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Old 04-09-2008, 06:06 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Great Update.

You crack me up. Who knew Jack smelt so good? I didn't!

I'm excitedly anticipating more.

'Your girlfriend is not more important
than the whole universe!'
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Old 04-10-2008, 11:08 AM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FoxFire View Post
Their hair has entered Cora's head. By osmosis

Who says Coulter is nice? Maybe she's a hag
Heheheee Maybe she is...

Originally Posted by Punk Rock Princess View Post
Heeeeeeeeeey. Bella is not fat!
If it makes you her feel any better, Bella's not too keen on Cora either.
Heh heh *clings* Collyflower! She doesn't mean it personally, but the whole Jack thingy has made her go a little coo coo

Originally Posted by Tinkerbell* View Post
Great Update.

You crack me up. Who knew Jack smelt so good? I didn't!

I'm excitedly anticipating more.
*Loves* Heh heh He does smell good now

April 8th:

Great news! Jack and Jamie are officially out of my head. For now. Bad news: My thoughts have now been replaced by a witchy-looking-person. Bella Coulter. And the funny thing is, I've never seen her in my life, so I just have to imagine what I want her to look like. VERY BAD NEWS: Jack very possibly likes her, and she very possibly likes him. Waaaaait...hold up...Bella is with Zero. Bella. Is. With. Zero. Huzzah! Silly girl, why can't she just be happy with one beautiful man? Zero is possibly the most amazing looking person I have ever seen in my life. AND BELLA COULTER WANTS JACK. Arrrgh! She's greedy, that's what she is.


Seriously though. I mean c'monnnn. It's just pure selfish really. Stupid Bella. Stupid Jack. Stupid Jamie. GAAAH. It's not fair. At all. Oh dear, people in my dorm are getting angry, because I keep randomly doing a weird growl-type-thing. It's not my faaault. I'm going to go into a mode of deep depression. THEN they'll feel guilty. Actually, they probably won't even notice. Boohoo.


Okay. So here is my current situation: I am sitting in the corridor outside the dormitory. Yes, you heard me correctly. OUTSIDE. I got kicked out of my dorm because I got so mad with everyone [including myself] and threw a pillow at the wall. It's not my fault it hit a fourth year in the head. They should have been paying attention to their surrounding. Fool. I was literally lifted from by bed and thrown out. Luckily I was clutching to this diary on my way out, so at least I've got SOMETHING to do. Maybe I should go find Jack. Oh's almsot 4am. Is that too early for a visit? Perhaps.


You would think that after I'd been whimpering for about two hours that SOMEONE would have the decency to let me back in. I want my beeeed. Oh forget it, I'm going to breakfast.


I am losing my head. I tried to use a DADA Charms. I swear, Bella Coulter can make me go insane but she will not affect my grades. NEVER. Or maybe she already has. But that's pretty much, completely besides the point. Because of her, and Jack, and Jamie, I am now a nervous wreck who is made to sleep on the floor and falls over all the time. Maybe I should be transported to St Mungos for a short time. I expect it won't be long before I'm locked in a Physco Ward and wrapped in cotton wool. Euuurgh.


I'm going to bed. I've figured that if I go to bed reeeeally early, I'll get enough sleep...before I'm thrown out. Good plan, eh? Well I thought it was pretty genius. Anywho, night all!


I was just beginning to settle down, when I felt something grabbing my hands and feet, and the next minute, I was lying on the cold stone...outside the dormitory. How MEAN is that? They have no appreciation for human life. So here I am, freezing cold with a VERY sore back. I didn't have the most smooth landing ever. In fact, I rolled halfway down the stairs before I realised that I'd been kicked out. And then I realised that I COULD just sleep on the sofa. Eh. Why didn't I think on that before? Not quite sure.

Just two seventh year flirts who happened to fall in love
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Old 04-10-2008, 05:30 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Aww -pets Cora-

She's going slightly crazy.

Update soon!

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Old 04-11-2008, 11:00 AM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Tinkerbell* View Post
Aww -pets Cora-

She's going slightly crazy.

Update soon!
Hehe. I wonder whose fault THAAAT is

April 9th:

Last night, I didn't even bother going into my dormitory. I slept on the sofa all night. Actually, SLEPT isn't quite the correct word. Not quite. I mean, I was asleep but I was having nightmares. Nightmare, after nightmare, after nightmare.

