Disclaimer: The wonderful world of Hogwarts and magic belongs to the wonderful JK Rowling. The 'what not to do at Hogwarts' ideas belong to...someone, but some of them belong to me. As do all the characters. 
Day 1: The Ravenclaw's do not find a sign saying 'the library is closed for an indefinite amount of time' amusing in any way whatsoever.
Day 2: I will not follow Potion's directions in reverse order to see what happens Leela dumped her trunk on her bed and smiled, it was good to be back at Hogwarts. She was fifteen now; a fifth year, she had to take her OWLs this year, and she was nervous. But she had ways of relieving the stress, ways that should make certain people very afraid.
"Leela!" Leela was nearly tackled to the ground in a giant hug from her best friend. She laughed and hugged her back.
"Cassie! It's been so long since I last saw you." The whole summer to be exact. "How have you been? How was your summer? How is Jesse?" Jesse was Cassie's twin brother, and possibly the hottest guy in the entire school.
"I'm great," Cassie replied. "My summer was great. My aunt got married! She flew our entire family out to Ireland, and I got to be a bridesmaid!" She squealed in excitement and Leela looked at her jealously.
"No fair!" she exclaimed and hit her best friend with a pillow. "Hey," Cassie said, hitting her back. Both girls screeched and hit eachother with pillows.
"Girls, girls," came a voice from the doorway. "Don't be so immature." Both of them stopped and looked to the door. Jade Weasley was standing in the doorway and smiling.
"Jade!" Both of them dropped their pillow and ran to the door, where they tackled Jade in a huge bear hug. Her piercing green eyes were shining in excitement.
"I thought you weren't coming back!" Cassie picked up Jade's trunk and threw it onto her bed.
"Hey, I have fragile objects in there." Jade walked over to her trunk and put it right side up. Then she turned around to answer Cassie's question. "I didn't think I was," she admitted. "But dad decided to keep his job so we got to stay!" She smiled and the girls all hugged again; it would have been a lonely year with only two thirds of their trio.
"So Leela," Jade began. "We're fifth years now, we have to take our owls. I bet you'll be studying say in and day out won't you?" The three girls looked at eachother then laughed until they cried. When they finally settled down Jade started again.
"What do you have planned for this year Leela?"
"I have a list," Leela said mischievously. "And I know the perfect thing to start out with." she crossed the room to her trunk, which was at the foot of her bed, and knelt down by it.
She unbuckled it and opened her trunk. Leela reached inside and searched through it. Finally she found what she was looking for and pulled it out. It was a carefully folded poster that she had curled up before packing. Leela uncurled it and found that there wasn't a crease. Good, she thought.
"Come on," she said to her two best friends, and they followed her down the stairs. They exited the Gryffindor common room and made their way down to the hallway.
"Here," Leela said, handing Cassie and Jade the poster and some tape. "Tape this to the window, I'll be right back." She went through the library and turned off every single light, then she joined her friends outside.
Cassie was admiring the sign, her brown eyes laughing. Jade was standing next to her and grinning. "This is perfect," they said together.
Jade quite liked her sign, it was white letters on a light blue poster board. On the outside of the letters she had added some dark blue sparkled for a touch of pretty.
"Someone's coming," Cassie said suddenly. Sure enough, when Leela listened she heard footsteps. The three of them exchanged a glance, then hurried down the hall in the opposite direction.
The next morning Leela woke up and turned onto her side so she could see her friend's beds. Neither of them were there; they must be up already. Leela got out of bed and put on her school robes. Then she brushed back her long reddish-brown hair and tied it into a ponytail.
She walked down the stairs into the common room and saw only one other person in it. Jesse. Cassie's twin brother; the hottest guy in the entire school, possibly the entire world.
"Hey Lee," he said with a smile when he saw her. When he looked up the sun happened to catch his blonde hair and make it shine in a way that made it look like Heaven was missing an angel. ANYWHO...
"It's Leela," she said putting her hands on her hips. "Do not call me Lee Jesse." No one was allowed to call her that, not even Jesse White.
"Sorry Lee," he said, then laughed when she glared at him. Leela gave him a look that said she wasn't afraid to punch him, and she wasn't. Not even if it
would hurt his pretty face.
"Have you seen Cassie?" Leela asked him.
"Ya," Jesse said. "She went down to have breakfast a little while ago. I wasn't hungry yet, but i am now. Want to go down?"
"Sure," Leela said. She followed him out of the common room and they walked down to the Great Hall. As they passed the Ravenclaw table she noticed them looking glum, at least one was crying.
"What's with them?" Jesse asked with a frown.
"I don't know," Leela answered innocently as they reached the Gryffindor table. She sat down across from Cassie and Jade, a few second later Jesse sat down next to her.
"Leela, you've got to see this." Leela looked over to see a distressed Ravenclaw running over to her. It was her younger sister, Macy, she was a fourth year.
"Mace, I'm eating," Leela answered. But she knew she would come, because she knew where Macy wanted to take her. There was no way she would miss it.
"Come on Leela," her little sister persisted. Leela sighed dramatically and stood up.
"You guys coming?" She asked Jade and Cassie. The corner of Jade's lips turned up as she agreed and both of them followed her.
"Look!" Macy said as they reached the library. She pointed to the sign on the window that said, 'The library is closed for an indefinite period of time.' "Isn't it horrible?"
"I bet she put it there," said a voice to her right. It was Eloise, Macy's best friend.
"Who, moi?" Leela asked innocently.
"Yes you," Eloise said. "This is just the kind of thing that you would do."
"Jade would never do that," Macy defended. "This is horrible!" Leela looked from her distressed sister, to her sister's angry friend, to her friends, who were trying their hardest not to laugh. Then, she couldn't help it, she burst out laughing.