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Who used to be the department head of Level 3? There were division heads? Who was the old minister of magic back in 2064? Come check out the old ministry bios! Maybe it will give you some ideas for your new character. Perhaps your new character knows some of the old ministry peoples!
Remember though, just as with the current Bio thread, these are all OOC so if you see the character in Diagon Alley, unless they told your character they wouldn't necessarily know their history.
Please contact one of the department heads if you require your post to be moved or need to receive the coding.
- If the bio was here and is an old character it has been moved here. If at any point you return to this character and want it moved back just pm one of the ministry mods!
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- If you notice any errors, please contact sweetpinkpixie or a Ministry Department Head and they will get to it asap.
Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures has now merged with DERP to create the Department of Ecological Regulation and Protection
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Penelope Grimm
[adding new image soon] Model: Hailee Steinfeld
General Info
Full Name: Penelope Reyna Grimm (née Greenwell) Nicknames: Pen, Penne, Loppy, Shark Bait, Cantaloupe, Calliope Gender: Female Date of Birth: January 30, 2066 Relationship Status: Married Blood Status: Half and half Wand: 10 3/4 inches, English Oak, Unicorn hair core, Springy Patronus: Mustang horse Boggart: A dementor Ministry Department: Magical Law Enforcement Current Occupation: Auror (January 2088-Present)
Education & Work Experience
House: Gryffindor Years at Hogwarts: Sept 2077-June 2084 Favorite Subjects: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Flying, Care of Magical Creatures Least Favorite Subjects: History of Magic, Transfiguration, Arithmancy OWLs: 9
Text Cut: Ordinary Wizarding Levels Results
Ancient Runes - A
Astronomy - A
Care of Magical Creatures - E
Charms - E
Defense Against the Dark Arts - E
Herbology - E
Muggle Studies - O
Potions - E
Transfiguration - E
NEWTs: 8
Text Cut: Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Results
Astronomy - A
Care of Magical Creatures - E
Charms - E
Defense Against the Dark Arts - O
Herbology - E
Muggle Studies - E
Potions - E
Transfiguration - E
Former Occupation: Leaky Cauldron Intern (Summer 2081), Waitress (Summer 2082 and 2083, September-December 2084), YATI Auror Trainee (January 2085-December 2087) Other Experience: 10 week basic Auror training course (Summer 2084)
Father: Matthew Greenwell (deceased) Mother: Lucia Greenwell [née Selwyn] (deceased) Husband:Zeppelin Grimm Daughter: Ivy Milan Grimm (b. March 5, 2090) Son: Sage Everest Grimm (b. August 30, 2093) Pets: A calico cat named Spot, a grey and white cat named Taco, an orange and white Scottish Fold cat named Pabu, and two miniature horses named Cookie and Esteban
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown Height: 5’3”
Personality Type: ENFP-A Personality: Penelope, sometimes, can be a stereotypical Gryffindor - she likes to be reckless and impulsive, mostly when it comes to things like flying and Quidditch and going bungee jumping. She can sometimes rein it in, but most of the time she likes to do something fast and get her adrenaline running. But at other times, she seems to be a bit of an opposite to the stereotype because she often likes to quietly observe things and other people rather than rushing into something head first or jumping in to immediately share her thoughts on something. If asked, however, she's more than willing to give her thoughts and opinions, often put very straightforward and bluntly, and she will often stubbornly stick to those thoughts and opinions no matter what.
Penelope also believes very strongly in honesty in others too. She would much rather be told the truth, even if it hurts, than be lied to just to spare her feelings. And at the same time, she's also a very loyal, accepting person. There’s very little that will shock or surprise her, and she wouldn’t ever think about excluding someone as a friend simply they are different from her in some way. And though she appears to be small and harmless, she is fiercely protective of the people she cares about and will stand up to anyone who is cruel to them, and her fists are sometimes more likely to be used than her wand.
In addition, she can be eager to learn new things if it interests her, but at the same time she sometimes feels too lazy to actually put in the effort to study and learn. When push comes to shove, however, she will settle down and study/work.
Other Ministry Character:Naomi Greenwell [Undercover Buyer; bio coming soon]
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Last edited by AlwaysSnapesGirl; 09-07-2017 at 05:55 PM.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Name: Tucker Alexander Schultz D.O.B: 28th June 2065 Blood Status: Pureblood Physical Description: Light brown hair, blue eyes, a little over six feet tall. Distinguishing Features: No matter what Tucker does, he can't ever get rid of that five o'clock shadow. Wand: 11 1/4 inches, Demiguise Hair, Willow Pet(s): A corgi named Xavier (he used to have a toad named Toby, but he escaped somewhere in France) Patronus: A sloth, for reasons that Tucker cannot even begin to understand...
Job Title: Experimental Charms Committee - Development Research Assistant Employment Date: January 2085 Job Description: This is an entry level position for NEWT level graduates who have an interest in Spell development and experimentation. The Research Assistant will help Charms Developers and Spell Researchers as required, and will be expected to assist with paperwork and filing as requested. They will be required to carry out surveys and research amongst the Wizarding public as needed. This job has a focus on aiding Spell Researchers with priority projects, with the eventual goal of running point on such projects in the future. The Development Research Assistant will aim to specialise either in Research or Development, and will learn on the job. Development Research Assistant's must have an O grade in NEWT level Charms, and an E grade in NEWT level Transfiguration. They must also have at least 3 other NEWT level subjects.
Personality: One word to describe Tucker - happy. Happy and bubbly. He wants to smile and he wants YOU to smile, and he'll do anything he can to make that happen. Tucker doesn't get angry very often, but when he does, look out - things will probably get thrown and his face will turn the color of a fresh tomato. He's usually very easy going and polite, however, wanting to talk to just about anyone in the vicinity and make new friends.
True to his Hufflepuff nature, Tucker is willing to lend a hand to anyone who needs it and is a true blue friend to the end - unless you betray him. He did inherit a BIT of his mother's Slytherin personality, after all.
History: Tucker was born in Munich, Germany, in the middle of summer, 2065. Sadly, Tucker never had a chance to meet his father, as Moritz passed away just a few months after his birth. Gabi struggled raising her young son before finally moving to Surrey with her mother when Tucker was 4 years old. Because of this, his German accent all but faded away, even though Tucker is still fluent in the language.
Tucker enjoyed the time with his mother as she took a few years off of work to raise him. She taught him lots of valuable lessons, such as always eating healthy foods, treating people the way you’d want to be treated (unless they’re a jerk, in which case you can go ahead and be kind of mean too, because they deserve it) and Slytherins are the superior house at Hogwarts. This particular lesson would obviously be challenged later once he got to school, but he grew very close with his mother. As he got older, he did anything he could to make life a little easier for his mum, to repay her for all that she did.
For his first year, Tucker was extremely excited and certain that he would be placed in Slytherin like his mother. Imagine his surprise when he wasn’t a Slytherin, but a HUFFLEPUFF! A badger, of all things! While he was devastated, his mother took it even worse, and she immediately pulled him from school and threatened to take down the administration for this atrocity. Of course she never followed through with her threat, due in part to the fact that she then became head of the Department of Magical Transportation and had other things to worry about, but he remained homeschooled until his 2nd year.
It was then that Tucker realized that MAYBE being a Hufflepuff wouldn’t be that bad. Gabi had unwittingly been teaching him that ALL the houses of Hogwarts had positive traits through her history of magic lessons, and after some further research, he realized that house really didn’t matter to him all that much. Maybe he’d even make some friends in Hufflepuff! So, after nearly a full year of begging and pleaded, and even some threatening and old fashioned temper tantrums, Gabi finally gave in and allowed him to return for his 3rd year.
After his third year, Gabi and her boyfriend Armen decided to move to France together. Tucker was given a choice - he could stay enrolled in Hogwarts and live in France in the summer, or he could live with them all year round and go to Beauxbatons. Since Tucker is very close with his mother, he decided to go live with them and transferred after one year at Hogwarts.
Former Occupation(s): Ollivander's Intern Education: After being sorted into Hufflepuff, Gabi pulled Tucker from school so she could sue the sorting hat, as she was convinced there had to be a mistake. Being close to his mother, Tucker didn't have the heart to tell her that really didn't mind his new house. He finally got the courage to ask to return during his 3rd year. Despite having a successful year, Tucker decided to transfer to Beauxbatons during his 4th year due to his mother moving to France with her fiance Armen. Qualifications: OWLs:
Astronomy - E
Divination - E
Charms - O
Transfiguration - O
Care of Magical Creatures - E
Potions - E
Ancient Runes - E
History of Magic - A
Astronomy - A
Divination - P
Charms - O
Transfiguration - O
Potions - E
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Model: Ellen Page
//Personal Facts :Name Cassandra Melody White :Called Cassie :Age 27
:Date of Birth 2 December 2057 :Relationship Status Single
//Magical Facts :Wand 12 1/2 in. Ebony wood with Unicorn hair core
:Patronus Fox :Boggart Her friend Carlotte dead :Blood Status Muggleborn :Amortentia Unknown
//Timeline :Born 2 December 2057 :Salem Witches Institute 3 September 2070 - 4 June 2076 :Salem University 16 September 2076 - 12 June 2080
:Department of Magical Creatures Intern (American Ministry) 1 October 2079 - 1 June 2080
:Department of International Magical Cooperation 'Translator' (American Ministry) 20 August 2080 - 6 April 2081 :Liasion to the Press (Magical and Muggle) (American Ministry) 7 April 2081 - 26 June 2083 :Freelance Writer/Photographer 1 July 2083 - January 2085
:Department of International Magical Cooperation 'Immigration Officer' (British Ministry) January 2085 - Current
//Personality Traits
:At school she was called 'mind reader' because most people actually believed she could read minds. Of course, she can't. She just knows a lot about body language and social cues. She's perceptive enough to be able to read a person's emotions fairly easily.
:She has a lot of self-confidence and believe everyone else should also love themselves unconditionally.
