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Janus Thickey WardHas your role-play reached its natural conclusion or fallen under a barrage of spells? If so, it will be kept here for permanent care.
As we all know by now, J.K Rowling wrote the fantastic Harry Potter series.
I got some of my inspiration from the book "Mrs Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children".
She watched as the children walked down the grey, cobblestone path that led to the future. Ms Verecent dabbed her eyes and waved to them solemnly as a new herd of young Peculiars raced into the Home. After a few minutes, when the old children were merely dots on the road, she turned to take care of the new children that had come to Ms Verecent's Home for Peculiar Children.
The children were happy that they were getting out of the time loop that kept them forever young and childish, but they were afraid to see what would happen outside. People might recognize them, even after fifty years. They walked hand in hand, to the invisible line they knew was there. Then the children crossed, and saw a busy street where their Orphanage used to be. The youngest one, Olivia, burst into tears.
It has been two years since the Peculiars left the Orphanage that had been standing fifty-two years ago. Now it is demolished, but stays strong in the time loop. Since then the children lived in a shabby hotel, fending for themselves with their powers and skill. Then, one day, they all got a letter that accepted them into Hogwarts school. Overjoyed, the children left for the Magical boarding school, never thinking that somebody could suspect them of being Peculiars, even though they had waited until all of Britain had forgotten about them.
Abraham Wilson - Herminny Jillian Tendence - Wisher Talia Swanson - DeathEater1 Adam Millard - Lollipop!
Students are coloured according to their houses. All the Suspicious Students are fourteen. You have two days to post your bio, and then that character slot is open again.
SPOILER!!: Things You NEED To Know!
Alexandria Bloom can make fire in her hands, and walk through fire without getting burnt. She is the oldest of the Peculiars, being fifteen.
Vivienne can become invisible, but her clothes aren't invisible. She is fourteen.
Kiera is a mermaid, but only when her feet get wet. She is fourteen years old.
Victor Priestley looks normal enough - they all do - but he can lift anything from a feather to a house. And all at the age of thirteen!
Olivia can fly, but she hasn't learned to control herself yet. So she wears shoes with lead soles. Being the youngest, she is eleven.
Name: Alexandria Elle Bloom
Age: 150 FIFTEEN
Nickname(s): Alex
DoB: September 3rd, 1862
Education: Homeschooled, and then Hogwarts
Year: Fifth
They Were Never True, Never True
Wand: 11" Redwood and Fireseed
Patronus: A Pheonix
Peculiar Power: She can make fire in her hand and walk through fire without so much as a scratch on her
Likes: Fire, the sun, her adopted siblings
Dislikes: Abandonment, circuses
Fears: One day she will walk through fire and burn
Blood Status: Half peculiar, half wizard
And The Games You Play
Height: Tall
Complexion: Pale
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Sky blue
Usual Attire: Leather jackets, red t-shirts, black jeans
You Would Always Win, Always Win
Birth Mother: ? I heard her name was Lola...
Birth Father: ?
Adopted Mother: Ms Verecent
Adopted Siblings: The other Peculiars
Pets: A pheonix
But I Set Fire To The Rain
When Alexandria was little, she toured with her family in a circus. The act they did was called Bloomin' Magic! and featured the whole family. Her mother would first fly around the tent and hover above the audience, while her father did simple magic spells like dissapearing hats and turning brown hair purple. Then Alexandria would come out, making fire on her hands and dancing around. As the grand finale, Alex would walk through a large mass of fire while her father made himself dissapear, as well as her mother. They made quite a living out of that, but her father died when an elephant got loose. Her mother couldn't hide Alexandria's powers like Alex's father did (wiped their memories) so she left her daughter to the same secret school for Peculiars that she went to.
RP Color: Purple Lyrics Taken From: Set Fire To The Rain by Adele
Originally Posted by Announcement
Hello there, your thread has qualified into our forum and you can now begin RP'ing as soon as you get some players. We would like to remind you of a few links which are here for your reference:
Don't Cross the Book | who turned out the | Lights Lennox
Vivienne please? I'll post my bio ASAP!!! DONE
SPOILER!!: Welcome to my life ...
You don't know what it's like to be like me
SPOILER!!: Photo Album
To be hurt
To feel lost
Full Name: Vivienne Continent
AKA: Viv
DOB: 13th March
Age: 14 years - Well, I look it. Add 54 years onto that.
