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Old 08-21-2007, 08:36 PM
Hermione_loves_Ron Hermione_loves_Ron is offline
Default ••KA: RPotW•• ->In Times of Sorrow



What goes bump in the night
by Trixi Hodwashing

NEW YORK CITY, NY. Devastation tore through New York City in a flash; the school of St. Vertigo's Academy of Finer Magical Learning for Young Withches and Wizards was crumpled in a matter of an hour. Rubble and remain is all that is left standing of what once was a prestigious school. Seventeen were left dead, another twenty have been hospitalized.

In the middle of the night, Sept. 24, a group of intruders invaded the school. The unknown members seemed to have been searching for something. Several students say they themselves were questioned but were uncertain of what these enigmatic men (and women) were in search of. As a result, some students were killed, some died or were injured in attempts to defend the school. Walls were blown out, torn apart. Very little remains of the school.

"It is a great unfortunancy," said Headmaster Vermitilli. "Such a fine school, gone in so short a time. So many brave students are now gone because of some foolish invasion."

How the intruders managed to surpass the high security of St. Vertigo's is unknown, but is currenly being investigated. Details will be delivered when more have been uncovered. For now, though, safety is the first thing on everyone's minds and Vermitilli promises to uphold that.

"These students will never again have to face such a fear. I will personally make sure of that."


The school of St. Vertigo's Academy of Finer Magical Learning for Young Withches and Wizards was a North American school of magic located in New York of the United States. Though there are a few other North American schools, St. Vertigo's was noted for it's prestige. Unfortunately, nothing remains of the school.

As a result, the students are being divied and shipped to Europe in the night in hopes that whatever the intruders were after has nothing to do with the students. The 6th through 8th graders are being sent to Beauxbatons, the 9th and 10th graders to Durmstrang and the 11th and 12th graders are going to Hogwarts.

This is set fifty years after Harry defeated Voldemort. None of his children or anyone else's children attend Hogwarts, therefore, no one will be related to any of the Harry Potter characters.

The Headmistress is named Professor Natiya (Nat-ee-ya) VaamWront

Gryffindor Head: Herbology Professor Catherine Hollis
Slytherin Head: Defense Against Dark Arts Professor Lliam Knowling
Ravenclaw Head: Transfiguration Professor Xavier Calling
Hufflepuff Head: Charms Professor Melanie Basalph (buh-saw-ff)


1. First and foremost, follow the Knockturn Alley RP Rules. If you refuse to follow them, I will have you kicked out of the RP.
2. No Mary-Sues. They are not enjoyable characters. What is a Mary-Sue? A perfect character; flawless. Not every girl is wanted, not every guy is devastatingly hot. Give them flaws, it's less annoying and it makes them more likable.
3. No supercharacters. Therefore, no powers. Sorry. But most people can't handle them and they wouldn't be too important here anyway. You're not invincible, you're not going to avoid every attack. But, likewise, don't control another's character. Leave it up to them whether or not something you do affects them.
4. Literacy is a must. if u typ3 lyk dis, then you can't join. You don't have to type novels, but try to keep it a few sentances at least. Describe things, don't just state stuff. And please, try to write as if this is a school paper. Astericks somewhat annoy me =)
5. If you join, stay. RPs suck if not everyone follows through.
6. When joining, post a profile and a sample. I will decide from your profile and sample whether or not you're approved, so make it good ^__^ (if you are joining as a St. Vertigo's student and I do urge that you have at least one, please state which House they're to be sorted into)

Nolan Weiss (Prefect), Ravenclaw (6): Hermione_loves_Ron
Mozzy O'Neil, Ravenclaw (6): Hermione_loves_Ron
Tristan Storme, Gryffindor (7): Hermione_lovses_Ron
Charolotte "Boo" Remmington, Gryffindor (7): Hermione_loves_Ron
Cody Nash, Hufflepuff (7): Saint Oscar
Addison Parker, Gryffindor (6): Saint Oscar
Teddy Valentino, Gryffindor (7): Saint Oscar
Charlotte Letross, Ravenclaw (6): *JoshMoonson*
Grace Richards, Ravenclaw (6): cedsgirl91
Isabella Davis, Gryffindor (6): sunbabe
Seth Davis, Gryffindor (6): sunbabe
Night Makard, Gryffindor (7): Fateylicious
Quentin Girard, Ravenclaw (7): Austin
Inez Rivera, Gryffindor (7): Austin
Brigitte Farr, Ravenclaw (6): Pandalicious
Jolie Farr, Ravenclaw (7): Pandalicious
Hayden William Slitheria (7): Tiro MacMhuirich
Anneliese Sejam, Hufflepuff (6): Tiro MacMhuirich
Semyon Mishcholae Vitolya, Slytherin, (7): Jessyrah Emory
Abby Fern, Slytherin (6): whende
Kitty Smith, Gryffindor (7): whende
Christine Marie Noel, Gryffindor (7): chession07
Marcus Tull, Slytherin (7): chession07

St. Vertigo's
Celestia Thorne, Ravenclaw (6): Hermione_loves_Ron
Olliver Stratton, Hufflepuff (6): Hermione_loves_Ron
Ashby Reynolds, Gryffindor (6): Saint Oscar
Jamie Reynolds, Gryffindor (6): Saint Oscar
Delilah Wade, Slytherin (7):Saint Oscar
Josh Moonson, Ravenclaw (6): *JoshMoonson*
Noel Sudol, Ravenclaw (6): Saint Oscar
Anya Ferros, Ravenclaw (7): sunbabe
Evelyn Briddock, Slytherin (6): sunbabe
Etain Rye, Ravenclaw (6): Fateylicious
Alexander Starbright, Ravenclaw (7): cedsgirl91
Vistrian, Gryffindor: Jessyrah Emory
JJ Sampson, Hufflepuff (6): whende
Kevin Reshky, Gryffindor (6): whende
Kale MacAlister, Slytherin (7): Austin
Mikah MacAlister, Ravenclaw (6): Austin

Originally Posted by announcement
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Have fun roleplaying!

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Old 09-04-2007, 11:16 PM   #126 (permalink)
Cursed Waffleiron!
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sailor Van Zandt
First Year

ooc: Thanks Ashlie! >.<

bic: "Ooo! I like suprises!" Inez said, her mood lightening at the thought. She once again glanced at the door and her spirits dropped again. Looking down at her drink, she pouted and shook her head slowly in answer to Mozzie.

Mikah smiled, for real, this time at him. Jesse wasn't so bad... "That's sweet, but no. You don't need to do that." A lot of times it did bother her, but she would never have the nerve to tell someone to stop eating what they liked.

A few moments later, Quentin came striding into the great hall, quickly shoving a crumpled peice of paper into his pocket. Without really looking at her, he went and sat next to Inez. "Mozzie." he said quietly with a small nod as a hello.

Inez watched him come in with a glare. "Where were you Quentin Girard?!" When he just shrugged she fumed and said, "I have a new best friend."

"Oh?" he asked looking up a little. "Who would that be Rivera?"

She hesitated for a moment, glancing around the table. "Josh!" she blurted out. Quentin just rolled his eyes and pulled out a large energy drink and set it in front of her.

