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Honeydukes Register (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

View Poll Results: What does this fic need more of?
Pikachu! Definitely, Pikachu as Voldemorts one true adversary ... 4 28.57%
Vampires and werewolves, the nice shinny kind of vampires and the shirtless kind of werewolves 3 21.43%
Teddy and Otty's crazy shenanigans, no wait this whole fic is just about that LOL 1 7.14%
New ships like: Harry/Pansy, Ginny/Draco, Ron/Tiffany, Crookshanks/The Giant Squid 2 14.29%
The death of major characters, start offing some more Otty, you're next Neville. 2 14.29%
Sirius Black ... c'mon Otty bring him back from the dead already ... 2 14.29%
Snape/Lily flashback romance *sniffles* the ship that never sailed ... OMG! *cries* 1 7.14%
Space Opera, where are the bloody starships, the aliens and Dr. Who c'mon I wanna a blaster! 2 14.29%
Epic, uhm, epicness ... I guess. 3 21.43%
A western shoot out at the O-K corral between Voldemort & Otty *eeeeeeeeek* 2 14.29%
The Endless 2 14.29%
Cats vs. Dogs, because that's an epic battle that's been going on forever! 4 28.57%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 14. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 08-04-2010, 03:07 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ottery St. Catchpole
Third Year
Gryffindor 48 Hours: A Human Nature Side Story - Sa13+
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

Yes, I'm back, like a bad cold or your worst enemy or the mate of that sock you just threw away because you thought it got lost in the laundry ... how long I stay is entirely up to you. No not you, *pushes them out of the way* you. I'll be watching you ...
Neways, if you've read Human Nature then Yay! You're in luck this is the continuation! If you haven't ... click the link you're missing the first part of this story, or if you're really not interested jump in, I'm sure my stories are weird enough they don't need preamble. Whatever you choose to do lets have fun because that's what writing, reading, life and hanging out on SS is all about, having fun.

*Banner here laterz*

48 Hours or Your life in a flash: A Human Nature Side StorySa13+
by the ever incorrigible, undeniable chocolate eater, Ron Lover & fan of all things literate Ottery (the St. is for street cuz I ain't no saint) St. Catchpole & Shakespeare my occasional partner (I taught him everything he knows)

And so it begins ...

*teddy pops in* T: Just like that, throw your new readers a cold bucket of water! No wonder no one reads your stuff.

O: Oh Teddy you're right whatever shall I do, wherever shall I go?
T: Frankly my dear I don't give a ...
O: We interrupt this tender moment for a quick recap for those of you who just really don't want to slog through Human Nature.

Recap: Contains Massive Spoilage 4 Human Nature Read at your own risk Human Nature is Ottery St.'s dramatic retelling of Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince, simply because it needed more vampires and Twilight references It begins with the appearance of Nicholas Black a cute boy (because all the boys in Otty's stories are always cute) purporting to be Sirius Black's son! Mother as yet undisclosed. Maybe someone we know No not Molly Weasley!

Harry is hunted by Voldemort while Dumbledore and the Order contend with the Dark Lord AND Sebastian Shaw a man with an army of his own willing to risk everything, and anyone and willing to use the means of the Dark Lord to beat him at his own game. Will Sebastian turn Harry to the Dark Side? And will he lose his soul to avenge his love's death? Tune in to this fic to find out. Oh yeah, the Hogwarts Express was derailed in a vicious attack by the Death Eaters killing many innocents and costing us a few favorite characters ... no I'm telling you, seriously go read it. Last chance. Ottery St. Catchpole is imprisoned in Azkaban (no not me I'm not writing from there, the character ) while Teddy and Otty's friends plot a seriously wicked escape, unknown to them Ottery is the victim of assassination and ... well read the title and figure it out. Will he hold out through the night? And Hermione is in a comma, and Harry takes the gloves off.
It's ON! Now ...

It was night, and it was fell and cold a somber day had given way to darkness without moon. Walking the top of the parapet walk of the long tall keep that was the prison Azkaban in the wet and the rain, Ham waited for the ghost.

The three other guards had told him that at night a silent ghost appeared that very much resembled his father. It nagged at Ham that he had not gone to visit the old man down in Chutney-in-the-sauce but he had called him just last night. Still, curiosity got the better of Ham and he had taken that night's watch on the wall. Despite the cold and the occasional rain.

The deluge had begun to let up when he saw a milky white film, a wisp of something, perhaps a cloak in the wind coming towards him.

"Ham ... let," the voice spoke. "Ham ... let."

"Hamlet's not my name ghost," the man complained, "It's Hammond. Rory Hammond."

"Noooooooo oaf! Ham, let … me tell you. My hour is almost come, when I to sulphurous and tormenting flames must render up myself."

"Well that sucks," Ham answered sympathetically. He leaned against his spear and yawned bored by the night’s dullness.

"Pity me not, but lend thy serious hearing, to what I shall unfold."

"Sure, go on." Ham could not believe that the others had thought this phantasm looked like his father, the ghost was a thin skinny wisp of a man, and bald, Hammonds Dad had a full head of hair and he had played rugby in school. Still, he listened politely, there was nothing else for it.

"Doom'd for a certain term to walk the night, and for the day confined to fast in fires, till the foul crimes done in my days of nature are burnt and purged away. But that I am forbid to tell the secrets of my prison-house ..." watching his audience the ghost could see that the man was leaning on his spear sleeping. "Gets them every time."

Over the tall, straight castle walls a boy came over his brown hair whipping in the wind, he turned to look down one end of the walk then jumped as he turned and saw the dark haired boy next to him.

“Geez, don’t do that!” Teddy complained.

Diego Cerberus said nothing.

“Sleeping the sleep of the just,” the ghost explained, hovering over his victim.

