Six questions that will definitely be put to J.K.Rowling by Melissa Anelli and Emerson have been revealed.
The TLC editor will ask:
- Do memories in a Pensieve reflect reality or the views of the person to which they belong?
- What is the significance, if any, of the gum wrappers Mrs. Longbottom keeps giving to Neville?
- How and when was the veil made?
The Mugglenet editor will ask:
- It’s stated in book 1 that Dumbledore had ’defeated’ ’the dark wizard Grindelwald.’ Did Dumbledore defeat him in the sense of kill, or remove him from power, but so he may still be alive?
- The importance of our choices has been stressed over and over again in the books. Why was Lily’s choice to sacrifice herself for her son more ’important’ in some sense than her husband’s choice to sacrifice himself for his son and wife? Apparently James knew he had no fighting chance, so choosing to fight in order to give time to his family to flee, was in fact choosing to die for them. But this didn’t seem to offer his wife any magical protection, therefore it seems like a less important sacrifice. Is it because he didn’t actually put his body in front of the person he wanted to save that made his death so... second class? Should that matter? The choice that he made was of equal level to the choice his wife made, I think; but not with the same effect? Why?
- If Lord Voldemort encountered a Boggart what would he see?
The questions were chosen by Leaky & Mugglenet readers through polls. Melissa and Emerson will interview J.K.Rowling at her home in Edinburgh on July 16th.
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