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To the left of the counter, at the back of Madame Malkin's, is a curtained-off doorway leading to a large room. Or, it would be a large room if it hadn't been mostly partitioned off into a multitude of smaller rooms, separated by walls and bearing their own small curtained doorways. Either way, there has to be an enlarging charm placed on the room, as the outside appearance of the shop wouldn't indicate the existence of this space. These are the changing rooms, for customers to try on their robe selections before purchasing, and each one contains a chair and a full-length mirror for people who would rather maintain their privacy.
In the area that is free of changing rooms, but still behind the curtain leading back to the main room, several comfortable-looking upholstered chairs sit, along with a three-way mirror against the far wall of the area for people to examine their robes in. If you are waiting for someone to try things on, feel free to take a seat and relax, converse with others, whatever you'd like (within reason, of course.)
Oh, they were friends. Just that. Friends. Okay. Angelina nodded once as her eyes started to study the man with professional interest. He would look nice in dark blue... she guessed... "Are there any colours or patterns on your mind?"
And, y'know, seeling four new dress robes at once was great.
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy
Sophia waved him off. She said she would cut it, so cut it she would. "I will cut your hair Leo. You'll just have to come home with me after we're not shopping here...and after ice-cream of course." Because Ariana wouldn't get over it if they left Diagon Alley without getting ice-cream. She smiled just a little bit. "I think he's...okay.I like his style sometimes." And she did mean sometimes. The stylist didn't always pull off all the styles that he experimented with, but the fact that he was willing to experiment made up for most things. "Oh psssh, I'm sure you didn't look that bad in pink Leobald but fine, no pink..light red will do though." She pull one of those and handed it to him.
The transfiguration professor tapped her chin thoughtfully before squinting her eyes to picture Leo in different colours and patterns. "I'm thinking navy blue pinstripes for the trousers...and you know if we can get a three piece pinstripe that would be good too. Of course you know standard black is a must. What do you think?" She asked while smiling expectantly at the shopkeeper. She did have suggestions right?
Success! Sophia gave in and agreed to cut his hair after they had finished shopping and her daughter Ariana had gotten her fill of ice cream. Shrugging he said "Sure, I've got no plans for this afternoon. Want to split a sundae at the ice cream parlour with me?" Leo loved ice cream but somehow he never managed to clear a full plate at Floreans.
Ignoring Sophia's comment about Monte which he totally didn’t agree with, he raised an eyebrow at her for her comment about him not looking bad in pink. Accepting the light red shirt he said. "I can try a pink shirt to show you what I mean if you want?" Leo could try and be helpful since all this was for his benefit after all.
When the Sophia started to talk pinstripes patters with the shopkeeper Leo knew he couldn't contribute anything so he stayed silent as he continued to view pants. Clothes and patters were a jungle he didn't navigate well in. Holding up a pair of orange pants to Sophia and the shopeeker as well Leo asked hopefully. "Orange is a no right?"
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Once she was at the door she felt less need to rush. Now they'd made it to the shop without getting caught and she waited there for him but if he hadn't hurried he would have gotten the door himself and had an even harder time finding her once she slipped into the shop.
Heading down the aisles, she grabbed a few robes and hats from their shelves. They weren't exactly coats and jackets but if you wore them right you could make them anything you want. Plus, these hats were better than the ones back at the Joke Shop. Look at him starting to get to know the shops around this place. If they weren't so busy being seaky she might have congratulated him.
When her hands couldn't hold anything else, she wobbled over to the changing rooms in the back.
"Quick! In here." She said, bumping her way through the door of the changing room. It was nice and big in here.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Once she was at the door she felt less need to rush. Now they'd made it to the shop without getting caught and she waited there for him but if he hadn't hurried he would have gotten the door himself and had an even harder time finding her once she slipped into the shop.
Heading down the aisles, she grabbed a few robes and hats from their shelves. They weren't exactly coats and jackets but if you wore them right you could make them anything you want. Plus, these hats were better than the ones back at the Joke Shop. Look at him starting to get to know the shops around this place. If they weren't so busy being seaky she might have congratulated him.
When her hands couldn't hold anything else, she wobbled over to the changing rooms in the back.
"Quick! In here." She said, bumping her way through the door of the changing room. It was nice and big in here.
He didn't do any of that running business that Emily did, and didn't much participate in sports either, but even in spite all of that, he was still fairly quick on his feet. Entering in not far behind Ashley - double checking to make sure they weren't followed - Zeke too started grabbing armfuls of stuff. The more the merrier no? And one could never have too much choice.
There were some prettyneat cloaks in here too, some with furrrr trim and others that were expensive looking with that emroyyy--embroidry? BROIDARY stuff.. yeah, yeah that.
"Hang on!" he interjected, snagging another cloak and hat thing, yep. Choices, they had them.
Zeke followed her into the change room, dumping his load in the middle for a free for all, only keeping hold of one item. "I though this might suit your mustache," he sniggered, fitting a smart red felt hat with black feathers to her head. Hehee, yep, she looked very sharp in that.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by Hera
He didn't do any of that running business that Emily did, and didn't much participate in sports either, but even in spite all of that, he was still fairly quick on his feet. Entering in not far behind Ashley - double checking to make sure they weren't followed - Zeke too started grabbing armfuls of stuff. The more the merrier no? And one could never have too much choice.
There were some prettyneat cloaks in here too, some with furrrr trim and others that were expensive looking with that emroyyy--embroidry? BROIDARY stuff.. yeah, yeah that.
"Hang on!" he interjected, snagging another cloak and hat thing, yep. Choices, they had them.
Zeke followed her into the change room, dumping his load in the middle for a free for all, only keeping hold of one item. "I though this might suit your mustache," he sniggered, fitting a smart red felt hat with black feathers to her head. Hehee, yep, she looked very sharp in that.
Hang on?? What? No!--Or...she could sorta wait. When she was standing at the door she didn't SEE her uncle or Emily so there might not have been all that much need to rush. She just couldn't help it!! They were actively getting away with this and her arm full of fabric was making her more excited.
Ashley dumped her stuff on the ground by his, beaming at their sizeable bounty. What to try first...? She was about to reach for one of the coats Zeke had brought when he fixed a hat on her head.
She spun to face one of the many mirrors in this room with a grin. "You might be right! Very fancy and important looking." She spun a couple more times and fiddled with the hat before reaching for the bright orange cloak she'd grabbed. "Try this one on. It's not much good for blending in but we'll find those robes in a minute." For now they were playing a REALLY GROWN UP version of dress-up so it was different because these were real clothes for real grown-ups and not things found in a toy box.
Now where did she put her beard?
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Hang on?? What? No!--Or...she could sorta wait. When she was standing at the door she didn't SEE her uncle or Emily so there might not have been all that much need to rush. She just couldn't help it!! They were actively getting away with this and her arm full of fabric was making her more excited.
Ashley dumped her stuff on the ground by his, beaming at their sizeable bounty. What to try first...? She was about to reach for one of the coats Zeke had brought when he fixed a hat on her head.
She spun to face one of the many mirrors in this room with a grin. "You might be right! Very fancy and important looking." She spun a couple more times and fiddled with the hat before reaching for the bright orange cloak she'd grabbed. "Try this one on. It's not much good for blending in but we'll find those robes in a minute." For now they were playing a REALLY GROWN UP version of dress-up so it was different because these were real clothes for real grown-ups and not things found in a toy box.
Now where did she put her beard?
He was never very keen on dress-ups, but this was beyond that. It was the melting pot of epicness, purely because they'd snuck away - successfully, had mustaches - which he just realised they forgot to pay for - whoops, and because their grand plan would have people's heads turning. In fact, if they had to be caught, which was only a matter of time, then they may as well do it in style. Needless to say, playing dress-ups with Ashley was far more entertaining than dress-ups with Avery.
"Of course I'm right," he rolled his eyes at her, his smile deceiving his disbelief. Zeke held out his hand for whatever Ashley wanted him to try on, though his eyes scanned the pile quickly, top to bottom, left to right and then up... up... up... and what the heck was she handing him? It was high vis!!! HIGH VISSS!... "Definitely not good for blending," he agreed, still unsure about how he felt about the cloak. It, might be okay. "Is it my colour?" he asked, securing the latch around his neck.
Staring into the mirror, he came to the conclusion the the cloak wasn't so bad, but his mustache needed work. "I think the middle aged mustache'll work better with this, it's... fluffier?" was that even the right word? Meh. It didn't matter, Ashley would figure out what he meant, she usually did. Peeling off the Frenchman mustache, he switched it out with the one he'd had in his pocket. Muuuuuch better already.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: Zeke!
Originally Posted by Hera
He was never very keen on dress-ups, but this was beyond that. It was the melting pot of epicness, purely because they'd snuck away - successfully, had mustaches - which he just realised they forgot to pay for - whoops, and because their grand plan would have people's heads turning. In fact, if they had to be caught, which was only a matter of time, then they may as well do it in style. Needless to say, playing dress-ups with Ashley was far more entertaining than dress-ups with Avery.
"Of course I'm right," he rolled his eyes at her, his smile deceiving his disbelief. Zeke held out his hand for whatever Ashley wanted him to try on, though his eyes scanned the pile quickly, top to bottom, left to right and then up... up... up... and what the heck was she handing him? It was high vis!!! HIGH VISSS!... "Definitely not good for blending," he agreed, still unsure about how he felt about the cloak. It, might be okay. "Is it my colour?" he asked, securing the latch around his neck.
Staring into the mirror, he came to the conclusion the the cloak wasn't so bad, but his mustache needed work. "I think the middle aged mustache'll work better with this, it's... fluffier?" was that even the right word? Meh. It didn't matter, Ashley would figure out what he meant, she usually did. Peeling off the Frenchman mustache, he switched it out with the one he'd had in his pocket. Muuuuuch better already.
Ashley was all kinds of caught up with her hat, so caught up in fact that she forgot they had snuck off in the first place. While they were in here getting ready to hit the high streets, nothing about making off with beards and mustaches or sneaking away from her Uncle in the first place came to mind. Getting into trouble was the last thing she was thinking about.
Ashley used her feet to nudge some of the cloaks out of the way as she searched the pile. Her hand had only just latched on to what looked like a grey top hat when Zeke got to asking about colours. She glanced over at him then his reflections in the several mirrors this place had. In the end she couldn't decide. "Je ne sais pas. The lightening is very bad in here. It might be your colour." There was light in the changing room but it was nothing like the natural lighting of the outside. Her Maman always said that natural lights were better.
Fluffier? The girl simply nodded. Zeke was changing his mind about the mustache, that was all she needed to know. "Don't forget we have the beards to try on so we have to make it all fit." The 'fluffier' mustache looked better suited for the beard so she'd go with it. Ashley dropped the first hat for the grey top hat, then shrugged on a thick coat with furs on the openings. "This one?"
Or maybe the violet one over there.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Ashley
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Ashley was all kinds of caught up with her hat, so caught up in fact that she forgot they had snuck off in the first place. While they were in here getting ready to hit the high streets, nothing about making off with beards and mustaches or sneaking away from her Uncle in the first place came to mind. Getting into trouble was the last thing she was thinking about.
Ashley used her feet to nudge some of the cloaks out of the way as she searched the pile. Her hand had only just latched on to what looked like a grey top hat when Zeke got to asking about colours. She glanced over at him then his reflections in the several mirrors this place had. In the end she couldn't decide. "Je ne sais pas. The lightening is very bad in here. It might be your colour." There was light in the changing room but it was nothing like the natural lighting of the outside. Her Maman always said that natural lights were better.
Fluffier? The girl simply nodded. Zeke was changing his mind about the mustache, that was all she needed to know. "Don't forget we have the beards to try on so we have to make it all fit." The 'fluffier' mustache looked better suited for the beard so she'd go with it. Ashley dropped the first hat for the grey top hat, then shrugged on a thick coat with furs on the openings. "This one?"
Or maybe the violet one over there.
Fdwiofwmjfp!!! ..........
"Why do you have to speak French! You know I dun geddit! You ALL know I dun geddit!" It was hard, and he wasn't learning anything, and them talking it at him wasn't helping either - not without a translation to accompany it. All he understood from what she'd just said was the word know.. and how he knew that he didn't know! As for it maybe being his colour, that wasn't the answer he was looking for. How was he supposed to look smart if he didn't know if it suited his complexion? Huhhhh? The lighting was bad, he'd let her have that, but it was still a poor excuse. He'd go out into the shop and check the lighting by the window soon, just needed the finishing touches to his classy look.