"I thought you might be out by now..." he muttered. Her face lit up and she hugged him tight before opening the can, just like he assumed she would. He watched her stick her pink straw into the can and suck down on it happily before grabbing some food. That's what he loved about Inez. It was so easy to get her off any topic. He didn't want to discuss it with her. Not now anyway.
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Old 09-05-2007, 03:07 AM   #127 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Corvus Stroud
Fifth Year
Mrs. Kevin Zegers Zoe's Stud Muffin

charlotte was reading a book when she slid down to where inez was sitting." hey i hope im not bothering you or anything but do you know who josh is talking to?" she asked then seeing the boy sitting next to her." hi. im charlotte." she said to him then seeing what she was drinking."are those good?"

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Old 09-05-2007, 03:25 AM   #128 (permalink)
Cursed Waffleiron!
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sailor Van Zandt
First Year

Inez looked at the girl and finally took the straw out of her mouth. She blinked a few times then glanced across the table to where Josh was. She had never seen the girl he was talking to before. Turning her attention back to Charlotte, she shook her head. "Nope." she answered before sticking the straw into her mouth once again. At her question, she practically choaked with excitement to answer and forgetting to stop drinking. That's Inez. "Yeah! Their amazing!" she managed to get out. Drinks of all kinds were basically what she lived off of, but especially her beloved energy drinks.

Quentin stabbed the fork into his food again, grumpily, before looking over at the girl. "Quentin." he said with a small nod. "Nice to meet you." With that said he looked down at his plate full of food again and ran his fingers through his shaggy black hair. He pretty much hated the opening feast. Every year he dreaded it more and more.
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Old 09-05-2007, 03:33 AM   #129 (permalink)
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Fifth Year
Mrs. Kevin Zegers Zoe's Stud Muffin

" are those muggle drinks?" she asked curious." How did you manage that?" werent muggle things banned in hogwarts. charlotte sighed and blew some of her bangs out of the way." this feast takes forever. im ready to get to class." she mumbled looking around the room at everyone. " so quentin, whats your favorite class?"

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Old 09-05-2007, 05:00 AM   #130 (permalink)
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First Year

Inez looked at her with wide eyes, not really understanding what she meant. "Well... I open it and stick the straw in then you drink it!" she said ditzily. Did she think that muggle drinks bite?

Quentin shook his head to himself at Inez's response. He normally probably would have said something to save her from sounding as stupid as she really was, but he just wasn't in the mood. As the girl asked him another question, he grimaced to himself and glanced up at Mozzie. He really liked Mozzie. She was the person he tended to turn to if Inez wasn't there (physically or mentally). Turning to Charlotte, he shrugged and said, "Potions I guess..." He didn't mean to come off as rude. He just wasn't into talking up a storm.
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Old 09-05-2007, 12:13 PM   #131 (permalink)
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Fifth Year
Mrs. Kevin Zegers Zoe's Stud Muffin

charlotte just smiled, she had deffently made a mistake in talking to these two. what excatly did josh see in these two. " Well, muggle drinks arent aloud at school. thats why i was asking how you managed to bring it to hogwarts without it being taken away." she told inez , explaining it a little further for her since she obviously wasnt a bright cookie. she was sure she would have a shining movement sometime but , it wasnt now. she turned to quentin and spoke with a hint of something, their wasnt a reason to be rude about it. " fasinating." she said politely though she was sure she added an extra tone to it which wasnt friendly. "excuse me. enjoy your muggle drink inez." she told her then getting up from her seat and headed for another place to sit. maybe they were in a bad mood, that had to be it.

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Old 09-06-2007, 03:51 AM   #132 (permalink)

Hungarian Horntail
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
November {Noe} Franze
First Year
Brain Twin | MASTAH ASHURRII | Reisdent PokeNerd | Digifangirl

Originally Posted by whende View Post
Kitty fidgetted around on the bench as she started filling a new plate. While Boo tried to get a reaction of of Tristan, she gently drummed on the table with a spoon; softly playing out the rhythm to a classical muggle song. She slowly tilted her head to the side, pursing her lips and watching Tristan.

After a few seconds, she leaned over and lowered her voice. "I think," she said. "That he's upset." Well. He looked upset. And he sounded upset. He acted upset too. And for all she knew, he could smell upset and taste upset.
"I guess so," Boo muttered, eyeing her friend in a disgruntled manner. She didn't like Tristan keeping things from her; it was wrong. He always prodded her to say things before she exploded.

"I guess he'll tell us later?" she suggested with a heavy sigh. This was a very, very boring meal night.

Originally Posted by Austin View Post
ooc: Thanks Ashlie! >.<

bic: "Ooo! I like suprises!" Inez said, her mood lightening at the thought. She once again glanced at the door and her spirits dropped again. Looking down at her drink, she pouted and shook her head slowly in answer to Mozzie.

A few moments later, Quentin came striding into the great hall, quickly shoving a crumpled peice of paper into his pocket. Without really looking at her, he went and sat next to Inez. "Mozzie." he said quietly with a small nod as a hello.

Inez watched him come in with a glare. "Where were you Quentin Girard?!" When he just shrugged she fumed and said, "I have a new best friend."

"Oh?" he asked looking up a little. "Who would that be Rivera?"

She hesitated for a moment, glancing around the table. "Josh!" she blurted out. Quentin just rolled his eyes and pulled out a large energy drink and set it in front of her.

"I thought you might be out by now..." he muttered. Her face lit up and she hugged him tight before opening the can, just like he assumed she would. He watched her stick her pink straw into the can and suck down on it happily before grabbing some food. That's what he loved about Inez. It was so easy to get her off any topic. He didn't want to discuss it with her. Not now anyway.
With a nod hello, Mozzie watched the breif exchange in quiet contemplation. It was well known that Mozzie wasn't an entirely perceptive person. But even she could see what Quentin was doing; brushing off Inez's pestering with the simple distraction of an energy drink. She narrowed her eyes for a moment in thought, trying to figure out what he was trying to hide.

"You're awfully late, Quentin," she finally pointed out, quietly.

Originally Posted by Austin View Post
Quentin shook his head to himself at Inez's response. He normally probably would have said something to save her from sounding as stupid as she really was, but he just wasn't in the mood. As the girl asked him another question, he grimaced to himself and glanced up at Mozzie. He really liked Mozzie. She was the person he tended to turn to if Inez wasn't there (physically or mentally). Turning to Charlotte, he shrugged and said, "Potions I guess..." He didn't mean to come off as rude. He just wasn't into talking up a storm.
Rubbing the back of her neck, Mozzie shrugged apologetically at Quentin. Only those within their circle really understood how quiet the boys actually were. And only the girls really accepted it without questions. She tipped her head and watched the girl walk away. How strange; everyone was so quiet and sombre. She didn't particullarly like it.

"Well. That was... off," Nolan commented, also watching the girl walk away. People were often at their table, in their area. It was the draw of the girls'; they were loud and entertaining and everyone liked to be in their presence. He shrugged and scooped in another mouthful of mashed potatoes.

"Inez was here worrying herself into a fit about you," he said to Quentin, swallowing thickly.

