Info from Singapore:
TONS of Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix are still on the shelves!!! Yes! Although there's A LOT of PREORDERS (about 1 million), there are still a lot more on the shelves!! About 300~800 people queued up all over Singapore from 10pm to 7am on the day itself to grab their hands on the book!!
Though there aren't any parties...
What they did:
1. Loaded some SEALED boxes of HP5 onto a trolley
2. Placed the trolley somewhere behind the HP5 poster (the flying phoenix) .
3. COUNTDOWN!!!...... ZERO!!! *siren goes*
4. The 'wizards' ram the trolley all the way to the poster (SMashing the PhoeniX!!! :o )
5. The staff unload the boxes and ripped them open like some T-rex that was starving and eating some animal... Poor remains of cardboard fill the floor :sorcerer:
6. Everyone started grabbing the books from the staffs and some even went to take right from the box.
7. Everyone collected their book and started parading around swinging it in the air!! There was a LIVE broadcast and all those people had their actions recorded!!
8. After the whole thing (2-5), guess what? There's a massive mountain of HP5 stacked neatly like a fortress!!! A hogwarts made out of books! (or maybe not, its just squarish)
**actually i have a feeling that our bookstores had overstocked the books. We all know its very popular and will be sold out but they overdid it here. There's too much remains here (almost everystore had 1-8 copies sold only....)
If you need HP5 now, Come to Singapore!! There'll be at least 20 copies at every Bookstore!!