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| Every Flavour Bean Collection This sweet stash of flavours is where you can indulge in a wide array of completed SS100, SS50, SS25, and EEFD challenges. |

09-20-2006, 10:15 PM
| | Stefani's 50 On the Not-So-Sweet Flower, Pansy- Sa13+ 1. Accio 2. Avada Kedavra 3. Braking Charm 4. Blasting Curse 5. Colloportus 6. Crucio 7. Confundus 8. Diffindo 9. Disapparate 10. Engorgio 11. Expecto Patronum 12. Furnunculus 13. Flagrate 14. Horn Tongue 15. Hurling Hex
16. Impedimenta 17. Imperio 18. Incarcerous 19. Jelly Legs 20. Knitting Charm 21. Langlock 22. Legilimens 23. Levicorpus 24. Lumos 25. Mobilicorpus 26. Morsmordre 27. Muffliato 28. Nox 29. Obliviate 30. Oppugno 31. Orchideous 32. Petrificus Totalus 33. Point Me 34. Protego 35. Quietus 36. Reducto 37. Relashio 38. Rictusempra 39. Sectumsempra 40. Sonorus 41. Scourgify 42. Silencio 43. SpeRevelio 44. Stupefy 45. Tarantallegra 46. Tergeo
47. Twitchy Ears Hex48. Unbreakable Vow 49. Wingardium Leviosa 50. Waddiwasi
#50- Waddiwasi Bewitched Entry
Pansy clung to Draco’s side, and opened her mouth to speak when she was rudely interrupted by Professor Lupin.
“ Waddiwasi!”
The piece of gum Peeves had lodged into the keyhole came shooting out and then lodged itself into Peeves’ nose.
Pansy rolled her eyes and continued. “So what did your father tell you about the Weasley family?”
Draco smirked the smirk that Pansy loved and said, “He said that the Weasleys were so desperate to win the prize money that that Muggle-loving fool bewitched the entry for the Daily Prophet Grand Galleon Draw.”
Pansy’s eyes widened. “ Really?” |
09-27-2006, 01:04 AM
#26 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #7- Confundus Draco's Director Dramione=OTP A Little Mixed Up
“What’s up with those two?” asked Pansy, talking a seat beside Draco.
“I don’t know. They’ll have eaten too many pastries, I expect,” he replied, looking where Crabbe and Goyle had just left for the hospital wing.
“They acted as if somebody’s performed the confundus charm on them. I heard from Tracey, who heard from Millicent, who heard from Blaise, who heard from Daphne, that they asked a Ravenclaw where our common room was… I mean, they can be a bit slow, but that really is rather pathetic!” said Pansy, looking for Draco’s reaction.
“I didn’t pay that much attention to them… I was preoccupied. I need to show you something,” he said, picking up the article of the table.
Pansy scanned the article and exclaimed, “Oh, interesting!” |
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09-27-2006, 05:07 AM
#27 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #38- Rictusempra Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Gloomy
“Pansy, cheer up!” exclaimed Tracey, loudly.
“No! I have to stay at school over Christmas! Only unwanted kids stay…” Pansy replied glumly.
“I told you it’s alright for you to stay with me,” said Tracey, reminding Pansy.
“Out of pity.”
Tracey sighed, and explained, “Because I need the company! Mum and dad are going to Italy, leaving me to stay with my aunt and uncle. I would die without your company!”
“I dunno…” began Pansy.
Tracey interrupted. “You need to cheer up… Laugh a little! Rictusempra!”
Against her will, Pansy began laughing hysterically. “Stop!” she gasped, between laughs. “Tracey….take…. the spell… off of me… now!”
Tracey laughed at her helpless friend and said, “Will you cheer up? The next step is a cheering charm, so…”
“Yes!” Pansy exclaimed, breathing a sigh of relief when she stopped laughing. This time, she started laughing on her own. |
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09-27-2006, 05:21 AM
#28 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #25- Mobilicorpus Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Slacker
Pansy rolled her eyes at the sight of Theodore’s slumped over body in front of her. He had a bad habit of falling asleep in History of Magic and not waking up until his friends had safely gotten him to his next class.
Today was Pansy’s day to take him down to Potions. Class soon ended and sure enough, he slept on. Pansy gathered her things, and, taking out her wand, said, “Mobilicorpus.” Theodore rose about a foot in the air and Pansy guided his body down to the dungeons. With the help of Tracey, she got him safely into a stool and sat at the table behind him.
The dungeon door slammed closed, signaling the start of class, and sure enough, Theodore snapped up. |
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09-27-2006, 10:53 PM
#29 (permalink)
| Ramora
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Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #28- Nox Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Nox? Who’s Nox?