Nightmare 1: I was in sitting in the Vegetable Patch with Jack. He leant in to kiss me when...Bella Coulter [whoever she is] came skipping down to him, grabbed his hand, and started dancing with him. Eh.

Nightmare 2: I was walking towards Jamie, but he was walking backwards, shaking his head, glaring at me. I tried to run to him, but he sprinted off, after Bucky a familair redhead. Eh.

Nightmare 3: I was standing on a cliff. Jack was walking towards me, grinning like he loved me or something. And then, out of the darkness, a girl ran forwards and pushed me off of the cliff. Bella. BELLA. Eh.


Something has got to be done. I haven't had a proper night's sleep in two weeks. I always have my guard up. I am starting to look like a vampire, and I mean that quite literally because I have huge dark circles under my eyes, no colour in my cheeks whatsoever and I always bite down on my lips when I'm nervous, which means I have a constant trickle of blood around my mouth. Merrrr.

The thing that I just don't get, is that I don't even KNOW Jack very well. I mean...he could be horrible, mean and have annoying habits. Except he always seems so nice whenever I talk to him. This really is a horrible situation I've got myself in.


Oh. Ohhhhh. Guess what I've just found in my trunk. Jack's jumper. I think I must have held it in front of me for about ten minutes, before I lay down my options.

1) Burn it. Get rid of every trace of his wonderful smell.
2) Sell it. Or just give it to someone I've never met before.
3) Give it back to him. Eh.

Now number one seems slightly rash, number two seems slightly dumb, and number three means that I'd have to talk to him. Hmmm. I don't really have much choice, do I? I guess I'll have to go with number three.

Just two seventh year flirts who happened to fall in love
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Old 04-11-2008, 11:28 AM   #30 (permalink)
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Awwww. I love this!

Cora is really funny. I like it how she is slightly insane.
PAMS please Sisshta <33

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Old 04-11-2008, 09:37 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Old 04-12-2008, 11:19 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hollister View Post
Awwww. I love this!

Cora is really funny. I like it how she is slightly insane.
PAMS please Sisshta <33

Hehe. Thanks sistaaaah <333

Originally Posted by Prongs999 View Post
*Giggle* Thank you m'dear

April 9th:

No comment. Words don't really describe how tired I am. My hand hurts just from writing this.

April 10th:

DISASTER DISASTER. I just went into the bathroom and had a peer in the mirror and...SHOCK SHOCK HORROR HORROR. My hair...IS BROWN. I went to bed and it was pink, and now it's brown. I suppose it has been gradually getting a duller pink, but I didn't even know that could happen. I mean, the tips of my hair go red when I'm angry, but I didn't know it could just CHANGE COLOUR COMPLETELY. Am I really that depressed? It appears I am. Stupid Bella Coulter. She's ruined my hair.


Do you reckon I could get a metamorphmagus handbook? Just in case I randomly turn blue or something.

April 11th:

This is a very serious matter. Very serious. Not serious as in 'Cora you are completely insane, you are being transferred to St Mungo's RIGHT NOW.' Not that kind of serious.

A 'Jack loves Cora' kind of serious? Wrong.

...A 'Cora met Bella Coulter' kind of serious? You couldn't be more right. Because that is exactly what happened. I met Bella Coulter. And the sickening thing is...before I knew who she was, I really liked her. She's pretty, slim, kind, funny...the kind of person that I should be friends with. But then she told me her name, and I practically had a heart attack.

Not good. This isn't really a great moment for me to have a nervous breakdown. AND BELLA COULTER IS SOSOSOSOSOSO NICE. Eh. Ehhhhhhh. It's not faaair. She told me that I shouldn't back off Jack. That maybe he wanted ME. Yeah. Right. Who is she kidding? Not even herself.

Just two seventh year flirts who happened to fall in love

Last edited by confusion.girl; 04-13-2008 at 11:07 AM.
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Old 04-12-2008, 08:35 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Aww. Cora's mind is so confusing.

Update soon.

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than the whole universe!'
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Old 04-13-2008, 01:47 AM   #34 (permalink)

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At the loony bin ❣ Ubiquitous ❣ Brain!nvader ❣ !Wake The Dead¡

Such a lovely read Amy! PAMS!

