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Honeydukes Cellar (Incomplete FF) Here is the home to those stories who didn't quite get told in full.

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Old 11-06-2010, 01:52 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Gryffindor My Life Flipped - Sa16+
Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

Hiya! This is my second ff. Its going to be a remade version of my first one. (I think I am going to get that one deleted soon) In the first one, I don't think I did J.K. Rowling's characters any justice. So here's the new version. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns most of these characters. (I made up a few)

I like constructive criticism so please reply.

I leaned back in the slouchy red chair, sighing. My mother’s letter lay open in my right hand, the envelope on my lap. The letter was dated from yesterday, but I had just received it about an hour ago by an owl that flew in through the Common Room window. Over the period of time, I had studied the minuscule handwriting. Every time I saw an S, I paused. Even after the ‘incident’ about seven year’s ago, my mother still wrote them exactly as I do. All of the other letter’s appeared different, distorted. The front of the envelope was written in a completely different handwriting. The nurse’s no doubt, I thought. ‘St. Mungos’ was scribbled on the top corner, and ‘Seneca Wilson’, in the middle. The envelope held another letter. A small piece of parchment that had about a paragraph of writing. It was in the same writing as on the envelope.
I heard the Fat Lady’s portrait swing open behind me. I was in almost complete silence, at least up until now. Gryffindors filed into the common room. That meant that dinner was over.
“Hey. I was getting worried about you when you never showed up.” My best friend sat down on the arm of my chair. “What’s wrong?”
I picked up my head to look at her and pushed back my red, curly hair. Emily’s green eyes looked concerned and there was a frown on her face. I handed her the two letters
and saw her eyes scan over them.
“It’s my mum, I muttered very quietly.
“Oh, Seneca, I so sorry.” She said after a minute, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.
I took back the letters and put them in the envelope. Around me, the other Gryffindors where settling down. Some played chess with their friends, others played exploding snap or gobstones. Since it was Friday, no one payed any attention to the homework they were assigned.
I turned around as one of my other friends sat down on the sofa. Lily leaned forward to talk to us.
“Seneca, are you ok? She looked just as concerned as Emily did, “Where were you?”
“I’m fine,” I replied quietly, “I’m just not hungry.” Lily looked unconvinced, but nonetheless leaned back in to the sofa and looked around at some of the other kids.
Emily was the only one whom I told about my “messed up” family. Lily knew nothing. As did none of my other friends.
“Are you sure? You’ll don’t look too well.” She said from her trance. She flicked her eyes between me and a game of chess nearby.
“I’m fine,” I repeated.
Two boys moved into my peripheral vision. One with jet black hair and glasses, another with light brown hair and a book in his hand. James automatically sat down next to Lily and put his arm around her. She instantly shook it off, scowled and moved away from him a bit. James smirked. Remus stood in front of the fire and placed his book on the table in front of the sofa.
“You’ll never believe what Sirius and James did at- Seneca, what’s wrong?”
Remus had noticed my tear-stained face. I looked away and ran my sleeve under my eyes, trying to not look too puffy and red.
“Seneca what’s wrong?” he repeated a little more firmly. He kneeled down to my level.
I was forced to look into his eyes. Remus had always been a good friend to me. Almost like a brother. But that didn’t mean I had to tell him everything.
I ignored his question again and stood up. He backed away, letting me pass to go up to the girl’s dormitory.
“I’m really tired.” I said to the Gryffindors by the fire. Lily, and Remus still looked concerned, but James looked confused.
“Hey Sen-” I had already pushed past Sirius and walked toward the stairs. Shrugging, Sirius went over to the other two marauders, Peter close on his heels.
“What’s up with her?” I heard him say, taking my vacant seat.
“Nothing,” replied Emily. She too stood up. “I should go as well.”
Emily hugged my shoulder as she came up to me. We walked up the stairs together and opened the door to the girl’s room. Five, four post beds consumed most of the space. I briskly walked to the nearest one. Next to the bed, I pulled open a drawer in the night stand. I shuffled through some drawings and extra pieces of parchment. There, at the bottom of the drawer was a little tin box. I took off the lid and fitted my newly acquired letter in it. Some of the other things were dated from up to six years ago, when I first entered Hogwarts.
Emily had already gotten changed and was sitting on her bed. She stared intently at me, waiting to see what I’d do. I got changed as well and hopped up onto my own bed. I was about to pull the curtains around me when Emily spoke up.
“Don’t worry, Seneca. You’ll be ok.” She tried to force a smile.
“G’ Night” I muttered pulling the curtains closed.
I heard her sigh then close her own.

Ok, please reply!
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Old 11-08-2010, 03:27 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Hello and welcome to the High Security Vaults! :]

Hope to see you update often.

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Old 11-09-2010, 03:00 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

Yay! I got views!

Ok here's the next part!

I laid in my bed and curled up in a ball, silently crying. I don’t know exactly when it happened but sometime within the hour I fell asleep. For most of the night I had a dreamless sleep. Though, once again, I saw the familiar pleading face, angry muddy brown eyes and a green flash of light, that have haunted my dreams since I was seven.

“Mommy!” I stumbled down the wooden stairs, tripping on the last two. My red hair was falling out of my braid and I had kicked off my slippers outside the door to my room. The hallway seemed longer than usual, and the pictures looked as if they were mocking me. I ran to the opposite door and threw it open. On more than one occasion I had heard those screams. I automatically recognize them, even if they’re muffled behind my closed door from my room.
I heard a yell, and a crash, then saw a bright flash of light. My older brother was staggering behind the toppled kitchen table. Some of the chairs lay scattered in pieces around him. Dishes and appliances laid on the floor as well. My mother was crumpled on the floor at my dads feet. She was barely moving but I at least saw her breathing.
“You unworthy son of mine!” My dad waved his wand above his head and stepped over my mother. Ethan was standing up. His green eyes looked fearful and his reddish-blonde hair was partly covered in blood. I ran into the room and ducked behind the counter as my dad shot a spell and a vase exploded behind my brother.
“Stop it!” I shouted, jumping up and standing between my brother and my dad. My dad’s eyes flashed towards me. Towards his seven year old, helpless daughter.
“Get out of the way Seneca!” He said pushing me aside.
“Seneca, Go!” Ethan yelled. He was backing up. Away from my crazed dad.
I ducked back behind the counter and peered over the top.
“I’m sick of you! You brought dishonor to this family.” Yelled my dad. Ethan was completely vulnerable. My father had his wand pointed directly between his eyes, “It’s time I took care of you.”
“NO!” My mother was getting up. Some blood trickled from a few spots on her face and her hair was completely tangled. My dad spun on her.
“You! It’s you’re fault you produced a squib, Anna! Crucio!” My mothers screams filled the house again. Her body and mind couldn’t take any more. She passed out on the floor once more.
He turned back to Ethan who was trying to stumble over some of the wreckage.
“Now you.” He muttered quietly, angrily.
Ethan stopped dead. He glanced at me then back at our father .
“Crucio!” The air was filled with different screams. Ethan fell to the floor, twisting in agony. My dad relieved the unforgivable curse and my twelve year old brother lay there panting. For a moment my dad seemed to come to his senses.
“Avada Kedavra!” He said finally. There was a green flash of light and Ethan lay motionless.

