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I knew when I saw him he had a little hint of perfect in him. He had emerald green eyes,dirty blonde hair,and a medium build,strong but not a body builder. He wore normal clothes,a long sleeved thermal from hollister,jeans,and sneakers. I was only 11 then,and boy did I pretend too hate him,and it was quite convincing. But now we were 16,and he was getting hard too hate. He was sweet,only played small pranks on me. He protected me,from any boy who went near me. But something was happening this year,certain people from FerryPort Landing were chosen to go to this wizarding school. Me ,Daphne,Puck,and my friend Maeve were chosen. And I knew for a fact there would be tons of cute girls there,and cute boys as well. But Puck would might as well forget me.
Characters: Sabrina Grimm:ME Puck (Robin)Goodfellow:ChelliePhone Daphne Grimm:xIIWishIWasYoursx Maeve Brooks(girl):ChloeClover James Potter:frankluva101
Albus Potter:snape'sgirlthru&thru Lily Potter:samthehpfreak Rose Weasley:bluephyre Hugo Weasley:emilymalfoy Teddy Lupin:spencer.reid,obbsessive.
Victorie Weasley:snelly0127
Fred Weasley: Roxanne Weasley:mugglevampire Scorpious Malfoy:ME Cindy Malfoy:Lathelawyer0218
Be Nice!
Have Fun!
No less then 3 lines!
*If this up,before Sunday,if you ask,I usually say yes,so just get a bio in*
Originally Posted by Announcement
Hello there, your thread has qualified into our forum and you can now begin RP'ing as soon as you get some players. We would like to remind you of a few links which are here for your reference:
Personality; Maeve is bubbly and quite easygoing. She dislikes Puck which isn't good cause one of her close friends really likes him. She dislikes homework and very strongly agrees to it being ban. Shes super excitable and gets excited really easily and shes very hyper. She has a little crush on Teddy, who she doesnt really know that. Well but SHHH because no body elsee knows.
History; Maeve has lived in one house on one street all her life. Round the corner from lots of her friends she felt like the abnormalist person on her street. Her mum and dad were both wizards too but they were all used to using their powers she was sixteen and she had a LOT to learn still.
I hope thats okay if you want me to add more lemme know
CLOOSEEEE. Sitting on her trunk trying to fasten it she sighed. Eh she'd do it later. She stared down seeing her FAVORITE pair of shoes sitting on the floor. No. Just no. She sighed. Jumped off her trunk and opened it, picking her shoes off the floor she threw them in and closed it. She jumped back on it trying to close it. No it wouldn't close. Going to drastic measures she opened her mouth and shouted "SOMEONE COMEE HEEEELP!" making it sound like she was in major trouble which to be quite honest she wasn't.
Lilah J. Mosely. _ p e r f e c t; accurate, exact, or correct in every detail
Teddy lifted his head hearing his name, smiling at Roxanne. Another member of the rather large Weasley family in whom he was so familiar with. "Heya Roxanne! I'm doing pretty good, yourself?" he propped himself up, making more room on the sofa so she could sit if she so choosed.
"I'm great." Roxxy said. "Thank you." She said sitting down on the couch. "Are you still tired?" She asked him.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Feeling so fly like a D-Criss| Jess's NOM | GERONIMO | Part Hobbit | Victimised by Moffat
Lily rolled out of bed... literally rolled out of bed. Then she looked at the time "oh... great" was her only reaction before running wildly around the Potter household to find the last of her stuff
everytime i think i had enough, i start heading for the door-------------------------------------------
there's a very strange vibration, that pierces me right to the core--------------------------- ----------------------------------samantha joan star - seventh year - hufflepuff
Meh? Food? Puck HAD been going to insult Sabrina further, but hearing the magic words from Daphne, he headed that way instead. "What? Where?" Mmmh, fooooood! But then he could hear someone else calling, and though he was obnoxious, Puck wasn't cruel. It sounded like Maeve realllly was in trouble.
Glancing longingly at the food, he ran towards where the voice came from, bounding into the room.
"Really Maeve?" oh well, he was here, might as well help. For a price. MWAHAHA!
Teddy chuckled, raising an eyebrow as he looked at Roxanne. "Roxy, when am I NOT tired?" Or hungry. Which speaking of, he could definitely eat. Standing up, he smiled at the Weasley who accompanied him. "I think I'ma gonna go get some food. Wanna come?"
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Sabrina sighed,"M stop fooling around."she commented,she had finished her packing. "We have the portkey in 10 minutes."she said,while eating a almost normal granola bar,at least it wasn't purple. But the chocolate chips were green.
