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Level Six Department of Magical Transportation

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2021, 02:49 AM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default Employee Break Room

Break Room

When you aren't busy filing away records or helping invent new features for brooms, come on into the break room where you will find the coffee machines and some great food. This is a perfect place to take your lunch or get a quick snack in between long assignments. The room has a few tables and chairs, a sink, microwave, and refrigerator so you can keep your food stored and ready to eat. There are also some snacks provided on the countertops: Muffin baskets, candy bars, doughnuts, fruit, and cookies are a common stock in this room.

In true Anna fashion she has set up a corner that has a few massage chairs so her employees can destress if they need to during their breaks. Once a week she does have lunch catered so on those days feel free to not worry about what you will have for lunch and enjoy the different lunch themes.

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Old 02-21-2022, 01:27 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Kingston had some time before finishing up the paperwork with a new Floo connection to be set in place. Part of a couple's divorce proceedings involved them needing a new connection for their son to visit their households easily. Nothing major, just a bit heavy on the proceedings. Legal stuff, making sure preventive measures were in place so it wouldn't be used for nefarious reasons.

Anyways, walking from his desk, he had a craving for some sweets judging from the smile on Kingston's face. Mmm, doughnuts sound good. He was a big guy and he would need a bit more than others to satisfy his craving. Taking a few, he paired it with a banana before fixing himself a glass of milk. Yum yum. He sat down in one of the chairs to enjoy this hearty snack.


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Old 03-01-2022, 03:49 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Is it just you or is that a broom? Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you. By the coffee machines in the breakroom where Kingston is sitting a big heap of brooms of all sorts and types is lying in a jumble on the floor. A shipment must have been delivered to the wrong room. If you go near the brooms you’ll notice that something is off with some of them, they could possibly be faulty or muggle even.

Try a broom out if you’re daring to see if you can puzzle out which broom is faulty and who isn’t.
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Old 03-02-2022, 06:10 AM   #4 (permalink)

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Was she a level six employee? Not at all. But she'd managed a glimpse at the memos and the promise of unidentified brooms had piqued her interest. She wasn't in Level seven for nothing. Flying instruments were of interest to her. So if these were mundane, she would absolutely be disappointed, but for now... at least she could have the excitement of exploration to confirm. Poking her head into the level six breakroom, she noticed an employee (Kingston) and all of the brooms lined up. Rose let herself further into the room, giving a nod of hello towards the employee as she moved closer towards the brooms.

"Has your department figured anything out about these guys yet?" She reached out to touch one, briefly wondering if she should just... hop on it and see how it flew. The flying carpet hadn't harmed her. Much. Could she be so lucky as the same outcome a second time? She glanced around as if waiting for her coworkers from Level seven to appear to remind her hopping on unidentified flying objects was a poor choice.

Which they were right. But where was the fun?
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 03-02-2022, 07:28 AM   #5 (permalink)

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Aurora came back to level six after a joint meeting with Kendra feeling like she wasn't a true greenhorn in her new position any longer. To go from dealing with creature cases to transportation cases over the christmas holidays was a big change. Without Kendra and Charles's assistance she wouldn't know now how portkeys were constructed or how you set up a fireplace on the flooing system.

Bypassing her office the blond middle aged woman headed into the breakroom to get herself something to drink and eat. As it appeared Aurora wasn't the only employee with that idea as she waved and called out to the man and woman "Hi Kingston! Hello Ms Scardino what brings you to level 6?" Just then she noticed the jumble of brooms on the floor which she thought were odd. Going closer she asked Kingston mostly. "Aren't brooms supposed to be delievered to the broom control office?"
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Old 03-02-2022, 05:01 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Kingston was just about finished with his delectable snackmeal getting up to wash up his hands when he noticed the pile of brooms on the floor. Hmm... why are these here? He thought. Unless the break room was expected to be converted into the new office for Broom regulation. That was when the room was no longer empty.

"Hello there," He smiled at (Rose) who first asked him about the brooms status. So clearly she was meant to collect them given she was about reach out for them. The question now was how they ended up here before even knowing they were safe, "I would wait a moment there, these brooms aren't meant to be in here." Drawing out his wand. He debated on how this should be handled when his boss arrived, "Morning Aurora, I was starting to wonder if this room was being converted into the new broom inspection office." Here he was enjoying some sweets and low behold brooms right under his nose.

Though his expertise was in floos, something didn't seem right with this, "Don't they look a little... different?" Asking either of them. He couldn't quite place it. His brief experiences with brooms stood out enough to where an unsettling feeling came about his usually happy man.