“Yeah, thanks King Dane. I’ll get you those Debby Gibson cd’s you want,” a soft voice replied. Standing between the boys was a beautiful girl, with long chocolate brown hair wearing a body fitting black suit.

The ghost thanked the girl and disappeared.

“Maybe you coming along wasn’t such a bad thing,” Teddy said giving the girl a toe to head look. Slap! “Now I definitely know …”

Before he could finish saying anything else Diego had pulled the man’s spear from his hands, whacked the guard on the head with it and had flung the spear across the foggy parapet walk. The shiper of it’s flight ceased, and there was a soft groan in the distance.

“Diego,” Tiffany whispered loudly.

There was a soft thud as someone fell to the ground.

“I thought you said we couldn’t kill anyone?” Teddy complained. “If he gets to whack people so do I!”


Diego walked over silently followed behind by the others. Tiffany crouched down over the figure who’d slid down the length of the spear, to where he lay unconscious on the ground. The weapon had landed in front of him and the man had smacked himself in the face with it, slid down it and knocked himself out again as his jaw hit the ground.

“Cute, his name’s Egg,” Teddy said laughing, “Get it? Ham’n Egg.” Tiffany clamped a hand over his mouth, then promptly took it away.

“Why’d you do that toots?” the boy asked.

“I don’t know where your mouth’s been.”

“If you kissed me more often I could remedy that.”

Diego walked past them and Tiffany pulled the brown haired boy after her by the ear. The assault on Azkaban had begun.


“It’s Brainerd poison. I can tell from the smell,” a soft voice whispered in the dark.

“Go’way,” Ottery thought to say but didn’t. In a short while he would be dead anyway, right? His only regret was that he could not see Ron one more time, and that he had not been much help to Harry fighting Voldemort. At least Ottery’s secrets would end with him, and not fall into Scrimgeour’s hands. Because as apt a wizard as the boy was even he couldn’t trick Veritaserum short of completely altering his mind with memory charms.

“You’ve got forty eight hours to live, wise …”

“What do you want?” the boy asked the darkness. He sat up on the hard rock floor of his prison cell.

“I’m down here,” the squeaky voice cried. “And I want to help you, so you can keep your secrets and you can go see Ron and make sure he’s okay, and so you can help Harry and most importantly so that you don’t go nuts. You’ve been in here weeks and …”

The dark haired boy interrupted the soft squeaky voice, “Maurice? Is that you?”

“In the fur,” the little mouse replied.

“I haven’t seen you since … that prison in France.”

“Yes,” there was a soft sound of a mouse spitting, “those blasted Nazis tramping through my dear France.”

“I’ve missed you,” the boy replied quietly. “We had some crazy adventures remember? Raiding that party and helping Dumbledore stop that evil wizard.”

“Otherwise the Nazis would have used dark magic to conquer Great Britain and where would we be then?”

“Given the present situation I don’t know that things would have been that much …”

“This is hardly the place for politics my friend. Now about your poison. Brainerd gives you 48 hours to live unless you can get to the antidote.”

“It also makes you really hungry,” Ottery complained, the sound of his empty stomach growling punctuated the point.

“I’ve got moldy cheese. Want to share?”

“Why couldn’t you be Remy?” Ottery complained.

“Because he kept the best for himself,” and they both laughed at that old joke. “But seriously, you’ve got to live my friend. The wizarding world is depending on you.”

“No it’s not, it needs Harry Potter and he’s alive and well, last I heard.”

“The world needs all manner of heroes my friend. Even those who stand in the shadows. Not everyone gets the bright shiny lights and the girl at the end of the day.”

“You can keep the girl they always land me in trouble. Remember Melissa in Cairo?”

“Ottery, listen! You need to plan your escape. The world is depending on you.”

“Fine, fine, fine, so be it. I’ll get out I’ll go see … but Brainerd isn’t … I mean, the only known antidote is silver mint that grows by the full moon and the only place to find that is …”

The mouse bobbed his head up and down, “The monastery of San Gilman. The werewolf monastery.”

“The ones who sent that stupid bird assassin. I don‘t think I‘m going to make it through the night.”

“Time is running out on us Ottery. You have to. The wizarding world is depending on you.”

“I just want to see Ron, one more time,” Ottery exclaimed. “Just to see Ron.”


She walked in shadows and darkness. Lost. Lost in a dream of darkness.

Until she met him.

At first he stood, merely a tall shadow in the light. As she walked closer she could see he was a man. He stood there, wearing the strangest pants and shoes. The girl blushed seeing his strong muscular chest and arms naked, and then she noticed his painted face.

“Who are you?” Hermione asked the strange fellow.

“You do not remember me Hermione? I am Silver Wind,” the man said and a soft breeze blew past them both. Hermione could see now they were standing in a wide open meadow filled with long bending soft grass.


Disclaimer: All of the HP characters belong to J.K. Rowling, all the characters I create belong to me, as does the story but not the concepts created by J.K. Rowling who pwns, no infringement is implied. It's her world, I just live in it.

