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Mudbloods and werewolves and traitors and thieves...
Janus Thickey WardHas your role-play reached its natural conclusion or fallen under a barrage of spells? If so, it will be kept here for permanent care.
Mudbloods and werewolves and traitors and thieves...
Mudbloods and werewolves and traitors and thieves...
It is the summer of 1978, the Marauders have just Graduated from Hogwarts to explore the world ahead of them except for it to be dark and terrible times where Voldemort first rises to power…. Where a dementor’s attack was most welcomed by a Marauder yet feared by the wizarding society! Some become heroes some become traitors, everything’s in chaos and a wise man creates “The Order of The Phoenix”.
The famous and the unknown, some stories were told others to be written, but can one deviate fate?
It was a cloudy late June Sunday morning, an Order meeting was called to discuss their agenda and everyone was arriving by 5 am at Edgar Bones's place right off Earlsfield Rd. in London.
The house looked like any other house in the street, white-bricked with a red roof and overlooking a park, except you wouldn't be able to see it unless you were given the password by the Order's secret-keeper.
Characters Wanted:
Sirius Black - Blackwidow
James Potter - LadyNerd
Remus Lupin - TrophyKill
Peter Pettigrew - Cinn-O-Bun
Lily Potter - Cinn-O-Bun
Appearance: Gideon had the same red hair of his twin Fabian but likes to keep it short. That’s where the differences between the two end. His eyes are the identical almond brown of his brothers, as is his height and body build. Although his brother tends to be smiling all the time Gideon is far more stoic and reserved.
Personality: Gideon works for the Ministry security office and loves him job. He tends to think twice before he says anything and can be quite diplomatic. He does have a sense of humor but it only comes out around his twin. Gideon likes to mind his manners though he is quite laid back once you get to know him.
At the loony bin ❣ Ubiquitous ❣ Brain!nvader ❣ !Wake The Deadˇ
Originally Posted by Riverlynn
Interesting! Molly Weasley perhaps?
Your most welcome to join, though Molly was part of the second order that was constituted after Voldemort’s second rise to power around 1996. We’re looking for Characters in 1978 so I compiled these two sites to help you out to pick a character,1 & 2. Don’t forget to post a bio when you decide
Hogwarts RPG Name: Margaret Jacqueline Atkinson Morris
Fifth Year
Potter’s Princess A+ FangGirl
Because I just HAVE to join an RP with you gals, I'm here And I claim Fabian Prewett (yes, I know, it's weird to see me RPing a guy hehe).
I'll edit this post with the bio soonish!
Edit: As there's little info on the Prewetts online, I've had to make up a whole lot of stuff. If you know anything, just say the word =)
Name: Fabian Prewett Age: 27 House: Gryffindor
Physical Appearance: Fabian has red and slightly long hair, which he usually keeps in a ponytail. He uses it in such a way to make it easier for people to distinguish him from his twin brother, Gideon, who wears it short. He has brown almond eyes and usually wears a big grin on his face.
Relevant family members: A twin brother (Gideon), a sister (Molly Weasley), a brother-in-law (Arthur Weasley).
Personality: Working on the Department of Magical Games and Sports, he is a casual sort of guy who loves to tease his friends and have a match or two of Quidditch per day. However, playful or not, he does have a great sense of responsibility, something which he believes everyone is ought to have during such dark times. Indeed, he has the strange ability of stopping his laughter mid-way and becoming instantly serious if seriousness is necessary, unless, of course, if the person who wants him to be serious happens to be one of his siblings. In such moments, his laughter does tend to go on for longer than it ever should, which sometimes leads to disastrous consequences (when it comes to his little sister, of course).
I gotta go back to the muggle world,
they're gonna try and tell me this wasn't, that none of this happened,
but you know what? It wasreal. It did happen.
We spent time here. We made friends here. That's a part of us.
Cause Hogwarts is bigger than any of us, of any of it's founders,
and it's going to be around long after we're gone.
Maybe we'll see our kids come here one day.
That's the thing about Hogwarts.
No matter how long you're away from it, there's always a way back.
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Ohhh. Totally joining this.... Hmmm.... Uhhh.... Can I try the Scottish Minerva?
SPOILER!!: Minerva McGonagall
Statistics Name: Professor Minerva McGonagall Birthdate: October 4 Birthyear: approximately 1925 Age: 53 Family: unknown.
