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It’s a lovely afternoon in early December, snow is falling gently outside and despite the winter going on outdoors, the room you walk into is nice and warm due to a few heating charms Kalen has put into place.
You are greeted by blank wooden floors with a large wooden wardrobe at the far end of the space, completely overtaking the rear wall. A desk sits just to the right of where you enter and there are long, cushioned benches lining the left and right walls of the rectangular room.
The Librarian himself is leaning ever so casually against his desk, waiting for people to arrive with an easy grin on his face.
There is a blackboard behind Kalen that reads:
Originally Posted by Blackboard
“Please come in and take a seat, we will begin shortly!”
On the desk you'll notice that there is a pile of something covered in a black sheet, what could it be? And what's with this room?
OOC: Welcome to the first book club of the year! Come on in, say Hi and we will continue in about 24 hours.. ish! Also please keep the noise down to minimum levels, this is still the library. Not to mention Kalen gets cranky when it's loud. Class has officially started! Feel free to join in as if your character was already here! Late arrivals will face IC consequences
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Holding back a snort, Tristan smiled hugely. Kalen hadn't called him that in years! But he wasn't surprised. They had many nicknames for each other...that's what best friends did. He had many nicknames for Rose as well. "Anytime, mate." He said with a grin. He nodded and smiled at Gaston as he made his appearance.
Tristan was then silent as Kalen started the lesson. He didn't want to give any answers to allow the students to give their opinions on what could possibly be in the wardrobe. He felt a lot of the students were on the right track, though. Why else would their be a wardrobe....unless of course we were going to act out things using what was inside it....that could be really cool.
Tristan leaned against the edge of a bookshelf, and listened to the musings of the students.
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
Kitty turned to regard the wardrobe again, though her eyes had never really left it. The Chronicles of Narnia were books she'd read a long time ago, back when she was in Romania - but she certainly hadn't forgotten them.
"That's a wardrobe," she said, raising her hand in the air. "And there's a classical Muggle fantasy series for children that I know which features a wardrobe: The Chronicles of Narnia, specifically the Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe. The wardrobe in that series was built out of a magical tree, and it led into another world with talking animals called Narnia."
Many others gave the same answer as she did, she noted.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
The way everyone spoke of the wardrobe transporting them places got the Ravenclaw exceptionally excited, so much so that the entrance of anyone after the discussion begun went completely over her head. If it WAS transporting then just maybe the Professor had really somehow managed to break the fourth wall and had brought fictional characters to their world. No better way to study a book than to talk to the people in them afterall.
Oh oh oh, she hoped it was a book she'd already read because then she'd already have an arsenal of questions on hand and wouldn't need to wait for a synopsis first. There was just this feeling when you were prepared.
"I'm not entirely sure what's going on right now Mr. Kennedy but I'd be lying if I didn't say I hope whatever you've got in there is a character from "The Catcher in the Rye"." Because then she could borrow it and take it to Jaecar wherever he was hiding out right now. She bet he'd LOVE that.
Don't ask her what a Narnia was. She'd only vaguely heard something about it from her step-sister who was apparently reading it for one of her classes. This was clearly more important.
If only the Librarian could REALLY UNDERSTAND. Sigh.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Dora sighed softly from her seat next to Sam. Like... why did everything have to be so bloody predictable? A wardrobe automatically meant C.S. Lewis works, yes? She wished it wasn't so.
She liked the books well enough, but she had hoped for something a bit more... meaty if you will. Spike had read the books to her after he had read Matilda and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. HER favorite book was The Outsiders, of course, but she didn't expect them to be covering that either.
And maybe she was just ill tempered today. It wasn't unusual, after all. And especially not at this time of the month. Ahem.
"Yeah. What they said, " she answered as she drummed her nails on the hard surface in front of her.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
SPOILER!!: Answers
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime
Melbourne grinned at Librarian as he brought up Sherlock Holmes. ”Oh! I’d love to…my owl is even named Moriarty” she explained with a bright eyed smile, really she was obsessed with the curious man with his quizzical manor of solving mysteries. Kalen Kennedy began the club she couldn’t help but smile.
Raising her hand Melbourne just grinned. ”Professor, I know a part of me is saying something about the idea of transporting you to the world of the character…but another part of me is really curious if its about us using the contents of the wardrobe to visually create what we visualize a character to be like when it comes to how they look, sound, and feel to us” she paused for a second before adding ”like for example with the wizard of oz…how they portray Dorothy as having ruby slippers in the movies but silver slippers in the books” she explained, ”or better yet how Lihn Cinders looks in the Lunar Chornicles” hello who wouldn’t want to end up looking like a cyborg mechanic?
Kalen nodded to Melbourne as she raised her hand and he tilted his head as he listened to her. "You are on the right track Miss Sorin-Ward with your first thoughts. What characters world are we going to be transported into though? " Kalen asked with a warm smile. "Excellent thoughts. "
Originally Posted by Kimothy
Okay... so they were supposed to guess what was the thing on Mr. Kennedy's table. Uh, she didn't really know. It was a pile of something, for sure, so the Slytherin thought it was just be a pile of books about something. Because it was a book club after all, right? And since it was a big clue, she supposed it was an important part of the meeting today.
And oh, look at that Gryffindor (Melbourne) just letting everyone know about her take on the hidden pile. Vivian blinked, because she obviously didn't know what she was talking about. To be frank, the only books Vivian would ever read were picture books and her text books, though the latter was a rare occasion when she studied. It had dawned on her that she was no idea why she came. She hoped her curiosity would suffice her participation in this meeting today. The blonde raised her hand to share. "Because it's obviously hidden, Sir, I'd say we might discuss the mystery genre?" That was Vivian's logic, apparently. "You're making us guess what's underneath the black sheet, and we only obviously have inferences about it. So yeah, just like the mystery genre, we'll never really know until it's revealed." Just her two knuts on the subject. Perhaps someone else had a better and logical interpretation of the hidden pile.
Kalen looked at Vivian as she spoke and he gave her a kind smile. "If we study the mystery genre, I will use those tips, but I was actally referring to the wardrobe here.." Kalen replied as he tapped the wooden structure behind him. "What clue does the wardrobe give us?" He asked her softly.
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
Etta looked extremely curious when the librarian tapped on the wardrobe. That had something to with the book club meeting?! Hmm. Perhaps they were going to learn something about arranging books.. nah, that would be too weird and not exciting at all. She narrowed her eyes in thought, trying to think. Wait.
"Sir.. just like Mel partly suggested.. does the wardrobe have anything to do with transporting you to another world? Like, how it happened in this book called Chronicles of Narnia? The characters discover a whole new world inside the wardrobe.. maybe we'll get to go somewhere exciting as well?" Now, wouldn't that be AWESOME? It was only a suggestion and she seriously doubted if that was going to happen but you know.. she hoped. Ahem.
