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| Finished EEFD's Finished Evil Elite Fan Fiction Dares are housed in their own vault. Dare ye enter? |
03-31-2005, 03:28 PM
#1 (permalink)
| Jobberknoll
Join Date: Dec 2004 Location: sssh... don't tell it's here!
Posts: 4,283
| Wizcat's EEFFD - Sa9+
OK, this is my first one... I enjoyed writing it. so I hope you also njoy reading it... watch out with lovepotions
It all started on the day Ginny fell in love with Zymurgy. The first strange thing happened during divination. Ginny was talking with Colin Creevey when they heard something scary. It was Trelawney. She was staring around the way Luna did and she whispered. Wrong love will lead to silence and to a sudden length.. Someone will mess up.. It’ll all happen when someone switches apple juice with beer on the Oktoberfest Professor Trelawney looked around. ‘what happened?’ she asked in her fake mysterious tone. Ginny giggled. She was still laughing when she walked through the corridors. She was still laughing when she was doing Snape’s pile of homework in the library. And she suddenly stopped laughing when she saw a cute boy. She accidentally dropped her book on his foot.
‘hey, watch out!’ the boy called out.
‘O, I’m sorry’ Ginny said softly. ‘my name’s ginny weasley’ She looked at the boys, with his almost evil eyes and his gentle manners.
‘my name’s zymurgy’ he said. ‘nice to meet you’
And from that moment Ginny couldn’think about anything else. But every time she saw him in the corridors he ignored her. Then she heard Snape talk about love potions during potions class. She decided that’d be a good way to get Zymurgy’s love.
Ginny looked into the library and found a book with a love potion in it. It were all basic ingredients except for one: one of the ingredients was apple juice and Ginny had no idea how to get that. She went to the kitchens but the house-elves told her they didn’t have any apple juice. But at that moment Winky appeared with a barrel full of beer,she’d just returned from the Oktoberfest. Ginny saw it and thought it was apple juice. ‘thanks winky’ she said and she walked out. The next problem was where she’d make it. The only place she could think of wass the potions classroom but if Snape discovered…
She went to a house-elve and told him Snape wanted a hair stylist. ‘you could come tomorrow after lunch to his classroom.’ She told him ‘he’s free at that time. And o, before I forget, Snape’s always moody after lunch and he might tell you he doesn’t want his hair styled. But he does, and it’d really cheer him up if you did so. And he’d be very grateful. So don’t forget, tomorrow, after lunch, OK?
She ran out the kitchen and didn’t see Hermione who’d been doing SPEW work in the kitchens. She hadn’t said a word so the house-elves hadn’t seen her and was now investigating how much work they were doing. And then she suddenly heard Ginny instruct a house-elve. Ginny’d been complaining a lot about potions lately and Hermione knew Ginny had potions tommorow after lunch. Ginny was abusing the house-elves! Hermione was so shocked she couldn’t talk all day. ‘is there something wrong, Hermione?’ Ginny asked during dinner, but how could Hermione answer? She was so angry at Ginny. And then a plan started forming in her head.
The next morning hermione was up very early and went to the kitchens. She made sure the few house-elves that were in didn’t notice her. One of the elves was humming and packing a bag with scissors and all oily things for your hair. When the house-elf looked away she grabbed the scissors and changed them with a pair she’d taken out of ginny’s bag, which clearly said ‘weasley’ on the grip. Then she left.
In transfiguration she worked with ron and she suddenly realised Snape’d think it was ron’s joke. And with ron, harry too, of course, and with harry HER! She felt bad about what she’d done. At lunch she couldn’t say a word. She couldn’t tell Ginny what she’d done, because she felt too guilty. And even if she wouldn’t feel that way it’d be impossible. Ginny didn’t turn up all lunch either, because she was too busy collecting basic ingredients. Then hermione decided there was only one thing she could do. She’d have to warn the house-elf. She’d wait in the corridor heading to the potions classroom and warn the house-elf. Unfortunately, everything went different.
Hermione waited in the corridor for hours but the house-elf didn’t turn up. Then she realised house-elves could apparate on some way even in places like hogwarts. She walked to the door of the potions classroom and listened.
‘I told you I didn’t want my hair styled, now get out!’
‘but sir…’
‘no!’ she heard snape scream. ‘get out! Look at this! There’s hardly anyone working! This is a class! Get all back to you work, immediateliy!’
‘I’ll give you some help.’ The next moment hermione saw the door opening and she just had time enough to jump behind it and see Snape walking past pulling a house-elf. She didn’t hesitate when she saw the bag standing at the desk and sneaked in. she got the scissors out of the bag and at the same moment Snape walked in again. Hermione jumped to the wall and pushed flat against it, happy the uniforms were black.
She got down to the back of the class and saw how Snape opened the back and looked in it. Then she saw him look up. One horrible moment he looked in her direction. Then he looked past her and snapped: ‘get back to work you all…’
Hermione sneaked past the wall and into the back of the classroom. She saw how Ginny filled a vial with some purple potion she didn’t recognise. Then Ginny weasley went to the back to empty her cauldron and at the same moment Colin Creevey turned around to put a drooble’s best blowing gum on ginny’s table. He didn’t see the vial because at that moment Ginny slipped it in her bag and put an empty vial at her desk. She opened it and wanted to pour out of her cauldron. ‘o, no’ she said. ‘I think I put my potion away without filling my vial… could you give me some of yours colin? I’ll put some extra spider eggs through it and it’ll be different. Hermione saw immediately there was one thing creevey’s potion really needed… spider’s egg. Ginny’d be able to pretend she just made a perfect potion.
‘Quickly, Snape!’ Creevey whispered about a minute later and ginny quickly started putting her vial back at her table and she quickly put a bottle with some yellow liguid away. Hermione saw the gum still lying there and for some reason she grabbed it and put it in her mouth. This was something between her and Ginny.
Unfortunately, Snape looked at the dark corner she was standing… A bit too long… ‘what are you doing here, miss granger?’ he asked.
‘no..no..nothing’ hermione wanted to stammer, but unfortunately the droobles’s had been lying in a drop of lovepotion without applejuice. On that way anything could fell in love with anything. And this time. Hermione’s voice fell in love with a piece of drooble’s and hermione found she couldn’t say anything.
