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| Finished EEFD's Finished Evil Elite Fan Fiction Dares are housed in their own vault. Dare ye enter? |
02-04-2009, 01:49 PM
#1 (permalink)
| Swedish Short-Snout
Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: In Your Dreams
Posts: 31,312
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alex Black First Year | Linda's EEFFD From a Mostly Slytherin Point of View Sa13+ SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady Note: I actually wrote up all seven challenges that were on the page, and will list them in order from the newest one to the oldest, with my suggested list for the next challenge at the bottom of this one! This was fun!
It was a beautiful, clear autumn day at Hogwarts, and everyone was excited because it was the first quidditch game of the year. But it was more than just the first game, it was Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, and no ordinary match at that. No, in this game there would be professors playing and representing their former houses with students running the match.
There had never been a game like this that anyone could remember, and to top it all off, all the players would be flying magic carpets rather than brooms. No one knew exactly what the reason was, except that it was rumored that Severus Snape was scared to death of flying on a broomstick and this was the only way he would agree to play the game. Professor Snape was needed in order to ensure that Slytherin had enough players on the team, so carpets it was.
The game commenced, with Luna Lovegood doing commentary for the match and, surprisingly, Hermione Granger acting as the referree. Since it was a known fact that Hermione didn't care much for the game of quidditch, everyone figured she must have been blackmailed or bribed into doing it somehow, probably by either Harry or, more likely, Ron.
It was exciting to see the professors soaring across the pitch on their carpets. Even Horace Slughorn was there, looking just a bit uncomfortable but still putting up a valiant effort as the Slytherin beater. His only actual problem came about when he hit the bludger with such force that crystallized pineapple rained onto the field, some students even swore they saw a vial of felix felicis fly out of his robes.
It seemed the star of the game, though, was on the Gryffindor side in Minerva McGonagall, the Gryffindor seeker. One would swear she was able to spot the snitch with catlike ability, that is, until Slytherin seeker Sybill Trelawney began to use her abilities as a seer to anticipate exactly where the snitch would appear next. Thanks to her keen perception Slytherin won the game, taking home the much coveted honorary Hogwarts Quidditch Alumni Carpet Cup. Suggested items for a challenge -
Daphne Greengrass must be a main character
The setting must be on the grounds by the whomping willow
These words must be included - avocado, starfish, mannequin, knit
A pineapple cream pie must be smashed into someone's face
Someone will reveal a secret crush
Last edited by Slytherin Fox; 02-04-2009 at 02:00 PM.
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02-04-2009, 02:08 PM
#2 (permalink)
| Swedish Short-Snout
Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: In Your Dreams
Posts: 31,312
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alex Black First Year | Linda's EEFFD From a Mostly Slytherin Point of View - Sa9+ SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
Pansy Parkinson appeared at the Yule Ball, once again wearing a gown of pink. She was looking for one person only, and that person was Draco Malfoy. "Oh Drackey Poo, come dance with me," she called out as she approached the Slytherin table.
Pansy gazed towards a completely disinterested Draco. "Well, if you won't dance with me, at least take a little bitty bite of this," she urged, pushing a dessert towards the boy. "My mother taught me to make it. It's a boysenberry shortcake. Try it, it's one of the most delicious things you can imagtine." Pansy smacked her lips, but didn't mention the fact that the topping on the shortcake was actually a muggle concoction known as cool whip.
Draco took a bite. "Ummm, you're right, Pans, this really is good!, he agreed enthusiastically. "The only thing I might suggest is that you put a walnut on top. I love walnuts, you know!"
"I'll be sure to remember that," Pansy promised.
Suddenly the sound of traditional Irish music filled the Great Hall and to everyone's surprise, Hagrid stood up and began to do a River Dance style performance, tap dancing with surprising precision.
The sound of applause filled the room as the performance ended. "Thank you," Hagrid said sincerely. "I had the chance to learn these moves from Michael Flatley himself."
Pansy and Draco sneered and jeered this announcement, but Pansy's attention was quickly diverted when the most handsome boy she had ever seen, even more handsome than Draco walked into the Great Hall. This boy had a perfect face and curly, dark brown hair, and Pansy heard someone whisper, "That's Nick Jonas!"