“Seneca? Seneca! Wake up!” Someone was shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes. Emily and Lily stood over me. The curtains around my bed were parted and light flooded the dormitory.
“Are you ok?!” I was tangled in my bed sheets, covered in sweat, and tears were streaked down my face. Emily looked frightened. Lily took my arm and helped me sit up.
“Seneca, what’s wrong?” said Lily firmly. She looked me over.
I made eye contact with Emily. She instantly knew what was up.
“Uh, Lily, why don’t you go downstairs. We’ll meet you there in a minute.”
The redhead nodded and with one last glance at me, left the dormitory.
“The dream?” asked Emily quietly, after the door was completely closed. She sat down next to me. I nodded my head and wiped my hand on my face.
“Wanna talk about it?” she said hesitantly.
“No,” I ignored the arm she tried to put around me and stood up. I went over to the bowl on my nightstand. I could see my reflection in the water. My bangs were plastered to my forehead and my eyes looked red. I splashed the water on my face.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” I turned back to her, drying my face off with a little towel, “you and the others can go down to breakfast,” I said, “I’ll meet you in a bit.”
“If you’re sure.” She mumbled, “Just remember I’m here if you need me.” She stood up and left.
The door closed once again. I sighed and sank back into my bed. After about a minute I took my wand and magically curled my hair. I pulled some extra clothes out of my trunk and got changed, grabbing a pair of boots on my way out the door. My wand was rammed into my back pocket and a jacket slumped over my arm. I pushed open the door at the bottom of the staircase, expecting the common room to be empty now that everyone was at breakfast.
I was wrong. Remus stood up. He had been sitting on the couch, his elbows propped on his knees. “I, er, wanted to wait for you.” he muttered softly.
“Thanks.” I didn’t think he would have waited. I thought he would have been off with Sirius, James, and Peter, causing mischief and mayhem in the Great Hall.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah I’m fine, just bait hungry.”
Remus smiled, “Well you skipped dinner last night, remember?”
“Of coarse,” I returned a small smile which quickly disappeared when I thought of the letter my mum sent me.
“Come on,” He put his arm over my shoulder and steered me through the Fat Lady’s portrait.

[COLOR="rgb(221, 160, 221)"]Ok tell me what you think![/COLOR] <3
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Old 11-09-2010, 04:17 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Omg, this is well good. Keep posting!

Poor Seneca. Is she still living with her father? I bloody hope not!!

-Sarah~Jane A.K.A Sarah Black

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Old 11-10-2010, 03:25 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

Thanks for your reply!

Here's the next part. Enjoy.

“Here take this.” Before I knew it a butterbeer was shoved into my gloved hands by Emily.
She smiled, “It’ll make you feel better.”
“Thanks,” I muttered, sliding into the booth next to Lily.
I looked around the Three Broomsticks. It was more packed than usual. Everyone was trying to get at least some of their Christmas shopping done. Sirius and James pushed through the crowd and sat themselves down opposite of ourselves. Remus and Peter appeared a minute later with some butterbeers for the four of them. It was an awkward silence. We all sat there, keeping our thoughts to ourselves.
“Get anything for your mum?” asked Remus to James to fill the silence.
“Yeah, I did.” he said casually, taking a sip of the drink.
“What about you Padfoot?”
“Huh?,” Sirius replied simply, staring at some seventh year girls at a table a few feet away, “She’s real hard to buy presents for.”
James laughed, “Yeah, I met your mum...once. Nice lady,” he muttered sarcastically.
Sirius cracked a smile.
“Lily, did you get anything for a certain special person?” asked James interestedly.
“No.” she said flatly.
“Shame. I got you something real nice.”
Lily smirked. “How about you Seneca?” she asked.
“No, not yet.” I forced a smile, “I’ll find something though.”
Emily patted me on the shoulder.
I finished my butterbeer in silence. All the while, Remus was studying my face.
“What?” I said at last.
“Nothing.” he said smiling, “Actually, come on, I want to show you something.” He flashed a smile at James and Sirius, “Is that ok?”
“Fine with us, we need to stop at Zonko’s. We need a few things,” he winked at Lily.
I left my empty glass on the table. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lily move closer to Emily. I could tell she didn’t want to be alone with James.
The cold December air hit my face as I left the warm restaurant. I followed Remus through the slowly moving crowd. We were heading towards the edge of Hogsmeade.
We finally stopped at a fence. Sitting on a little hill, was a small building, the Shrieking Shack.
“What are we doing here?” I asked quizzically.
“I like to hang out here.” he said. He stared intently at the small building.
“Here? Isn’t it supposed to be haunted or something?” I glanced in the direction of the hill.
Remus turned back to me. His expression changed into that of anger, or disapproval. I couldn’t tell which.
“I’ve heard rumors of that.” he mumbled finally.
“Why’d you bring me out here?” I pressed further.
“I- I wanted to tell you something.” He stuttered and dropped his gaze.
“I- um, I-,” whatever he was about to say was cut short. A loud bang issued from behind us.
“Uh oh,” we both muttered. We sprinted back into the town. A crowd was forming near the entrance to the Hogshead Inn.

Ok please reply and tell me what you think!
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Old 11-10-2010, 05:36 PM   #6 (permalink)
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What's happening!

Awww, Do I think Remus was about to tell Seneca about his 'Furry Little Problem?'

And why do I get the feeling that James and Sirius have somthing do with the crowd???????

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Old 11-11-2010, 03:46 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

haha. yeah...I'll add more tomorrow keep an eye out for my next post!
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Old 11-12-2010, 03:26 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Ok heres the next part.