:She is filled with a love of learning and drinks in all the knowledge she can get. She was at the top of her class and excelled in her OWLs and NEWTs.
She was the second child born to a muggle woman named Elizabeth. Her father died a few months before she was born.
Cassie started showing signs of magic early. She was just four years old when the breakfast she was impatiently awaiting flew from the counter to her place. Her mother was understandably freaked out, and she handled it by locking Cassie in her room for a few days. Her brother Matt - who was 6 years older than her - called the police and wizards had to be sent over to smooth things out. They explained everything to her mother, but kept people in place to keep an eye on the situation.
When Cassie turned 6, she was send to a year-round elementary school meant for muggleborns and orphans. As soon as Matt could stay home by himself, their mom began traveling for work as much as possible. Cassie was accepted to the Salem Withes Institute and started school at age 13. When she went home for summer holidays, she rarely saw her mother. Instead, Cassie was practically raised by her older brother.
After Graduating, Cassie attended Salem's Wizarding University. During her last year of school, she had an internship at the American ministry in the Department of Magical Creatures. After graduating, Cassie landed a job in the Department of International Magical Cooperation as a translator, and later as liaison to the press. Not long ago, she quit her job and worked as a freelance writer and photographer. Most of her writing was done for a muggle and a wizarding paper in America, and both involved a lot of traveling.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Margaret Ward
Department of Magical Accidents & Catastrophes Division One Senior Obliviator
Name: Margaret Maple Ward (née Maybury) Nickname: Mary ; Mammy DoB: 4 July 2057 Patronus: Genet Wand: Sturdy 12 ½ Silver Lime with Augurey Feather core Boggart: Classified Amortentia: Classified
Education and Work History
2068 – 74 :: Attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
2075 – 79 :: Attended Naples University of Magic
2077 – 80 :: Page at the Girolamini Library
2078 – 80 :: Memory Restoration Assistant Intern at Italian Ministry of Magic
2081 – 84 :: Junior Obliviator at Italian Ministry of Magic
2085 – 90 :: Division One Obliviator at British Ministry of Magic
2091 ::____Division One Senior Obliviator at British Ministry of Magic
▷ HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY ---Dueling Club Attendee ; Book Club Attendee ; Yearbook Photographer
House: Slytherin Excelled in: Charms, Divination, DADA, and Transfiguration Disliked: Ancient Runes, History of Magic, and Potions
▷ Hogwarts OWLs Year ∘ Ancient Runes [A]
∘ Care of Magical Creatures [E]
∘ Charms [O]
∘ DADA [O]
∘ Divination [E]
∘ Herbology [A]
∘ History of Magic [E]
∘ Muggle Studies [O]
∘ Potions [O]
∘ Transfiguration [E]
▷ Hogwarts NEWTs Year • Care of Magical Creatures [E]
• Charms [O]
• DADA [O]
• Divination [O]
• Herbology [E]
• History of Magic [O]
• Muggle Studies [O]
• Potions [O]
• Transfiguration [O]
▷ NAPLES UNIVERSITY OF MAGIC ---Memory Modification Assistant Intern Credits
Margaret is five foot, eight inches tall with tousled dark blond hair that falls a few inches past her shoulders. She has piercing green eyes that may seem blue at times depending on the lighting. Her wardrobe is rather laid back, consisting mostly of simple shirts, form fitting pants, and comfortable shoes... even if the occasion calls for something a bit more elegant.
Personality: Margaret is a rather laid back person. So much, in fact, it's a wonder that her patronus isn't a sloth. Even so, she isn't the most patient of people either and can become grumpy and irritable if things don't go her way. Then again, these aren't foreign traits to her any other time of day either, especially with early mornings. A bit of coffee should at least help with that. Despite the grumbling under her breath and her lack of motivation to really do anything that contributes to society, she is rather intelligent and adventurous. Though this really has only caused her to be extremely mischievous and tends to get not only herself, but others into trouble as well. Granted, she doesn't mean too much harm. Her competitive nature at least keeps her in check some of the time, always wanting to be on top. She isn't the most sentimental of people either, but she can fake it pretty well when she wants to. However, her loyalty to those she is close to knows no bounds; perhaps even warmhearted and loving some would say, in which she'd enthusiastically deny. Truly, deep down, she is a romantic and a bookworm with a venturesome spirit ready to take on the next obstacle in life.
Place of Birth: Oxford, England Current Residence: Oxford, England Blood Status: Pureblood Heritage: English ; Italian Language: English ; Italian Relationship Status: Married Daughter: Inara Ward [ 23 December 2088 ]
SPOILER!!: Click
Born in Oxford, England in early July of 2057, Margaret became the first child of Gemma and Frank Maybury and eventual older sister of adopted younger brother Benedict Maybury. While her family wasn't the richest of folks when in came to galleons, they were rich in love and support. Despite being in a wizarding household, she was sent to muggle school until her eleventh birthday. She didn't have many troubles when it came to accidental displays of magic, though she did find it difficult to make a few decent girl friends. She rarely had troubles with any teasing or bullying either, as her love of sports gave her plenty of guy friends to protect her.
Sorted into Slytherin at Hogwarts, she didn't have a particularly difficult time during her school years. Her grades were on the spot and her social life was acceptable. Not wanting to be out-shined by her more lovable Gryffindor brother once he started Hogwarts, she started to receive her aggressive and competitive reputation. Unsure of what she wanted to do after Hogwarts, she enrolled in a University located in the roots of her ancestors; Italy. There, she acquired a job at the prestigious Girolamini Library as a page while she studied at the Naples University of Magic. Having first enrolled a couple basic courses dealing with defense and combat along with a few more serious courses on the side, she found her skill and fascination in neuromagic to be quite up to par.
During her final year of university, she applied into the Memory Restoration Assistant internship, though the constant analysis and paperwork in indoor settings had her feet and hands itching for the outdoors. It was only two years later that she applied for a transfer as a Junior Obliviator.
However, homesick and lonely, she applied for another transfer back to the UK in the British Ministry of Magic. Accepted into an Obliviator position, Margaret moved back with as much enthusiasm as she could muster, and is ready for the next great step in her life.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Tabitha Stephens
(Model: A young Lisa Hartman)
Name: Tabitha Stephens Nickname: Tab DOB: October 31 2062 POB: Westport, Connecticut, USA Grew up in: See above Currently Lives: St John's Wood, London Height: 5’7
Heritage: Halfblood
Wand: 11 inch, Yew wand with unicorn hair core Patronus: Pony
Hobbies: Singing, reading, playing piano, listening to music, dancing and travelling
FAMILY Mother; Samantha Stephens Father; Darrin Stephens Siblings: Younger brother Adam Extended Family:
Grandmother (maternal) Endora
Grandfather (maternal) Maurice
Grandmother (paternal) Phyllis Stephens
Grandfather (paternal) Frank Stephens
2068-2074: Attended Westport Elementary
2075- 2079: Attended Salem Witch's Institute
Works hard but knows when to have fun. Respectful towards anyone who respects her. She doesn't like it when witches get referred to as being hags with warts.
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Current: Ministry Event Coordinator at Ministry of Magic Previous: Producer's Assistant at TV Station/Studio
Tabitha was born to a witch by the name of Samantha and a muggle by the name of Darrin. At the age of one years old, Tabitha began showing signs of witchcraft by wiggling her nose to obtain her favourite toy which was a pony. Tabitha was bullied at times at Westport Elementary but she would get her revenge by turning bullies into bullfrogs much to her parents' chagrin. Tabitha's paternal grandparents don't know that Tabitha, her younger brother Adam (born when Tabitha was six), their mother Sam and Sam's side of the family possess magical powers. Tabitha's maternal grandparents always encourage Tabitha and Adam to use their magic which annoys Tabitha's father.
To help Tabitha control her witchcraft, Darrin relented and allowed for his daughter to attend Salem Witch's Institute instead of a muggle high school. Tabitha loved attending the classes and was most skilled at Charms and Transfiguration.
Upon leaving school, Tabitha moved from home to live in Los Angeles and got herself a job as an assistant to a television producer. She held the job from the ages of 18-21 until she moved to London to apply for a job at the Ministry of Magic.
Name: Gregory Michaels III Date of Birth: September 14, 2058 Place of Birth: London, England Place of Residency: London, England Marital Status: Single Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown Height: 5’8” Weight: 152lbs Heritage: Pureblood
Position (Division): Foreign Relations Officer/ Liaison to the Press
Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Food: Spaghetti
History: Gregory was born on 14 September 2059 the only child of his father Gregory Michaels II and mother Stephanie Michaels. At a young age Gregory had an aptitude for knowledge and enjoyed reading. While he was attending Hogwarts his father died in a motor vehicle accident leaving his mother to take care of him. Gregory took it upon himself to better himself and so strived to become the best in his class.
Gregory graduated and unsure what he wanted to do he went to work for the Owl Post as an assistant. Feeling unfulfilled he decided to go to university and enrolled at Scotland Wizarding University. While there he had an aptitude for history and magical cooperation. Because of this he decided to apply for a job at the Ministry of Magic.
Personality: Though Gregory is fascinated by foreign nations and history he tends to like his books a little more than the people he encounters. He will pick people’s brains for various bits of knowledge however. Gregory lacks the inability to talk to girls and as such has never had a girlfriend. He has a desire to impress important people and always does his best to be the best at his job.
Last edited by Cinn-O-Bun; 04-15-2015 at 06:39 AM.