"Who?" Pansy asked loudly, then began to make her way towards the Gryffindor house table, where Nick was heading.
Pansy wanted to scream out loud as he walked directly to that disgusting pig, Lavender Brown, and began to sing the sweetest lullaby she had ever heard directly into Lavender's ear.
Just then Pansy remembered hearing something and an inspiration took hold. If what she had heard was correct, she knew who Lavender was really interested in!
"Look, it's the caped crusader!", Pansy suddenly shrieked and, sure enough, Lavender took off faster than a speeding bullet. Now she could have Nick's attention all to herself!
"Women," Draco pouted.
Last edited by Slytherin Fox; 02-04-2009 at 06:25 PM.
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02-04-2009, 02:14 PM
#3 (permalink)
| Swedish Short-Snout
Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: In Your Dreams
Posts: 31,312
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alex Black First Year | SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
Draco Malfoy adjusted his costume carefully as he entered the Great Hall. He looked even more stunning than usual, dressed as Little Lord Faunteroy, complete with bowtie and short pants. He let out a groan as his stalker, Pansy Parkinson, ran up to confront him before he could even take a seat.
"Oh, Drackey Poo, I brought you some ice cream!", she gushed. "A special flavor, too, mashed potatoes and gravy!"
Draco looked at the offering and was unable to resist. "Perhaps I'll just take a dollop," he said, helping himself to a generous scoop of the gooey mess. "Gosh, Pans, this is really delicious!"
Just then Draco's attention was drawn to the Gryffindor table, where that horrible mudblood Hermione Granger was raising her voice towards her weaselly boyfriend Ron. "But Spiderman is my favorite character! You need to change your costume now!", she urged. Ron put up a fight but finally left the Great Hall, only to emerge moments later clad in the familiar red and black outfit. The things some boys wouldn't do to get a girl to shut up!, Draco thought.
The evening was nearly over when Headmaster Dumbledore walked into the Great Hall, showing off a pair of magenta and lime green argyle socks. "Aren't these stunning?", he asked the crowd. "I would like you all to know that Miss Hermione Granger is selling them at only one galleon a pair. The proceeds benefit house elves of the world."
Even more reason not to buy them, Draco thought with a shiver. This was one Halloween he would definitely forget.
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02-04-2009, 02:26 PM
#4 (permalink)
| Swedish Short-Snout
Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: In Your Dreams
Posts: 31,312
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alex Black First Year | SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
It was early and Hermione was having a bad hair day. "How am I going to squish all this down in order to look presentable?" she asked Luna Lovegood in despair.
"Try taking a toot on this," Luna said, holding out a strange, golden colored flower with a distinct trumpet shape on the end.
"What's wrong?", Hermione asked Luna. "You seem more subdued than usual."
"Oh, it's just that Neville's psycho ex-girlfriend is coming back to Hogwarts," Luna sighed. "I just found out this morning and I don't know what to do. I guess you could say that I'm in a real pickle!"
Just then, a brightly colored ladybug flew into the room. "Don't worry, Luna, I love you and I want to marry you," the tiny creature chirped, then fluttered towards Hermione. "Oh hi! I'm Phil." Phil then turned his attention back to Luna. "I reallly do want to marry you, Luna, and as soon as possible!", he sang out.
"Well, call me crazy, but I want to marry you too!" Luna laughed.
Hermione thought Luna had really lost her mind this time, and decided to go and have a talk with Neville.
As Neville listened to the story, you could see jealousy forming in his eyes. "She's actually going to marry this Phil?", Neville exclaimed. "I always thought she cared about me, and vice versa. How could she do this to me?"
"It's probably because your old girlfriend is coming back to Hogwarts, I would imagine," Hermione said honestly.
"Oh, her," Neville sighed. "Luna doesn't have to worry, she's completely nuts."
"Whatever," Hermione said, wondering whether Neville was referring to his ex-girlfriend or to Luna herself.
Just then Harry burst into the room wearing, of all things, a short, frilly hot pink dress with puffed sleeves.
"Harry! What is going on?", Hermione exclaimed at the sight. Harry looked quite ridiculous. "That's not a good color for you!"
