By: Jess of Sunset At The Beach Chapter 10 10 Years Later... Harry's POV
It's been 10 years since Ron and Hermione's death and many others. It was a miracle that Ginny and I had lived. Malfoy had saved us and now Malfoy is one of the Head Auror's in the Ministry. To think life would be so much different if Ron and Hermione were here.
"And so these lovers, friends and much more were once dear to our hearts. Rest In Peace, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley." McGonagall announced walking off the stage, crying with a tissue in her hand patting her face. She stopped in front of their graves and throwing a flower on both of them; she walked away and out of sight of everyone else.
Ginny was crying on my shoulder, holding onto my hand tightly, burying her face into my shoulder. I sighed and wiped a tear away from my eye.
"Come on, Ginny. Let's say our words." Harry said tugging on her hand and walking up towards the graves.
While they planned to say something, just the seeing of the gravestones made them silent. Ginny's sobs could be heard a mile away.
"We will get them, Ron and Hermione. They will suffer for what they did to you. We love you." Ginny managed to get out.
Before Harry could say any words it seemed as if George accidentally let go of the hold on Mrs. Weasley, pushing him and Ginny out of the way as Mrs. Weasley came over to the graves kneeling down, crying.
George gave them a sad look and kneeled beside Mrs. Weasley.
"It will be okay, mum." George said and was joined by Fred.
"My boy, Ronald. He's dead..and Hermione. No, this can't be true." Mrs. Weasley said, shaking her head in disbelief.
"Come on, mum we'll come back later." Fred said pulling Molly up from the ground and George throwing a flower on both of the graves.
Harry and Ginny watched as they walked over to Mr. Weasley who was dabbing his face with a tissue. They walked back to the car and drove off leaving Harry and Ginny there alone.
"Let's go, Ginny." Harry said tugging on her hand.
"You will never be forgotten." Ginny said giving one last glance at the tombstones and walking with Harry.
However back behind the tree someone stood, dressed in black, as clean-cut could be. He walked out as everyone left and smoothed back his blonde hair.
"Hermione, even though I never had gotten to tell you this, I love you. I always have and that's why I made fun of you. Your frizzy hair and smartness was perfect." Draco said then turning towards Ron's gravestone. "I know, Weasley, that you would be terribly mad for what I'm saying right now. However I guess it's best now to tell."
-In the distance-
"Wait, Harry. I forgot my coat." Ginny said running back and seeing Draco. She glanced at the tombstones then back at him.
"You shouldn't have waited until this last moment, Malfoy. You held back your feelings for too long and now you can't tell her in person. You know she hears what you are saying and I know my friend would be utterly confused. However once she would get over that she would see how you really are. Just think about it, Malfoy." Ginny said grabbing her coat and running back to Harry.
Draco was standing there thinking about what Ginny said he gave one last look at the gravestones and left.
End Of Flashback
Never hold back your feelings or ideas until the next day; the next day might never come.
Thank you everybody for all the support, I know Lily and I appreciate it.
Thank you so much! 
Jess & Lily