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Old 10-26-2006, 08:02 PM   #1 (permalink)
angelofdeath983's Avatar
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jade Emma Jacobs
Default Not Like Other Girls - Sa16+

Well this another fic...well another one, basically this is a D/Hr, Cause i'm now officially obsessed with this ship =o! So I hope People will read it...and the chapters...will be based on...Quotes or Songs...Mostly Songs =] btw yoo get brownie points if yoo get the song! =D

Hope you like it, this is based in the 7th year of Hogwarts, Dumbledore is still alive *Cheers* and Snapey has just ran off after being found out =o...
Here we goooo!
P.S. Hermione will be in Red and Draco will be in Green =D As always =P!

Chapter 1- Tangled

Hermiones POV:

This has to be the best year ever, Its our last year. I feel so old...oh well, I'm head girl, I can't believe it HEAD GIRL!. This has been the moment I have been waiting for, even Malfoy couldn't ruin this moment. Staring into the mirror, I had changed over the summer. I looked...dare I say it Older, maybe even the tinyest bit prettier. But the hair, okay it was longer..and that hair-dressers appointment helped, Straight and Darker..almost black.

I'm so excited! This morning I practically dived out of bed! Dressed in what I called my summery-autumn clothes. This year will take a good begining I think! A light Blue Blouse with a White flowing skirt and a pair of flat white dolly shoes. Looking through the crowd of my peers on platform 9 3/4, maybe I could find Ron and Harry before I went to my compartment.

There! I couldn't miss that Red hair from anything!
"RON, HARRY, GINNY!" I yelled over the crowd, the two boys and the girl looked puzzled at me. Oh heavens above, its the hair. I pushed my way through to them,
"How did you know our names?" Ron quizzed,
"Ron its me...Hermione" I sighed. Their jaws dropped. "Oh for gods sake close your mouths!" They quickly responded, Ginny gave me a huge hug,

"Mione you look so good, I love your hair, and your tanned!" Ginny bustled "I'm so Jealous!!!"
"Hermione! You look...Great!" Harry grinned, I beamed at him. Ron was still staring.
"RON!" I yelled, he quickly came back down to Earth.
"Hermione you look great-not that you didn't look great before-but now you look awesome!" Ron stuttered, turning scarlet. I rolled my eyes and giggled.
"Anyway guys, i'll see you later!" I waved goodbye. Ron still staring. It was slightly unnerving.

I quickly made my way to the Heads compartment, when opening the door. No way...this can't be happening!
"Well well well, Look whats happened to Granger" A cold voice came from the corner. I think my day just decided to take a quick downfall.

Dracos POV:

After having to use the Knight Bus. I can't believe I sunk that low, but never mind. I reached King's Cross. Quickly making my way to the Compartment. Like I guessed Granger was Head Girl. But she wasn't the Busy-haired girl from last year. She was curvy-In all the right places, Her hair-Silky and Dark..No bushyness, And her skin-a golden brown. I think I need some air, Dare I say it...Granger has gone...Gorgeous.

"Oh god...Your Head Boy!" she sighed,
"You better believe it, Not that i'm suprised your Head Girl Mudblood" I stated, instantly regretting the Mudblood bit...I think i've lost my mind! Must have!
"Listen to me Ferret Boy! You may think your insults hurt me, but after about..oh lets see 6 years of it...Its a little bit pathetic now..Grow Up Malfoy!" she seated down opposite me, and stared out the window.

I sat numb for a minute, realising that..Granger had just stood up to me...Thats It i've lost all sanity...I'm Insane!
"Granger...You look different...In a good way" I muttered, she stared at me. Oh those intoxicating Brown eyes, STOP IT DRACO..SNAP OUT OF IT!
"Thanks...I guess, you uh...Look...okay" she replied, I gave her the Trademark Smile. She rolled her eyes and looked away.
"Have a good Summer?" I said, at least I was trying to make conversation...Okay more like awkward talking...but nevermind. She stared at me, puzzled.
"It was fine...I guess" she replied "You?"
"It was..."I paused "My father left home, ran off with his Death Eater buddies...and before you say anything, I have nothing to do with them"...Hold the phone...Did I just tell Granger that...Oh my god...I've LOST MY MIND!

She stared at me sympathetically for a moment,
"I wasn't going to say anything like that" She said softly, we locked eyes for what seemed like hours. We broke eye contact, The journey went on mechanically, Her-Granger giving the Prefects the lecture, I stood dumly...taking a keen intrest in my nails. The rest of the journey we stayed silent. Until she broke the silence.
"Theres Hogwarts, we better get ready" She said, I nodded. She left the compartment with her clothes. I dressed quickly and sat down looking at the Castle in the distance, Guess this is the last time i'll see the castle. I dont think it ever looked so beautiful, or big. Or magical..Maybe Miracles can Happen.

