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The greenhouses house any and all plants the Department of Ecological Regulation and Protection is currently working on, both indigenous and foreign, ranging from roses to cherry blossoms. This is where the botanists work their magic - literally and figuratively. A place where potions ingredients and rare plants are being grown and where the research and development team conduct their experiments. After the incidents under Nickles' reign, some of the more aggressive plants have been quarantined into a separate smaller greenhouse, to be tended to only by those specifically assigned to the task.
If you do not work for the Department of Ecological Regulation and Protection, you are NOT permitted to enter any of the greenhouses without being accompanied by a DERP-employee; unless you have been given explicit permission by the department head.
Should you find any of the greenhouses to be short on supplies of any kind, please contact one of the greenhouse caretakers.
Come one come all to see the magnificent, amazing gravity resistant tree! *cheers!*
Despite having worked at the Ministry many, many moons ago, coming back to his old stomping ground had left the older gentleman with something of odd taste in his mouth. Everything was the same and yet different. Something that shouldn’t have really surprised him and yet, every twist and turn that he took yielded surprising results that left him feeling somewhat dumbfounded.
All in all, he was generally pleased to come back even if his role did have more responsibilities, like today for instance. Today was all about ushering in the new. Him. The new. And with this in mind, he’d wanted to start on a bright note. New beginnings, new life, things growing and all that jazz. There was a metaphor there for sure and he was somewhat sure that it wouldn’t be lost on his co-worker’s.
With all of this in mind, an idea had taken hold in his head and began to grow over the winter break as he tended his plants at home. Something that Forrest had always dreamed of was making a difference. Growing up, he’d wanted to grow plants that would save the world. As he got older, it was having children with his wife and settling down with their own garden that they could tend to together as a family. Now at the ripe age of 64, he was somewhat obsessed with leaving some form of legacy behind and by planting something for all to see, it would be his own personal little bit of history. Something his grandkids could look back on and say Uncle Forrest planted that.
This had led to brief and fruitful discussions with his fellow head of department whom he’d shared the floor with and had resulted in today’s little get together. The planting of a gravity-resistant tree in the greenhouse!
Feeling somewhat out of place in his brown suit jacket and denim jeans instead of his gardening clothes and gardener’s apron, Forrest stood in the middle of the green house next Aurora however his eyes were not on her. He only had eyes for one thing. He did however have a few words for his fellow head of department as they waited for the rest of the employees to turn up. “MaaAAAAAAGnificent, isn’t it?! And just think, in a few weeks, it’ll be so much bigger. You wait”.
With small roots sporadically sprouting out of a thin stem and two leaves arching away from the stem, there wasn’t anything particularly impressive about this sapling apart from the fact it was floating and growing in mid-air with no earth supporting it!
In other words, gather around everyone and express your excitement at the new addition to the greenhouse.
As one of the greenhouse caretakers here at the Ministry on this lovely level Stella knew a lot about the plants in here, but this one was going to be one of her favorites one here in the greenhouse. After hearing the news of course there was no way she was going to miss this opportunity to see it in person, it's a magnificent tree. She heard and read all about this tree, but to really see it in person was something else, and she gotten the chance to take care of it along with Iliana and Alex she beyond excited. It was so beautiful and magnificent looking she hoped Ocean was able to see it growing and coming to life!
Standing beside her boss she smiled happily. "Wow... I only read about them in books, but seeing it in person is amazing!" She loved plants and creatures so this was the perfect level for her to be on, like level four was her floor here at the ministry. "Look at it floating and it's beautiful leaves, going to be a big magnificent tree I read the can get up to 426 feet tall sometimes taller then that!" Looking at the tree in awe some smiled happily. Ooh... I can't wait to see how big this beauty will grow, with alot of care and loving it'll be big in no time at all I guarantee it." Now where were her other fellow co workers to see this, surely they didn't want to miss something as extraordinary as this.
Now at the ripe age of 64, he was somewhat obsessed with leaving some form of legacy behind and by planting something for all to see, it would be his own personal little bit of history. Something his grandkids could look back on and say Uncle Forrest planted that.
This had led to brief and fruitful discussions with his fellow head of department whom he’d shared the floor with and had resulted in today’s little get together. The planting of a gravity-resistant tree in the greenhouse!
Feeling somewhat out of place in his brown suit jacket and denim jeans instead of his gardening clothes and gardener’s apron, Forrest stood in the middle of the green house next Aurora however his eyes were not on her. He only had eyes for one thing. He did however have a few words for his fellow head of department as they waited for the rest of the employees to turn up. “MaaAAAAAAGnificent, isn’t it?! And just think, in a few weeks, it’ll be so much bigger. You wait”.
With small roots sporadically sprouting out of a thin stem and two leaves arching away from the stem, there wasn’t anything particularly impressive about this sapling apart from the fact it was floating and growing in mid-air with no earth supporting it!
Originally Posted by Granger Danger
As one of the greenhouse caretakers here at the Ministry on this lovely level Stella knew a lot about the plants in here, but this one was going to be one of her favorites one here in the greenhouse. After hearing the news of course there was no way she was going to miss this opportunity to see it in person, it's a magnificent tree. She heard and read all about this tree, but to really see it in person was something else, and she gotten the chance to take care of it along with Iliana and Alex she beyond excited. It was so beautiful and magnificent looking she hoped Ocean was able to see it growing and coming to life!
Standing beside her boss she smiled happily. "Wow... I only read about them in books, but seeing it in person is amazing!" She loved plants and creatures so this was the perfect level for her to be on, like level four was her floor here at the ministry. "Look at it floating and it's beautiful leaves, going to be a big magnificent tree I read the can get up to 426 feet tall sometimes taller then that!" Looking at the tree in awe some smiled happily. Ooh... I can't wait to see how big this beauty will grow, with alot of care and loving it'll be big in no time at all I guarantee it." Now where were her other fellow co workers to see this, surely they didn't want to miss something as extraordinary as this.
Aurora stood next to Forrest in the middle of the greenhouse waiting for their respective employees to show up. In front of them was a sapling floating in mid-air with small roots coming out of the stem as well as two leaves. There wasn't much to show for and really to Aurora it looked pretty boring small and unmagnificent, but Forrest had persuaded her that planting a gravity tree sapling in the greenhouse was going to be good for the level. Aurora had her big doubts, but she wasn't a tree person, she was a creatures person.
