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Security Check In Check in with Security first. For this event, Magical Law Enforcement agents are on alert and have been charged with the safety of Borr and his special guests. Depending on your status, you may or may not be permitted to approach Lord Borr and the important people of the Ministry. Everyone is subject to be searched. Also, the Security employees are responsible for handing out all the free t-shirts for this event. Ask them about YOUR free tee while checking in. Each t-shirt is charmed to literally be one size fits all. When you put it on, you'll find it will shrink or stretch to fit you. As you go through the checkpoint, in front of the tent's entry, which looks somewhat like a muggle metal detector, though it is really an oversized dark detector (somewhere between sneakoscope and probity probe. Don't ask about the new technology, its classified), you may be asked to step to one side and undergo a more thorough check. If you pass, you'll be sent on your way into the party with a t-shirt. Aren't you lucky? ooc: This Security checkpoint will be manned by the following members: PattyH- Prometheus Hudson RobinBoyWonder - Benjamin Amsten SilverTiger- Dorian Tamerlane TSnitch- Antoni Dacosta Tegz - Evander Bole, Dept Head You don't HAVE to RP passing through here but everyone will have come through this way at some point. Don't forget Hogwarts students are ONLY allowed if they were specially invited. Posts will be deleted if a non-invited Hogwarts student arrives as there will have been no possible way of them getting here. The invited students are: # Master Jacob Morgan (zoerawrr) # Master Sabel Dakest (Tazenhani) # Mistress Satine D'Ann Farris (lezleighd) # Mistress Lexi Denver (Pinky) # Master Patroclus Hudson (PattyH.) # Mistress Iris Beaumont (Nixy!) # Mistress Kurumi Hollingberry (sweetpinkpixie) # Master Riley Sinclair (DanialRadFAN01) # Master Simon Bennett (Macavity) # Mistress Arya Lovegoods (grangerfan8) # Master Eino Uronen (Starbreeze) # Mistress Charlotte Kelley (scarsandtetris) |
Charles wandered up to the Security Checkpoint and looked around at the lack of people so far. This was ridiculous and the Lord deserved better than this turn out. He glanced down at this watch to check the time and let out a small sign of relief when he realized he was just probably early to the event. He smiled at the Ministry employee and said, "Charles D'Isigny, Department Head, Magical Accidents & Catastrophes Department...I know the Lord quite well." he said with pride glancing down at the list of invited guests. "And don't forget that I need a free shirt." he said with his usual confidence although he wasn't sure what this shirt was about or what it would look like but if that was what Lord Borr wanted then he would gladly follow suit. |
Satine clicked up to the Check Point with her purple hair curled in curls trailing behind her. She was soooo very excited to be invited to the event, although she wasn't sure why she was. She clasped the invitation in her hand just in case there was some mix up or something. She timidly waited her turn in line with her usual smile plastered on her face. She smoothed out her black skirt and checked on her purple heels as she waited. Finally it was her turn and she smiled at the checker. "Ummmm, hello, I'm Satine Farris, I'm a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts...and I got this invitation" she held out the invitation to the employee, "I hope I'm in the right place..." she said making her left eyebrow cock up. "Did I hear someone say something about a free t-shirt? Are we required to wear it...." she said timidly thinking about how long it had taken her to pick out an outfit. "And what color is it..." she just couldn't imagine having to have a t-shirt that didn't match her heels. |
Anastasia walked up to the Check point and smiled as her blond hair waved behind her, she then said with a strong voice, "Good day, Anastasia Riddle, I work in the ministry" She said, she was exited that there was going to be a party, and no work, she needed a break. "I heard about a free T-shirt, is it possible for me to get one?" She asked polity, she was in the right place, RIGHT? Anastasia was always forgetful and got lost a lot, that was the trouble with her. |
What a LOAD OF CRAP! Damien tried to calm himself as he stepped up to the security check point... not that he NEEDED to go through it since he was a bloody Auror, but oh well. He pulled his tie a bit tighter and stepped up to one of his team members. "Damien Jackson, Auror, you know me... I am here." MEH. |
Pierre was only go to this thing because he had nothing better to do. He didn't even know if he would get in seeing as this probably had something to do with all of the strange things that were going on around the Ministry. Hopefully, he would be able to get in to see what was going on. "Pierre Devereux. Department of Transportation employee." His French accent still dripped over every word. He had a feeling that it would never go away. Never. Free t-shirt? Pierre really wasn't one for taking stuff like that, but he was going to ask about it anyways. "I heard something about a free t-shirt? Where do I get one?" |