Ahhh there it was! Kalen beamed at Etta as she spoke. "Yes! Miss Kramer! Exactly like the Chronicles of Narnia!" He said as he pointed at her. "And we.. might be going somewhere! We might not.. stick around and see." He said with a grin..
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
There was no way Gaston was missing this! Maybe it was growing up in isolation or maybe it was because his mother was a librarian, but he had always been a bookworm and probably always would be. The normally sad professor couldn't help but feel a little excited for today's book club, and there was a spark of life in his bright blue eyes that had been long missing as he entered the library.
He'd given Kalen, Cami, and Tristan each a smile and polite nod in greeting and said hello to the students upon arrival. His eyes kept flicking toward the wardrobe at the end of the room. Did that mean what he thought it meant? The meeting started, and Kalen all but confirmed his suspicions when he said the wardrobe was a clue to what they were studying today. Gaston had a pretty good idea where this was going, but he decided to keep quiet and let the students answer. He sat back in his chair, listening to everyone's guesses. He thought Miss Kramer was on the right track with her answer, but only time would tell.
Kalen smiled at Gaston as entered and noticed that his eyes kept flicking towards the wardrobe, he could see the man had a guess.. and it was probably right, he would find out soon though!
Originally Posted by Kolyander
"I'm glad I was able to make it, almost thought I was going to be late," she admitted giving Kalen a smile as she settled herself into a seat. The entrance of several most students each of whom got a warm smile from her was nice. Oh, look, there was two of more colleagues showing their support. Hello gentlemen.
Camilla kept silent as Kalen started the meeting bringing everyone's attention onto the wardrobe that was in the room. Really the thing couldn't be missed? His questions brought about a brief moment of wonder to her but she remained silent allowing the students a chance to speak. In the world of magic and being a women who enjoyed reading many ideas came to mind. Only time would tell if any were correct.
Kalen grinned at Cami as she spoke, "Well you made it in plenty of time and I am very glad to see you here. " Teachers in the book club made it all the more fun.. He could see her mind working as well, but she kept silent too.. probably for the best, he would have to get her guesses later.
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur
Noelle had a little more time on her hands this year, which she used to train and study. But when she heard about the book club, there was no way she was going to miss it.
Plus she heard that some of the professors were going to be there. Not to mention, Mr. Kennedy was running the club. There was really no reason to miss this opportunity.
Making her way in, Noelle looked around before finding a seat next to Olivia . She wiggled her fingers in hello before the librarian had started speaking. While he was doing that, Noelle took a look around at everyone else. Oh... yes. Wayland was here. Noelle quickly turned back to the front.
Mr. Kennedy's clothes were peculiar. She tilted her head but agreed with Mel and Etta. "I'd agree with Etta. The Chronicles of Narnia." It was a great little story. And the four siblings did remind her of the four houses of Hogwarts.
Another glance around the room, Noelle was happy she came to Book Club.
Kalen smiled at Noelle as she spoke and he nodded his head. "And your agreement would be right Miss Summers." He said as he walked past her.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Oh Professor Marchand was there too and despite him having looked sullen for a few weeks, he looked much better today. Which naturally, delighted the fourth year. But back to the book club, because it seemed they were starting and Mr Kennedy asked what this wardrobe would have to do with the book they were discussing.
Chronicles of Narnia, as Etta suggested.... although Mel with the transporting you to another world, well, that was a brilliant suggestion! One of those was on the right track, maybe, or they were all completely wrong?
"Wardrobes are used to hold clothes," and boggarts, but this wasn't defense class, so she hoped that Kennedy wouldn't have a boggart hidden in there. "So what if we're going to dress up and act out the scenes of a book? Chronicles of Narnia, like Etta suggested, perhaps."
Ohh here was another on the right track.. "They do indeed hold clothes Miss Diggory, and this one may or may not have some inside. But.. yes you are on the right track with your answer. Excellent thoughts!" He said with a grin at her.
Originally Posted by Watson
Mr. Kennedy was always kind. She had appreciated his help with getting the books from the top of the bookshelves without his wand. It was incredible. "Very well thanks! Excited for the meeting," she said with a grin as she took her seat. Then she waited for her fellow classmates to come in. Everyone who walked through the door got a nod.
And soon enough, there were a lot of people she knew here! Wow. Book club was the place to be for sure! Olivia gave Vivian a wave when she came to sit near her. A wave for Melbourne too, and Skylar, and Etta, and Noelle. Then the Head Boy caught her eye. He was very... quiet. She frowned a little, wondering if he was alright. Maybe a bad night's sleep or something? She hoped that he was alright. Ooh! And there were a couple of Professors and her Head of House. She beamed. Before she could talk to either one of her friends, Mr. Kennedy had begun the meeting.
She remained silent as he pointed to the wardrobe. Hmm... The lion and the witch and the wardrobe.... That children's novel certainly sprung to mind as she had loved that series (and still loved it). Then when Mel and Etta both mentioned visiting another world, Olivia's sat up a little more. VISITING ANOTHER WORLD? That would be incredible. She was just a little bit excited about that. "I also agree with the idea of transporting yourself to another world." Though Vivian's idea of something being hidden like the mystery genre was something that could be explored more.
She eyed the wardrobe. "Though speaking of something being hidden as Vivian mentioned. Maybe the wardrobe is used as an escape to a different world like Mel and Etta had mentioned...Maybe it's like a vanishing cabinet?" Olivia didn't even know what they looked like but she had read about them.
Kalen smiled at Olivia as she spoke.. "Transporting us to another world is a good thought, but what world are we going to?" He asked her with a warm smile. Trying to get her to dig a little deeper and give the answer he was looking for.. namely the book they would be studying! "Not quite a vanishing cabinet! But very good thoughts! " He said with a smile.
Originally Posted by Suziella
Holding back a snort, Tristan smiled hugely. Kalen hadn't called him that in years! But he wasn't surprised. They had many nicknames for each other...that's what best friends did. He had many nicknames for Rose as well. "Anytime, mate." He said with a grin. He nodded and smiled at Gaston as he made his appearance.
Tristan was then silent as Kalen started the lesson. He didn't want to give any answers to allow the students to give their opinions on what could possibly be in the wardrobe. He felt a lot of the students were on the right track, though. Why else would their be a wardrobe....unless of course we were going to act out things using what was inside it....that could be really cool.
Tristan leaned against the edge of a bookshelf, and listened to the musings of the students.
Kalen grinned at Tristan as he spoke and smiled, he was glad he hadn't pulled out the “Karen” card, though thankfully. He was glad his friend was he, he would need him later on in the lesson for sure!