Pulling a few locks of blond hair back behind her ears Aurora turned her attention to Forrest, plastering on a smile "Magnificent isn't quite the word i'd use for the little sapling right now, but I'll hold in judgement and will wait with expectancy to see how much it has growed in two weeks or so." When an employee walked in (Stella) and stepped up to admire the tree with the same excitement as Forrest she took a few small steps back to give room in front of the sapling. She did however greet the new arrival with a kind, but professional smile.. "Good day Ms Starson, isn't it? You like magical trees i gather?" Now where were her employees?
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Plants was something Iliana knew. Which was why she had went in this direction in the first place. Being a young women that liked to travel she had not only seen many places but had seen many different plants as well. At the time it had been a distraction from life but it had also been glorious in so many ways and honestly she had learned so much from her travels. Met so many people. One thing she hadn't seen up close and personal.. a gravity resistant tree.
Today would be the day that she would be able to say that she finally had. Entering the greenhouse, Iliana smiled lightly in greeting towards the three people already there. "Hello everyone. How are you all this morning?" Hopefully they were all doing well. She made her way over to see this wonderful tree she had heard would now be residing in the greenhouse.
What she was looking for was a large tree, what she found was a small sapling floating in the air with tiny leaves and roots. Welp, that there was certainly.. something! It might not look like much to others but she knew what it meant once it began to grow. "Well hello there little one aren't you precious. This ones going to be a beauty, isn't it?" She asked no one in particular with a firm nod of her head, still staring at the sapling with a warm smile. It was lovely!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Alexander walked into the greenhouse wearing his greenhouse clothes and apron, it was his first proper day as a greenhouse caretaker. he smiled when he saw the sapling and knew that today was going to be a interesting day, he walked towards the head of department and the group of workers.
Aurora stood next to Forrest in the middle of the greenhouse waiting for their respective employees to show up. In front of them was a sapling floating in mid-air with small roots coming out of the stem as well as two leaves. There wasn't much to show for and really to Aurora it looked pretty boring small and unmagnificent, but Forrest had persuaded her that planting a gravity tree sapling in the greenhouse was going to be good for the level. Aurora had her big doubts, but she wasn't a tree person, she was a creature's person.
Pulling a few locks of blond hair back behind her ears Aurora turned her attention to Forrest, plastering on a smile "Magnificent isn't quite the word I'd use for the little sapling right now, but I'll hold in judgement and will wait with expectancy to see how much it has growed in two weeks or so." When an employee walked in (Stella) and stepped up to admire the tree with the same excitement as Forrest she took a few small steps back to give room in front of the sapling. She did however greet the new arrival with a kind, but professional smile.. "Good day Ms Starson, isn't it? You like magical trees i gather?" Now where were her employees?
“Oh come now Aurora, can you not see the potential of this tiny little sapling? It may be small now but it’ll grow, don’t you worry.” Not that he was a betting man but if he were, he’d bet on this sweet little sapling growing up to be something special.
As the greenhouse started to fill up, Forrest managed to pull his eyes away from the saplings to address his employees. There was even a smile on his face although that may have more to do with the sapling than them per say. He had no issue letting them think it was for their sake though. Thoughtful as always.
SPOILER!!: Miss Starson
Originally Posted by Granger Danger
As one of the greenhouse caretakers here at the Ministry on this lovely level Stella knew a lot about the plants in here, but this one was going to be one of her favorites one here in the greenhouse. After hearing the news of course there was no way she was going to miss this opportunity to see it in person, it's a magnificent tree. She heard and read all about this tree, but to really see it in person was something else, and she gotten the chance to take care of it along with Iliana and Alex she beyond excited. It was so beautiful and magnificent looking she hoped Ocean was able to see it growing and coming to life!
Standing beside her boss she smiled happily. "Wow... I only read about them in books, but seeing it in person is amazing!" She loved plants and creatures so this was the perfect level for her to be on, like level four was her floor here at the ministry. "Look at it floating and it's beautiful leaves, going to be a big magnificent tree I read the can get up to 426 feet tall sometimes taller then that!" Looking at the tree in awe some smiled happily. Ooh... I can't wait to see how big this beauty will grow, with alot of care and loving it'll be big in no time at all I guarantee it." Now where were her other fellow co workers to see this, surely they didn't want to miss something as extraordinary as this.
Despite his old age his brain was always working, planning out various ideas and putting together different facets of information. Like now for example, as he watched his employees fill into the greenhouse, he made a mental note of the first to arrive. “Ahh, Miss Starson, it’s nice of you to join us and that you too find the tree just as fascinating as I!” If there was one way to win him over, it was with an appreciation of plants. “Don’t you worry. This little sapling has many months and even years to go before it becomes anywhere near 426 feet tall,” and by the time that happens, he will surely be long gone.
SPOILER!!: Miss Flores
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Plants was something Iliana knew. Which was why she had went in this direction in the first place. Being a young women that liked to travel she had not only seen many places but had seen many different plants as well. At the time it had been a distraction from life but it had also been glorious in so many ways and honestly she had learned so much from her travels. Met so many people. One thing she hadn't seen up close and personal.. a gravity resistant tree.
Today would be the day that she would be able to say that she finally had. Entering the greenhouse, Iliana smiled lightly in greeting towards the three people already there. "Hello everyone. How are you all this morning?" Hopefully they were all doing well. She made her way over to see this wonderful tree she had heard would now be residing in the greenhouse.
What she was looking for was a large tree, what she found was a small sapling floating in the air with tiny leaves and roots. Welp, that there was certainly.. something! It might not look like much to others but she knew what it meant once it began to grow. "Well hello there little one aren't you precious. This ones going to be a beauty, isn't it?" She asked no one in particular with a firm nod of her head, still staring at the sapling with a warm smile. It was lovely!
“You’re just in time Miss Flores. The morning is perfect and the tree is simply splendid. I was just about to ask Miss Starson if she wanted to help look after the tree but I don’t see why you couldn’t help also? It’s nothing too strenuous, just the aguamenti charm. I should be able to take care of the rest.” Not that there was really much more to it but he still trusted no one but himself. “And you are right. This little one is going to be a beauty,” although not everyone in present company thought so.
SPOILER!!: Mr Parker
Originally Posted by Mugglemad
Alexander walked into the greenhouse wearing his greenhouse clothes and apron, it was his first proper day as a greenhouse caretaker. he smiled when he saw the sapling and knew that today was going to be a interesting day, he walked towards the head of department and the group of workers.
