At this weekend's Primetime Emmy Awards, HBO/MAX CEO Casey Bloys gave some updates about the
Harry Potter series, which he said he expects to debut around late 2026, possibly into 2027 with
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
Open casting call for Harry, Ron, and Hermione is currently underway in the
UK and Ireland here.
DEADLINE: On Harry Potter, you recently started the search for little kids to play the three leads. What else is going on?
BLOYS: Writers have started. [Director] Mark Mylod has started. The team, they’re hiring department heads, casting, and we’re off.
DEADLINE: Are you looking to start production in March? That date was on the Casting Call.
BLOYS: We haven’t announced any [date]. I think they were talking about age [the young actors] will be in March, that doesn’t mean necessarily a production start date.
DEADLINE: Are you looking at 2026 to launch the series?
BLOYS: Late ’26-’27. Writers are just getting started so it’s too soon to talk about airdate.
DEADLINE: But you are excited about the take and the creative team that you picked?
BLOYS: Yes. With [writer] Francesca [Gardiner] and Mark I feel very, very happy and excited about what they’ve got going.