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
Kitty turned to regard the wardrobe again, though her eyes had never really left it. The Chronicles of Narnia were books she'd read a long time ago, back when she was in Romania - but she certainly hadn't forgotten them.
"That's a wardrobe," she said, raising her hand in the air. "And there's a classical Muggle fantasy series for children that I know which features a wardrobe: The Chronicles of Narnia, specifically the Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe. The wardrobe in that series was built out of a magical tree, and it led into another world with talking animals called Narnia."
Many others gave the same answer as she did, she noted.
Kalen nodded as Kitty spoke and he grinned widely at her answer. "That is correct Miss Valentine! And that is what we will be studying today! Excellent answer!" Kalen said with a beam at her.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
The way everyone spoke of the wardrobe transporting them places got the Ravenclaw exceptionally excited, so much so that the entrance of anyone after the discussion begun went completely over her head. If it WAS transporting then just maybe the Professor had really somehow managed to break the fourth wall and had brought fictional characters to their world. No better way to study a book than to talk to the people in them afterall.
Oh oh oh, she hoped it was a book she'd already read because then she'd already have an arsenal of questions on hand and wouldn't need to wait for a synopsis first. There was just this feeling when you were prepared.
"I'm not entirely sure what's going on right now Mr. Kennedy but I'd be lying if I didn't say I hope whatever you've got in there is a character from "The Catcher in the Rye"." Because then she could borrow it and take it to Jaecar wherever he was hiding out right now. She bet he'd LOVE that.
Don't ask her what a Narnia was. She'd only vaguely heard something about it from her step-sister who was apparently reading it for one of her classes. This was clearly more important.
If only the Librarian could REALLY UNDERSTAND. Sigh.
Kalen gave Jessa a smile as she spoke.."Sadly there aren't any characters coming out of there, but great idea.. I only wish it were possible. " The Librarian had been told on occasion he looked like Mr. Tumnus, or Professor X from X-men.. but quite frankly he couldn't see the resemblance..
Originally Posted by Erindipity
Dora sighed softly from her seat next to Sam. Like... why did everything have to be so bloody predictable? A wardrobe automatically meant C.S. Lewis works, yes? She wished it wasn't so.
She liked the books well enough, but she had hoped for something a bit more... meaty if you will. Spike had read the books to her after he had read Matilda and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. HER favorite book was The Outsiders, of course, but she didn't expect them to be covering that either.
And maybe she was just ill tempered today. It wasn't unusual, after all. And especially not at this time of the month. Ahem.
"Yeah. What they said, " she answered as she drummed her nails on the hard surface in front of her.
Kalen gave Dora a warm smile as she spoke and he noticed she seemed less than impressed with his lesson. "Not a fan of Narnia, Miss Umbridge? " He asked her curiously.. this was one of his favorite books, though really he preferred the “Horse and his Boy” or “The Silver chair.” But might as well start from the beginning, Yeah?
Kalen grinned at all the answers and he started to walk up the middle of the classroom again..
”As Miss Kramer alluded to, and Miss Valentine guessed, we will be talking today about an old muggle book called The Lion,The Witch and the Wardrobe, the first published book in the Chronicles of Narnia series. And yes I did say published, there was a book that was written later in the series, which is supposed to be the first in chronological order, but for now, we are going by publish date." He said as he looked around at all of them.
”There are also a few movie adaptations of this book, but I will be purely discussing the book, not any of the movie versions. This is a book club after all.” He pointed out as he reached his desk again and leaned on it..
”Now, this book has to do with ordinary kids, being pulled into a magical world that's inside a wardrobe. A plain old wardrobe much like that one is.” Kalen said as he pointed to the wardrobe opposite him.
”The main characters are the Pevensie siblings, Peter is the eldest, Susan the next, followed by Edmund and finally Lucy, the youngest. Now all of the siblings were sent away from London due to air raids from a war that was happening..They were sent to a house of an old Professor in the country and from his house is where our adventures start..”
Kalen paused to give his words time to sink in, he was after all hitting them with a ton of information.
”It is interesting to note that the youngest, Lucy, found Narnia first. She wandered into the wardrobe as the four kids were exploring the house on a rainy day, the rest of the kids went off to explore more but she opened the door to the wardrobe and hopped into it.. and instead of finding the back of the wardrobe, she found a magical world called Narnia!” He grinned happily, the Narnia Chronicles were some of his favorite books.
”So Lucy found herself in a snowy forest and saw what looked like a lamp post, so naturally she walked towards it, only to meet a faun named Mr.Tumnus and after a brief chat, discovers that she is in a land called Narnia! She also went to have tea with him, because that's what you do when you enter a strange snowy land right? Go off to have tea with the first creature you meet.” Kalen chuckled softly to himself..
”Now Tumnus originally meant to kidnap Lucy and take her to the White Witch, the "Queen of Narnia” who has kept the entire land in permanent winter. But after some crying on Mr. Tumnus's part and some cajoling on Lucy's part, he let her go and she came jumping out of the wardrobe and hollered for her siblings..
Because you see, she had been gone for hours in Narnia, but only a few seconds went by in our world.. She told her siblings about Narnia and, of course they didn't believe her, they even went to the wardrobe, and pushed coats aside and.. there was the back of the wardrobe..
Curious hmm?
And that is only the first few chapters of the book! I wish we had time to go into all of it, but for right now.. this is all we will be studying.”
Kalen was walking again as he spoke, his voice calm but excited, one could tell he loved this subject..
”So tell me! Why do you think her elder siblings couldn't see Narnia at first? Why do you think they just saw a plain old back of the wardrobe and not the magical wood that Lucy saw?” He asked as he looked at all of them..
OOC: Okay guys I know this is a ton of information, but basically all you have to do is answer the last questions! Thanks for your responses guys. They are amazing! Keep em' coming! I'll be moving class on in about 24ish hours
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
"Because they'd lost their sense of wonder, Sir." She'd listened through the story as he gave a brief summary of the first couple chapters and that was about the only conclusion she could come to. "They got older and stopped asking questions, started accepting things as they are...like.....'wardrobes don't lead places so it must be false' instead of 'how curious, I wonder where it leads, how it happened, why it happened and what will happen next'." Which was the real shame. It was always terrible when others lost their sense of wonder and just started accepting everything as they were.
She would hate to start living like that. What was life without a couple million questions to keep things interesting and informative.
"Lucy was probably still very open to curious things happening, reckon she played make believe a lot too which probably helped her see more than what was in front of her."