Ancestry: ???
Relationship Status: Single
To be left out in the dark
Wand: 15 inches, ash wood, phoenix tears core
Patronus: ...
Boggart: Being abandoned
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Powers: Can turn invisible, not including her clothes which is really annoying
To be kicked when you're down
Eyes: Grey, outlined in black make-up
Hair: Dark, veering between light blonde streaks to half blonde to no blonde at all. Always long and straight
Complexion: Fair
Build: Tall and slim
Details: Viv would look quite beautiful if she looked less mistrustful and suspicious of people. She is constantly changing her hair colour, insisting it's so people don't recognise her.
To feel like you've been pushed around
Mother: ?
Father: ?
Siblings: ?
Adopted Family: The other peculiars
To be on the edge of breaking down
Viv was abandoned at birth in a circus. Actually she was abandoned in the trough used to feed the circus horses. She lived with the circus people for a time before being taken to the Home of Peculiar Children. Viv hasn't forgiven the world for abandoning her, and probably never will.
And no one's there to save you
Viv is - there is no other word for it - semi-emo. She is withdrawn and sarcastic at the best of times, with a sharp tongue and even sharper wits. She never seems to have anything nice or comforting to contribute to a conversation, but contributes anyway. She is almost fearless, which makes her unfeeling towards people who openly show their fears. Consider it an excellent achievement if you befriend Viv.
No, you don't know what it's like
Post Colour: Blue
Model: Avril Lavigne
Lyrics: Welcome To My Life - Simple Plan
Welcome to my life
Last edited by Jezabel Black; 05-13-2012 at 10:02 AM.
Name: Victor Priestly
DOB: 30th August
Age: 13 Give or take 50 years...
Year: 4th
House: Gryffindor
Blood Status: Half Wizard, Half Peculiar
Maritial Status: Single
Some more
Wand: 14" Ash, Dragon Heartstring Core
Patronus: Hasn't got one yet.
Boggart: Clowns
Powers: Has an immense level of strength, can lift nearly anything. I'm quite strong.
How do I look?
Height: Average
Build: Average
Complexion: Pale
Hair: Blonde, Cropped
Eyes: Bright Blue
Family and Stuff
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Post Colour:
Will finish later
Last edited by CurlyPotter14; 04-14-2012 at 09:11 PM.
Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed
SPOILER!!: Olivia the scared
I was a little girl (Basics)
Name: Olivia Quirk
Nickname: Olivia
DOB: April 1st
POB: unkown
Age: 11
Relationship Status:single
Alone in my little world (Appperance)
Hair Color and Style: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Fair and Pale
Height: 4 ft and 11 and 1/2 inches
Usual Jewlery:
Usual Attire:
Who dreamed of a little home for me (Family)
Mum: Unkown
Dad: Unkown
Brothers: Unkown
Sisters: Unknown
I played pretend between the trees (Personality)
She is usually always scared of doing things.This was because she was living on the stretts until she was found and taken to the Peculiars. Theres one more thing...Olivia can fly...Though she doesnt know how to control or use it. So one moment she may have her feet perfectly planted on the ground the next minute they may be floating...
And fed my houseguests bark and leaves (Magic Stuff)
Boggart: pretty much everything..
Patronus: not yet...
Animagi: not yet...
Wand: 12" Cherry Blossom Wood with fairy dust core
And laughed in my pretty bed of green (History)
I had a dream (Post Color)
Dark Orchid
♕♕ Fire works through my veins into my heart ♕♕ ♕♕ Remember the night’s dancing under the sky♕♕
Last edited by Luna_Midnight; 04-02-2012 at 04:00 AM.
*Everything I Know I Learned* *Adding Silently To The Noise*
Hi guys! I'm not going to mention the people who have posted their bios (but good on you guys!), but I will just give out some reminders to the people who haven't: Child of a Half-Moon, I'm sorry, but you failed to post your bio within the two day limit. You no longer have Kiera Portman.