And I’ve done you so wrong, Treated you bad, Strung you along, Oh shame on myself, I don’t know how I got so tangled up.

Well, Please Comment =]
<3 Elle

Chapter 2- Taking Over Me
Chapter 2-Continued
Chapter 3- Moondance
Chapter 3 Continued
Chapter 4- Tears Don't Fall
Chapter 4- Continued
Chapter 5- Forgive Me
Chapter 5- Forgive me (Continued)
Chapter 6- Everything I do, I do it for you
Chapter 6-Part 2
Chapter 6-Continued...
Chapter 7- Blurry
Chapter 7-Continued
Chapter 8- Snow White Queen
Chapter 8-Part 2
Chapter 9- Fields of Gold
Chapter 10- Wonderwall

♥♥Dance Like No Ones Watching[[D/Hr]]♥♥

Last edited by Ozzy; 09-19-2007 at 03:49 PM.
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Old 10-27-2006, 10:01 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jade Emma Jacobs

I see no one commented yet...but ah well...I like Writing xD
Hope someone reads this...

Chapter 2- Taking Over Me

Hermiones POV:

What has happened to Malfoy..suddenly he's being...nice. Okay Maybe I've lost my mind, but he is gorgeous...really gorgeous. Has he always looked like a Calvin Klein model, or maybe I am just imagining things again. Those eyes thou...I could see pain, but happiness...or was that anger...Hermione snap out of it...You need some Air...and Lots of it. Theres Ron and Harry, with Ginny on his arm. Hmmm....Now I wonder.
"Hey guys" I said cheerily.
"Hey Head-Girl, whose Head-boy?" Harry said,
"Your not going to believe it...Malfoy!" I said exasperated,
"WHAT?" Ron said aloud,
"Jeez Chill Out Ron, You don't have to live with him!" I suddenly realised...I am going to be living in Heads Dorm..with Malfoy...all year...maybe seeing him topless...Oh my lord. I'm in heaven...Wait...Did I just think that..

"Oh!..Wheres My Bag?" I said...looking around,
"Oi! Granger looking for this?" a voice shouted from behind, Malfoy was carrying my bag, he walked right up to me.
"Look after your things more carefully" he said,
"Thanks Malfoy" I smiled at him, Harry, Ron and Ginny stared at me and him.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer Potter" he snapped, he winked at me and ran off to his Slytherin friends. I sighed,
"Did Malfoy...just be nice to you?" Ginny asked,
"I think..he just did..." I replied.

I swear to God...if that Hat doesn't shut up...I will personally take out my sewing scissors and chop it into little pieces and serve it with chips! I stared around the room, when I looked at the Slytherin table, Malfoy was looking at me. Pansy of course was hanging off him, Blaise was whispering to him. But instead of looking at them...He was looking at me. Is it hot in here? Oh god..please tell me I am not devolping a crush on Malfoy..ITS MALFOY! The boy whose picked on you for 6 years...the enemy of your best friends. How can this happen..To ME!
"HERMIONE!" Ron shouted, I snapped out of my reveire...
"What?" I replied,
"Are you going to eat that sasage?" Ron said, I rolled my eyes.
"Here...Happy Birthday" I said sarcastically,
"But my birthday..isn't for...well...2 months" he replied confused...I didn't even bother making a reply. Poor Ron.

Luckily McGonagall came up to our table,
"Miss Granger, come with me" she said, I got up in a flash. Anything to release me from Ron...I think he fancies me...Again. When we got outside the Great Hall, Malfoy was standing there.
"Right you two, I'm to lay down some Ground Rules, Firstly you two need to come to a comprimise, this bickering is ever so tiresome. Secondly There will be no...well Romantic involvements in the Head dormintory and Thirdly, You are to use your power wisely and honestly..No foul play Mr Malfoy!" she said sternly, Malfoy stared at her innocently,
"Wouldn't do a thing like that Mrs McGonagall" He replied quitely, I stifled a giggle.
"Anyway..Your dormitory is on the Second floor, The password is Fizzing Wizbees, you change your password every week. Now you two will be together when you change it, One more thing...Your patrol times are 10 to 12...Now Off you go" she turned on heel and entered the Great Hall again.

Draco's POV:

"Well this is going to be an interesting year...would you not agree Malfoy?" she said, as we climbed the stairs.
"I do agree...can't believe we ended up in a dorm together" I replied, she nodded. We came faced to a large Potrait, with a Pretty girl sitting in all her glory on a plush stool.
"Welcome Head boy and Head Girl, Password?" she questioned,
"Fizzing Wisbees" we both said together, the potrait nodded and opened.

We where faced with a large room, colours of gold and red, but greens and all sorts. With luxury furniture and a large fire. Hermio-Granger..stared round the room, taking in all the sites.

