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I did try to make Mr Burke seem a little like Mr Dursley...in a way that you'd have to hate him if you read it. Aahah, and I love how you nicknamed Mrs Burke Mrs B :lol: Can you resist the power of the spoiler? :evillaugh: SPOILER!!: :) Oh btw, '...other than Ron of course'...that made me laugh :lol: Also, does anyone know what came over Mrs B (as you would call her :P) and why she's acting so weird? It's a pretty easy answer ;) |
It seems to me like she was put under a curse, or it could just be she's afraid of her husband. Of course though if I were under a curse I'd be afraid as well.... AND YAY for the spoiler, I had my suspicions but wasn't positive. And also, I guess I understand her going to Durmstrang (for now)....PAMS |
Why did it have to happen to her ? I'm really forgetting about her connection with the Lestranges. |
yeah same here im forgetting that shes bellas daughter. :) and thats a good thing! |
More:x3:More:x3:MORE<3 luved it thnx for sharing it was you siggy that i noticed when uu commented on somthing :) i shall now |
Ooh! Brill chapter! :D Does she go to Hogwarts before the term starts? As in, does she get Mr Burke to let her go? Or does she go to Durmstrang for a couple of years...? PAMS! |
Oh btw I LOVE Paramore too! My favourite band of all time :D Quote:
Hey! I am like totally loving your story!! It's really good so far. Being Bella's daughter must be interesting (even though she doesn't know it). I can't wait to find out what happens when she does learn it. Hey, how far are you writing it on Harry scale? (like to the end of the Battle at Hogwarts, or what?) Great job! PAMS! P.S.- Love your banner with Georgie Henley in it! :yes: Oh, and I'm Rachel btw. :hello: |
Ikr, the banner was made by the awesome Grr...Meow (link in first post :)) and I love it! Oh, and I'm Di :) |
Hello Di! And that's great to know, thanks! :) |
Chapter 6 - Diagon Alley Seconds later, or at least what felt like seconds later, Mrs Burke was swishing the bedroom curtains aside and telling her to wake up and dress for Diagon Alley. Amara glanced at the clock on her bedside table, which said five past eight. Mrs Burke would be going with Amara while Mr Burke was off at work, so Amara seized this chance to remind her of her plan to go there with the Weasleys. ‘The Weasleys? Well... Carl doesn’t really think much of them...’ said Mrs Burke, trying to eat her toast with a fork. ‘But you were alright with them before,’ insisted Amara, wondering why Mrs Burke was acting so strangely. ‘Yes, yes...’ Mrs Burke glanced at Amara. ‘Oh, fine, but don’t tell him.’ ‘Why not?’ ‘I told you, he just doesn’t think much of them,’ Mrs Burke said in a tone that ended the matter, giving up on the toast and filling a bowl with pumpkin juice. ‘Mrs Burke, aren’t you supposed to put that in a glass?’ suggested Amara, frowning. ‘Oh, yes,’ said Mrs Burke, now drinking out of the bowl. ‘Yes, you’re quite right.’ A few minutes later they were at the Burrow, where the Weasleys were just finishing their breakfast. Mrs Weasley greeted them cheerily and forced plates of freshly-fried eggs and bacon onto them, asking them to sit at the table and talk so that when the time came to leave for Diagon Alley, it was already half past nine. All the Weasleys, except for Mr Weasley who was already at work, lined up next to the fire, and Mrs Burke went in first, saying ‘Diagon Alley’ clearly before vanishing in a ripple of emerald flames. Percy and Ginny followed, then Mrs Weasley handed Amara some Floo Powder, and, rather nervous since it was her first time, Amara followed the others’ example and yelled ‘Diagon Alley’ into the warm flames before feeling herself fall through a dark tunnel, snatching glimpses of other people’s fireplaces and focusing on Diagon Alley. In a cloud of ash, Amara arrived in the fireplace of a book shop where Mrs Burke was already telling a salesgirl what books she needed. Realising too late that she was blocking the fireplace, Amara felt something heavy push her forwards and she fell face first into a display of new books about witch beauty and health-care, knocking a few of them into the air before someone caught her wrist. ‘Oops, sorry Amara.’ She recognized Fred’s voice and muttered, ‘’s OK, my fault really,’ as a middle-aged wizard came out from a room behind the counter and saw the mess. He pursed his lips but said, ‘Never mind,’ and put the books back into place with a wave of his wand. ‘Hogwarts, aren’t you?’ he said, as George came out of the fireplace. He waved his wand again and books started stacking up of their own accord as Ron and Mrs Weasley appeared too. ‘You are going to Hogwarts, aren’t you?’ George asked Amara, peering at her. She folded her arms and said nonchalantly, ‘Nope. It’s no big—’ ‘You can’t go to Durmstrang!’ hissed Fred. ‘Imagine how much you’ll miss, you just can’t—’ Ron started sympathetically. ‘Great job on rubbing that in, Ron,’ said Ginny, rolling her eyes. ‘Yeah, well, it’s not my fault. I’m not going to Hogwarts and that’s that,’ said Amara, rather tersely. ‘We didn’t mean—’ started George. ‘Just cut it, OK?’ Mrs Weasley and Mrs Burke had apparently finished their shopping at the book shop, and they motioned them outside, towards a quill shop across the street. ‘When are we getting the wands?’ Fred asked his mother. ‘All in good time, George,’ she replied, handing him a bag of books. ‘The important things first.’ ‘I’m Fred...’ ‘The wand’s more important,’ insisted the actual George, as she gave him a bag of books too. ‘You’ll do as I say, Fred,’ she told George. They spent half an hour buying from several other shops in Diagon Alley. At Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions Amara awkwardly tried to avoid standing in view of the Weasleys as Madam Malkin pinned her Durmstrang uniform into place. Mrs Weasley appeared to be talking curiously with Mrs Burke and Amara had a strange feeling that she knew what they were talking about. The Weasleys had to visit their vault in Gringotts after a while so Amara stayed with Mrs Burke under a bright umbrella at Florean Fortescue’s and ate a chocolate and strawberry sundae which tasted wonderfully cold in the warm August morning. When they still hadn’t come back, they went to the Magical Menagerie, a pet shop which sold from poisonous orange snails to clever rats, but Amara modestly bought a common black cat in contrast to the proud, hooting owls ruffling their feathers in their cages. ‘All ready?’ Mrs Weasley said five minutes later outside of Gringotts. ‘Right, last stop Ollivander’s.’ It was a small, quaint shop with thousands of boxes piled around the walls. A single spindly chair stood in a corner and upon their arrival, which was noisier than the usual tinkling of a bell as you enter a shop, Mr Ollivander emerged from a back room and greeted them in a low voice. He went on to describe every one of the wands they’d bought from him, and finally turned to Fred, George and Amara and three tape measures came out of nowhere and started measuring their arms, legs, and around their heads. ‘Now, your wand arm?’ he asked Fred, moving over to a pile of boxes and running his hands over them. Amara looked curiously at the different wands he took out, and their reactions to whoever used them. At one point Fred set a whole stack of wands on fire, and George upended one wall of boxes. When it was finally Amara’s turn, he measured her right arm again and pulled out a long box, turning to her with perceptive eyes. ‘Try this,’ he said. ‘Fifteen and a half inches, phoenix and ash, swishy.’ Amara gingerly took the wand and waved it cautiously. It vibrated violently and a blob of green goo fell onto the floor. Ollivander took the wand hastily back and pointed his own wand at the blob, which disappeared. ‘No, no, definitely not an ash wand...’ he muttered, picking out another box. Amara grinned nervously at the others. George mouthed, ‘Nice wandwork,’ sarcastically and Amara made a mental note to hex him as soon as she’d gotten her wand and learnt a few spells. ‘Ten and a half inches, phoenix and yew, unyielding.’ Amara swished and waved the wand but it stubbornly did nothing. Ollivander took it back quickly and gave her another one. It went on like this for a few minutes, and Ollivander started to smile, muttering, ‘Tricky customers every year...’ Thirteen inches, dragon heartstring and blackthorn, quite bendy – blisters erupted on her arm... Ten and three quarters, unicorn and cherry, hard – a few boxes shot out from their places, until— ‘Twelve and three quarters, unicorn and hawthorn, unyielding.’ The wand immediately felt warm in her hands and a few colourful sparks shot out of it, vanishing in a cloud of mist. Amara looked up with a smile. They paid for their wands and finally left for Flourish and Blotts where the fireplace was. ‘Took you long enough,’ joked George, twirling his new wand around in his hands. ‘I swore to myself then and there,’ grinned Fred, brandishing his own wand like a sword, ‘if that was going to keep up for much longer, you might’ve had to buy a toy wand.’ ‘Oh, shut up,’ said Amara, but she still smiled as they entered the book shop again. She felt like she had better enjoy these last few days of summer while it lasted, thinking that up North things would get pretty frosty. |
Luved it1 It's too bad she has to go to Durmstrang. Or is she? I can't wait for the next chapter. I'm hooked! |
I LOVE IT! And never fear, a long comment shall follow soon, but some homework is calling me and I don't have time at this moment. Until then I shall leave you with say; That was brilliant, wonderfully brilliant. |
Hey, great job! :D I have a feeling there is something going on. ;) Maybe something like a secret plan to Hogwarts or... idk. But I shall poke you till I know. :poke: |
AWESOME! :) loved every part! |
*sniffs* DON'T GO TO DURMSTRANG AMARA! GO TO HOGWARTS LIKE A GOOD GIRL! ;) Brilliant chapter! :D PAMS! Kira xxxx |