And now Jessa was imagining herself in that story. Chances were, she'd have found the wardrobe and spent ages studying the entrance before exploring the rest of the world. Had to know how EVERYTHING worked beforehand. Had to know how the people worked, if they were real or some other form of matter...just...so...many....QUESTIONS.
Would he simulate Narnia for them? She was awfully curious now and wanted to see.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Okay, but first and foremost...this was meant to be a Book Club meeting, so why did it feel so much like a lesson? Olivia hadn't known what to expect, given that the book she enjoyed weren't exactly one's you'd find in their library, but it certainly wasn't this type of set up. It was so intimidating to her brain that she almost hadn't entered, given that she didn't think she could handle one more subject piled atop all her others.
.......OWLs were going to be the death of her. This term was going to kill her. R.I.P. Olivia Lynn Phillips. She lived a good life....sorta.
Having found a seat towards the back, resolved not take apart of any mindless chatter...she wasn't feeling up to it, the blonde doodled on a parchment page until they began. Little hearts and stars that kinda resembled letters and caricatures. A thousand times, she wished she were talented like....others.
Oh, hell. C.S Lewis? She had never read his books, really, but knew of him due to his popularity in the muggle world. And her mum did a lot of charity work there, with under-privileged children. Gathering books and clothing items for them was one of the things Olivia had helped with once upon a time. Being kinda on the fence, because C.S. Lewis had been an infamous Disney hater (along with Tolkien), she just kinda sat there, staring at Mr. Kennedy...Well, for a moment, because she KNEW the answer to this question. It was similar to the plot for the muggle film, Hook. Robin Williams hadn't been able to see the food because his mind couldn't allow him to believe in magic and imagination.
"Because older kids are jaded. Less open to the belief of magic, imagination, and fairy tale." Nailed it. Also, yes, thank you Jessa. Her answer could be tacked onto Jessa's.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
So he'd been right about the book they were discussing today! Gaston smiled knowingly as Kalen went on to elaborate on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and some of its plot points. Ah, that had been one of his favorite books as a child! His mind wandered back to days long ago spent hiding from his father with one of the Narnia books, wishing the closets in his house would lead to a magical world just like in the story. He shook his head to make the memories go away. He was making himself sad again!
He listened to Kalen's question. Well, that was an easy one! Wasn't it obvious? It was because they'd stopped believing in magic. Belief was a powerful thing, and to lose one's belief in something was devastating. He knew that firsthand. Again, he decided to keep silent, although he knew the answer. The idea was to let the students come to their own conclusions, not have a professor point them out. And besides, the students who'd answered so far were doing fine without his help.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Ah, she'd been right. Etta had read the book a long time ago, of course. It was a classic and she had absolutely enjoyed it and the rest of the books in the series. It was still one of her favourites and as she heard the librarian talk, she decided to re-read it soon. Once the librarian had finished, she pondered over his rather interesting question. She'd never given much thought to it while reading the book obviously but now.. she could see it from another perspective. Kind of.
"Sir.. I think the older kids lacked the belief that Lucy had, Sir. Even if they HAD happened to stumble into the world of Narnia, they'd probably think it was a figment of their imagination.. perhaps? But Lucy.. she was a child and children are innocent. They generally tend to believe the unimaginable, right? That's probably why she could connect with Narnia in a way her siblings couldn't. Okay, that was enough rambling.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
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Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
catch up *__________* here all along
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
BOOK CLUB! Okay, but despite his short attention span the second year really DID like to read. Just sometimes it took something kinda special about a book to captivate him and keep him focused. But he really did like books and reading in general and since this was a book club he had BROUGHT one of his favorites with him. Said book currently tucked under his arm, Derf entered the room and quickly found himself a seat. Phew. Just in the nick of time too since it seemed like things were starting.
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
”I noticed a lot of you eyeing what's on my desk, and we will get to that soon.. this.. however." Kalen said as he tapped the wardrobe again..”This is a big clue as to what we will be studying today, Does anyone have any guesses as to why something like this would be a hint to today's club? Does anyone know what this is? Or what we could be studying?” The Librarian asked with a grin. Only two people seemed to notice the wardrobe and he was excited to hear what everyone's guesses were.
Eeeeeeer...oops. Derf hadn't even LOOKED at the desk and, well, if there had been a snake sitting there on it then it probably would have bitten him. His blue eyes instead went on the wardrobe. Boggarts? THAT made perfect sense since there had been one of those in Hogsmeade recently!
That was totally it right and no one could convince him otherwise.
What book did he know that hat boggarts in it...well...there was this REALLY old book called The Boggart...and it kinda sorta fit with what was going on at Hogwarts this term since the book was about a family from across the pond coming over the pond to SCOTLAND even and getting themselves a castle but the castle had a boggart in it... Did Gilderoy Lockhart have a book about boggarts? Ew...did they have to read THAT rubbish? Derf made a face just THINKING about it...which meant he missed the opportunity to raise his hand and answer.
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
”So tell me! Why do you think her elder siblings couldn't see Narnia at first? Why do you think they just saw a plain old back of the wardrobe and not the magical wood that Lucy saw?” He asked as he looked at all of them..
Uuuuuuuh....Derf had NO idea how to answer this question having not read this particular book himself. He was pretty sure that it was on the bookshelves back home though. Based on what the librarian was tell them though...he couldn't really cull any information that would give him anything to go on but he SUPPOSED what Jessa and Olivia were saying made sense. Maybe? He felt like the answer was obvious to those who KNEW the story and read it...but he was not one of those people. So instead he raised his hand for another question.
"When they went to look at the wardrobe...was..." Er...what was the character's name again? OH RIGHT LUCY! Like Lucy Potts! Okay, he could handle this. "...was Lucy with them? Could s-she NOT see the magical wood then or COULD s-s-she and it was-s-s jus-st her s-siblings-s that saw the back of the wardrobe?"
This felt important to him with the whole believing in magic aspect people were talking about. Because IF she did believe then shouldn't she still be able to see it regardless of her siblings? He thought so at least.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Text Cut: Mr. Kennedy!
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
Kalen grinned at all the answers and he started to walk up the middle of the classroom again..
”As Miss Kramer alluded to, and Miss Valentine guessed, we will be talking today about an old muggle book called The Lion,The Witch and the Wardrobe, the first published book in the Chronicles of Narnia series. And yes I did say published, there was a book that was written later in the series, which is supposed to be the first in chronological order, but for now, we are going by publish date." He said as he looked around at all of them.
”There are also a few movie adaptations of this book, but I will be purely discussing the book, not any of the movie versions. This is a book club after all.” He pointed out as he reached his desk again and leaned on it..
”Now, this book has to do with ordinary kids, being pulled into a magical world that's inside a wardrobe. A plain old wardrobe much like that one is.” Kalen said as he pointed to the wardrobe opposite him.