"This is amazing" she breathed, I shrugged. There was a staircase, a kitchen, obviously the common room, with a library...Granger will be happy. We both went up the stairs, she went to her left, me to the right. My adequet...not like my room at home. But its close enough. I ventured across to Granger's room. I expected Pink...but got Whites and Creams.
"Nice room Granger" I said, leaning on the doorpost. She turned around,
"Thanks..I saw you to have Green" she giggled. I raised an eyebrow.
"Anyway..I'm off" I said, she raised an eyebrow.
"You better be patrolling later" she replied sternly,
"Yeah, Yeah whatever" I sighed.
"I mean it Malfoy!"
I lifted up my hands, and left the Dormitory. Shes so cute when shes stern. Oh god please tell me thats not Pansy..NO!
"DRACO..DARLING!" she squealed and ran up to me...literally throwing herself on me.
"Uh...Hi Pansy" I wheased...
"Thought you could run away from me...Gosh I feel so sorry for you darling, Mudblood Granger...Ew..." she gushed. Pansy then pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me. Oh least i'll get a good snog before bed.

"MALFOY!" a voice came from behind...Oh crap. Pansy broke away and turned around,
"Oh go away Mudblood...your ruining a perfectly good moment" she hissed. Hermione...went right up to her face.
"Listen to me Parkison, Go back to the Dog Kennels there missing you" she replied, I stared at Hermione-I mean Granger.
"Shut your face"
"Hey your the Dog sweetheart" Hermione replied, crossing her arms across her chest. Pansy let out an angry sigh and stormed away. I began to laugh...Big Mistake..
"And As for you! Next time you want a snogging session...Don't do it in the corridors on Patrol time!" Hermione yelled at me.
"Look Granger...can't you ever break a rule!" I replied,
"Listen to me Ferret Boy...Get over yourself..Your not some Pretty Boy Ruler that you think you are...Just go put a paper bag over your head" she snapped and stormed away.

What felt like an Earthquake...the whole castle was shaking. Hermione who was a little in front of me, she turned around and was struggling to keep her balance.
"Whats Happening!" she yelled, I looked up, the ceiling above us was slowly crumbling, I ran and pushed Granger out of the way. Lying on the floor, I realised Granger was lying on my chest. She shaking, the rumbling stopped and the castle was once again calm.
"Hermione, are you alright?" I breathed, she looked up at me.
"I'm fine...what the hell happened?" she replied,
"I don't know...felt like an Earthquake" I said. She shrugged and I helped her up.

We walked back in silence to the common room. She flopped down on one of the Sofas. I noticed she had a cut on her head,
"Let me look at that" I said, she looked at me, she nodded. I touched her face softly, and grabbed a whipe and a plaster from the Medical box. I whiped the cut softly, I felt her eyes watching me. I slowly put the plaster on her forehead. Not moving my hand for a moment, I began to move it and she grabbed it.
"You saved my can I thank you?" she said softly, I smiled at her.
"Its okay to know..your okay" I replied, she smiled at me.
"Thank you Draco" she said, standing up. She started making her way to the stairs,
"Goodnight Hermione" I said softly, she turned and smiled. Giving me that oh so gorgeous smile,
"Goodnight Draco" she turned on heel and went up the stairs, I heard her door shut. I made my way upstairs and flopped on my bed.
What a day...

I look in the mirror and see your face, if I look deep enough, so many things inside that are just like you are taking over.

Hope you like it..
<3 Elle

♥♥Dance Like No Ones Watching[[D/Hr]]♥♥

Last edited by Ozzy; 11-02-2006 at 05:38 PM.
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Old 10-28-2006, 02:29 AM   #3 (permalink)
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1ST READER!!! I love this story! I always obsess over Hr/D too! They are just the perfect strange couple. PAMSIES!+

<3 Danni
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Old 10-28-2006, 11:11 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jade Emma Jacobs

Omigosh Mah First Reader *Parties*
Lol...okay...I shall be stopping now...
Anyway because i'm bored =|
I have decided to post...
Hope more people will read it =]
Oh yeah…and I know theres a play in it! xD I just love the idea…I think it’s a great idea!

Chapter 2-Continued

Hermione’s POV:

Ow...Okay my head...oh that’s right. The Earthquakey thing. Hold up...Dra-Malfoy! saved me last night. He saved my life...Draco Malfoy...Saved my life...I think...I am going to scream. I'm all shaky and butterflyie…Oh my god! I'm really happy. OooH what time is it. 7:30! Oh my god…I only have half-an hour! Grabbing my things I ran into the bathroom. Taking the quickest shower I have ever taken In My Life! Right…Bag...WHERES MY SCHOOL BAG?!?! Oh…there...heh...

