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Home > The Films > Half-Blood Prince > HBP In The Media
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Harry Christmas tree decorations collage
Virgin Media unveils festive artwork of Harry Potter to mark the launch of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on Virgin Media Movies on Demand. Harry is made of Christmas tree decorations including fairy lights, stars, baubles, holly, mistletoe, ivy, tinsel, ribbons, tree decorations and candy canes. Artist: Prudence Emma Staite
magazine003.jpg Image1~50.jpg Harry_Potter_FINAL_(2).JPG Hermione_Granger_FINAL.JPG Ron_Weasley_FINAL_(2).JPG
File information
Album name:katiebell / HBP In The Media
Submitted by:katiebell
Source:Frank PR
File Size:1728 KB
Date added:Dec 11, 2009
Dimensions:1300 x 1260 pixels
Displayed:362 times
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