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-   -   F&Bs Back Room (

Con_Stripes 04-09-2010 02:07 AM

F&Bs Back Room
The back room is used primarily for storage, and takes on a much different appearance from the rest of the shop. Instead of wooden bookshelves, this room holds metal shelves with bright lights illuminating the many boxes of unpacked books littering the floor.

A small desk is in one corner, with forms stacked upon it according to its application, such as delivery of previously purchased books or the ordering of newly released books. Only the shopkeeper is allowed here. The door is securely locked and can only be opened with a special key.

LunaLovegood5 12-07-2010 06:46 PM

Willow gingerly stuck her head around the corner and eyed the back room. Stacks of books and loose papers were scattered randomly around the room.
She noticed a small movement in a corner and sprinted from the back room, to the fireplace with as casual a face as she could muster.

Kaos.Doodles 01-15-2011 02:07 AM

Robin pushed open the door to Flourish and Blotts. If there was one thing the six year old knew was that, THIS was her favourite store of all time. Her dark brown eyes fell upon the stacks, upon stacks of books that filled the store. It took all her will to not rush every which way to go and read one.

She was here for a reason. Looking ever which way for the man, the small girl crossed her arms. Hmm. He didn't seem to be in here. Her eyes trailed to a sign that said something about a back room. He would be in there of course!

Without any warning she skipped right over to the back of the store. Her small hand reached the knob and she bit her lip. Please open. Like magic the knob turned and she walked in.

MORE BOOKS! But the man wasn't in this room. Aw man!

This was a bad idea. And it wasn't Sparrow's idea either. It was his sister. It was always here. The young boy sniffled. He didn't want to get in trouble. Holding on to his older sister's hand the young boy looked up as Rari ran somewhere else in the shop. "She is gonna get in trouble. She isn't a good boy like me." He said with a nod. Cause his mommy said he was a really good boy.

And Rari was BAD! Because she came up with this plan.

D.A Forever 01-15-2011 05:33 AM

Wanting to be a good big sister and keep her siblings entertained, Artemis would have agreed to basically anything Robin and Sparrow asked of her while she was babysitting for their dad and Rae. If they wanted to get ice cream, she would have taken them to get ice cream. If they wanted to go some where, such as Flourish and Blotts to pick out a new book or two, Artie was happy to take them.

So of course, when Robin suggested they go to Flourish and Blotts, Artie had finished up at her own store and took the two six year olds just a little ways down the street to a shop she was quite familiar with, too. Reaching out a hand to help Robin push the door open, Artemis watched her little sister take the lead and followed behind with Sparrow. It wasn't until Robin left the bookshelves behind entirely and headed for a door, that Artie became slightly confused. Her dark blue eyes glanced down at the small blonde at her side, a concerned frown forming on her mouth. "Trouble?" As the small girl grabbed for the doorknob, Artie quickly made to continue after her, gently tugging Sparrow along with her.

No, Robin wasn't a good boy like him, was she? Hehe.

"Robin-" Robin did know that even though she let them play in WWW's back room didn't mean they could go entering any other store's back room without permission (and a good reason) from the person who ran the shop - even if she was close friends with said person, didn't she? Feeling uneasy Artie quickly entered after her little sister and immediately reached for her hand without a single glance around, "Robin, we can't be back here without Brett. The books are up front anyway.." Artie didn't understand what was going through her mind. "Let's turn around, please."

Granger1814 01-16-2011 08:15 PM

Raising his head slightly from his low perch at the end of a bookshelf, Brett glanced towards the front of the store. He could have sworn he heard someone enter the store, but he heard nothing further.

He looked at the book in his hand and then back towards the front door. Better be sure someone didn't need help.

He rose from his crouch, and walked to the front of the store, keeping an eye and ear out for any signs of anyone. When he didn't see anyone in the front portion of the store, he began to look through the back part, and it was there that he heard a very familiar voice.

Walking quietly, he noticed that the door to the back room was open. He frowned, and then remembered that he had unlocked it earlier to retrieve order forms for the customization of the diaries and journals. He would have to be more careful next time.

