OMG! This maked me laugh!!

And Rupert has this look at Tom like he is mad at him, and Tom is like whateva. But the last one made me laugh soo hard!
A scary thing happen to me today! I was on a plane and this guy that has been sitting three seat to the left of me for 5 hours, got up and couldn't get his suitcase out after we landed and he was like saying to everyone I'm sorry, and I looked over at him, and he was like nearly Tom Felton's twin! Like his face was different, but not to much..
Later when all the people where walking to get there check in bags, he was walking near me and talking to someone. I didn't mean to stare, but he looked sooooo much like him, and acted like him. The other really scary thing was he talked like Tom Felton does in an American actcent! I was freaked out!!
I just had to say that! But whatever