With his head held high and a confident spring in his step, Alexander Greingoth approached the security check-in. He'd closed the doors to his shop only minutes before, yet because he currently lived in the housing area above The Leaky Cauldron, he'd had time to change into his party clothes and freshen up before the big event. As he waited with the others to be officially checked in, he glanced casually over his shoulder. Not necessarily spotting anyone in particular, he turned back around to introduce himself to he group manning the checkpoint. "Alexander Greingoth," he stated, "Shopkeeper of The Leaky Cauldron and friend of Mr. Martel D'Isigny." |
Anita was dressed to KILL, arms laden with box upon box of yummylicious treats for Lord Borr. Mhm. She came prepared. Hmmm perhaps she could find her a yummy man while she was at it. Teehee. Casting a glance around she stepped to the check point and smiled brightly, "Anita Forrester, Sugarplums Assistant. I see we are all invited... really. And I brought goodies for Lord Borr and the rest of the guests." Cue cute little giggle and eyelash batting. Ohhhh yeahh, "I would also LOVE my free tshirt." |
Iridesca walked over to the entrance and was a little overwhelmed by all of the people already in line. She was a little nervous about tonite's event because she had only run into the new Undersecretary briefly in her department and she really wasn't sure what to think of him, but she had made a plan to try to get off on a better foot tonite. She smiled at everyone in line and waited her turn glancing around to see if she could recognize any familiar faces. She knew her niece, Satine, was going to be attending tonite by special invitation. And she couldn't be more excited to see her since Iridesca hadn't seen her favorite purple girl since the Christmas break. Finally she reached the front of the line and with a smile she introduced herself, "Hello, I'm Iridesca MacMillan, Obliviator in the Accidents & Catastrophes Department." she said with a little nod of her head. |
As each person came through the check point and is cleared they approach the counter and to be officially checked in. Quote:
'I love my job. I love my job. I love my job.'she thought to herself as she waited for the next person. |
As others in front of her were checked in, the dark haired Witch looked around, paying less attention to her surroundings as she was actually looking for a certain face out of the sea before her. Resisting a frown as she didn't see the Flourish and Blott's shopkeeper, Artemis turned her attention back toward the security check-in. Hopefully Brett would find her, if he came. Offering a warm smile as she reached the checkpoint, Artie greeted the security workers politely, "Hello, I'm Artemis Chosen; Shopkeeper of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes." |
You skipped my shoppie honey ;) Smirking slightly at Dacs, Damien tipped his hat at her and gave a wink. "Darling, it could be a lot worse. See you around at some point I am sure," he told her in a quiet tone as he passed through and entered the party area. He had... VERY reluctantly donned the STUPID SHIRT. Van owed him BIG time for this nonsense. |
Brett stepped into the line for the security check-in, tugging lightly on his jacket as he glanced around at the large number of people that were streaming through security. His eyes lit on a very familiar head of hair and a smile tugged at his lips. Stepping up behind her, he lightly nudged her but said nothing as they had reached the checkpoint. After Artie had given her name, he nodded hello to the security personnel and spoke. "Brett Carlen, shopkeeper of Flourish and Blotts." |
Katrina fiddled with the ends of her hair, feeling a slight bit nervous before scolding herself for being so... odd. She took a deep breath, walked in with a smile on her face. Given, she was nervous but she felt like she had a right to be. She walked into the Check-In and smiled at the people there. She walked over to the counter thingy and smiled. "I'm Katrina Rayne, employee in the Department of Magical Transportation," she said, a bit uncertainly as she continued to smile. Why was she so nervous about this whole this anyways? She hadn't a clue. She glanced at everyone with their t-shirts. "Is it mandatory to wear that... thing?" Katrina asked. She thought it wasn't exactly stylish and it definitely wouldn't go well with her carefully put together outfit. |
REALLY. HOW RUDE... the woman SKIPPED over her. HMPH. She was SO talking to her superior about this. Indeed. Then... she FINALLY noticed Anita and all of her BOXES for Lord Borr himself. Gah. "About bloody time," she mumbled as she snatched the shirt and swept imperiously through to the party area. Idiot people. |MEH. |
Alicia walked up to the security check and sighed, with a quick smile she spoke. "Hi, I'm Alicia Devereaux. I work for the Department of International Cooperation, British seats - I bought the tent...it was really heavy." she smiled. "I have a question do you know if er- Jaxton Tanner is here met him the other day and just wanted to thank him for helping me out the other day." she blushed slightly as she said this. |
Esteban decided to go to the party. He wasn't going to go a first. Lord What's his face had driven him crazy really. But then again...it was his job to go. He stopped at the Security check in. Okay...serioulsy...this much sericurity for a fat guy? "Esteban Rivera. International Magical Cooperation British Seats Division." He said the to the next available tennet. "Oh, and my free T-shirt Please" He said again thinking at the very least he should get a free T-shirt. |