Once he finally reached the door, he leaned against the doorjamb, watching Artie and two kids. "I leave my door unlocked for a minute, and everyone is rushing to see what makes the room so glamorous." He spoke dryly.

Kaos.Doodles 01-16-2011 08:31 PM

Robin's gaze shifted around the room. Maybe he was playing hide and seek behind a box? Yes? Something was telling the six year old to take a step forward and see but the logical part of her brain knew it wouldn't be smart to go inside the room any further. She was just about to call out when her older sister called her name.

"But he wasn't at the front! We can't find books without him, so we have to look for him" Rari frowned. Sure Artie was old enough to find books but she wasn't a book store owner!

She froze as someone else appeared and began to speak in a deep voice. That Brett guy! Ooohh...he seemed mad. She looked down, her small face turning red. Was Artie going to be in trouble now. Were they going to get yelled at? "I'm sorry. I was looking for you." The small child whispered as she hung her head. What she really wanted to do was she hid behind her older sister's legs.

"Trouble" The blonde boy nodded as Artie repeated him. Robin always got in trouble. For reading too much or saying too much or other stuff like that. So he knew it would happen again.

Sparrow skipped along with Artie as they followed where his twin sister went. What was she doing? That room wasn't part of the story-uuhhoh. Sparrow turned to see the book store owner guy, leaning agaisnt the wall. He didn't seem too happy. "It wasn't my idea!" The six year old said loudly as he began to sniffle. Without any warning tears began to fall from his eyes. Rari always got him in trouble!!!

D.A Forever 01-16-2011 09:11 PM

Saaaabsies! I have to RUN RUN right now but I'll be back SOON and you'll have PMs!
He? Robin was looking for Brett? That was why they were in the back room? All she had to do was tell Artie that and she would have taken care of it, without any of this - venturing into a room they, by all means, should not be in - involved. Never mind the fact that she could just as well help find whatever books the young girl had in mind. Before Artemis had a chance to respond and grab the girl's arm, a deeper voice from behind spoke up, startling her.

Artie could feel the heat wash across her face almost immediately, turning her cheeks a shade of red. It would have been embarrassing to have to tell Brett that they had been back here in the first place by accident (sort of. Robin was still young, Artie had thought she knew better but.. well, here they were.), but being caught by him made it that much worse. "I'm-" Artie started, brushing a dark strand of hair from her face as she turned to look up at Brett, her fingers wrapping around Robin's hand as the girl began to apologize in a small voice, Artie paused and finished when she was done. "-so sorry."

Pulling Robin closer to her and keeping Sparrow's hand in her other, wearing a sheepish, apologetic look, Artie led the two children toward the door and Brett. "I..-" Have no idea what to say? Yeah, that was it. She didn't know how to explain herself this time. It wasn't like she was trying to spy on him or anything, NOTHING like that at all; but Artie could see where one might have that thought cross their mind, and it made her face burn even brighter. She had tried to stop Robin and had she let go of Row's hand, she would have been able to catch her in time but it was a little late to reconsider her actions. "I'm really sorry, Brett. Robin was ahead of us and I didn't realize where she was going.." A glance down at her kid sister had her noticing the girl's head was hung in shame, blushing deeply. Artie lifted their joined hands to stroke her thumb across her cheek in a gentle, affectionate manner as if to tell her it was okay.

Sparrow's outburst caused Artie's eyes to widen just a tad, surprised as she turned toward the other twin only to witness falling tears. Oh no, no no no. This was not good. Sparrow wasn't suppose to cry when she was babysitting! Artie released the little boy's hand only to pull him into her side, hugging him to her. She would have focused her sole attention on him but out of fear that Robin would run off again, the woman decided against letting go of her hand. "Shhhh, Sparrow. It's okay," rubbing circles on his back, Artie glanced up at Brett, biting her lower lip. She murmured, "Really, really sorry."

Granger1814 01-16-2011 09:19 PM

*pets the crying kid* Hurry back Gracie!
Brett's eyes widened slightly as the two kids immediately hung their heads, and one started crying. Eh...yeah, he did not do the crying kid thing. For a moment, he looked at Artie, panic flashing in his eyes before he tentatively bent down to be eye level with the kids. "Hey, hey, it's fine. Really. It's fine." He tried to console them, glancing up at Artie again.