Chapter: Ronald Weasley lay sleeping ...
Chapter: Everything changed ...
Chapter: If I could be your Superman ...
Chapter: The Pit & The Pen & Teller or Make me!
Chapter: Hands - & - Chapter: Young hearts, run free!
Chapter: I can’t fight this feeling anymore or the Droo sings chappie
Chapter: Darling, reach out, Reach out, for me
Chapter: La samba des jours avec toi (The samba of better days with you)
Chapter: I can’t smile without you …
Chapter: If you were there you'd know
Chapter: Uhm, title will go here later
Interlude: Hermione's Spirit Quest
Chapter: "Even in the darkness every color can be found ..."
Chapter: It's not a love song, it's not a love song ... (only it is!)
Chapter: Hush, hush, keep it down now, voices carry
Interlude 2: Hermione's Spirit Quest
Chapter: When I get you alone
Chapter: Our House
Post #100 Chapter: Can you keep a secret? (The Barbie chapter)
Chapter: Goodnight Sweet Prince
Chapter: Save You
Interlude #3: Hermione's Spirit Quest
Chapter: A dragon by any other name
Chapter: Holding out for a hero, part 1
Holding out for a hero, part 2
Chapter: It Ends Tonight
Chapter: Endgame! or Someone please reboot my life ...
Chapter: Oyeme
Chapter: All good things ... or Fly me to the moon


Last edited by OtterySt.Catchpole; 09-05-2011 at 05:43 AM.
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Old 08-04-2010, 05:22 PM   #2 (permalink)

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Welcome back to Epic and Adventure, be sure you refresh yourself on the rules, post often and have fun!

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Old 08-04-2010, 10:14 PM   #3 (permalink)
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heart I love the Epic and Adventure Forum!!!!!!!!!!111111
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Originally Posted by Droo View Post
Welcome back to Epic and Adventure, be sure you refresh yourself on the rules, post often and have fun!
Thank you Droo, and sorry about the Snafu, that really was a rookie mistake. I hope everyone enjoys my story, I will post often, I hope ... and let's all have fun ... and I'm reading the rules again because even after you mentioned it I couldn't figure out what I'd missed ... In my defense it's been a long hot day and I think my brain melted on 4th street ...

Will edit to add story here ...
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Old 08-05-2010, 07:20 AM   #4 (permalink)
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~Otts!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!
how long I stay is entirely up to you.
Till Forever is no more. I say you stay forever!
“I thought you said we couldn’t kill anyone?” Teddy complained. “If he gets to whack people so do I!”
It's great to see Teddy hasn't changed.
I kept picking things to highlight and talk how I loved each part, but, where to begin, and what to end on was to much to ponder upon this late hour. So, I'm just going to tell you that I read it all through with a stupid smile on my face like when I got the newest HP book that was released and started reading it. I'm just so happy you're back! Then I re-read it and felt anger at the ministry, and Sebastian Shaw. I laughed at the whole beginning, the ghost, Teddy, and the rest of them. It was all put together brilliantly. I was soooooooooooo sad for Ottery, and his plight of only 48 hours to live. Maurice is wonderful, and I loved Ottery's quiet conversation with him, as if maybe he really didn't truly know if he was there or not, but to just have the thought was a comfort. But, he really was there and now, everything is going to come together for him to get out of his prison. And I'm so glad. It was heartbreaking him being in there all that time!

And the last bit:
She walked in shadows and darkness. Lost. Lost in a dream of darkness.

Until she met him.

At first he stood, merely a tall shadow in the light. As she walked closer she could see he was a man. He stood there, wearing the strangest pants and shoes. The girl blushed seeing his strong muscular chest and arms naked, and then she noticed his painted face.

“Who are you?” Hermione asked the strange fellow.

“You do not remember me Hermione? I am Silver Wind,” the man said and a soft breeze blew past them both. Hermione could see now they were standing in a wide open meadow filled with long bending soft grass.
~Otts, am I thinking correct that this Silver Wind Indian, is the very same that Hermione was reading about at the very beginning of Human Nature? I can't believe how awesome that is!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must go look tomorrow. But, you know, I think I'm right. And if I'm not, I will probably come back, and edit this out.
Can't wait for your next post!
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Old 08-05-2010, 01:50 PM   #5 (permalink)
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dear Otts! You know I can never stay away from your fics! I love how I can see the subtle changes in your writing from earlier work. Not so much improvement but the evolution of how you put your story together. You've always had a fantastic imagination. I love to see what you come up with.

It's her world, I just live in it.
Indeed! And play. It's so much fun.

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Old 08-05-2010, 06:02 PM   #6 (permalink)

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MUHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAAAA! For once I caught your fic in the beginning Needless to say, I'm excited.

"Ham ... let," the voice spoke. "Ham ... let."
I'm not going to lie...when I read this I thought: " I have to go read Hamlet!"

YAYZ that you're back

Post soooooooooooon
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Old 08-06-2010, 01:55 AM   #7 (permalink)
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heart For Lissy♥Love who loves the 80's! ;)
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Connie: It's sweet of you to want me back until forever, sadly, no. You've only got me for 48 hours maybe less ... *starts running*

Lissylove: gets all my love. You always say the sweetest things Lissy♥Love that's why when I go to NY to meet with my editors (this is when I become a famous writer of course) I'm taking you to The House of Chocolate (I almost wrote that in French I swear I need to stay out of trouble).

Thank you for what you've said ... I know I need to improve, but I do think I have evolved rather nicely in the descriptive department. Its all metaphor and no more.

K'Lari: Hey, the law of averages sweetie, you had to get in at the beginning sometime. So When does Seether start, you have to let me know ... it's about Lupin isn't it? I wuv Wupin. I'm going to reread all the books so ... maybe I can be more canon with this story Neways, here goes. Todays chappie.

Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday
I'm not sure what this could mean
I don't think you're what you seem
I do admit to myself
That if I hurt someone else
Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be ~New Order Bizarre Love Triangle

Ronald Weasley lay sleeping in his bed at The Burrow, knocked out by a sleeping draught that Molly Weasley had slipped into his strawberry tea. Molly worried quietly in the kitchen amidst the warmth of an oven and stove, while dishes puttered around her spoons swirling in pots, knives cutting vegetables, dishes being washed by sponges, and the kettle on the boil while Molly stared out the window of the kitchen into the nights darkness trying to find there some answer as to why her children had to be in such peril. She wanted Arthur so closely, and ached in her heart to have him to hold her close and make her feel safe. It was only in his arms that she ever felt that safe.

