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masterofmystery 04-07-2011 02:34 PM

Video: Deathly Hallows: Part I London on-set look; Evanna Lynch, Matt Lewis interview
A new clip from the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I Maximum Movie Mode behind-the-scenes has been released by Warner Bros, showing how the London street scene where Harry, Ron, and Hermione apparate to after the Weasley wedding was filmed amidst a mass of fans and paparazzi.

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Actors Evanna Lynch and Matthew Lewis were interviewed earlier this year by HeyUGuys and First News in London to promote the home video release of Deathly Hallows: Part I, where they discussed their characters Luna and Neville, respectively, and their concern on how much they were featured throughout the series.

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How does it feel now that the Harry Potter marathon is drawing to a close?
It’s strange! It’s nice to come back to these sorts of interviews. It was very sad the day we finished on set though. Everyone was on set and it was like, ‘Oh no, this isn’t happening.’ I think it has been gradual though, it’s not been all of a sudden that’s it, go, move on with your life.

Matthew: Yeah! I mean you do it for such a long time, so obviously it’s going to be a bit strange coming to the end but Evanna’s right. It’s staggered. It’s not just: last day, done, never see each other again! We’ve got this DVD launch and the final premiere coming up.

Are you excited for the premiere of The Deathly Hallows Part Two?
Yeah I really am, I think it’s going to be pretty mad. It’s the one I’ve been waiting for, for a while. When the book came out and with it being the last one you just knew it was going to be something pretty special.

Obviously the last instalment came out whilst you were playing Luna and Neville, did you have to shut yourselves away to read it in peace?
It was quite a big deal for me when it was released. I was invited to JK Rowling’s launch party at the Natural History Museum and I was the second person to go up and have my copy of the book signed. My mum came with me and she really annoyed me when the book was released. I mean, for Harry Potter fans it’s a really big deal, you shut yourself away from the world, you just read read read. You don’t sleep and you don’t do any of your normal life maintenance things! And my mum was telling me to go to bed and I was like ‘No! NO! It’s a marathon, you have to keep going!’ I think that every time I put the book down I felt bad because I thought, ‘There’s stuff happening and I don’t know about it!’ So I made sure I knew how it ended before anybody else.

Matthew: Well I was always a fan of the books. Not quite as big a fan as Evanna but I was a big fan. I read the first four before I started work on the films and so each time a new one came out I would pre-order it and I tend to read them as a fan first. You lose yourself in the story because it’s so well written and then you start to think, ‘Hang on a sec, I’m going to be doing that in a few years.’ And that is a weird transition to make, it’s really hard when you’re reading it just as a fan and then as an actor. But it’s really great having that knowledge of what you’re going to be doing.

Yeah, I’d read a cool part with Luna in it and think, ‘Oh, pleeeeaasseee keep that bit in!’

Were there any scenes in the movie that ended up on the cutting room floor that you really wanted the audience to see?
I don’t know. I was lucky to be in that! I shouldn’t have been in it in the first place.

Was it odd seeing less of your character in the movie?
Yeah, it was a bit. But it was quite a nice break because we filmed them simultaneously and I was quite busy with part two so any chance I got to have a break from part one it was alright. I got to go and have a little rest and some time off! But I just felt really grateful because Neville’s not in that part of the book so it was great of the producers to put him in there so people wouldn’t forget about Neville. I felt a real sense of gratitude to be included because it means I’m in all eight of the films, which is pretty special.

[Evanna's father] sounds a little like Mr Lovegood! Who we finally got to meet in the Deathly Hallows Part One, how was it working with Rhys Ifans?
It was brilliant, he was great! He’s quite a relaxed person and he got straight into the part without any airs or graces. We only had two days of filming together, he did a lot in the Lovegood house but Luna has been kidnapped at that stage. But we got to do the dance scene together and that was all done on the day, we weren’t even told there was going to be a dance but he just got really into it. Adding twirls and spinning me about! It was quite fun.

Who were you closest to in the cast?
We all hang out really, we’re all a group. I get on very well with Katie Leung, she plays Cho Chang. But there’s no high school segregation or cliqueyness. We all get on great.

