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Check in with Security first. For this event, Magical Law Enforcement agents are on alert and have been charged with the safety of Borr and his special guests. Depending on your status, you may or may not be permitted to approach Lord Borr and the important people of the Ministry. Everyone is subject to be searched. Also, the Security employees are responsible for handing out all the free t-shirts for this event. Ask them about YOUR free tee while checking in.
Each t-shirt is charmed to literally be one size fits all. When you put it on, you'll find it will shrink or stretch to fit you.
As you go through the checkpoint, in front of the tent's entry, which looks somewhat like a muggle metal detector, though it is really an oversized dark detector (somewhere between sneakoscope and probity probe. Don't ask about the new technology, its classified), you may be asked to step to one side and undergo a more thorough check. If you pass, you'll be sent on your way into the party with a t-shirt.
Aren't you lucky?
ooc: This Security checkpoint will be manned by the following members:
PattyH- Prometheus Hudson RobinBoyWonder - Benjamin Amsten SilverTiger- Dorian Tamerlane TSnitch- Antoni Dacosta Tegz - Evander Bole, Dept Head
You don't HAVE to RP passing through here but everyone will have come through this way at some point. Don't forget Hogwarts students are ONLY allowed if they were specially invited. Posts will be deleted if a non-invited Hogwarts student arrives as there will have been no possible way of them getting here.
Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God
Yays she muttered taking the t-shirt and scowling at it's garish pattern. She shuddered, and shook her head, why me she took a deep breath and pulled it over her head, smelling the slightly plasticy smell from...something, she felt it shrink around her smallish frame and sort of framing her curves. She still hated it. Thanks she smiled at him, sensing how he didn't want to be here either before heading through, as soon as this day was over THIS was going in the bin. After she'd set fire to it though
Tonight we are young. So lets set the world on fire---------------- ----------------------------Belle-Marie. Hufflepuff. Fifth Year.
The next girl who'd approached seemed oddly resigned to the matter, and Dorian watched her for a moment. "Ms. Lee," he replied. "Department?" He thought she'd worked with him on Level Two, but then somehow that would mean she'd gotten out of working the party. He knew who was, and who was working what. Either way, he picked up a t-shirt for her once she finsihed giving her information. It seemed nobody was getting away without one of these.
Amaria looked at the t-shirt still in the mans hand. The man looked very familiar. Ahha she thought he might work with her. "Level two, Law Enforcement," she replied. Uhhh interesting t-shirt not her style at all. Whatever, she told herself to be a supporter.
Riley quickly followed Professor Hadley and a few other Hogwarts students making sure not to lose site of them in the growing Diagon Alley Crowd. He had seen this street busy before but today just seemed...special. He was at a Ministry Party and had been chosen to attend it. Waiting his turn in the Security check line, the Gryffindor looked at the many adults standing around them and then stepped up behind Jake, Lexi, and Kurumi to the security witches and wizards.
"Riley Sinclair, Hogwarts, Im with the selected students chosen to attend today, please!" he said excitedly showing them his invitation. What happened if they denied him entry would he be in troble with Headmaster Tate? He already was looked upon in a wierd light because of the One-eyed Witch incident.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Gaellen Tate stepped toward the waiting Ministry employees, presenting his wand just in case that sort of thing was required. Probably not, but one never knew.
"Gaellen Tate, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." And one rather unhappy camper, if truth be told.
Katalin had just found out about the party so she apparated to the Leaky Cauldron so she could join the party. She stopped when she saw a line for security and waited her turn.
With an uncharacteristic grim look on her face, Alysson approached the Security Check-in. Whatever they were going to tell her or do she was NOT going to wear one of those hideous T-shirts. For various reasons. One they were just that, hideous, very unfashionable and two they were all Borr-praising. Total no-go.
With a sigh, her face lit up slightly as she found herself facing some of her colleagues who had the pleasure of doing the security checks...and handing out hideous T-shirts. "Hey there. You know me, I hope...Alysson Zookara, Magical Law Enforcement." She more like drawled, nonetheless with a smile for the person in front of her.
This was going to be one long party.
Not sure what exactly to expect of all this, Valentina had decided to come her nonetheless. Even though she had had to close her shop for a while since there would have been nobody to assist the customers for the time being. Because Nigel was going to be here too. Hopefully. If not he was going to have to look for a new job first thing tomorrow.