“You like Theodore Nox?” Pansy asked, confused. They were sitting in the darkened girls dormitories, talking about the upcoming trip to Hogsmeade. Tracey rolled her eyes, as wand went out. Tracey re-lit her wand and Pansy continued, “Nox? There isn’t a Nox here, is there?”
Tracey re-lit her wand again and explained, “Nott. I said Theodore Nott, Pansy… And we’re going to Hogsmeade together!”
“I’m so happy for you!” exclaimed Pansy, feeling stupid for thinking Tracey had said Nox. She’d honestly have never guessed Tracey liked him. She hid it well.
“What about you? Who are you going with?” asked Tracey.
Pansy replied, “I’m going with Adrian and Daphne, I think. Maybe just Daphne… Adrian wasn’t sure if he could go.”
*You get a lot of dedications... For Lillith |
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09-27-2006, 11:56 PM
#30 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #29- Obliviate Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Sweet Dreams
Pansy was up late studying in the common room. Hours after everyone left, she fell asleep. Her dream was magnificent… It was Phantom of the Opera, with and Draco replacing Christine and Raoul. They were in the middle of singing Why Have You Brought Me Here when Pansy heard laughing. She woke up, realizing it wasn’t the dream, and saw Marcus Flint laughing.
“What?” she asked.
“You… you were just singing about Draco!” he gasped, finding breathing difficult.
Pansy’s face flushed. She hadn’t realized she’d actually been singing. “ Obliviate.”
Marcus’ face went blank and he said, “Pansy, what are you doing in the boys dorms?”
“I’m in the common room, Flint. You slept walked.” That ought to do it.
*For Cass (she knows why) and Lillith, cuz she's my bestest reader *  s them both* |
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09-29-2006, 12:38 AM
#31 (permalink)
| Ramora
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #6- Crucio Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Realization
“I wonder why Longbottom freaked out when you St. Mungo’s,” said Pansy, thinking aloud. In front of the fire blazed and beside her Draco was reading a letter from his father.
Draco looked up from his letter and replied, “Oh, my Aunt Bella and Uncle Rodolphus, along with Rabastan and Crouch Jr., performed Crucio on his parents until they went mad. They’re both in St. Mungo’s now.”
“His parents used to be Aurors, right? I think I heard my father mention that once. Said they’d almost caught him… I’d never realized they were his parents, because, well you’ve seen him…” said Pansy, trailing off.
*For Lillith, cuz she put me in her drabbles *  * |
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09-29-2006, 11:40 PM
#32 (permalink)
| Ramora
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Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #27- Muffliato Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Family Vacation
Pansy dragged herself downstairs. It was far too early, but her parents insisted that traveling early was the best way to go. She loved Paris, no doubt about that, but she saw no point in arriving at 6:30 in the morning, when nobody asleep. The only reason she put up with it was because she was promised a shopping spree.
“He asked you to do what?” asked her mum, her voice drifting up to Pansy.
“Muffliato…” All of sudden a loud buzzing noise sounded and Pansy couldn’t hear anymore of the conversation.
“Pansy, we’re sorry, but something unexpected has come up… Your father needs to help out some old friends up in the mountains, so it’ll just be you and me.”
Pansy around her, at the empty streets of Paris, knowing she shouldn’t be surprised. “That’s fine,” she replied, a bit on the cold side. “I don’t care.” |
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10-03-2006, 11:40 PM
#33 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #37- Relashio Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Unstoppable
Pansy, who did not have the best temper, was incredibly mad at her father because wouldn’t let her go to a party. It wasn’t like she had done anything to annoy him.
Pansy was in her room sulking, when she realized that she could go anyways. She quickly got ready, so she could still arrive on time, and then headed downstairs. “Where do you think you’re going?” asked her father, as soon as she reached the door.
Pansy glared at him, glad that the Ministry had no way of knowing about underage magic, since she wasn’t the only magical person around. “Relashio.” Her father, who had just taken hold of her arm to stop her, flew backwards. Pansy stunned him, and went on her way. A party was just what she needed after the week, filled with boredom and arguments, she had had. |
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10-16-2006, 11:50 PM
#34 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #48- Unbreakable Vow Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Vow of Sorrow
Pansy sat in a desolate corner, tears silently streaming down her face. She had heard her people talk about Unbreakable Vows, of course, but they never went into detail. Pansy liked that it could keep someone from doing something, so she had Draco perform an Unbreakable Vow between her and Megan Jones, a Hufflepuff. The conditions were simple, Megan, Pansy’s best friend prior to attending Hogwarts, wasn’t supposed to mention anything about their former friendship.