Remus pushed through the Hogwarts students. I followed right behind him, biting my lip. We moved to the front of the crowd. James and Sirius had their wands aloft while Peter stood aside looking anxious and exited. The boys’ wands were pointed at a bundle on the ground. After a moment, I noticed it was a kid, staggering to regain his balance.
Lily stood off to the side, looking in every direction except where the three boys were. Emily stood next to her. She had a nervous habit of biting her nails.
Severus was finally able to stand up. His bags and its contents were scattered in the snow around him. Several cuts were noticeable on his face and neck. Snape pulled his wand out of his pocket.
“What do you want, Potter?” he snapped. His voice cracked over the growing wind and cold weather.
“What’s wrong, Snivellus?” he smirked, “Can’t take a little duel?” James glanced at Lily out of the corner of his eye.
Remus and I followed his eyes. Lily shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. She hasn’t even spoken to Severus since last year. After the O.W.L.s, Snape called her a ‘mudblood’ when James had taunted about Lily sticking up for him. She never forgave Severus for that.
“Impedimenta!” shouted James.
Snape produced a shield charm just in time. Most of the spell rebounded, but the force knocked Snape off his feet.
He struggled back up and sent a nonverbal hex back at James, who simply dodged it.
“Come on, Snivellus. You can do better than that!” jeered Sirius, “Locomotor mortis!’
Flashes of light, bangs, and shield charms went everywhere. Severus looked like he was barely holding off the two Gryffindors.
“Remus do something,” I whispered urgently.
“What?” he sounded taken aback.
“They could really get hurt.” I said.
“I can’t do anything. James’ll kill me later. He just wants Lily’s attention.”
James sent a spell that almost hit a third year boy in the crowd. He ducked just in time.
“Someone else can get hurt.” I muttered, gesturing to the young boy.

All the while, Lily was backing out of the crowd. She couldn’t watch any more. Severus used to be her friend, but she didn’t want to stand up to James and Sirius and defend the Slytherin. After all, he called her a mudblood. He was just like the others in his house.

“Expelliarmus!” James’s spell knocked Snape’s wand out of his hand. It flew in an arc and Sirius caught it.
“Stupefy!” Sirius shot the stunning spell with Snape’s wand.
Some students in the crowd cheered and some clapped. Sirius went over to the Slytherin, smiling.
“Pathetic.” he mumbled.
“All right break it up.” a voice came from somewhere behind me.
Some of the crowd dispersed, continuing with their own business. Sirius’s smile had faded. James too looked to see who spoke up. A tall man with graying hair moved through the crowd. He held his wand aloft, ready to send a spell at any of the students. Remus and I had to split up to let the man pass. I noticed he was the owner of the Hog’s Head Inn.
“I said break it up.” he repeated pointing his wand threateningly at the two boys. James and Sirius moved away. The barman muttered the countercurse. Snape recovered and stood up.
“Give the boy back his wand.” he ordered.
Hesitantly Sirius tossed it to Snape. He caught it and started to pick up his belongings.
“Move along, now.” he said, loud enough for everyone to hear. The kids walked away, but glanced back over their shoulders to see what was happening.The only ones left were me, Emily, the four marauders, and Snape.
“If I catch any of you doing anything like this again-” The barman shook his head at the boys.
Severus had picked up everything and was beginning to leave.
The barman glared one last time at James and Sirius then went back into his pub.
“We should go,” Emily muttered to us.
“Where’s Lily?” asked James, looking around anxiously.

Please tell me what you think
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Old 11-12-2010, 11:11 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Ha ha, My suspicion was right!

As much as I hate to say it, I do feel a bit sorry for Snape...

what's got into me?

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Old 11-14-2010, 11:42 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

Sorry I've been kinda busy! Here's the next part!

The snow began to fall more heavily. Emily and I trudged through it, trying to find at least a speck of our friends red hair. The marauders went in a different direction. After about twenty minutes, we all met back in the Three Broomsticks.
“No sight of her?” Emily looked desperately at James’s face.
“No.” he shook his head. Snow fell out of his ruffled black hair.
“Aw, come on Prongs, Evans can look after herself.” Sirius said.
“Yeah, you’re right.” He tried to smile, “She probably went back to the common room or something.”
“That’s the spirit, here have another butterbeer.” Sirius threw some coins to the bar tender and handed James the drink.
“Thanks, Padfoot.” he forced a smile.
We stood there in silence. After about a minute I spoke up.
“I’m getting cold. I think I’m gonna head back to the dormitory.” I said tightening my scarf and pushing my bangs out of my eyes.
“Yeah me too.” Emily muttered.

“”Lily!” Emily ran over to our friend. Lily was curled up on the couch. She had a book in her hand, but she was staring at the fire. She jumped when she heard Emily’s voice.
“What happened to you? Why you’d leave?” She asked taking off her jacket, scarf, and gloves.
“Wasn’t feeling well.” she muttered, averting her eyes.
“Lily, you’ve always been a terrible liar. It’s James isn’t it.” Emily crossed her arms, like she always did when she was determined to get answers.
A smile flickered across Lily’s face, but slowly she nodded.
“Everyone knows James is an obnoxious idiot but-”
“But nothing. He’s a bully! What is with him!” she said suddenly, cutting Emily off. The book fell from her hands as she stood up, “Why does he keep hexing every person he passes, especially if they’re younger than him or in Slytherin?!”
“Lily calm down.” I said. I tried to put a hand on her shoulder but she shook it off.
“And with Severus, why can’t he just give him a break? Potter’s such a jerk!”
“Why don’t you ask him?” I said nodding toward the Fat Lady’s portrait.
Lily spun around, surprised. The marauders were coming through the portrait. Their faces had traces of smiles on them but they faded when they heard Lily called James a jerk.
“I- uh--” Lily looked sick.
“Blimey, Evans.” James muttered.
“Good luck, mate.” said Sirius grinning, “You’re on your own this time.” He backed out of the common room. Remus and Peter followed suit.
“We should go as well.” Emily pulled me through the portrait of the Fat Lady.
“No,” Lily called after us but the portrait already closed.