“Mr Parker. Good morning. Welcome to the Greenhouses. I see you’ve come prepared today?” for nothing escaped his eyes! This one was ready and eager to start although if he’d have arrived only moments earlier, he too would be part of watering crew. A shame but all the same. You snooze you lose. Then again...the more merrier and he did turn up prepared for the job. "Mr Parker, would you like to join our little watering crew? The little sapling needs some water sprayed at it from time to time. Would you be interested in said job along with Miss Starson and Miss Flores?"
"Thank you Sir, I thought it best to be ready for anything" he told him as he listened to what his job for the day would be. He nodded and added "I would be happy to be part of the watering crew today!"
Gunnar was a Herbology enthusiast and quite skilled with the subject, even if he was ultimately placed with Creatures and not in DERP. But that wouldn't mean that his fondness for plants would be diminished and when his boss, Aurora, mentioned their department visiting the greenhouses to see the planting of a gravity resistant tree, he wouldn't mind going to see for himself.
"Good morning, Mrs. Bagnold, Mr. Roberts," he greeted the department heads respectfully, giving a nod in greeting to the others who were also there. DERP employees, he would guess, since he didn't really know any of them. He turned his eyes to the tree floating in the middle of the greenhouse. Or, sapling, rather, but Gunnar did find it interesting. He'd have to let his dad know about it, since he was an experimental herbologist himself. He'd find it pretty interesting too.
"Cool," he murmured to himself, then looked over to the department heads again. "Is there anything you'd like me to do? Or are we just here to observe?" And that would be fine too, he was glad to see it.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Normally Oceanus steered clear of the greenhouses unless told otherwise by his boss. It wasn't part of his job description to be near them and should anything happen within them, he wasn't going to be blamed for it. However today was one of those occasions were he was invited to see a rarity within the greenhouses that didn't came all too often. There was a gravity resistant tree and wanted to see with his own eyes rather than hear all about from the mouths of others later.
Stepping into the greenhouse, he made sure the door was closed behind him. "Good morning, Mrs. Bagnold," he greeted his boss, "Mr. Roberts." His eyes shifted to the others standing around and he gave them all a nod in greeting as well. The only other one from his department seemed to be Gunnar, where was everyone else? As for the DERP employees the only one he didn't currently know was the guy. He would make a point to introduce himself at another time.
Walking over to check out the tree.. er sapling? Ocean stood beside Stella. "So how many hours am I going to have to listen to you tell me all about this tree?" he teased playfully by of greeting. He gave her a sideways glance and a smile to show he was only joking.
Iliana smiled warmly at Mr. Roberts inviting attitude and kind words. "I would be very happy to help look after the tree anyway that I can." It was not only a part of her job to look after the plants and things here in the greenhouses but it was what she enjoyed doing as well. "That's perfectly fine. I'm sure we all can handle that." A very simple charm that she would have no trouble at all with.
"It's going to be a sight to be seen." Over many many many years. Iliana offered a light smile to the others that came into the greenhouse after her.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Today would be the day that she would be able to say that she finally had. Entering the greenhouse, Iliana smiled lightly in greeting towards the three people already there. "Hello everyone. How are you all this morning?" Hopefully they were all doing well. She made her way over to see this wonderful tree she had heard would now be residing in the greenhouse.
Aurora was looking anywhere, but at the dismal looking sapling that she was here to watch get 'planted'. Forrest had been pretty vague about what planting a gravity tree required other than mud and water like other plants. Aurora was relieved when a woman entered the greenhouse and distracted her thoughts. Smiling over at the DERP employee she replied in greeting. "Good morning Ms Flores. I’m quite alright, how are you? Have you seen a gravity resistant tree before?"
Originally Posted by Mugglemad
Alexander walked into the greenhouse wearing his greenhouse clothes and apron, it was his first proper day as a greenhouse caretaker. he smiled when he saw the sapling and knew that today was going to be a interesting day, he walked towards the head of department and the group of workers.
The next employee from DERP that entered the greenhouse was unfamiliar and wore clothes that screamed greenhouse caretaker from the clothes to the apron. The only thing that Aurora kept looking for was a pair of green thumbed gloves too, which was a little silly. "Good morning Mr? Are you new to level 4?" She asked with a small smile. She hadn’t kept a tag on new environment employees since her focus was purely on her own department.
Originally Posted by aRogueOne
[FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#006b3c]“Oh come now Aurora, can you not see the potential of this tiny little sapling? It may be small now but it’ll grow, don’t you worry.” Not that he was a betting man but if he were, he’d bet on this sweet little sapling growing up to be something special.
As the greenhouse started to fill up, Forrest managed to pull his eyes away from the saplings to address his employees. There was even a smile on his face although that may have more to do with the sapling than them per say. He had no issue letting them think it was for their sake though. Thoughtful as always.
Flashing a glance over at Forrest again Aurora shook her head as she admitted truthfully to her colleague. "No, right now I can’t see the potential of that sapling. I’ll take your word for it though Forrest, that it’ll grow into something magnificent. How long do you think it will take before the sapling turns into something that looks more like a tree?" It wasn’t like seeing a newly baby born dragon come to life that you knew from fact would grow into a beautiful and totally magnificent adult dragon.
Originally Posted by emjay
"Good morning, Mrs. Bagnold, Mr. Roberts," he greeted the department heads respectfully, giving a nod in greeting to the others who were also there. DERP employees, he would guess, since he didn't really know any of them. He turned his eyes to the tree floating in the middle of the greenhouse. Or, sapling, rather, but Gunnar did find it interesting. He'd have to let his dad know about it, since he was an experimental herbologist himself. He'd find it pretty interesting too.
"Cool," he murmured to himself, then looked over to the department heads again. "Is there anything you'd like me to do? Or are we just here to observe?" And that would be fine too, he was glad to see it.
Aurora was happy when Gunnar walked in, stopping her from saying anything to Forrest that would show to him that she was not a plant enthusiast at all. "Good morning Mr McCarthy, are you settling into your new job all right?" She asked by way of greeting with a kind smile pursing her lips. At Gunnar’s question Aurora gave a glance to Forrest before responding. "We are here to observe the planting Mr McCarthy unless Mr Roberts needs an extra pair of hands with the actual planting of the tree?" The last was directed to her colleague. Aurora didn’t know if any extra manpower was needed to plant a magical tree or not.