Launching his arms into the pile, Zeke dug out a smart looking business like suit jacket, with shiny silver buttons and some weird pattern thing going on on the inside. It'd do, and the grey kinda went with the orange of his cloak. Pulling the orange fabric on top of his head, Zeke pulled on the jacket and did up the first two buttons before swissshhing his cloak back down. "Oh right! Beard!" he nodded, locating the stash and taking one to fix to his face. His gaze fell to one of the mirrors, this way he could see himself AND Ashley, and the coat thing she had. "I like it, it looks very.. what's the word? Rich?" Yeah he'd go with that.
Once his beard was in place, Zeke admired his reflection, touching his mustache fondly. He didn't even care what hat he grabbed, so it ended up being something that could only be described as a bowler or y'know.. something like it. "I'ma check these in better light then," he mused as he opened the door to the change room and let it swing ope-----n.... Crap. >_________<
With one hand in her pocket, and the other secured in Gavin's, Emily stood, her face communicating disappointment and annoyance. There wasn't a single second in which she thought Zeke might have been up to something good in here, especially with Ashley, but this wasn't the image she expected to be confronted with either. He looked ridiculous. Why couldn't he have just stayed put and behaved himself like Avery?
She cleared her throat, her hazel eyes locked on his. Now would be a good time to start explaining.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: Zeke AND Emily
Originally Posted by Hera
Fdwiofwmjfp!!! ..........
"Why do you have to speak French! You know I dun geddit! You ALL know I dun geddit!" It was hard, and he wasn't learning anything, and them talking it at him wasn't helping either - not without a translation to accompany it. All he understood from what she'd just said was the word know.. and how he knew that he didn't know! As for it maybe being his colour, that wasn't the answer he was looking for. How was he supposed to look smart if he didn't know if it suited his complexion? Huhhhh? The lighting was bad, he'd let her have that, but it was still a poor excuse. He'd go out into the shop and check the lighting by the window soon, just needed the finishing touches to his classy look.
Launching his arms into the pile, Zeke dug out a smart looking business like suit jacket, with shiny silver buttons and some weird pattern thing going on on the inside. It'd do, and the grey kinda went with the orange of his cloak. Pulling the orange fabric on top of his head, Zeke pulled on the jacket and did up the first two buttons before swissshhing his cloak back down. "Oh right! Beard!" he nodded, locating the stash and taking one to fix to his face. His gaze fell to one of the mirrors, this way he could see himself AND Ashley, and the coat thing she had. "I like it, it looks very.. what's the word? Rich?" Yeah he'd go with that.
Once his beard was in place, Zeke admired his reflection, touching his mustache fondly. He didn't even care what hat he grabbed, so it ended up being something that could only be described as a bowler or y'know.. something like it. "I'ma check these in better light then," he mused as he opened the door to the change room and let it swing ope-----n.... Crap. >_________<
With one hand in her pocket, and the other secured in Gavin's, Emily stood, her face communicating disappointment and annoyance. There wasn't a single second in which she thought Zeke might have been up to something good in here, especially with Ashley, but this wasn't the image she expected to be confronted with either. He looked ridiculous. Why couldn't he have just stayed put and behaved himself like Avery?
She cleared her throat, her hazel eyes locked on his. Now would be a good time to start explaining.
Just listen to him yelling. He was going to get them caught! Yes, she was thinking about getting caught again and it was his fault, loud noises. "I am French! French people speak FRENCH! Knowing English doesn't mean I remember to use it!" See? Now he was making her yell too so she was probably as responsible for them getting caught if they did and it was HIS fault. Ashley grumbled, slipping right back into French.
It wasn't her fault he was dense when it came to languages. She tried speaking his and didn't complain.
Her mumbling stopped as she watched him take something else from their pile. Was he going to ask her opinion on that one too because she would again tell him about the lighting in here. He might as well not bother. His sudden talk of the beard reminded her of her own--which she kept getting distracted from. This time she wouldn't forget so she plastered hers on as well, feeling it went well with her mustache. She grinned. "Rich? Good. We can walk into a shop and tell them we're buying everything." Then they could feel rich too. Of course they didn't have much money on them but that didn't stop them with the mustaches and soon the coats.
Wait no!! He was leaving with that hat?? "Arretez!--Stop!" English, right. Ashley grabbed a matching top hat to her own and tried hurrying after him because he had to look rich if she looked rich. Think about it. They'd be more convincing if they looked the same. "Wear this one in......stead.........." Zut .____.
When he'd first come to Diagon Alley today he had no intention of chasing children up and down the street. Ice-cream, yes; this--whatever this was--no. He'd seen them dart up the street but couldn't figure what they'd have wanted with Malkins. Even now seeing them he still couldn't figure what they wanted with Malkins and why they had mustaches on. They were easy enough to find with the noise they made. Gavin scowled deeply at his niece, clearly not amused by the fact she'd snuck off, or the fashion in which she was caught. The pointed look he gave her demanded an explanation, perfectly in line with Emily clearing her throat.
Start talking.
OoOoOoOOoooOOoOooo!!!!!! Buuuuuusted.
Avery wiggled a little, feeling she was losing her grip around her Uncle's neck as she tried getting a look at the two. THAT'S what they got for abandoning her. While wiggling she was careful not to dislodge her Uncle's hand from Emily's otherwise he'd make her get down from his back. "You guys are in SO MUCH TROUBLE."
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: FAMILYYYY... cause there be so many of them!
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Just listen to him yelling. He was going to get them caught! Yes, she was thinking about getting caught again and it was his fault, loud noises. "I am French! French people speak FRENCH! Knowing English doesn't mean I remember to use it!" See? Now he was making her yell too so she was probably as responsible for them getting caught if they did and it was HIS fault. Ashley grumbled, slipping right back into French.
It wasn't her fault he was dense when it came to languages. She tried speaking his and didn't complain.
Her mumbling stopped as she watched him take something else from their pile. Was he going to ask her opinion on that one too because she would again tell him about the lighting in here. He might as well not bother. His sudden talk of the beard reminded her of her own--which she kept getting distracted from. This time she wouldn't forget so she plastered hers on as well, feeling it went well with her mustache. She grinned. "Rich? Good. We can walk into a shop and tell them we're buying everything." Then they could feel rich too. Of course they didn't have much money on them but that didn't stop them with the mustaches and soon the coats.
Wait no!! He was leaving with that hat?? "Arretez!--Stop!" English, right. Ashley grabbed a matching top hat to her own and tried hurrying after him because he had to look rich if she looked rich. Think about it. They'd be more convincing if they looked the same. "Wear this one in......stead.........." Zut .____.
When he'd first come to Diagon Alley today he had no intention of chasing children up and down the street. Ice-cream, yes; this--whatever this was--no. He'd seen them dart up the street but couldn't figure what they'd have wanted with Malkins. Even now seeing them he still couldn't figure what they wanted with Malkins and why they had mustaches on. They were easy enough to find with the noise they made. Gavin scowled deeply at his niece, clearly not amused by the fact she'd snuck off, or the fashion in which she was caught. The pointed look he gave her demanded an explanation, perfectly in line with Emily clearing her throat.
Start talking.
OoOoOoOOoooOOoOooo!!!!!! Buuuuuusted.
Avery wiggled a little, feeling she was losing her grip around her Uncle's neck as she tried getting a look at the two. THAT'S what they got for abandoning her. While wiggling she was careful not to dislodge her Uncle's hand from Emily's otherwise he'd make her get down from his back. "You guys are in SO MUCH TROUBLE."
Ashley's yelling at him and the continued French wasn't helping things. When had any of that been part of their plan? Even as she uttered the word stop and something about wearing something else instead, he was frozen. Rooted to the spot. Dear in headlights. Whatever it was, he wasn't moving... yet.
And then that happened. Gavin's pointed look and Emily's throat clearing and reaaaallyy? Really Avery? He couldn't have figured that for himself. Hmph.
"Eeerr... see... what it is..." he started, his hands waving in circles as he spoke. "We're running an advertisement campaign!" he decided. "We dress up with stuff, and go promote it in the street." It sounded legit to him, it was all about marketing, and really, who WOULDN'T want to buy a mustache after seeing theirs? He contemplated giving Gavin his Frenchman's mustache, but he already had the facial hair thing going on, and really, the product wasn't targeting his demographic. Nope. Emily would hex him into next week if he tried, but there was still someone he could win over. "Miss Avery, would you be interested in a fantastic and non-itchy mustache? We got it especially for you..." mmhhmm.. sorta, kinda. Zeke removed it from his pocket and presented it to her with a flourish of his hands... inching. just. a. little. bit. closer. The intention HAD been there to make sure they took something back for her, maybe. Ahem. At least, it was his intention. He was done with his part, now it was Ashley's turn to back him up and make it legit.
Avery was on the money with her statement, the two were in serious trouble indeed - but the extent to how serious was yet to be determined.
Her eyebrows may have risen sharply at Zeke's declaration, but soon fell back into place. She wasn't buying it. So she wasn't even going to question the who, what, when, where, why or how... it was clear - they were having a free for all and running amok. She only hoped they at least had the decency to purchase what they wore. Save for the clothes, she knew there wasn't a snowflakes chance in hell they had enough money for that.
Emily turned her head to Gavin briefly, gauging his initial reactions to this too. Ashley was yet to speak, and if she was smart... she'd out with the truth and put an end to this charade.
Fern knew that voice, and she turned around, any expression of stubbornness washed away, replaced by giddy joy. Angelina remembered her name! Fern knew that she would, of course, but OMG! SHE REMEMBERED HER NAME!! ”ANGELINA!!! This is my BFF Brynny!! Fern reached for Brynny’s hand. Did she see how amazing Angelina looked!? How everything about the shop assistant was flawless and perfect and mature and cool!? ”Today she’s officially 12-years-old, and we are here for a makeover!! I told her all about how you helped me pick out my signature color,” Fern hoped Angelina noticed her dark orchid finger and toe nails, and her dark orchid statement necklace, ”and I told her you could help her find her’s!!”
Originally Posted by emjay
Brown eyes darted to another voice and she gasped a little before a smile made its way to her face. This was the famous Angelina! And look how pretty and poised she looked. Was that a French name? How sophisticated it sounded! Brynn took Fern's hand as she reached for it and she turned her focus on the woman, nodding a bit as she allowed Fern to make the introductions. "Hi," she said a bit shyly. "Fern's told me all about you and how you're a fashion and color expert." She beamed a bit. "It's my birthday and we've been planning a birthday makeover. You could do one of those right?" Oh please say you could!
See - Angelina LOVED some girl time! And as she had very few friends, she was generally limited to work and home, home and work, so these two girls here? HER NEW BFFs. They were absolutely lovely, sweet and fun to have around. If only they were old enough to have as interns...
"Welcome, Brynny," she said in this joyful voice and bowed slightly as if Brynny was a royalty. "You said twelve!?" Her eyes opened dramatically as her mouth formed an 'O'. "What an important day! Happy birthday, girl!" She jerked slightly, but then figured maybe Brynny didn't want to hug strangers, so she drew herself back quickly. Instead, she nodded in a serious manner.
"I am no expert, but I think I can help you." Hmm. A birthday makeo -
She gasped as her gaze fell on Fern's feet, then hands. "Your toes'n'hands - and necklace! - are rockin' my world, Fern." She grinned at the girl, then looked back at Brynny.
"How much time have you got?" Because this was important business! She didn't want to rush it.
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
When the Sophia started to talk pinstripes patters with the shopkeeper Leo knew he couldn't contribute anything so he stayed silent as he continued to view pants. Clothes and patters were a jungle he didn't navigate well in. Holding up a pair of orange pants to Sophia and the shopeeker as well Leo asked hopefully. "Orange is a no right?"
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy
The transfiguration professor tapped her chin thoughtfully before squinting her eyes to picture Leo in different colours and patterns. "I'm thinking navy blue pinstripes for the trousers...and you know if we can get a three piece pinstripe that would be good too. Of course you know standard black is a must. What do you think?" She asked while smiling expectantly at the shopkeeper. She did have suggestions right?
Navy blue and pinstripes... Angelina nodded slowly as she thought about it. "I was going to suggest dark blue, but maybe navy is better. He already looks stern." Yeah, no need to make him any sterner. She looked at the man when he spoke and shook her head.
"I believe that would look too cheeky, sir." And tones of brown were too boring and so out of date.
"What do you do as a living?" That would be very helpful to pick a style too.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: Yes! this!