Hair: Black, pulled back into a bun. Eyes: Square glasses, amber beady eyes. Distinguishing features: rarely smiles; she wears tartan plaids -- even her nightdress and dress-robes are tartan. Animagus: a tabby cat with square markings around its eyes. Patronus: a tabby cat with spectacle eye markings.
Hogwarts: Transfiguration Professor 1956-Present House: Gryffindor (c. 1937-44) Field: Transfiguration. Office: First floor (up the main staircase, down a corridor). Affiliation: Member of the Order of the Phoenix. Interests: She is very keen on Quidditch.
Profile (edited from the Lexicon)
McGonagall has a stern exterior, keeping her classes strictly controlled and following the rules closely, yet has a warm heart and cares deeply for her friends and students. Professor McGonagall has dark hair which she pulls into a bun, wears glasses, and is frequently dressed in tartan plaids. Minerva McGongall is an Animagus, able to turn into a cat with markings around the eyes, similar to her square spectacles. Her Patronus is also a cat.
McGonagall is known for teaching challenging classes. She did not break rules or tolerate misbehavior. She also refuses to favor her own house; however, she cares deeply about Gryffindor’s success. McGonagall has a great admiration and trust for Albus Dumbledore, passionately defending him and being more than willing to fight on his behalf. She traditionally performs the Sorting ceremony at the Welcoming Feast.
Underneath her stern exterior, it is clear that McGonagall cares deeply for her students. Her first instinct is to protect them at all times and she can become quite emotional when they were hurt. Though generally respectful of her fellow teachers, McGonagall had little patience for less competent colleagues. She is a tough woman; a fact she proves in action with the Order.
Last edited by Stormdancer; 05-01-2010 at 09:10 PM.
Reason: Editing in the profile
Potter Nurse || Hockey obsession <3 | Go Wings! || Geaux Tigers!
Stacey: *snugglesclingstight*
*tackles Tess and Tori* *beams*
Alice Longbottom
A round faced woman with black hair, married to Frank Longbottom, Alice graduated from Hogwarts and went on to become a well respected Auror. Once the First Wizarding War began, she joined the Order of the Phoenix in opposition of Lord Voldemort. In 1980, she would give birth to a son named Neville and in 1981 would be rendered mentally incapacitated by Death Eaters Bellatrix, Rabastan, and Rodolphus Lestrange and Barty Crouch, Jr via the Cruciatus Curse.
At the loony bin ❣ Ubiquitous ❣ Brain!nvader ❣ !Wake The Deadˇ
Okay i think it's time for us to start. I'm missing a Peter if anyone wants to double
I did a little correction, Grimmauld Place wasn't used at that time as a meeting location so i used the Bones house instead ...
Originally Posted by refer to first post
by 5 am at Edgar Bones's place right off Earlsfield Rd. in London.
Albus Dumbledore apparated a little before 5 am onto Garret Park, he breathed in the scent of nature, the humidity helped infuse a strong aroma of grass, trees and summer flowers. He looked around the park, trees, and the shadows, especially the shadows.
A moment later, he smiled inwardly and headed towards the Bones's house, a very warm house off the Park. Bones wasn't there for this morning's meeting, he had Order duties on his agenda, a follow up with him in the next was in order. Walking into the house, Dumbledore headed straight to the kitchen to start on that tea, he loved tea.
Potter, James Potter to be exact, adjusted the round glasses that seemed to trickle down his nose. For sure he was not used to being up this early and it was a good thing he stayed up all night. Sleep might have been in his future but not at the moment. If there was one thing, he was not going to miss catching a glimpse not only at the beautiful Ms. Lily Evans but he wanted to beat Sirius Black to the 5 am meeting. HA! He was ahead of schedule and on his second wind without sleep.
With a crack of leaving his house, James apparated on the doorstep of Bones' house, the very spot where a secret meeting was to be held. If anything, he was not going to miss this for anything, surely his parents would understand at some point. He raised his hand to the door, giving a tapping mimic on the door only to think that Bones was going to answer.
At the loony bin ❣ Ubiquitous ❣ Brain!nvader ❣ !Wake The Deadˇ
He didn't have time to comb his hair, he could use magic to work it but that would give him split ends and that was no good. Plus his confidence was more overdue to worry over a tousled look. In a jiffy he came to be at Graffield Park, for once he was on time, and he'll use it to rub it all over James, except James was at the door. Sirius frowned.