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Stepping into the greenhouse, he made sure the door was closed behind him. "Good morning, Mrs. Bagnold," he greeted his boss, "Mr. Roberts." His eyes shifted to the others standing around and he gave them all a nod in greeting as well. The only other one from his department seemed to be Gunnar, where was everyone else? As for the DERP employees the only one he didn't currently know was the guy. He would make a point to introduce himself at another time.
Hearing the closing of the greenhouse door Aurora looked up to see yet another of her employees walk in to see this rarity. As Oceanus came over she greeted him with a small wave. "Good morning Mr Zunther, did the last removal of those doxies from that old ladies garden go without a hitch?" She had to owl the lady later and reassure that it was safe to return home as a personal favour to a long time friend.
Last edited by Nordic Witch; 07-08-2021 at 02:44 PM.
Turning her attention from the sapling she looked at Aurora and nodded with a snile. [B]"Yea ma'am I love magical trees and plants as well, I know all about plants trees and creatures." Looking back at the sapling she smiled happily at the tree. "You'll be a big pretty thing in no time, don't worry we'll take good care of you." Looking at her boss she smiled happily at him. "Oh yes sir, I love trees like this, think it's so fascinating how trees like this even exist." Looking at him she tilted her head. "How much do you think in a week time frame or even a month sir?" She asked cause she was curious to find out.
Seeing her boyfriend Oceanus come and join the small gathering they were having she smiled at him happy to see he was able to come. Hearing what he said, she giggled softly and blushed a bit. "Probably for a while, but this tree is one of a kind Ocean and to see this is amazing!" Yeah... yeah, she was a dork when it came to plants and creatures and she knew that, but she didn't care.
Damian had heard the whispers. Ever since returning from the holidays, the young(ish) man had his ear to the ground, listening for any rumors about the attacks. One victim was supposedly found here, at the greenhouses. But that's not what he heard people talking about.
He was here because he heard about the tree, now just a sapling, and couldn't wait to see it. Seeing such a precious little thing suspended weightlessly in the air temporarily took Damian's mind away from his grim work. "This is a good sign." Joining the gathering throng of wizards and witches, the unspeakable put on his reading glasses to get a better look.
"After times of war, the magical world wants to heal. We usually only note the increase in new witches and wizards being born, but there's evidence that nature also experiences an age of rebirth and growth." Knowing better than to touch the floating seedling, Damian instead sat down on his knees before it, despite the discomfort in his bad leg.
"The druids say that these trees used to grow in groves as far as the eye can see in all directions. The land below was completely unspoiled, with the entire ecosystem existing above the ground. Nobody knows exactly what happened to the groves, but there are multiple cautionary tales involving greed, and our stewardship of nature."
Hopefully I got everyone in there alright and didn't miss anything?
SPOILER!!: Aurora
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Flashing a glance over at Forrest again Aurora shook her head as she admitted truthfully to her colleague. "No, right now I can’t see the potential of that sapling. I’ll take your word for it though Forrest, that it’ll grow into something magnificent. How long do you think it will take before the sapling turns into something that looks more like a tree?" It wasn’t like seeing a newly baby born dragon come to life that you knew from fact would grow into a beautiful and totally magnificent adult dragon.
Pausing for a moment, he did a few calculations in his head before replying to Aurora. “I mean, that depends on the amount of sun light and the nutrients its given. Without soil, a tree like this will need to receive plenty of nutrients in a different way. It’ll still be many, many years before it grows into something tall and majestic but it’ll get there.” Sometimes he was aware that he talked as if everyone were also experts and knew about the different nutritional value of plant food but this wasn’t one of those. He was simply far too excited to consider other people in this moment and quite honestly, it seemed a little obvious to him. This was a gravity-resistant tree? It didn't need planting because it didn't actually require earth to grow in? Was this not common knowledge?
SPOILER!!: Mr Parker
Originally Posted by Mugglemad
"Thank you Sir, I thought it best to be ready for anything" he told him as he listened to what his job for the day would be. He nodded and added "I would be happy to be part of the watering crew today!"
“Well you were right my boy. When dealing with magical plants and such, it’s always best to plan ahead” because you never know when one might just jump out and try to eat you or send you asleep. Then again, these were extreme cases although he almost wished they weren’t. Good natured fun seemed to be amiss at the ministry these days.
SPOILER!!: Miss Flores
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Iliana smiled warmly at Mr. Roberts inviting attitude and kind words. "I would be very happy to help look after the tree anyway that I can." It was not only a part of her job to look after the plants and things here in the greenhouses but it was what she enjoyed doing as well. "That's perfectly fine. I'm sure we all can handle that." A very simple charm that she would have no trouble at all with.
"It's going to be a sight to be seen." Over many many many years. Iliana offered a light smile to the others that came into the greenhouse after her.
“That’s great to hear my dear” his smile wide and excited somewhat similar to a child in a sweet shop such was his enthusiasm for the tree. “I have full confidence in you Miss Flores and Mr Parker” because it truly was a simple job. Something that even a student at Hogwarts could do.
SPOILER!!: Mr McCarthy
Originally Posted by emjay
Gunnar was a Herbology enthusiast and quite skilled with the subject, even if he was ultimately placed with Creatures and not in DERP. But that wouldn't mean that his fondness for plants would be diminished and when his boss, Aurora, mentioned their department visiting the greenhouses to see the planting of a gravity resistant tree, he wouldn't mind going to see for himself.
"Good morning, Mrs. Bagnold, Mr. Roberts," he greeted the department heads respectfully, giving a nod in greeting to the others who were also there. DERP employees, he would guess, since he didn't really know any of them. He turned his eyes to the tree floating in the middle of the greenhouse. Or, sapling, rather, but Gunnar did find it interesting. He'd have to let his dad know about it, since he was an experimental herbologist himself. He'd find it pretty interesting too.
"Cool," he murmured to himself, then looked over to the department heads again. "Is there anything you'd like me to do? Or are we just here to observe?" And that would be fine too, he was glad to see it.
Turning towards one of the new arrivals (Gunnar), Forrest gave a small nod, unfamiliar as he was with the young mans name. His question did however catch him off guard somewhat as he’d only really planned to offer the task of watering in the plants to his own employees but part of him almost wanted to offer it to the young Magical Creatures employee just to see if he’d step up and take the challenge. Although, if he over watered the tree and killed it, he’d have no one to blame but himself. Airing on the side of caution, he flashed a calculating smile and tilted his head ever so slightly “I can think of several things you could do Mr…McCarthy?” looking over at Aurora to make sure he got his name right before he continuing “But right now, all that’s required is a little water. Thank you for asking however.”