"I'm afraid I lost a dare with Ron," Harry grumbled. "I never should have made that stupid bet to begin with."
"What bet?", asked Hermione, then could only stare again as Pansy Parkinson, of all people, strolled into the room and began to loudly sing "Material Girl" by Madonna. Quote:
Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me
I think theyre o.k.
If they dont give me proper credit
I just walk away
They can beg and they can plead
But they cant see the light, thats right
cause the boy with the cold hard cash
Is always mister right, cause we are
Living in a material world
And I am a material girl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl
Some boys romance, some boys slow dance
Thats all right with me
If they cant raise my interest then i
Have to let them be
Some boys try and some boys lie but
I dont let them play
Only boys who save their pennies
Make my rainy day, cause they are
Living in a material world [material]
Living in a material world
Boys may come and boys may go
And thats all right you see
Experience has made me rich
And now theyre after me, cause everybodys
A material, a material, a material, a material world
Living in a material world [material]
Living in a material world
(repeat and fade)
"I've had quite enough", Hermione pronounced. "Come on, Neville, it's time for us to prevent a wedding."
Last edited by Slytherin Fox; 02-04-2009 at 06:27 PM.
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02-04-2009, 02:33 PM
#5 (permalink)
| Swedish Short-Snout
Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: In Your Dreams
Posts: 31,312
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alex Black First Year | SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
JK Rowling was shocked to wake up one morning and find herself in Hogwarts, actually in Hogwarts itself! "This can't be happening", she said out loud. "Hogwarts exists only in my head."
As if to defy her, a group of Gryffindor students came through and stopped in front of her. Suddenly they chorused, "Jo! It's time for the quidditch game! Come down to the pitch with us and help us root!"
"Well I might as well enjoy this dream," JK thought to herself. "And how do these students know my name is Jo?" She followed the group out to the pitch.
To her delight, Luna Lovegood, the real Luna Lovegood, was doing the commentary for the match, but things weren't going so well for Gryffindor today. They ended up losing the match against Slytherin, thanks mainly to numerous mistakes and misses by keeper Ron Weasley.
To make matters worse, at the end of the match Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle trooped onto the pitch and loudly sang the following song - Quote:
Weasley cannot save a thing,
He cannot block a single ring,
That's why Slytherins all sing:
Weasley is our King.
Weasley was born in a bin
He always lets the Quaffle in
Weasley will make sure we win
Weasley is our King.
Weasley is our King,
Weasley is our King,
He always lets the Quaffle in
Weasley is our King.
JK anticipated that Ron would lose his temper but to her surprise, it was Hermione who came out raining fury everywhere, shouting and screaming at the dimwitted pair.
Just then Professor Snape himself appeared, loudly shouting at Hermione, "It's detention for you!", and leading her off the pitch.
JK wanted to witness the unlikely spectacle of Hermione Granger in detention, but was unfortunately, just then she woke up.
"So it really was a dream after all", she thought, nestling deeper under the covers.
Last edited by Slytherin Fox; 02-04-2009 at 06:28 PM.
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02-04-2009, 02:39 PM
#6 (permalink)
| Swedish Short-Snout
Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: In Your Dreams
Posts: 31,312
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alex Black First Year | SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
The Yule Ball was in full swing. This year instead of the Weird Sisters, the staff had managed to procure some muggle band called the Rolling Stones, and they weren't half bad. The music they played was mostly fast and rocking, but then the lead singer, a man by the name of Mick Jagger, made an announcement. "It's time for the spotlight dance. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Ron Weasley and Miss Luna Lovegood."
The music grew softer as the band began to play a song about some girl named Angie. As the spotlight came up, Ron and Luna began to dance together. They actually made quite a nice couple until their dance was interrupted by the unexpected appearance of a honeybee! "I'm allergic!", Ron squealed, quickly jumping away.
Thinking fast, Luna was able to charm the bee away from Ron by using a piece of spam as bait, and Ron breathed a sigh of relief.