At Hogwarts Luna sat up reading a book about how to travel by tornado, L. Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz. She wondered that muggles had such insight into alternatives methods of transportation. It was something she did when she wanted to lose herself. Reality sometimes seemed a little too dark and books helped her sort her thoughts. The unlikeliest answers presented themselves sometimes.

"I should take up zombie hunting," she thought to herself. I'l have to ask Professor Snape about that. He's a bit zombieish, no?"

Elsewhere in the castle Harry Potter and Nicholas Black sat alone by the fireside in the common room their shadows flickering on the walls like a silent film, their arms flinging and gesticulating as they whispered their dark plans.

"We need a way out of the castle obviously," Nicholas remarked.

"Well it can't be apparating," Harry added, remembering Hermione's old constant refrain.

"Obviously. But I know how to make portkeys," the boy said, "we could also steal some Floo powder if it comes down to it. That's how the professors come and go in a pinch. We'll just nick it from their offices."

Harry didn't particularly care for that suggestion. Harry wasn't squeamish about bending the rules but Nicholas seem bent on breaking them if need be, as if he were walking through a spiderweb to get through the hall.

"What we're also going to need is a place to meet," Nicholas added.

"The room of requirement," came a soft gentle voice through the quiet night. It was stronger and louder than their whispers but accustomed to being low.

AN: That's it for now kiddies, Bella is getting restless and I have to have dinner. I will be back, I hope you don't mind the cliffie ANd everyone has to look up a youtube 80's Diva Megamix by corazon something ... it's awesome. Especially Sheena Easton's Telephone ... google it. It's made of awesome.
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Old 08-06-2010, 05:58 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Hello ~Otts.
At Hogwarts Luna sat up reading a book about how to travel by tornado, L. Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz. She wondered that muggles had such insight into alternatives methods of transportation. It was something she did when she wanted to lose herself. Reality sometimes seemed a little too dark and books helped her sort her thoughts. The unlikeliest answers presented themselves sometimes.
I loved this so much! Luna should study Pecos Bill. I think he had a way of traveling by Tornadoes too. Didn't he?
Ron's Strawberry Tea sounds comforting. He needs some comfort.
Elsewhere in the castle Harry Potter and Nicholas Black sat alone by the fireside in the common room their shadows flickering on the walls like a silent film, their arms flinging and gesticulating as they whispered their dark plans.
I love it that Harry and Nicholas are scheming together! but who has joined them? Great post ~Otts! I'll be watching for your next.

Last edited by Connie; 08-06-2010 at 03:26 PM.
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Old 08-06-2010, 11:57 AM   #9 (permalink)

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LOL Zombie hunting!!! I love her. Great Chapter.

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Old 08-06-2010, 11:17 PM   #10 (permalink)

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I guess I did! Still happy about it EEP! Oh, as for Seether *mouth gets zipped up* In other words I have no idea But I will poke you Oh, no. It's an original character story But now I really have the urge to write a Teddy Lupin fic Haha! Even if it's not cannon it's still awesome!

Okay, first: Luna is love.
Second: OHMCGEE! Who is that?!?!?!?
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Old 08-08-2010, 11:13 AM   #11 (permalink)

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Welcome all i can say. I LOVE reading your stories.
Haha, i was laughing even before i started reading the first chapter!
Ah you make my chuckle *hides from Zara*
Brilliently written, always brilliently written *nods*
Andd i can't wait for more

__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

___________________Look Who's Back.
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Old 08-08-2010, 11:59 PM   #12 (permalink)
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heart Chapter: Everything changed ...
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Everything changed when I saw you ...
from white and black to color ... I changed ...
& it was so easy
loving you so much
Something I never imagined
was delivering you my love
with one look
(Lyrics translated from Spanish by me, original Todo Cambio [everything changed] by Camila)

Ottery paced up and down the small stone room in a frenzy of impatience. The mouse lay on his straw cot nibbling at his rotten cheese.

“You want to sit down, you’re kind of ruining my dinner,” Maurice remarked.

“I’ve got forty eight hours to live and I just spent the last … gah, fifteen minutes arguing with you about whether or not I‘m any use to the wizarding world. You'll forgive me if I'm a little flustered.” The dark haired boy had stopped in the middle of the room hand in his hair, the other in a fist and tapping his feet impatiently on the floor.

“Your point?”

“I’ve got forty eight hours to live. I need to get out of here. I need a plan!" He whispered, "I need to see Ron." The mouse rolled his eyes. "What do you think someone is just going to come barge in here with the keys and let me out?”

In that instant the door slammed open a dark haired boy nodded hello to Ottery as he held the door open the keys still jangling from the key hole. In the Hallway Tiffany stood rolling her eyes Teddy beside her grumpy as always.

“I need a cigar,” the brown haired boy complained as he brushed past Diego Cerberus.

“They cause cancer,” Ottery said smiling. He hugged his friend, who pushed him back.

“He’s just grumpy because he didn’t get to blow the door down,” Tiffany clarified. "I had to explain that we can't let out all the prisoners in Azkaban some of them are Death Eaters and convicted murderers and thieves."

Ottery grinned and said, "some of my best friends are thieves." He turned to the dark haired boy.

"I knew bringing you along Cerberus would make things ridiculously smooth. It was a bad idea from the beginning.” the brown haired boy complained. Cerberus merely nodded.

“I can’t believe you guys are here,” Ottery replied.

“Because we don’t do this every other weekend, the way you get in trouble,” Tiffany groused.

“C’mon then, c’mon. I brought you a spare wand. You know Ollivander practically sells ‘em to you bulk.” Teddy said handing the boy the wand.