“I think someone should have stayed with them,” said Remus, smiling, “Lily looked like she wanted to curse him.”
We walked down a random corridor. Some of the portraits stopped what they were doing to look at us.
“Prongs’ll be fine.” said Sirius, grinning back.
“You better hope.” I laughed.
“She can be pretty mean when she wants to.” added Emily.
“We’ll see if James is still in one piece later.” Remus said.
Sirius leaned against the wall of the deserted corridor. We all stopped and stood there, telling jokes and laughing. Since it was only three thirty, most of the students above their third year were at Hogsmeade.
Ten minutes later we heard footsteps coming near us. James rounded the corner. He held a large piece of folded parchment in one hand and his wand in the other. A smile was spread across his face.
“That was interesting.” he said.
“What happened?” Emily and I said in unison.
“She yelled at me... most of the time.” he said.
“Most of the time?” put in Remus.
“She shot a few hexes at me, of coarse.” He said casually.
“What’d you do?”
“Well, I wasn’t going to fight back, if thats what your imploring.” He said, “I’m not mean like that.”
Emily raised an eyebrow. James seemed to notice this.
“I’m hurt.” he said dramatically.
We started laughing.
“We should check on Lily.” I said after a minute.
“Yeah, see you later.” She said to everyone.
“Hey guys,” James turned to his friends. “Snivellus is in the Library and nobody’s around.” He tapped the parchment.
I didn’t hear what their reply was. Emily steered me back in the direction of the common room. Lily wasn’t on the couch where we left her. We climbed up the steps to the dormitory. Lily was lying on her back on her bed.
“You ok?” I asked.
“Yeah,” she muttered. She turned over to prop up on her elbow.
“I’m sorry I yelled.” she said. Her eyes were red. She’d been crying.
Emily sat down on the edge of the mattress.
“You sure?”
Lily nodded.
“Good.” Emily smiled, “I have a chess set somewhere, my dad gave it to me a few years ago. Wanna play?” Even as she said this she was already looking through her chest.
“Sure.” said Lily. I patted her hand and we sat down on the floor.

Ok, As usual send in your replies!
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Old 11-15-2010, 06:37 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Ha ha, good on you Lily! Hex the obnoxious git!

Oooo, the Marauders Map make''s it's appearance! {you'd think after spelling it five times a day, I'd know how to spell Marauder but no}

PAMS mucho mucho soon!

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Old 11-16-2010, 02:59 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Haha thanks Ruby!
Here's the next part.

Christmas came within the next three weeks. Lily went home over the break, as did the four marauders. Me, Emily, and some other Gryffindors stayed back.
Emily’s parents said I could have come and stayed with them over the holidays, but I didn’t want to return to the street on which my life had changed so dramatically. Her home was only a few houses down from mine. Though, after the incident me and my deranged family had to move out. A realtor came by later that month and resold the house. Of course, she, nor the muggle family who live there now, know what happened there nine years ago.
“Come on, open your presents.” Emily demanded on Christmas morning. She sat on the edge of her bed, still in her pajamas and slippers. A little pile of presents laid at the foot of both of our beds. Her pile was remarkably bigger than mine.
I opened a brown paper wrapped box. Inside was a snow globe, Emily had put a spell on it so that it would never stop ‘snowing’. Inside where little replicas of me, Emily, and Lily, building a snowman.
“Thanks, Emily. I love it,” I said, “Open yours.”
Emily pulled back the wrappings on the gift I gave her. It was a photo album. I had put a few pictures of us in it from a few years ago.
“Thanks, Seneca.” She smiled.
Emily opened the rest of her presents. She got some candy, the wizarding and muggle kind, and some clothes from her favorite muggle stores. When she was done, she looked at me.
“I want to see what you got.” She said after I raised and eyebrow.
I laughed as I opened the three remaining presents on my bed. One was from Lily. She had gotten me a couple of books.
Another was from Remus. I was a little taken aback that he had thought to get me something. I glanced at Emily, who smiled reassuringly.
I opened the lid. Laying inside was a necklace. The charm was a simple, gold, crescent moon.
“Remus got you that?” Emily sounded surprised as she came and looked over my shoulder.
I pulled out the necklace and put it on.
“It’s so pretty.” Emily said staring at the charm.
I smiled. I would have to thank him when he got back.
I saw the return address on the last present and sat there staring at it for a minute.
It was from my Uncle, my mothers brother. My uncle’s a nice man, he took me in after my mother went to St. Mungos. I pulled open the paper that bound the present. A small photo album sat in my palm. Every page had the capacity to hold only one photo. I lifted the leather cover to see if anything was in it. The very first picture was that of my mother in her wedding dress. It was dated from 23 years ago. My mother was laughing and twirling in circles. She looked beautiful. Her red hair was pulled back in a bun, and she held a bouquet. After a minute I closed the album, pulling my self back into reality. No I thought, my mum’s in St. Mungos. She’s literally crazy, and she’s dying. She barely even remembers you and your brother.
“Seneca?” Emily saw my face drop, and tears forming on my eyes, “Are you ok?”
She took the album from me and flipped through it. Most of the pictures were of my mum and dad. They looked happy together in those pictures.
“Seneca.” My friend pulled my chin up so I had to look directly in her green eyes, “Are you ok?” she said more firmly.
“Yeah.” I wiped my face with my sleeve and turned away.
“What’s this?” Emily pulled a letter out of one of the pages and handed it to me. It was my Uncles handwriting.

Your mother wanted you to have this. Take care, and I’ll see you over the summer.
-Your Uncle

The letter was short, written in green ink and on a single piece of parchment.
“Seneca is this your dad?”
Emily found a newspaper clipping in the last page. I looked at the headline. I had to read it several times before it could finally sink in. The headline was titled ‘Wizard Kills Son With The Unforgivable Curse’ There was an article with it as well, but I didn’t want to read it. I scanned over the rest of the page. Flat in the middle was a mug shot of my dad in Azkaban.
I couldn’t believe it. Christmas Day and my spirits were already crushed that morning. I had thrown the album into the bottom of my trunk and slammed the lid down.
I sat on my bed as Emily got dressed and, with a look of sympathy, go down to breakfast. Slowly I followed and met her in the Great Hall.
It was more empty than usual. Some of the professors walked around, wishing kids a Merry Christmas. They looked more upbeat and wore brightly colored robes.
The students were happy as well. Emily still glanced at me with concern every once in a while.
“What?!” I said for the hundredth time.
“Nothing,” She muttered, eating a sausage link.
I didn’t eat much that morning.
We went back to the common room and spent most of the day in there. Emily and I played some chess and exploding snap, but we finally got bored. Every time I looked out the window, students were playing in the snow. I saw a group of Slytherin kids throw some snowballs at a couple of first years, who screamed and ran in different directions as more came flying at them. I laughed silently. That was exactly what the marauders would be doing if they were out there.
“Sure it might be funny, but what if that was you.” Emily said playfully following my gaze.
I had to laugh.
“That happened once. Remember? In our second year?” I replied not taking my eyes off of the kids.
“Of coarse, but we got back at them.” she said.
“Remus did most of the work.” I supplied, “He did all the spells.”
“Yeah.” Emily paused and pushed her blonde hair out of her eyes, “He really likes you.” she said studying my face. Her gaze slipped down to my necklace.
I smiled. “He’s a good friend.”
“Come on, lets go outside.” She picked up her jacket, gloves and hat. I barely had time to find my things before Emily was steering me out of the portrait.