Neville’s character is very honourable and things get a lot tougher for him from here on in, what’s it been like taking the character from geek to hero?
It’s been good! I liked playing Neville for all those years. When we first started he wasn’t that dissimilar from who I was in real life anyway so it was fun to play. I also like the idea that Neville wasn’t perfect. Not the chiselled jaw, Brad Pitt hero but he had it where it counts. He had the heart and the courage and I think he was very endearing to a lot of people. The nicest thing in the world is getting fan mail from people saying that Neville helped them through bullying, or overcome something. That’s brilliant and as an actor I find that really special. I love playing Neville.

Each year I’ve been able to come back and add a bit more to the role and see him evolve which kept it really fresh and it was still a challenge. Especially on the last film, to come back and play this new kind of guy, who has been through it and he’s this veteran of battle, all beaten and bloodied…. It was great. It was a lot of fun and I felt a bit like Tom Cruise that last few weeks doing all these brilliant stunts! I definitely developed a taste for it!
The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I Blu-ray and DVD sets, out on April 11, 2011 in the U.K. and April 15, 2011 in the U.S., can be pre-ordered on the WB Shop or Amazon at the links below. A list of international dates for the DVD's release can be found here.

US Deathly Hallows 1-disc DVD | US Deathly Hallows 1-disc Blu-ray | US Deathly Hallows 2-pack collector's set | US Deathly Hallows 2-disc DVD SE | US Deathly Hallows 3-disc Triple Play DVD/Blu-ray
UK Deathly Hallows 2-disc DVD | UK Deathly Hallows 3-disc Triple play DVD/Blu-ray | UK Deathly Hallows 3-disc Limited Edition Triple Play Steelbook

SlytherinX_Green 04-07-2011 05:31 PM

Great interview! I love Matt's Beatles t-shirt!

bassoonbuddy 04-07-2011 05:51 PM

shes soo firetruckin pretty !! (:

Debbie Weasley 04-07-2011 06:05 PM

Awesome interview!! Can't wait for the release!! :)

TilsoWilso 04-07-2011 08:32 PM

Love it! I can't seem to get the video clips to work though : (

Scratch that last. They work now. : )

Ginny GL 04-07-2011 11:38 PM

Matt's such an interesting person. I really look forward to seeng something more of him as an actor.

BearyMay 04-08-2011 01:29 AM

Love the behind the scenes footage :)

Prof. McGonagall 04-08-2011 01:37 AM


Taiya89 04-08-2011 01:44 AM

Very cool interview!

spiral_star 04-08-2011 02:42 AM

I've always wanted Luna and Neville to end up together in Harry potter... wonder why Jk Rowling didn't??? I mean,,, come on--- Luna and Neville are the perfect match.

Lady of Light 04-08-2011 04:35 AM

Oh, that's a great interview!

Looneybird 04-08-2011 07:09 AM

Haha, Evanna sounds like a true fan! But when it came to the books, I remember trying to read them as slow as possible so it wouldn't end and I wouldn't have to wait another two years to find out what happened. I actually don't even know how I did it anymore. :xd:

AshleyWheat 04-08-2011 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by spiral_star (Post 10259360)
I've always wanted Luna and Neville to end up together in Harry potter... wonder why Jk Rowling didn't??? I mean,,, come on--- Luna and Neville are the perfect match.

Me too! I always thought they'd be the perfect match.
I liked the interview, too! :)

R-Luchy~W*7*PG~ 04-08-2011 09:22 AM

Nice interview..

kleanne 04-08-2011 09:48 AM

awesome interview as always

bonnieginnyfan1 04-08-2011 10:29 AM

That's an awesome interview with Matt & Evanna! :yes:

natekka 04-08-2011 03:48 PM

Great interview :D:D I love Matt and Evanna...I think they'd make a good pair :D

Nat x

purebloodprincess87 04-08-2011 06:54 PM

Matt looks really hott and he looks like he lost some more weight. Personally i think their should be a prequal

La La 04-08-2011 09:40 PM

Such great Picture!

hpluvr037 04-08-2011 11:02 PM

With every new interview that comes out I just get that much more excited to see the film!

gruffy_a3 07-08-2011 07:51 AM

Wow! They seem to be really close friends!!!!!!! I mean, they always take pictures, and hang out together. Cute!!!!!!!!!

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