‘I asked you something, miss Granger’ Snape said and if you’ve ever talked to a drooble’s, they’re very rude. So the drooble’s was saying with hermione’s voice: ‘I asked you something with miss granger?’
‘what is this?’ hermione wanted to cry out loud, but the only thing she could do was move her jaws.
‘yes, a little bit more on that place over there, yeah, lovely!’ the bubblegum called out. ‘no, not over there!’
‘what’s wrong with you?’ Snape asked angrily. He didn’t like being imitated.
‘what’s wrong with you?’ the bubblegum asked.
Ginny was laughing so hard she swung her arm around and hit hermione in the face, who fell back on the floor so that all the breath got pushed out of her lungs and that the bubblegum flew up and fell down on the floor.
‘no, that’s the wrong spot!’ it called out. Snape looked at the gum and realised what was going on. He grabbed the gum and holding it away from his face as far as possible he grabbed a bottle with some liquid from a shelve and put the gum in it.
At that moment the bell rang. ‘this whole class will write an essay about why you can’t eat in a potions classroom. 30 inches at least!’ he called out angrily. And then he turned to hermione. ‘in my office, miss granger.’
Hermione followed Snape, wondering what she could say, untill she realised she couldn’t say anything at all.
‘You may not be able to talk’ Snape said as soon as they were in his office. ‘I assume you can still nod and shake your head?’
Hermione nodded anxiously.
‘so you thought you could eat in the potions classroom, with as result a talking bubblegum?’ Snape asked.
Hermione nodded, glad for ginny that she couldn’t talk, because she’d probably have had something slip about her or creevey.
‘and had your being in the class anything to do with that house-elf?’
hermione nodded. She could always say she’d slipped in when he left with the house-elf. Or, no, she couldn’t, she couldn’t talk.
‘did you send that house-elf?’ Snape asked
Hermione shook her head.
‘but you know who did it?’
hermione waited a while before she decided to shake her head.
‘are you sure?’
hermione nodded
‘so it weren’t your little friends misters potter and weasley?’ Snape asked
Hermione shook her head
‘then could you tell me whose scissors these are?’ he slowly got out a pair of scissors. Hermione felt the scissors burning in her pocket.
‘would you please empty your pockets, miss granger?’ snape demanded
slowly hermione emptied her pockets and got out her wand, a quill, a bag of fred and george’s candy and a pair of scissors saying severuse snape….
‘ah, wouldn’t that be mine?’ Snape asked.
Hermione stared at snape.
‘so. You and your friends decided to make a little joke and you realised you’d left weasley’s scissors in the elf’s bag. And you decided you’d get them back, didn’t you?’
hermione shook her head.
‘whose idea was it?’ snape said, ignoring her shaking. ‘potter’s?’
hermione kept shaking.
hermione couldn’t do anything else than shaking her head. It had been a weasley, but he’d tell it’d been ron…
‘was it yours?’ hermione could tell snape was surprised.
Hermione decided to nod. It’d been her after all who’d put the scissors in the bag.
‘and you did this all by yourself?’
hermione nodded.
‘then why did you use weasley’s scissors?’
hermione was glad she couldn’t reply.
‘And then you thought: mission accomplished, I deserve some gum.’
Hermione shook her head. Snape ignored it.
At that moment hermione heard a short knock on the door and the next moment Ginny Weasley walked in. ‘professor..’ she stammered. ‘it was me.’
‘I don’t see how.’ Snape said. ‘these could be your scissors, but then they were still in miss Granger’s pocket.’
‘I don’t know either. I have no idea what she was doing in potions class, but the house-elf was my idea. Unfortunately, the only thing he had were kitchen scissors so I borrowed him mine. And then I realised my scissors said weasley. So when you were gone I grabbed them and put them on my desk. And later I realised anyone could see them lying there and I put them in my pocket. But I guess I accidentally put them in hermione’s…’
Hermione stared at Ginny.
Snape nodded slowly. Hermione was afraid he was going to say something like: ‘of course… then what was miss Granger doing over there?’ but instead he said: ‘I’ll make sure you both get expelled. And miss Granger. I’ll make sure you can speak before that and explain me what you were doing over there. You two wait here. I’m going to get professor mcGonagall!’
After a while the two of them were back. Mcgonagall looking furious. ‘I am very disappointed!’ she started. ‘miss Granger, what were you doing over there? Miss Weasley do you think those things are funny?’ After what seemed like an hour professor mcgonagall decided: ‘I’m giving you both detention. And I’m taking 50 points off for both of you!’ Then they left. They still heard Snape and mcGonagall discuss wether they should be expelled or not.
Hermione was surprised at Ginny. Especially when Ginny got in the common room and asked: ‘Harry, could I borrow your cloak?’ She looked at Ginny and wondered what she was going to do.
That night Ginny went out. She realised she had to make surethey wouldn’t be expelled. She searched his office and found a box with very dry biscuits. Then she carefully dropped some love potion on it. In the dark she couldn’t see that the love potion that should be pink had turned from purple to blue…
The next morning Flitwick and Snape both had an hour off and Snape noticed Flitwick walking through the corridor. He remembered he still needed to ask him something about a stirring spell and asked him in. They drank pumpkin juice with dry biscuits and talked about students. Snape got his chance and asked professor Flitwick something about Ginny. ‘she has the talents of the twin, really.’ Flitwick told him and Snape slowly nodded with a smile. ‘she knows perfectly well how to get herself into trouble, but if you could call that a talent…’ he said. Flitwick felt funny after three biscuits and told Snape he was going to class again. Snape studied the gum and came to the conclusion that it was definitely not a potion there was made in his class spilled on the gum. It had to be a love potion or one of the strongest poisons there was. And after a bit more of studying Snape realised it was a love potion. ‘hhm. Now which of the two made it?’ he mumbled. ‘I’m sure miss Granger wouldn’t make a love potion…’
‘erm..’ he heard from the doorway. It was Zymurgy. ‘sorry to interrupt you, professor, but I left my book over here yesterday. Did you find it?’
‘what are you talking about?’ Snape asked absent-mindedly. ‘o, yes’ he said and opened a drawer. ‘why are you always forgetting everything?’ he asked.
‘I’m sorry professor’ Zymurgy said, but he wasn’t sorry at all. He’d heard Ginny’d been in trouble and now he’d heard enough. He smiled and left, making a plan.