Originally Posted by Hera
Ashley's yelling at him and the continued French wasn't helping things. When had any of that been part of their plan? Even as she uttered the word stop and something about wearing something else instead, he was frozen. Rooted to the spot. Dear in headlights. Whatever it was, he wasn't moving... yet.
And then that happened. Gavin's pointed look and Emily's throat clearing and reaaaallyy? Really Avery? He couldn't have figured that for himself. Hmph.
"Eeerr... see... what it is..." he started, his hands waving in circles as he spoke. "We're running an advertisement campaign!" he decided. "We dress up with stuff, and go promote it in the street." It sounded legit to him, it was all about marketing, and really, who WOULDN'T want to buy a mustache after seeing theirs? He contemplated giving Gavin his Frenchman's mustache, but he already had the facial hair thing going on, and really, the product wasn't targeting his demographic. Nope. Emily would hex him into next week if he tried, but there was still someone he could win over. "Miss Avery, would you be interested in a fantastic and non-itchy mustache? We got it especially for you..." mmhhmm.. sorta, kinda. Zeke removed it from his pocket and presented it to her with a flourish of his hands... inching. just. a. little. bit. closer. The intention HAD been there to make sure they took something back for her, maybe. Ahem. At least, it was his intention. He was done with his part, now it was Ashley's turn to back him up and make it legit.
Avery was on the money with her statement, the two were in serious trouble indeed - but the extent to how serious was yet to be determined.
Her eyebrows may have risen sharply at Zeke's declaration, but soon fell back into place. She wasn't buying it. So she wasn't even going to question the who, what, when, where, why or how... it was clear - they were having a free for all and running amok. She only hoped they at least had the decency to purchase what they wore. Save for the clothes, she knew there wasn't a snowflakes chance in hell they had enough money for that.
Emily turned her head to Gavin briefly, gauging his initial reactions to this too. Ashley was yet to speak, and if she was smart... she'd out with the truth and put an end to this charade.
The hat fell from Ashley's hand as she stood staring at the two. Definitely deer in the headlights moment here, mirroring Zeke's. Sure she expected to be caught, but not yet and not like this. Somehow, she also expected them to be smiling when they busted them. Pats on the back for being clever enough to get away from them earlier. No? Okaaaay.
The 9 year old melted a little at her sister's words. Trouble. Yeah...thanks Avery. She so couldn't tell from the looks and the throat clearing. This was where they told the tru--
dshvbfkjehsgvfjyreywefgwey!! ZEKE!!!! Ashley's eyes shot to his so she could get a proper look at him. He didn't. He didn't except she couldn't deny that he did. She bit her lip, waiting for him to be done but no he was pulling Avery into this and not being a very smart cookie. Did he not see there was no way out of this for them? They were doomed the moment her Uncle gave her that look and she knew it. Times like this she wished she was Avery, a couple tears and they'd have been golden. She had to tell the truth...but then what if he never went on adventures with her again?? Eh.....they were in trouble anyway, might as well back him up, keep a friend, they were good for suffering through punishment with. "We're hard at work, gonna get a couple galleons when this is all over." Then she quickly looked to Avery because this was dangerous stuff here. "Got you a beard too." Only by accident. She'd picked up a third while rushing.
"So if you'll excuse us we've got to get back to promoting or they'll think we're fooling around." With that she took Zeke's hand and attempted to side-step the two. As if it'd work >______<
Zeke was officially disregarded for the moment. He couldn't have thought either he or Emily would have fallen for something so poorly constructed. He'd seen Avery tell a better constructed lie...usually with the help of tears but they were convincing nonetheless. Looking around the changing room he could see a pile of clothes thrown about. Clothes they made plans to pay for? Highly unlikely.
Gavin's eyes never left Ashley even when she looked away. He was counting on at least one of them being smart enough to tell the truth in this obvious bust. He taught his niece logic--forget logic, he told her to never take the fall with anyone. Surely she knew this would go better for her if she came clean...or not. He caught the look Emily was giving him and sighed. "One of them's an idiot, the other's a follower of an idiot." Until he could clarify who gave the initial plan to run he couldn't say which was which.
"Hold it." He said. Trusting Avery to be holding on tightly, he removed the hand he'd been using to support her and latched on to the 9 year old trying to make a poor escape. "Let's try this truth thing again, what'd you two say?"
"You got me a mustache?????" She asked, forgetting the initial hurt. They remembered her!! YAAAAAY!! "AND a mustache?? I get to play too?? What are we playing??" She wasn't getting off her Uncle's back until she was sure. What if their game wasn't that fun, huh? Leaning her head forward on her Uncle's shoulder she watched Ashley try leaving with Zeke. NO FAIR, how come they got to go? She would have asked but they got stopped so more watching for her.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Lololol
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
The hat fell from Ashley's hand as she stood staring at the two. Definitely deer in the headlights moment here, mirroring Zeke's. Sure she expected to be caught, but not yet and not like this. Somehow, she also expected them to be smiling when they busted them. Pats on the back for being clever enough to get away from them earlier. No? Okaaaay.
The 9 year old melted a little at her sister's words. Trouble. Yeah...thanks Avery. She so couldn't tell from the looks and the throat clearing. This was where they told the tru--
dshvbfkjehsgvfjyreywefgwey!! ZEKE!!!! Ashley's eyes shot to his so she could get a proper look at him. He didn't. He didn't except she couldn't deny that he did. She bit her lip, waiting for him to be done but no he was pulling Avery into this and not being a very smart cookie. Did he not see there was no way out of this for them? They were doomed the moment her Uncle gave her that look and she knew it. Times like this she wished she was Avery, a couple tears and they'd have been golden. She had to tell the truth...but then what if he never went on adventures with her again?? Eh.....they were in trouble anyway, might as well back him up, keep a friend, they were good for suffering through punishment with. "We're hard at work, gonna get a couple galleons when this is all over." Then she quickly looked to Avery because this was dangerous stuff here. "Got you a beard too." Only by accident. She'd picked up a third while rushing.
"So if you'll excuse us we've got to get back to promoting or they'll think we're fooling around." With that she took Zeke's hand and attempted to side-step the two. As if it'd work >______<
Zeke was officially disregarded for the moment. He couldn't have thought either he or Emily would have fallen for something so poorly constructed. He'd seen Avery tell a better constructed lie...usually with the help of tears but they were convincing nonetheless. Looking around the changing room he could see a pile of clothes thrown about. Clothes they made plans to pay for? Highly unlikely.
Gavin's eyes never left Ashley even when she looked away. He was counting on at least one of them being smart enough to tell the truth in this obvious bust. He taught his niece logic--forget logic, he told her to never take the fall with anyone. Surely she knew this would go better for her if she came clean...or not. He caught the look Emily was giving him and sighed. "One of them's an idiot, the other's a follower of an idiot." Until he could clarify who gave the initial plan to run he couldn't say which was which.
"Hold it." He said. Trusting Avery to be holding on tightly, he removed the hand he'd been using to support her and latched on to the 9 year old trying to make a poor escape. "Let's try this truth thing again, what'd you two say?"
"You got me a mustache?????" She asked, forgetting the initial hurt. They remembered her!! YAAAAAY!! "AND a mustache?? I get to play too?? What are we playing??" She wasn't getting off her Uncle's back until she was sure. What if their game wasn't that fun, huh? Leaning her head forward on her Uncle's shoulder she watched Ashley try leaving with Zeke. NO FAIR, how come they got to go? She would have asked but they got stopped so more watching for her.
Despite having to think on his feet, he was certain he'd done a good enough job of it to let them get away with things. However, his side looks at Ashley were enough to tell him that she wasn't so confident. Did she not have faith in them? She wouldn't... dob on him? Would she? Not that he wouldn't take it, or couldn't take it... he would. He was manwizard enough for that. Yep. But then to his delight she was rolling with it. "Yep, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes is the place to be for all your... facial... hairy... FUN STUFF!" he chimed in, as if promoting it to them. Ahem. He liked this new day job he'd somehow acquired.
Grinning awkwardly, Zeke accepted Ashley's hand and made to walk/run off with her, but that plan too didn't seem to go so well. Adults. Ugh. He never wanted to be one, they had no fun!
................. >______________< Zeke gulped. Emily was scary enough, Emily AND Gavin, was even scarier. But instead of staring at his feet - like he so desperately wanted to do - he remained composed and didn't avert his gaze from their captors. He couldn't say he agreed with Gavin, and in fact, that was really rude of him. Neither of them were idiots, in fact, they were very CLEVER and SMART to have gotten this for with their plan. Didn't he see the level of detail they'd put into the operation? Hhhmmmm? Was that not commendable?
Apparently not.
He offered Avery a fleeting smile, but given the circumstances, he could hardly chit chat with her now.
"Either way, they both lose out," she concluded for him. Indeed, Zeke was proving himself to be an idiot and a half at times, not to say he didn't have his good and rather redeeming qualities, and for the most part his idiocy could be overlooked as being remotely endearing. But not this time. She narrowed his eyes at him, and then gave Ashley a once over too. Did it really matter which one of them started it this time? It was evident they bounced off each other. "This one," she decided, pointing at Zeke with a lazy finger. Though she was tempted to pry into the boys memories, she refrained from doing so, her intuition had told her enough. Not only had be been restless all morning, but he had been the one to step out of the change room first, and was the first to defend their plans. It made sense for him to be the leader of this charade. At least, if this hadn't been his idea, it had most certainly been his intention to slip away. And she loathed when he slipped away.
Marisol stumbled into Madame Malkin's shop. Her older sister Lucía was going to help her buy robes. Mari had no taste in clothing. "Come on, Lucía! I just need a uniform. No decisions there." "Fine. I got these and these and these."
Lucía held out two pairs of black Slytherin robes and a cloak. She placed beside her gloves and an ugly hat. A couple minutes of trying on the new clothing proved that everything fit. Marisol supposed that she’d get used to the idiotic hat, and they headed to pay.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: The way she verbally agrees on their idiocy XD
Originally Posted by Hera
Despite having to think on his feet, he was certain he'd done a good enough job of it to let them get away with things. However, his side looks at Ashley were enough to tell him that she wasn't so confident. Did she not have faith in them? She wouldn't... dob on him? Would she? Not that he wouldn't take it, or couldn't take it... he would. He was manwizard enough for that. Yep. But then to his delight she was rolling with it. "Yep, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes is the place to be for all your... facial... hairy... FUN STUFF!" he chimed in, as if promoting it to them. Ahem. He liked this new day job he'd somehow acquired.
Grinning awkwardly, Zeke accepted Ashley's hand and made to walk/run off with her, but that plan too didn't seem to go so well. Adults. Ugh. He never wanted to be one, they had no fun!
................. >______________< Zeke gulped. Emily was scary enough, Emily AND Gavin, was even scarier. But instead of staring at his feet - like he so desperately wanted to do - he remained composed and didn't avert his gaze from their captors. He couldn't say he agreed with Gavin, and in fact, that was really rude of him. Neither of them were idiots, in fact, they were very CLEVER and SMART to have gotten this for with their plan. Didn't he see the level of detail they'd put into the operation? Hhhmmmm? Was that not commendable?
Apparently not.
He offered Avery a fleeting smile, but given the circumstances, he could hardly chit chat with her now.
"Either way, they both lose out," she concluded for him. Indeed, Zeke was proving himself to be an idiot and a half at times, not to say he didn't have his good and rather redeeming qualities, and for the most part his idiocy could be overlooked as being remotely endearing. But not this time. She narrowed his eyes at him, and then gave Ashley a once over too. Did it really matter which one of them started it this time? It was evident they bounced off each other. "This one," she decided, pointing at Zeke with a lazy finger. Though she was tempted to pry into the boys memories, she refrained from doing so, her intuition had told her enough. Not only had be been restless all morning, but he had been the one to step out of the change room first, and was the first to defend their plans. It made sense for him to be the leader of this charade. At least, if this hadn't been his idea, it had most certainly been his intention to slip away. And she loathed when he slipped away.
She didn't have the heart to tell Zeke that his efforts were in vain. They may have been working with Emily--which she highly doubted given the look at the woman's face but she knew this was getting them nowhere with Uncle Gavin. All she could do was nod along as he mentioned the shop. "Yup and Avery can come too because we need someone promoting the...er...silly hats!" None of which they had with them but you know.
Ashley still wasn't looking at her uncle even after he'd grabbed hold of her shoulder preventing her and Zeke from making their great escape. Such nice shoes she had on today. Yup. Just gonna look at them.