Oh, am I…winning by losing (BASICS) Name: Kiera Portman Nickname: Kiera DOB: April 10th Age: 14 give or take some years Relationship Status: single
All I told myself I would be losing! (Appperance) Hair Color and Style: Brown Eye Color: Brown Skin Color: Fair and Pale Height: 5 feet and 8 inches tall and 7 feet tall when in mermaid form
But in the pouring rain, can you feel my pain? (Family) Mum: unkown Dad: unkown Brothers: unkown Sisters: unkown
My tear drops are falling down from the sky! (Personality)
In the pouring rain, I can feel myself (Magic Stuff) Boggart: water Patronus: eagle Animagi: Swan (unregistered) Wand: 13" oakWood with dragon heartstring core
I wonder who you love tonight (History)
Post Color:
Dark Orchid
In the Pouring Rain by Taylor Swift
Last edited by Dead_As_You; 03-12-2012 at 02:59 AM.
*Everything I Know I Learned* *Adding Silently To The Noise*
Originally Posted by Dead_As_You
Kiera Portman?
SPOILER!!: A mermaid...
Oh, am I…winning by losing (BASICS) Name: Kiera Portman Nickname: Kiera DOB: April 10th Age: 14 give or take some years Relationship Status: single
All I told myself I would be losing! (Appperance) Hair Color and Style: Brown Eye Color: Brown Skin Color: Fair and Pale Height: 5 feet and 8 inches tall and 7 feet tall when in mermaid form
But in the pouring rain, can you feel my pain? (Family) Mum: unkown Dad: unkown Brothers: unkown Sisters: unkown
My tear drops are falling down from the sky! (Personality)
In the pouring rain, I can feel myself (Magic Stuff) Boggart: water Patronus: eagle Animagi: Swan (unregistered) Wand: 13" oakWood with dragon heartstring core
I wonder who you love tonight (History)
Post Color:
Dark Orchid
In the Pouring Rain by Taylor Swift
Thank you very much! I love your bio. Kiera is now yours!
Name: Adam Michael Millard Nickname:A-Dog None. Just Adam. Age: 14 DoB: 31st of December. Yup, new year's eve. PoB: London, England. Relationship Status: Single
Wand: 14" inches, Maple, Dragon Heartstring. Amortentia: Warm cookies, a smokey fire, roses. Patronus: he's not very good at it but when he manages to cast one it looks like a golden retriever. Pet: a tiny little barn owl who refuses to grow called Rover... Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Boggart: A hehemm...centaur
Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark brown Height: 5'11" Build: Tall/Skinny Extras: He's got a scar on his upper lip (see history). Face Claim: Josh Hutcherson *drools*
Adam is shy and creative. He loves art and music but isn't good a playing any instrument. He can come across arrogant and snooty but it's really just he doesn't know how to socialise. Once a girl gets through to him he can be really funny. He may not have many friends but once you get to know him he can be really cheeky, funny and loyal. Most of all loyal. He (and is family) can't really understand how he ended up in Gryffindor - he's a complete coward.
Coming soon
Post Colour: Dark Slate Grey
By the way, do you want any relationships between Adam and any of the peculiars?
Name:Jillian Tendence
Nickname: not Jill! but Jillian!
House: Gryffindor
Eye Color: blue
Hair: blonde
Skin: tanned
Personality: She is sometimes nice, but she is also spoiled. When she was little she explored and adventured, this is where she got her spying skills from and now she has a target, the new kids!
Likes: shopping talking spying
Dislikes:rudeness and mean people
mum Marie Tendence
dad Chad Tendence
sibilings none
History:She grew up in a pureblood home, spoiled rotten, getting everything she wanted. But she had no one to play with or talk to so she went out and adventured! She was very happy when she got her hogwarts letter. She doesnt like how the new kids look and finds them odd especially the Olivia chick who she saw float!
Last edited by Kissing.Doves; 03-17-2012 at 11:08 PM.
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w.a.m.s|♩♫♪♬|sour gummy snakes| "DNA doesn't make a family, Love does"
SPOILER!!: Talia
It's the boy you never told I like you...
Full name:Natalia Renee Swanson
Aliases:Just Talia.
DoB:October 5
School status:Student
Blood status: Pureblood
Relationship status:singlebut might just have been crushing on someone since their first year... It's the girl you let get away...
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Dark Brown
Skin color:Tan
Identifying features:Eclecticness,her beady eyes
I never noticed when you responEded so I promise to edit in a bio to this post when I can and when the rp begins I will only be posting on weekends for my educations sake.
Last edited by Rosa Chispa Princessa; 03-20-2012 at 12:56 AM.