Thanks you guys for your replies!!

Im glad you all liked it

Here is the next chapter
Chapter 51
The words were cutting through Harry like daggers. The last one went straight through his heart and the smile on Voldermort’s face just twisted the dagger deeper.
“Give up yet?” Voldermort taunted. It was over. He couldn’t beat him. Voldermort was too powerful and he was too weak. But there was no way in hell he was going to play along with his immature games.
Harry turned his head away from Voldermort, his face smashing into the grass. The fighting was growing closed. Harry could hear the shouting of spells. Great. They were going to watch as he was killed. He had failed them all.
“Don’t turn your head away from me!
“Imperio!” As if Voldermort was doing it manually, his head turned with ease to look back up at Voldermort. Harry didn’t even resist. He didn’t see any reason why he should continue fighting.
“Say you give up!” Voldermort demanded. The fighting was really close now. “Just say you give up and I will end this.”
“Harry!” A voice shouted from the fighting. It sounded a lot like Hermione.
“Say it now!”
“Harry! The sword! Summon it!” That was definitely Ron’s voice. Harry turned his head from his place on the dewy grass, and made eye contact with Ron. He looked calm and cool. It gave Harry strength.
“Accio Gryffindor’s sword!” Harry shouted with all his energy.
The ruby sword flew from Ron’s hands gracefully. Some people ducked out of the way as the sword zoomed toward Harry. It landed heavily in his hands. He dropped his wand so he could wrap both his hands around it and drove the sword through Voldermort’s heart. At first he looked shocked, then he began to laugh his cold laugh.
“Don’t you know already yet Harry? I am
immortal.” he said as blood began to drip from the gashing hole in his chest.
“Not anymore.” Harry said, looking deep into his eyes. He let the wall go down in his head and forced all the memories of him destroying the horcruxes. Voldermort’s eyes went wide and fear was seen in his scarlet eyes for the first time.
“You forgot one.” He said after a moment. The smile slowly rolled back onto his face.
“No he didn’t.” Ron called. Harry turned and saw that Ron’s hands were bloody. It was the snake’s blood. He killed the snake. Hermione came up behind him and took one of Ron’s bloody hands into her own. The fighting had ceased as people watched Voldermort die.
As realization began to sink in that he was dying, Voldermort began to scream bloody murder. He clawed at the wound on his chest, but there was nothing he could do. He was dying. Finally. The world was free of the monster who broke up so many families. It was done. Voldermort was gone for good.
As one, without words, everybody began to clap. Tears shined in many of their eyes. But they were not of fear or sorrow. They were tears of immense relief. They were also of gratitude toward Harry.
While everybody continued to clap, Ron and Hermione slipped out of the crowed and walked steadily toward Harry. They each took one of Harry’s arms and lifted him up from the ground. Even though Harry knew it was over and happiness should be going through his body he couldn’t bring himself to celebrate with the rest.
“Harry?” Hermione asked softly. He turned to look her in the eyes. He knew that she could see his broken heart through his eyes.
“Ginny is dead.” Harry said in barely a whisper. It hurt saying it. His throat was dry and his legs were turning to mush.
“No she’s not.” Ron said automatically.
“Yes she is. Voldermort said she was dead.” Harry said.
“You’re all alone.” rang through his head.
“She’s not dead!”
“Ron! I’m telling you. Sh-“
“Harry!” This voice made Harry stop mid-sentence. He turned his head and saw the owner of the voice working her way through the crowed.
So many emotions hit Harry at the same time. He nearly collapsed from it all. “Gin?”
She had finally made her way through the exhausted people and stood tranquilly in the front. Harry was so ecstatic. He walked up to her in a daze. He could hardly comprehend his feet moving.
“Gin? Yo-you’re a-alive?” Harry stuttered, not entirely believing she was standing in front of him.
“Let me check. I’ll get back to you on that.” She said sarcastically. Harry let out a chuckle. He had thought he would never smile again, but she proved him wrong.
“Gin…I…I can’t believe you are here.”
“I never told you if I was alive or not! So how do you know I am here?” she said, a smile radiating her face. He could of kissed her. She was so beautiful.
“Gin…I…I love you.” He said, his emerald eyes shining. She looked at him for a second, the wrapped her arms around his neck.
“I love you too Harry.” She said and kissed his so passionately his head began to spin.