An idiot??? Non! Ashley's eyes shot to her Uncle, not looking at Emily, nope nope nope, not even after she agreed and made Zeke the idiot. Though she didn't want to be a follower of an idiot either. At the moment she didn't know which one was worse but she was VERY put off by this thank you. They waited for the best moment, slipped away, got far and nearly hit the street again before getting caught. Some credit would be nice. Her Maman would have grinned at the effort.
No words for Avery. She wasn't calling them out anymore but she wasn't helping either. Ashley spared a glance at Zeke when her Uncle asked for the truth again. They really should or well..."I wanted to see the Joke Shop so I pulled Zeke there and we found some really cool mustaches--he said we should go back to find you but then I thought how neat they'd look with coats so I pulled him here and he was just leaving to come find you...but then you showed up."Nodnodnod.
They were still trying for the promotion business? He wished they'd at least chosen a different lie, one more believable than a wealthy shopkeeper trusting his business to stray children. Gavin nodded his agreement with Emily. Both were losing out and in fact had already lost this.
Zeke? Emily was assuming Zeke was the idiot. "Sounds about right." There was no arguing that. His nieces knew what was expected of them in public, a point proven by the 7 year old still on his back. On her own, Ashley wasn't the type to simply 'run off'. "Is this a reflection of your parenting?" He asked, a teasing smirk set into play. Granted, the situation wasn't funny but he couldn't pass that one up.
The smirk quickly dissolved into a hard lined scowl when Ashley spoke next. He didn't need any extra evidence to know it was a lie and he was long passed the initial act, now he was on to what she was currently doing. "Have I taught you nothing about letting others drown alone?" And a perfectly deadpan Expression. She couldn't be serious. He cleared his throat. "Avery, could you remind your sister? Clearly she's forgotten."
They said they'd gotten her stuff but neither was handing them over. That was fine. She could wait until after they got chewed out. The 7 year old shifted some more, this time in disbelief. They left without her on PURPOSE! Soooo not fair. She would have wanted to go running too. So what if her feet were shorter? She could keep up...if Zeke gave her a piggy back ride.
The 7 year old perked up at her Uncle's instructions. Ahem.. "There are no such things as heroes, only dead people. Taking the fall for someone else is an unhealthy practice that con..condones...erm...uh....Uncle Gavin?" Avery leaned forward, taking a peek at his face. She couldn't remember.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Why would she have denied it?
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
She didn't have the heart to tell Zeke that his efforts were in vain. They may have been working with Emily--which she highly doubted given the look at the woman's face but she knew this was getting them nowhere with Uncle Gavin. All she could do was nod along as he mentioned the shop. "Yup and Avery can come too because we need someone promoting the...er...silly hats!" None of which they had with them but you know.
Ashley still wasn't looking at her uncle even after he'd grabbed hold of her shoulder preventing her and Zeke from making their great escape. Such nice shoes she had on today. Yup. Just gonna look at them.
An idiot??? Non! Ashley's eyes shot to her Uncle, not looking at Emily, nope nope nope, not even after she agreed and made Zeke the idiot. Though she didn't want to be a follower of an idiot either. At the moment she didn't know which one was worse but she was VERY put off by this thank you. They waited for the best moment, slipped away, got far and nearly hit the street again before getting caught. Some credit would be nice. Her Maman would have grinned at the effort.
No words for Avery. She wasn't calling them out anymore but she wasn't helping either. Ashley spared a glance at Zeke when her Uncle asked for the truth again. They really should or well..."I wanted to see the Joke Shop so I pulled Zeke there and we found some really cool mustaches--he said we should go back to find you but then I thought how neat they'd look with coats so I pulled him here and he was just leaving to come find you...but then you showed up."Nodnodnod.
They were still trying for the promotion business? He wished they'd at least chosen a different lie, one more believable than a wealthy shopkeeper trusting his business to stray children. Gavin nodded his agreement with Emily. Both were losing out and in fact had already lost this.
Zeke? Emily was assuming Zeke was the idiot. "Sounds about right." There was no arguing that. His nieces knew what was expected of them in public, a point proven by the 7 year old still on his back. On her own, Ashley wasn't the type to simply 'run off'. "Is this a reflection of your parenting?" He asked, a teasing smirk set into play. Granted, the situation wasn't funny but he couldn't pass that one up.
The smirk quickly dissolved into a hard lined scowl when Ashley spoke next. He didn't need any extra evidence to know it was a lie and he was long passed the initial act, now he was on to what she was currently doing. "Have I taught you nothing about letting others drown alone?" And a perfectly deadpan Expression. She couldn't be serious. He cleared his throat. "Avery, could you remind your sister? Clearly she's forgotten."
They said they'd gotten her stuff but neither was handing them over. That was fine. She could wait until after they got chewed out. The 7 year old shifted some more, this time in disbelief. They left without her on PURPOSE! Soooo not fair. She would have wanted to go running too. So what if her feet were shorter? She could keep up...if Zeke gave her a piggy back ride.
The 7 year old perked up at her Uncle's instructions. Ahem.. "There are no such things as heroes, only dead people. Taking the fall for someone else is an unhealthy practice that con..condones...erm...uh....Uncle Gavin?" Avery leaned forward, taking a peek at his face. She couldn't remember.
Zeke tried not giving himself up so easy, but as hard as he fought to control his facial expressions, he was certain that he gave himself up somehow. The eyes were telling, always telling, apparently. He'd have been content with this, taking the blame, because really, he had been the one to suggest getting away in the first place, he had been the one that wanted the adventure. So when Ashley blatantly LIED to them all, his eyes widened and he shook his head. No. No no no no no! She was not taking credit for this! Not by herself!
It was a shame though that he didn't really get a chance to interject before Gavin started talking, and then Avery too.
And WHAT were they on about? No such things as heroes? dead people? stupidity?
"Last time I checked Emily is a hero," he said with all the seriousness of a ten year old. Did he think she was stupid too? She caught bad guys for a living, and put them behind bars and stuff. How was that NOT heroic? Hhhmmm?
But that was besides the point, and now he saw that he couldn't bend the truth any longer -- ahem, massive bending and stretching of the truth, yep. Removing his hat, and mustache, and beard, Zeke focused on Emily first, and then Gavin. "Ashley's a liar," he blurted out, "It was my idea to run off, I wanted to go an adventure and see and do things and you guys were being boring and slowing us... me... down," he started, convinced he was digging his own grave now. It was a shame he'd never get to see Hogwarts, it'd have been cool beans for sure. "I wanted to get stuff and have fun in the alley, maybe set of fireworks..." dungbombs, or other things, ".. but then Ashley found the mustaches and she thought it'd be better to dress up smart and proper, y'know, important like. Like how you two do when you go to work." Perhaps a hint of flattery there. He was already a dead man walking, what's the worst that could happen now? "So that's when I suggest we come here and have a look at their fancy hats and stuff, cause a joke shop isn't where you ought to go for fashion stuff... it's poor quality. Ashley just went along with it all." She was the idiot follower, not the idiot, clearly.
Now that he was done, maybe he ought to look at his feet, he didn't like his shoes, they were boring, but he couldn't stand to look at them anymore. Was Emily going to arrest him now? Could he finally see the holding cells?!
Emily wasn't sure whether to laugh, roll her eyes, or break something. She didn't believe Ashley's honest declaration. The girl knew Gavin, knew the charade wasn't going down with either of them, and this was perhaps her attempt at salvaging the situation. Admirable, but idiotic.
"You forget two things," she started to Gavin, unfazed by having a conversation about the children in front of them, as if they weren't even there. "First, I got him like this, and second, I never said I was parenting material." Hadn't he been the one to suggest she'd be fine? Apparently he'd been wrong. She was a lost cause when it came to children, that much was clear now.
This life long lesson he and Avery were preaching, piqued her curiosity, resulting in a brow raise and a stare at them. Trust Gavin to fill the girls minds with gibberish or if anything, half truths. There were no heroes, but there were those smart enough to survive, strong enough to survive, and powerful enough to make a mark - leave a legacy. The corner of her lip twitched as Zeke questioned the logic - not incredibly well, but it would suffice.
She listened patiently as Zeke too confessed, and her mind was already made up as far as his guilt was concerned. He lived under her roof, she saw his many faces, and this one was guilty. So onto more important things. Disciplinary Negotiations. "Now," she stated, unwilling to stand around in a shop for much longer. "How many, and what rules did you break? And what do you plan to do to redeem yourself?" she asked, her words for both of them though she focused on Zeke. He'd been down this road before, he knew what was expected.
Originally Posted by emjay;11591589[COLOR="DarkRed"
Brynn's brown eyes widened considerably as Fern expressed her desire to buy her a birthday present. "You do? You are?" Her expression of surprise soon turned into a wide grin as she suddenly hugged her friend. "Oh Fern, you don't have to get me anything! But I really like BFF things!" Oh that was the best idea! And even though she was trying to be polite by saying she didn't have to get her anything, she really hoped she would and that it would be something matching for BFFs. And then she giggled with excitement as Fern squealed and clapped her hands at the mention of ice cream. This was going to be the best birthday ever! Or so far. Because thirteen was even more special than twelve, so something even more awesome should happen next year. It was only right.
Her grin turned into a gasp as Fern shared her revelation about Madame Primpernelle's. "Oh they do? That sounds perfect!" She still wasn't sure her mother would allow it, but she just had to! It was her birthday and it was something just for her age, even though she knew it would make her look more mature. Fern said so and she gave her a knowing nod in return. "I'm really excited about that too," she said biting her lip almost to physically contain her excitement. "And you can show me which kind you have." Because obviously Fern knew what was what being thirteen already. She did give her a curiously look as the other girl seemed to not be happy about her little growth spurt. "Really? I think it makes you look more grown-up." But Brynn felt kinda short by comparison and short was for little kids.[/COLOR]
The 13-year-old returned Brynny’s hug eagerly, [b]”Yes! Of course I am!! It’s your birthday, and you’re my BFF!!” That was what BFFs did. Fern had been guilt-tripping her Uncle Carl into buying her beauty products all summer just so she could save her allowance. It had involved a lot of creative blackmail, but she had done it – and there were three galleons clinking in her sequined purse, just for her BFF’s big day. The fact that she hadn’t gone to a Hexy Boyz concert also helped.
Fern loved being the older, more mature BFF. She grinned when Brynny gasped and elaborated, ”They have these body sprays, which are basically just like perfume! And you can make your own lip balm kit! It’s chapstick, but flavored and tinted, and completely personalized! And OMG!” She grabbed the younger girl’s hand as she was struck by a totally amazing idea, ”Brynny!! Your lip balm WILL BE PERSONALIZED!! Like your clothing!! We need to figure out your signature flavor and oooh!! OOOH!!! Also a signature scent! For the body spray! And I need to too!! – Don’t, don’t look at my face,” Fern let go of her BFF’s hand to cover up her face, ”I never considered what flavor my lip gloss should be! It’s strawberry, and I think maybe I am totally raspberry!”
But the 13-year-old lowered her hand to look back at her legs again after Brynny commented on her height, ”Maybe…just so long as I don’t get any taller.”
Text Cut: After Angelina
Originally Posted by emjay
Brown eyes darted to another voice and she gasped a little before a smile made its way to her face. This was the famous Angelina! And look how pretty and poised she looked. Was that a French name? How sophisticated it sounded! Brynn took Fern's hand as she reached for it and she turned her focus on the woman, nodding a bit as she allowed Fern to make the introductions. "Hi," she said a bit shyly. "Fern's told me all about you and how you're a fashion and color expert." She beamed a bit. "It's my birthday and we've been planning a birthday makeover. You could do one of those right?" Oh please say you could!
Originally Posted by StarShine
See - Angelina LOVED some girl time! And as she had very few friends, she was generally limited to work and home, home and work, so these two girls here? HER NEW BFFs. They were absolutely lovely, sweet and fun to have around. If only they were old enough to have as interns...
"Welcome, Brynny," she said in this joyful voice and bowed slightly as if Brynny was a royalty. "You said twelve!?" Her eyes opened dramatically as her mouth formed an 'O'. "What an important day! Happy birthday, girl!" She jerked slightly, but then figured maybe Brynny didn't want to hug strangers, so she drew herself back quickly. Instead, she nodded in a serious manner.
"I am no expert, but I think I can help you." Hmm. A birthday makeo -
She gasped as her gaze fell on Fern's feet, then hands. "Your toes'n'hands - and necklace! - are rockin' my world, Fern." She grinned at the girl, then looked back at Brynny.