Now she kept apologizing? "Really, Artie. It's fine." He repeated, with a small smile, finally standing again. "My fault anyway; I should have locked the door after I picked up those order forms. There's nothing back here of value anyway." He gestured with his chin back into the room. "Well, except for the books, but I think I would have noticed if someone tried to walk out of here with a box of books." He remarked with a grin, his gaze taking in the flush of her cheeks and her teeth worrying at her bottom lip. She blushed often, but it suited her.

He then focused his attention on the little girl. "You were looking for me?" He repeated, his voice quieter and more friendly than before. He certainly hadn't meant to set off the cascade of apologies or the obvious embarrassment.

Kaos.Doodles 01-16-2011 10:30 PM

Robin was sorry and sort of scared of the man now. That was the truth, but she still had half the mind to pull her hand away from her sister's. She was not her twin brother! She was no baby, and did not need someone to hold her hand every second of every day!

She didn't pull any though because Artie was just trying to help. Robin looked at he brother, he had started crying...right.

Her attention fell back on her older sister. Of course she wouldn't have realized where she was going. But she was headed to the back of the shop so...she had been a little slow on that.

As Mister Brett spoke in a lighter tone Robin raised her head. He didn't seem so mad. "Yes." She nodded slowly. "You helped me find books last time, and they were very good. I wanted to find more."

Tears still running down his eyes Sparrow sniffled every so often. Artie was all apologizing now and in trouble because of Rari! As the man-said everything was fine Roro shook his head. And he shook it again when Artie repeated it "I-it's not fine. You, not friend's with Artie anymore. You're mad at her and us because of Rari. That's why Artemis keeps saying sorry." It only made sense right. Sniffle. He didn't even like books, he didn't want to be here!

D.A Forever 01-24-2011 08:41 PM

Hm. Not my best post. *hides*
Apparently, and not surprising either because there was really no way for him to have known, Brett hadn't been any more prepared for Sparrow bursting into tears either. That was part of what she was apologizing for, when he reassured her. Nodding slightly as he spoke, painting a picture in her mind of what that scene would look like, a laugh escaped her. "I would surely hope so." Someone carrying a box full of books out of the store would be kind of hard to miss. And yet, Artie - being Artie, - still felt like she should apologize again. She refrained, however. Brett had already assured her it was fine.

When Robin lifted her head and spoke up calmly (unlike her twin brother), answering Brett's question, Artemis released the little girl's hand as well as moving her arm from around Sparrow, bending down to be more at her little brother's level. Very gently Artie began to wipe Sparrow's face of tear stains, giving him a soft, reassuring smile. "Hey, little man. It is okay," she said quietly, supressing a laugh at how adorably innocent his worries were. She and Brett were a bit more than just friends, her youngest brother knew that - but being only six, Artie didn't expect him to see it any differently. "That's what you're worried about? Brett is still my friend, silly boy. And I don't really think he's mad either. You don't need to worry about it, okay? No more tears over this, nothing is wrong and no one is in trouble." Wiping the rest of the persistent tears from the boy's face, Artie waited a moment before asking, "Are we all good now? Can I have a hug?"

Granger1814 01-24-2011 10:19 PM

Brett grinned towards Artie as she laughed at his statement of someone carrying a box of books from the shop would be hard to miss. "No one can get anything past me." He answered with a wink.

He turned his attention back to Robin as she answered him. "Ah, refresh my memory, please? Which book was it and are you looking for more like it or did you want to try something a little different?"

His gaze strayed towards Artie as he finished questioning Robin, and he smiled slightly again as he watched her comfort him. "Not mad at all." He reiterated. "I promise."

Kaos.Doodles 01-24-2011 10:48 PM

Book? What book? Rari racked her mind. Well there had been more than one of them. Some children books and others more advanced. " favorite one was The Warlock's Hairy Heart." The small girl nodded. She had enjoyed Grumble the Grubby Goat as well but that one was more childish. The moral hadn't really kept her interesting. Yes. Because Robin Chosen needed advanced books.