Flitwick didn’t feel better all day. He was so dizzy when he was walking to his office he didn’t see the slytherin opening a secret passageway heading to hogsmeade. The next morning he stepped out of bed with the wrong leg. It was way too long. He stared at his body and the few students that weren’t awake yet were woken up by a happy scream of him that could be heard in the whole castle. Nobody ever found out what’d happened to him, but unfortunately he shrank back to his old size in a week time.
Snape found a way to cure Hermione’s silence in a week time, but by then hermione was so used to not talking she wouldn’t open her mouth.
One night Ginny was kidnapped by zymrugy and was blindfolded and taken to an empty classroom. Zymurgy’d lit it with patio lights and candles and he’d put red tablecloths over a few desks. In the middle of it was a plate full of hearth-shaped cookies. They sat down at the table and looked at each other happily. ‘you first’ he whispered to Ginny.
She guggled and grabbed a cookie. She took a little bite of it and another, while Zymurgy told her how much he liked her…. And then turned into a red pigeon for a second.
Zymurgy smiled evily. ‘just kidding!’
this is the dare:
*Flitwick mysteriously wakes up tall (explain how)
* Trelawny makes another (real) prophecy. Make it up.
* Ginny risks expulsion by brewing a love potion to use for her own gain.
* Hermione can't speak for the whole fic, but must be a main character.
* Make plausible use of the following: Zymurgy, Oktoberfest, patio lanterns, talking bubblegum, Snape's hair stylist, apple juice.
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04-13-2005, 11:04 PM
#2 (permalink)
| Jobberknoll
Join Date: Dec 2004 Location: sssh... don't tell it's here!
Posts: 4,283
here's my 'official' one.
Amaris Chaos' (FIRST) Dare:
* Someone must set the Slytherin common room on fire
* Someone must develop ESP
* The plot must rotate around a large roll of duct tape
* Someone must say: "If quiters never win, and winners never quit..then who was the fool who first said 'quit while you are ahead'?"
* Elvis (that's right!) must make a cameo appearance
*And finally someone must say: "What's your sign? Is it "Yield"? Huh, huh, huh."
Due Date: April 13, 2005 Ducktape- where the magic begins
‘Unbelievable!’ Fred Shouted as he pointed at a parchment hanging on the notice board in the entrance hall. ‘Umbridge… Umbridge has replaced Dumbledore?’
He stared at George with a shocked expression. Everywhere around them people were looking shocked, some were even sobbing. But all the sobs and whispers disappeared abruptly when the sound of laughter filled the entrance halls. All people in the hall turned their head to look at the twins disgusted.
‘shut up, you filthy slytherins.’ Someone whispered. Fred and George ignored the first year whispering that, well, it had to be a first year. Anybody else’d know they were gryffindors.
Fred and George tried to stop laughing, but only because Umbridge was walking through the hall. With a smile on her face she watched the students reading the notice. Some of them turned to give her a filthy look. Fred and George hurried to her.
‘O, we just wanted to congratulate you on your appointment.’ George said.
‘Well, that’s very nice of you.’ Umbridge said awkardly. She was clearly wondering what the twin was up to.
‘It was only logical you got the job, of course.’ Fred said. ‘the person who did this has to be very intelligent.’
‘wasn’t it Umbridge who did that, Fred?’ George informed.
Fred looked at him as though he was surprised. ‘really?’ he asked, then they quickly walked into the great hall and to the gryffindor table. Soon they were sniggering. Some people looked at them disturbed, others only curious, but most didn’t notice. Everyone was concentrating on their whispers.
‘You know what I heard.’ They heard somewhere ‘Dumbledore nearly killed Fudge!’
‘Well, that’s a huge lie.’ Somebody else said. ‘Dumbledore’d never do that!’
‘well, how can you know?’
Fred and George sat down at a corner of the Gryffindor with a concerningly low amount of whispers. They looked in the faces of other DA members, all wondering the same. Was it their fault Dumbledore’d been replaced?
‘O, come on.’ Hermione said. ‘It’d have happened anyway. They’ve been planning this since the beginning of the year.’
But even though they all had to agree with her, they still felt sort of guilty. Fred and George looked at eache other. ‘well, what do you say?’ George asked.
‘Well,’ Fred answered. ‘I think we should definitely help Umbridge keep the order.’
‘And I think we should definitely use out last invention!’ George said.
‘Yes’ Fred said. ‘I’m sure she’d be us very… gratefull.’
Before anyone could ask them what they were up to, Fred and George’d grabbed some toast and walked out, disappearing in the first secret passageway they could find. They hurried to the gryffindor tower and quickly got some boxes out of their trunks.
‘O, no. we’re late.’ Fred said.
‘O, but it’s just Umbridge we’re missing.’ George answered.
‘still…’ Fred said. ‘she might suspect something.’
They dropped their boxes behind one of their favorite statues and hurried to defence against the dark arts. Somehow they got in just before Umbridge closed the door.
‘Good morning, class.’ She said happily. And to make it even worse: ‘isn’t it a great day?’
‘No it isn’t’ some people mumbled. Others simply ignored her and stared out the window. Fred and George nodded and said.
‘Of course. Today’s going to be a great day!’ They looked at each other and grinned.
‘so we just need to sellotape this.’ Fred said in the break. ‘and then it’s perfect.’
‘but spellotape won’t last that long.’ George protested. ‘I’ve got a better idea. It’s called duck tape.’ He got out a roll of black tape and just tore a piece of it when they heard some slytherin coming. They turned and noticed Montage standing in front of them.
‘are you having some fillibuster’s?’ he asked. ‘You know that’s forbidden in the school. Let’s see. That’s erm… 100 poin…’ at that moment Fred and George grabbed him by his shoulders and pushed him through a door. They didn’t notice how he accidentally kicked a roll of sellotape into the space first. When they’d finally closed the door they looked at each other. ‘where’s he gone to?’ George asked ‘this was the vanishing cabinet, wasn’t it?’
‘yes it is. Well, he must be gone for a while!’
‘and so is the spellotape.’ Fred said. ‘now what? Should we use that stuff? I mean, it’ll definitely last shorter than spellotape.’
They looked at their fireworks. Their fireworks didn’t need spellotape to work, but they wanted to make one big arrow by sticking a few together.
At that moment Luna appeared. Fred and George quickly put the boxes behind their backs. Somehow this passageway seemed to be crowded today.
‘hey guys.’ Luna sang. ‘could I see that black ring?’