Originally Posted by cedsgirl91 View Post

Aww. He was shy!

Or maybe just not feeling up to it. Either way, Grace smiled at him and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Ollie." She repeated what she was saying. "Have you been in England for long?" She asked him. "How do you like it so far? It must be a big change."

She was probably asking too many questions and was quite pleased with herself on not asking anything about his school. She figured it might upset him and she wanted all of them to cheer up.
So many questions. This girl talked a lot, just like Angela had. Angela had been a chatterbox, but he wouldn't have cared what she was saying, so long as she was talking. He'd have listened to her forever.

Until Szabo stepped in. Stupid, vile Szabo.

"We just got to England," he answered still in his soft voice. "We docked about noon and took a train to get here. The Hogwarts Express, I'm sure you've taken? We've not been here long but... it's definetly a change. It's different, alright. Even your classes. You don't go by grades, like we do. See, I'm a junior. Eleventh grade. But here, that's a Sixth Year. How strange."

As the thought came to him, Ollie prattled on whatever came to mind, before falling quiet with a light pink blush.

Originally Posted by *JoshMoonson* View Post
josh looked at the cat with an uneasy feeling. he was almost sure that he knew her now, he remembered the uneasy feeling he had around that cat. " Yeah i can tell. Im really not much of a cat person, probably why." he turned his attention to celeste. "Your celeste right. the person i knew , i cant remember her last name but just her first. i use to call her lessie, but i think she ignored it." josh stared at her trying to figure it out. either way she had a friend. " well rather you are or not my name is josh moonson." he had to admit he really wasnt worried about her but her cat. He didnt mind cats but their was something different about this one.
Ack! Sorry, I'm replying to this in the morning, Khat. I'm dead tired -.- rofl
'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?

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Old 09-06-2007, 05:30 AM   #133 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Hermione_loves_Ron View Post

So many questions. This girl talked a lot, just like Angela had. Angela had been a chatterbox, but he wouldn't have cared what she was saying, so long as she was talking. He'd have listened to her forever.

Until Szabo stepped in. Stupid, vile Szabo.

"We just got to England," he answered still in his soft voice. "We docked about noon and took a train to get here. The Hogwarts Express, I'm sure you've taken? We've not been here long but... it's definetly a change. It's different, alright. Even your classes. You don't go by grades, like we do. See, I'm a junior. Eleventh grade. But here, that's a Sixth Year. How strange."

As the thought came to him, Ollie prattled on whatever came to mind, before falling quiet with a light pink blush.

Nope. Definately shy.

He was blushing again. That ment he was shy. Well, at least he didn't look like Mr. Depressed like many of the other kids did.

"Oh. Yes. We were all on Hogwarts Express." Grace said, nodding. "I am sure you will like it here." She replied enthusiastically. "Oh. Eleventh grade?" She looked a little confused and then remembered her friend once told her that they had 'grades' in Muggle schools. But she wasn't sure if these were the same grades. "I see." She wondered how classes could be different. Surely they would have the same classes ... DADA, Transfiguration, Potions and other stuff. Or did he mean the grade thing by classes?

"You are a sixth year too?" She said, grinning again. "So am I! And most of them are sixth years too." She looked at Inez, with her pink straw in her mouth, as always, and Kitty and Boo and Mozzie and the others. Although she was quite sure Boo was a seventh year. Not like it is easy to tell. She just noticed so many people seemed to be around here.

"Are you in Ravenclaw?" She asked him as she turned to face him again. Not like it mattered to be perfectly honest. Boo and Tristan were Gryffindors and they ALWAYS sat on the Ravenclaw table.

Last edited by Faerilicious; 09-06-2007 at 05:51 AM. Reason: noticed some words were missing. :P
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Old 09-06-2007, 05:51 AM   #134 (permalink)
Cursed Waffleiron!
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First Year

Quentin glared at Charlotte. He already wasn't in the best of moods and she was making it even worse. He may have come off a bit rude, but it wasn't purposeful! It was just... him. As she got up and left the table, he finally looked away and glanced over at Inez. She had that 'I'm going to pretend to understand' look on her face, still there from the girl's attempt at an explanation.

"Okay!" Inez called happily after her, when she left. What a nice girl! she thought to herself, before turning back to her drink.

Hearing Mozzie, Quentin turned to look at her. He didn't say anything for a moment, thinking he knew what she was doing. "Was I?" he finally said. "Sorry... I didn't mean to be." He gave a small smirk at Nolan's comment and said, "Inez worries too much," with a little nudge to her.

She looked up at him and then to Nolan with a blank look on her face then smiled brightly and nodded.
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Old 09-06-2007, 07:03 AM   #135 (permalink)
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Fifth Year
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Originally Posted by Pandalicious View Post
OOC: Bahh. Sorry Prachi <3

Brigitte resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Honestly, all these American people were the same. Oh so happy and chirpy all the time. It made her sick.

"Uh-huh. Nice to meet you too Alex.. and Madeline." Brigitte replied, in an extremely false happy voice.

Flipping her brunette curls behind her shoulder she eyed the girl Madeline. What was there to do at a school besides study? Attend classes? Socialize? Flirt? Those were pretty much your four BASIC school acitivities. And they were pretty obvious to Brigitte.

She merely shrugged though. "Not much.. I honestly can't wait to get out of school and do something exciting, you know?" Brigitte asked, flashing her a smile.
Madeline gave Brigitte the best smile she could manage. She really didn't like the false happiness Brigitte was giving off. She didn't want pity for someone like her, but she wasn't going to say anything. 'If only Issy was here.' she thought for a moment as she remember the fact her sister had chose to attend a different school, leaving Madeline alone.

Originally Posted by whende View Post
He made a clucking noise as he continued to nuzzle his nose into her. Ooooooh. She was talking to him. Dude looked up at her, his nose twitching. Hm... Perdy wanted Boy? He clucked again and carefully stepped from her lap onto the bench. After a couple steps, he looked back at her expectantly.
Delilah looked at the strange animal who was looking at her. The ferret seemed to act strangely like a human instead of a animal. She looked around a moment almost suspiciously before looking back at the ferret. "You are a very strange ferret." she said softly still staring at the small animal.

Originally Posted by sunbabe View Post
Anya Ferros walked quickly downstairs and into the Great Hall. She was excited to meet the new students- lots of people were mad at them for 'invading the school' but Anya thought it was an exciting new opprotunity to meet new people. As she neared the Ravenclaw table she slowed down and looked around. She could see new students scattered throughout her class mates, but most of them were already talking to people. She was about to give up when she spotted a girl sitting alone, she looked completely helpless and terrified so Anya decided she would be perfect. She started eagerly toward her, but had to stop again 'Easy Anya, you'll terrify her and she'll never talk again..' Anya's exuberant personality was known for walking all over shy kids, and she didn't want to do that in this case.

When she reached the girl she plopped down and stretched out a hand, "Hello! I'm Anya You're from St. Vertigo's aren't you? Whats your name?" She smiled happily, but then realized she was doing it again. 'Calm down!'
Noel sat playing with her food as she listened to the chatter around her. Looking silently around the table she noticed was completely packed with people. She almost jumped from her seat when a girl took the only seat next to her and stretched out her hand. Noel gave a small smile and nodded at the girls first question "Hello I'm Noel." she answered softly as she shook the girls hand.