Obviously annoyed at having to deal with other people already - outside her shop anyway - the redhead made her way up to one of the Security workers with a frown on her face. What were they handing out there anyway? "Valentina Pendra. Shopkeeper of Slug and Jiggers Apothecary." She informed the nearest person in charge of security checks curtly.
Sabel blinked about, watching as a rather fair number of people slipped through the security gates ahead of them. Apparently they had been forgotten?
But perhaps now was the best time to speak up again, given Tate had just arrived and he would make sure they got in if they got overlooked. Or that's what he hoped. The man didn't look in the least bit pleased.
Giving Arya's hand a squeeze he moved forward again, this time slipping up just to the side of Tate. He spared the Headmaster a curious, concerned side glance before looking back forward to the Ministry personnel. "Sabel Dakest, seventh year, and Arya Lovegoods, fourth year, from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy." He didn't offer them his wand as Tate did, but the parchment of invitation, just for proof.
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
It was a good thing that Arya wasn't as clumsy as Sabel, else his sudden movement would have had her tripping over her own feet, which wouldn't be good in the dress she was wearing. Eye lingering on the woman that had responded to her question about the shirt, she followed beside Sabel, almost reluctant to pull her eyes away from the woman to smile at the ministry personnel. Yup. That was her. Young Arya Lovegoods.
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Prometheus couldn't help but laugh, it seemed that it wasn't only the Level Two employees that were finding the shirts, rather........unbecoming. So far nearly all of the guested he had checked were a little taken back by the shirt.
SPOILER!!: Shirt Shock/Previous Check Ins
Originally Posted by Nixy!
Iris looked at the man and smiled. "Um... T-shirt?" She asked, uncertainly. The prefect stared at the blue THING the man offered her. "Do I have to wear this?" She whispered to the man, just in case Lord Borr was about.
Eyeing the shirt unpleasantly, Iris glanced back at the security man. "I'll try to get something out of today though. Thank you!" Think positive thoughts, Iris! It'll only be a few hours!
"Well you don't have to, but we have been asked to hand them out, so as to give you the option!" Prometheus could understand where she was coming from, she wanted to make an impression, and the Lord Borr shirts, well.....
Originally Posted by Nixy!
Helena chuckled. "So it seems." Who ever designed them, though... They deserve to be shot. These are hideous! Taking the shirt from him, Helena smiled. A fake smile, obviously. There was no real reason to be happy right now.
"Oh, they've already arrived?" She asked, eyebrows raised lightly. "Yes... That would be my daughter." There was a proud tone as she said that. She had every reason to be proud of her daughter, and she'd let people know that very subtly.
As the man told her to enjoy, Helena laughed and replied with, "I'll try to!" Before heading into the tent.
Watching as the lady passed, Prometheus had the feeling that Helena Beaumont didn't approve of the shirt either, like mother like daughter!
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
Aliceara smiled at the young security man, again, as he greeted her, a bit amused by the outfit. That shirt definitely didn't go with that suit, but she imagined that shirt wouldn't really go with anything. It was a bit ridiculous. At least some people seemed to be getting through this without too much struggle, so perhaps her misgivings were unnecessary. Something still oddly reminded her of her cousin, but she knew he wouldn't be there. So things would be safe, and if they had people like this working security, even better. "Good morning to you as well," she replied, graciously taking the ridiculous shirt. "I'm sure," she added with a slight raised eyebrow as she stepped inside the tent, starting to wonder if underneath her dress would count. It would look idiotic, but at least then most of it would be covered.
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Riley quickly followed Professor Hadley and a few other Hogwarts students making sure not to lose site of them in the growing Diagon Alley Crowd. He had seen this street busy before but today just seemed...special. He was at a Ministry Party and had been chosen to attend it. Waiting his turn in the Security check line, the Gryffindor looked at the many adults standing around them and then stepped up behind Jake, Lexi, and Kurumi to the security witches and wizards.
"Riley Sinclair, Hogwarts, Im with the selected students chosen to attend today, please!" he said excitedly showing them his invitation. What happened if they denied him entry would he be in troble with Headmaster Tate? He already was looked upon in a wierd light because of the One-eyed Witch incident.
Well someone was excited, "Thank you for coming Master Sinclair," Prometheus grinned as he located and ticked the boys name, "And as a small thanks for coming all the way from Hogwarts, here's a free Lord Borr shirt!"