Full Name: Sky Kate Carter-Hope Born: August 20, 2064 in New York City, New York Current Residence: the Chelsea neighborhood of London Blood Status: Halfblood Relationship Status: Single Job Title: YATI
Height: 5'7" Weight: Like I'm going to tell you*snorts* Hair Color: Dark brown with natural red highlights Eye Color: Green Distinctive Characteristics: Tattoo on her back that reads 'We will all laugh at gilded butterflies' Looks Like: Ashley Greene
Family Ties
Father: Sam Carter (CEO, Wallmarket INC.) Mother: Mariane Hope (owner/head chef of Nom, Noms in New York City) Siblings: Parker Carter-Hope Aunt/Godmother: Roxanne Carter (Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, French Ministry of Magic) Cousin: Ronan Carter
Education Information
Former Schools: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Sept. 2075-Jun. 2077, Sept. 2079-Jun. 2082); Constance Billard School (Sept. 2077-Jun. 2079) Hogwarts House: Slytherin Best Subjects:Magical: Astronomy Muggle: English, Spanish Worst Subjects:Magical: History of Magic Muggle: Math, of any kind University: Wizarding University-London (Sept. 2082, will graduate in June of 2086) Degree: Experimental Magic & Research with a special focus on Defense and Dark Arts Extra Experience:
Rid of the insecurities of her younger years, Sky is everything one would expect a spoiled little rich girl to be. Arrogant, boastful and insistent that she is going to get her way, by Merlin! She also cares about the social ladder and is certain of her place on it, and completely determined to climb it, no matter what. The adults around her would say that she is actually smart, she just applies it the wrong way. Gone too, are her prankster ways.
Text Cut: haven't written a new one yet, but here's the old one
Sky was born into a very wealthy wizarding family. The ironic thing about her family's money is that it's all from a muggle company (her great grandfather founded the popular retail chain Wall-Market, an alternative to the even more known Walmart). She was raised like a princess, and had everything money could buy.
At the age of five, Sky started her education at an elite muggle private school. She was well liked by her peers (despite the overconfidence and lame ability to keep up with friends). Her teachers, however, reported that while she was very smart, she had a tendency to not do her homework. At the age of seven, after an argument with her mother on that very topic, Sky showed her first sign of magic by making her textbooks fly into the toilet. After that, her father and aunt began regaling her with tales of their Hogwarts days in order to prepare her for hers. At eleven, she did, indeed, get her Hogwarts letter and off she went!
Sky started her first year at Hogwarts with a bang, (almost) literally! She set off a stinkbomb in a house meeting led by the Head Boy and Girl. She was trying to get a housemate she felt was being mean, and ended up serving detention for Professor Lafay (yes, the other girl got the same punishment). Not to long after that, she meet Erin ( whom she supposes could be called a friend), and went on a fun adventure in the Room of Requirement.
About mid way through the school year, strange things started happening around Hogwarts. Stuff started disappearing, there was a fire, just strange things like that. It was revealed at the end of term feast to be the work of a baby!house elf (after, of course, said baby elf caused all kinds of mayhem there, too). At the end of this term Sky returned back to New York, eagerly awaiting her second year.
Sky's second year at Hogwarts was a whirlwind of activity, what with the school celebrating it's 1000 year anniversary and all. On top of that, the creatures from the Forbidden Forest began randomly appearing on the school grounds, scarring some of the students and exciting others. When asked why, one of the creatures explained that there was something in the forest scarring them just as much their sudden appearance was scarring the students. When Professors Scabior, Williamson, Vindictus and Roslund went investigate, they returned with a weird orb thing. This orb was passed around all around until it landed with Headmaster Tate.
As for personal happenings, Sky was pulled from Hogwarts toward the end of her second year, due to her grandfather's sudden death. Her father no longer approved of her being so far from home for such a long period of time. So, Sky was enrolled back in her old muggle private school, with a magic tutor spending an hour or so with her everyday.
Sky's return to the Constance Billard School was eventful, to say the least. She found that her mortal enemy from her youth (Libby Summers) now wanted to be all buddy buddy, her former bestie (Karina Smith) was now the rather evil queen bee and wanted nothing to do with her, and perhaps much more complicated, her male neighbor (Cory Schmidt), the one that also attended Constance Billard, was romantically interested in her. She decided to tackle the easiest problem first and befriended her former enemy, who turned out to be a much better friend than her former one. With both Libby and Cory's help, Sky ended up earning back her top spot in the school. Much to Karina's disgust, which ended up sparking an out and out war for dominance between the two former friends. The school's teachers put a stop to this after a well aimed glass shattered right in Karina's face one day, almost taking out her eye. The two girls and their friends were locked in the counselor's office and told that they couldn't come out until they had come to a truce. Which they did rather quickly, because who wants to be stuck in a counselor's office all day? They still haven't found out who threw the glass......
The next year led to Sky admiting that she had feelings for Cory (or Schmidt, as she affectionately calls him), and they began to date. Their relationship was largely drama free and they were the 'it' couple of the school.
Sky found out towards the end of her fourth year (or freshman year of high school), that she would be returning to Hogwarts, due to her parents wanting her to have a more formal and traditional magical education, which they felt that she wasn't receiving from her magic tutor. And they felt that it would be easier for her to take her OWLs in a school. So, Sky went to London for the summer, to stay with her aunt and get caught up with the goings on in the wizarding world, so that she wouldn't be so out of the loop. This put an end to her relationship with Cory, since they both felt that a long distance relationship wouldn't work for them.
Model: Cobie Smulders
Post Color: #CD00CD
Image Credit: Me!
Sky Carter-Hope
Basic Info
Full Name: Sky Kate Carter-Hope Birthdate: August 20, 2064 Birthplace: New York City Current Residence: London Blood Status: Halfblood Relationship Status: Single as a Pringle
Height: 5’7” Weight: None of your business Hair Color: Naturally auburn but sometimes dyes it blond Eye Color: Green Distinctive Characteristics: Tattoo on her back that reads “We will all laugh at guilded butterflies” Looks Like: Cobie Smulders
Magical Characteristics
Wand: 11” beechwood with phoenix feather core; swishy Patronus: Boa Constrictor Boggart: Dementors Special Characteristics: None
Family Ties
Father: Sam Carter (b. 2040) Mother: Mariane Hope (b. 2041) Siblings: Parker Carter-Hope (b. 2080) Aunt/Godmother: Roxanne Carter (b. 2038) Cousin: Ronan Carter (b. 2079)
Education/Job Info
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Sept. 2075-June 2077; Sept. 2079-June 2082) Constance Ballard School (Sept. 2077-June 2079) House: Slytherin University: Wizarding University-London (Sept. 2082-June 2086) Degree: Experimental Magic & Research with a special focus on Defense and Dark Magic Department: International Magical Cooperation Job Description:Magical Product Tester and Security Council Member Previous Employment: YATI Training Program, Department of Magical Law Enforcement, British Ministry of Magic
Will add later
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Last edited by Felixir; 06-03-2021 at 10:51 PM.
Reason: merging bios
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Full Name: Eliora Amorette Dodderidge Nicknames: Eli, Liora Date of Birth: November 13th, 2058 Place of Birth: Edinburgh, Scotland Place of Residence: Surrey, England Blood Status: Halfblood Wand Type: 10 ¼ inches, mahogany with unicorn tail core
Education to Date: Wizarding University of London (2077 – 2083), Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (2070 – 2077) Languages Spoken: English, French (moderate), Spanish (moderate)
Wizarding University of London
Degree in Experimental Magic & Research and Potions (awarded in 2083)
Merit in Basic Business Management (awarded in 2081)
High Pass in Paediatric First Aid (awarded in 2082)
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry House Gryffindor Class of: 2077 OWLs:
Ancient Runes – A
Arithmancy – A
Astronomy – O
Care of Magical Creatures – O
Charms – 0
Defence Against the Dark Arts – E
Divination - A
Herbology – O
History of Magic – A
Muggle Studies - O
Potions – O
Transfiguration – E
Arithmancy – A
Astronomy – E
Care of Magical Creatures – A
Charms – O
Defence Against the Dark Arts – E
Herbology – O
History of Magic – E
Potions – O
Transfiguration – E
Current Employment:
Department Head of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, British Ministry of Magic (December 2097) Previous Employment:
DMAC Department Liaison, British Ministry of Magic (January 2085 – December 2097)
Spell Researcher, Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes (January 2084 – December 2097)
Personal Assistant, Teen Witch Weekly (August 2081 – February 2083)
Receptionist, Teen Witch Weekly (April 2079 – November 2081)
Waitress (August 2077 – April 2079)
Paper round (Summer of 2074, 2075, and 2076)
Hair Colour: Blonde Eye Colour: Blue Height: 5 feet and 7 inches Distinguishing Features:
Tattoo of a rose on one wrist alongside her daughters date of birth
Tattoo of a guitar on the other wrist alongside her sons date of birth Current Face Claim: Amber Heard
Personality Type: Likes: coffee, licorice wands, gossip magazines, escapting to one of England’s pitiful excuses for a beach, success, being recognised for her efforts, spending time with her friends and family, making men feel uncomfortable, Dislikes: tripping over toys in the house, waking up to a child or a dog in her bed, coming second best, being pushed aside for something new, people assuming she’s heartless because she uses men for her own gain, being left behind, the idea of marriage
Mother: Yasmin Ariadne Pallinger Father: Cassian Alastair Dodderidge Siblings: Elspeth “Ellie” Ambrosia Dodderidge, Ramsey Achilles Dodderidge Children: Briar-Rose Alivia Dodderidge (b. October 12th, 2080), Levi Alexander Dodderidge-Prince (b. June 14th, 2087) Relationship Status: Extremely and forever single Former relationships: Nathan Prince (November 2085 – December 2087)
Born second into the family, in time becoming the middle child, Eliora Amorette was born to Yasmin Ariadne and Cassian Alastair Dodderidge in the early hours of Wednesday the 13th November in 2058. She accompanied the already born Elspeth Ambrosia, four years old at the time of Eliora's birth, and the family's dog Morris. Merely a year after Eliora's birth, the family welcomed the last of their trio into the world and named him Ramsey Achilles. The family of five (six including Morris) resided in Edinburgh until Ramsey turned six, and then they relocated to Plymouth in association with Cassian's new job on the coastline. Whilst the experience of living near the coast was thrilling for the three children, Yasmin and Cassian's marriage suffered and she moved back to Scotland with their three children after only 18 months of being in the South of the country.
