First Edition PoA book to make £20,000 at auction -
The BBC are following an item on auction Summary:
The BBC have been keeping track on an item, a PoA First Edition book which has two days left on Ebay. The current bid is at £2,050 but they expect it to reach £20,000.
Article: First Edition PoA book to make £20,000 at auction The BBC are following an auction over at
Ebay. The
item which is expected to get £20,000 at auction has already clocked up £2,050. The auction is still open for another 2 days and 10 hours.
The sellers on eBay describe the book as a "genuine first print, first issue hardback" and detail distinctive errors on the title page and first page.
Publishers Bloomsbury told BBC News Online it was impossible to verify the copy's authenticity without seeing it.*
The sellers say they have kept the book unread and sealed in an airtight box since buying it in 2000 for £600.*
They have decided to auction it for money to invest in their business after watching its value soar over the past four years.*
They say the book can be proved to be a first state copy because the author's name on the reverse of the title page is printed as Joanne Rowling.*
(Instead of J.K.Rowling as it was later printed)
Also, on the first page of the story there is a dropped line of text between the word 'burnt' and 'so much'.
Pictures of these distinct features can be found over at the item's auction page at Ebay.
In January this year, an uncorrected proof copy of the first Harry Potter book - with the author's name spelled wrongly - sold for £1,250 at auction.*
A signed first edition of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was sold by the author's father for £27,500 at auction in 2003.*
The CBBC have left this comment:
One Potter expert told Newsround he would be surprised if the book reached £20,000.
He thought the book was probably worth closer to £2,000.
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