SPOILER!!: Mr Zunther
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Normally Oceanus steered clear of the greenhouses unless told otherwise by his boss. It wasn't part of his job description to be near them and should anything happen within them, he wasn't going to be blamed for it. However today was one of those occasions were he was invited to see a rarity within the greenhouses that didn't came all too often. There was a gravity resistant tree and wanted to see with his own eyes rather than hear all about from the mouths of others later.
Stepping into the greenhouse, he made sure the door was closed behind him. "Good morning, Mrs. Bagnold," he greeted his boss, "Mr. Roberts." His eyes shifted to the others standing around and he gave them all a nod in greeting as well. The only other one from his department seemed to be Gunnar, where was everyone else? As for the DERP employees the only one he didn't currently know was the guy. He would make a point to introduce himself at another time.
Walking over to check out the tree.. er sapling? Ocean stood beside Stella. "So how many hours am I going to have to listen to you tell me all about this tree?" he teased playfully by of greeting. He gave her a sideways glance and a smile to show he was only joking.
SPOILER!!: Miss Starson
Originally Posted by Granger Danger
Turning her attention from the sapling she looked at Aurora and nodded with a snile. [B]"Yea ma'am I love magical trees and plants as well, I know all about plants trees and creatures." Looking back at the sapling she smiled happily at the tree. "You'll be a big pretty thing in no time, don't worry we'll take good care of you." Looking at her boss she smiled happily at him. "Oh yes sir, I love trees like this, think it's so fascinating how trees like this even exist." Looking at him she tilted her head. "How much do you think in a week time frame or even a month sir?" She asked cause she was curious to find out.
Seeing her boyfriend Oceanus come and join the small gathering they were having she smiled at him happy to see he was able to come. Hearing what he said, she giggled softly and blushed a bit. "Probably for a while, but this tree is one of a kind Ocean and to see this is amazing!" Yeah... yeah, she was a dork when it came to plants and creatures and she knew that, but she didn't care.
Turning his attention towards the other young man (Oceanus) who had arrived next to Miss Starson, Forrest simply replied with a “Good morning Mr uhh…Zunther. Yes. Don’t worry, I’ll only bore you for a little longer and then you can get back to walking your crups and what not.” He really wasn’t sure exactly what the Magical creatures lot did despite sharing a floor. “Maybe you should take a leaf out of Miss Starson’s book Mr Zunther,” his playful smile now slightly transforming his face making him like a few years younger than he actually was. “I’ll work out a schedule and get back to you Miss Starson. It seems I’ll have all of the help I’ll need so once a week should be more than enough.” Despite his attention being mainly on the plant, he did briefly notice the slight blush on Stella’s face but simply chose to ignore it. They were after all in a Greenhouse and it did get awfully warm in there at times.
SPOILER!!: Mr Pendragon
Originally Posted by Helios Sunrider
Damian had heard the whispers. Ever since returning from the holidays, the young(ish) man had his ear to the ground, listening for any rumors about the attacks. One victim was supposedly found here, at the greenhouses. But that's not what he heard people talking about.
He was here because he heard about the tree, now just a sapling, and couldn't wait to see it. Seeing such a precious little thing suspended weightlessly in the air temporarily took Damian's mind away from his grim work. "This is a good sign." Joining the gathering throng of wizards and witches, the unspeakable put on his reading glasses to get a better look.
"After times of war, the magical world wants to heal. We usually only note the increase in new witches and wizards being born, but there's evidence that nature also experiences an age of rebirth and growth." Knowing better than to touch the floating seedling, Damian instead sat down on his knees before it, despite the discomfort in his bad leg.
"The druids say that these trees used to grow in groves as far as the eye can see in all directions. The land below was completely unspoiled, with the entire ecosystem existing above the ground. Nobody knows exactly what happened to the groves, but there are multiple cautionary tales involving greed, and our stewardship of nature."
With one last fatherly smile, Forrest turned towards another new member (Damian) who had clearly heard of the arrival of the Gravity-resistant true through the grapevine and had come to witness it in all its wonder. “Aha, a fellow plant enthusiast! You’ll be sure to come back and keep up to date with its happenings won’t you Mr…?” It seemed he was destined to meet everyone who worked at the Ministry today. “ You are of course correct. People do tend to note the birth of witches and wizards but the birth of plants and new life being grown from the Earth is also important. It’s what sustains us and allows us to continue to grow and improve,” his reply more so to everyone than just the new arrival now. “As for the groves, I cannot say I’m afraid although I have heard of many rumours and wild tales from my friends in the plant community. Some…” pausing to laugh for a moment “Are a little more believable than others.” Some of the tales had truly been out of this world.
Doing his best not to continue the conversation, Forrest returned his attention to the job at hand and raised one of his hands up to silence the room. “Hello everyone. Welcome. I’m glad you could all make it to this…well, a moment of history. What you are about to see is the maiden watering of a gravity-resistant tree that will call this greenhouse its home for hundreds and hundreds of years. You’ll be able to tell your children and grandchildren about this moment.” Some may say that he was laying on the importance of this moment a little thick but those simply did not understand. It was magic at its purest form. New life. Something that would contribute only positive things to the world around it. Pulling out his old, slightly worn wand with his left hand, he took a deep breath and aimed it at the tiny sapling before muttering the charm just loud enough so the crown around him could hear “Aguamenti.” Without any drama, the tiniest shoot of water squirted out of the end of his wand and hit the sapling. “History,” he repeated again, a proud smile across his face. “Please, I know that you are all busy with your days so I shan’t hold you too long but do come and take a closer look.”
Carson had been hesitant to go see the new gravity-resistant tree. Of course, he had nothing against the new tree nor the environmental department, but he honestly did not care. And he had failed his Herbology NEWT, so he was afraid of being in a greenhouse for the first time since the traumatising practical exam.
Still, he was here on time, because he liked to show support for his level four colleagues. After greeting the department heads and some of the employees he knew, the personal assistant waited quietly for the event to begin. The moment of history, to quote Forrest. Carson paid attention to the older wizard when he started his speech. Hmmm ... he doubted that he would ever mention this tree to his children and grandchildren, but he could be wrong. Perhaps this really was a very important magical event. Slightly more interested than before, he stepped closer to the sapling as instructed.