Cassian joined his family in Scotland six months later, and he and his wife attended intense therapy sessions and worked through their problems. This was the last serious incident that Eliora or her siblings recall as their parents settled back into routine and happiness soon after. Each of the three children attended different education institutions, Elspeth heading to Beauxbatons like their mother, Eliora to Hogwarts and Ramsey to Durmstrang like their father. At Hogwarts, Eliora was sorted into Gryffindor and spent the full seven academic years of her stay in the castle serving as a loyal lion finishing with a well earned set of grades and a place at the Wizarding University of London studying Experimental Magic & Research and Potions. The two things she was most interested in. Whilst living and learning in London, Eliora took a job at a restaurant to pay for the things she would need alongside her education and started the first of her many years at university.
She completed two years of her degree without problem,but started her third year as a part time student so that she could do more hours at her new job working at Teen Witch Weekly. The career path wasn't what she hoped for herself, but the hours and pay were what she needed and she was able to split her time between school and work efficiently this way. Eli embarked on many a relationship during this time, finding the thrill of more than one “friend” more exciting than any of the gossip coming into the magazine offices. She became the gossip. Young and naïve, she fell hard for a married man who refused to leave his wife despite moving Eliora into their own flat. She was working, studying and having a serious relationship at the same time as seeing other fellows to keep her friends and family away from her secret affair.
However, in the April of 2080, Eliora found out she was expecting. Not a promotion, but a baby. She was unaware of who the father was, but told her boyfriend that it was his only to be greeted with having her bags packed and having to move back home. It was over. She had ruined it and he wasn’t hers to love any more. With the father well and truly out of the picture, Eli had one of three choices and changed her mind over the duration of the pregnancy which she was going to do. In the October of 2080, whilst still working and attending school part time, Eliora gave birth to a little girl and named her Briar-Rose Alivia Dodderidge and was back at work the day after. Being a single parent didn't affect her like her friend and family thought it would and she took to it like a duck to water. Her parents looked after her daughter when Eli had classes or hours at work and she worked out a sufficient enough schedule with both places so she could at least be home in time to put her little one to bed and be available when needed.
It was nearing Briar's first birthday when Eliora was offered a promotion, which she gladly took, and worked both her previous job and new job at the same time between the August and November of 2081 until a suitable replacement was found for her. She worked efficiently as an assistant for a little under two years when she left her job to finish the last little bits of her degree up and figure out what she was going to do after this. In the September of 2083, Eliora moved out of her parents home in Edinburgh into a small two bedroom flat in Surrey that she rented from a friend for a price low enough to afford without employment. Her parents provided her with a folder of job applications for her 25th birthday, and she applied to each and every one of them, proving successful in many and choosing one she knew she'd enjoy at the British Ministry of Magic.
In her first year of employment at the Ministry, Eliora moved her small family into a house a few streets away from their current Surrey flat. The rent was ridiculous, but with the prospect of settling down and having more children in the next ten years on the horizon, Eliora felt that it was most appropriate to have her own house with a garden for her daughter to play in. Eliora formed close relationships with colleagues, finally securing herself a small friendship circle that understood her employment requirements and more often than not, her parental ones.
She entered a relationship with Nathan Prince in the November of 2085 after meeting him in a bar a few months prior. By December of the following year, the couple were expecting their first child together and Levi Alexander was born in the June of 2087, which surprisingly was the biggest downfall of their relationship. Eliora could not find room in her life for a man now that she had two children and asked Nathan to move out of her house before breaking up with him. He moved abroad and sees the kids when he can.
Nearing ten years after she started working at the Ministry, Eliora found herself worrying that this was all she was going to be in life. She had reached her peak and there was no real progression available for her there. She had seen colleagues and friends come and go over the years and yet she was still there. Was she turning into the new Ursula? Department furniture? So she sat down with her boss and expressed that she was going to be leaving at the end of the year for something 'new'. Not that that worked out. Eliora had been planning to settle into her new job whilst finishing up at the Ministry, but managed a two hour shift on a Saturday before walking out and never returning. Luckily, she hadn't officially left the Ministry and was able to withdraw her resignation and pretend that nothing had happened.
In the late months of 2097, Eliora was called to the office of the new Minister for Magic, Charles Hollingberry and it was there that she was offered the position of Department Head after Maddox Quigley. She accepted, and here we stand.
Post Colour: Spring Green / #4AA02C Amortentia: Coffee, salt water and licorice Boggart: The backs of her children’s heads (meaning being walked away from) Patronus: Red wolf
::Name Lorenzo Maximus Abernathy ::Nicknames Enzo ::Age 29 ::Born October 5th, 2055 ::Relationship Status Single ::Wand 14 1/2 in. White Oak Wood with Dragon core :atronus Doberman ::Boggart Teammates from his Quidditch team and siblings. ::Blood Status Pureblood. ::Amortentia Pumpkin
Schooling & Occupations
::Hogwarts { September 2067 - June 2073 } :urmstrang { September 2066 - June 2067 } ::Keeper for the Fitchburg Finches { July 2073 - August 2078 } ::Beater for Puddlemere United { August 2078 - December 2083 } ::Ministry of Magic Broom Games Liaison Officer { 2085- }
Magical Law Enforcement Squad (MLES)
Job Title:
Patrol Officer
Former Occupation(s):
1. Private practice wizarding law firm in New York. 2. Patrol Officer, later promoted to leadership position with the Wizarding Police Force of New York City.
Physical Description:
Victor is a tall, athletically built gentleman. His razor-sharp jawline, his short brown hair, his tall hairline and forehead, and his striking smokey grey eyes being his most defining physical features.
Always well groomed and appropriately dressed to impress, everything about Victor's appearance is styled to the best of his ability to convey professionalism and elegance.
Victor isn't the most socially capable man on earth, but he's by no means anti-social. He's exceptionally professional when it comes to any and all aspects of his work, and forming personal relationship is lower on his list of priorities than getting the job done right. That being said, he tries to remain warm, open and polite to everyone he meets. If there exists an exception to this rule, it is not without reason.
In his heart of hearts, he tries to believe the best about everyone until they prove he shouldn't; a belief he holds so firmly that it borders on the naive. Despite this, on the job, he's proven himself an extremely cautious man, willing and obviously capable of defending himself if push comes to shove. In a fight, he's a fearsome opponent and an invaluable ally. A strong, loyal friend and a hard working colleague, Victor lives to Serve and Protect.
From a very early age, Victor LaCroix - the youngest of nine brothers - was absolutely fascinated with law, order, and the men and women that enforced those laws and protected that order. This keen interest followed him through his entire early life and education, influencing nearly every important life decision he's made since graduating from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Almost immediately upon earning his law degree from WU, he saw his opportunity to enter the profession he so craved to practice and moved from the LaCroix family estate in Cornwall to go work at his grandfather's law firm in New York. Through his measly seven month career as a lawyer, it never occurred to Victor that he would be better suited as an actual officer of the law until his grandfather died and he was out of a job. What began as a desperate shot in the dark at a job for which he thought his degree would come in handy, ended up being the first steps of a nearly 8-year career as a patrol officer in the employ of the New York City MLES.
When one of Victor's brothers died, he thought it was high time to return home to be closer to his family. The way he saw it, there was no better place for him in all of Britain than the MoM Department of Magical Law Enforcement.
Hogwarts Exam Scores:
Ancient Runes: E
Arithmancy: D
Astronomy: Not Taken.
Care of Magical Creatures: A
Charms: O
Divination: Not Taken
Flying: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: A
Muggle Studies: O
Potions: A
Transfiguration: O
Ancient Runes: E
Arithmancy: P
Astronomy: Not Taken
Care of Magical Creatures: A
Charms: O
Divination: Not taken
Flying: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: A
Muggle Studies: O
Potions: A
Transfiguration: O
- Degree in Wizarding Law from Wizarding Univeristy, London Campus.
