Vida Eslamieh, the Iranian translator for the
Harry Potter books, has
protested against there being multiple translations of the novels, as many as 16. Iran, however, has not signed the international copyright treaties yet and so the writers are not obliged to observe the rights of the translators' guild. The situation has been described as a 'catastrophe'.
Although the knowledgeable readers can recognize good translations, the publishers compete for the fast release of the book and that is why most Harry Potter translations have a poor quality, she added.
Eslamieh stated that she never began translating a book when she knew that another capable translator was doing the same thing.
She said she agrees with the idea of presenting a new translation of a classical literary work even when a good translation already exists. Because, she says, the new version would reflect the point of view of the new generation.
The Persian language used today is different from the language used 30 years ago and so the older and the newer translations are also different, she added.
Young translators should keep in mind that the works of the pioneers of literary translation in Iran such as Mohammad Qazi and Parviz Dariush are of a very high quality and young translators should take on the adventure of re-translating their works only if they feel they have novel ideas to present, she stated.