Just then a beautiful woman with long blonde hair entered the Great Hall. "It's Heidi Klum!" Draco Malfoy exclaimed. "Heidi, I would like to devote myself to your service. I would love to design outfits for you, my clothes are more fashionable than Chanel. Why, just look at what I can put together with crazy glue!" He gestured towards the hot pink dress Pansy Parkinson was wearing.
"That looks splendid!", gushed Heidi, and the two of them walked off together.
Last edited by Slytherin Fox; 02-04-2009 at 06:30 PM.
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02-04-2009, 02:48 PM
#7 (permalink)
| Swedish Short-Snout
Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: In Your Dreams
Posts: 31,312
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alex Black First Year | SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
Neville Longbottom was excited to be attending a dinner party at the Weasley's house. He was feeling hungry and knew that his favorite dish, pudding, was going to be served.
Neville's heart raced with excitement as he saw both cinnamon and powdered sugar on the table, both perfect accompaniments to pudding.
As the beautiful, perfectly shaped pudding was placed on the table Neville just couldn't resist any longer. He suddenly stood up and began to belt out the song "I Feel Pretty" from the muggle musical West Side Story. Quote:
I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and gay
And I pity
Any girl who isn't me today
I feel charming
Oh so charming
It's alarming how charming I feel
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I'm real
See the pretty girl in that mirror there?
Who can that attractive girl be?
Such a pretty face
Such a pretty dress
Such a pretty smile
Such a pretty me!
I feel stunning
And entrancing
Feel like running
And dancing for joy
For I'm loved
By a pretty wonderful boy
"Don't be a nitwit!", Hermione hissed. "You're embarrassing me!"
"Did I do a blunder?", Neville asked, a look of shame on his face. "It's just that I love pudding so much. Sorry!"
"It's all right, Neville," Ron and Harry spoke in unison. "We love pudding, too, it's the best!"
Suddenly, all the boys at the table joined in the chorus of the song. Quote:
Have you met my good friend Maria
The craziest girl on the block?
You'll know her the minute you see her
She's the one who is in an advanced state of shock
She thinks she's in love
She thinks she's in Spain
She isn't in love
She's merely insane
It must be the heat
Or some rare disease
Or too much to eat
Or maybe it's fleas
Keep away from her
Send for Chino
This is not the Maria we know
Modest and pure
Polite and refined
Well-bred and mature
And out of her mind!
Miss America, Miss America, speech!
Miss America, bravo, speech!
It was then time for Neville to sing by himself again - Quote:
I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
That the city should give me its key
A committee
Should be organized to honour me
I feel dizzy
I feel sunny
I feel fizzy and funny and fine
And so pretty
Miss America can just resign
See the pretty girl in that mirror there
(What mirror, where?)
Who can that attractive girl be?
(Which, what, where, whom?)
Such a pretty face
Such a pretty dress
Such a pretty smile
Such a pretty me!
Neville was joined once again by everyone, including Hermione, Ginny, and the other girls who were there. Quote:
I feel stunning
And entrancing
Feel like running and dancing for joy
For I'm loved
By a pretty wonderful boy
"That was amazing," the group agreed. "We simply have to gather for pudding more often, who cares about the rest of the meal?"
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05-13-2009, 05:47 AM
#8 (permalink)
| Swedish Short-Snout
Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: In Your Dreams
Posts: 31,312
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alex Black First Year | SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
The most exciting time of the year was here, the time the house elves loved best in all the world - Christmas time! This year, there was an even more special magic in the air. Even the house elves felt happier and more at ease since Voldemort had lost to Harry Potter.
To celebrate the occasion the house elves were having a huge Christmas party which was mainly for them, but there were a few exceptions. At the very center of the party was none other than Luna Lovegood, who had been invited by her close friend Winky. Butterbeer was flowing everywhere, and no one there was feeling any pain.
Speaking of Winky, things were getting a lot better for her these days, too. She had been unhappy for so long it seemed that she would never smile again, first at losing her beloved master, Barty Crouch Jr., and then losing her best friend, Dobby, as well. It was heartbreaking to look at her until she and the crotchety old house elf, Kreacher, discovered that they had more things in common than might meet the eye. Now they had fallen in love, and the two of them would spend many hours happily huddled together by the fire. It was good to see a smile on both their faces, and the butterbeer only served to keep it there a bit longer tonight, or so it seemed.