”The main characters are the Pevensie siblings, Peter is the eldest, Susan the next, followed by Edmund and finally Lucy, the youngest. Now all of the siblings were sent away from London due to air raids from a war that was happening..They were sent to a house of an old Professor in the country and from his house is where our adventures start..”
Kalen paused to give his words time to sink in, he was after all hitting them with a ton of information.
”It is interesting to note that the youngest, Lucy, found Narnia first. She wandered into the wardrobe as the four kids were exploring the house on a rainy day, the rest of the kids went off to explore more but she opened the door to the wardrobe and hopped into it.. and instead of finding the back of the wardrobe, she found a magical world called Narnia!” He grinned happily, the Narnia Chronicles were some of his favorite books.
”So Lucy found herself in a snowy forest and saw what looked like a lamp post, so naturally she walked towards it, only to meet a faun named Mr.Tumnus and after a brief chat, discovers that she is in a land called Narnia! She also went to have tea with him, because that's what you do when you enter a strange snowy land right? Go off to have tea with the first creature you meet.” Kalen chuckled softly to himself..
”Now Tumnus originally meant to kidnap Lucy and take her to the White Witch, the "Queen of Narnia” who has kept the entire land in permanent winter. But after some crying on Mr. Tumnus's part and some cajoling on Lucy's part, he let her go and she came jumping out of the wardrobe and hollered for her siblings..
Because you see, she had been gone for hours in Narnia, but only a few seconds went by in our world.. She told her siblings about Narnia and, of course they didn't believe her, they even went to the wardrobe, and pushed coats aside and.. there was the back of the wardrobe..
Curious hmm?
And that is only the first few chapters of the book! I wish we had time to go into all of it, but for right now.. this is all we will be studying.”
Kalen was walking again as he spoke, his voice calm but excited, one could tell he loved this subject..
”So tell me! Why do you think her elder siblings couldn't see Narnia at first? Why do you think they just saw a plain old back of the wardrobe and not the magical wood that Lucy saw?” He asked as he looked at all of them..
Vivian Fairfield was lost. What was Narnia? Who were the Pevensies? And Mr. Tumnus?! The Slytherin had absolutely no idea what they were discussing. It made her a little embarrassed because, had she known they'd actually discuss a book, she wouldn't have came and made a fool of herself! Curiosity wasn't always the best reason to do things, the blonde learned the hard way. However, she was here now and it would be rude if she had just suddenly walked away. Perhaps only one thing about the book they were discussing had caught her attention. The name "Edmund" was mentioned, which happened to be her father's name too! The fourth year smiled, remembering her dad. She missed him.
Anyway, moving on. Vivian didn't really know what the book was about. It was a shame, really, but it just wasn't in her to be a bookworm. But she had to give it a shot! Trying to put herself on Lucy's shoes, she wondered why she would be able to see the hidden world. Hmm... Vivian raised her hand. "Because she was young, Sir, and she had opened her mind to the possibility that magical things can happen?" It sounded more like an inference rather than a fact, as what the others in attendance seemed. "And her siblings were probably more of realists instead of idealists...."
Well, she tried.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Ah so they were discussing The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe? This would be a lot of fun indeed. Olivia listened to Mr. Kennedy's question as she tried to recall the story. Peter was the eldest, Susan the next, then Edmund, and then Lucy. Peter always had to be the eldest and Susan always seemed like she was in a hurry to grow up and be at a certain age. But that didn't explain Edmund not being able to see the magical world. She nodded when she heard Etta's response and agreed with it. The older kids must have lost their belief in the "impossible", in magic and more. As for Lucy, she probably felt really lost without their mother and uneasy at the new house and needed something to remind her something to believe in to reassure her that everything would be alright.
"I think the older kids lost their belief in magic and unthinkable because they could have perhaps been expected to act like adults whereas Lucy could still be a child. I think Lucy was looking for something to believe in. Magic, talking creatures, and more. And that's why she could still see Narnia." Essentially it provided the girl with a world away from the one she lived in. An escape.
Oh, so it WAS Narnia! Well, now her spirits lifted somewhat. Not because she was a big Narnia fan (though she did like it), but just because her guess was correct.
Straightening up somewhat in her seat, Kitty waited to hear some of the answers of her fellow book club attendees before taking a stab at it herself. "I probably would agree that it's because since Lucy was the youngest, she had the most imagination and was the most open minded. There may be other explanations besides this one, though. For example, maybe Aslan prevented the others from seeing it the first time. Aslan seems to know everything in Narnia."
"Something I have wondered about," she said, continuing her observations. "Is why didn't Andrew ever go into Narnia again with that wardrobe? For those who don't know, when he was a boy he witnessed the creation of Narnia, and he built the wardrobe himself. That's why I'm leaning towards the 'Aslan prevented the others from coming in' theory, since I'm not sure why Andrew wouldn't have come back if he could have."
But she was interested to hear other peoples perspectives on that.
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
If it hadn't been evident that Rooney wasn't paying attention before, then it probably was now. The Head Boy looked up from the floor he had been intently staring at and raised an eyebrow. "Why do you have a wardrobe, Sir?" But it had been just before the latest discussion had began and everything started to connect for him. Yes, he understood which book they were talking about, but...honestly...had all of the people here read it? Rooney wanted that kind of book club. Where they all got given a book and went away to read it and discussed at the next meeting. This was weird..
But anyway.. he pursed his lips at hearing Olivia's voice, looking back down once more. Could she stop turning up to the things that he wanted to be doing? Especially when he didn't want to be around her when he hadn't decided what it was he wanted at all.
"At a certain point the desire to grow up overtakes the belief and imagination, Sir. It's like how a fairy dies when someone says they don't believe in them." Like how a relationship could die when someone didn't believe in it anymore.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
And it seemed, they were talking about Chronicles of Narnia, to which the Librarian launched into a rather detailed explanation on the beginning of the story. Why could the youngest see Narnia first, but the other siblings couldn't when they went back to look? As everyone else said, she was willing to be open-minded and believe. She was an idealist, like Vivian said.
But that was boring to say that answer, because everyone else said it. So instead, Skylar took a different approach to answering the question. "Suspense, Mr Kennedy. Had the other older siblings been able to see Narnia immediately upon returning to the wardrobe, they would have entered the magical world sooner. But by having them not be able to see what their youngest sibling was telling them about, it created a bigger story and allowed for a build-up..." It was all in the storytelling.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Aslan raised a hand, eyes alight with some amusement as she stood rather than sat by. She had been listening to the others for a little time now, but the amusement forced her into speech when she was usually the kind to keep quiet. "Kitty, I never prevented anyone from entering Narnia." the witch said, walking over and slipping quietly into the unoccupied chair by Rooney Bronwyn.
