Carrying her little black notebook, Emmalyn found a quiet little spot to sit and plan out her goals. Long term goals were not her thing. She absolutely hate the thought of failing at something she would be working on for such a long time. Yes, she knew she might not fail, but failing was a possibility and she didn’t like it.
Once seated and comfortable, she pulled out her notebook and stared blankly at the empty pages. What was she going to attempt? Five months really wasn’t that long to train for and accomplish anything too hard, but it was long enough to achieve something a bit more challenging than simply scoring more goals or cutting down her lap time.
Then it came to her. She had seen a few of the older players at quidditch camp do loops over the pitch. A showy move that really didn’t improve your game play, but it looked like so much fun. She had attempted it a few times, but chickened out before becoming inverted.
That was it. That was going to be her long term goal. A full loop over the pitch before the end of term. Now, she needed to set some short term goals to help with her long term goal. First off was speed. She needed to increase her speed a bit in order to make it all the way around. Next, was being more comfortable with flying upside down. She could work on that too. Last of all, she needed to increase her arm strength to be able to keep ahold of her broom while looping.
On the first page of her notebook she wrote.
After she finished the last line, she put her writing instrument back in her bag and looked over her goals. She hoped she hadn’t made her major goal too hard. She had already bailed out of doing loops once, but this time she was determined to stay the course and complete her objective.