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Old 11-16-2010, 07:15 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Oooo! I love the necklace!

Ha ha, I think Remus loves Seneca!

Oooo! A moon cresent, eh?

Good! She lives with her Uncle!

Good! Good! Good!


(Mucho Mucho Mucho Post A lot More Soon!)

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Old 11-16-2010, 10:16 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Haha. thanks! I might have more by tonight so keep an eye out.

Oh my gosh, So sorry I'll have to post tomorrow!

Last edited by z999993; 11-17-2010 at 03:27 AM.
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Old 11-19-2010, 03:23 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Thanks for the comment. Sorry I've been kinda busy but here's the next part.

Christmas went by as soon as it had come. Students were arriving at the castle as the term was going to resume. Emily and I sat on the couch, talking. Well, actually she did most of the talking. I sat there and listened, staring at the burning embers in the fireplace.
“Nice necklace.” Remus commented, coming up behind me.
“Thanks.” I said grinning. My gaze shifted over to him.
“You like it?” he continued.
“I love it.” I muttered getting up to hug him.
Emily cleared her throat. Loudly.
“Hey, I’m here too.” She said.
I smiled and sat back down on the couch, putting my feet up on the table. Remus sat down next to me. Lily’s red hair was visible in the group of students. She came over to us, smiling, and sat down on the other side of me. The common room began to get more crowded as more kids came in. James, and Sirius, closely followed by Peter were the last ones to enter through the portrait.
“Hey Evans.” Said James, ruffling his hair as usual.
I think I was the only one who heard Lily mutter a ‘hi’. Emily and I exchanged a nervous glance. I don’t think Lily has spoken much to James since before Christmas. By the look on James’s face, he was sincerely hurt that all he got was a ‘hi’.
“Have a good break?”
“Yeah.” she murmured.
“That’s good.” he sighed.
Sirius spoke up when he too saw the expression on his friends face.
“I saw Snivelly on the third floor.” He said, “He looked like he deserved to be cursed.”
James face lit up a little.
“Yeah?” he asked.
“I’ll be right back.” Sirius bounded off to the boys dormitory.
A few minutes passed. I asked Remus, James, and Lily what they’ve been up to. We were laughing about a joke when Sirius reappeared with a bundle in his hands. He threw it to James, who happily caught it.
“We’ll be back. Wanna come Moony?”
Remus shook his head, “I don’t want to get involved.”
Peter gleefully followed the other two outside.
“Hey there’s Mary. Do you mind, Seneca?” Lily asked.
“No, go ahead.” I said. Lily left to talk with one of her other fiends.
Emily looked between Remus and me. “I’ll go too.” she said, a slight smile on her face. I watched Emily walk away.
“Is James ok?” I questioned quietly turning back to Remus
“I don’t know. I didn’t see him over the holiday. You should ask Sirius. I think he’s been living with James’s family.”
“He is?” I said.
“I think so. You’ll have to ask him though.” he paused. “What about Lily?”
“I didn’t see her either. I hope she’s ok.”
A minute passed. I was deep in thought about Lily and James’s relationship.
Remus must have seen my expression. He pushed some of my hair out of my face.
“Don’t worry about them. They’ll figure it out soon enough.” he said and put an arm around me.
I gratefully leaned back. I was happy I had at least a few people that cared about me.

Ok tell me what you think. Remember please comment and rate!
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Old 11-20-2010, 03:07 AM   #16 (permalink)
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On a role now. Here's the next part.

Almost a week passed and I still haven’t talked to Sirius or James about Lily. On that Saturday night I was going to press the matter further, but I couldn’t find the marauders anywhere.
“They’re probably doing something horrible to some poor first year.” Said Emily cooly turning a page in her transfiguration book.
“Yeah, probably.” I sighed and laid back on the couch, “But they usually say something before disappearing.”
“Uh-huh.” Emily muttered not taking her eyes off her book.
I glanced at her. She felt my eyes on her back and she turned to look at me.
“Why are you so worried?” She asked.
I shrugged.
Emily smiled, “I think someone’s got feelings for a certain somebody.” she teased.
“What?” I jumped up taken aback.
“Come on, admit it. You like Remus.”
“Yeah, like a brother.” I said.
“No. I mean you really like him.” she accused.
“I do not.” I said loudly. I could feel color rising up the back of my neck.
“Sure. Whatever you say.” she laughed.
I made a face at her. She broke out in a fit of giggles.
“You’re just as bad a liar as Lily.” She said.
“No. She’s worse.”
“So you are admitting it!”
“No I’m not.” I said curtly.
“I see the way you look at him.” she supplied, “And how he looks at you.”
I felt the color rise to my cheeks. Emily seemed to have noticed she’d gotten to me.
“Ask him about it.” she said, “I know he loves you.”
I stared at her for a minute. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship by asking him about his feelings towards me. Was that what he was trying to tell me at the Shrieking Shack? I thought. Yes, maybe he was. Something else pulled at the back of my mind. Or maybe not. I definitely had my doubts about what he was trying to tell me.

I didn’t see the marauders at all that night. The next day I caught up with Remus at breakfast. He didn’t look well.
“Hey Remus. Where were you last night?” I asked sitting beside him.
“Huh? Oh, hi Seneca.” He grabbed a piece of toast and took a bite, “I got held up in class.” he said through mouthfuls.
“Oh, right.” I muttered grabbing some breakfast of my own.
“Why do you care?” He said after a minute. There was a little gleam in his eye as he asked this. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Emily grin at her breakfast.
“Just wondering.” I said cooly. “Are you all right? You don’t look so well.”
He forced a smile. “I’m fine, there’s some family problems going on at home.”
I slightly nodded. I of all people know what its like to have ‘family problems’.
“Don’t worry about me.” he nudged my shoulder. “I’m fine.”
“If you sure.”
I quietly ate my breakfast, glancing at Emily every now and then. She was still smiling, but she was now talking to Sirius across the table.