Fred and George looked at each other astonished. Fred’d put the duck tape in his box, she couldn’t see it.
‘black ring?’ Fred asked.
‘O, sorry, I thought I’d seen you with a black ring, must be wrong though. Well, good luck with your fireworks, don’t worry I won’t tell.’
‘but we don’t have fireworks!’ George protested
Luna stared at them. ‘but you were just showing me that box, I mean, if you don’t want to tell me, you shouldn’t show me.’
‘no we weren’t!’ Fred said. ‘you must’ve imagined it.’
Luna walked away flabbergasted and Fred and George turned back to their boxes. When they’d finally ducktaped the arrows together they quickly headed to the entrance hall. Somewhere in the middle of it they noticed their brother and his friends.
‘we’d better warn them.’ George thought ‘or we wouldn’t be the only ones getting into trouble.’
‘Draco’s just taken about 50 points off gryffindor.’ Harry said, pointing at the hour-glass.
‘All those Slytherins are doing so.’ George said. ‘Montague tried it with us. We ‘accidentally’ pushed him into the vanishing cabinet on the first floor.’
‘what?’ Hermione asked. ‘I mean, do you want to get expelled? Umbridge’d love to have a reason to do that, you know! And you must never quit when you’re right in front of getting soemthing. Just a few months and you have your NEWTS!’
‘so what?’ Fred asked. ‘We don’t care about school any more, you know. We’d love to go. We’re just staying untill Umbridge expells us. And in that time we might as well make some mayhem!’
‘O, by the way.’ George said. ‘You’d better go to the Great hall, unless you want to get expelled too.’ He looked meaningfull at Hermione. ‘so nobody can blame you.’
They waited behind a statue untill the entrance hall was as good as empty. They put their hogwarts cloaks on and pulled their pointed hats as far over their ears as possible, so nobody’d notice their red hairs. Then they walked to the middle of the entrance hall, opened their boxes and whispered something. Then they ran as hard as they could and turned around to look at what was happening. All boxes exploded at once and filled the whole entrance whale with shrieks, bangs and lighning. It was suddenly very silent in the great hall. Fred and George knew it’d only take seconds for the first students to get out the great hall to see the fireworks, so they hurried into a corridor and dived into a secret passage.
‘WHAT IS GOING ON?’ They heard. It was Filch. ‘WHAT IS GOING ON? WHO DID THIS?’ His voice got lost in the talk and laugh of students pointing at flying dragons and..
‘wow, what’s that?’ they heard.
‘looks scary… would that be grindelwal?’
‘No, duh, that’s a muggle singer, elvis presley.’
‘you’re kidding’
They heard a song of elvis presley fill the corridors. It was one of their masterpieces. A colour-changing, translucent Elvis Presley flying through the corridors singing his songs.
‘well, Hermione wasn’t right.’ Fred said. ‘Don’t quit while you’re ahead, or things like this wouldn’t happen.’
‘what?’ Lee Jordan asked, stepping in. ‘Quit while you’re ahead? Never mind, I personally like the spinning ones best.’ He said. ‘but they’re all genius.’
‘o, you should check out what happens when Umbridge tries to make them disappear!’ George said.
‘yeah, maybe I will.’ Lee said. ‘This fireworks is amazing!’ and he left again.
Fred and George listened with their ear against the tapestry to Filch screaming: ‘I’LL PERSONALLY HUNT DOWN WHOEVER DID THIS AND MAKE SURE HE GETS EXPELLED!’ Fred was sure he heard professor McGonagall whispering to professor Flitwick while walking past: ‘O, what a disaster… Maybe we should get professor Umbridge, shouldn’t we? I’m sure we couldn’t stop this without her help. well,yes, if we wanted to, but… Wow, did you see that one?’
‘This is great!’ George whispered. ‘I can’t wait untill Umbridge finally turns up!’
‘hem hem’ they suddenly heard behind them . They looked at each other and turned pale. Slowly they looked around.
‘Impressive.’ Ginny said, and she giggled the way Umbridge did. It was scary. If it wasn’t Ginny they saw and her voice they heard, they’d swear it was Umbridge.
‘so is your cough.’ George admitted.
‘Yeah, we nearly thought we were busted…’ Fred added.
‘Did you hear professor mcGonagall and professor Flitwick?’ Ginny asked. She now was leaning against the wall and they could see there was someone behind her.
‘Yeah, I believe they’ll be unable to make any of those arrows disappear.’ Fred said.
‘I wonder what side professor Snape is on.’ Luna said. ‘I wonder what he’d do if there happened something with slytherin. If one of those arrows hit draco in his face or set someone on fire.’
‘our fireworks’d never set something on fire.’ Fred said.
‘exactly’ said george. ‘they’re as safe as Fillibusters and a lot less.. boring.’
‘wow, did you see that one?’ Ginny called out. ‘Let’s go Luna, gotta check this out!’
By that time Umbridge turned up. When she tried to stun a rocket it exploded.
‘It works exactly the way we wanted it to do!’ Fred laughed.
‘It’s genius’ Harry said, as he entered trough a tapestry. ‘can it do anything else?’
‘If you try to vanish them they multiply by ten!’ George sniggered.
‘Wow!’ Harry said. ‘this is genious’ and he left too, heading to class and underwhile watching the firework.
The rest of the day Umbridge spent walking around from class to class helping the professors getting rid of the fireworks. Fred and George were sure by now professor mcGonagall’d really said what they’d heard her saying. Every time a rocket managed to get into the classroom, she asked someone to get professor Umbridge and so did the other professors. By the end of the day, Umbridge was looking very tired.
‘O, Professor!’ Fred said. ‘could you show us how to get rid of this firework?’
Umbridge looked as though she could kill him and then said:
‘If I ever find out it was you, Weasley, you’d wish you were expelled.’
‘who, me?’ George asked. ‘I wouldn’t dare making fireworks go of in the entrance hall!’
‘You’d better not, Weasley!’ Umbridge said, but then she had to run after a rocket.
‘O, we wouldn’t dare quitting.’ Fred said ‘Quitters never win!’
‘And winners never quit!’ George said.
Again, Lee just came walking to them while they were talking about quitters and again, he said. ‘what? O, never mind. They’re incredible! Did she suspect you?’
‘She had no idea, of course.’ George said.
‘Or, no’ Fred said. ‘I think she had an idea.’