OK, guys! Here's the next chap! :) Chapter 7 - September On September first, at two minutes to eleven, Amara sat at the kitchen table and stared at the clock on the wall. She twirled her hawthorn wand absently in her hands, as the clock ticked the seconds until the train departed. One minute left... Amara wondered if Dita was searching the compartments for her right now, since she hadn’t said anything in her letters, hoping that maybe at the last second they would change their mind... forty seconds left... Mrs Burke had been acting very strangely lately... thirty seconds left and Amara was considering grabbing the Nimbus 1000 and going there herself... Fred and George would’ve done that... ten seconds, nine... three, two, one. After a moment, Amara got up and went up to her room. A letter lay on her bed, where she had written a short explanation to Dita about her not going to Hogwarts. Folding it in two and putting it an envelope, she scribbled ‘To Dita’ on the back and went downstairs again, into the living room where the Burkes’ owl Litsa was snoring in her cage. The tawny owl pecked at Amara’s fingers angrily as she woke her up, but she gladly accepted an excuse to stretch her wings a bit. ‘You know who to go to,’ Amara told the owl, tying the letter to her legs. She carried her over to the window and let her out, a breeze swooping in from the open window. Amara stood there for a while, thinking. Mrs Burke was apparently still asleep, Mr Burke was at work, and there was no one else in the house except for the cat, who came purring and nudging Amara’s feet for attention. She had named her Fizzy, for her constant hissing and curious sounds reminded her very much of a strange Muggle drink she’d once tasted on one of those monthly trips the Matron used to take them on. Picking Fizzy up, Amara went upstairs to her room again, and, sitting cross-legged on her bed, she opened The Standard Book of Spells. Hover Charm Incantation: Wingardium Leviosa Wand movement: Swish and flick The first day of term had started, so that would mean she could do magic without getting expelled, at least she hoped so. Raising her wand high, she pointed at the book and said clearly, ‘Wingardium Leviosa.’ Nothing. Realising she’d forgotten to do the proper wand movement, she tried again, and after many attempts, she’d finally managed to levitate Fizzy, who gurgled and murmured grumpily in mid-air. Closing the book, she glanced at the clock and went downstairs with Fizzy in her hands, where Mrs Burke was busy cleaning the already-pristine kitchen. ‘Ah, you’re up, Amara,’ she greeted her, rather ironically since Amara had actually been awake since five that morning, pondering endlessly. ‘Good afternoon,’ said Amara, faking cheerfulness quite well. ‘I made you some pancakes, they’re in the oven.’ ‘That’s so sweet of you, dear,’ said Mrs Burke, still scrubbing at a spot of nonexistent dirt. Amara stared at her. Something was definitely wrong about Mrs Burke’s behaviour. And suddenly, like an unexpected slap in the face, a page from The Standard Book of Spells swam into her thoughts and she realised that Mrs Burke was definitely under a Confundus Charm. ‘Er – I was thinking of going to the – the Burrow—’ ‘Yes, yes, of course you may go.’ Dashing out of the house with a reluctant Fizzy grumbling in her hands, she practically ran down the footpath and into the empty playground, where she slumped onto a swing, her mind racing. Even though leaving Mrs Burke alone probably wasn’t the best idea, she was so furious at Mr Burke right now, she felt she could have jinxed him into oblivion without any practice. Amara jumped up off the swing suddenly and Fizzy leapt off at the last second, hissing angrily. After pacing around for a few minutes, Amara picked up her cat again and made for the Burrow, where she presumed the others had already arrived. ‘Hey, Amara,’ Ginny greeted her, opening the door. ‘We’ve just come back.’ ‘Oh, yeah, great,’ said Amara distractedly. ‘Listen...’ ‘Yes?’ What could she say, though? Listen, Mr Burke has Mrs Burke under a Confundus Charm, that’s why I can’t go to Hogwarts. So I’m getting there on my broom. Could you pass on the message that I’m at Hogwarts when they come knocking? ‘Nothing.’ She turned to leave. ‘Hey, why are you going?’ ‘Sorry, but – er, Mrs Burke wants me to help around the house. See you.’ And she made her way back to the playground, which was still empty, watching the sun reach its highest peak before going back inside. The rest of the summer passed half as quickly as it should have. Amara spent most of her time wandering around, cursing Mr Burke in her head and wondering why she hadn’t just flown to Hogwarts on her own, even though she had no idea where it was. Dita’s sympathetic reply, telling her she’d been sorted into Gryffindor, didn’t help at all, and though Fred and George did write once, and the other Weasleys were all nice enough, the sinking feeling only got worse as the twentieth drew closer. The morning she had to leave for Durmstrang, Mrs Burke woke her up at six sharp, and after a quick breakfast, and checking that she had packed everything, Mr Burke told her that they’d be Apparating to the school, and after experiencing the unpleasant sensation of being squashed into a nanoparticle, they arrived at the front gates of the school at last. |
NOOOOOOOOOOOO! SHE'S ACTUALLY GOING TO DURMSTRANG!? NOOOOOOOOOO! :cry: Upsetto! ;) Great chapter! The confundus charm, eh? ;) PAMS! Kira xxxx |
Okay...I know you said I didn't have to do long comments, but I couldn't resist! SPOILER!!: My usual very long comment |
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