masterofmystery | 07-16-2009 07:12 PM | Videos: Dan Radcliffe confirms Gary Oldman's return for Deathly Hallows Actors Daniel Radcliffe, Bonnie Wright, and Tom Felton spoke about the last scenes and epilogue for Deathly Hallows with MTV last week.
David Yates also mentioned that he will try to cast everyone available for the final battle at Hogwarts and Dan stated that Gary Oldman would be back to play Sirius Black's spirit for The Forest Again sequence.
The videos can be seen below (unfortunately just for those in the US); the text is underneath. <embed src="" width="512" height="319" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashVars="configParams=type%3Dnetwork%26id%3D1616 497" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" base="."></embed>
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"The final walk into the forest is what I'm kind of dreading, because I don't know still how I'm going to do that," Radcliffe revealed to MTV News, referring to the closing battle with Harry's archenemy, Lord Voldemort.
"The good thing is — it suddenly occurred to me the other day — Gary Oldman will be in there for that scene," the young actor said. "He's always somebody who — just from being around, I don't know whether it is from some kind of quite pure and childish desire to want to impress him or out of the fact that he just gets something out of me — having him around for some reason on the fifth film was such an amazing thing for me as an actor, and hopefully he'll have that effect again."
Oldman's wizard, Sirius Black, won't be the only past "Potter" character popping up in "Deathly Hallows." Expect Professor Pomona Sprout and the half-giant Hagrid, among many others.
"I want to get them all back," director David Yates told us.
| On the epilogue: Quote:
"There's something extraordinary about the audience's knowledge of them when they were this high and then seeing them where they are 38," he said. "There's something really beautiful about that circle, so it has to be them. I think if after seven or eight movies, we recast them in that last scene — we all thought, 'No way, we can't do that.' "
Radcliffe admitted that he always feared the epilogue: "This is the last image people are going to have of the films, and I'd rather they did it with other actors than did it with us and it looked bad."
But after seeing how realistically visual effects modified an actor's age in "Benjamin Button," he's become a convert. "I might get to see what I'd look like if I was 5-foot-8, which will be a thrill for me!" he laughed.
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