Ok tell me what you think!
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Old 11-23-2010, 04:34 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Here's the next part. If you recognize anything its from HBP. Enjoy

“Are you ready for today?” Emily asked coming up to me that afternoon.
I bit my lip. “Not really” I finally muttered.
Lily appeared on Emily’s other side.
“I can’t wait to learn to Apparate.” She said excitedly.
Emily and Lily were talking. Last night, Lily had skimmed over a book on Apparating she had found in the library and was giving tips to Emily.
“Remember the three D’s.” She said. “Destination, Determination, Deliberation.”
I heard Emily mutter that under her breath.
All of the other sixth year students were also filing into the Great Hall. The usual four tables were pushed up against the wall and instead were a hundred or so wooden hoops laying on the floor.
“You ready?” The breath that brushed against the back of my neck made me jump.
“No.” I replied looking at my friend.
Remus put his arm around my shoulder.
“You’ll be fine.” he said.
“Easy for you to say. You and Lily,” I glanced at my redhead friend still jabbering away with Emily, “know what your doing.”
“Actually, I don’t. But, how hard can it be?” he said smiling.
I stood in front of a hoop on the floor. Remus took the position on my left and Emily on my right. I saw Sirius and James enter the Great Hall after us. They stood farther to the back of the room.
A ministry wizard stood in the front of the room. He was talking to Professor Dumbledore and Professor Slughorn. He was a short, plump man, with graying hair and bright blue robes on.
The Headmaster then left along with the Slytherin Head of House. The ministry wizard pointed his wand at his throat, mutter a spell, and his voice reverberated off the walls.
“Today will be your first lesson in Apparating. I will be your teacher for the next 12 weeks . Hopefully, by the end of that time, You will be able to pass your Apparition Test when you come of age.” He paused and looked around at the students. “Professor Dumbledore has lifted the enchantment around the Great Hall to practice Apparating. It would be foolish to try and Apparate out of this room.” He glared at some Slytherins ho were goofing off.
“Now, the first thing is to remember the three D’s.” I saw Emily and Lily exchange looks. Emily was grinning and repeating what Lily told her under her breath.
“Destination, Determination, and Deliberation. First focus on your destination, which in this case is the inside of your hoop. Then focus your determination to occupy the visualized space. Last, Turn on the spot and move with deliberation. Fell your way into nothingness.” He paused again.
“On my count of three. One- Two- Three!”
I saw some students struggle, turn around, then fall. Others made it half way to their hoop. Remus was only one of the few who had gotten anywhere near their hoop. The Ministry wizard was watching the students intently. I focused on the hoop five feet in front of me. After a few seconds I turned around.
I felt a pull in the small of my back. My surroundings disappeared momentarily then reappeared. Struggling to stay standing, I made to move back to where I was originally standing but an agonizing pain shot up the back of my leg and I stumbled. I looked around at my left leg. My stockings were torn behind my knee and blood was gushing over my clothes. My stomach lurched as I saw three gaping wounds around my calf.
“Seneca!” Emily saw the blood drain from my face and came to my side. Remus was instantly there as well, holding me up in a sitting position. I was close to fainting. More people crowded around to see what was happening. I saw Lily’s mouth momentarily hang open then she muttered something to a neighbor. The ministry wizard apparated over to my side and poured something on my leg. The flesh and muscle grew over the wound quickly.
“Splinching.” He said loud enough for every one to hear, “The separation of body parts.” He looked around. “It happens when the mind is insufficiently determined.”
He moved away and the students dispersed. Remus stayed where he was and helped me up.
“You ok?”
I nodded slowly.
It would have helped if he had told us that before we started, I thought.
Emily patted my shoulder and went back to her hoop. She looked a little hesitant about Apparating now. The rest of the hour passed. I only tried once more, but I got nowhere. Luckily, I wasn’t the only one who had the splinching problem. One boy in Ravenclaw completely lost his hand and a girl in Hufflepuff got a chunk taken out of her shoulder.
By the end of the time, The ministry wizard didn’t look too upset with us.
“We’ll resume next week.” He then briskly walked out of the Great Hall.
Remus put his arm over my shoulder. “You still look pale.” he said and steered me out of the Great Hall. Lily and Emily closely followed behind me.
“It could have been worse.” said Lily reassuringly.
I tried to smile, but couldn’t.
“Let’s go back to the common room.” suggested Emily. “She really doesn’t look well.”

Tell me what you think! I like constructive criticism.
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Old 11-24-2010, 10:13 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Happy Thanksgiving ya'll just incase I don't get to tell ya tomorrow!
Here's the next part

Apparition became easier over the next few week. Remus helped me (a lot), and so did Emily. I started to get a little worried. My mother hans’t sent me a letter since before Christmas. Emily told me not to worry, and she was the one who got me distracted from horrible thoughts of my mum. I began to spend more time with Remus. We went to Hogsmeade together more often. He sent me mixed signals; sometimes I thought he really liked me, but other times he looked distracted or worried. He always changed his expression to be happy and cheerful when I was around. I knew him well, and he learned quickly that I can pick up things if something’s bothering him.
It was the end of January and again Remus was nowhere to be seen. Sirius was the only marauder in the common room. I was surprised he didn’t disappear with his friends.
“Where is everyone?” I asked sitting on the arm of his chair.
“Huh? Oh, hi Seneca. They’re somewhere in the castle.” he said simply.
“Why aren’t you with them?”
He hesitated before answering. “I just needed to think.” Sirius said finally.
“Oh, well you want to tell me about?” I said.
I know where this is going, I thought.
He shook back his black hair and studied me with his grey eyes that so many girls fell in love with.
“Not really. Its just family problems.” he muttered turning away.
I opened my mouth to say something, but I remembered no one besides Emily knew about my family.
“Um, Remus told me that your staying with James’s family.” I chose my words carefully then continued, “Does that have to do with anything?”
I saw him slowly nod at the wall opposite.
“You ran away.” I was able to read his thoughts and he nodded again.
“You regret it?” I asked hesitantly
He shot a glance at me. There was something in his eyes, anger probably, but it disappeared quickly.
“Don’t you have a younger brother?” I mumbled.
Sirius seemed surprised that I knew some much about him, but he nodded again.
“What does he think?”
“Who cares what he thinks.” He shot at me.
“Oh, uh… I’m sorry.” I muttered.
Sirius got up.
“I’m going to find Prongs.” He said grimly, then left common room.
“Nice talking to you.” I grumbled under my breath.