Muggle books. She had been hoping for them... this in one particular had never crossed her mind as a possible entry into the club. No, she hadn't read it just now, but she had many times and had it read to her many times before. It was as much a book as it was a memory for the Lion named Aslan.
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
Last edited by nicole black; 06-08-2017 at 03:45 AM.
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Tristan again listened to all the students answers. He wanted them to have a chance to share their opinions. Having read the book series himself, he had a feeling it had something to do with Narnia.
When Aslan commented, he coughed back a chuckle. What a good comeback, especially being named after a major character in a story. He grinned over at the seventh year, wanting to give her a thumbs up, but he refrained. He didn't want to cause a disturbance.
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
SPOILER!!: Replies
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
"Because they'd lost their sense of wonder, Sir." She'd listened through the story as he gave a brief summary of the first couple chapters and that was about the only conclusion she could come to. "They got older and stopped asking questions, started accepting things as they are...like.....'wardrobes don't lead places so it must be false' instead of 'how curious, I wonder where it leads, how it happened, why it happened and what will happen next'." Which was the real shame. It was always terrible when others lost their sense of wonder and just started accepting everything as they were.
She would hate to start living like that. What was life without a couple million questions to keep things interesting and informative.
"Lucy was probably still very open to curious things happening, reckon she played make believe a lot too which probably helped her see more than what was in front of her."
Kalen grinned at Jessa as she spoke and he nodded. ”That is exactly right, they had lost their sense of wonder.. They were older and knew “better” " Kalen said with a warm smile.. "Excellent thoughts Miss Cambridge! " He said with a smile.
Originally Posted by Govoni
"Because older kids are jaded. Less open to the belief of magic, imagination, and fairy tale." Nailed it. Also, yes, thank you Jessa. Her answer could be tacked onto Jessa's.
"That is exactly right Miss Philips! " He said with a warm smile in her direction. "As we grow up the world wears on us, we grow bitter and jaded, less open to magic, exactly like you said. " He said with a warm smile as he walked on.
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
So he'd been right about the book they were discussing today! Gaston smiled knowingly as Kalen went on to elaborate on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and some of its plot points. Ah, that had been one of his favorite books as a child! His mind wandered back to days long ago spent hiding from his father with one of the Narnia books, wishing the closets in his house would lead to a magical world just like in the story. He shook his head to make the memories go away. He was making himself sad again!
He listened to Kalen's question. Well, that was an easy one! Wasn't it obvious? It was because they'd stopped believing in magic. Belief was a powerful thing, and to lose one's belief in something was devastating. He knew that firsthand. Again, he decided to keep silent, although he knew the answer. The idea was to let the students come to their own conclusions, not have a professor point them out. And besides, the students who'd answered so far were doing fine without his help.
Kalen smiled as Gaston as he sat there, he knew the man knew the answer and was keeping quiet, but he still was going to acknowledge him, for he was grateful for his presence..
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
Ah, she'd been right. Etta had read the book a long time ago, of course. It was a classic and she had absolutely enjoyed it and the rest of the books in the series. It was still one of her favourites and as she heard the librarian talk, she decided to re-read it soon. Once the librarian had finished, she pondered over his rather interesting question. She'd never given much thought to it while reading the book obviously but now.. she could see it from another perspective. Kind of.
"Sir.. I think the older kids lacked the belief that Lucy had, Sir. Even if they HAD happened to stumble into the world of Narnia, they'd probably think it was a figment of their imagination.. perhaps? But Lucy.. she was a child and children are innocent. They generally tend to believe the unimaginable, right? That's probably why she could connect with Narnia in a way her siblings couldn't. Okay, that was enough rambling.
Kalen nodded at Etta as she spoke, "That is very true, they do tend to believe the unimaginable.. and eventually her siblings did get in, but they looked to Lucy to lead them.. " Kalen pointed out.. because yes, Lucy did know better.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
"When they went to look at the wardrobe...was..." Er...what was the character's name again? OH RIGHT LUCY! Like Lucy Potts! Okay, he could handle this. "...was Lucy with them? Could s-she NOT see the magical wood then or COULD s-s-she and it was-s-s jus-st her s-siblings-s that saw the back of the wardrobe?"
This felt important to him with the whole believing in magic aspect people were talking about. Because IF she did believe then shouldn't she still be able to see it regardless of her siblings? He thought so at least.
Kalen smiled widely at Derfael at his question and he nodded. "Excellent question Mr. Ashburry-Hawthorne! She was indeed with them when they went back to look, she took them back to see! And none of them saw Narnia, not even Lucy. Who had just come out of it.. " Which was why it was probably a mix of Aslan keeping them out and their disbelief.. but that was for another book club..
Originally Posted by Kimothy
Anyway, moving on. Vivian didn't really know what the book was about. It was a shame, really, but it just wasn't in her to be a bookworm. But she had to give it a shot! Trying to put herself on Lucy's shoes, she wondered why she would be able to see the hidden world. Hmm... Vivian raised her hand. "Because she was young, Sir, and she had opened her mind to the possibility that magical things can happen?" It sounded more like an inference rather than a fact, as what the others in attendance seemed. "And her siblings were probably more of realists instead of idealists....
Well, she tried.
Kalen nodded as Vivian spoke, "That is correct Miss Fairfield, not to mention the war that was happening made her older siblings feel like they had to grow up faster and take care of the family. " He pointed out as he smiled warmly at her.
Originally Posted by Watson
Ah so they were discussing The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe? This would be a lot of fun indeed. Olivia listened to Mr. Kennedy's question as she tried to recall the story. Peter was the eldest, Susan the next, then Edmund, and then Lucy. Peter always had to be the eldest and Susan always seemed like she was in a hurry to grow up and be at a certain age. But that didn't explain Edmund not being able to see the magical world. She nodded when she heard Etta's response and agreed with it. The older kids must have lost their belief in the "impossible", in magic and more. As for Lucy, she probably felt really lost without their mother and uneasy at the new house and needed something to remind her something to believe in to reassure her that everything would be alright.
"I think the older kids lost their belief in magic and unthinkable because they could have perhaps been expected to act like adults whereas Lucy could still be a child. I think Lucy was looking for something to believe in. Magic, talking creatures, and more. And that's why she could still see Narnia." Essentially it provided the girl with a world away from the one she lived in. An escape.
Kalen nodded as Olivia spoke, "You are exactly right, Lucy was still allowed to be a child while the others were not. Edmund could have been, but he was too busy trying to be an adult that he couldn't see it either. "
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
Oh, so it WAS Narnia! Well, now her spirits lifted somewhat. Not because she was a big Narnia fan (though she did like it), but just because her guess was correct.