"Shall we join you in the watering, sir?" he asked the department head as he also took out his wand. Didn't he mention a watering crew earlier?
"Yes this is my first day in the greenhouses, hi my name is Alexander Parker but feel free to just call me Alex" he told Aurora with a smile, he was glad that everyone was friendly in this department.
He nodded at his head of department and then he looked round the greenhouse and wondered where should he start.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
The young women's smile only grew at seeing how excited her boss was getting to be talking about this little sapling. And how could it not, when he was putting his confidence in them all to help care for it? This here was something special. A momentous moment that she was going to remember for years and years to come. "We will not let you down, Sir." The task was more than easy enough.
"I'm doing well this morning, ma'am thank you for asking," Iliana smiled politely at Aurora. "No, I haven't. This is my first time seeing one in person."
Her full attention was returned back to Forrest as he began speak this time to them all. Yes, history was indeed being made right before their very eyes. Someday that tiny sapling would be a gorgeous tree.
"Yes, every last one have been caught. She can safely return to her home now without any worries," Ocean declared with a proud smile directed at Aurora. It wasn't one of the toughest cases he had been on but every job was given his all no matter what the creature was. Big or small, dangerous or not, it was his job to remove them safely.
Ocean had to stifle a small chuckle at Forrest's comment about 'letting him get back to walking crups'. If that's all the older gentleman thought he did, he was sadly mistaken but that was alright. It happened. Honestly he didn't know what everyone did in each department either. "It's quite alright, Sir, I have a few moments to spare to see what is taking place before us all." That being the sapling obviously. "I just might do that. She can be very convincing when she starts talking about things she loves." He knew Stella was going to tell him everything she knew about this tree.
"I know, Stell, I've heard of it before." Most likely from her. "You can tell me all about it later, hm?" Right now he knew they both had work to do and he didn't want to keep either of them from doing their jobs.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
"Yes this is my first day in the greenhouses, hi my name is Alexander Parker but feel free to just call me Alex" he told Aurora with a smile, he was glad that everyone was friendly in this department.
He nodded at his head of department and then he looked round the greenhouse and wondered where should he start.
“Don’t you worry Mr Parker. I know fully well who you are my dear boy. I wouldn’t be doing my job properly if I didn’t now, would I?” a cheeky smile spreading across his face now as he patted the younger man on the shoulder in a friendly manor. He wondered if he had been so green when he’d first arrived at the Ministry all those years ago? So young and full of ideas. So eager to get to work. “Don’t worry, I’ll put you to work shortly. I’ve got a few plans for the Greenhouse that I’d love to talk over with yourself, Miss Flores and Miss Starson,” gesturing now to the two other Greenhouse caretakers amongst the crowd.
SPOILER!!: Miss Flores
Originally Posted by Kolyander
The young women's smile only grew at seeing how excited her boss was getting to be talking about this little sapling. And how could it not, when he was putting his confidence in them all to help care for it? This here was something special. A momentous moment that she was going to remember for years and years to come. "We will not let you down, Sir." The task was more than easy enough.
"I'm doing well this morning, ma'am thank you for asking," Iliana smiled politely at Aurora. "No, I haven't. This is my first time seeing one in person."
Her full attention was returned back to Forrest as he began speak this time to them all. Yes, history was indeed being made right before their very eyes. Someday that tiny sapling would be a gorgeous tree.
“I’m sure you won’t Miss Flores. I expect the best from my Greenhouse caretaker you know so I’ll be watching carefully,” a fatherly smile across his face now as he looked back at not only her but the rest of his employees. He really did see the department as his family and part of his job being to care for the people there too as well as the plants.
SPOILER!!: Mr Zunther
Originally Posted by Kolyander
"Yes, every last one have been caught. She can safely return to her home now without any worries," Ocean declared with a proud smile directed at Aurora. It wasn't one of the toughest cases he had been on but every job was given his all no matter what the creature was. Big or small, dangerous or not, it was his job to remove them safely.
Ocean had to stifle a small chuckle at Forrest's comment about 'letting him get back to walking crups'. If that's all the older gentleman thought he did, he was sadly mistaken but that was alright. It happened. Honestly he didn't know what everyone did in each department either. "It's quite alright, Sir, I have a few moments to spare to see what is taking place before us all." That being the sapling obviously. "I just might do that. She can be very convincing when she starts talking about things she loves." He knew Stella was going to tell him everything she knew about this tree.
"I know, Stell, I've heard of it before." Most likely from her. "You can tell me all about it later, hm?" Right now he knew they both had work to do and he didn't want to keep either of them from doing their jobs.
The small chuckle that he got from the Zunther boy amused him just as he had intended his little job to amuse the boy. He truly wasn’t all that aware of what they did over on the other side of Level Four and if truth be told. He had enough going on as it was. He did however know enough to know that they didn’t just walk crups. “I’m glad Mr Zunther. I promise you, you won’t be disappointed. Not if Miss Starson is talking to you about it in any case. I feel as though I might bore you,” just as long as it wasn’t during her working hours of course. He was sure she had enough to be getting on with as it was.
SPOILER!!: Mr Coleman
Originally Posted by Sunflower
Carson had been hesitant to go see the new gravity-resistant tree. Of course, he had nothing against the new tree nor the environmental department, but he honestly did not care. And he had failed his Herbology NEWT, so he was afraid of being in a greenhouse for the first time since the traumatising practical exam.
Still, he was here on time, because he liked to show support for his level four colleagues. After greeting the department heads and some of the employees he knew, the personal assistant waited quietly for the event to begin. The moment of history, to quote Forrest. Carson paid attention to the older wizard when he started his speech. Hmmm ... he doubted that he would ever mention this tree to his children and grandchildren, but he could be wrong. Perhaps this really was a very important magical event. Slightly more interested than before, he stepped closer to the sapling as instructed.
"Shall we join you in the watering, sir?" he asked the department head as he also took out his wand. Didn't he mention a watering crew earlier?
As the speech ended and Forrest strode back into the crowd a little more to mind, he noticed another young man (Carson) whom he’d missed or was he simply a late arrival? He wasn’t quite sure but it mattered not. He hadn’t missed the tree. Indeed, it would be there for all to see for generations and generations. With a smile and a look of understanding, Forrest laughed a little before replying “Would you like to be part of the watering team? I only really considered offering it to those in my department because well…I wasn’t sure if there would be others who would want to take on the responsibility but as long as Aurora is okay with it, I don’t see why not?” his eyes briefly moving back to Aurora for a moment. Was he only offering to water the plant now? Oops. The offer was out there now.