"How much time have you got?" Because this was important business! She didn't want to rush it.
Fern nodded along as Brynny spoke, chest puffed with pride because this was HER BFF. And she squeezed Brynny’s hand when Angelina bowed and gave her BFF a huge grin, raising her eyebrows to say, ‘See!!?? See how awesome Angelina is!!!’ Someday, when she was all done with Hogwarts and a jockey with a mansion and a ranch and a personal spa, she would only know cool people like this. There would be no more Cutty, no more Toby, no more librarians who didn’t include her on serious missions.
The 13-year-old opened her mouth to Angelina that she too was an expert, but then HER FASHION IDOL WAS COMPLIMENTING HER PERSONAL FASHION CHOICES!!!!!!!
She had to let go of Brynny’s hand to pinch herself. Then she reached back for her BFF’s hand because she was feeling a little lightheaded. Someone was talking, but Fern didn’t hear them. She was ‘rockin’ ANGELINA’S world!!!!’
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: For the sake of looking like a good mum? XD
Originally Posted by Hera
Zeke tried not giving himself up so easy, but as hard as he fought to control his facial expressions, he was certain that he gave himself up somehow. The eyes were telling, always telling, apparently. He'd have been content with this, taking the blame, because really, he had been the one to suggest getting away in the first place, he had been the one that wanted the adventure. So when Ashley blatantly LIED to them all, his eyes widened and he shook his head. No. No no no no no! She was not taking credit for this! Not by herself!
It was a shame though that he didn't really get a chance to interject before Gavin started talking, and then Avery too.
And WHAT were they on about? No such things as heroes? dead people? stupidity?
"Last time I checked Emily is a hero," he said with all the seriousness of a ten year old. Did he think she was stupid too? She caught bad guys for a living, and put them behind bars and stuff. How was that NOT heroic? Hhhmmm?
But that was besides the point, and now he saw that he couldn't bend the truth any longer -- ahem, massive bending and stretching of the truth, yep. Removing his hat, and mustache, and beard, Zeke focused on Emily first, and then Gavin. "Ashley's a liar," he blurted out, "It was my idea to run off, I wanted to go an adventure and see and do things and you guys were being boring and slowing us... me... down," he started, convinced he was digging his own grave now. It was a shame he'd never get to see Hogwarts, it'd have been cool beans for sure. "I wanted to get stuff and have fun in the alley, maybe set of fireworks..." dungbombs, or other things, ".. but then Ashley found the mustaches and she thought it'd be better to dress up smart and proper, y'know, important like. Like how you two do when you go to work." Perhaps a hint of flattery there. He was already a dead man walking, what's the worst that could happen now? "So that's when I suggest we come here and have a look at their fancy hats and stuff, cause a joke shop isn't where you ought to go for fashion stuff... it's poor quality. Ashley just went along with it all." She was the idiot follower, not the idiot, clearly.
Now that he was done, maybe he ought to look at his feet, he didn't like his shoes, they were boring, but he couldn't stand to look at them anymore. Was Emily going to arrest him now? Could he finally see the holding cells?!
Emily wasn't sure whether to laugh, roll her eyes, or break something. She didn't believe Ashley's honest declaration. The girl knew Gavin, knew the charade wasn't going down with either of them, and this was perhaps her attempt at salvaging the situation. Admirable, but idiotic.
"You forget two things," she started to Gavin, unfazed by having a conversation about the children in front of them, as if they weren't even there. "First, I got him like this, and second, I never said I was parenting material." Hadn't he been the one to suggest she'd be fine? Apparently he'd been wrong. She was a lost cause when it came to children, that much was clear now.
This life long lesson he and Avery were preaching, piqued her curiosity, resulting in a brow raise and a stare at them. Trust Gavin to fill the girls minds with gibberish or if anything, half truths. There were no heroes, but there were those smart enough to survive, strong enough to survive, and powerful enough to make a mark - leave a legacy. The corner of her lip twitched as Zeke questioned the logic - not incredibly well, but it would suffice.
She listened patiently as Zeke too confessed, and her mind was already made up as far as his guilt was concerned. He lived under her roof, she saw his many faces, and this one was guilty. So onto more important things. Disciplinary Negotiations. "Now," she stated, unwilling to stand around in a shop for much longer. "How many, and what rules did you break? And what do you plan to do to redeem yourself?" she asked, her words for both of them though she focused on Zeke. He'd been down this road before, he knew what was expected.
There wasn't much guesswork to be done in order to figure out that her story wasn't bought. Not by Emily who'd already assumed Zeke to be the one with the grand idea and not by her Uncle who was now lecturing her for exactly what she'd done, or rather letting Avery do it. If you asked her her sister loved that job a little too much. It was no wonder they wouldn't believe though, what with the way Zeke was suddenly looking at her. For now she ignored the looks he was giving her while she tried to keep her gaze from wavering with her Uncle.
That became harder when Zeke couldn't accept the most 'fundamental' fact of life. Heroes did die. Her Uncle had let her and Avery watch at least a hundred movies where they didn't make it out alive and she was convinced, she just didn't think a trip to Malkins was that serious.
She snickered at Zeke mentioning Emily was a hero. That..........wasn't very convincing at all but the snickers were quickly stifled in case she got a flick to the ear for it.
Then he did it. He completely shot her point down, taking full credit and making her out to be a liar on top of it all. S'what she got for trying to help. Might as well not have tried if he was going to do that. Her Uncle was right. Ashley nodded. "True. It's all his fault. Yanked me down the street faster than I knew what was happening. I'd have screamed but didn't think you'd hear so I went with it. The mustaches are my fault and you need to pay for them but Malkins was his idea too. All his, completely." He wanted the blame? It was all his. Ashley stepped closer to her uncle wrapping him in a hug and looking up at him with the biggest and most innocent eyes she could manage. "It was meant to be a joke Uncle Gavin. Didn't mean to make trouble."...............Emily was talking PUNISHMENT. If possibly her brown eyes got wider. "My stomach hurts." No punishment. No. Non. Nuh-uh!
"Right...right, you got him like that. Thought you had a knack for straightening things out." He said, a brow raised in amusement. Though he didn't doubt she COULD straighten what she wanted. Law Enforcement gave you the know how and she was heading that Department. Whether Zeke would grow out of this or not he didn't know but it wasn't something he could see in the near future. Not while he was still so young...
And clearly impressionable. Gavin didn't acknowledge what he said. He wasn't an idiot, and knew his answer wouldn't have been right in any context. Yes, Emily was a Hero but he wasn't about to give his take on that. Not if he wanted to keep his girlfriend. Just gonna ignore that. All that mattered was that his nieces knew the truth.
Just look. His wayward niece was finally starting to act accordingly. It was a task in itself keeping the amused smirk off his face as his niece went off--granted he could tell half of this wasn't the truth either but this was more like it. This was what one did when in trouble. He would not be raising Gryffindors thank you. Gavin measured her innocent act, wondering how impressed he'd objectively allow himself to be with it then Emily mentioned punishment and Ashley took the cake. A classic Avery move sans the tears. The scowl was fast cracking as he nodded toward Emily. "Convince her your stomach hurts too much for punishment and you're off the hook."
She didn't know what was going on. Did Zeke do it or did Ashley?? Which one was she meant to be upset at for abandoning her?? Avery's head turned from one to the other as she tried her hardest to understand but nothing was making sense and she just wanted ice-cream.
Ashley finally agreed it was Zeke, he now owed her ice-cream--oh oh oh but then her stomach hurt?? Was this her cue too?? "Uncle Gaaaaavin. You can't punish her, or she'll die." See what a good sister she was? She made for good backup. "I think we should have ice-cream, on account of her stomach hurting." She said, looking to Emily with a grin. Ice-cream now, yes? Everyone?
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: She says there's not much point in trying to keep up appearences when she's clearly not doing a good enough job.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
There wasn't much guesswork to be done in order to figure out that her story wasn't bought. Not by Emily who'd already assumed Zeke to be the one with the grand idea and not by her Uncle who was now lecturing her for exactly what she'd done, or rather letting Avery do it. If you asked her her sister loved that job a little too much. It was no wonder they wouldn't believe though, what with the way Zeke was suddenly looking at her. For now she ignored the looks he was giving her while she tried to keep her gaze from wavering with her Uncle.
That became harder when Zeke couldn't accept the most 'fundamental' fact of life. Heroes did die. Her Uncle had let her and Avery watch at least a hundred movies where they didn't make it out alive and she was convinced, she just didn't think a trip to Malkins was that serious.
She snickered at Zeke mentioning Emily was a hero. That..........wasn't very convincing at all but the snickers were quickly stifled in case she got a flick to the ear for it.
Then he did it. He completely shot her point down, taking full credit and making her out to be a liar on top of it all. S'what she got for trying to help. Might as well not have tried if he was going to do that. Her Uncle was right. Ashley nodded. "True. It's all his fault. Yanked me down the street faster than I knew what was happening. I'd have screamed but didn't think you'd hear so I went with it. The mustaches are my fault and you need to pay for them but Malkins was his idea too. All his, completely." He wanted the blame? It was all his. Ashley stepped closer to her uncle wrapping him in a hug and looking up at him with the biggest and most innocent eyes she could manage. "It was meant to be a joke Uncle Gavin. Didn't mean to make trouble."...............Emily was talking PUNISHMENT. If possibly her brown eyes got wider. "My stomach hurts." No punishment. No. Non. Nuh-uh!
"Right...right, you got him like that. Thought you had a knack for straightening things out." He said, a brow raised in amusement. Though he didn't doubt she COULD straighten what she wanted. Law Enforcement gave you the know how and she was heading that Department. Whether Zeke would grow out of this or not he didn't know but it wasn't something he could see in the near future. Not while he was still so young...
And clearly impressionable. Gavin didn't acknowledge what he said. He wasn't an idiot, and knew his answer wouldn't have been right in any context. Yes, Emily was a Hero but he wasn't about to give his take on that. Not if he wanted to keep his girlfriend. Just gonna ignore that. All that mattered was that his nieces knew the truth.
Just look. His wayward niece was finally starting to act accordingly. It was a task in itself keeping the amused smirk off his face as his niece went off--granted he could tell half of this wasn't the truth either but this was more like it. This was what one did when in trouble. He would not be raising Gryffindors thank you. Gavin measured her innocent act, wondering how impressed he'd objectively allow himself to be with it then Emily mentioned punishment and Ashley took the cake. A classic Avery move sans the tears. The scowl was fast cracking as he nodded toward Emily. "Convince her your stomach hurts too much for punishment and you're off the hook."
She didn't know what was going on. Did Zeke do it or did Ashley?? Which one was she meant to be upset at for abandoning her?? Avery's head turned from one to the other as she tried her hardest to understand but nothing was making sense and she just wanted ice-cream.
Ashley finally agreed it was Zeke, he now owed her ice-cream--oh oh oh but then her stomach hurt?? Was this her cue too?? "Uncle Gaaaaavin. You can't punish her, or she'll die." See what a good sister she was? She made for good backup. "I think we should have ice-cream, on account of her stomach hurting." She said, looking to Emily with a grin. Ice-cream now, yes? Everyone?
His eyes were on his shoes for a short while, but he was too curious to see PEOPLE, so he soon looked back up, his gaze landing on Ashley first as FINALLY, she came to her senses. Yes. Let him take the blame and get the credit, he could handle it. Yep yep. He'd wear it like the badge of epicness that it was. What he didn't like though was the fact that she was now sucking up to her Uncle, and making shameful excuses about stomach aches. That wasn't necessary if he was taking the blame now was it?
"It was all me, leave Ashley out of it... her stomach probably hurts because I made her run and stuff..." he noted with a slightly sour expression. Still not approving of the sucking up. It was grooosss and there was no honour in it at all. "Not that there aren't potions for that anyways.." he'd learned that much today. That there were potions for everything. Ashley taught him that, so she couldn't and shouldn't complain that she wasn't well.
Under any other circumstances, he'd have groaned, but since he asked for this punishment, he would take it like the boy!manwizard that he was. Negotiations was fast become a regular part of their day to day lives. He'd be ace with the law enforcement stuff by the time she was done with him. The he could be a hero tooooo. Zeke cleared his throat, his hands in front of him ready to check off each item as he listed them.
"Weeeeellll... there's truancy," he started, considering they'dhe'd run away from them dragging Ashley, which then meant, "kidnapping," he gestured here to his once-partner in crime. "Unintentional theft, public-nuisance-peace-disturber... and... misleading investigations..." there, he'd done it. That was all, was it not? Now that he looked at his fingers, he had a LOT of making up to do.