This one looked like he might actually wear the shirt, Borr would be happy!
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Gaellen Tate stepped toward the waiting Ministry employees, presenting his wand just in case that sort of thing was required. Probably not, but one never knew.
"Gaellen Tate, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." And one rather unhappy camper, if truth be told.
Ahhhh so the man behind the legend, "Nice to have you with us, Headmaster," Prometheus smiled sincerely. Having been homeschooled, the elder Hudson boy, had never met any of the Headmasters, but Patroclus had said good things, "No need for wands," he added, as he crossed of the name, "but you do need this shirt" he laughed as he handed it over. "Enjoy!"
Originally Posted by Mugglemad
Katalin had just found out about the party so she apparated to the Leaky Cauldron so she could join the party. She stopped when she saw a line for security and waited her turn.
"Welcome", Prometheus smiled, "I will just need a name, Division, Shop or Year before you may enter the party!"
His smile was on auto-pilot now!
Originally Posted by Lislchen
With an uncharacteristic grim look on her face, Alysson approached the Security Check-in. Whatever they were going to tell her or do she was NOT going to wear one of those hideous T-shirts. For various reasons. One they were just that, hideous, very unfashionable and two they were all Borr-praising. Total no-go.
With a sigh, her face lit up slightly as she found herself facing some of her colleagues who had the pleasure of doing the security checks...and handing out hideous T-shirts. "Hey there. You know me, I hope...Alysson Zookara, Magical Law Enforcement." She more like drawled, nonetheless with a smile for the person in front of her.
This was going to be one long party.
"Hey Alysson," the young man grinned at his fellow Level Two'er, "Seems you got the lucky straw today!" He added as he located her name, "All good! Heres your shirt, and hopefully I will see you later!" Prometheus hadn't had much to do with Alysson, but she seemed lovely!
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Not sure what exactly to expect of all this, Valentina had decided to come her nonetheless. Even though she had had to close her shop for a while since there would have been nobody to assist the customers for the time being. Because Nigel was going to be here too. Hopefully. If not he was going to have to look for a new job first thing tomorrow.
Obviously annoyed at having to deal with other people already - outside her shop anyway - the redhead made her way up to one of the Security workers with a frown on her face. What were they handing out there anyway? "Valentina Pendra. Shopkeeper of Slug and Jiggers Apothecary." She informed the nearest person in charge of security checks curtly.
"Good Day Valentina," he said absentmindedly as he scanned the parchment for her name, finding it, he looked up, ohh cute red head. Grinned his boyishly charming smile, he handed over the shirt, "A gift from Lord Borr, have a nice time!"
Originally Posted by Tazenhani
Sabel blinked about, watching as a rather fair number of people slipped through the security gates ahead of them. Apparently they had been forgotten?
But perhaps now was the best time to speak up again, given Tate had just arrived and he would make sure they got in if they got overlooked. Or that's what he hoped. The man didn't look in the least bit pleased.
Giving Arya's hand a squeeze he moved forward again, this time slipping up just to the side of Tate. He spared the Headmaster a curious, concerned side glance before looking back forward to the Ministry personnel. "Sabel Dakest, seventh year, and Arya Lovegoods, fourth year, from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy." He didn't offer them his wand as Tate did, but the parchment of invitation, just for proof.
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
It was a good thing that Arya wasn't as clumsy as Sabel, else his sudden movement would have had her tripping over her own feet, which wouldn't be good in the dress she was wearing. Eye lingering on the woman that had responded to her question about the shirt, she followed beside Sabel, almost reluctant to pull her eyes away from the woman to smile at the ministry personnel. Yup. That was her. Young Arya Lovegoods.
"Mr Dakest, nice to see you, and Miss Lovegood, thank you for coming," he grinned at the Students. Dakest had his invite out, however, "Miss Lovegood, I will just have to see your invitation as well, protocol and all that jazz, however while we are here, have a free shirt!"
He felt like a weird, Ministry employeed Santa!
"Ahh Ah Ah, I said not on the List, not in the Party"
"Prometheus you are not funny, just let me in, I am missing out! Come On!!"
"Your whining is not helping your case!"
"This is so uncool!"
"Me? Uncool, now you are definitely not coming in!"
"Where's your Boss? Hmmmm"
"I think he will agree with me, one Hudson is enough!"
She jumped when she heard something ask for her name and department so she said "Sorry, didn't realise the line had gone down. Katalin Starr, Level Four, Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures."