With one last fatherly smile, Forrest turned towards another new member (Damian) who had clearly heard of the arrival of the Gravity-resistant true through the grapevine and had come to witness it in all its wonder. “Aha, a fellow plant enthusiast! You’ll be sure to come back and keep up to date with its happenings won’t you Mr…?” It seemed he was destined to meet everyone who worked at the Ministry today. “ You are of course correct. People do tend to note the birth of witches and wizards but the birth of plants and new life being grown from the Earth is also important. It’s what sustains us and allows us to continue to grow and improve,” his reply more so to everyone than just the new arrival now. “As for the groves, I cannot say I’m afraid although I have heard of many rumours and wild tales from my friends in the plant community. Some…” pausing to laugh for a moment “Are a little more believable than others.” Some of the tales had truly been out of this world.
"Damian Pendragon, sir." Yes, those Pendragon's. No, he doesn't like to talk about it.
"I wrote an article about Ghost Gardens, that only appear for a few minutes after midnight on a full moon, that you might find fascinating." Though he approached the subject more from the ghost side, rather than the garden, a horticulturist such as Forrest could appreciate the insights into such a rare phenomena.
Seeing the artificial sunlight filtered through the droplets of water suspended in the seedlings anti gravity field, the unspeakable had a thought. "I would love to pick your brain sometime about magically simulated sunlight. I've been doing some research on the obscure spell Lumos Solaris. From what I gather, it produces too intense a burst of sunlight for it to be used for gardening, but I may have another purpose for it." And there he went. Steering a perfectly good conversation about a love for nature towards his mysterious work.
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x8 x7
let's say he was always here ^_^
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Darej was also here with some of the crew (Aurora, Gunnar, Carson, Ocean) on the Creature side. He was always decent at Herbology in his schooling years, but it wasn't among his passions that he kept up-to-date with, you know? Still though, it was intriguing to witness something out of his ordinary day. So here he was observing the work of the tree.
Hearing Carson ask about assisting did spark Dare to also speak up, mostly to Aurora but also within the vicinity of Plant Boss (Forrest) to hear as well. "I'm willing to assist, as well if needed." Darej's arms were folded all this time as he had observed casually. Loitering to watch was alright, but remaining stagnant wasn't one of his favorite things to do. He had his wand at the ready at all times.
Was everyone always this formal at the Ministry? Gunnar had thought it respectful to use titles for the department heads when he addressed them, but it felt super weird and honestly kind of impersonal when they did it back to him and his coworkers. But maybe it was just something he had to get used to as a professional working man.
The twenty-two year old nodded at the DERP department head to confirm his name, then added, "It's Gunnar." But... several things he could do? It wasn't in his job description to decipher riddles from other department heads, so he simply nodded when the older man mentioned watering. "I'll leave that to your employees then." He, too, knew the detriments of overwatering so he could simply observe if his help wasn't needed.
"Yes, Mrs. Bagnold, thank you," Gunnar nodded as his boss asked him if he was settling in well. He was enjoying his job and even if there was a bit of a learning curve, he thought he was handling that quite well. And he was going to keep using her formal title until she told him otherwise because she was his supervisor after all.
Figuring if they needed his assistance, they would ask now that he'd offered, Gunnar again turned his eyes towards the sapling and just watched it a moment. It was too bad he didn't have a camera with him, but he'd have to remember to bring one tomorrow so he could snap a picture for his dad. He glanced over at his coworker, Darej. "Ever seen one of these before?"
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
"Damian Pendragon, sir." Yes, those Pendragon's. No, he doesn't like to talk about it.
"I wrote an article about Ghost Gardens, that only appear for a few minutes after midnight on a full moon, that you might find fascinating." Though he approached the subject more from the ghost side, rather than the garden, a horticulturist such as Forrest could appreciate the insights into such a rare phenomena.
Seeing the artificial sunlight filtered through the droplets of water suspended in the seedlings anti gravity field, the unspeakable had a thought. "I would love to pick your brain sometime about magically simulated sunlight. I've been doing some research on the obscure spell Lumos Solaris. From what I gather, it produces too intense a burst of sunlight for it to be used for gardening, but I may have another purpose for it." And there he went. Steering a perfectly good conversation about a love for nature towards his mysterious work.
“You are indeed correct Mr P…Damian. That sounds right up my alley. They were something I always wanted to see on my travels as a young man but something I never ended up coming across. Would you be a gent and drop it into my office sometime? I’d love to read a little more about them.” Ever the student, Forrest never turned down an opportunity to learn a little more about plants. And as for picking his brain, “Of course. Of course. You know, I actually met a man in Russia who was trying to do something very similar. Or was it Siberia…” trailing off in thought for a moment before eventually returning to the conversation at hand as he sometimes did, “But yes. Why don’t you drop that interesting article into my office sometime and we can discuss it then?” assuming he was actually in his office. He was someone who liked to be in and around the plants rather than sitting behind a desk.
SPOILER!!: Mr McCarthy
Originally Posted by emjay
Was everyone always this formal at the Ministry? Gunnar had thought it respectful to use titles for the department heads when he addressed them, but it felt super weird and honestly kind of impersonal when they did it back to him and his coworkers. But maybe it was just something he had to get used to as a professional working man.
The twenty-two year old nodded at the DERP department head to confirm his name, then added, "It's Gunnar." But... several things he could do? It wasn't in his job description to decipher riddles from other department heads, so he simply nodded when the older man mentioned watering. "I'll leave that to your employees then." He, too, knew the detriments of overwatering so he could simply observe if his help wasn't needed.
"Yes, Mrs. Bagnold, thank you," Gunnar nodded as his boss asked him if he was settling in well. He was enjoying his job and even if there was a bit of a learning curve, he thought he was handling that quite well. And he was going to keep using her formal title until she told him otherwise because she was his supervisor after all.
Figuring if they needed his assistance, they would ask now that he'd offered, Gunnar again turned his eyes towards the sapling and just watched it a moment. It was too bad he didn't have a camera with him, but he'd have to remember to bring one tomorrow so he could snap a picture for his dad. He glanced over at his coworker, Darej. "Ever seen one of these before?"