Straightening up somewhat in her seat, Kitty waited to hear some of the answers of her fellow book club attendees before taking a stab at it herself. "I probably would agree that it's because since Lucy was the youngest, she had the most imagination and was the most open minded. There may be other explanations besides this one, though. For example, maybe Aslan prevented the others from seeing it the first time. Aslan seems to know everything in Narnia."
"Something I have wondered about," she said, continuing her observations. "Is why didn't Andrew ever go into Narnia again with that wardrobe? For those who don't know, when he was a boy he witnessed the creation of Narnia, and he built the wardrobe himself. That's why I'm leaning towards the 'Aslan prevented the others from coming in' theory, since I'm not sure why Andrew wouldn't have come back if he could have."
But she was interested to hear other peoples perspectives on that.
Ahh someone who had read the books before, Kalen inclined his head, "While you may be right about Aslan not allowing the others to see Narnia yet, that wasn't the question Miss Valentine. Based purely on the information I gave you, it would seem that the older kids don't have enough wonder to see it yet. " He said gently as she went on to her next musings, good thoughts.. but perhaps not the right time.
"If by Andrew you mean Digory Kirke, who made the wardrobe from a felled tree that grew from a core of a fruit that he had gotten from Aslan, you should know as well as I that no one gets into that world unless they are meant too. It wasn't Digory’s time to go back.. " He said with a nod..
Again good discussion but not the time or place for it.. seeing as they weren't delving into all of the Narnia lore, just the first chapters of the first published book.
Originally Posted by Shanners
If it hadn't been evident that Rooney wasn't paying attention before, then it probably was now. The Head Boy looked up from the floor he had been intently staring at and raised an eyebrow. "Why do you have a wardrobe, Sir?" But it had been just before the latest discussion had began and everything started to connect for him
"At a certain point the desire to grow up overtakes the belief and imagination, Sir. It's like how a fairy dies when someone says they don't believe in them." Like how a relationship could die when someone didn't believe in it anymore.
Kalen let out a chuckle as he heard Mr.Bronwyn question, "Ehh, it was just something I had laying around. Found it in a big abandoned mansion. " He said with a smile before nodding at the boys next words.
"You are correct Mr. Bronwyn, one day we put aside childish things and want to be grown up, sometimes I wish we would cling to child like innocence, but it's not always possible. " Ahh well.. Kalen had a moment before shaking his head. "Excellent thoughts, thank you! "
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
But that was boring to say that answer, because everyone else said it. So instead, Skylar took a different approach to answering the question. "Suspense, Mr Kennedy. Had the other older siblings been able to see Narnia immediately upon returning to the wardrobe, they would have entered the magical world sooner. But by having them not be able to see what their youngest sibling was telling them about, it created a bigger story and allowed for a build-up..." It was all in the storytelling.
Kalen had to chuckle as Miss Diggory spoke. "That is also exactly right, C.S.Lewis wanted to build suspense, as well as add some more plot devices before everyone got into Narnia, after all if they had gotten in immediately, Edmund wouldn't have gotten in to meet the White Witch.. and that would have been a different story indeed. " It would have changed the entire book really.. He smiled..
"Superb addition to the discussion! " Kalen told her with a warm smile.
Originally Posted by nicole black
Aslan raised a hand, eyes alight with some amusement as she stood rather than sat by. She had been listening to the others for a little time now, but the amusement forced her into speech when she was usually the kind to keep quiet. "Kitty, I never prevented anyone from entering Narnia." the witch said, walking over and slipping quietly into the unoccupied chair by Rooney Bronwyn.
Muggle books, huh. She had been hoping for them but... this in one particular had never crossed her mind as being part of the topic. No, she hadn't read it just now, but she had many times before and had had it read to her many times before. It was as much a book as it was a memory for the the Lion named Aslan.
Kalen chuckled softly as Miss Evans spoke, ”You most certainly have not Miss Evans, Just keep that in mind in a few minutes, yeah? " He said with a grin.
Originally Posted by Suziella
Tristan again listened to all the students answers. He wanted them to have a chance to share their opinions. Having read the book series himself, he had a feeling it had something to do with Narnia.
When Aslan commented, he coughed back a chuckle. What a good comeback, especially being named after a major character in a story. He grinned over at the seventh year, wanting to give her a thumbs up, but he refrained. He didn't want to cause a disturbance.
Kalen grinned over at Tristan as he spoke and he motioned his head towards the wardrobe.. it would be time soon.. was he ready?
Kalen nodded as he headed back down the room and listened to everyone speak. He grinned at a few of the answers, as he put a hand on the wardrobe And spoke
You all had some great answers, and yes as many of you pointed out, it was due to their skepticism, their disbelief. They had lost their sense of wonder as Miss Cambridge pointed out.” He said with a nod at the Ravenclaw ”They were also all older, like Miss Holden said and they knew there couldn't be some magical world in the wardrobe! Magic didn't exist, neither did Fauns or witches! They thought Lucy was just pretending as she was wont to do, making things up.. so of course they didn't see the magical wood at first. Edmund was particularly nasty to her about it, and he was the next one to get into the wood. They all got in, and had some grand adventures, but that is for another book club!"
The green eyed man was smiling as he kept his hand on the wardrobe.
”Now! I want to see if you all have lost your sense of wonder, or if it's still intact, for we all will be going through the wardrobe!” Kalen grinned as he opened the wardrobe and inside, there were several fur coats, enough for everyone in the class as well as a sparkling yellow barrier..
"Now, you didn't think I'd make you stay in this stuffy room did you?" He said as he held up his hand and the black cloth on his desk flew to him hand, revealing several leather bound notebooks sitting nicely stacked on his desk.
"All right, I want everyone to stand up and grab a note book, and make your way to the wardrobe! Grab a fur coat as well seeing as it might be cold over there and after you have done that, I want you to head through the barrier! If you can! It might stop you if you are doubtful or have lost your wonder.. " Kalen stepped into the wardrobe and put his hand through the barrier.. "Ahh apparently I still have some wonder left. " He said with a grin.. he also wanted the kids to know the barrier wouldn't hurt them..
"Now Professor Wayland will be going in to keep an eye on the ones who get in instantly, I'll be following to make sure we all get in! Are you all ready to see what lies through the wardrobe?" He asked with a smile.
OOC: Welcome to the main Activity! Basically all you have to do is grab a note book, a fur coat and have your Charrie "go through the wardrobe." Once they are through, you can post Here! which is the next area of class. Feel free to have fun with them getting through the barrier! It can stop them, or they can glide right in like they have no trouble at all! The barrier won't hurt anyone! It'll just be solid if they don't make it through.. You all have about 60 hours to get into the next thread, no post count is required for this. You can do it in one big one, or 15 little ones! I don't care! Pm , VM, Twitter or even Skype me if you have any questions! I'll be checking in! If you need us just put Kalen! In the header! Have fun!
