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Young Lucius Malfoy cast in Half-Blood Prince (UPDATE #2)
The Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceIMDb page has listed actor Tony Coburn as a young Lucius Malfoy in the sixth film. We are unaware of the context in which the actor will play Lucius, and thus will wait for Warner Bros. on confirmation of this news.
UPDATE: Our partner site Blog Hogwarts secured a photo and an interview with Coburn, in which he confirms his role in Half-Blood Prince.
BlogHogwarts: Had you read any of the Harry Potter books before getting the role? Tony Coburn: I hadn't seen any films before or read any books UNTIL I got the role and thought I should watch how Malfoy is and I saw Order of the Phoenix to get an idea of his character. I didn’t even need to audition ‘cause they said i looked very much like Jason Isaacs when he was younger so i was picked immediately for Young Lucius Malfoy.
BH: Have you filmed your scenes for Half-Blood Prince? In which scenes are you involved? TC: The scenes have been shot and I was in a dinner scene with Professor Slughorn. I was also an extra in Dumbledore’s death scene which was a night shoot.
BH: Who did you work with? Who did you meet? TC: I acted with Jim Broadbent and was in the death scene with Michael Gambon, Daniel Radcliffe, Maggie Smith and Robbie Coltrane.
BH: How did you feel participating in a Harry Potter movie? TC: It’s amazing to be in the film and I would never have imagined that I would feature in one, even though the part is small, it's still fantastic fun.
BH: In which other projects have you been involved? TC: I have played Scrooge on stage before and featured on Totally Doctor Who.
You can see Coburn in action at his youtube account where he has put up some of his work in various independent films.
UPDATE #2: A video of Tony talking about growing his hair, costume fittings and photoshoots, can be seen below.
*Bangs her head extra loudly against her computer screen* What in the WORLD?????????? First we have Cho back, who had zero lines and maybe two scenes consisting of her blushing and moving out of Harry's way in the book, then we lost the Gaunts, the Muggle Prime Minister and Hepzibah Smith, then we're told the movie's going to be somewhat of a romantic comedy, and now we have a character who only appears for about two seconds in the final book being moved to this movie? What kind of drugs are the people at WB on? The more I read about what's going on with casting and storyline about this movie, the more I want to throw things. And the less excited I am about seeing the final product. :arg: :smash:
*Bangs her head extra loudly against her computer screen* What in the WORLD?????????? First we have Cho back, who had zero lines and maybe two scenes consisting of her blushing and moving out of Harry's way in the book, then we lost the Gaunts, the Muggle Prime Minister and Hepzibah Smith, then we're told the movie's going to be somewhat of a romantic comedy, and now we have a character who only appears for about two seconds in the final book being moved to this movie? What kind of drugs are the people at WB on? The more I read about what's going on with casting and storyline about this movie, the more I want to throw things. And the less excited I am about seeing the final product.
Wow. I completely agree. A romantic comedy? Come on! HBP is like the second darkest book of the series!!!! They should really be focusing more on Voldemort's horcruxes and all the memories concerning him and Harry becoming obsessed with Draco being a DE. Not Ron snogging Lavender 24/7!!!! Jeez.
Anyways, this guy looks nothing like Jason Isaacs. He's probably gonna be in the Slug Club or with Voldemort or Snape.
x....Peace Out? Uhhmm...More Like Peace In....x :: ♥Tom with Emma? Psh. He's with the TFFC'ers♥
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
BH: Who did you work with? Who did you meet?
TC: I acted with Jim Broadbent and was in the death scene with Michael Gambon, Daniel Radcliffe, Maggie Smith and Robbie Coltrane.
wait, wha? death scene? or funeral scene?
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Maybe he's been included in the scenes with Young Riddle. I know they're not the same age, but that doesn't mean the films haven't been creative with canon (it's not like it'd be the first time...)
that is true
Originally Posted by ladycplum
*Bangs her head extra loudly against her computer screen* What in the WORLD?????????? First we have Cho back, who had zero lines and maybe two scenes consisting of her blushing and moving out of Harry's way in the book, then we lost the Gaunts, the Muggle Prime Minister and Hepzibah Smith, then we're told the movie's going to be somewhat of a romantic comedy, and now we have a character who only appears for about two seconds in the final book being moved to this movie? What kind of drugs are the people at WB on? The more I read about what's going on with casting and storyline about this movie, the more I want to throw things. And the less excited I am about seeing the final product.
You took the words from my mouth
woops double post sorrry
Last edited by katiebell; 05-04-2008 at 02:36 PM.
Reason: merging posts
I didn't think that they would put a youn Lucius in the film. I mean...what for? He isn't going to do anything at all. He's not at all important to the story. I wonder why they would put so much effort in putting him in the film.
Well, he's got the high cheek bones of Lucius, and the sunken cheeks, but HE SHOULDN'T BE THERE!
There is no young Lucius in HBP, OMIGWASH! What will they do next, Ginny's birth scene?
Winter Caster ;; Socially Unacceptable ;; Twenty-Seven Six ;; Six Foot Three
Simply Amazing, Baby.
Well, he's got the high cheek bones of Lucius, and the sunken cheeks, but HE SHOULDN'T BE THERE!
There is no young Lucius in HBP, OMIGWASH! What will they do next, Ginny's birth scene?
Or maybe Harry's bris? Who knows? Seriously, I think the movies have gone a bit further downhill since POA with each successive one. We're losing huge chunks of important narrative in favor of cute little moments and characters who have no business being anywhere near the film. POA-Shrunken heads put in, almost the ENTIRE backstory of the Marauders told in the Shrieking Shack left out. GOF-A cute little moment of learning to dance put in, the entire break with the Ministry, Ludo Bagman, the creatures of the maze, the majority of Rita Skeeter's campaign all left out. OOTP-About a few hundred educational decrees, some that are supposed to be funny but left me putting my head in my hands and saying "huh?" put in, and enough important sutff left out I could probablyt write a five page essay with footnotes and a complete filed index, all left out. I've gone into each movie since POA with slightly lower expectations, and I tell you, I haven't been disappointed yet. Maybe I'm overreacting because I'm a book purist, and I realize that with the books getting bigger you can't put everything in there, but the movies are being ruined. Since I bought OOTP on DVD, I have watched it maybe once. And I skipped through a lot of it. All I have to say is, if they mess too much with TDH, they'd better hole themselves up in a castle with a moat!