Her eyes landed on her brother as the boy continued to cry. "They aren't friend's Row." She just had to correct the boy! "They are dating, which means that they probably won't....not be friend's anytime soon." It had taken her some time to figure out the sentence. She still had to get her point across.

Sparrow sniffled and then nodded. Bringing his hand to his face he wiped away the fallen tears. Rari hadn't even blinked when he had started to cry. She was far to used to his alligator tears. Nodding again the six year old wrapped his arms around Artie who was now at his level. "All good!"

And Mr.Brett wasn't mad too! Pulling away from his oldest sister the boy grinned back at the man. His head slowly turned as Robin spoke up to him. "Dating." He let the word soak for a minute before he continued. "Does that mean you two will get married? And then have a baby? And then I'll be an uncle?" And he could take care of the crying baby!

D.A Forever 01-25-2011 03:52 AM

Sneaky little boy! XD
"Hmm. Really? You sound very sure of that," Artie teased just a little bit, sending Brett a smile and slightly amused look. She was pretty sure he was serious about that, and truthfully she didn't doubt it. But maybe they would have to see about that. Of course, depending on which meaning they were talking about. Physically get past him, or surprise him somehow? Maybe?

Artie's gentle smile grew, turning into one of amusement as Robin corrected Sparrow about her and Brett's relationship status. Then Brett spoke up, reassuring her little brother. There! See? All was well. Artie chuckled as Sparrow repeated her words and hugged him back before straightening up.

A slightly puzzled look appeared on her face as Sparrow repeated Robin, as though he was just learning this for the first time. And then he asked a question she wasn't expecting, causing her to glance from him, to his twin and then Brett and back again. Not surprisingly, there was a flush to her cheeks. "Erhh.." Artie wasn't prepared for that to be asked so randomly, especially not by her six year old brother. "You already are an uncle, Row." It wasn't possible the boy had forgotten Tyson's daughter, Essence was hard to forget. So what was he up to..?

Granger1814 01-25-2011 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles (Post 10136454)

Book? What book? Rari racked her mind. Well there had been more than one of them. Some children books and others more advanced. " favorite one was The Warlock's Hairy Heart." The small girl nodded. She had enjoyed Grumble the Grubby Goat as well but that one was more childish. The moral hadn't really kept her interesting. Yes. Because Robin Chosen needed advanced books.

Her eyes landed on her brother as the boy continued to cry. "They aren't friend's Row." She just had to correct the boy! "They are dating, which means that they probably won't....not be friend's anytime soon." It had taken her some time to figure out the sentence. She still had to get her point across.

Sparrow sniffled and then nodded. Bringing his hand to his face he wiped away the fallen tears. Rari hadn't even blinked when he had started to cry. She was far to used to his alligator tears. Nodding again the six year old wrapped his arms around Artie who was now at his level. "All good!"

And Mr.Brett wasn't mad too! Pulling away from his oldest sister the boy grinned back at the man. His head slowly turned as Robin spoke up to him. "Dating." He let the word soak for a minute before he continued. "Does that mean you two will get married? And then have a baby? And then I'll be an uncle?" And he could take care of the crying baby!


Originally Posted by D.A Forever (Post 10137387)
"Hmm. Really? You sound very sure of that," Artie teased just a little bit, sending Brett a smile and slightly amused look. She was pretty sure he was serious about that, and truthfully she didn't doubt it. But maybe they would have to see about that. Of course, depending on which meaning they were talking about. Physically get past him, or surprise him somehow? Maybe?

Artie's gentle smile grew, turning into one of amusement as Robin corrected Sparrow about her and Brett's relationship status. Then Brett spoke up, reassuring her little brother. There! See? All was well. Artie chuckled as Sparrow repeated her words and hugged him back before straightening up.

A slightly puzzled look appeared on her face as Sparrow repeated Robin, as though he was just learning this for the first time. And then he asked a question she wasn't expecting, causing her to glance from him, to his twin and then Brett and back again. Not surprisingly, there was a flush to her cheeks. "Erhh.." Artie wasn't prepared for that to be asked so randomly, especially not by her six year old brother. "You already are an uncle, Row." It wasn't possible the boy had forgotten Tyson's daughter, Essence was hard to forget. So what was he up to..?