Last edited by MunchyBubbles; 06-08-2017 at 04:02 AM.
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Tristan grinned and nodded at Kalen. He walked forward, and headed towards the wardrobe. He gave Kalen a wink, grabbed a fabulously furry coat, and jumped through the back of the wardrobe calling out, "Juranimoooooooooooo!" Like he was diving into a deep pool of some kind.
Enter....if you still believe.
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Olivia blinked. What? They were going into Narnia? Really? Well something like Narnia.... That was amazing!! Ever since she had read the books as a child, she had always wanted to go to Narnia. She had even tried to find it in her grandparents wardrobe several times but had not been able to find the magical realm. But when Mr. Kennedy said that they were going through the wardrobe, Olivia perked up in her seat and was almost ready to jump up, grab a coat, and make a run for it. However, Mr. Kennedy was still speaking. It'd be rude to jump up straight away. Her blue eyes widened as she watched Professor Wayland jump through the wardrobe. She laughed at his call as he led the charge. "Amazing. Truly amazing," she commented with awe.
Not wishing to waste any more time, Olivia grabbed a notebook and then a fur coat. Then she faced the wardrobe. It was really real, wasn't it? This wasn't a dream, right? Professor Wayland had been able to travel through the wardrobe and so could she. She believed in it. Then she walked to the wardrobe slowly and tried to take the whole experience in (she didn't want to blink because she feared that she would miss something exciting).
Etta couldn't believe this! Just as she'd hoped, they were going to be exploring someplace new and exciting.. maybe a place as exciting as Narnia, perhaps? Wasn't this the most amazing class? It was more thrilling than she'd ever expected, honestly. One had to be open to magic to find magic, yes? She had a feeling this was going to be a lot of fun. Random thoughts jumbled through her head as she stood up and joined the students moving towards the wardrobe.
She raised an eyebrow with amusement as she watched Professor Wayland jump through the back of the wardrobe. It looked like he was going to be accompanying them too. She stared at the wardrobe, thinking how many times she'd wished as a child to go to Narnia and have all the adventures there.. just as Lucy and her older siblings had. She stepped through the barrier slowly, wondering what was waiting at the other side.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,080
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Only it seemed like NOW was not the time to ask them. Ugh. Usually Derf was all keen on playing make-believe and acting - because Abey made that sort of thing fun - but right now he was rather stuck on logistics and everything so the whole mystical aspect of this was lost on the second year. Of course they could all see and go through the portal. It was MAGIC. Maybe a safer version of a Vanishing Cabinet or portkey or something. Or just a Daydream Charm...but it was magic and they were witches and wizards. What HE wanted to know was HOW Lucy couldn't see what had JUST been there?!?!?!
Which was why the Hufflepuff was a tiiiiiiiny bit miffed as he got to his feet - still with his book, by the way - and followed after the others and grabbed a coat because why not, you know? So he DID believe in magic and wonder because he KNEW it worked! Bundled up in a coat ten sizes too big for him, Derf stumbled over his own feet and toppled through the wardrobe to the othersiiiiiiiiiiiiide...
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
It was perfectly in tact, just ask anyone who'd been carrying on a simple line of conversation with her and suddenly found her bouncing about with the prospect for a new area of study. Most things could give Jessa ideas. She was curious about everythin--......well....almost everything if she was being honest but even then, it wasn't that she hadn't considered them. On the contrary such things had been given plenty of thought, she just didn't think them very appealing.
Point was, sense of wonder still in tact. Even Olivia and the others seemed to agree it was the case. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't a little horrified at the idea that growing older could make you lose all that. The Ravenclaw didn't WANT to wake up one morning and find out she no longer cared about everything that happened in the world around her.
ANYWAY, it was time for the wardrobe and naturally, she wanted to know how this all worked.
Jessa hopped up, grabbing a notebook and a coat and scrambled toward the wardrobe. She was sure not to push or shove but she was certainly excited, so excited that she walked right through without really understanding what happened...which meant walking right back through into the library.
Again, Jessa walked through the barrier, looking all about for signs of passing over but when nothing jumped at her, she walked right back through into the old room again. This went on for several minutes, in and out she went, trying to FEEL for a difference. Was it like....a charm....or did it REALLY have to do with their sense of wonder, in which case....was it just an illusion that the particularly skeptical could see through or...if it was something else, how did the wardrobe KNOW which ones would believe? Was it like the sorting hat?
All things considered, Jessa DID have a skeptical mind but she liked to think it was a healthy level of skepticism given how many times she'd just walked in and out of the barrier.
So so so so soooooo so so many questions, and a couple more trips in and out of the wardrobe before she came to the conclusion she'd have to ask the Librarian herself--could she borrow this when they were done??? Did it take them other places too? Like the vanishing cabinet--WAS THIS JUST A BIGGER VANISHING CABINET????
Okay but actually she had to get back to the club, they were probably waiting. Into the wardrobe she went once again.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Narnia. An old muggle story and movie. Both of which she had read and seen numerous times through the years, thank you Kaysha for all that. It had been some time since she read the book or seen the movie but she remembered a great deal of it all. As the students answered questions she found herself agreeing with what was being said. With age usually came the lack of true belief in the simpler things in life.
Camilla listened as Kalen spoke announcing that they would be going through the wardrobe into 'Narnia' or something similar to such. One by one she watched the children go through the barrier before rising to her feet herself. Collecting a notebook and grabbing a nice warm fur coat which she slipped on, Cami gave Kalen a smile and a nod. So far his book club was a hit, he should be very proud.
Nearing the back of the wardrobe the transfiguration professor followed those in front of her right through the barrier and into the other side. Very much an adult yes but still very much a believer of all things.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Kitty couldn't help but laugh when Aslan Evans mentioned never stopping anyone form going to Narnia. "Nice," she said appreciatively to the seventh year.
Professor Kennedy's answer made her realize she'd gotten the names wrong of some of the characters. "Oops sorry, I didn't mean Andrew. Andrew was the name of Digory's evil uncle, right? Digory was the one who built the wardrobe." Okay, moving on...
Woah they were going into a recreation of Narnia??? She had not seen that coming. Picking up a notebook and fur coat, she joined the line to get into the wardrobe. Everyone was going in okay. Then it was her turn, and she took a step...
...right into the wall.
"Hey Aslan, are you sure you're not stopping me?" she asked jokingly to the seventh year. Okay, let's try this again.