When I came down the stairs, Draco was sitting on the couch.
"Morning" I said cheerily, he looked up and smirked at me.
"Morning Hermione" he replied, "Look about last night"
"Yes?" I said....hoping he was going to ask me out…Oh please Lord!
"Don't tell anyone…You hear...the last thing I need is a bad reputation…and enough of the First name thing!" he said, I think...I just felt my heart drop about 10 cm.
"Oh that’s fine...Like I would tell anyone anyway" I walked past him coldly, "Goodbye Malfoy" putting the definite emphasis on the Malfoy.

Can't believe the nerve of that boy! ARGH! Oh...why is Ron staring at me AGAIN..
"Mione...what happened to your head?" Harry quizzed, looking slightly concerned,
"Oh...I…uh...fell...Did you feel that Earthquake last night?" I said softly,
"What Earthquake?" Harry replied…I’m confused.
"Heh…Great Joke…Not...Didn't you feel was like the whole castle was shaking...the ceiling on the Second floor collapsed...well most of it" I replied, they both looked at me…as If I was stark raving mad.
"Hermione, I think you where dreaming" Ron concluded, then went back to talking with Harry, about Quidditch. It was a dream? No it can't have been, Draco...i'm confused. I looked over to their table, and Draco was wearing the same confused expression.
"We need to Talk" I mouthed to him,
“Later” he mouthed back. I got up, deciding to go to outside for a little bit. Realizing I was 10 minutes late, I ran to the Dungeons as fast as my legs could carry me.

Only to reach the door. But the new teacher stood and had…an angry expression.
"You’re Late" he snapped,
"We're sorry Professor-" I began
"Gregory" He intervened,
"Right...We, had to talk about some plans for...Head boy and Head Girl duties" I lied smoothly, but he saw right through that.
"Come in and Sit down" he snapped. I sat in the middle of Harry and Ron.
"Right now that our precious Miss Granger is back" he announced loudly, with a smirk "Please enlighten me, what is the Davies theory of Potion making"
What the...I've never heard of that, I'm confused...
"Right…it seems that our resident Genius...doesn't know...everything" he smirked. The Slytherin's fell about laughing, and some of the Gryffindors giggled as well.
"Sir...I have never seen or heard that statement before...maybe if you could Enlighten me...after all, if one has not heard of can one know it" I coldly told.
"Don't back chat Miss Granger, 5 points from Gryffindor" he replied,
"But Sir, I’m stating a fact, not back chatting. This would now count as back chatting" I replied, everyone was staring between me and him,
"Miss Granger, detention" What am I doing…I can't stop...

"Go on...keep going, shall it be a thousand word essay on "How to Keep Your Mouth shut!" I couldn't stop myself, it was like the brain of me...was on the other side of the school...and my mouth was in control!
"MISS GRANGER" he yelled, the class stared at me.
"Yes?" I replied,
"Yes...Professor…It is"
"Its Miss to you...I’m not yet qualified as a Teacher" The class gasped. The teacher's face was red livid.
"Double Detention, an Essay...JUST GET OUT!" he screamed, I smirked. I picked up my bag and my equipment,
"Don't worry, I'm dropping Potions...Bye!" I smirked, the class began to clap. I took a quick curtsey and left briskly. the first time I have stood up for myself...Wow...Its like one of those...amazing moments in life. I already had ambitions to do something...Non magical...ah well!
"Hermione!" a voice yelled from behind, it was Malfoy...with a huge grin on his face. "That was Insanely Amazing!"
I laughed, "You know...I think it was!"

Draco's POV:

I think...when she started saying all that to the teacher...I fell in Love with Hermione...that girl is...amazing! I mean…she is…just, I mean she’s beautiful, smart, strong-minded, and stubborn as hell. But amazing. I decided to excuse myself from the room, quickly. I needed to see Hermione. Of course he let me...he told the class what to do, but kind of but his head down on the desk. I think Hermione made him have a nervous-breakdown. I knew she would go to that tree by the lake; it’s the most obvious place she would go. I am a Genius she’s there,
“Hermione!” I yelled, my smile was obviously still there, considering she was smirking at me. “That was insanely amazing!”
“You know…I think it was” she laughed, I smiled at her.
“What did you want to talk about?” I questioned, her face fell into a confused state.
“The Earthquake last night…No one else felt it, apparently where the ceiling crumbled…its fine”
“I know…I asked Blaise and Pansy…no clue about it” I replied, leaning against the tree.
“What happened…I wonder” she looked so cute…when she’s thinking.
“Hermione-” I started, she stared at me. What the hell am I meant to say, “I’m glad you’re okay.” She smiled at me,
“You know, I still need to owe you for saving me” she started,
“You-” I started…hang on, what am I saying! She could ask for a kiss!
“I think…we should have, well some fun tonight…look I’ve got loads of movies, and one of those little Televisions…it runs on magic, and I’ve got sweets…fancy having a movie night?” she smiled at me. Well…it did sound like fun…this could be good…cause if it’s a scary one…Oh I’m so good!
“That would be fun...Hermione” I smiled…my best smile. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and ran off. Oh…my god!