"I'll... apologise to Weasley's for stealing, pay them for the goods and give them a tip, but we DID advertise stuff technically so they shouldn't be too mad, then... I'll put these clothes back and apologoise to the shop-keep ladies, make my bed and yours every morning for a month, I'll stop being a pain in the butt and ..." and what? Did she know how hard she was to please? What was he supposed to give her? What was he supposed to dooooo to reconcile this?! "... community service?" he asked uncertainly.
"Ohhhh... and... I'm sorry Ashley," he added, pulling her into a mammoth boy hug! "And Avery, I'm sorry," just because she had the tendency to feel left out of stuff, even though he wasn't sorry about leaving her behind at all, it was better for her that way. "And.." not Gavin, "Emily..." he wrapped his arms around her too. He'd have left it at that, but then reluctantly he pulled away and held out his hand for the interfering man to shake. Zeke wasn't hugging him, he didn't like heroes and he seemed to take up too much of Emily's time considering he didn't like heroes... so.. that was weird and he didn't approve. "Sorry Gavin," he offered, cause despite everything he was still well mannered enough for this.
Gavin received a look for his comment, was he asking for a slap? Because she did like straightening things out, and that applied to him too if he pushed her. If there was one thing she could say she'd done right, it was to beat some sense of understanding in him where the law was concerned. He was getting good at identifying his faults, even if he dramatised them from time to time, and this... was a learning curve. Step one. Recognising what he'd done wrong. Now he simply needed to advance to step two... recognise these things before they happened, and NOT DO THEM.
Thievery was something he seemed to have recurring issues with, she'd deal with that later. And it would be dealt with, but for now... "That will suffice." And a solid grounding on top of that. With homework. She was already considering math and French tuition for him, and this only cemented the idea which would soon become a reality for him.
Emily turned to Ashley, bending a little to reach her level. The girls, like Gavin, were known for their drama, and while Ashley was less inclined to it than Avery, the girl had her moments. "Well.. that all depends," she replied to Avery's question about ice cream. "If Ashley's unwell, then ice cream would be a terrible idea." Or she could, not tell lies. Her choice. As if she would pass up an opportunity for ice cream.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: *STARES at the idiot boy*
Originally Posted by Hera
His eyes were on his shoes for a short while, but he was too curious to see PEOPLE, so he soon looked back up, his gaze landing on Ashley first as FINALLY, she came to her senses. Yes. Let him take the blame and get the credit, he could handle it. Yep yep. He'd wear it like the badge of epicness that it was. What he didn't like though was the fact that she was now sucking up to her Uncle, and making shameful excuses about stomach aches. That wasn't necessary if he was taking the blame now was it?
"It was all me, leave Ashley out of it... her stomach probably hurts because I made her run and stuff..." he noted with a slightly sour expression. Still not approving of the sucking up. It was grooosss and there was no honour in it at all. "Not that there aren't potions for that anyways.." he'd learned that much today. That there were potions for everything. Ashley taught him that, so she couldn't and shouldn't complain that she wasn't well.
Under any other circumstances, he'd have groaned, but since he asked for this punishment, he would take it like the boy!manwizard that he was. Negotiations was fast become a regular part of their day to day lives. He'd be ace with the law enforcement stuff by the time she was done with him. The he could be a hero tooooo. Zeke cleared his throat, his hands in front of him ready to check off each item as he listed them.
"Weeeeellll... there's truancy," he started, considering they'dhe'd run away from them dragging Ashley, which then meant, "kidnapping," he gestured here to his once-partner in crime. "Unintentional theft, public-nuisance-peace-disturber... and... misleading investigations..." there, he'd done it. That was all, was it not? Now that he looked at his fingers, he had a LOT of making up to do.
"I'll... apologise to Weasley's for stealing, pay them for the goods and give them a tip, but we DID advertise stuff technically so they shouldn't be too mad, then... I'll put these clothes back and apologoise to the shop-keep ladies, make my bed and yours every morning for a month, I'll stop being a pain in the butt and ..." and what? Did she know how hard she was to please? What was he supposed to give her? What was he supposed to dooooo to reconcile this?! "... community service?" he asked uncertainly.
"Ohhhh... and... I'm sorry Ashley," he added, pulling her into a mammoth boy hug! "And Avery, I'm sorry," just because she had the tendency to feel left out of stuff, even though he wasn't sorry about leaving her behind at all, it was better for her that way. "And.." not Gavin, "Emily..." he wrapped his arms around her too. He'd have left it at that, but then reluctantly he pulled away and held out his hand for the interfering man to shake. Zeke wasn't hugging him, he didn't like heroes and he seemed to take up too much of Emily's time considering he didn't like heroes... so.. that was weird and he didn't approve. "Sorry Gavin," he offered, cause despite everything he was still well mannered enough for this.
Gavin received a look for his comment, was he asking for a slap? Because she did like straightening things out, and that applied to him too if he pushed her. If there was one thing she could say she'd done right, it was to beat some sense of understanding in him where the law was concerned. He was getting good at identifying his faults, even if he dramatised them from time to time, and this... was a learning curve. Step one. Recognising what he'd done wrong. Now he simply needed to advance to step two... recognise these things before they happened, and NOT DO THEM.
Thievery was something he seemed to have recurring issues with, she'd deal with that later. And it would be dealt with, but for now... "That will suffice." And a solid grounding on top of that. With homework. She was already considering math and French tuition for him, and this only cemented the idea which would soon become a reality for him.
Emily turned to Ashley, bending a little to reach her level. The girls, like Gavin, were known for their drama, and while Ashley was less inclined to it than Avery, the girl had her moments. "Well.. that all depends," she replied to Avery's question about ice cream. "If Ashley's unwell, then ice cream would be a terrible idea." Or she could, not tell lies. Her choice. As if she would pass up an opportunity for ice cream.
One thing was evident today; she and Zeke had VERY different ways of keeping out of trouble. Yup. He was trying to be brave about this, badge of honour and everything but it wasn't her, not at all and she wasn't raised that way. Sucking up was the best way to get out of trouble with her Uncle, the more convincing the better so she'd stand here hugging him for as long as she needed to. The 9 year old wasn't cut out for punishment.
She was nodding eagerly as Zeke spoke up again. Yes, leave Ashley out of this please. Zeke wanted to go down with this ship, and she was already drilled on not drowning. A scowl set in though when he mumbled about potions. SHHHHHHHH!! Not helping!! Only one of them needed to be in trouble here, she'd tried taking the blame and now she was saving her skin. This meant letting Zeke rattle on about a whole bunch of things she didn't know the meaning of either because they were English words she'd never heard before or because she'd never learned them in daily speech, either way she wasn't fessing up to anything that she didn't understand. Merlin knew what kind of punishment she'd get for those. Jail time maybe!!
Mon dieu! Stop talking Zeke!!! Ashley shifted to get a look at the boy who was suggesting all kinds of ridiculous things. Apologizing was sorta fine but all that other stuff? "That stuff doesn't apply to me too, does it?" She asked, clearly taken aback by the boy's voluntarism. "I'm.....not doing any of that." Noooope. "Your bed's too big and my arms are too small, I can't do...community service and I'll tell Maman you called me a pain in the butt if you make me apologize for that." Her brows crinkled in all seriousness because somehow this joke had gotten really serious.
Her serious looks were broken when she was suddenly yanked off her Uncle and into another hug by Zeke. No complaining about this. She could play this part perfectly. "I forgive you, we'll just have to try our luck another day." The last part was obviously meant for his ear only mid-hug. Releasing him, she scowled at her uncle before looking to Emily. She couldn't convince her, there was no way, even with Avery trying to help....until she said that. "Sorry Avery, guess we can't have ice-cream today." And a great show of holding her stomach too. The girl was allergic to punishment, couldn't they tell? When they got home she would get her mother to take them for some.
.......Oh. Merlin.
Gavin blinked down at the child he'd convinced Emily to adopt, suddenly questioning every choice he'd ever made in his life. This boy....this one right here....he didn't even know. The Senior Undersecretary stared at him, not knowing what to make of his perceptions then subsequent offers. "I take it back." He muttered, still a little stunned. "You taught him well." TOO well but he wouldn't say that.
He glanced down at his niece and her many protests. None of them surprized him. None. "I don't want you in my room in the first place, community service...we won't talk about," Too many selfless people standing around, ahem, "and you are a pain in the butt." He said, giving her a light jab to the forehead. Those wouldn't work for her for obvious reasons. "Make me an offer, or I'll draft up one myself." Like Zeke here who was offering him a handshake and an apology to boot. Gavin gave him a firm but quick shake. Apology accepted.
And a quick glance at Emily on the ice-cream issue Avery had brought up. It was good bait and would have worked if their mother wasn't Ariella Isaacs."Actually, I think ice-cream's a wonderful idea." He concluded. "I can have a special one made for you Ashley, it'll fix you right up." Or have her with an actual stomach ache, you could never really be sure these days. His niece was smart. He could bank on that much if nothing else. The right choices had to be made now.
Was Zeke really gonna do all that stuff? Wouldn't he get tired? What if he woke up and didn't wanna spread her bed one morning? Did he know what he was SAYING?? Avery watched quietly, happy she didn't have to make any promises to anyone because she didn't have anything to offer except hugs and the lie that she'd never do it again. She grinned down at Zeke for his apology. "It's okay, you got me a mustache, remember?"
Hold on, whaaaaat? "No ice-cream? But but but Uncle Gavin promised." She whined, looking from Emily to Ashley then to her uncle. Why were they changing their minds? It wasn't her fault Ashley and Zeke ran away. The little girl only relaxed when her Uncle promised ice-cream would still happen. Good. She didn't care about anything else.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Last edited by DaniDiNardo; 04-20-2014 at 04:34 AM.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: *doesn't know anymore*
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
One thing was evident today; she and Zeke had VERY different ways of keeping out of trouble. Yup. He was trying to be brave about this, badge of honour and everything but it wasn't her, not at all and she wasn't raised that way. Sucking up was the best way to get out of trouble with her Uncle, the more convincing the better so she'd stand here hugging him for as long as she needed to. The 9 year old wasn't cut out for punishment.
She was nodding eagerly as Zeke spoke up again. Yes, leave Ashley out of this please. Zeke wanted to go down with this ship, and she was already drilled on not drowning. A scowl set in though when he mumbled about potions. SHHHHHHHH!! Not helping!! Only one of them needed to be in trouble here, she'd tried taking the blame and now she was saving her skin. This meant letting Zeke rattle on about a whole bunch of things she didn't know the meaning of either because they were English words she'd never heard before or because she'd never learned them in daily speech, either way she wasn't fessing up to anything that she didn't understand. Merlin knew what kind of punishment she'd get for those. Jail time maybe!!
Mon dieu! Stop talking Zeke!!! Ashley shifted to get a look at the boy who was suggesting all kinds of ridiculous things. Apologizing was sorta fine but all that other stuff? "That stuff doesn't apply to me too, does it?" She asked, clearly taken aback by the boy's voluntarism. "I'm.....not doing any of that." Noooope. "Your bed's too big and my arms are too small, I can't do...community service and I'll tell Maman you called me a pain in the butt if you make me apologize for that." Her brows crinkled in all seriousness because somehow this joke had gotten really serious.
Her serious looks were broken when she was suddenly yanked off her Uncle and into another hug by Zeke. No complaining about this. She could play this part perfectly. "I forgive you, we'll just have to try our luck another day." The last part was obviously meant for his ear only mid-hug. Releasing him, she scowled at her uncle before looking to Emily. She couldn't convince her, there was no way, even with Avery trying to help....until she said that. "Sorry Avery, guess we can't have ice-cream today." And a great show of holding her stomach too. The girl was allergic to punishment, couldn't they tell? When they got home she would get her mother to take them for some.
.......Oh. Merlin.
Gavin blinked down at the child he'd convinced Emily to adopt, suddenly questioning every choice he'd ever made in his life. This boy....this one right here....he didn't even know. The Senior Undersecretary stared at him, not knowing what to make of his perceptions then subsequent offers. "I take it back." He muttered, still a little stunned. "You taught him well." TOO well but he wouldn't say that.
He glanced down at his niece and her many protests. None of them surprized him. None. "I don't want you in my room in the first place, community service...we won't talk about," Too many selfless people standing around, ahem, "and you are a pain in the butt." He said, giving her a light jab to the forehead. Those wouldn't work for her for obvious reasons. "Make me an offer, or I'll draft up one myself." Like Zeke here who was offering him a handshake and an apology to boot. Gavin gave him a firm but quick shake. Apology accepted.