"Forgot how to open a door buddy?" he said playfully turning the knob for him and side-wayed his way into the house first, "or let me guess, practicing your speech again" he mused with a head shake, "better come in before anyone sees you" he waved a hand for the bloke to step in.
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Minerva, unlike the boys, was more than used to being up this early. Being a Professor at the magnificent Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy meant that she always had a lot of work today; and the Scottish Woman worked better in the morning. Always had and probably always would. So, she was up easily and got dressed into a plaid floor-length dress before pulling on her usual emerald green robes over them. Ensuring she had had glasses and her wand, she apparated into a back alley and then changed into the form of her cat.
The silver-toned animal ran free over the Park garden and had wound around Sirius' legs after she had followed him up the stairs. Didn't he know that the steps were cold under her paws? Didn't he know that she was cold? Open the door, Master Black! She screamed at him silently. Oh! Warmth! She called out as she slipped through the door before James.
She padded silently through the the Kitchen, the door having been left open a little, and smiled (although she was still a cat so she probably looked crazy) as she saw Albus already there tending to the tea. In an instant, she became... well, herself again and she smiled at the older man. "Biscuits Albus?"
Hogwarts RPG Name: Margaret Jacqueline Atkinson Morris
Fifth Year
Potter’s Princess A+ FangGirl
Five am. Whoever had thought of such an hour for a meeting was clearly insane. And if Fabian was right, that whoever was one called Albus Dumbledore. Ah, he most definitely had to have a very long talk with the man concerning the schedules, for he didn't know if he could cope with that time. How was he to have his midnight Quidditch match if he was supposed to be in a meeting just a few hours later?
Yawning, he apparated in front of the Bones' house, frowning immediately as he spotted his ex-Transfiguration Professor running between the legs of two teenagers, which reminded him... "Oy, Black, Potter! Don't close the door!" He called, perhaps a little bit too loudly, but then again, how was he to know how loud was loud when he woken up just a few minutes ago? And anyway, he didn't want to have to turn the doorknob. One could call him lazy, but it was hardly his fault that his brain only began to work around nine am.
Not wanting to be left behind, the red head fastened his pace towards the two teens. "Lovely morning, eh?" He asked with a grin once he reached the boys.
I gotta go back to the muggle world,
they're gonna try and tell me this wasn't, that none of this happened,
but you know what? It wasreal. It did happen.
We spent time here. We made friends here. That's a part of us.
Cause Hogwarts is bigger than any of us, of any of it's founders,
and it's going to be around long after we're gone.
Maybe we'll see our kids come here one day.
That's the thing about Hogwarts.
No matter how long you're away from it, there's always a way back.
Remus hadn't slept much at all that night. Tossing and turning, thinking about the previous full moon, and the next one which was coming too quickly. Normally, it wouldn't bother him. At school, he'd had Peter, and James, and Sirius to keep a watchful eye on him. But now, it was a little lonley when he'd wake up the next morning shivvering, looking for the huge black dog or majestic stag, and not find them. By three AM, he'd already showered and dressed, eaten breakfast, and packed a small bag of things he may need. So he sat down to read one of his favorite books, for the tenth time.
Five AM came too slowly, and Remus stood from his chair. His parents still slept soundly down the hall, and he didn't wish to wake them. After jotting a quick note letting them know he'd be gone for the better part of the day, and not to worry he'd be fine, he slipped out the front door, and walked several blocks away before apparating right infront of Bone's house. He let himself in quietly, and followed the sound of voices to the kitchen. "Morning headmaster. Professor." He said with a friendly smile. "Have Peter, Sirius and James arrived yet?"
James looked back at Sirius and his shaggy hair. An amused grin crossed his face as his eyes cut through the sides of his round rimmed glasses. "I'll have you know," but then he was cut off by the tail of a cat which slipped through the door past their feet. And then..."Remus? How did you get here so fast?" His hazel eyes rolled in amazement as Remus beat both himself and Sirius to the punch of things.
"Hey, mate, you look a little rough," James told Remus, completely forgetting about Sirius and his rough hair. To him, that was typical and no need in asking why his best friend lacked to comb his hair in the am. "McGonagall. Fabian." Yawn.