- Brief work experience: Private practice wizarding law firm in New York. (7 months)
- Extensive work experience: Patrol Officer employed with the Wizarding Police Force of New York City. (7 years)
- Brief work experience: Leadership Role role within the Wizarding Police Force of New York City. (1 year)
2074 –81:: Attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
2083:: Illustrator for a children’s book written by her sister-in-law
2086-present:: silent partner/co-owner of Riverton Convections
2088– ?:: Counterfeit and Certification Officer at the British Ministry of Magic
▷Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
House: Ravenclaw Excelled in: Transfiguration, CoMC and Charms Disliked: Ancient Runes, Arithmancy
▷ OWLs
Ancient Runes [A]
Arithmancy [A]
Astronomy [A]
Care of Magical Creatures [E]
Charms [O]
Divination [A]
Herbology [E]
History of Magic [E]
Muggle Studies [E]
Potions [E]
Transfiguration [O]
Astronomy [A]
Care of Magical Creatures [E]
Charms [O]
Divination [A]
Herbology [A]
History of Magic [E]
Muggle Studies [E]
Potions [E]
Transfiguration [O]
Parents: Emerson Quinn and Josephine (Abbott) Quinn Brother: Jeremiah Logan Quinn Sister-in law: Isabel (Johnson) Quinn Nephew: Riley Benjamin Quinn (dob: 20 Apr 2079) Niece: Ailis Rebecca Quinn (dob: 10 Dec 2081) Husband: Patrick Elliot Riverton Children: Caoilainn Hannah (dob: 30 Jun 2084), Marcus Peter (dob: 27 Jul 2085), Natalia Lynn (dob: 27 Jul 2085), Aedan Nicholas (dob: 6 Jul 2087) and Kearney Jeremiah (dob: 6 Jul 2087)
Hair Color: brownish-auburn (usually with several pink streaks) Eye Color: hazel Skin: Fair Height: 5’4” Model: Lily Collins
Place of Birth: Galway, Ireland Current Residence: Galway, Ireland Blood Status: Halfblood Heritage: Irish/English Language(s): English, Gaelic Relationship Status: married
Name: Amethyst Estrya McCrae Nickname: Amy, Thistle DoB: October 12, 2058 Patronus: brown bear Wand: 9 inches, vinewood with unicorn hair, yielding Boggart: the death of her family members (especially Jemma) Amortentia: macaroons, fresh-cut grass, and peppermint
Education and Work History
2070 –76:: Attended Beauxbatons School of Magic
2076–79 :: Attended Wizarding University, Milan
2079– 81 :: Evidence Collection and Analysis Supervisor at the American Ministry of Magic
2080– 81 :: DMLE Liaison at the American Ministry of Magic
2085– ?:: Administration Supervisor at the British Ministry of Magic
Parents: Ewan Chadwick McCrae and Marceline Ruby (Chevalier) McCrae Grandparents: Fairfax Gardner McCrae and Margaret Caroline McCrae Siblings: Léonard Kingsley McCrae and Camille Ysabeau McCrae Daughters: Jemma Parker McCrae (born 22 Dec 2082), Julia Margaret Michaels (born 16 Jul 2087)
Hair Color: chocolate brown Eye Color: topaz/brown Skin: Fair Height: 5’4” Model: Elizabeth Henstridge
Place of Birth: Lançon-Provence, France Current Residence: Queensferry, Scotland Blood Status: Pureblood Heritage: Scottish/French Language(s): English, French, Italian Relationship Status: Engaged to Gregory Michaels III
Name: Amy Harrington D.O.B: February 2, 2065 Blood Status: Muggleborn Physical Description:
Height? Five foot four
Weight? One hundred and six pounds
Eye colour? Blue
Hair colour? Blonde
Style? Neat Distinguishing Features: A scar at the back of her neck Wand: Nine inches willow with unicorn hair core Broom: A Nimbus 7003 Pet(s): A Grey owl Patronus: A Stag
Job Title: Ministry Daycare/Nursery Attendants Employment Date: January 2085 Job Description: The Ministry Daycare/Nursery Attendants are a part of the Daycare Sector, and as such are under the direction of the Daycare/Nursery Supervisor, AS WELL AS the Department of the Minister's Office Department Head. They are primarily responsible for the following tasks: attending to the health and welfare of Ministry workers' children during regular business hours, organizing activities for the children that will promote learning and creativity (in all ages), and the general upkeep and sanitation of the Daycare. It will also be the Daycare/Nursery Attendants responsibility to make sure all forms have been filled out promptly for parents/children new to the Ministry Daycare (see CHILDCARE AGREEMENT FORM for further information).
Personality: Amy likes people just by their first impression, even though she does not know anything about them. She is a natural observer, and is mostly curious. She stays patient until she finds out the answer to a question. Amy's favorite past-times consist of people-watching and daydreaming. History: Amy Harrington was born on the 2nd of February at 12pm to Charlotte Harrington (nee Tran) and Matt Harrington. She is American. Amy has one older sibling named Jackie. She did not like her sister as she was mean and nasty to her. Both her parents were muggles, and they never expected their children to be witches. Former Occupation(s): Part time job as Astronomy tutor for children (2083-2085) Education: Homeschooled by her mother until the age of 13, then attended Beaxbatons Academy of Magic Qualifications: Prefect (2081-2083) OWLs: 7 Ancient Runes: Class not taken
Arithmancy: A
Astronomy: O
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Charms: E
Divination: Class not taken
Flying: P
Herbology: O
History of Magic: T
Muggle Studies: T
Potions: E
Transfiguration: P NEWTs: 5 Ancient Runes: Class not taken
Arithmancy: Class not taken
Astronomy: O
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Charms: A
Divination: Class not taken
Flying: Class not taken
Herbology: E
History of Magic: Class not taken
Muggle Studies: Class not taken
Potions: D
Transfiguration: Class not taken
Attended|| The Polish Academy for Witchcraft and Wizardry Language Spoken|| Polish and English Previous Work Experience|| Design Editor and Fashion Journalist at Witch Weekly Magazine/ Later became Editor In Chief
SPOILER!!: Test Scores
Ancient Runes: Class not taken
Arithmancy: Class not taken
Astronomy: P
Care of Magical Creatures: T
Charms: O
Divination: P
Flying: A
Herbology: P
History of Magic: A
Muggle Studies: E
Potions: E
Transfiguration: E
Ancient Runes: Not taken
Arithmancy: Not taken
Astronomy: O
Care of Magical Creatures: Not taken
Charms: O
Divination: Not taken
Flying: P
Herbology: Not Taken
History of Magic: P
Muggle Studies: E
Potions: E
Transfiguration: E
Getting what she wants
Hiding the truth
Easily annoyed by others
Not good with empathy
Does not trust easily
Physically a weakling
Traveling (Milan, paris, rome, greece, etc)
Pretty Patterns
The little chocolate shavings that they put on decorative cakes
Being rushed
Loud people
Being belittled
SPOILER!!: Personality & Etc
Tiffany has spent most of her life perfecting her cover-story or what people see of her. She has carefully layered herself with a thick coat of perfection, covering up any slight implication that she was anything but. She craves respect and to be admired, above all other things and for this very reason, her image is very important to her. She has been in a number of serious relationships, where she let herself be completely vulnerable. She had opened up the path to her true, softer side and in the end she fell and she fell very, very hard. This is the reason why she closed herself up. Layered herself so that she would never be seen as a vulnerable being, ever again. This also provides an explanation for her actions around other men. Though she loves to play around and will flirt at any given opportunity, she has trouble truly trusting. Never letting herself be vulnerable.
She also has deeply routed trust issues. After being cheated on and having her heart broken, she does not trust anyone. Instead she keeps things to herself and if she ever does let small things slip, she panics. Though she years to trust and to easily let herself go, she cannot due to fear of repetition of her past.
SPOILER!!: History
Tiffany is an only child raised in an extremely wealthy halfblood family. Her muggle father, Henry, is a plastic surgeon. Her mother, Elizabeth, is a healer who works in Poland (her home country). She was born and raised in Poland, where she later attended The Polish Academy for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her parents were not at all involved in her life at school, however, she did keep up with her classes at an average level. She chose to interact with friends, rather than keep alert on her studies, yet she managed to do relatively well. She graduated from school at age 18. At age 19 she moved to London, in order to take a job at Witch Weekly Magazine. Though she won't tell you even if you ask, she didn't just leave her country on account of taking up a job. She left Poland behind, in attempt to leave behind pieces of her past. She left in hopes that the painful memories would stay where they were made, rather than following her along to her new life, though this wasn't really the case.
At Witch Weekly she quickly moved up in ranking and became both a Design editor and fashion journalist. She's written several articles (including her most known work, 15 Ways to Revamp Your Old Robes, which can be found in the December issue in the 2082 series). Through this job she developed skills in all sorts of areas such as design, writing, and communication. She hopes to broaden her horizons and experience new areas by working in the Ministry of Magic, or at least that's what she tells people when they ask.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Last edited by ArianaBlack; 08-15-2016 at 02:41 AM.
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
▸ general information
Name: Tancred Lysander Adara
Nickname: Tanc
DOB: 14 February 2048
Place of Birth: Devon, England
Current Residence: Merseyside, England
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Hazel
Height: 1.89 m
Weight: 77.12 kg
Build: Muscular
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand: Rowan, 13 in, dragon heartstring, sturdy
Patronus: Brown bear
Boggart: Corpses of his family and closest friends
Amortentia: Coconut, freshly mown grass, sun-ripened strawberry shampoo
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (2059-2064, 2065-2066) Hufflepuff | Gobstones Participant | Quidditch Beater
Ordinary Wizarding Levels
▫ Ancient Runes [E]
▫ Astronomy [A]
▫ Care of Magical Creatures [O]
▫ Charms [O]
▫ Defense Against the Dark Arts [E]
▫ Divination [E]
▫ Herbology [O]
▫ History of Magic [E]
▫ Potions [E]
▫ Transfiguration [E]
Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test
▫ Ancient Runes [E]
▫ Care of Magical Creatures [O]
▫ Charms [O]
▫ Defense Against the Dark Arts [O]
▫ Herbology [O]
▫ History of Magic [E]
▫ Potions [E]
▫ Transfiguration [O]
Durmstrang Institute of Magic (2064-2065) Transfer Student | Duelling Club Member
Edinburgh Wizarding University (2066-2070) Cryptozoology/Magizoology | Wizarding Communications
Courses Taken
▫ Introduction to Cryptozoology/Magizoology
▫ Natural History of Dragons
▫ Dragon Anatomy & Physiology
▫ Understanding Dragon Behaviours
▫ Principles & Practices of Dragon Taming
▫ Dragon Tracking & Restraint Strategies
▫ Supervised Research Paper
The Daily Prophet: Sports Journalist (July 2066 - August 2067) Scamander Zoo for Magical Creatures: Zookeeper (September 2068 - May 2070) Welsh Dragon Reserve: Dragonologist (June 2070 - December 2083) British Ministry of Magic: Dragon Commissioner (January 2084 - Present)
▸ background
A brief history coming soon!