“I can’t help it. I lose them often in my line of work.” Otty replied a little put off. “But you’ll never guess who I ran into Teddy. Maurice,” the boy said.

“Who?” Teddy asked.

“Maurice, you remember Maurice the mouse, and his friends. You know … during the occupation in France.” The boy turned to look at the pallet.

“Ottery what are you on about mate?” Teddy asked.

“Hey Maurice, where are you?”

“Ottery, Maurice wasn’t a magical mouse or something mate, he’s dead. I liked the little bloke but he died well over forty years ago. Now c’mon, I don’t like danky dungeony prison places. I want some Tim Tams … lets do like the seagulls and get …”

There was an exclamation of alarm then down the hallway.

Teddy smiled at that.

AN: *makes notes* You know I wasn't even thinking about Pecos Bill, Conners. LOL Good suggestion, I'll keep it in mind for next time. Neways, yeah, I'm glad you all like the humor I'm going to try to keep it light and fluffy ... for like 3 seconds, this is going to be EPIC! Fail or succeed it's going to do it epically ... that's the only way to do things in life kiddie

Droo, thank you, and there will be zombies ... just so's you know.

Lari: Yes, totally poke me about your story. I love Lupin so if you write it about him that's cool, I love Lupin. I need to write him into this story ... hmm. Did I mention there would be werewolves? I've dropped hints already, and where there's werewolves there's *everyone say it with me now* vampires ... I don't know if I'll make them the nice shinny ones though ...

Miss Evi3e <3 (love): Hey, I'm glad you're here and liking my wackiness ... I promise you it will get wackier before it gets ... well uhm, no it's just wacky along with epic.

Thank you all for reading, my updates won't be uhm, often but hopefully you'll think them good. I'm going to throw in a lot of action, since ... well you know this is going to take place in forty eight hours.

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Old 08-09-2010, 02:19 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Hello ~Otts. Great post as always.
“He’s just grumpy because he didn’t get to blow the door down,” Tiffany clarified.
Typical Teddy, and I must say Tiffany is a great voice of reason.

And speaking of voices:
“Ottery, Maurice wasn’t a magical mouse or something mate, he’s dead. I liked the little bloke but he died well over forty years ago.
So, he wasn't real after all. But, he was for Ottery, and that's what counts.
There was an exclamation of alarm then down the hallway.

Teddy smiled at that.
Ah! That alarm down the hallway was right up Teddy's alley! He came prepaired I'm sure.
Great post ~Otts I'll be waiting for your next.
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Old 08-09-2010, 11:04 AM   #14 (permalink)

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Haha the story is deffently wacky...but good wacky
Good chapter
Though...what with the mouse!?
Can't wait for more *nods*
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 08-10-2010, 01:16 PM   #15 (permalink)

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Yay zombies!

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Old 08-10-2010, 09:34 PM   #16 (permalink)

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“Ottery, Maurice wasn’t a magical mouse or something mate, he’s dead. I liked the little bloke but he died well over forty years ago. Now c’mon, I don’t like danky dungeony prison places. I want some Tim Tams … lets do like the seagulls and get …”
EEP! Was Otty going crazy in jail? XD Haha, and Teddy, Teddy He's just waiting for a fight isn't he?

Werewolves!!! *evil* Freddie needs a cameo ooooo and vamps tooooo! Hmmm...I'd vote make less icky traditional vampires
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Old 08-13-2010, 07:13 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Talking Zombies forthcoming but ... sooner ... Twilight! Prepare for Edward action LOL
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SPOILER!!: Non Story Stuff

Originally Posted by Conners
Typical Teddy, and I must say Tiffany is a great voice of reason.

Hmm ... Tiffany as the voice of reason, it's like this Con, Teddy is the id, Otty the Ego and Tiffany the superego, I think I got that right *goes to double check* I'm soo good, I got it right the first time

As for what's wrong with Ottery hearing voices He is poisoned you know.

Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e &lt View Post
Haha the story is deffently wacky...but good wacky

Why thank you Miss Evi3e, I'm all for good wacky. I'm also for making this exciting, mysterious, and a wonderful ride, so ... *Otty says in his best Margo Channing voice* Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night!

Originally Posted by Droo
Yay zombies!
Yay zombies indeed ... now if I could just figure out where to put them ... *has the zombies decomposing all over the living room* I'm gonna need the vacuum cleaner.

Originally Posted by Obi-Wan K'Lari
EEP! Was Otty going crazy in jail? XD Haha, and Teddy, Teddy He's just waiting for a fight isn't he?
You're too cute Lari, you know Teddy too well Werewolves indeed. And maybe Freddie should cameo you know I never thought of that Lari ... hmm ... oh! *has a clue* or :litebulb:

Okay, so ... everyone ready for thenext update cuz it's here? And don't forget to vote, kids, do it early, do it often, and do it right LOL

Originally Posted by From "All about Eve"
Lloyd Richards: I shall never understand the weird process by which a body with a voice suddenly fancies itself as a mind. Just when exactly does an actress decide they're HER words she's speaking and HER thoughts she's expressing?

Margo Channing: Usually at the point where she has to rewrite and rethink them, to keep the audience from leaving the theatre!

If I could be your Superman,
I'd fly you to the stars and back again.
'cause every time you touched my hand,
You feel my powers running through your veins.
But I can only write this song,
And tell you that I'm not that strong.
Cause I'm no Superman
~Joe Brooks, Superman

A darkness descends over the world and she cries out for a hero, while evil congregates deep in the bowels of London proper hiding and skulking waiting eager to bask in the light even as it shuns it. Down many winding passages, old tunnels, abandoned unused tube lines, deep in the city further and more well hidden than the Ministry of Magic a group conspires to much evil.