‘Yeah’ said George. ‘she accused us of thinking it was funny! How dare we!’
Together, they headed to potions. Snape was being as usual.
‘close the door’ he snapped at everyone walking in. ‘we don’t want any explosions, do we?’ Therefore, potions class was as boring as usual. Fred and George discussed wether they should do something to shake everybody in potions awake, but they decided they’d better focus on Umbridge.
As they were walking back to the entrance hall they noticed a huge rocket flying over their heads. When they looked better, they realised it was the ducktape rocket. They turned around and ran after it. It was going much too fast and in a while they could just see the rocket disappear when they passed a corner. They were getting tired and had nearly lost it when they saw something strange. Something very strange… A wall was on fire. And even better, Malfoy was running through the wall, coughing.
‘Wow, we found the slytherin common room!’ Fred whispered.
‘Finally’ George whispered back. ‘But let’s get out of here before anyone sees us.’
‘yeah,’ fred whispered. ‘we might enjoy getting on Umbridge’s bad side. I think Luna was right about snape…’ then they both realised luna was even loonier than she looked.
By dinner the whole school’d heard about the fire in the slytherin common room. It wasn’t as big as they usually were, because there were also the rockets. But everyone’d heard about it. Nobody, except for a few slytherins,two gryffindors and perhaps one ravenclaw knew it’d been firework.
‘I swear’ they heard some hufflepuff whisper. ‘It were the same people who made the fireworks. It was all an anti-slytherin action.’
Fred and George looked at each other and tried not to burst out in laughing. They waited until they were in the common room and then burst out in laughing. Of course, no gryffindor had any doubt it’d been their fireworks and now they all wanted to buy some.
‘You can put your name on the delivery list and then we’ll make sure you get some the time we have our stock refilled.’ Said george
‘But only if you promise to use them on Umbridge.’ Fred joked.
After that they had no time to plan any more jokes. They were busy refilling their stocks and taking care of their future shop on diagon alley. They still needed to sign some papers and other things. Most people suddenly had a bag full of dungbombs and fillibuster’s and everyone was laughing. They’d say it was on some joke, but secretly it was about Umbridge. Many people were looking happy and carefree, even though it slowly disappeared as the exams got closer. There were only two persons who didn’t seem happy, Harry and Luna. They knew what was bothering Luna, of course. And it became even more obvious when Ginny told them how Luna’d fallen asleep in the wood-classroom during divination and afterwards had a talk with Firenze which seemed to make her very emotional. Fred and George looked at each other, thinking Luna’d had a talk about seeing.
‘well, how can she act weird, she is weird, isn’t she?’ George asked.
‘O, of course she is not.’ Ginny answered. ‘she’s just…different’
‘Yeah, very different’ Fred agreed.
‘And Harry’s acting weird too.’ Ginny said. ‘and I asked him… could you do him a favour? Could you make sure he can talk to padfoot?’
‘that’s an easy one.’ Said Fred. He and George jumped up and walked to harry, telling him their plan.
A few days later they were finishing their last joke. This one’d be great. And they’d be getting even more requests than with the fireworks.
‘No, don’t put Ducktape in it!’ Fred said. ‘You don’t want to set anything on fire again, do you?’
‘as long as it’s something Umbridge likes..’
‘What were you going to ducktape anyway?’
‘well,’ George said ‘look at this..’
Fred’s eyes turned into little lights. ‘and then that.. it’s perfect! No Umbridge who’d be able to move that! We should put it in all of them!’
After their last classes they went to and empty corridor and opened a little box. They got out four marble-like stones and put them in the four corners of the corridor. The moment they put the last one on the floor it suddenly turned muddy and wet.
Fred and George looked at each other. ‘o, no, the ducktape!’ fred suddenly said, and he ran in the swamp. Just after three steps he got stuck. ‘George!’ he called. ‘you go, and don’t step over there.’ George went in the direction Fred’d pointed and saw how Fred managed to get out of it. Then he got stuck and pointed Fred where to go. Fred pulled him out, got stuck and pointed where to go. Then they saw the wonderfull black tape lying in the mud. They both reached for it and then George said. ‘o, why didn’t we accio it?!’
They got out of the swamp without problems, because they knew the way by now, and one second they didn’t recognise the toad standing in front of them. Then they realised it was Umbridge.
‘Mister Weasley, Mister Weasley.’ She said. ‘what on earth were you doing?’
‘Just getting our ducktape out of the swamp.’ George said. ‘and o yeah, I forgot, I mean our swamp.’ Then he and Fred simply walked past her with a grin, heading to the Great hall.
In the entrance hall Umbridge jumped in front of them and said. ‘and now you two stay here and listen to me.’ She looked angry, but at the same time as though it was her birthday. It was scary and strange…
‘so, you thought it was funny to make a swamp in that corridor?’ Umbridge asked.
‘Yes,’ said Fred, ‘actually, we do. We enjoy it that much we’re starting our own joke shop on diagon alley, weasley wizarding wheezes.’
‘O, but you’re still on school and if you thought that was funny, you should agree with me punishment is funny too. Now, you two are going to set an example’
‘O, you think so?’ George said. ‘I don’t think we’re still in school. Not for long anyway. I think we’re finished.’
‘me too.’ Fred said. Then they accioed their brooms, which came flying out of a corridor with chains hanging on them. They mounted them and flied away, Peeves waving at them. All students were laughing or whispering. Except for a few.
Luna was saying:’I knew it..’ and then turned even paler than she’d been before.
Lee was staring in front of him and said loudly and confused. ‘If quiters never win, and winners never quit..then who was the fool who first said 'quit while you are ahead?’
And Ginny was grinning and whispered at Umbridge’s back ‘what’s your sign, is it yield, huh huh?’
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04-15-2005, 07:50 PM
#3 (permalink)
| Potterwatch! Momma Chizpurfle
Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Yarn Shop
Posts: 10,253
| Viva Buymoria! Love you Twin!
Certainly is evil. Welcome, officially, to the Evil Elite! Your blood-oath papers are in the mail.
You are missing a few capitals and didn't start new paragraphs (with spaces) with dialogue, but a few cracks of the Evil Elite whip and that'll change. :hack:
No go. Dare. Be evil.