Of course the next day I saw Remus again at breakfast. Just like last month, he didn’t look well.
Or the month before that, I thought. I shook my head to try and get rid of those thoughts that picked at the back of my mind.
Sirius pretended that our talk last night didn’t even happen. He went back to his usual pranking self.
“Hey Seneca.” Remus put his arm around me as I sat down at the Gryffindor table.
“Where do you keep disappearing off to?” I asked so that only he can hear.
He didn’t answer.
“Remus are you okay?”
“Yeah.” he mumbled then forced a smile, I can’t tell you now. Some other time.”
I picked up a piece of toast and bit into it. He took his arm off of me then turned to talk to his friends.

K, tell me what ya think.
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Old 11-25-2010, 07:27 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Sorry I haven't replied in a while, but I got all Homework and Karate, and then juggling 5 fan fics at a time is nightmare...

Aww Remus, I really think you should tell Seneca!

Love is in the air....


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Old 11-25-2010, 11:40 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ruby85 View Post
Sorry I haven't replied in a while, but I got all Homework and Karate, and then juggling 5 fan fics at a time is nightmare...

Aww Remus, I really think you should tell Seneca!

Love is in the air....


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Old 11-25-2010, 11:43 PM   #21 (permalink)
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K, here's the next part. It kind of switches between my perspective and James's. Enjoy

“Emily. Ow… stop, your hurting me.” I tried to pull away but my friends grip on my arm was too strong. Red dye was on two of her fingers. She grinned them resumed writing James’s quidditch number on my cheek.
Emily and Lily both wore bright red, and made me change to match the team’s colors.
“Gryffindor is so gonna win,” said Lily, happily, “Hufflepuff has no chance.”
I smiled and put my red curly hair back into a ponytail.
Lily didn’t seem to be mad at James anymore. I didn’t say anything, I didn’t want to ruin her mood.
“Come on.” said Emily impatiently.
Lily threw my scarf at me when I almost left without it. I happily took it and wrapped it around my neck.
Laughing, we left the dormitory and waited in the common room with all of the other Gryffindors.
“You look colorful.” said Remus, smiling. He came over and stood next to me.
“Thanks to Emily.” I glared at her. She grinned in return and moved over to the students surrounding their team’s Seeker.
Remus chuckled.
“Last game of the season. Are you excited?”
“Yeah.” I said.
I felt his eyes on me and I turned to look at him.
“What?” I said
“Nothing,” he quickly looked away.
James was picked up by two people in the crowd. Student’s were cheering and waving banners.
“He hasn’t even won the quidditch cup.” I said pointedly.
Remus laughed again. “He’ll win it, trust me.”

“Gryffindor still has the lead with 90 to 60!” cried the commentator, a seventh year Ravenclaw.
I stood in between Emily and Remus. Emily was huddled close to Lily, who were both cheering. James circled the sky, every once in a while glancing at the game going on below him.
“Hufflepuff scores!” The Ravencalw yelled a moment later.
I heard Sirius boo from Remus’s other side. Peter yelled something, but I didn’t understand it.
“Gryffindor’s got the quaffel. They shoot, they… miss.” I heard half the stadium cry out. Hufflepuffs and Slytherins shouted cheers, while Gryffindors and Ravenclaws cried out encouragement.
Half an hour into the game it started to snow. All of the players became blurs as it fell heavier within a few minutes.
“OY! I think Hufflepuff Seeker sees the snitch!”

James head spun around. He soon saw the player who was flying the fastest and went after him. It wasn’t even minute before he caught up to the player who was diving toward to ground.

I couldn’t tell what was happening from my spot. I saw James look around then disappear all together.

“I think they lost it!” The commentator was squinting into the snow as he said this.
Soon enough, both James and the Hufflepuff were circling the sky once again. I heard a whistle blow and James hovered in one spot then descended to the ground.
“Team Captain.” muttered Remus next to me.
A blob of red was formed on the ground. I was barely able to tell any of the players apart. A few minutes later they dispersed and the game continued.
Some more passes were made. The quaffel was a tiny black spot in the sky amidst all the players. Gryffindor was only 10 points ahead. (100 to 90)

James was beginning to speed up. Was that a glint of gold? He moved forward and saw the little golden snitch. It zoomed away and he sped after it. He ignored the commentator who had too noticed the gold. He heard some one coming closer to him. Not taking his eye off the snitch he sped up, trying to keep the Hufflepuff in his range of view. James didn’t want to loose him. One game before, a Slytherin had come up from underneath him, nearly knocking him off his broom. He reached out his hand. The snitch was only about a foot away. The Hufflepuff was coming too close for comfort.
The boy shook his head, trying to get some snow off his glasses. The charm the captain had put on his glasses was wearing off, and little specks of white blocked his vision. He felt something bump against his palm. Quickly closing his hand, he was able to feel the little golden ball’s beating wings slow down then stop all together.

I saw James and the Hufflepuff speed through the sky, then eventually slow down. James hovered down to the ground and ran over to his teammates, his broom in one hand, and the snitch clutched in the other.
“Gryffindor caught the Snitch! Gryffindor wins the Quidditch cup!”
Most of the stadium broke out in applause and cheers.
Emily, Lily, Remus, Sirius, Peter, and I ran down to meet the players standing in the field. Most of the other Gryffindors followed us; wanting to congratulate their classmates. Lily ran forward and hugged James, who dropped everything in his hands. Sirius dog whistled from the forming crowd. James gladly hugged her back and kissed her on the cheek. When Lily didn’t pull back, he kissed her full on the mouth. When they broke apart, applause broke out through all of the Gryffindors. A trophy was handed to James. He held it in one hand, and kept his other around Lily’s waist. James looked afraid that this was just a dream and that Lily really wasn’t there. Emily looked absolutely delighted that her two friends were finally together. Sirius was cheering from next to her and Peter was yelling from Sirius’s other side. I looked up at Remus, who was smiling back down at me. As I turned back to Lily (who was blushing a deep red) I felt Remus’s hand slip into mine.

Leave your replies :*

oh and Happy Thanksgiving! (again)
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Old 11-26-2010, 10:09 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Gryfindor won! Yay!