Originally Posted by sunbabe View Post

Evelyn entered the Great Hall with a smirk already plastered on her face. She really didn't want to have to deal with the new kids. Although, it might pay off to be nice to some of them. After all, if they were sorted into Slytherin they must meet her standards. She walked over to the table, her long brown hair swinging over her shoulder and sat down. Looking around she spotted a lot of faces she didn't recognize, and sitting next to her was a girl holding a little animal. "Nice ferret," she said raising an eyebrow.
Delilah turned to her side and looked at some girl for a moment, before glancing at the ferret again. Looking back at the girl "Thanks. Even though it's not mine." she said plainly. Delilah wasn't a hundred percent sure why she was talk the unnamed girl or why she cared about the strange ferret either.

Originally Posted by cedsgirl91 View Post
ooc Britt: That's okay, luff. <333 I just thought I should let you know.

ooc: Ashlie! Okay ... What Austin said and Jolie is worrying about the new kids, Brigitte is talking to Alex and Madeline at the Lake, JJ and Mikah are talking about vegetables O.O ... Dude (a ferret) was just sitting on Delilah's lap. Isabella and Seth have walked into the Great Hall and so have Anya (talking to Neol) and Evalyn (complementing the ferret)... Abby and Hayden are in the common room ... I think ... which one ... I have no idea. Kitty (wende's charrie) is talking to Boo ... just asked her what is up with Tristan ... That is all I know ...

Alex glanced at Madeline and noticed she didn't look well. "Are you okay?" He asked her. Maybe it was something he said that had upset the girl.
Madeline couldn't answer Alex's question since, she didn't want to make him feel bad for upsetting her. She just nodded to acknowledging that she heard him, she was pretty sure that she was coming off as cold or maybe rude but she didn't really care at the moment.

Originally Posted by cedsgirl91 View Post

Alex looked at Brigitte. "I know what you mean." He said. He himself couldn't wait to get out of school.

He was starting to get hungry now. His stomach was asking for food which he had rejected a while ago. "I think I'll go back in the Great Hall." He told them as he stood up. "Didn't have much to eat and I am starving."
Madeline watched as Alex walked away and for some reason she felt strangely alone, even thought that Brigitte was still there. Standing up Madeline turned to look at Brigtte for the first time "I think I'll go for a walk." she said with a smile as she slowly walked away.
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Old 09-07-2007, 04:24 AM   #136 (permalink)

Hungarian Horntail
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Originally Posted by *JoshMoonson* View Post
josh looked at the cat with an uneasy feeling. he was almost sure that he knew her now, he remembered the uneasy feeling he had around that cat. " Yeah i can tell. Im really not much of a cat person, probably why." he turned his attention to celeste. "Your celeste right. the person i knew , i cant remember her last name but just her first. i use to call her lessie, but i think she ignored it." josh stared at her trying to figure it out. either way she had a friend. " well rather you are or not my name is josh moonson." he had to admit he really wasnt worried about her but her cat. He didnt mind cats but their was something different about this one.
Sai didn't approve of the way this boy was speaking; as if he were simply upset by the presence of a non-cat person. The siamese cat emitted a low "Mroooowwwllll", his voice high and groaning as his blue eyes narrowed. He remembered. Though Celeste didn't at first, he could feel memory prickling in her mind, in their connection, as she drew upon long repressed memories. He could feel so much, it was hard to decipher where it was coming from; the slowly dawning realization of Celestia and the slow fear around the edges, he could feel the boy's unease and his wariness of Sai. Sai approved of that and hissed for extra effort.

"Sai, down," Celeste murmured, closing her eyes for a moment. Instantly, Sai backed down, his fur smoothing back over, ears rising back to the top of his head. His eyes remained narrow and even Celeste couldn't budge that.

"He... doesn't often approve of people. He's a special cat." She arched her brows into her bangs, as if daring Josh to say otherwise. "I'm sure you might... remember. His connection with me?"

It was a strange connection, that of their minds and souls. Intertwined until death of the girl.

Memory was vague but she could see an outline. There was a note. "Sorry I had to go, Lessie." That was all. And she could see herself crying. Blinking, she looked back up at the boy.

"I remember," she said softly in a voice that was far from kind.

Originally Posted by cedsgirl91 View Post

Nope. Definately shy.

He was blushing again. That ment he was shy. Well, at least he didn't look like Mr. Depressed like many of the other kids did.

"Oh. Yes. We were all on Hogwarts Express." Grace said, nodding. "I am sure you will like it here." She replied enthusiastically. "Oh. Eleventh grade?" She looked a little confused and then remembered her friend once told her that they had 'grades' in Muggle schools. But she wasn't sure if these were the same grades. "I see." She wondered how classes could be different. Surely they would have the same classes ... DADA, Transfiguration, Potions and other stuff. Or did he mean the grade thing by classes?

"You are a sixth year too?" She said, grinning again. "So am I! And most of them are sixth years too." She looked at Inez, with her pink straw in her mouth, as always, and Kitty and Boo and Mozzie and the others. Although she was quite sure Boo was a seventh year. Not like it is easy to tell. She just noticed so many people seemed to be around here.

"Are you in Ravenclaw?" She asked him as she turned to face him again. Not like it mattered to be perfectly honest. Boo and Tristan were Gryffindors and they ALWAYS sat on the Ravenclaw table.
"Actually..." Ollie said slowly, "I think I was told I'm a Hufflepuff? But somebody pointed me to this table, so I came," he aditted, sheepishly, a slight grin pushing against his lightly pink cheeks.

He glanced over at the sixth year students that the girl pointed at. Could they honestly all be juniors? One of them looked like she could possibly pass for twelve! And then there was a boy who could easily have been fourteen and another who might've been twenty-some. Even sitting, he seemed much taller than the others, especially next to the extremely short girl who kept poking him.

"Do you know them, then?" he asked, feeling stupid. He was sure she did. Why else would she point them out?

Ugh! How small he felt around these people!

Originally Posted by Austin View Post
Quentin glared at Charlotte. He already wasn't in the best of moods and she was making it even worse. He may have come off a bit rude, but it wasn't purposeful! It was just... him. As she got up and left the table, he finally looked away and glanced over at Inez. She had that 'I'm going to pretend to understand' look on her face, still there from the girl's attempt at an explanation.

"Okay!" Inez called happily after her, when she left. What a nice girl! she thought to herself, before turning back to her drink.

Hearing Mozzie, Quentin turned to look at her. He didn't say anything for a moment, thinking he knew what she was doing. "Was I?" he finally said. "Sorry... I didn't mean to be." He gave a small smirk at Nolan's comment and said, "Inez worries too much," with a little nudge to her.

She looked up at him and then to Nolan with a blank look on her face then smiled brightly and nodded.
"You were," said Mozzie, still watching Quentin. She didn't like the idea of being decieved by Quentin; it was one thing for Inez to be decieved as she could easily be unintentionally decieved. But she expected more of Quentin.

With a short nod, she contemplated him more, listening to Nolan talk.