Scorpius sighed,not a day goes by in Hogwarts when there isn't an ounce of drama.
Meh? Food? Puck HAD been going to insult Sabrina further, but hearing the magic words from Daphne, he headed that way instead. "What? Where?" Mmmh, fooooood! But then he could hear someone else calling, and though he was obnoxious, Puck wasn't cruel. It sounded like Maeve realllly was in trouble.
Glancing longingly at the food, he ran towards where the voice came from, bounding into the room.
"Really Maeve?" oh well, he was here, might as well help. For a price. MWAHAHA!
Teddy chuckled, raising an eyebrow as he looked at Roxanne. "Roxy, when am I NOT tired?" Or hungry. Which speaking of, he could definitely eat. Standing up, he smiled at the Weasley who accompanied him. "I think I'ma gonna go get some food. Wanna come?"
When is he not hungry. "I'd love to." Roxanne told Teddy. "I wonder what I'm gonna eat today?" she asked Teddy. Mostly herself.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Feeling so fly like a D-Criss| Jess's NOM | GERONIMO | Part Hobbit | Victimised by Moffat
"JAMES!!!! ALBUS!!!!" she yelled, where were those two. "HAS ANYONE SEEN MY OTHER SHOE?" she asked loudly, she always seemed to lose her shoes, it was quite a skill. If you weren't packing at the last minute
everytime i think i had enough, i start heading for the door-------------------------------------------
there's a very strange vibration, that pierces me right to the core--------------------------- ----------------------------------samantha joan star - seventh year - hufflepuff
| lottie+hollie ♦ | muma!caley | zara+shan;; too awesome ★ | the OC;; much love ♥ |
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
Meh? Food? Puck HAD been going to insult Sabrina further, but hearing the magic words from Daphne, he headed that way instead. "What? Where?" Mmmh, fooooood! But then he could hear someone else calling, and though he was obnoxious, Puck wasn't cruel. It sounded like Maeve realllly was in trouble.
Glancing longingly at the food, he ran towards where the voice came from, bounding into the room.
"Really Maeve?" oh well, he was here, might as well help. For a price. MWAHAHA!
M stood there staring at the doorway at Puck walked in. DUH. She was obviously in need of help. "No. My Case totally shuts I just felt like yelling. Of course I need help!" Ugh. Eye roll. Sometimes he was just super annoyingg. Erghhhh. "Do me a favor sit on it ? You're weight should weigh it down." she smirked. He deserved the insults he was obnoxsious.
Originally Posted by Pottergrl101
Sabrina sighed,"M stop fooling around."she commented,she had finished her packing. "We have the portkey in 10 minutes."she said,while eating a almost normal granola bar,at least it wasn't purple. But the chocolate chips were green.
She turned rolling her eyes at Puck and sighing. "S, Im not. My trunk wont shut." she groaned. She liked Letters. "10 MINUTES!?" she yelled. "Im not gonna be ready. And I'll be SUPER angry if you go without me." she moaned some more.
Lilah J. Mosely. _ p e r f e c t; accurate, exact, or correct in every detail
"Stop moanign and groaning eat a gronola bar and lets go,Puc close the trunk,lets get a mve on,I'm not waiting for you lazy lumps all day."she said exsaperated. This was ridiculous."Daphne,get down here."she said.
Whoop!Phyre || ❤LiliAnzaScarNatAmyEmi || Professional Vigilante || The Flying Tomato
Rose grunted into her pillow as the day came much too early for her liking. She had been having a very nice dream, thank you very much! She wouldn't divulge its contents to anyone, but it was still a very, very nice dream! Literally rolling out of bed (and onto the floor) she scuttled around, picking out clothes out of her already-packed suitcase. She had been smart enough to do stuff everything in there the night before, which had kept her up far later than she planned. Oh well... At least she didn't have to do much of anything.
Running to the bathroom, Rose showered and dressed quickly, drying her hair by magic as she brushed her teeth. Putting the finishing touches on her rebellious hair, she emerged again, wiped her mouth on her sleeve, and deemed herself ready to go. She was running late... Damn. "Wait for meeee!" she shouted, bounding out of her room and tripping right down the stairs. It wasn't the best means of transportation, but sliding down on her stomach with her suitcase right behind was a lot faster than the clumsy, wobbling trot she usually descended with.