Everything was fine. Megan kept quiet, and Pansy was content with only giving her the briefest of smiles in the hall, or apologetic looks when her friends insulted Megan, before she joined in, of course. Those types of events were usually followed up with unsigned apologies. That summer though, in the midst of the terror induced by the Dark Lord, Pansy received a letter, spotted with tears. Pansy couldn’t believe what it said. Why hadn’t anyone told her the consequences of breaking the Vow? How was she to know that it was taken literally when she asked, “You swear on your life?”
Yet here she was, at Megan’s funeral, crying in a remote corner. What had she done?
*Haha, 7 words under.... Wow, I just wrote 'years' instead of 'words'.... Not that you needed to know. |
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10-18-2006, 12:45 AM
#35 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #34- Protego Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Pre-Game Tradition
The first game of the year was fast approaching and, holding with tradition, it was time to ceaselessly torment the Gryffindors. Harry and Ron walked down the corridor surrounded by people, presumably to protect them. Pansy shot a spell their way, but it bounced off of them, hitting Neville instead. Pansy shot spell after spell towards them, each one bouncing away from them and hitting one of their “guards.” Why isn’t it working? She shot of more spells until everyone Gryffindor in the vicinity, excluding Potter and Weasley of course, had been hit. Pansy was about to give up when she decided to try one last time. She cast her spell and then...
“What is going on out here?” Uh oh. Before he knew it, Professor Flitwick had hooves instead of hands. Pansy got out of there. Fast. “Stupid Protego….” she mumbled, as she neared the dungeons. |
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10-24-2006, 11:08 PM
#36 (permalink)
| Ramora
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #15- Hurling Hex Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Spectator Show
The piercing wind blew, causing Pansy to pull her coat tighter around herself. The weather conditions were perfect for a Quidditch match, or so Draco had told her, but it wasn’t all too great for spectators to be in.
“Look at Potter! He can’t even stay on his broom!”
Pansy looked beside her, only to find Draco stifling a laugh. He is so cute! Pansy laughed aloud and replied, “What an idiot! GO SLYTHERIN!!!”
They continued watching Harry’s progress, in hopes of him being knocked off, when it stopped. The Hurling Hex had stopped, for some reason. “It was just starting to get good, too….” she moaned, Draco nodding in agreement. |
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10-25-2006, 12:41 AM
#37 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #8- Diffindo Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Trick For Treat
“Diffindo,” whispered Pansy, halfway down the corridor. She knew Draco was about to turn the corner. Her bag instantly tore and her things flew out. “Ugh!”” she sighed, dramatically. “Can you help me, Draco? It must have been one of those oafs you hang around with! No one else is in the corridor…”
“Couldn’t have been Crabbe…. He can’t even spell his own name… Can’t have been Goyle either, seeing as the only thing he’s managed to do since we’ve arrived is blow up his feather. So unless you’re accusing me, you did it yourself.”
Pansy stared at Draco, her jaw dropped. How was she to know that that oaf couldn’t even spell his name? “Nice try, though. It’s flattering” he said smugly. He beckoned Crabbe and Goyle and continued down the hall. Pansy couldn’t do anything but watch them leave, indignantly.
*Yes, I'm aware that I wrote for instead of or |
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10-26-2006, 10:58 PM
#38 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #3- Braking Charm Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Once Upon a Mid Summer's Eve
Pansy looked on as Draco and Mr. Malfoy tested the Braking Charm on Draco’s new Nimbus 2001, flinching when Draco almost crashed into a tree. “Here, try it again, Draco,” said Mr. Malfoy, lazily flicking his wand.
Draco turned around and flew towards the tree, stopping a foot away. The Braking Charm was now perfect. Not even a curse from Mr. Malfoy could affect.
“Good, we’re done. Dobby,” the house elf appeared, “go let Narcissa and the Parkinsons know we’re done out here. I just need to change and then I shall join them.”
Dobby nodded vigorously and disappeared. Mr. Malfoy left with a nod to Pansy, leaving them alone. They just stood there for a few minutes, and then Pansy asked, “So what can you do?”
Draco grinned; clearly pleased he had an excuse to show off. “Let me show you.”
*I don't know where I got the title from, but I know I've heard it before... |
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10-27-2006, 04:13 AM
#39 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #43- SpeRevelio Draco's Director Dramione=OTP When in Rome…
While Draco was performing SpeRevelio on some potion, Pansy was talking to Tracey and Daphne.
Daphne gasped. “Rome?”
“As in Italy?” asked Tracey.
Pansy nodded. “Yes and better yet… You two are invited.”
The grinned as her friends squealed with excitement. “Seriously?” inquired Tracey.