The darker more malevolent mages of their age, those who could not curry favor with the good, and those who want to use the power promised by evil together. It is here that Severus Snape found himself standing in a cold, dark, dank hole in the ground, rats skittering in the shadows. It felt oddly comforting reminding him of his dungeons in Hogwarts. He missed them now that Dumbledore had appointed him Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

“Well, you’ve managed to do it, my lord,” Severus said quietly.

From his makeshift throne, a transformed pile of rat bones and detritus the only things available that far down in the sewers, the Dark Lord laughed, “I could well see that Severus, the Daily Prophet is still blaring headlines about it, still. And you were against it. You make a poor gambler Severus if you don’t know when to pick a winning action.”

“As in all things, Dark Lord you are wise, but … I would beg to differ. I am after all, a Death Eater.”

“You dare too much, traitor!” came Bellatrix’s voice from across the chamber as she entered, strutting up to the Dark Lord. While all eyes turned to her, as she'd so desired, Severus’ gaze never left the Dark Lord. He clearly did not think her outburst a part of their conversation.

“I’m afraid in this I have to agree with Severus, my love,” He-who-must-not-be-named replied. There was the sound of someone clearing their throat behind Bellatrix. “Is there something you want to say Rodolphus?”

“Nothing my lord … it’s a bit dusty in here,” the man replied quietly.

“Well, we might even now have better accommodations had it not been for your insufferable blunder in Hong Kong losing us that microbe …” And there was the pause again, that always came whenever Voldemort wanted to talk about the dark haired boy.

“Ottery St. Catchpole, my lord,” Wormtail whispered from the darkness at the wizard’s left.

“Yes, that boy … I can’t seem to ever remember his name,” and here the Dark Lord looked at Severus. “It escapes me, like a wisp of smoke, I can’t ever seem to get a hold of it.”

Never losing his composure, Severus replied, “An inconsequential nuisance your lordship. He can’t even concoct a simple salve without blowing up my dungeons. I have better hopes for him this year in Defense Against the Dark Arts. I expect he‘ll pop fireworks rather than curses for fear of killing his fellow classmates.”

Elsewhere Ottery sneezed, and wondered to himself if someone was talking about him just then.

The Dark Lord waved his hand dismissively. “What newssss do you bring me, Bellatrix?”

“Nothing lord. Everything is quiet. We’re still terrorizing people, the cattle are afraid of us, and your army grows ever stronger. The Vampires are helping but … their involvement with us means that the werewolf clan of San Gilman are going to target us.”

“And thissss worriesssss you?” came the sibilant query.

“You needn’t worry about those kowtowing werewolf ninnies. Things are different here in our island. There aren’t any werewolf clans here just makers and made.” The growling wolf voice of Fenrir cut in, annoying Bellatrix Lestrange.

“Yes, well, that was probably because of the pogroms,” Severus remarked. Fenrir gazed at the professor, “they killed them all. That’s why they couldn’t organize.”

“And it will be so again if they do not follow me,” The Dark Lord replied. “All goes well. Soon we will have enough people to take down Dumbledore and his pathetic little school.”

“But wouldn’t the ministry be the greater threat sir?” Wormtail dared to ask.

“No fool! If those idiots could do anything they would have already by now. We’ve infiltrated them, they don’t know what I’m planning anymore than they know what they’re doing. I’ll wait and bide my time just a little more, but those fools will fall too, like a house of cards.”

The Dark Lord laughed, Severus looked at his pocket watch and rolled his eyes, he really did need to be getting back to the school before someone noticed him missing, Wormtail cowered behind the throne, while Rodolphus gave Bellatrix dirty looks behind her back and Fenrir begged leave to hunt.

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Old 08-13-2010, 07:24 PM   #18 (permalink)

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*looks over reply on last post* Aw. Your welcome Sir Call Me Eviee

Wacky is good...yes?

Hmm interesting.. -thinks- *grabs hold of handle which is hanging in the air* Im ready!

*Goes back to the story chapter* Now the chapter...hmm what to say? -thinks some more-

Very well written is the best start i think And it's always nice to know what the enemy is thinking before they act, ey? Andd this Ottery....interesting character...i like him the best

Can't wait to read more

AN: All the above *points* Came to mind suddenly, believe me im not mad
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 08-14-2010, 05:28 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Hey ~Otts! I love how well you write Snape. His character is, even though I don't like him, strong and menacing in his quiet words and his unwavering eyes.
I have better hopes for him this year in Defense Against the Dark Arts. I expect he‘ll pop fireworks rather than curses for fear of killing his fellow classmates.”
But, don't they know he's in (was in) prison?
“Yes, well, that was probably because of the pogroms,” Severus remarked. Fenrir gazed at the professor, “they killed them all. That’s why they couldn’t organize.”
Zing! I do love the way he can make his point though.
“No fool! If those idiots could do anything they would have already by now. We’ve infiltrated them, they don’t know what I’m planning anymore than they know what they’re doing.
This is the only thing I agree with Voldemort about.
Great post ~Otts. I'll be waiting for your next.
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Old 08-14-2010, 02:13 PM   #20 (permalink)

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Hehehe all I kept thinking was Wow... Rudulphus was real chicken!

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Old 08-14-2010, 07:49 PM   #21 (permalink)

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You're too cute Lari, you know Teddy too well Werewolves indeed. And maybe Freddie should cameo you know I never thought of that Lari ... hmm ... oh! *has a clue* or
I don't know whether I should be disappointed in Teddy or not Yay! Freddie is luff <3

A darkness descends over the world and she cries out for a hero, while evil congregates deep in the bowels of London proper hiding and skulking waiting eager to bask in the light even as it shuns it. Down many winding passages, old tunnels, abandoned unused tube lines, deep in the city further and more well hidden than the Ministry of Magic a group conspires to much evil.
This description is the BOMBDIGGITY!