Feeling so fly like a D-Criss| Jess's NOM | GERONIMO | Part Hobbit | Victimised by Moffat
Lily grabbed the last of her stuff, no one was up. Did they already leave? better not have, she'd kill them. She tied her hair up in a ponytail and dragged her stuff to the front door, still no one "JAMES?" she called "ALBUS?" again "MUM? DAD? HELLO! IT'S SEPTEMBER 1ST HERE!" she yelled
everytime i think i had enough, i start heading for the door-------------------------------------------
there's a very strange vibration, that pierces me right to the core--------------------------- ----------------------------------samantha joan star - seventh year - hufflepuff
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Hugo had been sitting in the kitchen and eating a very sugary bowl of cereal when he had heard a thump, then saw his sister appear in the kitchen. "Good morning Rose," he said, trying not to sound to hyper. Today was September first, the beginning of Hogwarts. He would be going into his fifth year. The year when he would have to take his OWLs. But Rose would have to take her NEWTs. ANYWAY....
Huge had been all packed since...last night? It might have been sooner, maybe. Or not. He wasn't good with planning, or remembering things. But every year he had his trunk packed on time and at least one night before they left for Hogwarts. His owl, Butterscotch, was in his cage with some food and he was ready for travel. Everything was great. He was so excited! Hugo took a biiiiiiiiig drink of Orange Juice before smothering his cereal with more sugar and taking a bite. They had to leave soon; so he scarfed the rest of his meal down and had to concentrate reeeeeeeeeally hard not to bounce up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and- nevermind.
Whoop!Phyre || ❤LiliAnzaScarNatAmyEmi || Professional Vigilante || The Flying Tomato
Originally Posted by EmilyMalfoy
Hugo had been sitting in the kitchen and eating a very sugary bowl of cereal when he had heard a thump, then saw his sister appear in the kitchen. "Good morning Rose," he said, trying not to sound to hyper. Today was September first, the beginning of Hogwarts. He would be going into his fifth year. The year when he would have to take his OWLs. But Rose would have to take her NEWTs. ANYWAY....
Huge had been all packed since...last night? It might have been sooner, maybe. Or not. He wasn't good with planning, or remembering things. But every year he had his trunk packed on time and at least one night before they left for Hogwarts. His owl, Butterscotch, was in his cage with some food and he was ready for travel. Everything was great. He was so excited! Hugo took a biiiiiiiiig drink of Orange Juice before smothering his cereal with more sugar and taking a bite. They had to leave soon; so he scarfed the rest of his meal down and had to concentrate reeeeeeeeeally hard not to bounce up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and- nevermind.
"Good morning, Hugo," Rose replied, smiling as she walked over to Butterscotch's cage and petting her. The owl nipped lightly, lovingly, letting her continue her ministration. With her other hand, she grabbed an apple; that would be enough for her. And, glancing back to Hugo, she giggled. He was bouncing. Walking over, she put a hand on his head, forcing him to stop with his hyperactive bouncing. "Calm down, Hugh," she said. "It's only Hogwarts, remember? Hasn't changed since last time we were there."
Daphne was still in the middle of stuffing her mouth with something she didn't know of. She sighed and placed her fork down and hugged the huge dog. Bye bye, hasta la bye byeee!" she chirped happily. She walked over to where Sabrina was then grabbed her trunk. "I was eating!" Daphne complained. Oh, Ferryport landing... how she was going to miss it... and Ms. White!!
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
| lottie+hollie ♦ | muma!caley | zara+shan;; too awesome ★ | the OC;; much love ♥ |
M rolled her eyes. "How am I suppose to stop moaning and eat a gronla bar if, one I dont have a gronola bar, and two my trunk wontt clooseee!" she said flailing. This wasn't gonna be easy, what was she gonna do when they had to come back again surely she'd have more stuff by then. So it'd be even harder to close maybe she could get some sort of extension on her trunk. Hmm she'd have to ask someone about that.
Lilah J. Mosely. _ p e r f e c t; accurate, exact, or correct in every detail
Sabrina chucked a gronola bar at her,"Happy?"she asked.She sat on the trunk."help.."she grunted trying too clasp the handle thingys."Puck get your fat body on this and close it."she hollered.
Scorpius sighed,he hated having had too come to Hogwarts early this year no one else was here.
| lottie+hollie ♦ | muma!caley | zara+shan;; too awesome ★ | the OC;; much love ♥ |
Maeve nodded. "Yup. Very." she said sitting on the floor openiong her graonola bar and beginning to eat it all why watching S and Puck sit on her trunk trying to close it. Teeheee. Gronola bar and a show. She giggled at them. That was certainly gonna take more than 10 minutes and she refused to take anything out.