The day went past really fast…to my absolute delight. We met up at the common room, later on. She had everything ready…that girl is so organized. We where watching a film called “Seven” it had something to do with a serial killer and the seven deadly sins. But apparently it was really quite frightening. Through one of the scenes, Hermione was gripped onto me, hiding her face in my shoulder. Mind you it was a little frightening, after the movie was over. Hermione was still lying on my shoulder,
“I’m not going to be able to sleep for weeks” Hermione whispered, I laughed a little.
“Oh Hermione, don’t worry…it’s not real” I said soothingly, she looked at me. I could definitely see fear in her eyes, “If you’re going to be like this, next time we are watching a chick flick!” she giggled softly, I put an arm around her.
“Thank you…I had fun tonight” she said softly, “Apart from the really scary film” I smiled at her. Then doing it on an impulse…I kissed her. She didn’t pull away, or anything. It was soft…not like the forcible ones that Pansy gives…but something real for once. When we broke apart…she stared at me for a moment, then kissed me. We fell asleep on the sofa that night.

You saw me mourning my love for you, and touched my hand, I knew you loved me then.

<3 Elle

♥♥Dance Like No Ones Watching[[D/Hr]]♥♥

Last edited by angelofdeath983; 10-28-2006 at 11:12 AM. Reason: Meh...I felt like it xD
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Old 10-28-2006, 04:08 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rachel Christeli

second reader! wow. this is absolutley amazing! i know i am really obsessed with D/Hr too. PAMS PAMS PAMS!!! oh, and PAMS!!

Watch Me While I Sleep (Sa16+)
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Old 10-28-2006, 10:06 PM   #6 (permalink)
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New reader here and I love your fic. Then again anything with d/h or d/g I tend to read. Keep the posts coming I'll be here to read them!
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Old 10-29-2006, 01:50 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jade Emma Jacobs

Hey Guys!
Missmalfoy-Omigosh I lufffies your siggie and Avvie!!! And thankees =]
T.M.R.-Aww thankees...Draco just be shmexi xD!!!
So because i'm a little craaazie...i haff decided to post! =]

Chapter 3- Moondance

Hermione's POV:

So its official...I'm in serious...well Draco and I...are going secret. Its amazing really, its so secretive and well its so...exhilarating. There's going to be a Ball for 4 years and up. So busy year, Draco and I are making the plans for the dance. We decided on a Rat-Pack/Swing theme. It's so fun, we've got the band and everything!

Draco and I where walking by the lake that night, the Moon was big and the stars were glimmering like Diamonds. Just walking hand in hand with him made me love him so much.
"I'm so excited for the dance" I said happily, Draco grinned at me.
" me an oppertunity to, well Dance the night away with you" he smiled, he put hand out. And if by magic, music began to play softly,
"You planned this!" I gasped, he nodded. He spun me out and back in,
"Well, it was a great do this" He dipped me low, "And this" he kissed me softly.

"Hermione?" a voice called out, I shot up. Harry and Ginny were staring at us, they where out for a midnight walk as well.
"Its not what it looks like!" I said quickly,
"Hmm..oh yes, Malfoy's lips on yours is definitly a simple missunderstanding" Harry said sarcastically. I bit my lip and glanced at Draco.
"Please don't say anything, I beg of you" I begged, Harry looked at Ginny.
"We wont" Ginny said softly, I smiled at her, and she smiled back.
"Thanks...Potter" Malfoy muttered, Harry nodded curtly. Harry walked up to Malfoy,
"Break her heart, and i'll break your face" Harry said darkly, Malfoy grinned at him.
"I don't plan on...Harry" Draco smirked, Harry stared at him for a second and burst out laughing,
"First names sound wierd, stick with the last names!" Harry laughed, Draco nodded
"Alright Potter, Anyway come on Mione" Draco replied, he took my hand and we started walking back to the castle,

We stopped outside the door for a moment, I grinned at him;
"See Harry isn't so bad, Neither is Ginny" I said softly,
"Well...I guess not...but if he tells anyone...I might have to kill him" Draco laughed softly. "Fancy going to Hogsmead tomorrow?"
"Alright then...your on!" I replied. He kissed me softly on the lips, and all around us...we felt the soft autumn breeze brush past us, we felt the moon shining on us. And for once in my life, I felt truly, truly happy.

Well, its a marvelous night for a moondance, With the stars up above in your eyes, A fantabulous night to make romance, neath the cover of october skies.

