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nopuedeser 08-31-2011 04:13 AM

Not a surprise! Truly a well rounded character and actor! Glad to see my fav - Draco - made the top ten!

stephani 08-31-2011 04:32 AM

great. he was great at the end of the movie

Archana.t 08-31-2011 08:10 AM

East or west snape is the best .he definitely deserved to be voted as the best character.

lumos_snitcher 08-31-2011 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by HP_fan4ever (Post 10599001)
"for Harry to understand WHY he treated him so a way this COULD be seens as Severus' "apology" to Harry for all the years of mistreatment"

First of: YAY Snape!! :woot:

I like HP_fan4ever's point on the 'apology to Harry' bit. It was not only a way to show Harry what to do next, but also his way to right some wrongs.

& I dun believe snape being mean/evil/cruel to harry was without reason. it could be the double agent act.. :hmm:

FearlessLeader19 08-31-2011 12:04 PM

Yay! Congrats Snape!
I voted for Neville :D

PhoenixAnn 08-31-2011 02:43 PM

I voted for Neville and Luna. :)

ToxicWings333 08-31-2011 02:50 PM

Fudge actually beat Wood!?!?

Anyways, way to go Snape!!!!

RupertsLil'Princess 08-31-2011 02:58 PM

I thought Ron came second? :| oh well,fourth is good too.

sml 08-31-2011 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Marauders' Map (Post 10598649)
I posed a question about Snape on another SS thread, and I didn't really get a response, so I will try again here. I genuinely do not understand why -- if his love for Lily Potter was the motivating force of his entire life -- Snape was a first class jerk (bordering on abusive) to Harry ever since Harry was 11 years old. . . . Why did he have to go so out of his way to be so nasty? Not a single moment of kindness in almost 7 years? His behavior towards the boy hardly seems the behavior of one who was entirely motivated by love of the boy's mother. Anyway, I genuinely don't understand this and I wonder if anybody can shed some satisfactory light on it.

I agree with you and have often wondered the same. I do not understand why people are so in love with Snape. He even admitted to Dumbledore that he was willing to sacrifice Harry and James if Lily was able to live (book 7, Prince's tale). He motives bordered on selfish - his jealousy toward James caused him to lash out at Harry, a child. I don't care about the love story. Lily was married to and loved another, and Snape couldn't let it go. It's not romantic at all, it's somewhat pathetic. He only agreed to what Dumbledore asked out of some sort of redemption for his role in Lily being killed by Voldemort. As a mother, I cannot condone Snape's treatment of Harry. He did go out of his way to be nasty, and tried to have him expelled on multiple occasions. Not exactly a way to keep him safe.

That being said - my favorite character is, and always will be Harry - I'm with J.K. Rowling on this one. Harry is the one who sacrificed the most, and exhibited just as much, if not more, bravery than Snape throughout the series. He also was willing to sacrifice his life for others, and continuously put his life in danger for others - all before the age of 18. Booo to Snape (but I do love Alan Rickman and the way he portrayed him). Finally got that off my chest.

jain 08-31-2011 06:47 PM

i am ashamed of the 'potter' fandom!! It's embarasing! not that long ago the fandom was declaring undying love for Harry, yet we are happy to let the world know just how fickle we are as a fandom.

possummink 08-31-2011 07:12 PM

I can agree with the choice. He's one of my favorites. Courageous and loyal to the end.

hpluvr037 08-31-2011 09:21 PM

Wow, go Hermione! Glad she was so high up there.

Carla von Luc 08-31-2011 10:13 PM

Snape just won because of all the pitty votes, but hey, I pitty (read: love) him too! <3

EmmaWatsonHugeFan 08-31-2011 11:22 PM

I was really happy when I saw both my favourite characters in the top two!
Congrats to Snape for taking his rightful place as the #1 character :)

insanelysyd95 09-01-2011 12:11 AM

I am not surprised Snape's the favorite. I am surprised Hermione's second favorite though. I would've said Harry and then Sirius.

sujayanee 09-01-2011 04:55 AM

No wonder...........He's everybody's favorite.........

I love sirius too.........

Love the list

Crimson_x 09-01-2011 07:04 AM

The top 10 is who I would have expected, but probably not Snape. Although he was an amazing character. YAY Ron #5!

Gabrielle 09-01-2011 10:54 AM

I didn't even know there was a poll (I know shock horror) but anyway, Go Severus Snape!

tommyboy21 09-01-2011 11:23 AM

Yes Snape im glad snape came first but sad that neville was not second

RandomRaven 09-01-2011 02:30 PM

congratulations for Snape! How can JKR make a perfect grey character just like Snape. Besides that Alan Rickman acted perfectly as Snape, I love the way he act :P

WolfEye 09-01-2011 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by emerald0200 (Post 10598647)
Why is Fudge even on the list? :LL But WOO go Snape. ;)

Forget Fudge... WHY is Umbridge listed?

Snape... yeah, pretty cool he won

tinkerbelalrox3 09-01-2011 07:49 PM

It is clear why Severus Snape won. He is just such an interesting character. He is strung through a web of other people lives, and stories. He is very fascinating and a very true character.

anika_s 09-01-2011 10:39 PM

I didn't know there was a voting. But I'm glad Snape won :snape2:

For me, he's the most interesting and complex character of the books. He's very human, in the good and in the bad. I was always a Snape fan, since book one. I believed that there was more behind that grumpy and awfull teacher and I always wished he proved all wrong and show that he had a heart. And he did :snape2:

Yes, he was a terrible teacher, he was a death eater and did so many things wrong but in the end he made the right choice. He could simply go back to his old friends but he stayed on Dumbledore's side against all odds and played a major role in Voldemort's downfall.

And I don't think that Snape still beeing in love with Lily even after she married James it's pathetic. It's just sad and in his case very tragic, imo. We don't chose who to love and just because that person isn't with us we don't stop loving. I believe that many people feel connected with Snape in that point.

He had a terrible and abusing childhood, his school years wasn't very good either and he did all kind of bad choices in life that turned him in what he was but in the end he redeemed himself, imo. He was not nice, he had many flaws but what he did was pretty heroic. I think Snape somehow represents hope. Hope that even the most unpleasant and mean person is capable of good and capable of doing the right thing in the end...

s.jayne123hp 09-03-2011 11:38 AM

Glad Snape won... he was one of the most interesting characters there :)
surpised Harry was 4th i would have expected him to be in the top 3.

Devina Wellheart 09-03-2011 03:57 PM

I'm a bit surprised where Mr. and Mrs. Weasley fell on the list. I though they'd be a bit closer to the top.

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