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
Now this was someone Dorian was fairly certain should be there. All Ministry members were recommended to attend, at least. Made him think something was going to go down, but he'd gotten essentially back into his constant vigilance state from years earlier at everything. "Gavin," he said dryly, handing him one of the t-shirts as he crossed the name off his Ministry list. "Enjoy."
Gavin nodded as the man repeated his first name as if making sure he had heard the name correct. "I'll certainly try," he replied with a small smile. The law enforcement official didn't need to know it was half-faked seeing as he wasn't so sure of the whole forced day off/celebration of a man who didn't seem totally worth the effort especially by what he had simply seen around the office. Accepting the t-shirt, he nodded an absent thanks and proceeded inside.
Nigel approached the security check in that had been set-up in the middle of Diagon Alley, his long stride limited to a slow walk to match his mood. The assistant would have preferred to be anywhere but here at the moment even elbow deep in blutuber pus but Valentina had made it rather clear that with the shop closed he was expected to be there at the celebration just as she would be there. No if ands or buts to be said about it.
"Nigel Garrettson," he supplied trying not to show his full annoyance at being out of his element surrounded by a crowd far bigger then the busiest day at the shop. "I work at Slug and Jiggers," he added quietly in case it was needed to identify him.
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Originally Posted by PattyH.
"Mr Dakest, nice to see you, and Miss Lovegood, thank you for coming," he grinned at the Students. Dakest had his invite out, however, "Miss Lovegood, I will just have to see your invitation as well, protocol and all that jazz, however while we are here, have a free shirt!"
He felt like a weird, Ministry employeed Santa!
"Thank you for the invite," her smile grew to a grin as she looked up at the nice man. Oh. She needed her invite. Pulling her clutch out of of Sabel's outer jacket pocket, she opened it and showed the ministry worker her invite. "Here it is, and thanks for the shirt..." The one she wouldn't be wearing today. Was this the man who the whole shindig was for?
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by PattyH.
Ahhhh so the man behind the legend, "Nice to have you with us, Headmaster," Prometheus smiled sincerely. Having been homeschooled, the elder Hudson boy, had never met any of the Headmasters, but Patroclus had said good things, "No need for wands," he added, as he crossed of the name, "but you do need this shirt" he laughed as he handed it over. "Enjoy!"
"Swell," Tate tossed the shirt over his shoulder, holstered his wand, and gave the man a mock salute.
She jumped when she heard something ask for her name and department so she said "Sorry, didn't realise the line had gone down. Katalin Starr, Level Four, Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures."
Thank you", The Level Two employee smiled, as the lady gave her name, "Here we are, wonderful" he mused outloud as everything checked out, "Here's your Lord Borr shirt and I hope you enjoy the festivities!"
Originally Posted by Macavity
Nigel approached the security check in that had been set-up in the middle of Diagon Alley, his long stride limited to a slow walk to match his mood. The assistant would have preferred to be anywhere but here at the moment even elbow deep in blutuber pus but Valentina had made it rather clear that with the shop closed he was expected to be there at the celebration just as she would be there. No if ands or buts to be said about it.
"Nigel Garrettson," he supplied trying not to show his full annoyance at being out of his element surrounded by a crowd far bigger then the busiest day at the shop. "I work at Slug and Jiggers," he added quietly in case it was needed to identify him.
"Wonderful, the other half of Slugs and Jiggers," Prometheus grinned as he matched the mans name to his face and then located it on the list, "Perfect; everything's in order, so all you need is this shirt and you're right to enter, have a nice day!"
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
"Thank you for the invite," her smile grew to a grin as she looked up at the nice man. Oh. She needed her invite. Pulling her clutch out of of Sabel's outer jacket pocket, she opened it and showed the ministry worker her invite. "Here it is, and thanks for the shirt..." The one she wouldn't be wearing today. Was this the man who the whole shindig was for?
"Thank you very much Miss Lovegood," he smiled at the Students, after taking a look at her invitee, "And you are welcome," he laughed, noting the slight hint of sarcasm in her thanks, "Have fun you too" he added nodding to Dakest as well!
"Hey Alysson," the young man grinned at his fellow Level Two'er, "Seems you got the lucky straw today!" He added as he located her name, "All good! Heres your shirt, and hopefully I will see you later!" Prometheus hadn't had much to do with Alysson, but she seemed lovely!
