Wired magazine has a short new interview with Tim Alexander, Visual Effects Supervisor for
Half-Blood Prince. He talks about how they created the fire and water for the cave scene, from research right down to the finished product.
"There are not enough CPU cycles in the day to capture the complexity found in the environment," says Industrial Light & Magic visual effects supervisor Tim Alexander.
"We did a lot of research on molten volcanoes, which have a lot of heat going on but no actual flames," Alexander says. "We collected a bunch of other references, including flares that burn underwater, and showed them to the Potter folks."
"We emulated all these fire parameters: heat ripples, smoke, buoyancy, viscosity, opacity, and brightness," Alexander says. "Chris figured out that a lower-resolution particle set still had a fluidy flow," Alexander says. "The effect looks as if you sprayed propane and then lit it."