Brett's eyes traveled up towards the ceiling as he thought about other books that would be interesting to Robin. Hmm. He would have to check his inventory book to decide. He hid a smirk as the girl explained to the young boy about his relationship with Artemis. It was amusing to hear the younger generation talk about adult relationships.

Or...maybe not. He blinked rapidly. Er...He looked towards Artie, staying silent for the moment as she looked to be taken by surprise as well. When she mentioned that Sparrow already was already an uncle, Brett shifted his weight slightly, glancing towards the front of the shop. "Shall we..." He asked, indicating the direction towards the counter. "Try to find those books?"

Kaos.Doodles 01-25-2011 04:46 AM

Oooh. It had gotten quite. Robin turned her head to look at her twin brother's direction. He had caused this! Sort of...

It was quite interesting though so they might as well get an answer. "That's not answering his question though, Artemis." The small girl said challengingly. She was side stepping the question! Daddy said that wasn't nice to do! "We have time to find the books!" Robin said with a grin toward Brett. "Answer the question first!"

"But she's not a baby! She's big! Two years old! She can walk and talk and everything! I want to be the uncle of a baby!" Ro pouted, tears started to form in his eyes. That wasn't far! They were dating so they could supply nieces and nephew's for him! What other reason could they be dating? "Alright, we'll find books. When should I be expecting this baby though Mr. Brett? A week? A month? Two months is a lot but I'll even wait for that." Ro nodded and then looked toward Rari. She was backing him up! Good! He couldn't talk to adults alone.

D.A Forever 01-25-2011 05:54 AM

Well. This was absolutely the furthest thing from what Artie had expected from their trip to Flourish and Blotts. She knew very well to expect the unexpected in her own shop, and at her father's home, but never had it crossed her mind she would need to be on her toes with the twins. Until now, that is. Artie wouldn't soon forget about this visit. Merlin help them.

Her smile had faded, being replaced by a small frown. Her gaze turned toward Robin as the young girl challenged her, her frown deepened. "You're reminding me too much of me right now, Robin." Artemis stated simply rather than reply directly to Row's question, eying the little brunette gently. Something was not right here, she was beginning to feel set up. Robin trying to put a hold on finding a book (the whole reason they had come) to have questions answered first only confirmed those feelings. Artie shook her head, "Nope. This is not up for discussion, let's go find books." Gesturing for the two to go ahead first, she gave Brett an apologetic look, about to say something when Sparrow continued.

Artie sighed, looking down at the little boy. This.. was unbelieveable. The warmth in her cheeks was never going to fade at this rate, only become more pronounced. "Sparrow, it doesn't.. work that way." Two months! If she weren't so shocked by the whole thing, Artie would have laughed. But she wasn't laughing, this was too random to be random. She and Brett hadn't even really ever talked about that far into the future before. "One day I'm sure you will be, just not tomorrow.. or next month." Fair enough?

It was funny how they brought this up now, rather than earlier. Or at home. Or even to Tyson, whom had a daughter already. Why didn't they bother him about more children?

End of discussion, yes? Artie nodded finally to Brett, stepping outside of the door as well and waited for the twins to follow. "Yes. Let's do that, please." Had she mentioned yet that she was very sorry?

Granger1814 01-28-2011 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles (Post 10137505)
Oooh. It had gotten quite. Robin turned her head to look at her twin brother's direction. He had caused this! Sort of...

It was quite interesting though so they might as well get an answer. "That's not answering his question though, Artemis." The small girl said challengingly. She was side stepping the question! Daddy said that wasn't nice to do! "We have time to find the books!" Robin said with a grin toward Brett. "Answer the question first!"

"But she's not a baby! She's big! Two years old! She can walk and talk and everything! I want to be the uncle of a baby!" Ro pouted, tears started to form in his eyes. That wasn't far! They were dating so they could supply nieces and nephew's for him! What other reason could they be dating? "Alright, we'll find books. When should I be expecting this baby though Mr. Brett? A week? A month? Two months is a lot but I'll even wait for that." Ro nodded and then looked toward Rari. She was backing him up! Good! He couldn't talk to adults alone.