Letting her hazel eyes take in the people around her while Prometheus went through his list in search for her name, Alysson directed her gaze back at her co-worker upon hearing his comment. "I guess so. Though-" She lowered her voice slightly so the other people around her wouldn't hear her. "I'd prefer not to be here at all, really."Sigh.
Oh, she got yet another hideous T-shirt? "Do they honestly expect people to WEAR this?!" Alysson commented with a roll of her eyes before glancing back up at Prometheus with a grin. "Yes, see you around. And good luck with...this." Her eyes went down to the hideous T-shirt in her hands again. Yes, especially this.
With a small wave she went through to the actual place of the party. Let the fun begin. Or something.
Originally Posted by PattyH.
"Good Day Valentina," he said absentmindedly as he scanned the parchment for her name, finding it, he looked up, ohh cute red head. Grinned his boyishly charming smile, he handed over the shirt, "A gift from Lord Borr, have a nice time!"
"Good day." Valentina replied shortly, seeing as she neither knew the man nor did he have a name-tag. While the man was looking for her name on a list she briefly glanced at the line next to her...and got a glimpse of Nigel.
Giving him a 'don't dare to turn around now' sort of look by raising her eyebrows she turned back to take...a T-shirt? And a quite ugly one too. Especially since it had a fat man on it. What was up with that? "I am probably supposed to thank you for that but..." She trailed off, frowning down at the T-shirt for a moment again. "Well then, goodbye." Valentina ended up saying with a shake of her head while making her way to the festivity.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by PattyH.
[COLOR="DimGray"]"Wonderful, the other half of Slugs and Jiggers," Prometheus grinned as he matched the mans name to his face and then located it on the list, "Perfect; everything's in order, so all you need is this shirt and you're right to enter, have a nice day!"
Originally Posted by Lislchen
"Good day." Valentina replied shortly, seeing as she neither knew the man nor did he have a name-tag. While the man was looking for her name on a list she briefly glanced at the line next to her...and got a glimpse of Nigel.
Giving him a 'don't dare to turn around now' sort of look by raising her eyebrows she turned back to take...a T-shirt? And a quite ugly one too. Especially since it had a fat man on it. What was up with that? "I am probably supposed to thank you for that but..." She trailed off, frowning down at the T-shirt for a moment again. "Well then, goodbye." Valentina ended up saying with a shake of her head while making her way to the festivity.
Other half? Guess that means Valent...yep theres the look, Nigel mused to himself as the man told him by his words that his boss was already there. The look he was getting from the woman herself confirming it silently from behind the security man's shoulder. He mirrored the raised eyebrow himself as if challenging her doubts in his ability to follow orders even unfavorable ones before looking back at the other man, the plus of being taller then most.
"I'll try," he replied cooly, taking the tshirt and nodding an absent thanks before walking through the checkpoint himself.
"Mr Dakest, nice to see you, and Miss Lovegood, thank you for coming," he grinned at the Students. Dakest had his invite out, however, "Miss Lovegood, I will just have to see your invitation as well, protocol and all that jazz, however while we are here, have a free shirt!"
He felt like a weird, Ministry employeed Santa! [/COLOR]
While Arya was getting out her invitation, Sabel took the time to unfold the shirt. And stare at it. A long stare. Really. Were they expected to wear this? His expression asked as much, but for once he remained quiet on that end of vocalization; didn't ask, couldn't say they knew. He'd just keep it as a souvenir...yes. That was it.
Given they didn't ask for wands, he didn't bother asking about that either, giving the Ministry man a polite smile and nod. "Thank you Sir. Have a pleasant day."
Hand back in Arya's he glanced down at her, a silent question to if she was ready to go.
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
As soon as this woman approached Ben, he could tell she was from the Prophet. She was annoyed, impatient, and had a camera. ... The camera gave it away. Ben just handed her a T-Shirt after writing her name down and said, "Of course. Enjoy yourself, Ms. Knoll."
Oh, for crying out loud! That was the ugliest t-shirt she's ever seen!
"Why, thank you," she said, with a small smile, not even trying to hide her wide eyes at the sight of the t-shirt. "That's so kind of you." The 'Enjoy yourself' part, not the t-shirt, of course.
They had to wear it? No, right? Well, if they had to, then she'll have no problem in doing so....HOWEVER, Plymouth may have further problems when this gathering was over.