"Great party," Luna called out to Winky, who was taking a break from Kreacher's side for just a moment to freshen up. "I'm so looking forward to being your bridesmaid at your upcoming wedding."
Winky beamed. "It will be the happiest day of Winky's life," she declared. "Winky be even happy than today!" With those words she poured another mug of butterbeer and ran back to Kreacher's side, but not before wishing Luna a merry Christmas and giving her a hug. Suggested elements for a challenge -
A hoedown
Buttered corn on the cob
Narcissa will sing "Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood
Voldemort and Bellatrix will dance the two step together
Lucius will yodel |
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07-20-2009, 09:50 PM
#9 (permalink)
| Swedish Short-Snout
Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: In Your Dreams
Posts: 31,312
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alex Black First Year | SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady Quote:
1. It has to be a Slugclub party
2. Gwenog Jones is the guest of honor
3. Luna is Neville's date
4. Ron sings "Girls just want yo have fun"
5. The party must end in a food fight!
Neville Longbottom was so excited to finally be invited to a Slug Club meeting. It was true that he wasn’t an official member of the illustrious club yet, but at least he was being a chance. The only problem was – who would be a suitable date for this grand affair? Neville finally decided that the only person he could possibly take was Luna. She was the smartest and most interesting girl he knew and he had a feeling that Professor Slughorn found her fascinating.
Ron Weasley was excited about the meeting, too, because Hermione had finally agreed to let him attend as her guest. Ron had given up hopes of ever joining his friends Harry and Hermione as a member of the exclusive club, but now at least he would be able to say he had been at one of the meetings. Finally! And there was still a chance that he could impress Professor Slughorn, if only he could get him to remember his last name. Which was weird in itself, since Ron’s sister Ginny was a member of the Slug Club and he certainly remembered HER name!
As the party got underway, the guests became excited as it was revealed that the guest of honor was none other than Gwenog Jones, the celebrated captain of the Holyhead Harpies. Ginny felt like her heart was going to burst as she went to speak with Gwenog and instantly struck up a rapport with her. Soon they were making plans to spend an evening listening to the sounds of the Weird Sisters and relaxing with a few butterbeers. Ginny was in a world of her own after this point, ignoring even Harry, and spent the rest of the evening sitting near Gwenog and dreaming of the day she, too, would play for the Harpies.
As Ron looked at his younger sister, a look of disgust began to cross his face. It was so clear that she was playing up to Gwenog just to try and get on the team. Not that he blamed her, of course, but why was he always the one who was left out of things?
Suddenly, Ron reached a decision to try and make his sister and her newfound friend look as ridiculous as possible. He stood up and spontaneously announced, “I would like to dedicate a song to my sister.” He then began to loudly sing “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” by Cyndi Lauper, making sure he was completely out of tune in his rendition – Quote:
I come home in the morning light
My mother says when you gonna live your life right
Oh mother dear we're not the fortunate ones
And girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have fun
The phone rings in the middle of the night
My father yells what you gonna do with your life
Oh daddy dear you know you're still number one
But girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have
That's all they really want
Some fun
When the working day is done
Girls - they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have fun
Some boys take a beautiful girl
And hide her away from the rest of the world
I want to be the one to walk in the sun
Oh girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have
That's all they really want
Some fun
When the working day is done
Girls - they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have fun,
They want to have fun,
They want to have fun...
“Join in, Harry!”, he encouraged. Harry knew better, however, and only gave Ron a look which said “cool it”, for which Ginny was no doubt grateful.
“Stop embarrassing me!”, she told her brother, picking up a strawberry and throwing it at Ron.
“Oh, you want to play dirty, do you?”, Ron responded, hurling a nice scoop of chocolate pudding back at Ginny.
It wasn’t long before everyone at the party was throwing some bit of food at everyone else in attendance. Even Gwenog herself was involved, hurling bits of fruit, cheese and meat at the other guests as if they were bludgers. There wasn’t a single person who wasn’t covered with food, literally dripping with it. Even Professor Slughorn himself was unable to avoid the line of fire.