And a quick glance at Emily on the ice-cream issue Avery had brought up. It was good bait and would have worked if their mother wasn't Ariella Isaacs."Actually, I think ice-cream's a wonderful idea." He concluded. "I can have a special one made for you Ashley, it'll fix you right up." Or have her with an actual stomach ache, you could never really be sure these days. His niece was smart. He could bank on that much if nothing else. The right choices had to be made now.
Was Zeke really gonna do all that stuff? Wouldn't he get tired? What if he woke up and didn't wanna spread her bed one morning? Did he know what he was SAYING?? Avery watched quietly, happy she didn't have to make any promises to anyone because she didn't have anything to offer except hugs and the lie that she'd never do it again. She grinned down at Zeke for his apology. "It's okay, you got me a mustache, remember?"
Hold on, whaaaaat? "No ice-cream? But but but Uncle Gavin promised." She whined, looking from Emily to Ashley then to her uncle. Why were they changing their minds? It wasn't her fault Ashley and Zeke ran away. The little girl only relaxed when her Uncle promised ice-cream would still happen. Good. She didn't care about anything else.
This was it, the worst of it was over, and the rest he could get out of if he played his cards right. He HAD been ambitious in electing his punishment, and for good reason. But by the time the putting things back and sorry's were over with, she'd be content with him making things up at a later time... and by then, she'll have forgotten all about it. Hopefully. He just needed to make her forget. There were potions for that too, yes? Or better yet, he could ask Rusty for a favour. He was all sorts of awesome, and he had a bro code, no?
Zeke didn't much mind that Gavin and Emily were talking about him like he wasn't here, it said good things about him, even if Gavin was being a bit of a butthead about it all. Either way, not important, his partner in crime was. Ashley hugs were good hugs, and they were even better when they were accompanied by whispered scheming, "I'm counting on it," he whispered back into her hair. Heh, this adventure may have come to an end, but they would become savvier, and the next time would be even better. In turn, Gavin's handshake, however brief it was, had earned him brownie points and he knew it. Emily liked when he made efforts with Gavin, which was usually very easy when the man wasn't stealing her time away from him. Today was one of those days, so it was win win.
"Do you want a Frenchman's mustache? Or a middle aged mans mustache?" he asked, offering Avery choices. He'd still need to pay for them, ahem, maybe, unless Emily conveniently forgot as they were leaving - which was possible considering ice cream would be involved.
"I'll..... get started on those," Zeke decided about the clothes he and Ashley had collected and so kindly dumped on the change room floor. He didn't say he'd put them back neatly, just that he'd put them back - or hide them somewhere out of the way. He'd be done and out in no time.
Content with the fact that Zeke was now behaving like an orderly and respectable gentleman, Emily tilted her head at Gavin, her hand slipping out of his as she folded her arms across her chest instead. So now she had taught him well? That was a change of tune. "I have my ways, just as you have yours," she replied, interested to see what kind of deal he and Ashley might strike for her part in whatever it is this was. Because it was evident she wasn't the victim she suddenly made herself out to be, again, such a change in tune considering her earlier proclamations of being the one at fault. The Isaacs had a tendency to flip-flop, apparently.
The ice cream saga she could overlook, if only because it suited her as much as it would suit the kids, so Gavin insisting it was still a go-ahead didn't receive so much as a brow raise from her. They'd have words later, or not. "If you insist, I'm not complaining," she mused out loud in Gavin's direction, but she spared the smallest of smiles for Avery. "And Zeke, no cutting corners," she warned, her eyes still on Avery as the boy turned back to the change room.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: *doesn't either*
Originally Posted by Hera
This was it, the worst of it was over, and the rest he could get out of if he played his cards right. He HAD been ambitious in electing his punishment, and for good reason. But by the time the putting things back and sorry's were over with, she'd be content with him making things up at a later time... and by then, she'll have forgotten all about it. Hopefully. He just needed to make her forget. There were potions for that too, yes? Or better yet, he could ask Rusty for a favour. He was all sorts of awesome, and he had a bro code, no?
Zeke didn't much mind that Gavin and Emily were talking about him like he wasn't here, it said good things about him, even if Gavin was being a bit of a butthead about it all. Either way, not important, his partner in crime was. Ashley hugs were good hugs, and they were even better when they were accompanied by whispered scheming, "I'm counting on it," he whispered back into her hair. Heh, this adventure may have come to an end, but they would become savvier, and the next time would be even better. In turn, Gavin's handshake, however brief it was, had earned him brownie points and he knew it. Emily liked when he made efforts with Gavin, which was usually very easy when the man wasn't stealing her time away from him. Today was one of those days, so it was win win.
"Do you want a Frenchman's mustache? Or a middle aged mans mustache?" he asked, offering Avery choices. He'd still need to pay for them, ahem, maybe, unless Emily conveniently forgot as they were leaving - which was possible considering ice cream would be involved.
"I'll..... get started on those," Zeke decided about the clothes he and Ashley had collected and so kindly dumped on the change room floor. He didn't say he'd put them back neatly, just that he'd put them back - or hide them somewhere out of the way. He'd be done and out in no time.
Content with the fact that Zeke was now behaving like an orderly and respectable gentleman, Emily tilted her head at Gavin, her hand slipping out of his as she folded her arms across her chest instead. So now she had taught him well? That was a change of tune. "I have my ways, just as you have yours," she replied, interested to see what kind of deal he and Ashley might strike for her part in whatever it is this was. Because it was evident she wasn't the victim she suddenly made herself out to be, again, such a change in tune considering her earlier proclamations of being the one at fault. The Isaacs had a tendency to flip-flop, apparently.
The ice cream saga she could overlook, if only because it suited her as much as it would suit the kids, so Gavin insisting it was still a go-ahead didn't receive so much as a brow raise from her. They'd have words later, or not. "If you insist, I'm not complaining," she mused out loud in Gavin's direction, but she spared the smallest of smiles for Avery. "And Zeke, no cutting corners," she warned, her eyes still on Avery as the boy turned back to the change room.
Zeke had officially sorted out his punishment and she had yet to come up with something that wouldn't bother her too much but would appease her Uncle. There weren't many things that did that. Her options were limited. Not like Zeke who easily rattled off things he was okay with doing in the first place.
Ashley did her best to not have her face lighting up after her partner in crime agreed that there would be a next time and they wouldn't be caught that next time. "No more spur of the moment stuff. Have to plan it right." That way it was more likely to work. The planning wouldn't be that hard either. They could do it at any one of the many sleepovers they were bound to have while her Uncle and Emily were off being adults. She still couldn't figure why she and Avery and Zeke weren't invited but it didn't bother her too much because when they had sleepovers, her Maman let them stay up late and eat junk food. It was a win-win, unless Uncle Gavin and Emily didn't win when they went out but that was their fault.
The Frenchman mustache was for Zeke. She'd offered it to him so he could feel more French like them so she was slightly put off that he'd be giving it to Avery, though she didn't say anything, in case some people got on their case about them again. "Have a beard too." She simply said, reaching over to hand it to her before looking back at her Uncle. He was still waiting for an offer and apparently so was Emily? Talk about the pressure but she had to think about something otherwise the ice-cream wouldn't go well for her. "I can clean and organize your potions lab for you?" And have a look around while she was in there. Brilliant.
Gavin made the executive decision that he wouldn't question whatever Ashley and Zeke were whispering about. He was certain that whatever it was would not be putting the free world in danger anytime soon. What he would question was their offer. "Planning to make her a criminal too? Do neither of you plan to pay for those before handing them off as gifts?" Theft was theft. Ashley had pocket money, she would be paying for them herself.
The moment Emily's hand left his, he looked over at her. Arm folding, not particularly a good sign so he'd nod, instead of risking saying something worse. The eyebrow raising only added to his unwillingness to say much about it. Yeah, he could see words happening later but distracted himself with Ashley's offer. "Non." That was a flat out absolutely not type of no. "But you will clean the attic. You're Mother's gotten it into a clutter again." Not the little girl's fault but she'd made it her fault the moment she slipped away. Now he'd have to convince Ari that she couldn't help.
She could have the mustaches now??? "Ummm......middle age--no no no Frenchman---wait...wait no....can I have them both until I decide?" Pleeeease?? And the beard! This she reached over and snatched, then tried plastering it to her chin and cheeks.
They were still having ice-cream!!! Yaaay! She was officially happy and they needed to hurry up with putting stuff back so she could get the ice-cream. Why'd they have to choose today to be bad? Huh?? Avery noticed the smile Emily gave her and the fact she was the only one who got a smile. This had her beaming. She was special, and good and not bad behaved.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: *stares at them*
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Zeke had officially sorted out his punishment and she had yet to come up with something that wouldn't bother her too much but would appease her Uncle. There weren't many things that did that. Her options were limited. Not like Zeke who easily rattled off things he was okay with doing in the first place.
Ashley did her best to not have her face lighting up after her partner in crime agreed that there would be a next time and they wouldn't be caught that next time. "No more spur of the moment stuff. Have to plan it right." That way it was more likely to work. The planning wouldn't be that hard either. They could do it at any one of the many sleepovers they were bound to have while her Uncle and Emily were off being adults. She still couldn't figure why she and Avery and Zeke weren't invited but it didn't bother her too much because when they had sleepovers, her Maman let them stay up late and eat junk food. It was a win-win, unless Uncle Gavin and Emily didn't win when they went out but that was their fault.
The Frenchman mustache was for Zeke. She'd offered it to him so he could feel more French like them so she was slightly put off that he'd be giving it to Avery, though she didn't say anything, in case some people got on their case about them again. "Have a beard too." She simply said, reaching over to hand it to her before looking back at her Uncle. He was still waiting for an offer and apparently so was Emily? Talk about the pressure but she had to think about something otherwise the ice-cream wouldn't go well for her. "I can clean and organize your potions lab for you?" And have a look around while she was in there. Brilliant.
Gavin made the executive decision that he wouldn't question whatever Ashley and Zeke were whispering about. He was certain that whatever it was would not be putting the free world in danger anytime soon. What he would question was their offer. "Planning to make her a criminal too? Do neither of you plan to pay for those before handing them off as gifts?" Theft was theft. Ashley had pocket money, she would be paying for them herself.
The moment Emily's hand left his, he looked over at her. Arm folding, not particularly a good sign so he'd nod, instead of risking saying something worse. The eyebrow raising only added to his unwillingness to say much about it. Yeah, he could see words happening later but distracted himself with Ashley's offer. "Non." That was a flat out absolutely not type of no. "But you will clean the attic. You're Mother's gotten it into a clutter again." Not the little girl's fault but she'd made it her fault the moment she slipped away. Now he'd have to convince Ari that she couldn't help.
She could have the mustaches now??? "Ummm......middle age--no no no Frenchman---wait...wait no....can I have them both until I decide?" Pleeeease?? And the beard! This she reached over and snatched, then tried plastering it to her chin and cheeks.
They were still having ice-cream!!! Yaaay! She was officially happy and they needed to hurry up with putting stuff back so she could get the ice-cream. Why'd they have to choose today to be bad? Huh?? Avery noticed the smile Emily gave her and the fact she was the only one who got a smile. This had her beaming. She was special, and good and not bad behaved.
Ashley was right in what she'd said, 100%. They would have to plan things out properly next time, because this spur-of-the-moment-unpredictable-they-won't-suspect-a-thing thing wasn't working out. He gave her an affirmative nod, but didn't say anything else. Not with the adults around. First thing they would have to do, was establish safe words and code names, even if only because it'd be cool.
He listened in on Ashley and Gavin's deal as he started fitting coats back onto hangers and onto the racks they came from, but paused when he heard the term potions lab. He rather liked potions, when Emily let him play around and help her. "I can help toooo!" he chimed in, right before Ashley's idea was shot down. That was too bad. And wait.. what? Attic.. "not with that, I'm busy... community service and all." Yep, no attic stuff for him. He was not willing to help with that, even if it meant Ashley-scheming time.
Freeing up his hands by replacing a couple of hats to their previous stands, or a least, where he thought they ought to go, Zeke watched as Avery stuck the facial hair to her face. She was welcome to them, it looked better on her anyway. "Keep them," he nodded, content with not having a mustache for now, he still really wanted to grow a real one yep, especially if they had potions for that. Of course, trust Gavin to not have listened to him properly. Hadn't he explained that he would pay for it? And apologise and all that stuffff? "I did say I'd pay for it," he said raising a brow at the man before removing the cloak from around his neck.