And then she took the t-shirt and walked inside. Because she could, no?
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
The blonde woman sort of wandered up to the check in, and glanced at one of the workers. They looked happy. HEH.
"Excuse me, I'm Gemini Schiavello, Shopkeeper of Wiseacres Wizarding Equipment." Hmm. Did they need to know that. Or did they ALREADY know? Cue conspiratorial music. She was eager to see how well that tent bought from her store was working out.
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
Hecate stepped up to the security check. Her hair was swept up, and her she wore a stunning black dress, not too dressy, not too casual. It was perfect. She waited to see Gevrik who would obviously let her through right away. She scanned the area looking for people she knew... well... yeah...
*Eating chili with Sirius* Red Ninja*Raspberry White Chocolate Mocha
This was not something Medea would typically attend. But now that she worked in the Minister's Office she felt she was obligated. And to make matters worse she had to wear this stupid blue t-shirt. Grr!
The dark haired woman stepped forward when it was her turn. Dryly she announced herself. "Medea Ward, Liaison for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in the Minister of Magic's Office." The thought that she had to be checked through security was also an irritant. I wouldn’t work in the Minister’s Office if I was anything but trustworthy.
She waited with pursed lips and an impatient look. Just give me the damn shirt already she thought.
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Originally Posted by PattyH.
"Thank you very much Miss Lovegood," he smiled at the Students, after taking a look at her invitee, "And you are welcome," he laughed, noting the slight hint of sarcasm in her thanks, "Have fun you too" he added nodding to Dakest as well!
Originally Posted by Tazenhani
While Arya was getting out her invitation, Sabel took the time to unfold the shirt. And stare at it. A long stare. Really. Were they expected to wear this? His expression asked as much, but for once he remained quiet on that end of vocalization; didn't ask, couldn't say they knew. He'd just keep it as a souvenir...yes. That was it.
Given they didn't ask for wands, he didn't bother asking about that either, giving the Ministry man a polite smile and nod. "Thank you Sir. Have a pleasant day."
Hand back in Arya's he glanced down at her, a silent question to if she was ready to go.
Arya tucked the shirt into her clutch before closing it and slipping it back into Sabel's jacket. Nope. She defiantly wasn't going to wear that now, maybe she'd give it to someone when she got back to Hogwarts.
Taking back Sabel's hand, she gave the man one more smile before glancing up at Sabel and nodding her head, letting him lead the way into the party.
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Whoop!Phyre || ❤LiliAnzaScarNatAmyEmi || Professional Vigilante || The Flying Tomato
Elliott gulped as he approached the tent. For some reason, security always scared him. Especially when they were bearing wands... and looked angry.... and wizard-like. There were so many people like him in London, so many more than there had bee in Whale Cove, Canada. And how was he supposed to deal with just how much he blended into the background? Epic clothes. That was the answer! In a black suit, completed with a plaid dress shirt, white bowtie, and bright pink sunglasses, Elliott knew he couldn't get entirely lost in the crowd. Especially if any of them were hockey fans... You didn't surface unknown into an Olympic team. Even if he hadn't participated in the games, muggles all around the world knew him as "Remember the Maine" Elliott, the almost-Olympic champion. And some of these people had to stay in contact with muggle life, right..?
Stepping up when it was his turn, he introduced himself quieter than he should have, "Elliott Raphael Maine, Unspeakable. Time Room, if you want to get specific..." Gee, that was awkward... Oh well. So much for first impressions.
Derrick, had just arrived at the event. Nervous nonetheless, since this sudden holiday was supposed to be his first day on the job, It still felt as though it was his first day on the job. Even if his insides were all jittery, he was raised to perform with confidence, no matter what the task was. Now seeing the Security to enter the party he brought his shoulders upright and walked over to where everyone seemed to be getting past the checkpoint and onto the party. "Derrick Vanderbilt....." pause, was there some kind of list or something? Was he even on the list? He might be too new to be on the list... "I'm the uh- Minister of Magic's personal assistant" Still can't believe he got that job..
'Cause I saw the moon fall I watched the colors
Fade from everything, as winter stays...
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Behind a young Hogwarts student stood Mason, his hands in his pockets, looking straight ahead. When the girl stepped aside, he walked forward. "My name is Mason Everard, from the Department of Magical Transportaion." He stated, cooly. "And can I get one of those tees?" He asked. Because, y'know, they were super snazzy.