Aww, Remus is so sweet.


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Old 11-27-2010, 04:04 AM   #23 (permalink)
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haha yeah
K, here's the next part! B)

Banners and confetti still littered the ground of the common room. Most of the candy wrappers didn’t even make it to the trash and were mixed with the other contents on the ground. James and Sirius had snuck down to the kitchens after dinner and had stolen some snacks for all the Gryffindors to celebrate.
My eyelids fluttered and I sat up. I had heard something. Looking around, my glance stopped on Lily, curled up in James’s side. I smiled to myself, then continued to look around. Emily and Peter were the only two of us seven that had made it to their dormitories. Sirius was sprawled out on the chair opposite me, and Remus was sitting on my right. I felt his arm slip off my shoulder as I stood up. There it was again, that tapping.
I still looked around, confused. I finally saw what was causing the noise that woke me up. A small tawny owl was sitting on the windowsill. I briskly walked over to it and threw the window open. It hopped inside and obediently held out its left leg, which a letter was attached to. Hesitantly, I untied it.
The owl took of and I looked at the return address.
‘St. Mungos.’
I was suddenly afraid to open it. Every time I get a letter, I hold my breath, hoping that the bad news wouldn’t be contained in it. The last letter I got was in the beginning of December. Those thoughts suddenly flowed back into my mind.
‘… she’s not getting any better… her mind is barely holding on… It’s a surprise she’s made it this far…’
I shook my head and tried to wipe away the tears that were forming on my eyes.
Someone behind me stirred.
“Seneca?” Remus sat up and rubbed his eyes. “What are you doing?” He stretched then looked at his watch, “It’s 2:30 in the morning.”
He came over to where I stood and peered over my shoulder.
“Who’s that from?”
I didn’t even look at him. My eyes were glued to the folded piece of parchment in my hand.
“Seneca? Seneca, can you hear me?”
I nodded then broke the seal on the back. I had to read through the letter several times to take it in. The letter wasn’t written in my mum’s handwriting like usual. But in the nurse’s, like on the envelope.

I’m sorry to say that your mother still isn’t getting any better. She is losing more and more of her memory every day. I don’t even think she remembers you any more. Nor does she remember your brother or your father. The doctor’s think she doesn’t have much longer. Speak to Professor Dumbledore and try to come and visit. It might jog her memory a bit.
Hope to see you here soon,
The staff at St. Mungos Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

Remus gently took the letter from me and read it over. After handing it back to me, he pulled me into a hug.
“I’m so sorry, Seneca” He whispered into my hair.
I began to cry and he led me over to the sofa. I gratefully curled up into his side and cried myself back to sleep, his arm protectively around me.

k, tell me what you think!
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Old 11-27-2010, 10:16 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

Yay! I'm getting lots of views.
Here's the net part. Its kinda short.

I woke up later that morning. Checking Remus’s watch, I saw that it was 7:45.
The house elves had come in sometime after I fell back asleep because the common room was back to its usual state.
My mum’s letter was still in my hand. Quietly, I stood up and crossed the room, making my way up the stairs into the girl’s dormitory. Emily was already awake; she always likes to wake up early.
“Seneca?” She had a pair of jeans in one hand and was holding up her trunk lid with the other.
Apparently, I must have looked like a mess. Her expression told me that.
I held up the letter and she instantly ran over to me and took it from my grip. While she was reading that, I walked over to my bed and took the tin box out of my side table.
I then opened my trunk and dug through it until I found the scrapbook my Uncle gave me for Christmas.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“I need to tell Remus. Everything.” I added the last part hesitantly.
She nodded in understanding, “I’ll go with you.”
“No, it’s fine. I want to talk to him alone.”
I took the letter and envelope back then headed down the stairs. Emily resumed to whatever she was doing before I came up.

“Remus? Remus, wake up.” I shook his shoulder gently.
“Huh? Seneca?”
“Can we talk?” I whispered. I glanced around at our classmates still sleeping.
“Sure.” He stood up and stretched,
“Let’s go for a walk.” I suggested.
He nodded in agreement and we both left the common room.

K, tell me what you think!
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Old 11-28-2010, 03:51 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: 12 Grimmauld Place
Posts: 419
Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

Well, I am on a role so here's the next part. Enjoy!
Oh btw this one is kinda short too.

“What happened last night? Er… this morning?” he corrected himself.
“You saw the letter.” I mumbled.
“Right. Your mother. What happened to her?”
I hesitated then opened the scrapbook for the newspaper clipping. I handed it to him.
He read through it. We were walking silently down the seventh floor corridor. It was abandoned as everyone was probably still sleeping in on this Sunday morning.
After a moment he spoke up.
“Your father? Your father did this to her?”
“Yeah.” I muttered.
It felt good to be talking about this to someone other than Emily for a change.
“Why didn’t you tell me about this before?”
“You never asked. Besides, I don’t like talking about it.”
Remus put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.
“You’re dad’s in Azkaban?” he said quietly.
“Do you, uh… do you talk to him much?”
“No. Not since this happened.” I tapped the clipping he was still holding.
He gave it back to me and I put it in the scrapbook once again.
“Those are all from your mother.” he commented. We stopped in the hallway and he took the box from me. Remus pulled off the lid and flipped through all its contents.
“Are you gonna talk to Professor Dumbledore?” he said as he remembered the one letter he read last night.
“I don’t know. Maybe.”
“You should. Go today, I’m sure he’ll let you.”
I looked up at his face and we continued walking. I placed the new letter in the box and slipped it into my pocket on my robe.
“Does any one else know?” he asked after a minute.
“Emily.” I whispered.
“Not Lily?”
“No. Emily and I are closer. We grew up on the same street and she was the only other wizarding family in the neighborhood.”
“I see.” he said under his breath. “I’m sorry about your brother. Were you close?”
I nodded.
“Why don’t you say we go get some breakfast and talk some more later. It’s almost nine.” he suggested, “Then you can go talk to the Headmaster.”
“Yeah, let’s do that.” I said. “I want to go back to the common room though, and put these away.”
“Of course.”
We turned around and made our way back to the Gryffindor common room.

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But there you were, standing in your own corner
Your eyes were wide, tired, fading just like mine
We could be the best of friends I’m sure of it
But I’m too shy to cross this crowded room besides
Wallflower --------------
I’m not here, no one sees me
Wallflower --------------
I’m by myself, please excuse me

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mature story , other story

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