Originally Posted by Dracos_Lady

April 8th:

That is possibly the worst and most uncomfortable night's sleep I have ever had. ANYONE has ever had. Ever. My headache decided to resurface, but about ten times more painful. Have I done something to anger fate or something? Or perhaps I am just the most unlucky person alive. One of the two. But anyway...besides my headache, I managed to fall out of bed. Twice. How I am still unsure. My clumsiness remains a complete mystery to me and most of the human kind. I may have broken my behind. It is incredibly tender.

Poor soul! Waking up at 5am! But you know what, every girl got a sweet mystery behind her! Maybe its better not to solve it all? But it'll be nice to know more about it, i guess.

Originally Posted by Dracos_Lady View Post

I was just beginning to settle down, when I felt something grabbing my hands and feet, and the next minute, I was lying on the cold stone...outside the dormitory. How MEAN is that? They have no appreciation for human life. So here I am, freezing cold with a VERY sore back. I didn't have the most smooth landing ever. In fact, I rolled halfway down the stairs before I realised that I'd been kicked out. And then I realised that I COULD just sleep on the sofa. Eh. Why didn't I think on that before? Not quite sure.
Oh dear! Thats definitely an eccentric adventure. I always imagined her the type that would climb trees, walls, you know some of those talents seeing she's fiesty. Not the sorts to give up easily, but this is too amusing. *nudges her*

Great update! Can't wait to read more! PAMS!
Mermaids, Zombies,...Blackbeard.
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Old 04-13-2008, 02:06 AM   #35 (permalink)

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Too awesome. Cora is amaaaazing. I love this

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Old 04-13-2008, 11:06 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Tinkerbell* View Post
Aww. Cora's mind is so confusing.

Update soon.
Hehehe. I think so too *pokes her brain* <333

Originally Posted by Mamushkaleontti View Post
Such a lovely read Amy! PAMS!

Poor soul! Waking up at 5am! But you know what, every girl got a sweet mystery behind her! Maybe its better not to solve it all? But it'll be nice to know more about it, i guess.

Oh dear! Thats definitely an eccentric adventure. I always imagined her the type that would climb trees, walls, you know some of those talents seeing she's fiesty. Not the sorts to give up easily, but this is too amusing. *nudges her*

Great update! Can't wait to read more! PAMS!
Awsh, thank you Rheaaa <333 Hehehe, I know, any other day she would probably go outside and climb up the wall, and into the window But she's just so depressed right now *pets her*

Originally Posted by Willow_Kovac View Post
Too awesome. Cora is amaaaazing. I love this

Hehehe, thank youuuu *loves* <333

Just a short update now m'dear. A small amusing one, seeing as not much has happened in the last day

April 12th:

Oo-er. Marco Denver is the strangest boy I have ever come across EVER. Except maybe Tag. When I was having a serious chat with Bella Coulter, when he struts into the Common Room and asks me: "How have you been? Sexy as ever?"


Exactly. WTH. I just sort of stared at Marco for a bit, before I bit down on my lip and it started bleeding. And then do you know what he did? HE STARTED TO WIPE MY LIP WITH A HANKERCHIEF. I expect the expression on my face was quite amusing, but the situation was as far from funny as you can get. And then he did the most embarassing thing ever. He brought up the subject of what happened on the train last term. Which in case you don't know, is the subject that he launched himself onto me and kissed me. O_O


On a brighter note, I did meet a new kid today. He's called Miles, and he's in third year. Although I must say, he's rather tall and good looking for a third year. Hehe. It was quite an embarassing circumstance that I met him though. I was on the fourth floor and I saw some girl that looked like me and she started copying me...and then I realised it was a mirror. Ooooops. And him and Willow [Ravenclaw] were laughing at me. Hehehehe.

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Old 04-13-2008, 03:19 PM   #37 (permalink)

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Oh God. I love this Daddy. I really do.

And OMG. That scene with Marco was HILARIOUS!

Not that I stalked or anything.

Awesome update! *wants to read more*

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Old 04-14-2008, 02:25 PM   #38 (permalink)
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On a brighter note, I did meet a new kid today. He's called Miles, and he's in third year. Although I must say, he's rather tall and good looking for a third year. Hehe. It was quite an embarassing circumstance that I met him though. I was on the fourth floor and I saw some girl that looked like me and she started copying me...and then I realised it was a mirror. Ooooops. And him and Willow [Ravenclaw] were laughing at me. Hehehehe.