Everyone agreed afterwards that this was the best Slug Club meeting ever.
Now, here are my 5 elements for a new challenge (heehee!) –
1. One of the key characters must be a pink octopus named Seymour.
2. Harry, under the influence of a love potion, will swear his undying love for Pansy Parkinson.
3. Draco will challenge Harry to a duel, where the loser must consume a giant pickle.
4. Professor Snape will show up and unexpectedly sing “Best of Both Worlds” by Hannah Montana.
5. Butterscotch sundaes will be eaten by all.
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08-18-2009, 06:50 PM
#10 (permalink)
| Swedish Short-Snout
Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: In Your Dreams
Posts: 31,312
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alex Black First Year | SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
Cormac McLaggen was never happy to be on the sidelines during a quidditch game, but the recent ankle injury he had suffered was forcing him to sit today’s match against Hufflepuff out. At least he was allowed to be the announcer, so it wasn’t like he wasn’t part of the game at all. He was supposed to be out there playing keeper, and Gryffindor was short of players, so Hermione Granger had volunteered.
No one had ever remembered seeing Hermione on a broom before. All they remembered was that she was the first girl to volunteer to answer questions in the classroom – any classroom. But she had been there at every single quidditch game Gryffindor had played for the last six seasons, always rooting for her team, so she must surely know something. Cormac had personally chosen her as his replacement, hoping that she would be delighted and show a little interest in him. Instead, she had expressed reluctance before finally agreeing. Maybe she was just being modest.
The game was an exciting one and Cormac did a good job announcing, really bringing enthusiasm to his descriptions of the action. Gryffindor was ahead by only 20 points when the impossible happened. Ron Weasley, flying as chaser, suddenly began to slow down, and those close to the action noticed his face start to turn green. Just a few moments later he flew by where Cormac was sitting, nearly falling off his broom as he did so, and vomited all over the unsuspecting announcer.
Instead of being sympathetic, Cormac was furious. “Why you….!”, he started, but Ron had already disappeared, feeling a little better since losing his lunch.
With just seconds left in the game a fight suddenly broke out between Ron and Hermione. “What are you doing out here anyway? HE asked you to be here today, didn’t he?”, Ron shouted, pointed towards Cormac.
“I’m only doing it for the team, you lout!”, Hermione insisted.
Both sides were distracted by the noise and began to take sides, some with Ron and some with Hermione. Things got so wild that the crowd got into it, and soon no one cared which side won the game.
Later, in the Gryffindor locker room, Harry asked the question. “Did we win?”
“Yes, don’t you remember catching the snitch at the end?”, Ron asked.
“I do kind of, but it was a little hard because of everyone being right there fighting where the snitch was,” he remarked. “It was a good thing everyone was so distracted, that’s probably why we won.”
“Well, maybe we should use that same tactic next time,” Ron remarked smartly.
“Don’t even think about it!”, Hermione glowered.
Elements for next challenge -
1. The event is the opening feast.
2. The sorting hat will sing a love song to Luna.
3. Hermione and Draco will share a butterscotch sundae.
4. The bluebird of happiness will fly up Snape’s nose.
5. There will be a spitball contest.
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03-14-2010, 07:42 PM
#11 (permalink)
| Swedish Short-Snout
Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: In Your Dreams
Posts: 31,312
Hogwarts RPG Name: Alex Black First Year | SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
The students of Hogwarts dashed to the Great Hall in confusion, they had no idea why an emergency meeting of the entire school had just been called. They were bustling into the hall, singularly and in groups. Already the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, was standing in front of the assembled group, stroking his unusually long gray beard as if in deep thought. But what was strangest of all about the sight was the fact that the sorting hat was there with him, sitting on a stool next to the headmaster. It was the middle of the term and there were never sortings except at the very beginning of the school year.
Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Attention, all students," he began. "You have all been brought here for a very special reason today. As you know, there have been only four houses of Hogwarts through the years, but we recently have had reason to believe that there should indeed be a fifth house, and that house should be called Fluffybuttons. Because of this we have decided to resort all of you today and see where you might truly fit."
"What? Fluffybuttons? Ron snorted. "This is quite ludicrous."