2048: born 2049: turns 1 2050: turns 2 2051: turns 3 2052: turns 4 2053: turns 5 2054: turns 6 2055: turns 7 2056: turns 8, father killed by unknown Cult of Walpurgis member 2057: turns 9 2058: turns 10 2059: turns 11, begins studies at Hogwarts, participates in Gobstones 2060: turns 12, continues studies at Hogwarts, chosen as Hufflepuff beater, Gobstones participant 2061: turns 13, continues studies at Hogwarts, Hufflepuff beater, Gobstones participant 2062: turns 14, continues studies at Hogwarts, Hufflepuff beater, Gobstones participant 2063: turns 15, continues studies at Hogwarts, Hufflepuff beater, Gobstones participant, receives 10 OWLs 2064: turns 16, transferred to Durmstrang 2065: turns 17, returns to "Hogwarts"/Cooper's School, Hufflepuff beater, Gobstones participant 2066: turns 18, graduates from Hogwarts, proposes to Amelia, receives 8 NEWTs, begins work at Daily Prophet, begins studies at Edinburgh WU 2067: turns 19, continues studies at Edinburgh WU, marries Amelia, leaves Daily Prophet, begins work at Scamander Zoo 2068: turns 20, continues studies at Edinburgh WU, continues work at Scamander Zoo 2069: turns 21, continues studies at Edinburgh WU, continues work at Scamander Zoo 2070: turns 22, graduates from Edinburgh WU, Chloe is born, leaves Scamander Zoo, begins work at Welsh Dragon Reserve 2071: turns 23, continues work at Welsh Dragon Reserve, Spencer and Robert are born 2072: turns 24, continues work at Welsh Dragon Reserve 2073: turns 25, continues work at Welsh Dragon Reserve 2074: turns 26, continues work at Welsh Dragon Reserve 2075: turns 27, continues work at Welsh Dragon Reserve 2076: turns 28, continues work at Welsh Dragon Reserve 2077: turns 29, continues work at Welsh Dragon Reserve 2078: turns 30, continues work at Welsh Dragon Reserve 2079: turns 31, continues work at Welsh Dragon Reserve 2080: turns 32, continues work at Welsh Dragon Reserve 2081: turns 33, continues work at Welsh Dragon Reserve 2082: turns 34, continues work at Welsh Dragon Reserve 2083: turns 35, leaves Welsh Dragon Reserve 2084: turns 36, begins work at Ministry of Magic 2085: turns 37, continues work at Ministry of Magic 2086: turns 38, continues work at Ministry of Magic 2087: turns 39, continues work at Ministry of Magic 2088: turns 40, continues work at Ministry of Magic
Last edited by Zoe; 03-20-2016 at 05:07 PM.
Reason: Still under construction. :)
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Carol Jessica Spencer
(Model: Jessica Marais)
Name: Carol Jessica Spencer
DOB: September 2 2060
POB: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Grew up in: See above
Currently Lives: St John's Wood, London
Height: 5’7
Heritage: Muggleborn
Wand: 12 inches, Apple with Dragon Heartstring
Patronus: Swan
2066-2069: Home schooled
2070-2076: Sydney School of Sorcery
Bold and brassy. Carol doesn't suffer fools easily and she can be quite direct.
Current: Magical Product Tester at the Department of International Cooperation
Previous: 2077- 2083: Waitress at Leslie's Restaurant, Sydney
Carol was born in Sydney, Australia to Eva Spencer. Carol doesn't know the identity of her father. Carol began showing signs of magic at the age of six but her mother wanted her to be "normal" so it wasn't until Carol was ten that she attended a magical school. Carol attended the school for six years. She worked as a waitress after finishing school because her mother wanted Carol to work in a Muggle job. At the age of 24, Carol left for London.
Bio Picture by: Myself Post Color: #15317E FC/Model: Nicole Kidman
: Full Name Nadia Victoria { Hartridge } Grimm : Nicknames Dia : Age 49 : Born August 5th, 2036 : Place of Birth Somewhere in Bulgaria : Place of Residence London, England : Relationship Status Divorced. { still not ready for a relatioship } : Wand N/A : Patronus Lioness. : Boggart Her parents, siblings and children. : Blood Status Unknown; has magical blood. : Amortentia
Schooling & Occupations
: Hogwarts { September 2047 - June 2054 } : Former House Hufflepuff. : Wizarding University at Cairo, Egypt { September 2054 - June 2058 } : Studied Magical Law. : Author { 2054 - } : Divinations Professor at Beauxbatons { September 2058 - December 2085 } : Ministry of Magic { January 2086 - }
Likes: Red velvet cake, hot tea, classic rock music, silent films, teaching, traveling, learning, spending time with family, going on vacation, reading, writing, photography, cooking
Dislikes: Snobby people, disrespectful people, children that don't have manners, screaming children, bullying, know-it-alls, coffee, people that try too hard, really young men flirting with her ( around her sons age ),
history coming soon
SPOILER!!: Timeline
2036:born, found somewhere in Bulgaria, brought to London 2037:turns 1, is adopted by Poppy & Liam Hartridge 2038:turns 2, 2039:turns 3 2040:turns 4 2041:turns 5 2042:turns 6 2043:turns 7 2044:turns 8 2045:turns 9 2046: turns 10 2047: turns 11, begins Hogwarts, sorted into Hufflepuff 2048: turns 12, plays Quidditch as a seeker 2049: turns 13, plays Quidditch as a seeker 2050: turns 14, plays Quidditch as a chaser 2051: turns 15, plays Quidditch as a chaser 2052: turns 16, plays Quidditch as a seeker, Hufflepuff Prefect 2053: turns 17, is an aunt & godmother to niece Zoe Blake, plays Quidditch as a seeker, Hufflepuff Prefect 2054: turns 18, graduates Hogwarts, plays Quidditch as a seeker, attends Wizarding Uni for Magical Law in Egypt, starts writing short stories for a publisher 2055: turns 19, nephew Callum Taylor is born, continues studying Magical Law at Egypt WU 2056: turns 20, continues studying Magical Law at Egypt WU 2057: turns 21, is an Aunt again to Owen Blake, continues studying Magical Law at Egypt WU 2058: turns 22, sister Freya passes away at the age of 25, newphew Thomas Taylor is born, graduates at Egypt WU, gets a teaching job at Beauxbatons for Divinations 2059: turns 23, daughter Glimmer is born, continues working at Beauxbatons 2060: turns 24, continues working at Beauxbatons 2061: turns 25, continues working at Beauxbatons 2062: turns 26, song Zeppelin Grimm is born, continues working at Beauxbatons 2063: turns 27, daughter Emery Grimm is born, nephew Liam Hartridge III is born, continues working at Beauxbatons
2064: turns 28, brother Connor Hartridge passes away at the age of 33, divorces Jarvis Grimm, continues working at Beauxbatons 2065: turns 29, niece & goddaughter Charlotte Hartridge is born, continues working at Beauxbatons 2066: turns 30, continues working at Beauxbatons 2067: turns 31, continues working at Beauxbatons 2068: turns 32, continues working at Beauxbatons 2069: turns 33, continues working at Beauxbatons 2070: turns 34, continues working at Beauxbatons 2071: turns 35, continues working at Beauxbatons 2072: turns 36, continues working at Beauxbatons 2073: turns 37, niece Zoe Blake marries Zachary Williamson, continues working at Beauxbatons 2074: turns 38, continues working at Beauxbatons 2075: turns 39, continues working at Beauxbatons 2076: turns 40, continues working at Beauxbatons 2077: turns 41, continues working at Beauxbatons 2078: turns 42, continues working at Beauxbatons 2079: turns 43, continues working at Beauxbatons 2080: turns 44, continues working at Beauxbatons 2081: turns 45, continues working at Beauxbatons 2082: turns 46, continues working at Beauxbatons 2083: turns 47, continues working at Beauxbatons 2084: turns 48, continues working at Beauxbatons 2085: turns 49, sister Madison passes away at the age of 57, retires from Beauxbatons in December 2086: turns the big 50, starts working at the Ministry of Magic, great niece & Goddaughter Madison Williamson is born in August
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Daichi Katharos Model: Kim Junsu
Full Name: Daichi Max Katharos
Nicknames: Duck Boy
Age: 22
Department: Minister’s office
Job: Media Liaison
-School life and general information-
House: Slytherin - Prefect
Bloodstatus: Halfblood
PoB: Milton Keynes , England
DoB: May 5th 2064
Wand:11.4", Vine wood, Phoenix Feather Core, Bendy
Boggart: Fire
Scared of but not a boggart: Hospitals
Fav subject: Potions and Charms (even though he is super BAD at it)
Least fav subject: Care of magical creatures
Relationship: single
-O.W.Ls -
Care of Magical Creatures O
Charms P
Defense Against the Dark Arts E
History of Magic P
Potions O
Transfiguration O
Arithmancy: T
Astronomy: P
Care of Magical Creatures: P
Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
History of Magic: P
Potions: O
Daichi has matured a lot after leaving Hogwarts. Although he is still the same friendly and humble person, he isn’t as bubbly and cute as he had been at school. He grew up and changed in to a young man who is aware of what is happening in the world, cares about his looks and tries to be helpful towards others in the hope he can change people’s lives for the better. Don’t talk about ducks though, cause his love for them has not changed at all.
Mother: Min Hae Katharos (Nee , Kim) - muggle
Father: Gideon Katharos - wizard
Brother: Aedan Katharos -wizard
Growing up as a Halfblood in Milton Keynes in a small Mansion , Daichi had a loving family. They did everything together and he couldn't wish for another family. His brother Aedan who recently started working in the Ministry.
Around the age of seven, the loving family had abruptly broken apart.
A candle light fire set their house on fire while Daichi and his mother were sleeping. His father was had to overwork that time and his brother was at a sleepover party. Daichi himself managed to get out of the house thanks to a plush ducky {Mr.Duckels) that layed on the shelf above his bed. During the fire , the plush ducky mysteriously fell off the shelf and on to his head. That had woken him up and he could get out of the house. His mother did not make it and passed away in her sleep.
At school, Daichi Katharos was sorted in to Slytherin house after being a hatstall between Hufflepuff and Slytherin and he had literally begged the hat to sort him in the house of the Snakes. His role model at that time had been his older brother Aedan who also had been in Slytherin house so he wanted to make him proud. At first , it was obvious that the house wasn’t exactly where he belonged. He was too bubbly and friendly and was extremely gullible. He tried to be friends with everyone including staff and tried his best at school. But he wasn’t chosen to be a Slytherin for nothing because the sorting hat had seen Slytherin traits in him. It turned out that his trait was ambition. He wasn’t a star student, actually far from it since he messed up unintentionally during classes and he had a hard time keeping up with everyone because he magical abilities weren’t great while younger students could do more than him. Because of this, Daichi worked hard. He practised spells over and over, asking help from his friends and Professors whenever he could. And his hard work got reward because in his sixth year he earned the Prefect badge. He should have been happy but he wasn’t. He knew that he wasn’t the leader type but the follower. Not that he was a mindless follower but he’d rather help out in the background than be in the spotlight. He learned to deal with it though and eventually he graduated with …not so perfect scores… from Hogwarts.