Good looking eh?
Hehe. We should RP soon xx
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Old 04-15-2008, 01:05 AM   #39 (permalink)
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You know you love it!!!!

I think they may have made a highly hilarious couple, had it ever happened.
It looks like I'm not ginger after all

Charlie Tudor - 1st Year Slytherpuff
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Old 04-15-2008, 07:58 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Panda Bear View Post
Oh God. I love this Daddy. I really do.

And OMG. That scene with Marco was HILARIOUS!

Not that I stalked or anything.

Awesome update! *wants to read more*

Hehehe. It was extremely entertaining Glad you like it <333

Originally Posted by Hollister View Post

Good looking eh?
Hehe. We should RP soon xx
Bwahahahaaa. We should RP indeed <333

Originally Posted by Jenster View Post
You know you love it!!!!

I think they may have made a highly hilarious couple, had it ever happened.
I dooo love it Hahaha, they would of actually been BRILLIANTLY amusing Teehee <333

April 13th:

To be perfectly frank, I'm not sure I should bother getting up in the mornings. If I lay in bed forever, and never got up, I doubt many people would notice. Except perhaps Marco, as he'd have no one to fuss over. A dark, lonely hole sounds extremely inviting right now. If only the floor could just open up and swallow me. What I would give to run away from the world, run away from everything...


Hehehe, I sound SO poetic.

April 14th:

I've been away from him for at least three days. And counting. And while I'm away from him, it seems that my heart still clings to him, and it's ripping me in half. I just did the most foolish thing in the history I was sitting in my room, and suddenly, I heard this HUUUUGE crashing sound, and stuck my head out of the window. The night's blackness crashed in around me so quickly, I forgot to breathe. And the next thing I knew, I was squinting. I have never seen, heard or felt rain that was that strong.

First of all, I leapt back into the warm, and slammed the window shut. But then something inside of me snapped. Why should I stay inside in the safe and the warm? The answer: I shouldn't. In a sudden surge of adreneline, I ran from the Slytherin Common, and out into the pouring rain. I just stood there, the heavy droplets soaking me in a few seconds. For the first ten minutes or so, I felt so free, so alive, just as though the rain was washing away every worry and fear.

But then I began to get very cold. VERY cold.


And now, I am currently sitting on the sofa, in front of the fire. I have been shivering for at least an hour, and I fear I may have the flu. Smooth, Cora. Very smooth.

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Old 04-16-2008, 04:56 PM   #41 (permalink)
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AHAHA. Blees her

Your Sisshta <3
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Old 04-16-2008, 06:07 PM   #42 (permalink)

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I just caught myself up on all your updates, and I find myself getting more drawn and drawn into this! You write very well, it's easy to picture and even feel exactly what Cora is feeling - the mark of a great writer! I love it!
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Old 04-16-2008, 06:08 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Hahaha. That's hilarious. Very cute.

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Old 04-16-2008, 06:29 PM   #44 (permalink)
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OMG. Amy, this is so great! I can't even quote the parts that I liked the most because I'd be quoting every post!
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Old 04-19-2008, 04:55 PM   #45 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hollister View Post
AHAHA. Blees her

Your Sisshta <3
Hehe *clings to youuu* Thankssss sistaaaaaa <333

Originally Posted by Slytherin Fox View Post
I just caught myself up on all your updates, and I find myself getting more drawn and drawn into this! You write very well, it's easy to picture and even feel exactly what Cora is feeling - the mark of a great writer! I love it!
Awshhh. Thank you sooo much I always get that fuzzy happy feeling when people compliment my work <333

Originally Posted by Tinkerbell* View Post
Hahaha. That's hilarious. Very cute.
Hehehe. Taaa Katiiiie <333

Originally Posted by FoxFire View Post
OMG. Amy, this is so great! I can't even quote the parts that I liked the most because I'd be quoting every post!
Haaa, fankooo my ickle Fox <333

Hokai, as Collyflower and sistah a few of you know, I have been away since Tuesday evening, and haven't been able to get to a computer. At all. Let alone update this fic I am very sorry, but here is a short update to make up

April 18th:

Gaaah! There you are, you little beast! I cannot believe I would misplace something as important as my diary. I found it under the sofa in the common room, and I'm sure I didn't leave it there. Eeeek. What if someone read it? What if Bella read it? What if Bella read it and showed it to Jack and then felt bad and threw it under the sofa? Double EEEK. That would be the end of the world as I know it. Bad, bad, BAD.