Remus shrugged a little, tugging at the sleeves of his sweater. "Yeah. I guess I didn't sleep much." He replied quietly. He spotted Sirius and smiled, laughing at his friends unbrushed hair. "Really Sirius, can't you pull a brush through your hair? It takes five seconds!" He laughed a little, looking around for the fourth member of their group. "Where's Peter? I figured he'd have shown up with you two." He asked, looking between the two taller boys.
He took a seat on one of the kitchen chairs, lowering himself slowly, as not to disturb the new scars on his back. They hadn't healed yet, tearing open in his sleep when he'd move about. "How have you been anyway? I havn't gotten any letters from you since we left."
A light crack heralded his arrival only to be followed by a slight yawn. He had had to work the night shift at the ministry and had only gotten of maybe 5 minutes ago. Gideon walked up the drive to the Bones house and just managed to slip in after his twin Fabian. He hadn't seen him in a couple nights and gave him a friendly slap on the back as he headed for the kitchen. He could smell the tea already.
At the loony bin ❣ Ubiquitous ❣ Brain!nvader ❣ !Wake The Deadˇ
"Too many bludgers to your head" Sirius whispered to Fabian with an eyeroll, really morning? And the sun wasn't out yet? He was probably seeing something they weren't seeing.
Patting Remus's shoulder as he passed, Sirius shook his head, "can't bother with the lad, see if James babysat him yesterday?" he winked at his friend then brushed through taking Fabian by the shoulder and led him into the kitchen, "now tell me, how does one get special tickets for the V.I.P booths at your games....?"
"Ahh McGonogall" Dumbledore smiled at his old friend, "Ah yes biscuits" he pointed a finger motioning he saw them here ..... he waved his wand, followed by a puff of smoke to reveal a tray holding an array of biscuits. "All the kinds you like" he winked at her and set the pot in motion to pour the waiting glasses on their meeting table. "Good morning" he said cheerily as one by one members of the order gathered, "I'm thankful you all could make it this early, unfortunately Mr. Bones can't be with us this morning".
Remus chuckled under his breath, shakin his head at his friends antics. He sat back and relaxed a little, enjoying everyone's company. He took a biscuit from the tray, looking around the room, wondering who else was yet to arrive, other then Peter, who was usually late for everything anyway. Lily wasn't there yet either. Odd. He brushed the thought and waited quietly for the meeting to begin.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Margaret Jacqueline Atkinson Morris
Fifth Year
Potter’s Princess A+ FangGirl
Fabian chuckled at Sirius's remark and followed him and James into the house. "Heavy bludgers, indeed," He grinned, not adding another word due to the fact that someone had decided to slap him. "Oy - Oh! Gideon!" The grin on his face grew absurdly bigger as he wrapped an arm around his brother's shoulder. "How've you been?" He asked, then, noticing the tired look on his twin's face, rose both eyebrows and added. "Don't tell me you've decided to let me look handsomer than you for once," He teased, ignoring the fact that he too looked absurdly tired and rather dishevelled. Mind, if he had actually looked whilst picking his clothes, he'd have noticed that his trousers had a little hole near the feet.
He'd have teased his brother some more, something he simply loved doing, hadn't the young Black spoken to him again. "Ah, well, I'd say that you'd have to introduce me to a beautiful lady for that to happen but seeing as they all run after me -" Well, maybe not, but who cared? His work was his wife at the moment. "I'd say you only have to ask, mate. Ah - morning, Albus!" He smiled at the older man.
I gotta go back to the muggle world,
they're gonna try and tell me this wasn't, that none of this happened,
but you know what? It wasreal. It did happen.
We spent time here. We made friends here. That's a part of us.
Cause Hogwarts is bigger than any of us, of any of it's founders,
and it's going to be around long after we're gone.
Maybe we'll see our kids come here one day.
That's the thing about Hogwarts.
No matter how long you're away from it, there's always a way back.
Gideon chuckled. "The only way you would be better looking then me is if you cut that hair and actually managed to miss a few of those bludgers. Therefore, I'm sure I'm safe in the looks department." He gave his twin a good-natured shove and then went to look for a cup of tea. "Morning Albus. Minerva."
He gave a slight salute to the younger members Sirius, James, and Remus. Those boys were much like him and Fabian which is probably why they all got along so well. Picking up a biscuit he popped it into his mouth, hoping to quiet is noisy stomach. He really shouldn't have skipped supper.