Alexander was THERE. Heh. Not that he needed to go through the check point after all, but it could be productive to stay among the masses for a moment or so. He was, of course decked out in the shirts in honour of Lord Borr... because he SO wanted to be. Finding a rubbish bin to lean against he simply stood watching the people pass by, waiting for Ren or some of the others. And maybe he could find a new person or two to see things his way. :smirk: |
Tegz! :P (He's Special and important today) Armen Recard was kind of excited for this event...try REALLY excited. The Cult was finally in charge and they were going to start things their way (not that the public or most of the employees knew this but HE did). The Department Head made his way to the front of the line walking swiftly not allowing anyone to cross his path. He was special here today. He stopped at the securoty check point and looked at the wizards and witches working there. "No need to hold me up here, Im an honored guest here today. Armen Recard, Department Head of Magical Transportation. Evander let me pass through, I can't afford to be held here and not meet up with Borr and the rest of us loyal Department Heads." he put a bit of a twist on the word loyal knowing that in the sense he had meant it he certainly was not! "Oh and I would like a t-shirt please!" he added with a grin. He was going to be a pain today for all of those who weren't honored guests. Especially the 'un-lucky' department Heads. |
And the line gets longer...it was gonna be a long night. Quote:
'Who is this guy? Everyone is subject to security checks, no exceptions.'she thought to herself. |
.... Van, even though he was BRASSED OFF, was wearing one of the t-shirts, under a blazer of course, actually looking like he'd made some effort to present himself, despite the... ... horrible tee. As he returned to the security check point he noticed a shifty looking individual and narrowed his eyes slightly... then glanced at Dacs. She'd clocked him too. Quote:
Evander's attention was taken from the suspicious loiterer and he fixed one Armen Recard with a flat, unfriendly stare. Closer to hostile than anything else. He had no patience for the man, or the game he was playing. Arms folded across his muscular chest, Evander, as usual, cut an imposing figure. "Have fun, Recard." He nodded at the pile of t-shirts, not deigning to get one for the man, he could do that his own damned self. He gestured at him to step through the check point, but barely moved out of the way. Armen 'special guest of Borr' would just have to squeeze past. He just would. |
Oh yippeee. There was Evander Bole. Alex knew all about him. Heh. Pushing away from the rubbish bin he loped forward and stopped right by Bole and smirked. "Part of the... organization responsible for this shindig, Mr. Bole. I'm Alexander. Lovely to see you decided to comply," he said with a derisive snort as he nodded toward the teeshirt. Smiling widely now he nodded his head once at Bole and tried to convey withhis eyes that he was going in and they had better not attempt to stop him considering the might of the Cult would rain down on him if so. "How ARE Lily and that cute boy of hers, Evander?" Alexander asked in a louder tone as he walked right past the check in and entered the part area. Ren would find him inside.l He had things to do and people to... see. |
As he was going to leave he listened to the obviously not-true well wish and clapped the man on the shoulder. "Do try to look happy, we are getting someone in the office that can do things...plus you are scaring our guests." he grinned and then walked off a tune whistling from his mouth. What a amazing day to be behind Borr. Figuratively because that would be a danger zone and the smell would frankly, be dreadfull |
here is where I start losing my mind... Having followed his boss to the party, Ryoma hung back a bit to see if With his bag of CDs in hand, seeing as he was sure that Lord Borr had been a fan of the bad, Kaishu approached the security check point when he noticed a younger boy with very nice hair. It was almost nicer than his! He would have to go up and introduce himself to the young man with the white cat on his shoulder once he got inside. "My name is Kaishu Shiradou. I am a transfer from the Japanese Ministry of Magic to this one." Then, he heard the boy speak. Ryoma?! Kaishu began to push his way towards the front a bit, but it was no use due to the crowd. His son was too far away. As Ryoma waited for his security clearance, he could have sworn that he heard his old man's voice. Turning his gaze to the back of the line a little, a scowl instantly came over his face. This had to be someone's idea of a joke... |
Like others, Gretchen was already sporting one of the T-shirts. And though it wasn't terribly feminine, she didn't complain and merely made up for it by styling her hair up in an elegant bun. With a bright smile on her lips, the young woman stepped up to the check in just as Alexander allowed himself in. "Gretchen Montasio," She spoke up in a clear, light voice. "Also assisting with party things." And speaking of which, was Ren already inside? |
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