Emily was quite at her leisure, observing, browsing, observing some more. She'd moved away from the small group, examining a few of the items on display - she could do with a new cloak, for when she skulked around dark places. A small smirk formed at Ashley's offer, and Zeke's interjection, of course the icing on the proverbial cake was Gavin's non. How very generous of Ashley to make such an offer. Gavin's counter offer was agreeable she supposed, and it wasn't her place to say otherwise. If he felt it was justice enough for Ashley, that she would learn from her mistakes, then that was all there was to it.
Having expended the limited energy and patience she had for browsing, Emily returned to Gavin's side. She sincerely hoped he realised that he would be the one shouting the ice cream today - despite it being her turn, and she expected an extra scoop for his earlier cheek. He had ground to make up. "Are we about done here?" she asked idly, wondering if they were going to get a move on, or if negotiations were still to be made?
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: *stares at the fact that Gavin's apparently in trouble too*
Originally Posted by Hera
Ashley was right in what she'd said, 100%. They would have to plan things out properly next time, because this spur-of-the-moment-unpredictable-they-won't-suspect-a-thing thing wasn't working out. He gave her an affirmative nod, but didn't say anything else. Not with the adults around. First thing they would have to do, was establish safe words and code names, even if only because it'd be cool.
He listened in on Ashley and Gavin's deal as he started fitting coats back onto hangers and onto the racks they came from, but paused when he heard the term potions lab. He rather liked potions, when Emily let him play around and help her. "I can help toooo!" he chimed in, right before Ashley's idea was shot down. That was too bad. And wait.. what? Attic.. "not with that, I'm busy... community service and all." Yep, no attic stuff for him. He was not willing to help with that, even if it meant Ashley-scheming time.
Freeing up his hands by replacing a couple of hats to their previous stands, or a least, where he thought they ought to go, Zeke watched as Avery stuck the facial hair to her face. She was welcome to them, it looked better on her anyway. "Keep them," he nodded, content with not having a mustache for now, he still really wanted to grow a real one yep, especially if they had potions for that. Of course, trust Gavin to not have listened to him properly. Hadn't he explained that he would pay for it? And apologise and all that stuffff? "I did say I'd pay for it," he said raising a brow at the man before removing the cloak from around his neck.
Emily was quite at her leisure, observing, browsing, observing some more. She'd moved away from the small group, examining a few of the items on display - she could do with a new cloak, for when she skulked around dark places. A small smirk formed at Ashley's offer, and Zeke's interjection, of course the icing on the proverbial cake was Gavin's non. How very generous of Ashley to make such an offer. Gavin's counter offer was agreeable she supposed, and it wasn't her place to say otherwise. If he felt it was justice enough for Ashley, that she would learn from her mistakes, then that was all there was to it.
Having expended the limited energy and patience she had for browsing, Emily returned to Gavin's side. She sincerely hoped he realised that he would be the one shouting the ice cream today - despite it being her turn, and she expected an extra scoop for his earlier cheek. He had ground to make up. "Are we about done here?" she asked idly, wondering if they were going to get a move on, or if negotiations were still to be made?
Zeke was offering to help her clean the potions lab too and she was doing all kinds of nodding, clearly approving of this help. The two of them down in the Potions Lab, no telling what they could come up with...but then Uncle Gavin was saying no. Her face fell at the rejection of her terms and rose in shock at his suggestion. The WHOLE attic??? She shook her head with fierce desperation. "C'est impossible! Le grenier est trop grand--je ne peux pas nettoyer seul!" Non non non! Before she could help it the 9 year old began rattling off in French. Her Uncle had gone mad. He couldn't expect her to....he never meant it...... "Tu es inique!"She didn't wreck the attic, it was her Maman and the floor no longer existed up there with all the things she dumped in there.
So no she didn't care about paying or Zeke saying he'd pay or anything. Her arms folded in protest and had Zeke not already taken the cloaks off the floor, she'd have kicked those. What she did have was the coat still around her shoulders which she shrugged off and threw to the floor. That got a kick.
Could they go? Emily was asking if they were done. At the very last minute she remembered her English. "Yes. We are done." Arms still folded, she put on a very stubborn and unamused look then stomped her way to the door. They would be coming and if they weren't moving by then she'd wait at the door. See? Not running off again, not unless she wanted to have the basement sorted too. HMPH! She would see if her mother let this happen.
Of course Zeke wanted to help her clean the lab, yes, and while they were at it they could blow up the house and give him the extra bother of having to find a new one and explain to the authorities just how the explosion happened in the first place. Luckily he'd said no when he did and the boy was back to sticking to his own punishments. Emily drifting off to have a look at the cloaks only crossed his mind for a moment before all his attention was caught again by the little tantrum thrower who'd forgotten what English was. His scowl deepened at her conclusion. Wicked? He supposed it was nicer than the last time so he'd take it and she could start when they got home. If she hurried she'd be done by evening tomorrow.
Yes, of course, Zeke had said something about paying earlier, he might have apologized for the lapse in memory but once again his niece proved to be a distraction, storming off the way she did. Wasn't that just brilliant? If you asked him, he did a very good job of not rolling his eyes. "Yup, no use sticking around. We can leave if Zeke is done." With a flick of his wand, Gavin levitated the cloak Ashley had dropped. On the way out, he put it back on its rack.
Avery had just taken the mustaches from Zeke when she heard something about Potions Labs....were they getting to play in Uncle Gavin's lab? Could she play too? The little girl was about to ask when it changed to the attic and her willingness decreased ten fold. It was too messy up there to play, didn't they know that? It took her an extra second to realize her sister had slipped out of English but she noticed and blinked trying to keep up with everything Ashley was complaining about........Wow.........
"I'm ready too!" She chimed in, since everyone else was confirming. Yes, she was ready to get ice-cream. Could they go now?
- It's impossible! The attic is too big--I can't clean it alone!
- You're wicked!
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: he questioned her parenting/capabilities, what did you expect? XD
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Zeke was offering to help her clean the potions lab too and she was doing all kinds of nodding, clearly approving of this help. The two of them down in the Potions Lab, no telling what they could come up with...but then Uncle Gavin was saying no. Her face fell at the rejection of her terms and rose in shock at his suggestion. The WHOLE attic??? She shook her head with fierce desperation. "C'est impossible! Le grenier est trop grand--je ne peux pas nettoyer seul!" Non non non! Before she could help it the 9 year old began rattling off in French. Her Uncle had gone mad. He couldn't expect her to....he never meant it...... "Tu es inique!"She didn't wreck the attic, it was her Maman and the floor no longer existed up there with all the things she dumped in there.
So no she didn't care about paying or Zeke saying he'd pay or anything. Her arms folded in protest and had Zeke not already taken the cloaks off the floor, she'd have kicked those. What she did have was the coat still around her shoulders which she shrugged off and threw to the floor. That got a kick.
Could they go? Emily was asking if they were done. At the very last minute she remembered her English. "Yes. We are done." Arms still folded, she put on a very stubborn and unamused look then stomped her way to the door. They would be coming and if they weren't moving by then she'd wait at the door. See? Not running off again, not unless she wanted to have the basement sorted too. HMPH! She would see if her mother let this happen.
Of course Zeke wanted to help her clean the lab, yes, and while they were at it they could blow up the house and give him the extra bother of having to find a new one and explain to the authorities just how the explosion happened in the first place. Luckily he'd said no when he did and the boy was back to sticking to his own punishments. Emily drifting off to have a look at the cloaks only crossed his mind for a moment before all his attention was caught again by the little tantrum thrower who'd forgotten what English was. His scowl deepened at her conclusion. Wicked? He supposed it was nicer than the last time so he'd take it and she could start when they got home. If she hurried she'd be done by evening tomorrow.
Yes, of course, Zeke had said something about paying earlier, he might have apologized for the lapse in memory but once again his niece proved to be a distraction, storming off the way she did. Wasn't that just brilliant? If you asked him, he did a very good job of not rolling his eyes. "Yup, no use sticking around. We can leave if Zeke is done." With a flick of his wand, Gavin levitated the cloak Ashley had dropped. On the way out, he put it back on its rack.
Avery had just taken the mustaches from Zeke when she heard something about Potions Labs....were they getting to play in Uncle Gavin's lab? Could she play too? The little girl was about to ask when it changed to the attic and her willingness decreased ten fold. It was too messy up there to play, didn't they know that? It took her an extra second to realize her sister had slipped out of English but she noticed and blinked trying to keep up with everything Ashley was complaining about........Wow.........
"I'm ready too!" She chimed in, since everyone else was confirming. Yes, she was ready to get ice-cream. Could they go now?
- It's impossible! The attic is too big--I can't clean it alone!
- You're wicked!
He was rushing it. Because unlike Emily and Gavin, he didn't have a wand, and couldn't do magic. Zeke had paused for only a moment when he heard Ashley going off in French. He didn't like all the French they spoke, it made ZERO sense to him whatsoever. Screwing up his face and balling his hands into fists for a good moment, Zeke tried his hardest to make things happen... but alas, it didn't work, so he'd have to do things the old fashioned way - by hand. Items were going back, in places, it didn't matter where, so long as it looked like he was doing it right. Whhyyy were they all done?! He wasn't! YET!
"Excellent, because I'm craving canary cream, or maybe treacle fudge..." she mused, having ignored Ashley's little tantrum. Emily had to keep reminding herself that Ashley was not her responsibility, and while she may have cared for the girls well being, she did not care about her tantrums. Nope. "Quick, or you'll miss out," she warned Zeke, though he looked about done. With a few long strides she caught up to Gavin and the girls, holding the door open for Zeke to catch them, her hand outstretched for him to take.
They were walking off without him!!!! Noooooo! .. the last couple of items found themselves sharing a hanger and being shoved unceremoniously onto a rack that would fit them. "Coming!" he called, walking BRISKLY to take Emily hand and followed her out the door.
And his plan was working smooothly. While he had returned the clothes, he HADN'T apologised to the shop-keep. AND Emily was in a hurry, so they'd likely go straight past WWW. Bonus! Plus he'd already earned brownie points because he sounded responsible in his punishment negotiations - he didn't skimp on those. He was well punished. It wasn't his fault they weren't following through on all of them.
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Text Cut: Angelina & Sophia
Success! Sophia gave in and agreed to cut his hair after they had finished shopping and her daughter Ariana had gotten her fill of ice cream. Shrugging he said "Sure, I've got no plans for this afternoon. Want to split a sundae at the ice cream parlour with me?" Leo loved ice cream but somehow he never managed to clear a full plate at Floreans.
Ignoring Sophia's comment about Monte which he totally didn’t agree with, he raised an eyebrow at her for her comment about him not looking bad in pink. Accepting the light red shirt he said. "I can try a pink shirt to show you what I mean if you want?" Leo could try and be helpful since all this was for his benefit after all.
When the Sophia started to talk pinstripes patters with the shopkeeper Leo knew he couldn't contribute anything so he stayed silent as he continued to view pants. Clothes and patters were a jungle he didn't navigate well in. Holding up a pair of orange pants to Sophia and the shopeeker as well Leo asked hopefully. "Orange is a no right?"
Originally Posted by StarShine
Navy blue and pinstripes... Angelina nodded slowly as she thought about it. "I was going to suggest dark blue, but maybe navy is better. He already looks stern." Yeah, no need to make him any sterner. She looked at the man when he spoke and shook her head.
"I believe that would look too cheeky, sir." And tones of brown were too boring and so out of date.
"What do you do as a living?" That would be very helpful to pick a style too.
Leo thought that he was winning didn't he? Sophia could tell he did but what he didn't know was that she had him right where she wanted him. He'd be returning to Hogwarts totally revamped and dapper. She smiled to herself.
"Okay sure, we can share." Even though she'd usually share with Ariana.
"Oh but you will be trying several pink shirts, different tones and patterns." Heh, see how she'd worked him into doing that? Why did men always think that they're in control again?
Leo? Stern looking? She looked at her BFF and tilted her head a little. He didn't look stern to her but maybe that was because she knew he was far from that.
"Actually, we'll try the dark blue as well, maybe he could do with looking a bit more stern actually."
Sophia nodded. Orange? What the blazes was Leo thinking? He'd only pull that off if he had some serious style and she was afraid he wasn't there...quite yet. "Definitely no orange."
"Ah he's the Librarian at Hogwarts and a very good one mind you."
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...