With a small nod and smile, Forrest replied simply “Of course Gunnar. Of course.” Plants were not for everyone and who was he to force someone to do something they had no interest in? Although there were those who works jobs that they didn’t actually like. He did not envy those people in the slightest.
SPOILER!!: Mr Patterson
Originally Posted by Charely Potter
Darej was also here with some of the crew (Aurora, Gunnar, Carson, Ocean) on the Creature side. He was always decent at Herbology in his schooling years, but it wasn't among his passions that he kept up-to-date with, you know? Still though, it was intriguing to witness something out of his ordinary day. So here he was observing the work of the tree.
Hearing Carson ask about assisting did spark Dare to also speak up, mostly to Aurora but also within the vicinity of Plant Boss (Forrest) to hear as well. "I'm willing to assist, as well if needed." Darej's arms were folded all this time as he had observed casually. Loitering to watch was alright, but remaining stagnant wasn't one of his favorite things to do. He had his wand at the ready at all times.
As he went to turn and walk away from Gunnar though, another voice called towards him, but this one seemed a little more willing to assist. “Of course. We’d love to have you assist in the watering of the little sapling if you’d like to help. It’s Mr…Patterson. Darej, yes?” That hour he’d spent learning the names of the people on Level Four had indeed paid off it seemed. Potentially. Maybe.
Somewhat tuckered out from socially interacting with everyone, Forrest turned quietly and flitted through the small crowd of people, smile and laughing as he did so. He was ready for the quiet of his office. Or more likely, he was needed somewhere else. He departed the greenhouse, leaving his employees to mingle and chat, should they want to. He however was going back to work.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Iliana nodded. It came as no real surprise to her that their greenhouse team would be watch by Forrest. He was after all the new head of their department so it made clear sense that he would keep an eye on them all. "Of course, Sir." He would find that when she was here within the greenhouses, her focus was only on her work and the plants.
Hm? Hearing mention of her name as well as the other workers, she turned towards her boss once more. "Will we all be called up for a group meeting of sorts?" Consider her already curious when it came to unknown plans that she would like to already know about.
"Stella won't let you down in that aspect. By the time she is through talking to me, I'll know all there is to know about this here sapling." Oceanus nodded in reply to Forrest. That wasn't a lie either. He knew very well that once Stella started talking about something she loved, it was going to be difficult to get her to stop. It was one of the things he enjoyed about her, her passion.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Stella nodded and smiled at Forrest, happy to be working with this little sapling that's going to be addee to the greenhouse family. " Thank you sir, I can't wait to work with this magnificent tree and watch it grow into some beautiful. " What made her more happier is the fact that she helped make it be the strong beautiful tree she knows it'll turn out to be. She knew with a lot of love and care, like all the other plants and trees in here, it'll be big healthy and beautiful in no time. Stella loved her job more then anything, it was one of her passions and she took it very seriously.
Looking at Ocean she smiled and nodded. "Oh... yes sir, he'll know all about this sapling and probably more, when I talk about something I'm passionate about it's hard to make me shut up I ramble on for hours." Chuckling to herself she remembered the hours she spent telling Ocean about the blue spruce trees they planted at Hogwarts. She was excited to start working on this little sapling that'll grow to be gravity resistant tree. She was so excited that she tried to hide her excitement but anyone who knew her knew that was impossible for her when she was around things she loved. She was practically like a little kid in a candy store, in awe in wonder and excitement, she was ready to get to work. "What can I do now sir?"She asked wanting to do what she can for this little sapling.
Iliana nodded. It came as no real surprise to her that their greenhouse team would be watch by Forrest. He was after all the new head of their department so it made clear sense that he would keep an eye on them all. "Of course, Sir." He would find that when she was here within the greenhouses, her focus was only on her work and the plants.
Hm? Hearing mention of her name as well as the other workers, she turned towards her boss once more. "Will we all be called up for a group meeting of sorts?" Consider her already curious when it came to unknown plans that she would like to already know about.
A meeting did sound like the proper thing to do, didn’t it? And yet, it sounded so formal. In truth, he simply had a few things he wanted done around the greenhouses on top of their normal duties. “Sure. Just pop your head into my office at some point today or tomorrow and we can sort it out then.”
SPOILER!!: Mr Zunther
Originally Posted by Kolyander
"Stella won't let you down in that aspect. By the time she is through talking to me, I'll know all there is to know about this here sapling." Oceanus nodded in reply to Forrest. That wasn't a lie either. He knew very well that once Stella started talking about something she loved, it was going to be difficult to get her to stop. It was one of the things he enjoyed about her, her passion.
Laughing a little, Forrest smiled at young Mr Zunther in a knowing way for it sounded like something he himself often did to Jules, his wife. Talking her ear off whenever he discovered a new crossbreed of a plant or whenever he something annoyed him in the garden.
Getting to know co-workers was always a fun thing for him to do and to hear what they were like from other co-workers, well, it was a different sort of insight and the planting of the tree and the little get-together had certainly given him the opportunity to do just that.
SPOILER!!: Miss Starson
Originally Posted by Granger Danger
Stella nodded and smiled at Forrest, happy to be working with this little sapling that's going to be addee to the greenhouse family. " Thank you sir, I can't wait to work with this magnificent tree and watch it grow into some beautiful. " What made her more happier is the fact that she helped make it be the strong beautiful tree she knows it'll turn out to be. She knew with a lot of love and care, like all the other plants and trees in here, it'll be big healthy and beautiful in no time. Stella loved her job more then anything, it was one of her passions and she took it very seriously.
Looking at Ocean she smiled and nodded. "Oh... yes sir, he'll know all about this sapling and probably more, when I talk about something I'm passionate about it's hard to make me shut up I ramble on for hours." Chuckling to herself she remembered the hours she spent telling Ocean about the blue spruce trees they planted at Hogwarts. She was excited to start working on this little sapling that'll grow to be gravity resistant tree. She was so excited that she tried to hide her excitement but anyone who knew her knew that was impossible for her when she was around things she loved. She was practically like a little kid in a candy store, in awe in wonder and excitement, she was ready to get to work. "What can I do now sir?"She asked wanting to do what she can for this little sapling.
Knowing that his employees were just as passionate about their work as he was did fill him with confidence that his time there was going to be a success. It certainly made his life easier, that was for sure. The tree it seemed was in good hands.
“As I said to Iliana, just pop on in at your convenience today or tomorrow and we can sort the logistics out then. There’s no rush today.” Today was all about getting settled back in and getting to know each other for him at least so work could just wait.