“Oh, my God!!! I’ve always wanted to go to Rome! Mum’s always refused… Said she didn’t want to deal with an unappreciative teenager,” said Daphne.
“She’ll let you go, right?” asked Tracey.
Daphne laughed and replied, “Of course… She wouldn’t pass up the chance to get rid of me.”
“Looks like we’re going to Rome,” said Pansy. |
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10-27-2006, 04:29 AM
#40 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #4- Blasting Curse Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Warning
“Pansy,” warned Blaise, noticing her tighten her grip on her wand. It’s not like she was going to hurt the Mudblood … She was just going to perform a Blasting Curse on her, so Hermione knew not to talk rudely about her anymore.
By the time Blaise turned away from Pansy, Granger had already walked away. “Great,” she whined, “now she’ll think I’m pathetic. I was just gonna use a simple Blasting Curse…” Blaise rolled his eyes, but let Pansy complain all the way to the common room.
“What’s her problem?” asked Draco, seeing her face. Blaise shrugged and Pansy glared at him. “Again? Just let her hex the Mudblood.”
Pansy glared again. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell him, but he’s above hexing….” |
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10-27-2006, 10:27 PM
#41 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #5- Colloportus Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Self-Control Issues?
“Leave me alone!” yelled Pansy, slamming the door to her bedroom. “Colloportus.” The door made an odd squelching noise, letting Pansy know it sealed successfully.
“You can’t curse the house elf! Good help is hard to find!”
Pansy rolled her eyes at her mum’s yells and retorted, “Well if Danky was good help, I wouldn’t have had to curse him!”
“Pansy… Oh, this is ridiculous!” A loud crack sounded, and Pansy just stared. “Now, what exactly do you think Danky did?”
“Mara! Why on earth is the house elf blue? And why is it frozen?” inquired Mr. Parkinson, hollering up the stairs.
“I’ll deal with you later,” announced Mrs. Parkinson angrily.
*I didn't know Pansy's mom's name, so I looked up names and saw Mara... It means "bitter" |
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10-27-2006, 11:15 PM
#42 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #18- Incarcerous Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Guard
“Why am I doing this again?” inquired Pansy.
“Because, I need to know who’s been trying to come into the Room of Requirement” replied Draco. “There,” he said, as she felt the disillusionment charm set in. Pansy nodded, though Draco couldn’t see her, as he walked into the room. Sure enough, his suspicions were correct. Within the hour, aside from Pansy becoming immensely bored, Potter showed up. She debated on casting a spell on him, when he walked inside.
“Incarcerous,” she muttered, missing.
Then it went black. I guess Draco got to him first. |
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10-28-2006, 02:55 AM
#43 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #30- Oppugno Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Gossip Girls (and a Guy)
Laughing hysterically at Draco’s mention of Hermione’s Oppugno attack on Ron, Pansy begged for more. She looked across the walkway to the Gryffindors to see if they were on speaking terms again. She laughed again, even harder, when she saw they sat on either sides of Harry, both sulking.
“Gryffindors can be so dramatic!” commented Pansy.
“We’re never that dramatic,” agreed Tracey, a small, nearly unnoticeable, grin on her face.
“Of course not… Though we may induce a little drama.” added Daphne.
“This one was all Weasley’s fault though,” said Draco, reminding them of his story.
“True... So, go on!”
“Weasley has been seen snogging Brown all over school,” continued Draco. “That’s why she attacked him.”
“Lavender? I always thought she was the most tolerable of the bunch… I was wrong,” said Pansy, sniggering at the story again. |
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10-28-2006, 03:11 AM
#44 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #16- Impedimenta Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Musings
“It’s like somebody’s gone and performed Impedimenta on their brains,” announced Pansy, after Crabbe and Goyle spent an hour writing a six inch paper on the unforgivable curses… An hour each. At that was with everyone’s help.
“Maybe their mums dropped them on their heads,” suggested Blaise.
“Or maybe they accidentally swallowed an aging potion… Maybe they’re really little kids,” offered Theodore.
Tracey thought, and said, “They could be half troll.”
Daphne nodded and added, “Or half giant. God knows that oaf is dumb enough.”
“Daphne’s got a point. That oaf is ridiculous… And his bloody chicken…” Draco paused and added, “I think Daphne’s right. Both of them have idiot fathers as well.”
“Is there a potion that makes people dumber?” asked Millicent.
