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Honeydukes Register (Finished Fanfiction) Here you will find all the completed works of fanfiction and poetry belonging to our talented SnitchSeeker authors.

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Old 01-23-2005, 04:24 PM   #1 (permalink)

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Default The Darker Side of Dreams

Hello all,
I've decided to open my own thread here and start posting some of my poetry. Alot of my work does include swears which I know will have to be edited but with all of the poems that do have to be edited, I'll make a note of it at the beginning of the post because it might sound a little weird when reading it. I wanted to write some HP inspired poetry which I did but I don't think it's very good. I was having a bit of writer's block when I wrote them and I don't think they're up to my standards of writing but I'll post them anyway. I'll also post some of my other, none HP, work. Please let me know what you think. Feedback is always a plus. I've been workshopped before so I'm used to it. If you think it sucks, please tell me but also back up your opinion. I can't stand it when people criticize but can't reinforce what they say. Tips on how to improve it are always good.

By the way, I'm not big into rhyming, or much of structured poetry but this one does rhyme a bit but some of it is slant and off beat. Just a forewarning.

Green & Silver

Salazar played quite well
When helping to create the houses four.
The best, he took, and nothing less--
Cunning wit and dark interest.
Of the purest blood
These children came.
Reared by ambitious parents
And taught all the same.
Their path is clear
When their minds are set,
Striving to no end,
Seek out and get.
No mudbloods, no filth, no vile life,
For this is not my Voldemort put in his strife.
Riddle, Malfoy, Black and Crabbe
Show no waver when flying their flag.
Durmstrang, Beauxbaton, Hogwarts,
All viable places for targets.
Show no haste
For there's no time to waste.
Mark them up and teach them well--
The Dark Arts and Unforgivable spells.
An army is needed to defend the line
That has been countlessly broken,
Proven by time.
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Old 01-24-2005, 02:33 AM   #2 (permalink)

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Default Avada Kedarva

A green bolt.
You're weightless,
You see the light.
Your pulse quickens.
Heart is pounding.
You begin to sweat.
Your eyes tear up.
You start to think--
Your loves,
your hates,
Your life.
Your brain is on high--
All for a micro-second
And then you die.
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Old 01-24-2005, 02:36 AM   #3 (permalink)

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Default The Chase

Temptation deemed
A viable foe
For those too weak
Who naught could handle
What they most desire.
Dangled like a worm on a hook
Only to be speared
When taking a bite.
Dire straits has crossed the path
Of the feeble mind that thought could last.
No more than nothing.
Only those smart enough
Will obtain.
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Old 01-24-2005, 02:38 AM   #4 (permalink)

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Default V

Court Jester.
A joke.
A laugh.
No more needed.
The body won't last.
Take what it can,
Dispose of the rest.
Only those deemed worthy
Will pass the test.
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Old 01-24-2005, 02:41 AM   #5 (permalink)

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Default Snape in the Mind of Snape

Don't laugh at me.
I now rule you,
Control you,
Judge you.

You can't see my thoughts,
My horrors,
My wishes.

Don't laugh at me.
The instigator is dead.
The lowliest slime
Rose to the highest link.

You can't see what I do,
How I think,
What I feel.

Don't you dare laugh at me.
I control your destiny.
I can deceive and trust.
I control my loyalty.

You can't see what I can do to you,
How I can do it,
Or what I'll do once it's done.

I am the one on top.
I am the one that survived.
I am...Your God.

You fail again, Potter.
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Old 01-24-2005, 02:49 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Your poems are wonderful! lol I wish I could write like you

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Old 01-24-2005, 02:53 AM   #7 (permalink)

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Default Cento

*Edited for content.
This is a cento (chen-toe). Basically, you take random quotes from anywhere you can get them, song lyrics, stereo instructions, TV commercials (seriously), and compile them in a comprehensive poem. Each one of these lines (well most of them) is a quote from someone, from a movie, a comedy bit, a poem, whatever. It's actually quite interesting what you can come up with. I pulled completely random quotes together to form this. I won't post the cites but if anyone wants to know where certain lines come from, just let me know. You might be able to guess where some of them come from anyway.

Humour is a phenomenon caused by a sudden pouring of culture into barbary.

I was sitting in a bean bag chair, *resting, eating Cheetohs
With laughter on my lips and with winds blowing around me.
Old name promiscuity between devil-may-care men who have taken to railroading out of sheer lust of adventure
Didn't hardly know my mind.

Why didn't Mr. Fields drink water?
Because fish *poo in it.
*Forget the man.
How can I deal with this little slice when
The waves kept on crashing on me for some reason?
Yesterday's all in the past--

It's my life
And I can't forget.
I eat pieces of *poo like the world for breakfast.
That's sorta social; demented and sad, but social.
But the children that get spit on will always
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

If I were to get hit with a Volvo,
It doesn't really matter how many sit-ups I did that morning.
Everyone's always trying to change my world
Yet no one's really quite aware of what I'm going through.
It's a piece of cake, is it?
Then why is the rum gone?

I am immune to your consultations--
If I want to *soar with the eagles, I have to learn how to fly.

Why should I be the one to wake *up and smell
The maple nut crunch?

I can already smell it.
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Old 01-24-2005, 02:54 AM   #8 (permalink)

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Thanks so much. There's alot more so please keep coming back cuz I'll definately be posting along.
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Old 01-24-2005, 03:10 AM   #9 (permalink)
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your welcome, and don't worry I'll keep coming back lol.

