06-02-2021, 11:14 AM
Welcome to the Department of Ecological Regulation and Protection
Ministry of Magic, Level Four  Department of Ecological Regulation and Protection
Established in 2107 when the Department for the Control & Regulation of Magical Creatures and Department of Environmental Regulation & Protection merged, the Department of Ecological Regulation and Protection serves to protect and ensure that important magical ecosystems, landscapes and biodiversity found in the British Wizarding World are systematically protected. Responsible for all creature and plant life, they secure and monitor all magical sanctuaries, creature habitats, and reservations along with environmentally sensitive or dangerous areas.
The department contains highly skilled witches and wizards who work to keep Britain's creatures and the environment they (and we) live in safe. Work Area The largest open room on level four is the one housing the employee work area for the department on this level. In the center of the room there are three sets of workstations, pushed together for easier coordination and respectively seating the department's largest divisions: the Enforcement Division and the Regulation Division. The Magical Beasts Office, Magical Beings Office and Spirits Office's workstations, on the other hand, are set up a little more inconspicuously to the side of the room, considering that these divisions' employees are usually not found at their desks. Both the Botany and Oceanoizardry Divisions' workstations have also been moved near the office walls to ensure that the generally unused desks are not in everyone's way. Pets 'n' Plants Café Tucked away in a corner behind the conference room and right at the entrance of level four, you'll find a door leading you to one of the newest hang-out spots that the Ministry of Magic has to offer. If you wander inside, you'll see that what used to be a storage room has since been transformed into a hip café, complete with all the regular bells and whistles: square tables, comfortable chairs, & coffee-shop chatter. While there isn't a counter to order yourself a drink, there's an espresso machine, an assortment of teas, and a kettle filled with hot water along the back wall. You're encouraged to bring your own food and drink, but are asked to stay away from one-time use, plastic crockery (unless you want an Ecological employee hunting you down). Conference Room The level four conference room is a rather large space with adequate seating and elbow room to accommodate for all staff on level four as need arises. While the room itself is quite minimalistic (orderly and free of clutter), there is a large window along the wall to let in some artificial light and a few potted plants occupy the room's otherwise-empty corners. Need a quill? Forgot your notebook? Looking for an extra ink-pot? First of all, shame on you. We're all adults here. But not to worry, your department head has thought of everything. Supplies can be found in the cabinets that line the very back of the room, the coffee machine is here too--you'll want to remember this bit, most meetings are held early in the morning. Creatures Holding RoomCalm? Serene? Not this room!
As soon as you enter the creatures holding room, your ears are bombarded with the sounds of a myriad of creatures, and with the sheer chaotic energy that radiates from the inhabitants of this room. But what else would you expect from a room filled with a vast array of creatures? The GreenhousesThe greenhouses house any and all plants the Department of Ecological Regulation and Protection is currently working on, both indigenous and foreign, ranging from roses to cherry blossoms. This is where the botanists work their magic - literally and figuratively. A place where potions ingredients and rare plants are being grown and where the research and development team conduct their experiments. After the incidents under Nickles' reign, some of the more aggressive plants have been quarantined into a separate smaller greenhouse, to be tended to only by those specifically assigned to the task. Baek Ho-Sook's OfficeFor convenience's sake, the office of Baek Ho-Sook, Department Head of Ecological Research and Protection, can be located just past the shared work spaces. The room is darker than it was with the previous head as Sookie prefers to use magical sources of light throughout the room to grow some of her more finicky plants.