masterofmystery | 01-08-2010 08:15 PM | James & Oliver Phelps talk Harry Potter films, Rupert Grint & Alan Rickman In a new interview with actors James and Oliver Phelps on the set of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the pair talk about being cast as Fred and George Weasley in the Harry Potter films, nicking props from the set, they give a few amusing anecodtes about costars Rupert Grint and Alan Rickman, talk about their favourite Potter film to work on, and continuing to act in the future. Quote: Q: Can you tell us how you got the roles for Harry Potter?
James: Our friend had seen the advert in the paper. We'd never done any acting or anything so mom came into our room and said, “You fancy it? It's there if you want to. It's like near the end of school term and she says, “Unfortunately it's a Wednesday. So that would mean you're going to have to take a day off of school.” So we were like, “Oh, Gosh no!” Oliver: Any fourteen year old would probably say the same thing. So we go to this audition and they're auditioning for every single part in the film. There's probably three thousand people there going for different parts. And I've never seen so many people with glasses with just frames, no lenses or anything. Kids walking around with lipstick lightning bolts on their head! James: There were loads of guys there with huge portfolios from the acting schools and everything, and we turned up with nothing. We didn't even have shirts that matched because we never ever wore the same thing, apart from our school uniform. So we quickly legged it over to the nearest department store and just grabbed two shirts off the rail. Then we waited for two and a half hours and eventually met the main casting director. Then six or seven auditions and screen tests later we got the parts. And that was nine years ago.
| Quote: Q: Have you managed to take any of the props as souvenirs?
Oliver: A few may have found their way into my bag. We were on tour for the Half-Blood Prince and I was going through one airport. I took my laptop out of my bag and I found a puking pastie. And the [security] dude who was working was like, “What's that?” And I was like, “. . . puking pastie?” And he says, “What does that do?” “It makes you sick.” “Why have you got that?” And I said, “You're not gonna believe me if I told you.”
| On Rupert and Alan: Quote: Q: Can you tell us any secrets about some of the stars in the film?
Oliver: [laughs] I think Rupert's [Rupert Grint who plays Ron Weasley] math skills are something to be desired, especially if you're playing him at a sport. We play a lot of golf and table tennis, and it's amazing when you finish playing a hole of golf. “It was six Rupe.” And he'll say, “No it was a four. It was a four!” And he'll start inventing new rules like, “Oh I'm allowed to throw off the tee on every nine holes," or something. James: Alan Rickman [who plays Severus Snape] his deep voice and everything and the kind of character he plays, you're quite intimidated. But he's such an outgoing and funny guy!
| Quote: Q: Which movie was your favorite to work on?
James: I'd have to say Goblet of Fire. Oliver and I were always the oldest out of the junior cast, but at that time there were guys our age there. It just so happens Rob Pattinson was in it who has now gone on to do Twilight (rated PG-13). Oliver: I didn't realize how big Rob was until we came to America and I'd say eighty percent of the magazines on there have his face on the cover. James: It's quite surreal for us because Rob's a mate we know from here. Oliver: We can remember going through the pub in London with him, and no one would say a word to us!
| Quote: Q: Would you like to keep acting?
Oliver: I'd like to yeah. I'd like to definitely give it a go for a while any way. We kind of learned from a who's-who of British TV and film. James: As Robbie Coltrane said to us on the first movie, “This is like having a Rolls Royce for your first car.” So you're never gonna get better than this.
| Scholastic promises another new interview next Friday with another Deathly Hallows cast member, so stay tuned.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be released on November 19, 2010 and July 15, 2011. |