__________________ |
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04-15-2005, 10:17 PM
#4 (permalink)
|  MLE Werewolf
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 65,730
Hogwarts RPG Name: Tahir Kovac Khatri First Year | Ama!Nabs IS NAMED MINHO & Is SO Black Panther Right Now
Good...I agree there are some minor errors but good. Welcome! Good job.
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04-18-2005, 03:12 PM
#5 (permalink)
| Jobberknoll
Join Date: Dec 2004 Location: sssh... don't tell it's here!
Posts: 4,283
yippee! now I'm officially evil. but don't complain about those capitals, that's because I'm evil (it's a good excuse, isn't it?) but yeah, maybe that's a bit too evil... |
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06-28-2005, 09:06 AM
#6 (permalink)
| Jobberknoll
Join Date: Dec 2004 Location: sssh... don't tell it's here!
Posts: 4,283
| a hero in smelly sandals 2
‘It was so weird!’ Luna said, sitting down at the ravenclaw table for lunch. She noticed Flora was sitting at the gryffindor table, between ron and harry. Ginny sat down opposite to them and was telling something. Luna was quite sure she knew what it was. ‘he just came in 4 times! And in the end professor Malfoy was furious. And she waved her wand and then she said. ‘and that, children, is the curse I wanted to tell you about.’
‘what curse?’ asked Marietta anxious. ‘not anything serious, was it?’
‘well, just a burping curse.’ Luna said. ‘so now, every time he opens his mouth, he burps.’ She noticed some yellow powder around ginny’s head. She blinked, because it looked a lot like the sand of time, and quickly concentrated on her lunch.
‘well,’ Cho said. ‘I wonder what happened.. perhaps Snape brew a love potion, so he’d fall in love with professor Malfoy. Now that you-know-who’s back..’
‘Snape?’ Padma asked nervous. ‘I should have dropped potions after all…’
Luna wasn’t so sure about this, but perhaps she’d better not tell. She just nodded and noticed the cloud of yellow powder was still hanging over ginny’s head, but now there was a lot more of it on the same space. It looked as though it’d soon burst and all the powder would fill the great hall. As if it was a ticking bomb of time. Luna was quite sure it was Flora. And she didn’t like it at all. A timebomb… she had to get out of here. She opened a book and flipped some pages. ‘Oh, I have to look something up. See you!’ she said, and jumped up. She quickly walked to the entrance hall, looking at the cloud. But then she fell… ‘what is it?’ Draco malfoy said. ‘O, sorry, was that somebody? O, I’m so sorry, that was my foot…’ The moment Luna got up, she heard a sound as though a sudden gust of wind blew through the great hall. Yellow powder everywhere. Luna held her sleeve in front of her mouth and started running. Other people were coughing, everybody was coughing… She pulled out her wand and opened her mouth to do the bubble-head charm, but the moment she was going to say the spell, she felt something itchy in her throat and started coughing too. But slowly, everybody stopped coughing. ‘I’m dizzy’ she heard draco say.
‘yes, and I have a headache.’ Said grabbe.
‘whimps!’ Pansy Parkinson said. ‘what was that stuff?’
Luna lowered her wand and finally walked out. She glanced over her shoulder. Great, that was about the whole school in there. The next moment Ginny walked out, together with Colin. ‘what, Lego? Aren’t that those muggle stones to build things with? Could you borrow me your set?’
‘All right, I’ll send an owl home.’ Said Colin and they climbed the marble stairs. ‘No idea what you want with them though.’
The next walking out were Harry, Hermione, Ron and Flora. She was looking pale and was holding her hands in front of her face, probably to hide tears. Harry and Ron were giggly and whispered things to each other.
Luna realised people were doing odd, but she wasn’t really sure. Boys were a mystery to her.
The next morning an owl came down to the gryffindor table with a package for Colin. He opened it and noticed a boc full of coloured stones and rolled his eyes. ‘they’re so dumb… it’s a waste of time.’Luna heard him saying, when she walked across the table to ask Harry something about the DA. ‘But you know what I’ve heard?’ he looked at harry. ‘They say Malfoy had a whole box of them at home.’ He and harry giggled.
‘erm.. harry?’ Luna asked. ‘I was wondering, is there still going to be a DA?’
‘What?’ Harry asked. ‘I don’t know. We might need to, with Malfoy…’ He and ron looked at each other and burst out in laughter. Luna rolled her eyes.
‘Boys’ she said. And she turned around, looking at the lego stones for a last time. She heard ron whisper. ‘She likes you, Harry.’ And another giggle. She clutched her fists in her pockets and walked to the ravenclaw table as quick as possible. Her feelings about Harry were messed up. The way he was behaving right now… But usually he was nice… She did like him… Or didn’t she. At the ravenclaw table, Marietta was opening a box with Lego stones. ‘they’re for muggle studies.’ She told ‘muggle boys always play with them. No idea what boys want them for, the only thing they do is gossip, but still..’ she got out two red stones and put them on each other and pulled them off. ‘aren’t they cool?’ she asked. Luna grabbed some other stones and started making a wall, nodding.
The rest of the day it was rainy and most people inside during break, playing with Ginny’s and Marietta’s lego stones. Soon the whole school was addicted to lego tiles. One day, Ginny, Luna, Hermione and Flora were lying on the floor in a corner of the library. Ron and Harry’d disappeared behind a bookcase the moment they’d seen Luna. Luna’d just made a park with some trees and flowers and Ginny’d made a car.
‘O, let’s go for a walk in the park.’ The lego man said to the other one.
‘yes,ok.’ Luna said in a squeely tone to ginny.
‘First, we must pay the tarking picket.’ Said ginny. As their lego dolls stopped in front of a square block of stones ‘or what was it?’
‘parking ticket.’ Said hermione, looking up, pale.
‘what is it?’ Luna asked hermione, who was staring at her. But then she realised Hermione was looking over her shoulder. She got up her lefo doll, which was wearing a reflecting upperbody and looked at it. Somebody was standing behind her. It could be anybody, in the black clothes he was wearing. But Luna had a feeling. She put her doll back to the floor and started looking for a lego tile in the box with her one hand, putting her other hand in her pocket. She pulled out her wand and turned. And she’d been right. Those red eyes, those spidery hands… and Narcissa was standing behind him. ‘expelliarmus!’ she yelled. He hadn’t even noticed her. She, Flora and Ginny had been on one side, with his back to him, and Hermione on the other. And he was still looking at her with those eyes. And hermione had probably been too scared to move or say something. His wand made a strange movement, as if somebody pulled at the end, but it didn’t fall out of his hand. He turned to her. ‘where is he?’ he asked.