Elsewhere Ottery sneezed, and wondered to himself if someone was talking about him just then.
XDDDDD! Growing up with this superstition makes me giggle every time it's mentioned

This is getting really serious! Possssssssssssst more!!!
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Old 08-21-2010, 08:43 AM   #22 (permalink)
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quill Chapter: The Pit & the Pen & Teller! or Make Me!
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

First of all, what are you all doing here? My girl just posted to her story, which is made of da awesome & full of Neville love, sans Harry, Hermione & Ron here. Go. Now. Read. Post. I know she'd love it. You'd also get that warm fuzzy feeling from knowing you did something good and made someone's day. And I'll tell Santa that you all were good, I got a man inside the North Pole just go with it peeps.

SPOILER!!: Non-story stuff
Eviee, call me Otty, everyone else does. Or other things which you shouldn't, and some you can't on SS but we won't go there ... LOL mainly because I usually do things to deserve it

Moving on, let's stay on topic, my story is awesome, and so are my readers, thank you for saying you like my writing ... I'm working on my style ... if you can't tell it's an Otty story ... well, why write it right?

So the wacky is staying ... but so's the drama and ... well, let's up the ante, shall we?

Conners, you're always here ... I should pm you my e-mail so you can send me your story. These children ... keep me busy. Gah. Still, school comes soon ... but not soon enough then I miss them ...

Snape knows that Otty will eventually 'get out of jail free' cuz he's the Otts, and cuz Snape knows him too well, and he knows that Ottery was doused in a tank of Felix Felicis and he's just waiting for it to run out.

Also I wouldn't underestimate my Scrimgeour ... or maybe you should it will make the comeuppance sweeter. Oh, but I've said too much

Droo Rodolphus is indeed chicken, boiled chicken ... drat there I did it again.

Lari Teddy never disappoints love ... you'll see. And I think I misplaced Freddie, then again ... I'm just dropping them all tonight aren't I?

My readers are BOMBDIGGITY!

So you know about that superstition, do you? LOL In Mexico it's if your ears turn red and hot.

Well enough chitter and chatter ... here is what you're all here for ... this weeks chapter:

The Pit & the Pen & Teller! or Make Me!

I see what you're doing
Come here
So you think you're ready?
I just need you to...

Da Hook
Baby can you move, make me groove,
Show me what you do, make me move,

~Janet Ms. Jackson if you're nasty, Make Me

Ottery closed his eyes, and stopped for a second, letting the world disappear, and he remembered something his old friend Garfunkle had once told him in a song,

“When you're down and out
When you're on the street
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you

I'll take your part
When darkness comes
And pain is all around
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down”

And suddenly, everything was alright. But Teddy slapped him, hard, across the face. “This is no time to be taking a nap oh, fearless leader. That’s a bunch of Scrimgeour’s aurors and they’re coming after us.”

“Likely with orders to kill,” Diego added.

“Ow, that really hurt!” Ottery complained to Teddy, then turned on his other dark haired friend, “And you’re not helping any, Diego.”

“Aurors!” Teddy reiterated.

Ottery pushed past him and slammed the door to the cell shut.

“There. Easy peasy.” Teddy glared at the boy, Tiffany crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, while Diego took out his broad sword, a long dark blade of a black tempered steel that could cut through anything. “Fine, but that’ll buy us a couple of minutes at least, no?!” Ottery shot back.

“You locked us in, you ruddy idiot!” Teddy complained.

“I’ve missed you too, you obnoxious sack of mean spirited bile,” the Dark haired boy replied, arms crossed.

Tiffany came between them, “Boys, we really don’t have time for this. We‘ve got hostages, and our presence is no longer a mystery,” she gave Teddy a meaningful look, and the boy mouthed, ‘wha?’ but she ignored it.


Something hard slammed against the door.

“Sorry, no one home,” Ottery shouted in reply.


“We don’t have any sugar, we don’t need religion, and we’ve already filled out our census, so go away now!” the boy threw back angrily.

“That isn’t helping Ottery,” Tiffany chastised.

Ottery turned to the silent calm figure in the back of the room, “Cerberus, I take it you’ve …”

The other dark haired boy nodded, walked over to the window and whistled.

“Thank God you brought Cerberus, Tiff, otherwise this might have been a grade A disaster.”

“Down!” Teddy exclaimed pushing Tiffany and Ottery to the floor. Cerberus covered himself with his cloak and turned to the window.


There was a large concussion blast washing over them splinters of door and metal bars clattering all around them.

“The first one of you cheeky blighters that moves …”

Which was of course an open invitation for Teddy to do something ridiculous stupid, which of course he went and did. Turning the brown haired boy went for his wand, but the aurors in the hall having the benefit of already holding their wands in their hands blasted the boy.

“Teddy!” Ottery screamed.

“I’ll blow your head clean off, mate!” a man with a black eye patch with a skull and crossbones said his wand next to Ottery’s temple.

“Weren’t there four of them?” a young boy standing behind the first auror asked as he held his wand at Tiffany, a wary distance between them. She could see the fear in his eyes. If anyone was going to accidentally discharge a spell he would be the one.

“I don’t know McKinley I didn’t exactly stop and count while I was screaming and coming at them.”

Expelliarmus!” went a voice from out of nowhere and the aurors’ wands flew out of their hands. Diego Cerberus dropped the hood of his cloak and turned around. The magic cloak had made him blend into the wall making him invisible. The boy waved to them to stand against the wall next to the door.

Tiffany stood up and started firing curses as she saw more movement in the hallway. There were more aurors coming down after them. Ottery pointed his wand at the two aurors they’d caught while Tiffany and Diego kept cover fire.