Chapter 3 shall be contiuned soon =]
<3 Elle


♥♥Dance Like No Ones Watching[[D/Hr]]♥♥
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Old 10-29-2006, 04:55 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rachel Christeli

ahhh!! so good! i love how sweet draco is! you write really good fic. thanks for the comment on mine! i cant wait to read more of this.. PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS x 3 billion

Watch Me While I Sleep (Sa16+)
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Old 10-29-2006, 09:45 PM   #9 (permalink)
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*****NEW READER ALERT!!!!!*****

OMG i LOVE THiS FF!!!!!!! iT'S AMAZiNGLYAWESOME!!!! i CAN'T POSSiBLY WAiT FOR MORE!!!! PAMS!!!! PAMSOiD!!!!! :] :] :] :] :]
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Old 10-30-2006, 04:07 AM   #10 (permalink)
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I love new posts especially after a rough day, thanks for making me smile at the end. Mabye the day wasn't a total wash... Can't wait for more!
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Old 10-30-2006, 09:56 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jade Emma Jacobs

Hewwoo!!! mah mood is hyper...again! So I haff decided to postie!!!
Aww I luffies New Readers...Thankees =] and Its ze Dancie in this one =D Dracie is just a bit bigger this time…and yooo shall see why =D

Chapter 3 Continued

Hermiones POV:

The days passed, the days stacked into weeks. The dance was tonight! Amazingly, we had not been caught out apart from Harry and Ginny, who kept to their word. I think its going to a good dance, I hope it is...because after booking that band etc...It will not do have it...go all messy!

"Hermione!" I turned around hoping it would be Draco…alas it was Ron. He was bright red...uh oh.
"Hermione...I wanted to ask if-" he took a deep breath "Hermione would you go out with me?" and KISSED ME! I pushed him off me,
"Ronald!" I gasped outraged, "I did not give my answer"
"Please don't tease Mione" he muttered, I gave him…what Draco called the "Death" glare.
"I am not the sort of girl…to tease a decent man, the answer is no" I said, Ron stared at me.
"Your going out with someone else aren't you" he whispered,
"Yes I am" I snapped, and turned on heel.
"Who?" he called out, I gave a cold laugh,
"Like I would tell you Ronald…Goodbye" I walked back to the dormitory.

So the race began, I took another quick shower. My hair I decided would be styled in a beehive style, and added a red rose in my hair. I then put on the dress, which I loved dearly. It was my great-grandmother's dress from the 1950's, it was a too the knee, black cocktail dress which was sparkly. I also decided to wear lots of diamante jewellary. Finishing off my make-up touches, which was dark eyes and red lips. I looked at myself in the mirror, and too my agreement. I looked...pretty.

Draco's POV:

I bet Hermione's going to look gorgeous, I mean I look pretty good...If I say so myself, wearing the black suit with the pop up collar, and the Hat...hmm I think I look rather dashing. There's her door...Oh my god. I think my jaw dropped. She looks...amazing!
"Well what do you think?" she quizzed,
"Vous êtes la fille beatiful que j'ai jamais vue." Kissing her hand softly, I knew those French lessons would pay off. She smiled at me,
"Et vous mon chéri, êtes le monsieur le plus beau que j'ai jamais connu." she breathed, and she kissed me softly on the lips.

As we walked down the grand stairs, I felt eyes on us. There where many people gathered in the Entrance Hall, waiting for their dates. But it was as thou, time had frozen and everyone was looking at us. Weasley looked livid, Potter and- Oh Harry and Ginny looked very good...Genetic lottery winners nearly. As we reached the bottom of the stairs,
"Hermione...what are you doing with Malfoy?" Ron hissed, she smiled at me.
"This is my date for the evening…Got a Problem Weasley?" she said, Ron's face whitened and backed off. She nodded at me, and we went inside the Great Hall...which well looked pretty good! The band was still preparing...looked like they where waiting for the singer...Hermione is going to be shocked...I'm the one singing for one of the songs!

After Dumbledore gave the Okay...the Dance began, couples dancing, people drinking, the band...was great. I held out my hand for Hermione, I nodded to the band, and they began playing a very lively swing song. Spinning here and there, I swear I felt Pansy's evils going right through my skull. I finished by dipping her in a low dip, and kissed her. People gasped, I heard a glass break. I pulled Hermione up, some people started clapping.
"I think...we've been found out" I whispered in her eye, I felt her giggle slightly.
"OI MALFOY!" a voice shouted, I saw Weasley storming over. Oh crap...But then Hermione stepped in front of me,
"Lay one finger on him and you'll be eating through a straw" she snapped, Ron looked taken aback,
"Why are you sticking up for him...HOW could you choose mine and Harry's enemy?" Weasley shouted in her face, Harry stepped forward.
"I knew about this...he ain't much my enemy anymore Ron" Harry said, Weasley looked as if he where about to explode with anger. He went right up to Hermione's face,
"Traitor" he hissed, and stormed out of the Great Hall.