"You know how Inez is. Acting like the world will end if you aren't around," Nolan laughed. It was common in their group for the girls to worry; he wasn't exactly sure why, to be honest. It wasn't as if Nolan or Tristan or Quentin were prone to disappearing (though that could be why they worried when they did) but it wasn't as if they had another group to go around to.

Nolan could hardly put up with his friends as it was (he meant this in all the goodness of his heart, too.)

"What's this?"

Everyone's heads turned to eye Boo as she pulled up a piece of parchment that had fallen on the floor. Tristan eyed her and in a second was pale. "Give it," was all he murmured.
'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?

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Old 09-07-2007, 04:35 AM   #137 (permalink)
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ooc:ehh sorry i accidently deleted the quote tags... hehe.*looks away* tada!

Originally Posted by Hermione_loves_Ron View Post
Sai didn't approve of the way this boy was speaking; as if he were simply upset by the presence of a non-cat person. The siamese cat emitted a low "Mroooowwwllll", his voice high and groaning as his blue eyes narrowed. He remembered. Though Celeste didn't at first, he could feel memory prickling in her mind, in their connection, as she drew upon long repressed memories. He could feel so much, it was hard to decipher where it was coming from; the slowly dawning realization of Celestia and the slow fear around the edges, he could feel the boy's unease and his wariness of Sai. Sai approved of that and hissed for extra effort.

"Sai, down," Celeste murmured, closing her eyes for a moment. Instantly, Sai backed down, his fur smoothing back over, ears rising back to the top of his head. His eyes remained narrow and even Celeste couldn't budge that.

"He... doesn't often approve of people. He's a special cat." She arched her brows into her bangs, as if daring Josh to say otherwise. "I'm sure you might... remember. His connection with me?"

It was a strange connection, that of their minds and souls. Intertwined until death of the girl.

Memory was vague but she could see an outline. There was a note. "Sorry I had to go, Lessie." That was all. And she could see herself crying. Blinking, she looked back up at the boy.

"I remember," she said softly in a voice that was far from kind.

josh was a bit afraid of the cat now to be honest. He really wasnt a cat person. he would be minding his own business and out of no where a cat would jump out of who knows where just to attack him.they did it just to torment him, he was sure they enjoyed it to much. josh stared at her when she mentioned a connection." connection?" he whispered to himself trying to remember. He couldnt really remeber much about the cat but just that it made him uneasy and their was something special about him, but it all made sense now. Josh winced as he heard her tone, yeah... it was about to get ugly. josh made a nervious laugh." lessie it wasnt my fault, really. i barely got to write the not to you before i left. my father called me out of school, i didnt even get to say good bye to charlotte before i left. " he stopped for a second... he was sure it wasnt going be forgiven." look im sorry , i really am. i didnt mean to hurt you if i did, it was the last thing i wanted. my father dragged me on his trips as an auror and he wouldn't let me write to you, not even to explain. he said it was for yours and our protection. i tried to write you , i even almost had it to the mail box." he looked over at the cat sure it was giving him dirty cat looks." after the two years i got back he sent me to hogwarts, after that i was sure you forgot me. besides it wasnt like you payed much attention to me in the first place." it was true.


Last edited by *JoshMoonson*; 09-07-2007 at 04:40 AM.
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Old 09-07-2007, 11:40 AM   #138 (permalink)
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Bahaha. Maaan, I am so having a hard time catching up. Blah. xD

Toree - o: I'd loove tooo! Yay! ^__^

Bwitteh - NYAH Your Night? Psh. Dream on woman!

Georgina sat with Boo, Mozzie and the others, her head buried in her crossed arms which were on the table. She was sleeping, and she had been sleeping althroughout. She occasionally let out a small groan as the people around her continued to make noise. Suddenly, Boo asked a question not even her sleepiness could resist. It was a 'What's this' question, which meant something she didn't know, and wanted to know. And whatever everyone else knew, Georgie wanted to know too. She looked up bleakly and yawned a bit. "What's what?" she asked tiredly, looking over at what Boo held in her hand. She arched an eyebrow over at a pale Tristan, then back at Boo, still ever curious.

Auberon, his many fangirls surrounding and mooning over him, sat lazily on one of the couches in the Slytherin beside Hayden, with his hands behind his head. He was living a life of luxury as it was, having a girl or two feeding him this and that, stroking his hair, massaging his shoulders and feet, and whatnot.

Glancing around at the half empty room, he frowned. If there was anything he hated more, it was being bored and not being the center of attention. He looked over at Hayden. "Dude. I am so bored," he said nonchalantly, running a hand through his hair. "We've got to get some action around here."

Last edited by Harmonizer; 09-07-2007 at 11:48 AM.
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Old 09-07-2007, 12:09 PM   #139 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Hermione_loves_Ron View Post

"Actually..." Ollie said slowly, "I think I was told I'm a Hufflepuff? But somebody pointed me to this table, so I came," he aditted, sheepishly, a slight grin pushing against his lightly pink cheeks.

He glanced over at the sixth year students that the girl pointed at. Could they honestly all be juniors? One of them looked like she could possibly pass for twelve! And then there was a boy who could easily have been fourteen and another who might've been twenty-some. Even sitting, he seemed much taller than the others, especially next to the extremely short girl who kept poking him.

"Do you know them, then?" he asked, feeling stupid. He was sure she did. Why else would she point them out?

Ugh! How small he felt around these people!

Grace glanced at his robes for the first time and looked at the little Hufflepuff logo stiched on it.

"Well. This is the Ravenclaw table." She informed him. "But it doesn't matter anymore. Everyone swaps around to sit with people they know. So if you decide to sit on this table for the rest of your time here, nobody will bother you. This is the best table anyways."

Which was true! It was the most crowded too and it had nothing to do with the amount of Ravenclaws at Hogwarts.

"Oh yes!" She said. "They are really nice people. MOZZIE!" She called across the table at Mozzie, who had just pulled out a piece of parchment. She heard Tristan mutter something she didn't catch. Had she missed something?

Last edited by Faerilicious; 09-07-2007 at 12:10 PM. Reason: Typing error. :P
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Old 09-07-2007, 09:51 PM   #140 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hermione_loves_Ron View Post
"You were," said Mozzie, still watching Quentin. She didn't like the idea of being decieved by Quentin; it was one thing for Inez to be decieved as she could easily be unintentionally decieved. But she expected more of Quentin.

With a short nod, she contemplated him more, listening to Nolan talk.

"You know how Inez is. Acting like the world will end if you aren't around," Nolan laughed. It was common in their group for the girls to worry; he wasn't exactly sure why, to be honest. It wasn't as if Nolan or Tristan or Quentin were prone to disappearing (though that could be why they worried when they did) but it wasn't as if they had another group to go around to.

Nolan could hardly put up with his friends as it was (he meant this in all the goodness of his heart, too.)

"What's this?"

Everyone's heads turned to eye Boo as she pulled up a piece of parchment that had fallen on the floor. Tristan eyed her and in a second was pale. "Give it," was all he murmured.
Quentin looked at Mozzie, searching her expression. His face sofened a bit more and he felt a wave of guilt. She knew him too well... She could see right through every lie he had ever told her. He supposed he owed her more than this. Deciding he would talk to her later, he finally turned to look over at Nolan again.
He chuckled at his comment and said, "Yeah that's her alright." He glanced at her and added with a small smile, "I'll insure that it doesn't happen again Rivera."