Brett raised an eyebrow as Robin insisted that he answer the posed question. My, my, this little girl had quite the spunk. His gaze moved towards the little boy who was becoming tearful as he protested the fact that he was not an uncle of a baby. Where did these little kids get this information?

A what?!! Brett actually took a step back towards the main floor and shot a look of consternation towards Artie.


Originally Posted by D.A Forever (Post 10137578)
Well. This was absolutely the furthest thing from what Artie had expected from their trip to Flourish and Blotts. She knew very well to expect the unexpected in her own shop, and at her father's home, but never had it crossed her mind she would need to be on her toes with the twins. Until now, that is. Artie wouldn't soon forget about this visit. Merlin help them.

Her smile had faded, being replaced by a small frown. Her gaze turned toward Robin as the young girl challenged her, her frown deepened. "You're reminding me too much of me right now, Robin." Artemis stated simply rather than reply directly to Row's question, eying the little brunette gently. Something was not right here, she was beginning to feel set up. Robin trying to put a hold on finding a book (the whole reason they had come) to have questions answered first only confirmed those feelings. Artie shook her head, "Nope. This is not up for discussion, let's go find books." Gesturing for the two to go ahead first, she gave Brett an apologetic look, about to say something when Sparrow continued.

Artie sighed, looking down at the little boy. This.. was unbelieveable. The warmth in her cheeks was never going to fade at this rate, only become more pronounced. "Sparrow, it doesn't.. work that way." Two months! If she weren't so shocked by the whole thing, Artie would have laughed. But she wasn't laughing, this was too random to be random. She and Brett hadn't even really ever talked about that far into the future before. "One day I'm sure you will be, just not tomorrow.. or next month." Fair enough?

It was funny how they brought this up now, rather than earlier. Or at home. Or even to Tyson, whom had a daughter already. Why didn't they bother him about more children?

End of discussion, yes? Artie nodded finally to Brett, stepping outside of the door as well and waited for the twins to follow. "Yes. Let's do that, please." Had she mentioned yet that she was very sorry?

Brett simply listened as Artie reprimanded the two kids, and attempted to explain that things just didn't work that way. In the future? Yes...perhaps...if things went well, but they certainly were nowhere near thoughts of marriage much less children, not that he wouldn't be opposed to that one day.

He straightened up and began walking towards the counter. They would have to talk alone later. "Come now, we'll go check out the big book of books." He said with a hint of a smile towards Artie. "Robin, are you the only one who wants a book?"

Kaos.Doodles 02-01-2011 04:55 AM

Robin opened her mouth but then closed it. She was reminding Artie of her? How? "Is that, a good thing or a bad?" The young girl's brows came together in a look of concern. Artie didn't say it in a good way.

Maybe her plan was really bad? Signing the young girl nodded. Alright. This hadn't worked out like she had liked it to have. "I...was just trying to help." She murmured quietly.

"Yes, Mister Brett. Sparrow doesn't read books." Robin answered sadly. Her plan had failed. This day was no longer fun, even with the prospect of new books.

Sparrow blinked. His light blue eyes landing on his twin sister. So that was it? Like Artie had said? It had seemed that Robin had give up.


OH WELL! As long as he got his chocolate bar. He was about to nod and agree when Artie said something interesting. Ro tipped his head to the side. "Why doesn't it work like that? How are babies born anyways?" He had never really been quite sure.

Wood'sLittleFlower 05-08-2011 12:25 AM

Wesley entered Flourish and Blotts rather nervously. But then again, that wasn't really different from any other time. He was always nervous and well, fidgety. He tapped his fingers along the various shelves and walls that he came into contact with. The man was rather unsure of where to go or what to do so he headed towards the counter of the empty, rather quiet store.

