The Final Battle - Sa13+
One shot. If you don't know Ginger click on mah user name over mah avatar and see mah web page. Go to vol. 3 and check out ch. 11 & 11.5
Harry was confronting Voldomort directly; spells and counter spells were flying about. All other characters from both sides were engaged. Corny Fudge was dead, killed by Lupen who couldn't take any more of his pompous wind-baggery.
Harry was weakening. He started to drop as Voldomort laughed. He remembered something Dumbledor said just before the battle started. "I did not tell you the whole prophecy, Harry. Nobody knows one last fact. Sybille said, 'When the battle is at its peak and all seams lost the hero of good will be rescued by The Dragon.'"
"Professor, that's ridicules. Dragons don't side in human affairs. You told me that yourself."
“I know. And it baffles me. But that’s what she said.”
Harry was collapsing. His senses were failing. Voldomort was closing in for the kill. All of a sudden there was a sound. “KA-CHUNK!”, then an enormous explosion. “BLAM!!” Harry felt the spells attacking him cease.
He looked up. Voldomort was gone and in his place was a charred, smoldering heap. To his left was Ginger Shultz holding something that looked like a rifle with a pituitary problem. “Good work, Harry. You kept his magic tide up so he had no defense against The Dragon.”
Harry, dazed, asked, “The what?”
Ginger smiled. “Dragon.” she said patting the weapon. “Code name for the M90. Aint she a beaut, sixty millimeter recoilless rifle. That shell can punch through a tank.” She offered him a hand up.
“But I thought I was supposed to defeat Voldomort. I mean, the prophecy...”
She shook her head sadly. “Harry, Harry, Harry. Like Mark Twain said, ‘There aren’t books enough in the world to hold the prophecies of Indians and other unauthorized personnel.’ Just be glad we won, okay? Let me get you back to castle to rest up. Then Ah gotta get back here and help with the mopping up. Woo, woo. Look at Professor Snape whipping up on Lucious Malfoy. And to think we didn’t trust him.”
Once in life and twice in resurrection.
Last edited by slipstick; 09-13-2020 at 06:47 PM.