April 19th:

Hurrah! The consolation match is on! Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw! Of course, I'm supporting Hufflepuff. There's no particular reason except that Jack is Hufflepuff. But TBH, there's no better excuse to stare at him. He really is very good, and I would love to play against him. Hehehe. How very much fun it would be, especially if I was better than him. Which I'm sure I'm not.

Oh, and we had a Slytherin Quidditch Practice today. Marky Sparky the Pants Man got a bit angry and started telling us that it was a complete fluke that we were in the final. How pleasant. Not. And something utterly embarassing happened. I didn't score ONCE. Because I fell asleep. Yes that's right, I just hovered by the hoops allll session, fast asleep. Eh. My bad.

Just two seventh year flirts who happened to fall in love

Last edited by confusion.girl; 04-22-2008 at 04:53 PM.
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Old 04-20-2008, 03:11 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Ha. Lolage.
-Luffs Cora-

=O Diary loss! Let's hope no one read it
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Old 04-22-2008, 05:30 PM   #47 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hollister View Post
Ha. Lolage.
-Luffs Cora-

=O Diary loss! Let's hope no one read it
Hehehe I knows! It could have been a...DISASTER! :o <333

April 20th:

OMGGG. Amongst all the rubbish that has been happening in my life, it appears that the rain cloud has finally moved from over my head. And the sun is shining BRIGHT, BAABYYY! Not literally, as it's very cloudly outside, but hyperthetically. Because guess what. EVA AND CLIFF ARE BAAAACK! And all the other sutdentsies who were running around with fur! I can't explain how good it is to have them back. I forgot how unbelievably cute they are. I went to visit them in the Hospital Wing, and they were whispering I love you to each other. Awwwssh!

I swear, I never doubted God for a second. I always believed! I did! Later on tonight, I might find someone something to sacrifice. Maybe I could sacrifice Jack's jumper...OH MERLIN'S SPOTTY PANTS! I forgot to give it back to him. How convenient. Hehehe.

April 21st:

Lalala. I swear, a whole new Cora has sprung forth, just because of the return of Evie and Cliffie. Oh! And Bella is Cliff's cousin! O_O How odd. I wasn't even aware that they knew each other. Good thing Coulter wasn't at the school when I kissed Cliffie-poos then. EEK! That wouldn't have been good. I would have probably been made into a Cora smoothie long ago...

It really is just so wonderful seeing those two though. E&C, I'll call them. I always pop in to see them, and it makes my day just a tad brighter. Teehee. I really do love 'em. In fact...I think I'll stop wasting time writing in here, and go visit them. Byeeeee!

Just two seventh year flirts who happened to fall in love
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Old 04-22-2008, 05:44 PM   #48 (permalink)
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Whispering I love you?
AWWWW! -Cuddles them-

Miles HAS to meet them
PAMS xxx
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Old 04-22-2008, 05:58 PM   #49 (permalink)

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Evangeline: *blushes and hides under the bed*

She's embarrassed. And scared. She finds this kinda stalker-ish. xD Bella convinced her that Clifford and her were being spied on.

Cora's just so adorable. *squishes her*
Even though she wasn't meant to catch the 'I love you' part. *cough*

I love that she fell asleep on practice. Evangeline's saying that that proves Quidditch is boring.

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Old 04-22-2008, 06:21 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dracos_Lady View Post
Lalala. I swear, a whole new Cora has sprung forth, just because of the return of Evie and Cliffie. Oh! And Bella is Cliff's cousin! O_O How odd. I wasn't even aware that they knew each other. Good thing Coulter wasn't at the school when I kissed Cliffie-poos then. EEK! That wouldn't have been good. I would have probably been made into a Cora smoothie long ago...
Bwahaha. I was seriously telling Gemma the other day that it is a good thing Bella wasn't there for that, let me just say it would not have been pretty, *is scared of Bella*

I can't wait to see what Cora has to say about her and Bella and Jack meeting
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