‘who?’ Luna said.
‘where is the boy?’
Luna looked around, he was talking about harry, she realised. ‘the boy? Half of this school are boys.’ She said.
You-know-who raised his wand. ‘I have other ways to get things out of you. Crucio’
Luna’s eyes filled with tears. She’d never had so much pain in her life, never… was she going to die or…? ‘now, where is he?’ you-know-who asked.
Luna tried to speak. ‘that… you have no idea how much that hurts.’ She said, giving Flora a clue. If she was right, Flora could do something about that.
‘where is he?’
‘I don’t know. He left when I came in. thinks I like him.’ She rolled her eyes. Perhaps he wouldn’t notice Flora making powder flow out of her fingers. Perhaps flora didn’t realise…
‘and you do?’
‘no.’ said Luna, deliberately a lot too fast.
‘you’re a bad liar.’
Or a good truth teller, luna thought. ‘but…’ she protested
‘in what direction did he leave? Don’t make me use my wand again!’
‘erm..’ said luna. ‘I think he left in that direction.’ She pointed at the direction where harry’d really gone and quickly made a movement that looked like shrugging.
‘liar.’ Said you-know-who and he left in the other direction. Narcissa kept standing where she was, her wand pointing at them. ‘perhaps another crucio…’
‘wait.’ Said hermione softly. ‘I know where they went!’
You-know-who returned, but not before Luna could glance over her shoulder and see a yellow cloud. The next moment, the cloud burst open and she held her breath.
‘what…’ You-know-who said. And narcissa screamed. The next moment they started coughing.
‘I made them realise how bad it is to be the victim.’ Flora said. ‘But now I can’t use my powers for a long, long time.’ They looked at you-know-who and narcissa, who were both sobbing on each other’s shoulders.
At that moment Dumbledore came striding into their corner. He was frightening. Definitely mad. ‘HOW dare you?’ he asked Narcissa. ‘It’s good they warned me. How dare you use a love potion on me? How…’ he looked at the crying Narcissa and You-know-who.
‘I’ve always said, tom, that one day you’d wish you’d never done those things.’ He said. ‘isn’t this worse than death?’
You-know-who nodded. ‘I’m never going to use dark magic, ever again!’ he sobbed. ‘I’ve heard about those tibetan monks… they’re buddhists. I’m going to try to live just as they do!’
‘I’ll make sure you do.’ Said Dumbledore, his eyes were twinkling. ‘o, by any chance, miss Herbus, were you born at the end of july?’
‘no, 1st of august.’ Flora said.
Dumbledore nodded ‘yes, indeed, I thought so already. Now, tom. You follow me.’ He was scary again. ‘o, wait, give me your wand first!’ He pointed his wand at narcissa, binding her with magical ropes and then took you-know-who by the hand and strode out. Harry and Ron finally appeared from behind their bookcase. They’d stopped whispering, finally. Luna got up. She didn’t feel like lego-ing anymore. The others didn’t either, they got up and grabbed their bags, still stunned from what’d happened.
‘wow, is that lego?’ ron called out, and he and ron fell down on the floor. The girls looked at each other and birst out in the girliest laughter they knew.
evlpez's dare:
*Dumbledore, in love with a professor, makes a fool of himself.
*Voldemort renounces Dark Magic and discovers Buddhism
*A walking, talking plant is sorted into Gryffindor, becomes The Trio's new best friend
*All the boys squeal and gossip a lot and the girls become obsessed with lego.
*The following things must appear or be mentioned: a walk in the park, a parking ticket, a ticking time bomb, the sands of time, smelly sandals.
Due Date: June 28th
Ok, I guess this story's a bit too evil too. but the evil deadline was out to get me, and so was the help-I-have-no-idea syndrom
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06-28-2005, 09:07 AM
#7 (permalink)
| Jobberknoll
Join Date: Dec 2004 Location: sssh... don't tell it's here!
Posts: 4,283
| a hero in smelly sandals 1
‘What?’ Ginny Weasley groaned as she entered the great hall. ‘what’s that… what is she doing here?’ she looked at the staff table. ‘please… please… she can’t be the new dada teacher…’
‘Isn’t that Mrs Malfoy?’ Luna asked.
Ginny nodded. ‘that’s Draco’s mother.’ She looked at mrs Malfoy again. ‘what was Dumbledore thinking? honestly, everybody knows the Malfoys are death eaters!’
‘I’m sure he has his reasons.’ Luna muttered. ‘perhaps she’s all right…’
‘O, of course she’s all right,’ Ginny said sarcastically. ‘yes, she might be a bit… bloody… but I mean, look at her son… he’s fantastic, isn’t he?’
Luna said down at the ravenclaw table as Ginny headed to the gryffindor table and sat down next to padma patil, who was talking to Cho Chang and Marietta Edgecombe. ‘I mean, what would Malfoy’s mother learn us?’ she asked. She turned around to see who’d sat down next to her. ‘oh, hi luna’ she said coldly. ‘It’s that Dumbledore knows what he’s doing, but…’
‘oh, is he?’ Cho said. ‘I know he’s a powerfull wizard.. but… wouldn’t it be possible they put the imperius curse on him?’
‘no’ said Luna and Marietta at exactly the same moment. ‘You haven’t seen him, when he convinced them the DA’d been his idea.’ Marietta explained. ‘Nobody’d even try to put it on him.’
Cho looked as though she wanted to say something, but at that moment the doors opened and a line of first years appeared, all looking as thought they’d love to run out and hide behind the first couch they could find. One of the girls looked rather green, as if she was sick, luna thought. The sorting hat started his song, and she forgot about sick first years. When the hat was finished, professor McGonagall got out a list and called out names. Luna cheered to welcome ‘fruitfly, Pierre’ and next came ‘Herbus, Flora!’
Apparently luna wasn’t the only one noticing she was looking a bit odd. ‘is that green hair?’ she heard Cho whisper. ‘it must be a slytherin..’ but to their surprise, flora was sorted into gryffindor. After the feast, Luna jumped up. She remembered she had to bring the first-years to the common room, as a prefect. ‘first years!’ she said softly ‘follow me!’