Lilah J. Mosely. _ p e r f e c t; accurate, exact, or correct in every detail
Puck sighed, frowning as he was called fat before plopping down on the trunk. "Well, hurry it up and latch it. I don't wanna sit here foreverrrr!" Which he didn't.
Teddy followed the Potter/Weasley clan down to the tables, before plopping down at one and listening to them alls chat. Merlin, his adoptive family was quiteeeee interesting. But, in a Ron like fashion, he merely piled the food onto his plate and began shoveling it all in.
ooc-Fail post. >.< Next ones will be better.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Whoop!Phyre || ❤LiliAnzaScarNatAmyEmi || Professional Vigilante || The Flying Tomato
Rose sat down at the Gryffindor table, kicking her feet and smiling at Teddy. Watching him eat was funny... He was a pig, just like her daddy. But she loved both of them anyway! Without anything else to look at, she gazed to the ceiling... and then over at the Slytherin table. Where was Scorpius?
Feeling so fly like a D-Criss| Jess's NOM | GERONIMO | Part Hobbit | Victimised by Moffat
Lily took a seat at her own house table, the Ravenclaw table, she was one of the only people in her family in Ravenclaw, and she was proud of it. She just toyed with her food she wasn't hungry. Her red hair stood out on the Ravenclaw table but she was used to it. As she looked up from her table she saw her cousin Rose looking at the Slytherin table, she may not be in her house but she knew she was looking for Scorpius, it was easy to see. A small smirk spread across Lily's face as she put her head down and continued poking her food.
(ooc: sorry that was just a post blabbering on )
everytime i think i had enough, i start heading for the door-------------------------------------------
there's a very strange vibration, that pierces me right to the core--------------------------- ----------------------------------samantha joan star - seventh year - hufflepuff
Whoop!Phyre || ❤LiliAnzaScarNatAmyEmi || Professional Vigilante || The Flying Tomato
OOC: Had to find a reason to reply to say this: I love your avvie...
Rose noticed a smirk from her dearest cousin Lily... and went beet red. Great. She had been caught. Wait... No one could hear what was going on in Lily's mind! It didn't bloody matter... Not one bit. Besides, she couldn't see Scorpius. What was the point of looking?
| lottie+hollie ♦ | muma!caley | zara+shan;; too awesome ★ | the OC;; much love ♥ |
Crawling forward She popped her gronola bar onto the floor. "Well I can't clip the latch if your legs in the way." She said shoving Puck's leg to the side and sighing. She clipped the latch and picked her gronola bar up off the floor and sat down to eat it. "Done."
Lilah J. Mosely. _ p e r f e c t; accurate, exact, or correct in every detail
Crawling forward She popped her gronola bar onto the floor. "Well I can't clip the latch if your legs in the way." She said shoving Puck's leg to the side and sighing. She clipped the latch and picked her gronola bar up off the floor and sat down to eat it. "Done."
Puck frowned as Maeve pushed his legs to the side. "Are you calling my legs fat?" Tehe, noo, he wasn't at all fat. He was prettttty and he knew it. Butttt, anything that might get on Maeve's nerves was an A+ job for him!
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
| lottie+hollie ♦ | muma!caley | zara+shan;; too awesome ★ | the OC;; much love ♥ |
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
Puck frowned as Maeve pushed his legs to the side. "Are you calling my legs fat?" Tehe, noo, he wasn't at all fat. He was prettttty and he knew it. Butttt, anything that might get on Maeve's nerves was an A+ job for him!
M giggled as Puck frowned. He annoyed her so she annoyed him. It was a pretty good hate-hate relationship they'd got going on if you asked her. "Aww. No of course not, sweetie. Im calling you fat." she said smirking at him. He didn't wanna sit there all day yet he'd only been sitting there for 5 minutes.
Lilah J. Mosely. _ p e r f e c t; accurate, exact, or correct in every detail
M giggled as Puck frowned. He annoyed her so she annoyed him. It was a pretty good hate-hate relationship they'd got going on if you asked her. "Aww. No of course not, sweetie. Im calling you fat." she said smirking at him. He didn't wanna sit there all day yet he'd only been sitting there for 5 minutes.
Puck frowned, poking his tongue out at her, before standing. The trunk looked closed to him, so did that mean he was free? Hopefully. "You know M, I think you diss me to cover up the fact your madly in love with me." He smirked at her, crossing his arms over his chest, and poking his tongue out once more.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start