I nodded to the band, and they began playing again. Hermione sat down and stared at me, I put an arm around her.
"Its fine Mione" I whispered, she nodded. "He lays one finger on you...and I shall murder him" she giggled softly. I saw the band looking over towards my direction, "I'm going to get some drinks okay?" she nodded.

I quickly ran over to the stage, and went up. People looked confused as the music stopped.
"Ladies, Gents, Old and Young" I said into the microphone, I saw Hermione stare up at the stage. “Tonight we’ve heard some of the greatest music from the 1950s, but tonight to finish off…I shall be singing one of the greatest songs” The crowd clapped, The music began to play. I took a deep breath…oh god I hope this is okay!

Well, its a marvelous night for a moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes
A fantabulous night to make romance
neath the cover of October skies
And all the leaves on the trees are falling
To the sound of the breezes that blow
And I’m trying to please to the calling
Of your heart-strings that play soft and low
And all the nights magic seems to whisper and hush
And all the soft moonlight seems to shine in your blush

I saw Hermione walk up to the front and she stared at me…I saw tears in her eyes.

Can I just have one more moondance with you, my love
Can I just make some more romance with you, my love

Well, I wanna make love to you tonight
I cant wait till the morning has come
And I know that the time is just right
And straight into my arms you will run
And when you come my heart will be waiting
To make sure that you’re never alone
There and then all my dreams will come true, dear
There and then I will make you my own
Any time I touch you, you just tremble inside
And I know how much you want me that you cant hide

Can I just have one more moondance with you, my love
Can I just make some more romance with you, my love

The crowd cheered, and danced and some of the girls…I swear they Swooned! Ooh I’m swoonable! Stop getting big headed! I started clicking…Wow I swear I’m this could be a hobby!

Well, I wanna make love to you tonight
I cant wait till the morning has come
And I know that the time is just right
And straight into my arms you will run
And when you come my heart will be waiting
To make sure that you’re never alone
There and then all my dreams will come true, dear
There and then I will make you my own
Any time I touch you, you just tremble inside
And I know how much you want me that you cant hide

Can I just have one more moondance with you, my love
Can I just make some more romance with you, my love

Can I just have one more moondance with you, my love
Can I just make some more romance with you, my love

On that last note I finished on a big note...the crowd cheered and I helped Hermione up one stage. I spun her round and kissed her.
“You are…perfect” she whispered in my ear,
“I know!” I teased.
“Thank you all for coming, its been an amazing night…and I have discovered I can sing!” I said, “Have a great night!”

I took Hermione’s hand and we walked outside for a bit.
“Fancy having a Moondance?” I whispered, she nodded. So we danced the night away, and honestly…I think I can say…I’m in love with the most beautiful girl I have ever met in my life.

Thanks for reading guys!
<3 Elle

♥♥Dance Like No Ones Watching[[D/Hr]]♥♥

Last edited by angelofdeath983; 10-30-2006 at 10:03 AM.
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Old 10-30-2006, 12:23 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Hey your new reader i love the story it's just i'm about to go to school and i can't read the rest so i will read them when i get back from school. your new reader
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Old 10-30-2006, 10:03 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Old 10-31-2006, 11:57 AM   #14 (permalink)

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now why couldn't I be Hermione? *idea* I've got it! *takes polyjuice potion* Now I'm Hermione! *squeal* Draco can sing! NEW READER ALERT..PAMS!!
And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 11-01-2006, 09:56 PM   #15 (permalink)

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i love your story it's really good please post more soon it's really good and i think your really good so when ever you get the chance post more my beautiful writer.
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Old 11-02-2006, 10:39 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Insanely amazing! Hehe, I loveeeeeeee it!! It's great, pams please!
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Old 11-03-2006, 10:02 PM   #17 (permalink)
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really good ff but what does POV mean ?
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Old 11-04-2006, 03:11 PM   #18 (permalink)

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pov means point of view. oh and i can't wait for another post from my dearset writer.
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Old 11-05-2006, 02:59 AM   #19 (permalink)

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gosh! please post!
And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 11-05-2006, 10:37 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Well its me! And i'm back with a Postie! =]
P.S. Don't kill me =]

Chapter 4- Tears Don't Fall

Hermione's POV:

The next couple of weeks were bliss. I had the perfect boyfriend, Harry managed to convince Ron everything was okay. So I had my two best friends. I was patrolling the corridors as my duty, Where was Draco? I heard voices and went closer,
"Draco darling, You know that Granger is a boring, dull person!" I heard the voice, definitly Pansy, "I mean you deserve someone full of life!" I saw her stroke his arm. Why wasn't he pulling away, she kissed him. Oh my god...My heart...he was kissing her back. I fell into the armour I was hiding behind, they sprang apart. I could feel the tears stinging and pouring down my face,
"Hermione!" Draco yelped, "Its not how it looks"
"What, where you whispering a secret to her?" I snapped, I turned on heel and began to run.