After he graduated, Daichi didn’t know what he wanted to do but one thing was sure, he wanted to work in the muggle world. He decided to send an application to a fashion store in London since fashion had been his passion for some time. He had never expected to be picked out for an interview and eventually he had gotten the job. Because he worked in the muggle world did not mean that he didn’t use magic from time to time. He had actually gotten a promotion because of magic. His boss had thought that he was a fast worker but in reality he used magic behind their backs to make business run more smoothly. After three years of working at the store, a fashion company had said that they had been interested in Daichi and he was offered a job as a Public Relations (PR) Fashion intern assistant. Although he was honoured, it didn’t feel right. Something had been bothering him for a long time and when the reunion at Hogwarts had been taken place and he had spent a few days in the magical world he knew what he was missing. Magic. It was high time he got back to the place and the Ministry was a good place to start. So he refused the offer, did not quit his store job just yet and had sent in an application for the Ministry of Magic.
Last edited by DuckyLinJi; 02-13-2015 at 09:41 AM.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Oakey Richard Gunter--------------- Accident Prone Badger-Moose. Husband, Father of Two, Upcoming Fruit Smoothie/Veggie Drink Entrepreneur. General DoB: April 13th 2063 PoB: Holyoke, Massachusetts PoR: Brighton, England Herritage: Muggleborn Appearance Height: 6’0 Body Type: Lean Hair: Dark Brown, and Messy Eyes: Hazel Magical Wand: 12 1/4 Alder w/ Graphorn Tooth Core (swishy) Patronus: Moose Boggart: Man-Eating Plants Amortentia: Freshly Opened Comics, Beater-Bat Polish, Vanilla Education School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, ('81) Wizarding University of Cairo ('85) Former House: Hufflepuff Accolades: Hufflepuff Prefect (79-80), Hogwarts Head Boy (80-81), World Traveler (Self-Proclaimed) OWls & NEWTs: OWLs:
ancient runes A
arithmancy E
charms A
defense against the dark arts O
history of magic E
potions E
transfiguration O NEWTs:
ancient runes: O
arithmancy: E
charms: E
defense against the dark arts: O
history of magic: O
muggle studies: O
potions: O
transfiguration: O
Formerly Museum Night Security
Formerly Assistant Freelance Curse Breaker
Currently Accidents and Catastrophes, Curse Reversal Specialist Family Wife- Ariana Q. Gunternee Logan
Daughter- Xaria Lyndsay Gunter
Son- Mark Hollis Gunter
Father: Unknown Heritage-Muggle Mother: Unknown Heritage-Muggle Former Adoptive Parents: Not to be spoken about Heritage-Squibs Adoptive Father: Harvey Gunter Heritage-Pureblood Harvey's Mother: Kathryn"GeeGee" Gunter nee North Heritage-Pureblood Harvey's Nephew: Aegis Dane Heritage-Half-Blood Step-Sister: Felicity Toombs nee Pewdering Heritage-Muggle Pets: Cher Khan the Kitten, Berth the Mutt, and Tank the Giant Scarab Beetle
Eating Healthy, Making Veggie Drinks, Norse Mythology, Quidditch; Chudley Cannons, Comics; Batman and The Flash. His Wife, and Children too Obviously!!
Eating Unhealthy, Candy, Bad Luck, Crazy Ravenclaws, Man-Eating Plants
Oakey is very easy going and happy, his easy going nature makes him cautious of starting things he deems dangerous, or stupid. Although with the right push he'll do what's needed of him. History
Oakey was born to muggles and put up for adoption. Two squibs adopted him and cared for him until he was two. He showed a brief sign of magic that terrified the Squibs as they wanted a child without magic, hense adopting from muggles. They quickly abandoned him, but Oakey was found by his Current Guardian Harvey Gunter. Who despite the bumpy start in parenting cares for him to this day, along side his Mother.
Oakey was bitten in the summer before his second term at Hogwarts by a Mackled Malaclaw. The resulting bite gave him dangerous amounts of bad luck due to his allergies to crustaceans. It eventually calmed down, but left Oakey as a bit of a klutz. The Remainder of Hogwarts was rather lax, minus his final year when he was given the privilege of being Hogwart’s Head Boy. Having to truly step up when the Castle was being overrun with Dementors.
After graduating he took a year off from school to Travel the World. Visiting places such as Mount Kilimanjaro, The Ancient Mayan Temples, The Island of Crete, and New York City. He then attended Cairo Wizarding University majoring in Curse Breaking, and Minoring in Business Management. While attending he moved in with his longtime Girlfriend, future wife, and mother of their two Children, Ariana. In his Senior year of University he landed a Job to work under a Freelancer Curse Breaker. Working under her for only a while Oakey was put under constant danger from he abuse of his Bad Luck to trigger cursed items. So he quit while his life was still slightly in his Hands.
Last edited by Uncle Moose; 02-12-2015 at 07:30 PM.
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Name: Alana Maxine Ritter D.O.B: June 8, 2059 Blood Status: Pureblood Physical Description: Alana is 5'6", slim build, with either a brown or blonde shade of hair. She's usually wearing very fashionable clothes but if it comes down to wearing a required outfit, she tries to get away with wearing accessories with it. Distinguishing Features: Luscious hair Wand: Bendy 9.5" pine with a phoenix feather core Broom: Newest Firebolt Pet(s): None Patronus: Cheetah
Job Title: Charmist Employment Date: January 2086 Job Description: Charmists will conduct labwork, research, fieldwork and analysis that cover charms related to love. Spell invention is an important part of this career field and from time to time you may be asked to replicate the different effects from the known different types of love (eros, agape, etc...). In addition to working with love, you may also be asked to work in the Death Chamber studying the effects of death and the afterlife.
Personality: Alana is spunky and is nice to anyone she meets. When it comes to work she's reliable, focused, and patient but when it comes down to it, she can get anxious and procrastinate. Her interests include include random potion making, writing, reading gossip magazines, and hanging out with friends.
History: Alana Ritter was born to Hermann and Selina Ritter in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Being an only child, Alana was content with it and learned to entertain herself. She learned English from her mother by watching her make random potions and sweets for her shop.
Alana eventually became fluent in English and went onto Durmstrang. Alana was a very smart student and excelled in most of her classes. During the summers, her mother let her write for the sweets shop newspaper to get some experience in writing.
She went on to London Wizarding University where she met someone who she was engaged to. It didn't end up working out and in result, she gave her all into potions and charms instead. She wanted to study the result of what happened to her and help others who might've been in the same position.
Once Alana graduated from LWU with a degree in potions and advanced charms, she went on to being her mother's assistant shopkeeper and a sweets maker for the shop. During that time, she submitted an application to Witch Weekly and she got a job as an occasional love advice columnist.
Alana still didn't think she was doing enough with her life and still had the drive to strive for more, so she submitted an application to the Ministry of Magic and was accepted. Now Alana has moved to London from Germany and will be a Charmist for the Department of Mysteries.
Former Occupation(s):
Selina's What's Sweet! Newspaper
Head Writer
Summers of 2077-2082
Witch Weekly
Occasional Love Advice Columnist
Durmstrang Institute
London Wizarding University
Degree in Potions and Advanced Charms
OWLs: 2 O's, 5 E's, 3 A's, 2 P's
SPOILER!!: Full List
Ancient Runes: A
Arithmancy: E
Astronomy: A
Care of Magical Creatures: P
Charms: O
Divination: A
Flying: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: E
Muggle Studies: E
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
NEWTs: 2 O's, 3 E's, 2 A's
SPOILER!!: Full List
Ancient Runes: Not taken
Arithmancy: A
Astronomy: Not taken
Care of Magical Creatures: Not taken
Charms: O
DADA: Not taken
Divination: Not taken
Flying: E
Herbology: Not taken
History of Magic: E
Muggle Studies: A
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
Last edited by JeshieRAWR; 02-13-2015 at 07:13 AM.
((I am nowhere done with this, but I just wanted to posted the bare bones for now)) Name: Michelle Harrison Model: Gwendoline Taylor Date of Birth: December 4th 2062 Age: 25 Place of Birth: New York City, New York, United States Place of Residency: London, England Department: Magical Transportation Job Title: Portkey Manufacturer Marital Status: Single Eyes: Green Hair: Brown Height: 5’9" Weight: 121 Lbs Heritage: Pureblood Schooling: Home Schooled Wand: A quite flexible 10 3/4" Red Oak wand with a Phoenix feather core
Father: Kyle Harrison (June 5th 2035- May 8th 2085)
Mother: Nyssa Harrison ((née Meyers)) (March 16th 2037- May 8th 2085)
Sister: Kaylee Harrison ( August 5 2077-))
Last edited by BriGranger1990; 01-06-2016 at 02:01 AM.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory James Stonewall (Auror) Models: Mitchell Musso (young Jory); Will Estes (older Jory) Post colour: Dim Grey
Appearance: Height: 5 ft. 10 inches Hair: Light Brown Eyes: Brown Complexion: Fair Build: Average Date of Birth: 19th Nov, 2062 Former House: Hufflepuff Class Of: 2081 Blood Status: Muggleborn Wand: 10 1\2 inches, werewolf hair, cherry
Education/ Job Information: 1. Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Class of 2081)
Ancient Runes: E
Arithmancy: A
Astronomy: O
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Charms: A
Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
Divination: O
Herbology: E
History of Magic: O
Muggle Studies: O
Potions: E
Transfiguration E
Ancient Runes: E
Arithmancy: E
Astronomy: A
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Charms: O
Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
Divination: O
Herbology: E
History of Magic: E
Muggle Studies: E
Potions: E
Transfiguration: E
2. Department of Magical Law Enforcement:
-Youth Auror Trainee Initiative
Family: Wife:Gwendolyn Greene Son: Hartley Stonewall Mom: Rachel Stonewall- An interior designer. Dad: Danny Stonewall-from America. He was a detective on the New Jersey PD. After training, he decided to stay in London because of Rachel and where he works as a consultant for local detectives since then. Sister- Grace Stonewall (three years younger) Animals: Owl named Tobias; Pygmy Puff named Furball
About Jory: Jory is a hard working but easy going young man. He values honesty and loyalty above all traits. His choice to become an Auror was finally made in his fifth year after he went back and forth between that and being a Curse breaker. His choice was heavily influenced by his father since Jory wanted to follow in his footsteps. He pursued the Youth Auror Trainee Initiative Programme immediately after graduating Hogwarts and after three years of training, he is now an Auror. He owes his success to all his trainers especially Simon Bennett whom he is the closest to at the Ministry.