Inez looked from Quentin to Nolan and back to Quentin again. What were they talking about? Something about her... Oh and the world ending... That's not good. She continued attempting to listen and stuck her straw back into her mouth. As Quentin spoke to her, she looked at him with wide, wondering eyes. "What's not going to happen?"

Quentin just smirked and pattered her hand gently. "Never mind Inez."

"Oh! Okay." she answered happily as if it had all just clicked or something. She turned back to her drink, but was distracted by Boo. She looked at the peice of paper in her hand for a moment then finally said, "Oh! I know. It's parchment..." then smiled, clearly very proud of herself.

Quentin quickly shoved his hand into his pocket, making sure that it wasn't his. It wasn't. His was still folded up tight in his pocket. It was Tristan's... And clearly he didn't want it seen either.

Last edited by Austin; 09-07-2007 at 09:53 PM.
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Old 09-08-2007, 12:59 AM   #141 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by *JoshMoonson* View Post
josh was a bit afraid of the cat now to be honest. He really wasnt a cat person. he would be minding his own business and out of no where a cat would jump out of who knows where just to attack him.they did it just to torment him, he was sure they enjoyed it to much. josh stared at her when she mentioned a connection." connection?" he whispered to himself trying to remember. He couldnt really remeber much about the cat but just that it made him uneasy and their was something special about him, but it all made sense now. Josh winced as he heard her tone, yeah... it was about to get ugly. josh made a nervious laugh." lessie it wasnt my fault, really. i barely got to write the not to you before i left. my father called me out of school, i didnt even get to say good bye to charlotte before i left. " he stopped for a second... he was sure it wasnt going be forgiven." look im sorry , i really am. i didnt mean to hurt you if i did, it was the last thing i wanted. my father dragged me on his trips as an auror and he wouldn't let me write to you, not even to explain. he said it was for yours and our protection. i tried to write you , i even almost had it to the mail box." he looked over at the cat sure it was giving him dirty cat looks." after the two years i got back he sent me to hogwarts, after that i was sure you forgot me. besides it wasnt like you payed much attention to me in the first place." it was true.
Celeste gave off a derisve snort and tossed her hair over her shoulder. "Don't give yourself so much credit, Moonson," she said, arching a high brow. "Why make such an assumption that you hurt me?"

Her voice came off haughty and thick, an indication if you knew her well enough that she was indeed covering up. But Sai hissed at the boy again in effort to cover for the human's slip. Celeste was ever the less careful. No matter how hard she tried, the truth always managed to slip out, even when no one else could see it.

"Why try a mailbox, Moonson? We're of magical decent. You could easily have used an owl, like the rest of us do, I'm sure you're aware."

Now her voice had turned hard and cold because it was he who'd called upon those repressed feelings that she was doing so well at keeping fought down. But he pulled them out and they were building in her chest and she felt like she was being suffocated and couldn't breathe but she couldn't let him see that.

Originally Posted by Sacagawea View Post
Georgina sat with Boo, Mozzie and the others, her head buried in her crossed arms which were on the table. She was sleeping, and she had been sleeping althroughout. She occasionally let out a small groan as the people around her continued to make noise. Suddenly, Boo asked a question not even her sleepiness could resist. It was a 'What's this' question, which meant something she didn't know, and wanted to know. And whatever everyone else knew, Georgie wanted to know too. She looked up bleakly and yawned a bit. "What's what?" she asked tiredly, looking over at what Boo held in her hand. She arched an eyebrow over at a pale Tristan, then back at Boo, still ever curious.
Auberone is still evil. -hides Boo-

"Good evening, Georgie," Nolan greeted the slowly waking girl, not bothering to answer her question. He could see where this was going and already he was cringing. "So nice of you to join us," he added, not looking at her but at the parchment, his voice nothing short of hollow.

Boo knew better and yet the prickling sensation on the back of his neck told him that she was going to go through it anyway.

Originally Posted by cedsgirl91 View Post

Grace glanced at his robes for the first time and looked at the little Hufflepuff logo stiched on it.

"Well. This is the Ravenclaw table." She informed him. "But it doesn't matter anymore. Everyone swaps around to sit with people they know. So if you decide to sit on this table for the rest of your time here, nobody will bother you. This is the best table anyways."

Which was true! It was the most crowded too and it had nothing to do with the amount of Ravenclaws at Hogwarts.

"Oh yes!" She said. "They are really nice people. MOZZIE!" She called across the table at Mozzie, who had just pulled out a piece of parchment. She heard Tristan mutter something she didn't catch. Had she missed something?
Psst babe. Boo has the letter

Olliver, too, glanced down at the Hufflepuff logo emblazoned on his robes and then glanced at he girl's. Ahhh. He should have picked up on this earlier. He scratched his moppy hair and glanced around at the table, noting that, sure enough, not every logo at the table featured that eagle. How strange. Wasn't that the point of the Houses? Why was he even directed to the Hufflepuff table then?

His head snapped quickly to the girl that Grace was shouting at, eyeing the numerous ribbons in her choppy hair with a few blinks. It was... something else, for sure. Nice people? They seemed to have an air of craziness.

Jumping slightly at the voice directed at her, Mozzie glanced over at Grace, before waving. "Hey Gracie!" she called down the length of the table, over the heads of the few people in between them. Unlike when they were younger, no one bothered yelling or throwing stuff at Mozzie anymore; everyone was accustomed to her by now.

"What're you doing way down there? We're all over here can't you see? I didn't see you earlier? How are you this evening? Who's that with you? That boy there, gee he's a cute one! HI!"

They were also accustomed to her talking.

A lot.

Originally Posted by Austin View Post
Quentin looked at Mozzie, searching her expression. His face sofened a bit more and he felt a wave of guilt. She knew him too well... She could see right through every lie he had ever told her. He supposed he owed her more than this. Deciding he would talk to her later, he finally turned to look over at Nolan again.
He chuckled at his comment and said, "Yeah that's her alright." He glanced at her and added with a small smile, "I'll insure that it doesn't happen again Rivera."

Inez looked from Quentin to Nolan and back to Quentin again. What were they talking about? Something about her... Oh and the world ending... That's not good. She continued attempting to listen and stuck her straw back into her mouth. As Quentin spoke to her, she looked at him with wide, wondering eyes. "What's not going to happen?"

Quentin just smirked and pattered her hand gently. "Never mind Inez."

"Oh! Okay." she answered happily as if it had all just clicked or something. She turned back to her drink, but was distracted by Boo. She looked at the peice of paper in her hand for a moment then finally said, "Oh! I know. It's parchment..." then smiled, clearly very proud of herself.

Quentin quickly shoved his hand into his pocket, making sure that it wasn't his. It wasn't. His was still folded up tight in his pocket. It was Tristan's... And clearly he didn't want it seen either.
Clearly Inez hadn't actually understood the underlying question of Boo's question, but Mozzie did. She felt her stomach clench, both with curiosity and caution. "Don't, Boo," she said quietly, leaning to try and take it from her friend. She didn't even notice the movement of Quentin checking his own pockets as she was more focused on the parchment in Boo's hand.