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Old 03-06-2022, 01:02 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Can brooms spread vibes? If these guys from the Nimbus Racing Broom Company could then Kingston isn’t off in his unsettling feeling. As Rose reaches out a broom flutters up towards her hand and then immediatley falls to the floor again. A series of other brooms if they look closer in the bundle show signs of rough twigs, badly varnished handles, poor aerodynamics and faulty cushioning charms to name a visible few faults. Some brooms aren’t magic at all, and are better used for sweeping up dust by the fireplace in Aurora’s office than flying around a quidditch pitch.

My, my faulty brooms heading for the market, is not good, wouldn't you agree?
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Old 03-13-2022, 06:40 AM   #8 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post

He debated on how this should be handled when his boss arrived, "Morning Aurora, I was starting to wonder if this room was being converted into the new broom inspection office." Here he was enjoying some sweets and low behold brooms right under his nose.

Though his expertise was in floos, something didn't seem right with this, "Don't they look a little... different?" Asking either of them. He couldn't quite place it. His brief experiences with brooms stood out enough to where an unsettling feeling came about his usually happy man.
'Wondering if the breakroom was being converted into a new broom inspection office.' Hearing Kingston's question Aurora shook her head in response. "No Kingston, the breakroom is supposed to be utilized for breaks only, not broom inspections. I shall get to the bottom of who delievered the shipment here instead of to the broom offices." When she found out who was responsible they'd be delt with in the appropriate fashion.

Walking closer to pick up a broom in the bundle to inspect it closer Aurora almost immediatly dropped the broom again, raising her fingers to her mouth "Ouch, splinters!" To Kingston and Rose she cautioned "Be careful, the brooms aren't up to the right standard. They seem to have many faults. We need assistance with this investigation."

Pulling out her wand Aurora casted "Expecto Patronum!" and watched as the silvery figure of a zouwou sprinted off towards the Games and Sports department to alert Peggy about the situation.
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Old 03-14-2022, 01:38 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Funnily, it was actually more of an ironic observation and not a legitimate question that escaped Kingston's mouth about the broom's appearance in this room. The idea of him actually believing that brooms should be delivered in the Break room made him smirk a little. He was easy to be tickled. But he stifled the giggles since this was not the time or place for it.

Especially after witnessing the attempts at touching the brooms. The first one fell to the ground right away and now splinters from the other. "Are you alright?" Kingston asked. It was clear this had to be dealt with right away. "You don't suppose there could be other faulty shipments sent to other floors, do you?" For either to answer. Perhaps more faulty brooms were being sent even outside the Ministry. Or other objects. The thoughts raced as he watched the Patronus fly off.


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Old 03-16-2022, 03:42 AM   #10 (permalink)

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Slightly out of breath from her mad dash up the stairs after receiving Aurora's patronus message, Peggy poked her head into the Transportation Department break room. Oh good! This was where the brooms were?

"Aurora, I got your message. What's this about faulty brooms?" she asked quickly. She glanced around the room, giving a polite nod to Rosemary and the Department of Magical Transportation employee. Karlton, she incorrectly thought his name was, but she wasn't sure. She took note of the brooms themselves. "Are these the brooms?" They looked a bit tired, she thought.
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Old 03-16-2022, 04:22 AM   #11 (permalink)

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Why did it seem like everyone was always rightfully warning her against impulses to touch unknown artifacts? The rug. The brooms. She'd risked it before and she was certainly fine, so she was just going to ride on that level of luck and consider herself untouchable. A great plan was it not? But still, the ruse of polite with coworkers should always be upheld, so instead she pulled her hand the slightest fraction back and gave a nod towards her colleague. "Thanks." And considering she also needed to return Ms. Bagnold's greetings, she turned her attention towards the department head. "Hello, Ms. Bagnold." Or was it Mrs.? Truthfully, even when she was one of those Rose had always preferred Scardino. "Was just out for a stroll and noticed these. Any idea where these came from?" Though based on the other conversation around, she was going to assume not.

Rosemary's eyes lit the slightest bit seeing one of the brooms struggle towards her before falling, and her head tilted the slightest bit. "One at least seems to have some magic to it... but the charm seems too weak." Were these just prototypes of something new coming out? Why were they here?