With a smirk, Pansy replied, “You tell me.” |
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10-28-2006, 03:25 AM
#45 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #21- Langlock Draco's Director Dramione=OTP “My Father…”
Sure Pansy adored Draco… Of course she did. But at times, hearing “My fathers says…” or “My father thinks…” or “Wait until my father hears about this…” can get old. Couldn’t he ever talk about what he thought? That’s what Pansy was thinking, anyways, when Draco spoke about how “my father is going to get that bloody chicken killed…” and that “keeping it around is an insult to the Malfoy family, really… I mean, it did attack me…” Couldn’t he say that he wished the hippogriff was killed or that he thought it was an insult? Pansy often thought Draco’s saying “my father…” was his way of expressing how he felt.
“Langlock,” she whispered, her wand aimed at his mouth. Instantly, he stopped talking and glared at Pansy, raising his wand.
“Relax, I’ll unglue your tongue in a moment, but you’ve got to stop saying “my father” before you say how you feel! It gets to be ridiculous!”
Draco nodded, giving her a cold stare. If looks could kill, she’d be dead. |
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10-28-2006, 03:45 AM
#46 (permalink)
| Ramora
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Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #23- Levicorpus Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Hallway Encounter
Pansy glared at Cho, mad that she couldn’t perform Levicorpus on her. After all, she wasn’t supposed to know about it, and she already had detention… She couldn’t risk Slytherin losing any points either, since they had just pushed their way into the lead with the 10 points she earned, thank you very much.
“Where’s Cedric?” she asked, mocking confusion. “Oh wait, he’s dead.” Pansy grinned maliciously as Cho burst into tears. She pushed her way past Pansy and ran down the hall.
“That’s right! Go cry over Cedric! Maybe you’ll think of him next time you make a comment about how I look!” Pansy yelled after her, satisfied with herself. |
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10-28-2006, 04:06 AM
#47 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #36- Reducto Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Challenging, You Say?
The end of the year was fast approaching, and finals were upon them. Pansy was about to go through the Defense Against the Dark Arts obstacle course and wasn’t looking forward to it. When Lupin signaled her, she walked into the course. Having not paid attention to the half-breed, though, she couldn’t recall what he’d said about anything.
“Reducto,” she muttered, blasting anything that got in her way. Feeling confident in the way she handled things, she asked Lupin for her score.
“You got a T,” he said, wearily.
“What?” she shrieked. “I did well in every section!”
“But you didn’t use anything we learned in class. That was the point of the course. To see how well you learned.”
Pansy glared at Lupin, then walked away, resigned, muttering, “Dumb half breeds…” |
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10-28-2006, 04:19 AM
#48 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #46- Tergeo Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Aftermath
“It serves them right, getting banned from Quidditch! They attacked you! Tergeo.”
The blood left Draco’s face and he grinned at Pansy. “Looks like we’re going to win the Quidditch Cup… Again. They couldn’t gather enough talent to beat a troll.”
“Exactly. So who do you think they will choose?” asked Pansy softly.
“There’s no telling… It doesn’t matter, anyways. Come on, take me to the Hospital Wing,” demanded Draco.
“Why?” asked Pansy, confused.
“I want a note saying I’m not fit to attend classes on Monday… It’s my worst day,” he explained.
“Good thinking… Come on,” replied Pansy, helping Draco up. |
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10-28-2006, 04:28 AM
#49 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | # 47- Twitchy Ears Hex Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Hex War
Pansy laughed at the absurdity of Potter’s ears twitching. He had just gotten hit with the Twitchy Ears Hex and he couldn’t seem to stop it. Pansy showed Draco, hexing him from behind. He quickly turned around, realizing he’d been tricked, and glared.
“Tricked you,” she laughed. Draco, realizing Pansy meant nothing (other than a good laugh) by it, allowed himself to grin. He then hexed her, starting a hexing war that Moody had to stop… After he’d got in the middle of their battle and ended up with a beard rivaling Dumbledore’s. |
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10-28-2006, 04:39 AM
#50 (permalink)
| Ramora
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Avvie by... Well, ac
Posts: 5,366
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lia Taylor | #45- Tarantallegra Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Happiest Day of Her Life
“I do,” said Draco, looking deep into Pansy’s eyes.
It was official! She was Mrs. Malfoy! She beamed and then the party began. Everyone quickly moved to Malfoy Manor, where the after party was being held. People laughed, danced, and had a great time, except one poor kid who got hit with Tarantallegra and couldn’t stop dancing.
Finally, after the party wound down, Draco and Pansy headed to their choice honeymoon destination… the French Riviera.
Pansy snapped up, looking around disoriented. “Draco?” she asked.
“It’s Tracey… You were having that dream again. You were saying ‘I do, I do!’”
“It wasn’t real?” asked Pansy, embarrassed. Of course it wasn’t, she remembered. Draco wasn’t speaking to her at the moment. |
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