water.

Smiling, he turned back to the girl. "It worked out," he said, still quiet but a little more confident. "This way, we both get a wish." And Kenneth? He'd wished for whatever she'd wished for to happen. He had enough books, so he hadn't wanted to wish for more of those. And anything else he might want, he already had.
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Old 10-19-2024, 11:14 PM   #68 (permalink)

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Default Freddie time mweheheh
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Today hadn't been the best day, but Quinn couldn't be at the house right now. He felt too restless, and though he was happy to be home, the circumstances for his return and the time he's been away had him feeling a little out of place. On top of already feeling off today, his mother hadn't been in the best mood when they visited, and as angry as she had made Quinn he also knew it wasn't entirely her fault. He just needed space to think and decompress, and Diagon Alley was a special place for him.

After tossing a couple knuts into the fountain, Quinn sat on the edge and closed his eyes, just listening to the water flowing. He was wearing a white button down, high waisted pants and Chelsea boots. His long blonde hair was up in a tight bun. He reached into his knit bag and pulled out a half finished hat that he was making for his mother. It was grey, because she didn't like to wear anything especially vibrant, and Quinn knew she wouldn't accept anything if it wasn't something she would wear. He pulled out his knitting needles and his glasses, circle lenses with silver wire frames, and got to work on finishing it. Knitting helped him take his mind off of things.
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Old 10-20-2024, 02:25 AM   #69 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NiallNIP View Post
Today hadn't been the best day, but Quinn couldn't be at the house right now. He felt too restless, and though he was happy to be home, the circumstances for his return and the time he's been away had him feeling a little out of place. On top of already feeling off today, his mother hadn't been in the best mood when they visited, and as angry as she had made Quinn he also knew it wasn't entirely her fault. He just needed space to think and decompress, and Diagon Alley was a special place for him.

After tossing a couple knuts into the fountain, Quinn sat on the edge and closed his eyes, just listening to the water flowing. He was wearing a white button down, high waisted pants and Chelsea boots. His long blonde hair was up in a tight bun. He reached into his knit bag and pulled out a half finished hat that he was making for his mother. It was grey, because she didn't like to wear anything especially vibrant, and Quinn knew she wouldn't accept anything if it wasn't something she would wear. He pulled out his knitting needles and his glasses, circle lenses with silver wire frames, and got to work on finishing it. Knitting helped him take his mind off of things.

Freddie was in a good mood as usual. Today he had bought a good amount of pastries and was on his way to surprise a certain somebody. But first, he wanted to rest. The curls were bouncing with each step, and he was beginning to grow out some stubble that he was getting used to. Choosing the spot nearby he opened the bag to take one delicious jelly-filled one to bite into.

Freddie's curious eyes naturally took in the sight in front of him when he noticed somebody with long hair. It was nice looking hair, he had to admit, but there was an aura around them he couldn't explain. He got closer, but not too close enough to strike fear. What surprised him wasn't their appearance per say, but what they were doing at the fountain. "Hello," Freddie said smiling. "What are you knitting?" He smiled.


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Old 10-20-2024, 03:16 AM   #70 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post

Freddie was in a good mood as usual. Today he had bought a good amount of pastries and was on his way to surprise a certain somebody. But first, he wanted to rest. The curls were bouncing with each step, and he was beginning to grow out some stubble that he was getting used to. Choosing the spot nearby he opened the bag to take one delicious jelly-filled one to bite into.

Freddie's curious eyes naturally took in the sight in front of him when he noticed somebody with long hair. It was nice looking hair, he had to admit, but there was an aura around them he couldn't explain. He got closer, but not too close enough to strike fear. What surprised him wasn't their appearance per say, but what they were doing at the fountain. "Hello," Freddie said smiling. "What are you knitting?" He smiled.

Quinn had been very focused on his knitting and had just gotten into a groove, he had to admit, so he didn't quite notice this person when they walked up to him. His ears perked at the question, but he was just in the middle of an intricate part, so he hadn't looked up yet. "'s just a hat for my..."

It was at this moment Quinn looked up, and he immediately had a sense of familiarity for this man. It took Quinn half a second, but then he realized. The hair and the eyes, he seemed almost like...

Quinn stood up slowly and took off his reading glasses. He blinked, making sure this was who he thought it was. Nearly nine years away was a long time for someone to change, but Quinn was fairly certain. "Freddie?"
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