Padma rolled her eyes. ‘Oh, let me take care of that, you have to raise your voice, you know. I’ll show you: First years!’ she called ‘Ov…’ the rest of it was muffled in a laughter. ‘Oh, what are you wearing?’ she asked luna, pointing at her feet.
‘sandals’ luna mumbled. ‘I’ve had them for our expedition. They were really useful. And they didn’t get half as smelly as other shoes’ she didn’t mention they got smelly too. She jumped on the bench and waved at the first years. But just then, Ginny and Colin passed. Ginny looked at luna. ‘I’ll do it.’ She said. ‘All first years follow Luna!’ she shouted, and at once, all of them turned and stared at her. ‘well, thanks.’ Luna said, nervously, looking at flora herbus, who was following ginny and suddenly noticed how weird her skin was. She gulped, because she realised flora was a plant. ‘You know what I’ve heard?’ Cho suddenly whispered, walking away with Marietta. ‘that dumbledore’s in love with that professor Malfoy!’
Luna made sure all first years’d noticed her andheaded to the common room, wondering if this was true.
‘How was your holiday, Luna?’ Ginny asked, when they were standing in a corner of the courtyard. Ron, Hermione, Harry and Neville noticed them and came too.
‘O, it was great.’ Luna said. ‘We couldn’t catch any of those crumpled-horned snorcacks, but we’ve had some pictures about them. And a very important discovery.’
‘what?’ hermione asked.
‘they guard the sands of time.’ Luna said. ‘there must be a crumple-horned snorcack in one of the rooms in the department of ministry.’
Hermione gulped. ‘the sands of time?’ she asked. ‘and you have evidence, other than eye witnesses?’
‘yes, we have.’ Luna said. She wondered why hermione seemed to believe her. The sand of time was one of those things nobody believed in. ‘there’s…’ but at that moment, some first years interrupted them by running past loudly. First came Flora, looking frightened, then some other first years, yelling things at her. Without thinking, hermione grabbed ron by the wrist and stepped between them. ‘what are you doing?’ she asked. Flora looked at her toes. The other first years looked at hermione with their nose in the air. ‘none of your bussiness.’ One of them said.
‘Oh, is it?’ Hermione asked. ‘I don’t think you know, but me and ron –ron was just looking in the other direction, at Ginny, who skipped to dean thomas- are prefects. And we could put you in detention for bullying!’ Ron quickly looked in another direction, because hermione poked him. And he noticed Flora was barefoot. ‘You stole her shoes, didn’t you?’ he asked.
Two of the first-years blushed. But one just said ‘it was really easy, she was just asking for it! I mean, she was sitting there with her shoes of, wetting her feet! And it is our bussiness too! She was doing it yesterday at the feast and it was gross!’
‘I’m sure she has a reason to do that!’ Hermione said, looking at Flora’s green skin. ‘Now, you three. If I hear any more of this. And I will, I have ways, you know’ she touched her wand threateningly ‘I will make sure you three get detention. And not just lines.’ The three first-years stammered ‘sorry’ and ran away.
‘wow, you were scary.’ Harry said to hermione.
‘I have to wet my feet.’ Flora explained at the same moment. ‘I’m… I’m a plant.’
Luna looked at her sandals and at Flora’s feet. ‘we’ve got the same size, I think’ she said. ‘You could borrow my sandals. You don’t need to take them out to wet your feet.’ She got them out and changed shoes with Flora, who was muttering thanks over and over.
‘I wonder if they knew how it feels.’ Luna said, ‘being bullied. It’s mean.’
Flora smiled. ‘but of course!’ she said, and she made a movement with her hands. Flora muttered something and a strange powder came out of her fingers, into the air, while she pointed at the direction where the first years’d disappeared. ‘that’s it.’ She said. ‘no more bullying of those.’
At that moment the bell rang, and Luna headed to DaDa, but noticing some people were laughing at the three first years who’d bullied Flora…
‘Sit down, please.’ Narcissa Malfoy said coldly. She watched the class while they got out their new Dada book, a study of the dark arts and whispered. When they’d all sat down, she waved at the door with her wand and with a bang, closed it. Suddenly, all the whispers stopped, and the class years looked at her. It was hard to say if they were curious or scared.
‘Professor Dumbledore has asked me to teach you DaDa, because I know much about the dark arts.’ She said. ‘and as you may know, or know not,because you might not be clever enough’ she narrowed her eyes and looked at Ginny, who was drawing hearts on her parchment. ‘Now, who knows any curses?’ At that moment, the door opened.
‘O, hello professor Dumbledore.’ Narcissa Malfoy looked at the door opening disturbed. ‘Is anything wrong?’
‘No, nothing, I just came to check everything was all right, Narcissa.’ Luna remembered what Cho’d told Marietta and giggled. She wasn’t the only one, and soon everybody knew, according to the amount of whispers and laughs.
‘well, yes, professor’ Narcissa Malfoy said, politely, but Luna noticed she rolled her eyes.
‘All right, that’s good’ Dumbledore said and he left again.
‘Ok, what were I saying?’ said Narcissa. ‘O, that was is. Could anybody tell me a curse?’
Just five minutes later, the door opened again.
‘I was wondering if you needed any help.’ Said professor Dumbledore. This time, some people laughed loudly. And the others would’ve done, if they didn’t respect dumbledore so much.
‘No, I don’t! Just like the other ten times you came to ask!’ Narcissa said, definitely annoyed.
‘O, all right.’ Said Dumbledore. ‘But are you sure…?’
‘There’s one thing you could help me with!’ Narcissa said, ‘By not disturbing my class!’
By this time, most people were laughing loud and clear. And the other few tried to stop laughing, but couldn’t.
‘I’ve heard some people telling this.’ Ginny said, taking a deep breath ‘But I couldn’t believe it was true, untill now!’
Dumbledore looked at the class stunned. Luna suddenly wondered why she thought this was funny, as Dumbledore turned again and left, staring at the ground.
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07-05-2005, 02:00 AM
#8 (permalink)
| Quintaped
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 59,974
Hogwarts RPG Name: Robert Allyn Winchester First Year | Runs With Vampires
Good Dare! keep up the good work!
athousandpieces on Tumblr : TPer for Life! : DFTBA |
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07-15-2005, 03:27 PM
#9 (permalink)
| Jobberknoll
Join Date: Dec 2004 Location: sssh... don't tell it's here!
Posts: 4,283
hehe, thanks |
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