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Old 01-24-2005, 03:21 AM   #10 (permalink)

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Default Homolinguistic Translation

Literally, the translation of something in one language into the same language. In other words, you're putting the words of someone else into your own while keeping the same theme of the original work. In this case, I translated Dulce et Decorum est by Wilfred Owen. You can find the original poem in the Favorite Poem/Poet section of the Sphinx's Sofa. This is my version.

Old men we were, well before our time.
Cursing, as if it was all our tongues knew.
With eyes closed it could still be seen
What was being left behind.

A pulse the only sign,
The bloodied stumps marched on.
Like horses, dead before they're shot--
Numb to the world
And locked out of senses.

Duck and cover!
But for one too late.
All that was heard was screaming--
Drowning out the shells.
A being disintigrating--
Watching his own death,
With my eyes close behind.

Blood-spattered vests,
Helmets thrown,
I dodged when he lunged.

Freedom and glory result
From the blood and death of others.
His eyes--irises lost in his head.
His lungs--rejecting the invading blood.
Bones showing where skin once was.
If it were you, watching Death work
His daily act,your heart
Would not be stable to say
To those children who love war:
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.

(It is sweet and fitting to die for one's country.)
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Old 01-24-2005, 03:26 AM   #11 (permalink)

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Default Poetic Horror

Desolate windows, punding thunder,
Frightened faces, monstrous wonders,
Screaming lungs, bleeding skin.
Nowhere can she run, never will she win.
Right behind you. Getting closer.
No use running. No use trying.
Give up now. You're not surviving.
Time is up. Sands have passed.
All alone. No one's left.
Once so brave. Now so vulnerable.
All chained up.Squirming. Wriggling.
Not knowing what to do.
Are you scared yet?
All is lost. You might as well give up.
You're better off dead.
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Old 01-24-2005, 10:38 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Default Sunday

I see her sitting in the chair
Rocking slowly back and forth

Mindlessly gzing out the window

Staring at the snow
As it tumbles from the sky

Welded to the windowsill
Is a solitary candle
Burning slowly as the days go by

My weekly visits
Fell on Sunday
When I would go to keep her company

It's depressing to watch her
As if she doesn't have a mind
Or even a single thought running through it

She never spoke a word
Or moved a single inch

The only way I knew she was alive
Was the slow movement
Up and down
Of her chest as she breathed

She never ate
She never drank

I watched her body whither away
Until she was just skin and bones

I went to visit her
On that fateful Sunday
And the chair was empty
Yet is was still rocking
And the candle still burned

Why hadn't anyone told me?

When did this happen?

The coats came in to see me
Those bright white coats

They told me there was no woman
And there was no candle
Or even a rocking chair

Then why did they let me in?

Out of fear

Why did I see things?

Because thete's something wrong

It's been a year
Since I started these fateful visits
And now I can't leave

I can't go home

And no one even bothers to come and see me

Now I'm the one in the rocking chair
Staring mindlessly out the window
Watching the snow tumble from the sky

There is no candle on my windowsill
No little light burning

I don't move
I don't talk

All I can do now
Is breathe
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Old 01-26-2005, 05:51 PM   #13 (permalink)

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Default Dear Ophelia

We all go a little mad sometimes

Whether its our fault
Or not

The strife we receive
From our better half

Or in this case

Why must they lie
To get what they want

Why do you have to be so weak
And give in
To his wants and needs?

What happened
To that strong
And independent woman
That used to dwell
In this now dying body?

She flew out the window
With the ungrateful promise
Given by a liar

Why do you see no way out?

Losing a man
Isn't the end

Why don't you just rest
Upon this sandy beach

Lay your tired head
Against the sand
And wait for the tide to greet you

You need your rest

Because we all go a little mad sometimes
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Old 01-27-2005, 11:37 PM   #14 (permalink)

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Default More Than in the Mind

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio
Than are dreamt of in our philosophy

The stars in the sky are out of our reach

The soaring birds are beyond our sight

As the sun sets into the horizon
Cooling itself in the ocean water
We wonder why things may happen

And why they do happen

The true meaning of love can't be known

Nor can the ultimate grief be felt

Since no one knows the pain and pleasure of these feelings

The god that envisions us
Aloows us to go on from day to day
That gives us the light in our lives
Might not be the only supreme being
There might be others out there

But we rely on what we know

The unknown scares us
Frightens us beyond any of our control
Because it is not understood

Our minds are closed
Shut off from the rest of the world
To be taught the way they feel is right

All things thought to be evil
May not be
And the same for the good

There is more to our lives than what we already know
Yet those things are not within reach

We must bide our way
And our time
To stick to what we know

Our own philosophy
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Old 01-29-2005, 11:08 PM   #15 (permalink)

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Default Sunlit Memories

This poem was written in conjunction with an assistant teacher I had in high school. This is a villanelle. There's a set standard of lines and rhyme scheme (aba, etc). You can tell my the repeated lines. For another example of a villanelle, and quite a famous one, read Do not go gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas.

The chill in the sunlit swept piazza
The light is gone and there's nothing left
And my wife she is grieving for Fiona

The bed is empty, there's nothing there
But your mind is where the memories are kept
The chill in the sunlit swept piazza

You had her in your gentle care
And just when you think she has left
And my wife she is grieving for Fiona

The tender thoughts are what you'd share
There she is where memories are kept
The chill in the sunlit swept piazza

The flicker is growing into a flare
Light the wick on the candle that is left
And my wife she is grieving for Fiona

To you her life's a light, not a glare
Always in your mind she will be kept
The chill in the sunlit swept piazza
And my wife she is grieving for Fiona
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