“Teddy?” Ottery asked, never taking his eyes of the aurors, “If he doesn’t wake up … Teddy wake up buddy. C’mon. I didn’t mean to call you a sack of bile, just … be all right, okay.” He shook the boy, “Teddy, I need you,” he whispered.

“If you kiss me or start crying I’m gonna kill you and leave you here,” the brown haired boy groaned clutching his ribs as he stood up. “Seriously.”

Ottery growled through his tears, “You’re such a jerk you know that? I take it back! You are a bag of bile and a snot rag to boot!”

Meanwhile further down the hall Rufus Scrimgeour walked into the situation like a lion prowling the savannah completely devoid of fear, safe in the knowledge that nothing could hunt the hunter. “Well, what’s the situation?”

“We’ve got them cornered sir, they’re not going anywhere. There’s a reason Ottery St. Catchpole is in a cell at the top levels of Azkaban. Any lower and he’d be too close to the sea and likely stupid enough to try to get out that way. We couldn’t risk it.”

From down the hallway came a reply, “I would not try. I’m not stupid I know a long drop and a plop when I see one!”

Next to him, Tiffany and Teddy stifled giggles. “Hey!” Cerberus merely shrugged his shoulders as if to say, “Leave me out of this. I‘m the quiet menacing one.”

“Come at them from underneath, warden,” Scrimgeour ordered. “Whoever has the cell beneath them throw them out and blast the floor from under them. I want Ottery and Teddy alive the others are expendable. The last thing I need is a chatty secretary and a soldat, we’ve got enough to deal with what with Sebastian Shaw already in this little war without Xerxes becoming involved,” Scrimgeour commanded.

“But we’ve got a situation, Harlock and McKinley are trapped in there sir,” the warden objected.

“Take the prisoners, the others are expendable, warden. Strike now or I‘ll have my men strike for you. And then you can be sure no one will be coming out alive.”

AN: 'In the story' song lyrics are "Bridge over troubled waters" by Simon and Garfunkle, not my own, I wish I was that good. Next up: More death and destruction and the clock is still ticking. OMG!

Last edited by OtterySt.Catchpole; 08-21-2010 at 08:54 AM.
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Old 08-21-2010, 10:55 AM   #23 (permalink)

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*peeks over reply* Ooo, Reply!

Alrighty then, Otty it is *declares* But these other names....they sound interesting Haha.

I agree *nods* Your story is AWESOME! and so are your readers
Aw. Your welcome Haha, a style ey? It's a veryy nice one.
Ah, Agreed.

Yay! for wacky, and destruction and death *backs up* :O Death!? *dies* And the clock? haha. i wonder what's next

Right then, back to the story ey? Well first off *ticks* Brilliently written Haha. Parts made me laugh. TeeHee.

I Likey the song at the beggining, very nicee

But what im wondering is what's next? Yeah, I can't wait for more! *nods*

Eviee <33
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 08-21-2010, 09:04 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Hello ~Otts.
And I'll tell Santa that you all were good, I got a man inside the North Pole
Could you please tell him I've been VERY good? Cause I read and commented right after she posted it. And of course you are correct in saying it is awesome. I do love her story, and am thrilled she brought it back.
I should pm you my e-mail so you can send me your story.
Yes, please do. I'll be happy to send it to you. But don't break your neck doing that right away, cause for some reason, my e-mail isn't sending stuff like that. I can sent normal letters, but not stories... It's so frustrating!

I love, Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon and Garfunkle! That and The Fighter and The Boxer were my favorites, but how can I not mention the rest of their great hits? Oh well, moving on...
“You locked us in, you ruddy idiot!” Teddy complained.
Like Teddy's pockets aren't bulging with explosives. I do love the banter between Ottery and Teddy.
“We don’t have any sugar, we don’t need religion, and we’ve already filled out our census, so go away now!” the boy threw back angrily.
You know, I think Aurors work for the census bureau. They won't leave when you tell them you already sent it in. I love Ottery locking the cell, he knew what was going on, and he knew he could count on Cerberus having his special cloak. He was just stalling for time till enough Aurors and guards got there to take out loads of them at a time. Might as well even the odds somewhat.

Ummm, feeling stupid here, and embarrassed to ask, but:
The last thing I need is a chatty secretary and a soldat, we’ve got enough to deal with what with Sebastian Shaw already in this little war without Xerxes becoming involved,” Scrimgeour commanded.
soldat and Xerxes What, I mean who, ...should I go back to Human Nature to find out about these? I don't think I remember them.
Super post ~Otts. Is your tiny one in Kindergarten this year? I'm sure you guys will miss them all, but, you remember how it is when one starts Kindergarten. When my Stephanie started I took her to school, and kept telling her how much she would enjoy it, and everything, and that I would be waiting here to get her when it was time to come home. Then I went home and cried for the rest of the day watching the clock till it was time to go get her.
I'll be watching for your next.
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Old 08-21-2010, 09:57 PM   #25 (permalink)

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Lari Teddy never disappoints love ... you'll see. And I think I misplaced Freddie, then again ... I'm just dropping them all tonight aren't I?
=D I hope so! *prances around for Freddie*

My readers are BOMBDIGGITY!

So you know about that superstition, do you? LOL In Mexico it's if your ears turn red and hot.
Haha, at least with that one you can't pass it off as dust/flu/allergies But, then could happen with SUPER spicy food

“If you kiss me or start crying I’m gonna kill you and leave you here,” the brown haired boy groaned clutching his ribs as he stood up. “Seriously.”

“Take the prisoners, the others are expendable, warden. Strike now or I‘ll have my men strike for you. And then you can be sure no one will be coming out alive.”

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