But as he arrived at the counter, he found that no one was behind it. Then again, the store wasn't exactly.. open. So, he figured the owner had to be around somewhere. Wes grew even more nervous and his eyes began wandering the room curiously. It was then that he spotted a door. No, not the front door but, a back door? Stepping closer to it, he knocked quickly before turning the knob and opening up the door.

Granger1814 05-13-2011 09:15 PM

Backtracking roleplay before the summer crowd
Brett looked up from his seated position behind the desk as a knock sounded. The door swung open to reveal a man standing there. For a moment, Brett said nothing, but then smiled, realizing that this must be the person who had inquired about the job as an assistant shopkeeper. "Hey there, come on in." He invited, indicating a chair on the other side of the desk.

"Brett Carlen." He introduced himself, extending a hand once the man had taken a seat.

Wood'sLittleFlower 05-14-2011 02:02 AM

Pausing in the doorway, Wesley fidgeted with the hem of his shirt uncertainly. He wasn't sure about what to do. So, he shifted from foot to foot as his brown eyes darted around the room. "Oh.. I'm sorry.. I should errr.. I should have waited before opening the door. I um.." He paused, "I'm sorry." the man stated again, before walking forward and taking the seat indicated to him.

As he sat, Wes edged the seat forward slightly to be closer to the desk and the man opposite it. He then took the man's hand, giving it a small shake before taking his hand back. "Wesley Todd." The man stated simply, without pause nor stutter. Name's were easy. He didn't have to even think about it.

Granger1814 05-14-2011 03:37 AM

Brett waved off the young man's apology, thinking nothing of it. It wasn't as though he was so kid trying to sneak into the back room as he had caught a few doing. A sharp warning was usually enough to deter them.

"Nice to meet you Wesley." He replied. "So, you're interested in the position here at Flourish & Blotts? Do you have any sort of experience?"

Wood'sLittleFlower 05-15-2011 02:45 PM

Tapping his fingers silently along his jeans, Wesley's eyes wandered the room, eventually landing on the various metal shelves, then the unopened boxes, next to the books laying randomly around- all looking new of course- and then finally back to the shopkeeper, Brett. Soon after his eyes had wandered, his mind began to as well. He began thinking about how easily he could get lost in here.

Snapping out of it, the man paused in his finger tapping to answer the man. "It's uh.. nice to meet you as well, sir." he replied. Mehh. He hated the awkward pauses in his sentences. It annoyed him to no end. "Yes, i am. I uh.. used to work at muggle bookstore. Oh, and er.. before that, i had an internship at a zoo. Although i don't think that would uhh.. help much here." He chuckled quietly. But then again.. that's where he had gained a little bit of his people skills.

Granger1814 05-16-2011 10:43 PM

Brett noted the quick gaze of Wesley making its way around the room. This was really only a place to do the less glamorous tasks of running a bookstores, so he hadn't taken to fixing it up. Maybe that was something to think about in the future. Maybe.

He turned his attention back to the young man as he began to speak again. "Muggle bookstore and zoo?" He repeated, nodding slowly. "Well, that certainly counts for experience." He added with a chuckle. "Though the zoo internship might indeed come in handy here. It is often quite a zoo when the summer comes around and the book lists are delivered. You'll have to be quick on your feet; thorough but efficient, with patience and a sense of humor."

He leaned forward slightly, the chair squeaking softly. "Do you think you'll be able to handle that?"

Wood'sLittleFlower 05-17-2011 11:15 PM

Wesley nodded quickly, yet slightly. His head barely moved at all. But, he hoped it was noticeable for Brett's sake. "Err... yeah. Strange combination, eh?" the man chuckled, loosening up a bit as he began feeling a bit more comfortable with the room and well, Brett. Wes nodded again, this time it was a little slower than it had been, and definitely more noticeable. "Yeahh.. uh.. I count it usually. Although, it's so random that uhh.. i don't think it'll apply-" But he stopped, hearing Brett's words about it being a zoo in the shop. Oh, well.. then again, maybe it could be useful.

Quick on his feet and thorough but efficient? Wes was sure he could handle that. It brought back a few memories from the zoo, and escaping the cages before the animals were released back in after the cages had been cleaned. With a smile, he spoke. "I'm err.. positive i can handle it."

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