"Sssh," hissed Hermione. "We have to go along with whatever they are doing, you know the rules."
One by one, the students filed up to be sorted, some ending up in the new Fluffybuttons house, of course. When Draco Malfoy sauntered up, a smirk on his face, it was evident that he had complete confidence that he would be sorted back into Gryffindor once again. No one had ever seen such an expression of shock when the hat shouted "Fluffybuttons!"
Draco jumped up, outraged. "I will destroy that stupid hat!", he fumed.
"Careful, Draco," Professor Snape urged. "The sorting hat has made this decision for a reason. The sorting hat is never wrong." One couldn't help but note that there was a curious expression on Snape's face as well, almost as if he were enjoying Draco's discomfort.
"Fine, but father will deal with this," Draco promised, taking his seat at the new table with a mutter.
Harry Potter walked up nervously to have the hat placed on his head, anxious over his prior experience with the hat. Unlike Draco, he feared that the hat would once again insist that he be placed in Slytherin, but it gave a different answer this time.
"Fluffybuttons!", the hat said unconditionally.
Fluffybuttons? This was almost as bad as being put into Slytherin, since Malfoy had already been put in the same house. Harry knew better than to argue at this moment, Draco had already done a good job of that, but he would come and speak to the headmaster about this later. He knew that Dumbledore's door was always open for him. With a slight grumble under his breath, he went and took a seat at the Fluffybuttons table, eyeing Malfoy uncertainly as he did so. This was going to be so hard, the sorting ceremony had finished and Harry would be here without his two best friends. Ron and Hermione had both been resorted into Gryffindor.
Suddenly, every students' attention was directed to the front of the room once again as Professor Snape began to groan and make noises as if he were in pain. He seemed to be growing larger in front of their every eyes, and suddenly began to shift into a form no one had ever seen him take before. Within moments Snape had taken the shape of a giant squid, and went squirming off towards the area of the lake.
"This house is cursed," Draco hissed.
As if to fortify Draco's words, a loud sound was heard. It sounded like thuds hitting the outside wall of the school, lots of things hitting, as if there were small bombs coming from somewhere. "Excuse me a moment," Headmaster Dumbledore said.
A few moments later the headmaster returned and made another disturbing announcement. "It appears that turtles are attacking the school and are now dive bombing outside the building. Students are ordered not to go outside and you can be assured that the staff will be dealing with the situation and keeping you all updated."
"First Snape becomes a squid and now we're being attacked by turtles," a girl who Harry didn't know mused. "What else is going to happen today?"
That question was answered quickly as the most curious sight of all, even more curious than the sight of Snape turning into a giant squid, entered the Great Hall. It appeared to be a giant caramel, butterscotch, chocolate and raspberry sundae, and it was floating across the room effortlesslessly, dripping some of its topping as it moved. The tables had been set up alphabetically, and Fluffybuttons was immediately next to Gryffindor, so Harry could still see his good friends, at least. He rolled his eyes at Ron and Hermione, this was the craziest day ever.
Just then the sundae stopped its aimless wandering and turned towards where Harry was sitting. It began to fall from the sky, landing immediately between the Fluffybuttons and Gryffindor tables. All of the students at both tables were splashed with syrup, some of them were completely covered in a combination of ice cream, whipped cream, nuts and various syrups. Unfortunately, one of those students was Draco Malfoy.
"This is the most disgusting mess I have ever seen! Father will have a fit!", he complained as all the other students laughed.
It was at that moment the strangest thing of all happened. Hermione suddenly looked towards Draco and said the words no one ever expected to hear her say. "Draco Malfoy, I love you," she said very clearly and unmistakably. "I've always loved you, I've just never been able to tell you until today. Now that you are in Fluffybuttons we can share our love and be together."
"Disgusting," Ron muttered, directing his comment to Harry.
My elements for a new challenge -
1. Hermione, Pansy, Lavender and Luna all make the Hogwarts cheerleading team.
2. Hagrid gifts each student with a singing flobberworm.
3. Neville invents a new type of peanut butter.
4. Pink balloons will fill the halls of Hogwarts.
5. Harry and Pansy will dance the tango together.
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