"Why not?" asked Boo, defiant. There was something hard in her eyes and the set her chin was firm. "It was on the floor. Anyone can pick up anything on the floor, can't they?"

It was strange to hear the danger in Boo's voice, the pushing of the limit. That wasn't what she did.

"Look at Tristan," said Nolan, also making a swipe for the parchment. Instead, he knocked over a pitcher of pumpkin juice when Boo pulled back with it. No one moved to clean it.

"Look. He's my friend, I have all rights to know, don't I? I tell him everything," she pointed out, not looking at Tristan, who was looking quite like he was having some breathing difficulties.

Dramatically, Boo opened the letter and her eyes quickly scanned it before she let out a squeak of a gasp, eyes wide.
'Cause out of all the people I've known, the places I've been, the songs that I have sung,
The wonders I've seen, now that the dreams are all coming true, who is the one that leads me on through?

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Old 09-08-2007, 01:38 AM   #142 (permalink)
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Quentin kept his eyes on Tristan before finally turning to look at the parchment in Boo's hand. He had no idea what it was or what it could possibly be about. What could make Tristan go white at the threat of Boo reading it? Aparently everyone else knew... "Boo..." he said quietly, as she opened it.

Inez's proud smile had faded completely now. She looked around at everyone with her wide blue eyes, trying to figure out exactly what was going on. She had never seen Tristan looking the way he did right now. It kind of freaked her out... As she heard Quentin speak, she looked up at him in a confused, but worried way, as if expecting him to tell her what it said. "What is it?" she finally blurted out, curiosity taking the better of her.
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Old 09-08-2007, 02:18 AM   #143 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Hermione_loves_Ron View Post

Psst babe. Boo has the letter

Olliver, too, glanced down at the Hufflepuff logo emblazoned on his robes and then glanced at he girl's. Ahhh. He should have picked up on this earlier. He scratched his moppy hair and glanced around at the table, noting that, sure enough, not every logo at the table featured that eagle. How strange. Wasn't that the point of the Houses? Why was he even directed to the Hufflepuff table then?

His head snapped quickly to the girl that Grace was shouting at, eyeing the numerous ribbons in her choppy hair with a few blinks. It was... something else, for sure. Nice people? They seemed to have an air of craziness.

Jumping slightly at the voice directed at her, Mozzie glanced over at Grace, before waving. "Hey Gracie!" she called down the length of the table, over the heads of the few people in between them. Unlike when they were younger, no one bothered yelling or throwing stuff at Mozzie anymore; everyone was accustomed to her by now.

"What're you doing way down there? We're all over here can't you see? I didn't see you earlier? How are you this evening? Who's that with you? That boy there, gee he's a cute one! HI!"

They were also accustomed to her talking.

A lot.
Grace grinned as Mozzie spoke. "I dunno." She said loud enough for her to hear, blinking. "I was looking at a few people and then when I snapped back into reality, I found myself seated here and you were all over there. I am sure you saw me earlier." Grace was sure they were on the train together. Or maybe it was just her.

Grace giggled when Mozzie said he was cute, which he was. Her eyes fell on Boo, who had just opened a letter and was scanning through it. Something was happening there. She turned back to Mozzie. "Come over here!" She said. She was sure Mozzie would like to meet him.

Last edited by Faerilicious; 09-09-2007 at 02:10 AM.
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Old 09-08-2007, 03:27 AM   #144 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hermione_loves_Ron View Post
Celeste gave off a derisve snort and tossed her hair over her shoulder. "Don't give yourself so much credit, Moonson," she said, arching a high brow. "Why make such an assumption that you hurt me?"

Her voice came off haughty and thick, an indication if you knew her well enough that she was indeed covering up. But Sai hissed at the boy again in effort to cover for the human's slip. Celeste was ever the less careful. No matter how hard she tried, the truth always managed to slip out, even when no one else could see it.

"Why try a mailbox, Moonson? We're of magical decent. You could easily have used an owl, like the rest of us do, I'm sure you're aware."

Now her voice had turned hard and cold because it was he who'd called upon those repressed feelings that she was doing so well at keeping fought down. But he pulled them out and they were building in her chest and she felt like she was being suffocated and couldn't breathe but she couldn't let him see that.
josh smirked."whatever , i went away for two weeks and you yelled at me for leaving you that long." he said to her which was true but she didnt excatly yell at him. just... used a tone instead."an owl? well lets see... due to the fact that i dont have one would put a damper on things and second of all , its easier to sneak a letter through a muggle system that my father isnt watching. he knew i wanted to send you and charlotte a letter, he was watching me. I wasnt as brillant as i am now." he added giving that explanation as part of the reason for his failure." look im sorry , if i could change it i would. i didnt want to leave." he sighed knowing this idea was about to be rejected." i want to be your friend." he told her hopeful. he didnt have to be a physic to know that sai was about to get violent.

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Old 09-08-2007, 02:49 PM   #145 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sacagawea View Post
Bahaha. Maaan, I am so having a hard time catching up. Blah. xD

Toree - o: I'd loove tooo! Yay! ^__^

Bwitteh - NYAH Your Night? Psh. Dream on woman!

Georgina sat with Boo, Mozzie and the others, her head buried in her crossed arms which were on the table. She was sleeping, and she had been sleeping althroughout. She occasionally let out a small groan as the people around her continued to make noise. Suddenly, Boo asked a question not even her sleepiness could resist. It was a 'What's this' question, which meant something she didn't know, and wanted to know. And whatever everyone else knew, Georgie wanted to know too. She looked up bleakly and yawned a bit. "What's what?" she asked tiredly, looking over at what Boo held in her hand. She arched an eyebrow over at a pale Tristan, then back at Boo, still ever curious.

Auberon, his many fangirls surrounding and mooning over him, sat lazily on one of the couches in the Slytherin beside Hayden, with his hands behind his head. He was living a life of luxury as it was, having a girl or two feeding him this and that, stroking his hair, massaging his shoulders and feet, and whatnot.

Glancing around at the half empty room, he frowned. If there was anything he hated more, it was being bored and not being the center of attention. He looked over at Hayden. "Dude. I am so bored," he said nonchalantly, running a hand through his hair. "We've got to get some action around here."
OOC: Sorry Ashlie School is killing me

Brigitte had simply nodded her head as Maggie - that was her name wasn't it? - and the other guy with her - she was almost positive it had been Adam or something - walked off to the Great Hall. After several minutes of simply standing there Brigitte decided to follow them. Spotting her sister Jolie at the end of the Ravenclaw table she waved brightly to her before spying where most of the excitement and socilization was going on.

Of course Brigitte knew none of these people but that didn't matter at all to her. Instead she merely bounced over in her heels and sat down with them. "Hey." She said smoothly - like they'd already known each other for several years.

Jolie watched her little sister smile and wave to her before picking the largest clump of students and heading towards them. She sighed - making friends had never been hard for Brigitte. But it was much, much more different for Jolie. Besides, she did kind of like her little end of the Ravenclaw table to herself.