Jory particularly enjoys comic books and spending time with his sister whom distanced herself from him shortly before he graduated from Hogwarts because she was jealous of him having magical blood. Their relationship isn't back to what it was when they were younger but he thinks it is getting there; Gwen, his parents and friends (which is rare since he has become a workaholic of late).
Name: Dale Henry Jenson Upstead Date of Birth: 2nd September 2062 Place of Birth: Manchester, England Currently Lives: Ambleside, Cumbria Marital Status: Currently seeing someone Occupation: Court Scribe/Stenographer for the Wizengamot Administration Services (January 2086 - present)
Hair: Brown Eyes: Green Height: 6'2" Build: Tall, slim, toned
Mother (biological): Marie Ackton (d. 2nd September 2062) Father: Heath Upstead Step-Mother: Victoria Upstead Half-Brother: Daniel Upstead Step-Brother: Ryan Upstead Step-Sister: Reese Fritzera Half-Brother: Jake Upstead Half-Brother: Cole Upstead Half-Brother: Dexter Upstead
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry House: Hufflepuff Class of: 2081 Strongest Subjects: _____History of Magic _____Defence Against the Dark Arts _____Muggle Studies Weakest Subjects: _____Astronomy _____Potions _____Transfiguration Exam Results:
SPOILER!!: OWL Results
OWL Results
Ancient Runes: E
Astronomy: A
Charms: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: O
Muggle Studies: E
Transfiguration: A
Potions: A
NEWT Results
Ancient Runes: A
Astronomy: A
Charms: E
History of Magic: O
Muggle Studies: O
Transfiguration: E
University: Wizarding University (Edinburgh Campus) Qualifications: Wizarding Law and History of Magic, 1st Class Joint Honours Degree
On the surface, Dale is remarkably calm and sensible, born with the innate ability to be able to keep his cool in almost any situation (which sets him apart from the rest of his family). He has a tendency to try to take care of others, particularly his brothers and any close friends. Throughout his school years he preferred to stay in the background and largely kept to himself, and though now his confidence has grown and he is much more outspoken and sociable, he still appears for the most part to be somewhat quiet and unassuming. However, hose who get close to him may see a different side to Dale.
Dale has a way with words, a talent he picked up from his father. He is not afraid of wielding sarcasm, though recognises that there is a time and a place, and will often have a witty comeback or remark to hand, whether or not he chooses to actually say it. He often takes on the role of mediator, particularly in times of inevitable family friction, and has experience of calming some explosive tempers. He can usually find a way to talk his way into or out of something, if he really wants. This comes in very handy from time to time, as Dale is also very ambitious and always has a firm idea of what he's working towards, where large scale or small, though he is careful about who he decides to shares certain information with.
Dale was born on 2nd September 2062, in Manchester. Due to difficult circumstances, his mother died within hours of his birth, leaving Dale's father to raise him alone. Despite caring for an infant son on his own and having very few resources, Dale's father, working as a charismatic businessman, amassed a fair sum of money in a suspiciously short space of time. He would often bring Dale along to meetings, finding that making deals was much more successful when he had a cute kid with him.
By the time he was four, Dale's father had become rather wealthy and moved them both to a large house in the Hertfordshire countryside. Over the next few years, their family of two suddenly grew at an alarming rate, and soon Dale had a step-mother, older step-siblings, an older half-brother and, finally, two younger half-brothers. The sometimes bizarre circumstances that led to these additions seemed not to faze Dale at all.
Dale attended Hogwarts and was sorted into Hufflepuff, but was very close to becoming a Slytherin/Hufflepuff Hatstall. He was incredibly quiet at school, preferring to keep to himself and focus on his schoolwork, which he enjoyed. By the end of his fifth year he had developed a strong interest in anything related to law, and decided he would apply to university to study the subject. Three years at university did wonders for Dale's confidence, and he became much more sociable and outspoken. After graduating, he moved into a house in Cumbria with his older brother, Jake, and applied for a job at the Ministry of Magic.
Name: Honoria P. Borges Date of Birth: 14 May 2060 Age: 26 Place of Birth: Chester, UK Place of Residency: London, England Department: International Magical Cooperation Job Title: Secretariat and Immigration Officer
Marital Status: Single Eyes: Blue Hair: Light Brown Height: 6'1" Weight: 130 lbs Heritage: Mix Blood Schooling: Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Wand: 14" Maple with Unicorn Hair Patronus: Swallow
History: Her mother always suspected it, but she didn't want to believe it; and her father had no idea. There were small incidents, small things broke when little Honoria was mad. It wasn't that she was mad all the time. She really wasn't; Honoria was a pleasant well-mannered child. Just as Honoria's mother -Philomena- had suspected, an owl dropped off a letter on the morning of Honoria's eleventh birthday. Honoria's mother told her all about the life that she had thought she left behind. The magic that existed, and a world beyond anything Honoria could ever imagine. Alberto never knew about his wife's past, and that she was what they called a 'squib'. A person born to magical parents, who didn't have any magical abilities.
September came around, and Honoria took her first ride on the Hogwarts express. At Hogwarts, she was sorted into Ravenclaw. She achieved six Owls on her exams. During her time at Hogwarts, she took part in the choir, and Art Club.
Honoria attended University in Scotland. At first, her major was art. After taking an anthropology, and a sociology course, Honoria became fascinated with other cultures, and changed her major to International Studies. For one of her semesters, she did a study abroad in Brazil.
After graduating, Honoria decided to take two years off to travel, and to volunteer. She spent most of her time in India, and in various countries in Africa.
Personality: Honoria P. Borges just can't say no without feeling incredibly guilty. This may be why that sometimes she has too much on her plate. She may feel guilty about saying no, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a smile on her face. There almost always is. Even when people are staring at her because of her hight, she just smiles at them and wriggles her eyebrows. Some people may mistake her niceness for being fake. She wouldn't make a compliment unless she truly meant it. Don't let her kindness fool you, if you get on her bad side, there is no ever going back.
Bio: Name: Charles Demetri D.O.B: 10.10.2062 P.O.B: Somerset,England Age: 24 Blood Status: Mixed-Blood Marital Status: Single Department: Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes Job Title: Curse Reversal Specialist Wand: 11’ Bloodwood,Supple,Dragon Heartstring Broom: Colt Thunderbolt 100 Pet(s): White Ragdoll Cat named “Cherry” Patronus: Wild Cat
I'm not the most sociable of types. Outside, I may be known to be reserved and aloof at times but once you get to know me, I’m the type of guy you can always rely on. My hobbies include morning breakfast, playing quidditch, reading, go for a run or simply take a walk in the park. Naturally, I have a soft spot for children and animals too. I do not like to see them being mistreated or harmed in any way. I'm independent, quick-witted and can think rationally in times of trouble too.
Charles test scores are quite exemplary,earning him the title as one of the top 10 achievers in his class. He is a hardworking, dedicated and strong-hearted individual who always seek beyond his intellectual abilities. Highly trained in Occlumency and Legilimency, Charms, Transfiguration and Defence Against the Dark Arts, he is not afraid to protect others with his life.
St George's International School, Luxembourg: Graduated
Luxembourg Institute of Magic: Graduated (Year 1 - 7)
Luxembourg University of Magic: Graduated (4 yrs)
Ancient Runes: E
Arithmancy: E
Astronomy: Not Taken
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Charms: O
Divination: A
Herbology: E
History of Magic: E
Muggle Studies: E
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
Ancient Runes: E
Arithmancy: E
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Charms: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: E
Muggle Studies: E
Potions: E
Transfiguration: O
Physical Description:
Charles is said to have well-defined looks for a handsome young man. He stands about 186cm in height and has thin but muscular body frame. He has short dark-brown hair which he sometimes combed back on the sides, perfectly arched eyebrows and sharp coral-blue eyes. His facial features include strong jawline and a straight nose to match with his high cheekbones. Charles is constantly well-dressed to look more professional in his line of work. But when he is off-duty, he will simply dressed casually to accommodate his personal activities outside of the ministry.
History: Mother: Anna Rose (née Rupert) Demetri Father: Felix Demetri (Deceased) Siblings: Aurélia Jane Demetri (Younger sister) Bestfriends: Erik Kellan Maxwell, Tristan Rovek, Matteo Tesler
Charles was born in Somerset,England and the eldest son in the Demetri household. He just turned three, when the Demetri family moved to Luxembourg after his father, Felix Demetri, who was an Auror for Foreign Affairs at the time has landed a Head Auror position in their ministry. His mother gave birth to his younger sister, Aurélia 'Allie' Jane(AJ) a few months later. For several short years, they lead a happy life together until the sudden death of his father left them in complete disarray. Charles was forced to grow up sooner than most of his peers, he took responsibility by taking care of his younger sister and his mother who fell into depression and mourning for a period of time. Thankfully,his loving british maternal grandparents and his three loyal bestfriends were there to support him and his family every step of the way. Charles also studied incredibly hard to get to where he was today, he was determined to pursue a career similar to his father and decided it was best for his family to move back to his birth country after he graduated from Luxembourg University of Magic. He would get a position in the British Ministry of Magic and at the same time be closer to his aging maternal grandparents.