Empire has posted an interview they did with Jason Isaacs last month when he presented at the 2006 Sony Ericsson Empire Awards. In it he comments on filming for
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
And how’s Harry Potter going?
I don’t know, they started without me. Like most things in my life. I haven’t even read the script yet. To be honest, I don’t know what happens in it. I know that I’m meant to end up in prison – that’s no great secret.
He also discussed Lucius’ long blonde hair.
You have a strange relationship with your wig then?
I do, well the wig is on time-share with Paris Hilton and she comes round. It takes a lot longer to prise it off me at the end of the day because I fancy myself as the lead singer of Sweet. Nah, it’s not very long, they’re all terribly slick with it. I miss it. I like the wig. I’m not a man who gets to disguise, I look pretty much the same in everything I do except for Harry Potter and I get to wear a fabulous wig.
I highly recommend reading the
entire interview. Jason is absolutely hilarious!