Alfonso Cuaron and Robbie Coltrane Interview -
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Article: Alfonso Cuaron and Robbie Coltrane Interview
The first interview, with Alfonso Cuaron, which can be found
here is brought to you by
Cinecon HPANA Mugglenet and
The Leaky Cauldron. Quote:
I had to restrain my language a little bit, because I have a very foul mouth and I had to restrain my language in English, but I would say things in Spanish and actually they learned quite a lot of curse words in Spanish. But that was the only thing and even if I curse they couldn’t hear before and they just kept on moving. Actually, that was the only point of disadvantage in our relationship, that they would curse and I couldn’t (laughing).
TLC: Do you liken her to any other actresses you’ve known, in terms of style?
AC: Her style, you know, she’s such a natural. She’s amazing and you can see in this film the way how she listens to what’s going on. You know Harry can be talking and the way she just listens to what’s going on. I love that of Emma.
Q: So, you mentioned that you didn’t read the Harry Potter books before, but are you a Harry Potter fan for life now?
AC: The moment I read the third one, immediately went through the first, I read 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (laughing).
Q: If they maybe asked you to direct a future Harry Potter, would you?
AC: I would love to and if they still have the same cast, than more than anything else. I just so much enjoyed working with these guys.
The second junket interview, which is with Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid), that can be found
here is brought to you by
Cinecon HPANA Mugglenet and
The Leaky Cauldron. Quote:
How was working with Alfonso (Cuaron)?
RC: Nightmare (Laughs). Talentless. No sense of humor. I don’t know how he got the job. He must have slept with somebody. (Laughs). No, I adore him. I think he’s a wonderfully talented man. He’s exactly the way I expected him to be having seen his films. He’s crazy, and rock and roll, and adolescent, but phenomenally focused about what he wants to do.
How is it to see your character grow as well as the children?
RC: Well, it’s quite easy really. It was quite instant that he wanted Harry’s approval. Did you notice that? And the children sort of rescued him this time. It’s a great turnabout. That’s what happens as your children get older. They do things for you and it’s quite shocking when they do. Your son suddenly says, “Would you like a cup a tea? And you’re about to fall off your seat. “What, you’re making me a cup?” and he says, “Yeah, why not.”
I remember saying to Daniel one day, “Look, don’t hold back. If you are absolute dreadful in this, it will end up on the cutting room floor.” It may however, need what’s needed and it works.
How was it wearing the makeup?
RC: Hell. It’s hell with that big beard and stuff. That’s the one bit I don’t like. Either you take out at lunch or you don’t eat. So I opted not to eat cause having to put it on twice is horrific.
What’s next?
RC: “Ocean’s 12”. I play a guy called Matsui. I’m also in “Van Helsing” doing voice for a horrible creature.
Cinecon HPANA Mugglenet and
The Leaky Cauldron.