Ashlie luffs her Brittanda SO much. <333

Last edited by Pandalicious; 09-08-2007 at 02:50 PM.
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Old 09-08-2007, 07:53 PM   #146 (permalink)
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Sy was lying on the sofa in the common room with her head in Hayden's lap as he played with her hair. She smiled contentedly at the feeling, her eyes half closed in her comfortable position. Her pretty face was temporarily disrupted by a scowl as she spoke for the first time since they'd been sitting there. "You are alvays bored, Auberon," she said thickly. She didn't speak often because her Russian accent was often difficult to understand.

OOC: Anyone feeling alone? I don't know where to put Vistrian...
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Old 09-08-2007, 08:16 PM   #147 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by whende View Post
Abby removed her gaze from the ceiling and raised an eyebrow. "Over flowing, not quite." But that reeeeeally didn't mean she wasn't completely annoyed by it. "Polluted, definitely." Abigail groaned and shifted in her seat so that her legs were hanging over the arm of her chair. "Hey, Sem," she said, only bothering to nod slightly.
Originally Posted by Moni View Post
Auberon, his many fangirls surrounding and mooning over him, sat lazily on one of the couches in the Slytherin beside Hayden, with his hands behind his head. He was living a life of luxury as it was, having a girl or two feeding him this and that, stroking his hair, massaging his shoulders and feet, and whatnot.

Glancing around at the half empty room, he frowned. If there was anything he hated more, it was being bored and not being the center of attention. He looked over at Hayden. "Dude. I am so bored," he said nonchalantly, running a hand through his hair. "We've got to get some action around here."
Originally Posted by Jada View Post
Sy was lying on the sofa in the common room with her head in Hayden's lap as he played with her hair. She smiled contentedly at the feeling, her eyes half closed in her comfortable position. Her pretty face was temporarily disrupted by a scowl as she spoke for the first time since they'd been sitting there. "You are alvays bored, Auberon," she said thickly. She didn't speak often because her Russian accent was often difficult to understand.
Hayden looked at the three Slytherins, and shook his head slightly. "We are Slytherins. We should be able to rule this school without having to worry about the flipping Gryffindork's getting in our way!" He growled as he continued his fingers motions through her snow-white hair. "However, I do agree that we need to do something. Sitting around in here like animals isn't what we are meant to do!" He sighed irritatedly and looked arond the group. "What do we think we should do gang?"
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Old 09-09-2007, 06:52 AM   #148 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Jessyrah Emory View Post
Sy was lying on the sofa in the common room with her head in Hayden's lap as he played with her hair. She smiled contentedly at the feeling, her eyes half closed in her comfortable position. Her pretty face was temporarily disrupted by a scowl as she spoke for the first time since they'd been sitting there. "You are alvays bored, Auberon," she said thickly. She didn't speak often because her Russian accent was often difficult to understand.

OOC: Anyone feeling alone? I don't know where to put Vistrian...
Auberon glared at Sy as she spoke. "No one asked you," he snapped, resisting the urge to pull her hair right off her head.

Originally Posted by Tiro MacMhuirich View Post
Hayden looked at the three Slytherins, and shook his head slightly. "We are Slytherins. We should be able to rule this school without having to worry about the flipping Gryffindork's getting in our way!" He growled as he continued his fingers motions through her snow-white hair. "However, I do agree that we need to do something. Sitting around in here like animals isn't what we are meant to do!" He sighed irritatedly and looked arond the group. "What do we think we should do gang?"
Auberon then turned to Hayden. "We have ruled the school. You don't see any of those other houses trying to stop us. They're way too chicken, which is good," he said matter-of-factly, nodding his head slightly. When Hayden asked what they should do, he smirked. "Well, first off I suggest you stop being gentle with her hair and scalp her like I know you want to," he joked, chuckling rather evilly. Standing up, he stretched his arms over his head and straightened himself up. "Then, we can go down to the feast and crash whatever party is going on there. They can't have parties without us, now can they?"

Originally Posted by Hermione_loves_Ron View Post
Auberone is still evil. -hides Boo-

"Good evening, Georgie," Nolan greeted the slowly waking girl, not bothering to answer her question. He could see where this was going and already he was cringing. "So nice of you to join us," he added, not looking at her but at the parchment, his voice nothing short of hollow.

Boo knew better and yet the prickling sensation on the back of his neck told him that she was going to go through it anyway.

Clearly Inez hadn't actually understood the underlying question of Boo's question, but Mozzie did. She felt her stomach clench, both with curiosity and caution. "Don't, Boo," she said quietly, leaning to try and take it from her friend. She didn't even notice the movement of Quentin checking his own pockets as she was more focused on the parchment in Boo's hand.

"Why not?" asked Boo, defiant. There was something hard in her eyes and the set her chin was firm. "It was on the floor. Anyone can pick up anything on the floor, can't they?"

It was strange to hear the danger in Boo's voice, the pushing of the limit. That wasn't what she did.

"Look at Tristan," said Nolan, also making a swipe for the parchment. Instead, he knocked over a pitcher of pumpkin juice when Boo pulled back with it. No one moved to clean it.

"Look. He's my friend, I have all rights to know, don't I? I tell him everything," she pointed out, not looking at Tristan, who was looking quite like he was having some breathing difficulties.

Dramatically, Boo opened the letter and her eyes quickly scanned it before she let out a squeak of a gasp, eyes wide.
Teehee. He tries xD

Georgie looked at Nolan, who spoke then. "Heeey Nolie!" she said, smiling widely, her attention slightly averted. "Well, I would've joined you guys earlier but --" she cut her sentence short when she noticed that he wasn't looking at her, but instead on the parchment Boo was holding. "What is that anyway?" shesaid, leaning over to get in on what was going on.

She looked from Mozzie, to Boo, then Nolan, and back to Boo, as she opened the letter. She kept silent. When Boo finally let out a gasp, she let out the breath she didn't realize she had been holding, then clutched the girl's shoulder. "What? What is it?" she asked, feeling just as surprised and worried as Boo looked as she held the parchment.
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Old 09-09-2007, 06:31 PM   #149 (permalink)
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Sy's eyes crossed, though not in anger. She was perfectly used to Auberon's menacing stared and words. They were unsettling in her first year, but now they were just annoying and, honestly, rather tiresome. She kicked one leg into the air to help herself sit up lazily and smiled grimly at Auberon as she scooted closer to Hayden. "Perheps no von hes esked for my opinion, Auberon, but you cennot say det it isn't true," Sy said, her ice blue eyes twinkling. She loved teasing him, though she new his limits and rarely crossed the line, an aspect of Auberon she had learned the very hard way.
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Old 09-09-2007, 07:32 PM   #150 (permalink)
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Etain walked into the great hall and looked around the tables. Everyone was mingling and talking to there friends. How touching. She smirked and walked over to the Ravenclaw table and sat down near some people that seemed to be hyper and rather happy. Except one lad who seemed a bit down. She looked over at a boy with black hair and piercings and smiled.

"Hello there," she said. She realized she really needed to meet people rather than be a loner and just work on court duties like she always did. "My name is Etain Rye."
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