She opened her mouth to respond regarding other floors, though she didn't have anything other than opinion, but paused noticing her own boss enter the room. Rose returned the head nod, before begrudgingly stepping back to let Peggy inspect as well. "One of them attempted to rise when I reached my hand out but it didn't seem strong enough. The handles are apparently rough too, so careful grabbing them." She had gloves in her bag if needed. It was always good to be prepared.
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 03-17-2022, 03:36 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post
Especially after witnessing the attempts at touching the brooms. The first one fell to the ground right away and now splinters from the other. "Are you alright?" Kingston asked. It was clear this had to be dealt with right away. "You don't suppose there could be other faulty shipments sent to other floors, do you?" For either to answer. Perhaps more faulty brooms were being sent even outside the Ministry. Or other objects. The thoughts raced as he watched the Patronus fly off.
Aurora didn't usually suck on her fingers, but these splinters warrented that when they struck blood after she had pulled out the splinters. Looking over at Kingston she nodded as she dropped her hand down again. "Yes, I'm okay Kingston. I got all the splinters out." Aurora paused over his Kingston's question remembering the reports lying on her desk. "It's possible," she admitted. "I've heard from the broom control division that there has been a rise in faulty broom shipments lately, but I don't know if that stretches to the shipments being delivered to the wrong places too." They had to investigate that too. Aurora had to make a list.

Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
Slightly out of breath from her mad dash up the stairs after receiving Aurora's patronus message, Peggy poked her head into the Transportation Department break room. Oh good! This was where the brooms were?

"Aurora, I got your message. What's this about faulty brooms?" she asked quickly. She glanced around the room, giving a polite nod to Rosemary and the Department of Magical Transportation employee. Karlton, she incorrectly thought his name was, but she wasn't sure. She took note of the brooms themselves. "Are these the brooms?" They looked a bit tired, she thought.
Aurora didn't have a chance to say or do anything else before Peggy entered the breakroom out of breath. Nodding she affirmed to her colleague with a gesture to the broom bundle "Yes Peggy, those are the brooms. They have Nimbus Broom Company stickers, and seem to have a range of faults that need to be analyzed, documented and investigated further. I thought our departments could tag team on this case? Its not in anyones best interest if there are shipments of faulty brooms circling on the broom market." Aurora knew that Peggy would agree with that.

Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
"Hello, Ms. Bagnold." Or was it Mrs.? Truthfully, even when she was one of those Rose had always preferred Scardino. "Was just out for a stroll and noticed these. Any idea where these came from?" Though based on the other conversation around, she was going to assume not.

Rosemary's eyes lit the slightest bit seeing one of the brooms struggle towards her before falling, and her head tilted the slightest bit. "One at least seems to have some magic to it... but the charm seems too weak." Were these just prototypes of something new coming out? Why were they here?

She opened her mouth to respond regarding other floors, though she didn't have anything other than opinion, but paused noticing her own boss enter the room. Rose returned the head nod, before begrudgingly stepping back to let Peggy inspect as well. "One of them attempted to rise when I reached my hand out but it didn't seem strong enough. The handles are apparently rough too, so careful grabbing them." She had gloves in her bag if needed. It was always good to be prepared.
Turning to Rosemary she indicated with a hand gesture to the sticker on the handle on the nearest broom. "The broom seem to come from the Nimbus Broom Company, Ms Scardino." It was clear that the employee from G&S preferred the professional and correct approach. Aurora had watched how one of the brooms had attempted to rise to Rosemary's hand, but had been too weak to do that, and it touched her heart. Even if she until a few months ago had been centered on creatures she could get upset when she saw brooms in peril. It wasn't right when the manufacturers sent out brooms with faults. Looking from Rosemary to Peggy and back she asked "Has G&S had any rise in reports of faulty broom shipments or broom shipments being delievered to the wrong place like this bundle of brooms clearly was?" The breakroom was not the place where they accepted deliveries.
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Old 03-25-2022, 02:24 AM   #13 (permalink)

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Peggy nodded thoughtfully as Aurora and Rosemary confirmed that these were the faulty brooms. She stepped up to the brooms, bending to take a closer look, without actually touching any. Rosemary's gloves would be all well and good for splinters, but faulty brooms could have minds of their own. Splinters were the least of her worries, honestly.

"Of course, I have people I can spare to help look into this," she said. She nodded to Rosemary, who seemed already interested in the broom problem. "I haven't heard of any faulty or misplaced broom shipments... we should definitely check on the brooms for the Quidditch camps and youth broom sports, though." Especially with summer coming up, there would be lots of less experienced fliers around.

Peggy cast a slightly worried glance at Aurora before looking back to Rosemary. "If there's any faulty broom shipments for the youth leagues...that would be a mess." A public relations nightmare, she imagined. It would be best if they could head off any problems and check all the department's brooms that they kept for the youth camps.
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