How could he! I collapsed outside by the Lake. My legs where dying and so was I inside. I don't think i've ever been more heart broken, I mean even Krum and I didn't have it this bad. At least he didn't cheat on me. The wind whipped round my face and in my hair, freezing the tears on my face.
"Hermione?" a voice came from behind, I was ready to scream. Draco stood staring at me,
"You like to see me like this do you!" I cried, "How could you?" I stood up,
"I mean is that what you do when i'm not around, Run off to Pansy!" I spat Pansy's name out.
"No it was a mistake!" He replied. My blood boiled,
"Oh, so this is a mistake as well" I replied, and like a replay of Third year, I punched him in the nose. He fell back. "Was our Reletionship a MISTAKE TOO!"
"No...Hermione, I love you" Was all heard from his mouth, which was covered with his hand.
"Bull!" I replied, "We're over...I can't believe you would do that, I trusted you, I gave my heart...Luckily enough I didn't give everything!" I started to walk back up to school.
"Hermione please, I love you" he yelled out. I felt a twinge...but ignored it, I was too upset at the moment. He grabbed my hand,
"Please Mione" I looked in his eyes, they were pleading with me. I stared back into them, But my judgement stayed with me.
"No...I can't...Just leave me alone" I replied,

I turned and ran, once again. This time I was headed for the Gryffindor Common Room, I reached the Fat Lady's Portrait.
"Chocolate Frog" I sniffed, She opened and I found Ron, Harry and Ginny sitting talking.
"Please don't say I told you so" I said simply, They all turned around.
"Hermione!" Ginny ran up and hugged me, I was crying so much that I collapsed to the ground. They all knelt down beside me. "What happened?"
"He..Pansy..Break...Dumped" I manage to get out, Ron looked livid.
"Where is that Scumbag I'll personally rip his eyeballs out" Ron growled, I grabbed his hand. My eyes pleading with him.
"Oh Mione!" Ginny said, Harry stroked my hair softly.
"Don't worry Mione, You've still got us...I mean he's only a guy, an Idiot. To realise that he was so lucky, But I mean...Pansy!" Harry said softly, Ginny nodded with him. Ron was pacing,
"You're not going back to the Head's dormitory" Ron said simply, I stared at him, and gave him a weak smile.
"Thank you" I choked.
That night I slept hardly, I was dying inside. I loved him so much, he betrayed me. I felt sick to my stomach. Everytime I thought of the dance, and his kisses I cried even more. Wanting time to go back, I stared out the window. Watching the stars, The moon carressed my face softly. I decided to go for a walk because it was almost dawn. So I put some clothes on which I had got secretly. It was Saturday, No lessons Thank God. I walked around by the lake and stared out in the distance. The sun began to rise, I don't think I've ever seen such a beautiful sight, You never really know until you see one. Its so peaceful and pure. So there I sat, and I wished somehow things would be better.

Your tears don't fall, They crash around me, Her conscience calls the guilty to come home.

Chapter 4 shall be continued soon =D
Post more Soon =]
<3 Elle

♥♥Dance Like No Ones Watching[[D/Hr]]♥♥

Last edited by angelofdeath983; 11-05-2006 at 10:49 AM.
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Old 11-05-2006, 01:41 PM   #21 (permalink)
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WHOO HOo!!! Nice postie!! Hermy! Oh heart goes out for her...but she didn't exactly give Dracokins a chance to explain...NO! HE'S SCUM!! HE KISSED THE PUG!! But he is insanly schmexy...but he cheated on hermy...

As you can see, I'm having a hard time seeing who I should sympathize with most =)

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Old 11-05-2006, 11:58 PM   #22 (permalink)

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Gasp! Gasp! and....GASP!! Draco! Isn't Hermione enough for you? Must you break her heart? Hermione must have been hallucinating. Draco would never cheat on her! PAMSIOD!
And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 11-06-2006, 02:41 AM   #23 (permalink)
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kool post!!!!! cant wait 4 more!!!! PAMS!!!!!!!! PAMSOiD!!!!!!!
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Old 11-06-2006, 05:00 PM   #24 (permalink)

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That twas a great post because i loved it i hope you post more soon but honestly don't let harry and herione get together i'll die. well i loved it.
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Old 11-07-2006, 01:41 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Gryffindor sad...

Awww.. That is so sad! I wanted to cry!!!! I can't believe that Draco would do that to Hermione!!!!!!!!!!! One question, are Harry and Ginny together or something? They kinda seemed like it. Anywho....PAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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